dever 3 years ago
5 changed files with 895 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 115 0
  2. 115 0
  3. 372 0
  4. 131 0
  5. 162 0

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+return array
+    # 表名
+    'name' => 'cate',
+    # 显示给用户看的名称
+    'lang' => '文章分类',
+    # 后台菜单排序
+    'order' => 9,
+    'menu' => false,
+    # 数据结构
+    'struct' => array
+    (
+        'id'        => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => 'ID',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+            'search'    => 'order',
+            'list'      => true,
+            'order'     => 'desc',
+        ),
+        'name'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'varchar-32',
+            'name'      => '分类名称',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '请输入名称',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+            'search'    => 'fulltext',
+            'list'      => true,
+        ),
+        'reorder'       => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '请输入排序',
+            'match'     => 'option',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+            'search'    => 'order',
+            'list'      => true,
+            'order'     => 'desc',
+            'edit'      => true,
+        ),
+        'state'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'tinyint-1',
+            'name'      => '状态',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '请选择状态',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+        ),
+        'cdate'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '录入时间',
+            'match'     => array('is_numeric', time()),
+            'desc'      => '',
+            # 只有insert时才生效
+            'insert'    => true,
+            'list'      => 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
+        ),
+    ),
+    # 默认值
+    'default' => array
+    (
+        'col' => 'name,reorder,cdate',
+        'value' => array
+        (
+            '"默认分类",100,' . time(),
+        ),
+    ),
+    'manage' => array
+    (
+        'insert' => false,
+        'edit' => false,
+        # 自定义快捷新增和编辑
+        'button' => array
+        (
+            '新增' => array('fast'),
+        ),
+        # 快捷更新
+        'list_button' => array
+        (
+            'edit' => array('编辑'),
+        ),
+    ),
+    'request' => array
+    (
+        'getAll' => array
+        (
+            # 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+            'option' => array
+            (
+                'state' => 1,
+            ),
+            'type' => 'all',
+            'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','id' => 'desc'),
+            'col' => '*',
+        ),
+    ),

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+return array
+    # 表名
+    'name' => 'group',
+    # 显示给用户看的名称
+    'lang' => '部门管理',
+    # 后台菜单排序
+    'order' => 9,
+    'menu' => false,
+    # 数据结构
+    'struct' => array
+    (
+        'id'        => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => 'ID',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+            'search'    => 'order',
+            'list'      => true,
+            'order'     => 'desc',
+        ),
+        'name'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'varchar-32',
+            'name'      => '部门名称',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '请输入名称',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+            'search'    => 'fulltext',
+            'list'      => true,
+        ),
+        'reorder'       => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '请输入排序',
+            'match'     => 'option',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+            'search'    => 'order',
+            'list'      => true,
+            'order'     => 'desc',
+            'edit'      => true,
+        ),
+        'state'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'tinyint-1',
+            'name'      => '状态',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '请选择状态',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+        ),
+        'cdate'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '录入时间',
+            'match'     => array('is_numeric', time()),
+            'desc'      => '',
+            # 只有insert时才生效
+            'insert'    => true,
+            'list'      => 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
+        ),
+    ),
+    # 默认值
+    'default' => array
+    (
+        'col' => 'name,reorder,cdate',
+        'value' => array
+        (
+            '"默认部门",100,' . time(),
+        ),
+    ),
+    'manage' => array
+    (
+        'insert' => false,
+        'edit' => false,
+        # 自定义快捷新增和编辑
+        'button' => array
+        (
+            '新增' => array('fast'),
+        ),
+        # 快捷更新
+        'list_button' => array
+        (
+            'edit' => array('编辑'),
+        ),
+    ),
+    'request' => array
+    (
+        'getAll' => array
+        (
+            # 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+            'option' => array
+            (
+                'state' => 1,
+            ),
+            'type' => 'all',
+            'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','id' => 'desc'),
+            'col' => '*',
+        ),
+    ),

+ 372 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+$status = array
+	1 => '发布',
+	2 => '下线',
+# 每页的数据量
+$page = 10;
+$cate = function()
+	$array = array();
+	$info = Dever::db('main/cate')->state();
+	if($info)
+	{
+		$array += $info;
+	}
+	return $array;
+$source = function()
+	$array = array();
+	$info = Dever::db('main/source')->state();
+	if($info)
+	{
+		$array += $info;
+	}
+	return $array;
+$share = array
+	1 => '显示',
+	2 => '不显示',
+# 常用的col
+$col = 'id,cate_id,name,pic_cover,num_add_view+num_view as num_view,content,source_id,`desc`,cdate';
+return array
+	# 表名
+	'name' => 'info',
+	# 显示给用户看的名称
+	'lang' => '文章管理',
+	'order' => 100,
+	# 数据结构
+	'struct' => array
+	(
+		'id' 		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> 'ID',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			'list'		=> true,
+		),
+		'name'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'varchar-80',
+			'name' 		=> '标题-文章标题,同时也用于分享标题',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '标题',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
+			//增加预览
+			'preview'	=> true,
+		),
+		'desc'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'varchar-500',
+			'name' 		=> '摘要-文章摘要,同时也用于分享内容',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '摘要',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
+			'update'	=> 'textarea',
+		),
+		'cate_id'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '所属分类',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '所属分类',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			'update'	=> 'select',
+			'option'	=> $cate,
+			'search'	=> 'select',
+			'list'		=> 'Dever::load("main/cate-one#name", {cate_id})',
+		),
+		'source_id'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '来源',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '来源',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			'update'	=> 'select',
+			'option'	=> $source,
+			'search'	=> 'select',
+			'list'		=> 'Dever::load("main/source-one#name", {source_id})',
+		),
+  		'pic_cover'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'text-255',
+			'name' 		=> '封面图-可以上传多张,也可以不传,不传则自动从内容中获取',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '封面图',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			'update'	=> 'images',
+			'key' 		=> '1',
+			'place'		=> '345*200',
+			//直接上传到云端
+			//'upload'	=> 'qiniu',
+			//上传大数据
+			//'large' 	=> true,
+		),
+		'num_add_view'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '浏览量基数',
+			'default' 	=> '0',
+			'desc' 		=> '浏览量基数',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			//'update'	=> 'text',
+		),
+		'num_view'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '浏览量',
+			'default' 	=> '0',
+			'desc' 		=> '请填写浏览量',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			'search'	=> 'order',
+			'list'		=> '{num_view}+{num_add_view}',
+		),
+		'pdate'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '发布时间',
+			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
+			'default'	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+			'update'	=> 'date',
+			'callback'	=> 'maketime',
+			'insert'	=> true,
+			//'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {pdate})',
+			'auth'		=> '"{pdate}" > 0',
+		),
+		'reorder'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入排序',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'search'	=> 'order',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'order'		=> 'desc',
+			'edit'		=> true,
+		),
+		'udate'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '更新时间',
+			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+		),
+		'content'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'text-255',
+			'name' 		=> '内容',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入内容',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
+			'update'	=> 'editor',
+			'key'		=> '1',
+			//'media'		=> '5',//下面的音视频已经做到了
+			//直接上传到云端
+			//'upload'	=> 'qiniu',
+			//上传大数据
+			//'large' 	=> true,
+			//自定义编辑器右侧按钮
+			'editors'	=> array
+			(
+				'name' => '选择插入模块',
+				'button' => array
+				(
+					array
+					(
+						'name' => '视频',
+						'key' => 'article/lib/article.vod',
+					),
+				),
+			),
+		),
+		'status'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '发布状态',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '发布状态',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			//'update'	=> 'select',
+			'option'	=> $status,
+			'search'	=> 'select',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'edit'		=> true,
+		),
+		'state'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
+			'name' 		=> '状态',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+		),
+		'cdate'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
+			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+			# 只有insert时才生效
+			'insert'	=> true,
+		),
+	),
+	# 索引
+	'index' => array
+	(
+		'version' => 1,
+		1 => array
+		(
+			'i1' => 'cate_id,reorder',
+		)
+	),
+	# 管理功能
+	'manage' => array
+	(
+		'button' => array
+        (
+        	'分类管理' => array('list', 'cate&oper_parent=news&oper_project=main'),
+        	'来源管理' => array('list', 'source&oper_parent=news&oper_project=main'),
+        ),
+		//'insert' => false,
+		# 列表
+		'list_button' => array
+		(
+			//'edit' => array('预览', str_replace('https://api.', 'http://www.', Dever::url('main/preview.get?type=1'))),
+		),
+	),
+	# request 请求接口定义
+	'request' => array
+	(
+		'search' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'option' => array
+			(
+				'ids' => array('yes-id', 'in'),
+				'cate_id' => 'yes',
+				'name' => array('yes', 'like'),
+				'id' => 'yes',
+				'state' => 1,
+			),
+			'type' => 'all',
+			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc', 'pdate' => 'desc'),
+			'limit' => '0,1000',
+			'col' => 'name as name, id, id as value, "" as selected, "" as disabled|id',
+		),
+		'getAll' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'option' => array
+			(
+				'cate_id' => 'yes',
+				'cate_ids' => array('yes-cate_id', 'in'),
+				'id' => 'yes',
+				'status' => 1,
+				'state' => 1,
+			),
+			'type' => 'all',
+			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','pdate' => 'desc'),
+			'page' => array($page, 'list'),
+			'col' => $col,
+		),
+		'getList' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'option' => array
+			(
+				'cate_id' => 'yes',
+				'status' => 1,
+				'state' => 1,
+			),
+			'type' => 'all',
+			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','pdate' => 'desc'),
+			'limit' => '0,10',
+			'col' => $col,
+		),
+		'getRelation' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'option' => array
+			(
+				'cate_id' => 'yes',
+				'cate_ids' => array('yes-cate_id', 'in'),
+				'noid' => array('yes-id', '!='),
+				'status' => 1,
+				'state' => 1,
+			),
+			'type' => 'all',
+			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','pdate' => 'desc'),
+			'limit' => '0,2',
+			'col' => $col,
+		),
+		'getOne' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'where' => array
+			(
+				'id' => 'yes',
+			),
+			'type' => 'one',
+			'col' => $col,
+		),
+		# 更新浏览量
+		'addView' => array
+		(
+			'type' => 'update',
+			'where' => array
+			(
+				'id' => 'yes',
+			),
+			'set' => array
+			(
+				'num_view' => array('1', '+='),
+			),
+		),
+	),

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+return array
+	# 表名
+	'name' => 'source',
+	# 显示给用户看的名称
+	'lang' => '文章来源',
+	# 后台菜单排序
+	'order' => 8,
+	'menu' => false,
+	# 数据结构
+	'struct' => array
+	(
+		'id' 		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> 'ID',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			'search'	=> 'order',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'order'		=> 'desc',
+		),
+		'name'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
+			'name' 		=> '来源名称-长度不能超过16个汉字',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入来源名称,长度不能超过16个汉字',
+			'match' 	=> Dever::rule('name', '/u', '1,16'),
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
+			'list'		=> true,
+		),
+		'link'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'varchar-500',
+			'name' 		=> '来源链接',
+			'default' 	=> '',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入来源名称',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
+			'list'		=> true,
+		),
+		'reorder'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入排序',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'search'	=> 'order',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'order'		=> 'desc',
+			'edit'		=> true,
+		),
+		'state'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
+			'name' 		=> '状态',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+		),
+		'cdate'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
+			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
+			'desc' 		=> '',
+			# 只有insert时才生效
+			'insert'	=> true,
+			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
+		),
+	),
+	# 默认值
+	'default' => array
+	(
+		'col' => 'name,state,cdate',
+		'value' => array
+		(
+			'"默认来源",1,' . time(),
+		),
+	),
+	'manage' => array
+	(
+		'insert' => false,
+		'edit' => false,
+		# 自定义快捷新增和编辑
+		'button' => array
+		(
+			'新增' => array('fast'),
+		),
+		# 快捷更新
+		'list_button' => array
+		(
+			'edit' => array('编辑'),
+		),
+	),
+	'request' => array
+	(
+		'getAll' => array
+		(
+			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
+			'option' => array
+			(
+				'ids' => array('yes-id', 'in'),
+				'name' => array('yes', 'like'),
+				'id' => 'yes',
+				'state' => 1,
+			),
+			'type' => 'all',
+			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc', 'id' => 'desc'),
+			'limit' => '0,1000',
+			'col' => 'name as name, id, id as value, "" as selected, "" as disabled|id',
+		),
+	),

+ 162 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+$group = function()
+	$array = array();
+	$info = Dever::db('main/group')->state();
+	if($info)
+	{
+		$array += $info;
+	}
+	return $array;
+$type = array
+    1 => '全职',
+    2 => '兼职',
+$config = array
+    # 表名
+    'name' => 'zhaopin',
+    # 显示给用户看的名称
+    'lang' => '招聘信息',
+    # 后台菜单排序
+    'order' => 1,
+    # 数据结构
+    'struct' => array
+    (
+        'id'        => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => 'ID',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+            //'search'    => 'order',
+            //'list'      => true,
+            'order'     => 'desc',
+        ),
+        'name'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'varchar-80',
+            'name'      => '职位名称',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '职位名称',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+            'search'    => 'fulltext',
+            'list'      => true,
+        ),
+        'group_id'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '所属部门',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '所属部门',
+			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
+			'update'	=> 'select',
+			'option'	=> $group,
+			'search'	=> 'select',
+			'list'		=> true,
+		),
+        'type'        => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '职位类型',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '职位类型',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+            'update'    => 'radio',
+            'option'    => $type,
+            'search'    => 'select',
+            'list'      => true,
+        ),
+        'area'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'varchar-80',
+            'name'      => '所在地区',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '所在地区',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'text',
+        ),
+        'desc'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'text-255',
+            'name'      => '岗位描述',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '岗位描述',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'editor',
+            'key'		=> 1,
+        ),
+        'content'      => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'text-255',
+            'name'      => '任职要求',
+            'default'   => '',
+            'desc'      => '任职要求',
+            'match'     => 'is_string',
+            'update'    => 'editor',
+            'key'		=> 1,
+        ),
+        'reorder'		=> array
+		(
+			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
+			'name' 		=> '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
+			'default' 	=> '1',
+			'desc' 		=> '请输入排序',
+			'match' 	=> 'option',
+			'update'	=> 'text',
+			'search'	=> 'order',
+			'list'		=> true,
+			'order'		=> 'desc',
+			'edit'		=> true,
+		),
+        'state'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'tinyint-1',
+            'name'      => '状态',
+            'default'   => '1',
+            'desc'      => '请选择状态',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+        ),
+        'cdate'     => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '录入时间',
+            'match'     => array('is_numeric', time()),
+            'desc'      => '',
+            # 只有insert时才生效
+            'insert'    => true,
+            'list'      => 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
+        ),
+    ),
+    'manage' => array
+    (
+        'button' => array
+        (
+        	'部门管理' => array('list', 'group&oper_parent=zhaopin&oper_project=main'),
+        ),
+    ),
+    'request' => array
+    (
+    )
+return $config;