dever 4 年之前

+ 19 - 0

@@ -79,6 +79,25 @@ $config = array
             'list'      => true,
+        'uid'       => array
+        (
+            'type'      => 'int-11',
+            'name'      => '作者',
+            'default'   => '0',
+            'desc'      => '请选择作者',
+            'match'     => 'is_numeric',
+            'update'    => 'select',
+            'update_search' => 'passport/lib/',
+            //'search'  => 'select',
+            'search'    => array
+            (
+                'api' => 'passport/user-all',
+                'col' => 'username',
+                'result' => 'id',
+            ),
+            'list'      => '{uid} > 0 ? Dever::load("passport/user-one#username", {uid}) : "官方"',
+        ),
         'desc'      => array
             'type'      => 'varchar-800',

+ 15 - 1

@@ -32,8 +32,22 @@ class Content
             $page = Dever::db('collection/page')->one($page_id);
             if ($page && $page['desc']) {
                 $parent_page = Dever::db('collection/page')->one($page['page_id']);
-                $page['name'] = $parent_page['name'] . ' ' . $page['name'];
+                $page['parent_name'] = $parent_page['name'];
+                $page['name'] = $page['name'];
+                $info = Dever::db('collection/info')->one($info_id);
+                if ($info && $info['uid'] > 0) {
+                    $user = Dever::load('passport/api')->info($info['uid']);
+                    $page['username'] = $user['username'];
+                    $page['copyright'] = "如不慎侵害您的权益,请告知,我们将责令创作者修改";
+                } else {
+                    $page['username'] = '官方';
+                    $page['copyright'] = "所有内容仅供内部专用,禁止在互联网传播";
+                }
                 $result[$i] = $page;
+                //$result[$i]['copyright'] = $page['copyright'];
                 $result[$i]['data'] = -1;
                 $result[$i]['type'] = -1;
                 $result[$i]['times'] = $result[$i]['times_parent'] = '';

+ 5 - 1

@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class Api extends Core
             if (!$data['text']) {
-                $data['text'][0] = array(
+                $data['text'] = array(
                         'background' => $background[0],
@@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ class Api extends Core
         $data['info'] = Dever::db('collection/info')->one($this->id);
         if ($data['info']) {
+            $data['info']['user'] = array();
+            if ($data['info']['uid'] > 0) {
+                $data['info']['user'] = Dever::load('passport/api')->info($data['info']['uid']);
+            }
             $data['info']['pic_bg'] = explode(',', $data['info']['pic_bg']);
             if ($data['info']['buy'] == 1) {

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Apache License
-Copyright 2016-2017 Dever(
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# passport

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# 注册api,这里是为了安全考虑,否则可以不用在此注册,注册之后
-# api仅有三种类型:get、update、delete
-return array
-	'reg.getMCode' => array
-	(
-		'name' => '获取验证码:手机号未注册',
-		'request' => array
-		(
-			'sid' => '临时id',
-			'skin' => '模板',
-		),
-		'response' => array
-		(
-			'info' => '响应信息',
-		),
-		'order' => 100,
-		'type' => 2,
-		# 安全加密
-		'secure' => true,
-	),
-	'reg.getMCodeLogin' => array
-	(
-		'name' => '获取验证码:手机号已注册',
-		'request' => array
-		(
-			'sid' => '临时id',
-			'skin' => '模板',
-		),
-		'response' => array
-		(
-			'info' => '响应信息',
-		),
-		'order' => 99,
-		'type' => 2,
-		# 安全加密
-		'secure' => true,
-	),

+ 0 - 93

@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# 一些基本配置
-$config['base'] = array
-	# 小程序appid 后续直接使用applet组件
-	'applet' => array
-	(
-		'appid' => '',
-		'secret' => '',
-		'url' => '',
-	),
-	# 第三方登录的直接用oauth组件即可
-	# 站点使用邮箱还是手机作为主账号,如果是手机,请填写手机验证码的配置接口
-	'account' => 'email',
-	# 不需要验证码
-	//'nocode' => false,
-	# 发送邮件的配置
-	'email' => array
-	(
-		'pop' => '',
-		'smtp' => '',
-		'imap' => '',
-		'username' => '',
-		'password' => '',
-		'from' => array('', 'dever'),
-		# 找回密码
-		'forget' => array
-		(
-			'title' => '精品网密码重置',
-			'link' => '精品网密码重置',
-			'content' => '尊敬的精品网用户:
-		),
-	),
-	# 性别转换 passport里1为男、2为女 3为未知,如果前端定义与这个不同,请做好转换
-	'sex' => array
-	(
-		# 前面的索引为前端传过来的值
-		1 => 1,
-		2 => 2,
-		3 => 3,
-	),
-	# 后续直接使用sms组件,暂时先放这里吧
-	'mobileCode' => array
-	(
-		# debug模式
-		'debug' => true,
-		# 发送短信的接口
-		'url' => '',
-		# 发送方法 get、post
-		'method' => 'get',
-		# 是否json编码
-		'json' => false,
-		# header信息
-		'header' => '',
-		# body信息
-		'body' => 'param={code}&phone={mobile}&sign={sign}&skin={skin}',
-		# 短信模板 发送短信时,请加上参数skin=1
-		'skin' => array
-		(
-			1 => '{sign}您好,您的验证码为{code},十分钟之内有效。',
-		),
-		# 短信签名
-		'sign' => '【DEVER】',
-		# 验证码有效期 默认10分钟
-		'timeout' => 600,
-		# 一天之内的最大发送次数,默认为10次
-		'total' => 10,
-		# 不允许多久之内重复发送,默认为60秒
-		'time' => 60,
-		# 验证码长度
-		'length' => 4,
-	),
-	# 注册成功后,调取的接口
-	'regAction' => '',
-	'passport_list_button' => array
-	(
-	),
-return $config;

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-$source_type = array (
-	'ios' => 'ios',
-	'android' => 'android',
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'app',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => 'app用户列表',
-	'order' => 9,
-	'menu' => false,
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'search'	=> 'order',
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'uid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '用户',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> '{uid} > 0 ? Dever::load("passport/user-one#username", {uid}) . "(" . Dever::load("passport/user-one#mobile", {uid}). "-{uid})": "未知用户"',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-			//'edit'		=> true,
-		),
-		'source_type'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '用户来源',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择用户来源',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'update'	=> 'select',
-			'option'	=> $source_type,
-			'search'	=> 'select',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'system_id'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'option' 	=> $level,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'uuid'       => array
-        (
-            'type'      => 'varchar-300',
-            'name'      => 'uuid',
-            'default'   => '',
-            'desc'      => 'uuid',
-            'match'     => 'is_string',
-            //'update'  => 'text',
-            'list'		=> true,
-        ),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'search'	=> 'date',
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),
-	'manage' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => false,
-		'edit' => false,
-		'delete' => false,
-	),
-	# request 请求接口定义
-	'request' => array
-	(
-		# 此处定义是为跳出auth
-		'getAllByUids' => array
-		(
-			'option' => array
-			(
-				'uid' => array('yes', 'in'),
-				'state' => 1,
-			),
-			'type' => 'all',
-			'col' => '*',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 94

@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# 定义几个常用的选项
-$option = array
-	1 => '发送中',
-	2 => '已发送',
-$mobile = Dever::rule('mobile');
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'code',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '短信记录表',
-	'menu' => false,
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'mobile'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
-			'name' 		=> '手机号',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入用户手机号',
-			'match' 	=> $mobile,
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'code'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
-			'name' 		=> '验证码',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '验证码',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'day'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '申请时间',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '申请时间',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $option,
-			//'update'	=> 'radio',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '申请时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'search'	=> 'date',
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-$status = array
-	1 => '未执行',
-	2 => '已执行',
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'combine',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '合并管理',
-	# 后台菜单排序
-	'order' => 1,
-	'menu'	=> false,
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-		),
-		'old_uid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '旧的uid',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '旧的uid',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'new_uid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '新的uid',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '新的uid',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'status'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '合并任务执行状态',
-			'default' 	=> '2',
-			'desc' 		=> '合并任务执行状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $status,
-			'update'	=> 'radio',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 138

@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-$system = function()
-	$array = array();
-	$info = Dever::db('passport/system')->state();
-	if($info)
-	{
-		$array += $info;
-	}
-	return $array;
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'profession',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '职业设置',
-	# 后台菜单排序
-	'order' => 1,
-	'end' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => array
-		(
-			'manage/top.sync',
-		),
-		'update' => array
-		(
-			'manage/top.sync',
-		),
-	),
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-		),
-		'name'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
-			'name' 		=> '职业名称',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '职业名称',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'system_id'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $system,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'reorder'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入排序',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-			'edit'		=> true,
-		),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),
-	'manage' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => false,
-		'edit' => false,
-		# 自定义快捷新增和编辑
-		'button' => array
-		(
-			'新增' => array('fast'),
-		),
-		# 快捷更新
-		'list_button' => array
-		(
-			'edit' => array('编辑'),
-		),
-	),
-	'request' => array
-	(
-		'getAll' => array
-		(
-			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
-			'option' => array
-			(
-				'state' => 1,
-			),
-			'type' => 'all',
-			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','id' => 'desc'),
-			'col' => '*',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 165

@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'system',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '项目管理',
-	# 后台菜单排序
-	'order' => 1,
-	'end' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => array
-		(
-			'manage/top.sync',
-		),
-		'update' => array
-		(
-			'manage/top.sync',
-		),
-	),
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-		),
-		'name'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
-			'name' 		=> '项目名称',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '项目名称',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'appid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-150',
-			'name' 		=> '微信appid',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入微信appid',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'search'	=> 'order,fulltext',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'list'		=> 'table',
-			'modal' 	=> '详细信息',
-		),
-		'secret'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-150',
-			'name' 		=> '微信secret',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入微信secret',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'search'	=> 'order,fulltext',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'list'		=> 'table',
-			//'modal' 	=> '详细信息',
-		),
-		'reorder'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '排序(数值越大越靠前)',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入排序',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'order',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-			'edit'		=> true,
-		),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),
-	# 默认值
-	'default' => array
-	(
-		'col' => 'name,state,cdate',
-		'value' => array
-		(
-			'"默认项目",1,' . time(),
-		),
-	),
-	'manage' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => false,
-		'edit' => false,
-		# 自定义快捷新增和编辑
-		'button' => array
-		(
-			'新增' => array('fast'),
-		),
-		# 快捷更新
-		'list_button' => array
-		(
-			'edit' => array('编辑'),
-		),
-	),
-	'top' => array
-	(
-		# 数据来源
-		'data' => 'state',
-		# 菜单名
-		'name' => '项目选择',
-		# 默认值
-		'value' => 1,
-		# 对应的字段值,设置这个之后,所有设置等于这个值的字段,都要遵循这个权限的控制
-		'key' => Dever::config('base')->top,
-		# 本表中代表名称的字段
-		'col' => 'name',
-	),
-	'request' => array
-	(
-		'getAll' => array
-		(
-			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
-			'option' => array
-			(
-				'state' => 1,
-			),
-			'type' => 'all',
-			'order' => array('reorder' => 'desc','id' => 'desc'),
-			'col' => '*',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 494

@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-# 定义几个常用的选项
-$option = array
-	1 => '正常',
-	2 => '冻结',
-$button = array();
-$list_button = Dever::config('base', 'project')->passport_list_button;
-if (Dever::project('score')) {
-	$button += array
-	(
-		'用户积分列表' => array('list', 'user&project=score&oper_parent=user&oper_project=passport'),
-		'用户等级列表' => array('list', 'user_level&project=score&oper_parent=user&oper_project=passport'),
-	);
-	if (!$list_button) {
-		$list_button = array();
-	}
-	$list_button += array
-	(
-		'list100' => array('积分', '"user&project=score&search_option_uid={id}&oper_parent=user&oper_project=passport"'),
-		'list101' => array('等级', '"user_level&project=score&search_option_uid={id}&oper_parent=user&oper_project=passport"'),
-	);
-$level = function()
-	return Dever::db('passport/level')->state();
-$system = function()
-	$array = array();
-	$info = Dever::db('passport/system')->state();
-	if ($info) {
-		$array += $info;
-	}
-	return $array;
-$profession = function()
-	$array = array();
-	$info = Dever::db('passport/profession')->state();
-	if ($info) {
-		$array += $info;
-	}
-	return $array;
-$sex = array
-	1 => '男',
-	2 => '女',
-	3 => '未知',
-$weixin = array
-	1 => '已关注',
-	2 => '未关注',
-$temp = array
-	1 => '临时用户',
-	2 => '正式用户',
-$bind = array
-	1 => '已绑定',
-	2 => '未绑定',
-$source_type = array (
-	'ios' => 'ios',
-	'android' => 'android',
-	'h5' => 'h5',
-	'applet' => '小程序',
-	'pc' => '网站',
-	'service' => '公众号',
-$email = Dever::rule('email');
-$email = 'option';
-$mobile = Dever::rule('mobile');
-$mobile = 'option';
-return array
-	'email' => $email,
-	'mobile' => $mobile,
-	'source_type' => $source_type,
-	'sex' => $sex,
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'user',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '用户管理',
-	'order' => 10,
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '用户ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'search'	=> 'order,fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'username'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> '用户名',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入用户名',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'truename'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> '姓名',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入姓名',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> '"{truename}" ? "{truename}" : "点此编辑"',
-			'edit'		=> true,
-		),
-		'mobile'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-32',
-			'name' 		=> '手机号',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入用户手机号',
-			'match' 	=> $mobile,
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext,exist',
-			'exist'		=> array
-			(
-				'yes' => '有值',
-				//'no' => '没有值',
-			),
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'system_id'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $system,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'profession'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '职业',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '职业',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $profession,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'wechat'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '微信号',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '微信号',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'source_type'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '用户来源',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择用户来源',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			'update'	=> 'select',
-			'option'	=> $source_type,
-			'search'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'email'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-150',
-			'name' 		=> '邮箱',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入邮箱',
-			'match' 	=> $email,
-			'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'password'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> '密码',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入密码',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'password',
-			'callback'	=> 'sha1',
-		),
-		//search_exist_avatar=yes
-		'avatar'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-150',
-			'name' 		=> '头像',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择头像',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'image',
-			'key' 		=> '1',
-			'place'		=> '150',
-			'list_name'	=> '详细信息',
-			//'list'		=> '"{avatar}" ? "<img src=\'{avatar}\' width=\'150\'>": ""',
-			'list'		=> 'Dever::load("passport/lib/", {id})',
-		),
-		'country'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '国家',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '国家',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-		),
-		'province'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '省份',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '省份',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-		),
-		'city'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-100',
-			'name' 		=> '城市',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '城市',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-		),
-		'area'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-800',
-			'name' 		=> '地区',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '地区',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'area_id'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-800',
-			'name' 		=> '地区',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '地区',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'address'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-1000',
-			'name' 		=> '详细地址',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '详细地址',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'info'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-255',
-			'name' 		=> '介绍-选填,如果想清空该介绍,请输入null。',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入介绍',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			'update'	=> 'editor',
-		),
-		'score'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> '积分',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '请输入积分',
-			'match' 	=> 'option',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'sex'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '用户性别',
-			'default' 	=> '3',
-			'desc' 		=> '用户性别',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $sex,
-			'update'	=> 'radio',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'level'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '用户等级',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择用户等级',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'option' 	=> $level,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'temp'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '是否临时用户',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '是否临时用户',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'search'	=> 'select',
-			'option' 	=> $temp,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'login_date'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '最近登录',
-			//'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'default' 	=> '0',
-			//'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {login_date})',
-		),
-		'bind'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '是否绑定手机',
-			'default' 	=> '2',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择是否绑定手机',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'option' 	=> $bind,
-			//'update'	=> 'radio',
-		),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $option,
-			'update'	=> 'radio',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '注册时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),
-	'manage' => array
-	(
-		'excel' => true,
-		'button' => $button,
-		# 列表
-		'list_button' => $list_button,
-	),
-	# 更新表结构
-	/*
-	'alter' => array
-	(
-		1 => array
-		(
-			array('add', 'bind', 'bind', 'tinyint-1 2 是否绑定手机'),
-		),
-		'version' => 1,
-	),
-	*/
-	# 索引
-	'index' => array
-	(
-		1 => array
-		(
-			'mobile' => 'mobile',
-		),
-		# 版本号 更改版本号会更新当前表的索引
-		'version' => 1,
-	),
-	# request 请求接口定义
-	'request' => array
-	(
-		# 此处定义是为跳出auth
-		'login' => array
-		(
-			'option' => array
-			(
-				'username' => 'yes',
-				'mobile' => 'yes',
-				'email' => 'yes',
-				'password' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'type' => 'one',
-		),
-		# 验证手机号是否被使用 
-		'checkMobile' => array
-		(
-			# 匹配的正则或函数 选填项
-			'where' => array
-			(
-				'mobile' => 'yes',
-				'id' => array('yes', '!='),
-			),
-			'type' => 'one',
-		),
-		# 此处定义是为跳出auth
-		'updates' => array
-		(
-			'set' => array
-			(
-				'state' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'where' => array
-			(
-				'id' => array('yes', 'in'),
-			),
-			'type' => 'update',
-		),
-	),

+ 0 - 216

@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-$type = array
-	1 => '小程序',
-	2 => '微信公众号',
-	3 => 'IOS微信客户端',
-	4 => '安卓微信客户端',
-return array
-	# 表名
-	'name' => 'wechat',
-	# 显示给用户看的名称
-	'lang' => '微信绑定列表',
-	'order' => 10,
-	'menu' => false,
-	# 数据结构
-	'struct' => array
-	(
-		'id' 		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> 'ID',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'search'	=> 'order',
-			'order'		=> 'desc',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'system_id'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '所属项目',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'option' 	=> $level,
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			//'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'uid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '用户',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			//'update'	=> 'select',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> '{uid} > 0 ? Dever::load("passport/user-one#username", {uid}) : "未知用户"',
-			'list'		=> true,
-			//'edit'		=> true,
-		),
-		'type'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '类型',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '类型',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-			'option' 	=> $type,
-			'update'	=> 'radio',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'openid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> 'openid-微信的唯一用户id',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> 'openid',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'unionid'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> 'unionid-微信的唯一用户id',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> 'unionid',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-			'search'	=> 'fulltext',
-			'list'		=> true,
-		),
-		'session_key'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'varchar-50',
-			'name' 		=> 'session_key',
-			'default' 	=> '',
-			'desc' 		=> 'session_key',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_string',
-			//'update'	=> 'text',
-		),
-		'access_token'       => array
-        (
-            'type'      => 'varchar-200',
-            'name'      => 'access_token',
-            'default'   => '',
-            'desc'      => 'access_token',
-            'match'     => 'is_string',
-            //'update'  => 'text',
-        ),
-        'refresh_token'       => array
-        (
-            'type'      => 'varchar-200',
-            'name'      => 'refresh_token',
-            'default'   => '',
-            'desc'      => 'refresh_token',
-            'match'     => 'is_string',
-            //'update'  => 'text',
-        ),
-        'expires_in'       => array
-        (
-            'type'      => 'varchar-100',
-            'name'      => 'expires_in',
-            'default'   => '',
-            'desc'      => 'expires_in',
-            'match'     => 'is_string',
-            //'update'  => 'text',
-        ),
-		'state'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'tinyint-1',
-			'name' 		=> '状态',
-			'default' 	=> '1',
-			'desc' 		=> '请选择状态',
-			'match' 	=> 'is_numeric',
-		),
-		'cdate'		=> array
-		(
-			'type' 		=> 'int-11',
-			'name' 		=> '录入时间',
-			'match' 	=> array('is_numeric', time()),
-			'desc' 		=> '',
-			# 只有insert时才生效
-			'search'	=> 'date',
-			'insert'	=> true,
-			'list'		=> 'date("Y-m-d H:i:s", {cdate})',
-		),
-	),
-	'manage' => array
-	(
-		'insert' => false,
-		'edit' => false,
-		'delete' => false,
-	),
-	# 索引
-	'index' => array
-	(
-		11 => array
-		(
-			'openid' => 'uid,openid,unionid',
-		),
-		# 版本号 更改版本号会更新当前表的索引
-		'version' => 11,
-	),
-	# request 请求接口定义
-	'request' => array
-	(
-		'getByUnionid' => array
-		(
-			'option' => array
-			(
-				'unionid' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'type' => 'all',
-			'order' => array('id' => 'asc'),
-			'col' => '*',
-		),
-		'updates' => array
-		(
-			'set' => array
-			(
-				'uid' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'where' => array
-			(
-				'uid' => array('yes', 'in'),
-			),
-			'type' => 'update',
-		),
-		'updateByOpenid' => array
-		(
-			'set' => array
-			(
-				'session_key' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'where' => array
-			(
-				'openid' => 'yes',
-			),
-			'type' => 'update',
-		),
-	),

+ 4 - 8

@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
-define('DEVER_APP_NAME', 'passport');
-define('DEVER_APP_LANG', '用户管理');
-define('DEVER_MANAGE_ORDER', -10);
-define('DEVER_MANAGE_ICON', 'glyphicon glyphicon-user layui-icon-username');
-include(DEVER_APP_PATH . '../boot.php');
+define('DEVER_PACKAGE',  'passport');
+include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '../boot.php');

+ 0 - 680

@@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Lib;
-use Dever;
-use Upload\Src\Lib\Img;
-use Dever\Routing\Uri;
-use Dever\Session\Oper as Save;
-use Dever\String\Encrypt;
-class Base
-    const NAME = 'passportv1';
-    const CODE = 'code';
-    const MCODE = 'mcode';
-    protected $save;
-    public function __construct()
-    {
-        //$this->save = new Save(false, 'cookie');
-        $this->save = new Save(false, 'session');
-    }
-    # 注册用户
-    public function reg($type, $data)
-    {
-        $user = $this->getUserExtInfo($data);
-        $user['source_type'] = $type;
-        $user['system_id'] = isset($data['system']) ? $data['system'] : 1;
-        if (isset($data['username'])) {
-            $user['temp'] = 2;
-            $user['username'] = $data['username'];
-        } else {
-            $user['temp'] = 1;
-            $user['username'] = '临时用户';
-        }
-        if (isset($data['mobile'])) {
-            $user['bind'] = 1;
-            $user['mobile'] = $data['mobile'];
-        } else {
-            $user['bind'] = 2;
-            $user['mobile'] = '';
-        }
-        $uid = Dever::db('passport/user')->insert($user);
-        $this->createUsername($uid, $user['username'], true);
-        return $uid;
-    }
-    # 更新用户
-    public function updateUser($uid, $data)
-    {
-        $user = $this->getUserExtInfo($data);
-        $user['username'] = $this->createUsername($uid, $data['username']);
-        if (isset($user) && $user) {
-            $update['where_id'] = $uid;
-            Dever::db('passport/user')->update($update);
-        }
-        return $uid;
-    }
-    private function getUserExtInfo($data)
-    {
-        $user = array();
-        if (isset($data['sex'])) {
-            $user['sex'] = $data['sex'];
-        }
-        if (isset($data['avatar'])) {
-            //$update['avatar'] = $this->saveAvatar($pic);
-            $user['avatar'] = $data['avatar'];
-        }
-        if (isset($data['city'])) {
-            $user['city'] = $data['city'];
-        }
-        if (isset($data['province'])) {
-            $user['province'] = $data['province'];
-        }
-        if (isset($data['country'])) {
-            $user['country'] = $data['country'];
-        }
-        if (isset($user['country']) && isset($user['province']) && isset($user['city'])) {
-            $user['set_area'] = $user['country'] .','. $user['province'] .','. $user['city'];
-        }
-        return $user;
-    }
-    public function wechat($data, $user = array(), $account, $system, $source_type, $source = false)
-    {
-        $uid = false;
-        if (!$data['openid']) {
-            Dever::alert('错误的openid');
-        }
-        if (!isset($user['username'])) {
-            Dever::alert('用户名错误');
-        }
-        if (isset($user['sex'])) {
-            if ($user['sex'] != 1 && $user['sex'] != 2) {
-                $user['sex'] = 3;
-            }
-        }
-        if (isset($user['country']) && $user['country'] && isset($user['province']) && $user['province'] && isset($user['city']) && $user['city']) {
-            $user['area'] = $user['country'] .','. $user['province'] .','. $user['city'];
-        }
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->one(array('openid' => $data['openid']));
-        if (!$info) {
-            if (isset($data['unionid']) && $data['unionid']) {
-                $info = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->one(array('unionid' => $data['unionid']));
-                if (!$info) {
-                    $uid = false;
-                } else {
-                    $uid = $info['uid'];
-                }
-                $wechat['unionid'] = $data['unionid'];
-            }
-            if (!$uid) {
-                $user['source_type'] = 'service';
-                if ($system) {
-                    $user['system_id'] = $system;
-                }
-                if ($source_type) {
-                    $user['source_type'] = $source_type;
-                }
-                $uid = Dever::db('passport/user')->insert($user);
-            } else {
-                $user['where_id'] = $uid;
-                Dever::db('passport/user')->update($user);
-            }
-            $wechat['access_token'] = $data['access_token'];
-            $wechat['openid'] = $data['openid'];
-            $wechat['expires_in'] = $data['expires_in'];
-            $wechat['refresh_token'] = $data['refresh_token'];
-            $wechat['account_id'] = $account;
-            if ($system) {
-                $wechat['system_id'] = $system;
-            }
-            $wechat['uid'] = $uid;
-            $wechat['type'] = 2;
-            if ($source_type == 'applet') {
-                $wechat['type'] = 1;
-            } elseif ($source_type == 'ios') {
-                $wechat['type'] = 3;
-            } elseif ($source_type == 'android') {
-                $wechat['type'] = 4;
-            }
-            $id = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->insert($wechat);
-            if (Dever::project('source') && isset($source) && $source && $source > 0) {
-                Dever::load('source/lib/core')->saveUser($id, $uid, $source, 'oauth', $account);
-            }
-        } else {
-            $uid = $info['uid'];
-            if (isset($data['unionid']) && $data['unionid']) {
-                $wechat['unionid'] = $data['unionid'];
-                # 判断用户是否存在,是否需要合并
-                //$wechat['uid'] = $this->combine($uid, $data['unionid']);
-            }
-            $wechat['access_token'] = $data['access_token'];
-            $wechat['openid'] = $data['openid'];
-            $wechat['expires_in'] = $data['expires_in'];
-            $wechat['refresh_token'] = $data['refresh_token'];
-            $wechat['where_id'] = $info['id'];
-            $wechat['account_id'] = $account;
-            if ($system) {
-                $wechat['system_id'] = $system;
-            }
-            $id = $info['id'];
-            //Dever::db('passport/wechat')->update($wechat);
-            $user['where_id'] = $uid;
-            //Dever::load('passport/user-update', $user);
-        }
-        $this->createUsername($uid, $user['username']);
-        $user = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $uid);
-        $this->save($user);
-        $user['uid'] = $user['id'];
-        $user['signature'] = Dever::login($user['id']);
-        return $user;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 更新用户信息 绑定用户手机号
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function bind_mobile()
-    {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        //$code = Dever::input('mcode');
-        $mobile = Dever::load('passport/reg')->checkMobileExists();
-        //$mobile = Dever::input('mobile');
-        if ($mobile && $uid) {
-            $info = Dever::load('passport/user-one', array('mobile' => $mobile));
-            if ($info && $info['bind'] == 1) {
-                Dever::alert('该手机号已绑定');
-            }
-            $uid = $this->combine($uid, $mobile, 'mobile');
-            $info = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $uid);
-            $result['mobile'] = $mobile;
-            if ($info) {
-                $update['set_mobile'] = $mobile;
-                $update['set_bind'] = 1;
-                $update['where_id'] = $uid;
-                Dever::load('passport/user-update', $update);
-                $state = Dever::config('base', 'project')->regSendSms;
-                if ($state) {
-                    Dever::setInput('skin', $state);
-                    $this->send($mobile, $uid);
-                }
-            } else {
-                Dever::alert('无效的用户id,请重新登录');
-            }
-        }
-        if (!$info['mobile']) {
-            Dever::score($uid, 'bind_mobile', '绑定手机号');
-        }
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    public function createUsername($uid, $username, $update = false)
-    {
-        if (!$username || $username == '临时用户') {
-            $username = $uid + 100000;
-            $username = 'JM' . $username;
-            if ($update) {
-                Dever::db('passport/user')->update(array('where_id' => $uid, 'username' => $username));
-            }
-        }
-        return $username;
-    }
-    # 合并用户
-    public function combine($uid, $unionid, $col = 'unionid')
-    {
-        $cur = $uid;
-        if ($col == 'mobile' || $col == 'id') {
-            $user_wechat = Dever::load('passport/user-all', array($col => $unionid));
-        } else {
-            $user_wechat = Dever::load('passport/wechat-getByUnionid', array($col => $unionid));
-        }
-        if ($user_wechat) {
-            # 合并去
-            $drop = array();
-            $total = count($user_wechat);
-            if ($total <= 1) {
-                return $cur;
-            }
-            $new = false;
-            foreach ($user_wechat as $k => $v) {
-                if (!isset($v['uid'])) {
-                    $v['uid'] = $v['id'];
-                    $user = $v;
-                } else {
-                    $user = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($v['uid']);
-                    $user['uid'] = $user['id'];
-                }
-                if (!$new) {
-                    if ($user['bind'] == 1 && !strstr($user['username'], '****')) {
-                        $new = $user;
-                    } elseif ($user['temp'] == 2 && $user['source_type'] == 'applet') {
-                        $new = $user;
-                    } elseif ($user['avatar']) {
-                        $new = $user;
-                    } elseif ($user['mobile']) {
-                        $new = $user;
-                    } else {
-                        $drop[$user['uid']] = $user;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    $drop[$user['uid']] = $user;
-                }
-            }
-            $cur = $new;
-            if (Dever::input('test') == 1) {
-                print_r($user_wechat);
-                print_r($cur);
-                print_r($drop);die;
-            }
-            # 异步处理
-            $this->updateCombine($cur, $drop);
-            $cur = $new['uid'];
-        }
-        return $cur;
-    }
-    private function updateCombine($new, $drop)
-    {
-        # 队列
-        //Dever::queue();
-        if (isset($drop[$new['uid']])) {
-            unset($drop[$new['uid']]);
-        }
-        $drops = array();
-        if ($drop) {
-            foreach ($drop as $k => $v) {
-                $drops[] = $k;
-                $update = array();
-                if (!$new['username'] && $v['username']) {
-                    $update['username'] = $v['username'];
-                } elseif (strstr($new['username'], '****') && $v['username']) {
-                    $update['username'] = $v['username'];
-                }
-                if (!$new['avatar'] && $v['avatar']) {
-                    $update['avatar'] = $v['avatar'];
-                }
-                if (!$new['mobile'] && $v['mobile']) {
-                    $update['mobile'] = $v['mobile'];
-                }
-                if (!$new['area'] && $v['area']) {
-                    $update['area'] = $v['area'];
-                }
-                if (isset($update) && $update) {
-                    $update['where_id'] = $new['uid'];
-                    Dever::load('passport/user-update', $update);
-                }
-            }
-            if ($drops) {
-                asort($drops);
-                $drop_uid = implode(',', $drops);
-                //Dever::load('passport/lib/base.handleCombine?new_uid=' . $new['uid'] . '&old_uid=' . $drop_uid);
-                Dever::daemon('lib/base.handleCombine?new_uid=' . $new['uid'] . '&old_uid=' . $drop_uid, 'passport');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public function handleCombine()
-    {
-        $combine = array();
-        $combine['status'] = 1;
-        $combine['new_uid'] = Dever::input('new_uid');
-        $combine['old_uid'] = Dever::input('old_uid');
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/combine')->one($combine);
-        if (!$info) {
-            Dever::db('passport/combine')->insert($combine);
-        }
-        Dever::load('passport/user-updates', array('set_state' => 2, 'where_id' => $combine['old_uid']));
-        Dever::load('passport/wechat-updates', array('set_uid' => $combine['new_uid'], 'where_uid' => $combine['old_uid']));
-    }
-    /**
-     * 检测用户有效性
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function check($state = true)
-    {
-        $signature = Dever::input('signature');
-        $user = Dever::checkLogin($signature, $state);
-        if ($state && !isset($user['uid'])) {
-            Dever::alert('user error');
-        }
-        if (isset($user['uid']) && $user['uid']) {
-            return $user['uid'];
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-    public function getToken($request = array())
-    {
-        return http_build_query(Dever::token($request));
-    }
-    public function getUrl($method, $request = array())
-    {
-        return Dever::proxy($method, $this->getToken($request));
-    }
-    protected function info()
-    {
-        $data = $this->save->get(self::NAME);
-        return $data;
-    }
-    public function code($code = false, $image = true)
-    {
-        if ($code) {
-            $save = $this->save->get(self::CODE);
-            $state = $code == $save;
-            if ($state) {
-                //$this->save->un(self::CODE);
-            }
-            return $state;
-        }
-        if ($image) {
-            $code = new Code();
-            $code->create();
-            $code = $code->code;
-        } else {
-            $code = Dever::code();
-        }
-        $this->save->add(self::CODE, $code, 86400);
-        return $code;
-    }
-    protected function mcode($mobile, $code = false)
-    {
-        if ($code) {
-            $save = $this->save->get(self::MCODE);
-            return $mobile . '_' . $code == $save;
-        }
-        $day = date('Ymd', time());
-        # 检测当前手机号最新一次发送时间,不允许一分钟之内发送
-        $param['option_day'] = $day;
-        $param['option_mobile'] = $mobile;
-        # 检测当前手机号今天已经发送多少验证码了
-        $info = Dever::load('passport/code-total', $param);
-        if ($info >= 1) {
-            $check = Dever::load('passport/code-one', $param);
-            if ($check) {
-                if (time() - $check['cdate'] < Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['time']) {
-                    Dever::alert('请不要在一分钟之内申请多次验证码,请您稍后再试');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $total = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['total'];
-        if ($info >= $total) {
-            Dever::alert('很抱歉,您已经申请获取验证码超过' . $total . '次,今天您已经无法获取验证码了,请您明天再来');
-        }
-        $code = new Code();
-        $code->createM();
-        # 记录当前的验证码
-        $insert['add_mobile'] = $mobile;
-        $insert['add_day'] = $day;
-        $insert['add_code'] = $code->mcode;
-        $id = Dever::load('passport/code-insert', $insert);
-        # 启动发送
-        $this->send($mobile, $insert['add_code'], $id);
-        $this->save->add(self::MCODE, $mobile . '_' . $code->mcode, Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['timeout']);
-        return $code->mcode;
-    }
-    public function send($mobile, $code, $id = false)
-    {
-        if (Dever::project('sms')) {
-            $send['skin'] = 'code';
-            $send['mobile'] = $mobile;
-            $send['param'] = array
-            (
-                'code' => $code
-            );
-            $send['param'] = Dever::json_encode($send['param']);
-            return Dever::load('sms/api.send', $send);
-        }
-        $url = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['url'];
-        if (!$url) {
-            return;
-        }
-        $content = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['body'];
-        $content = $this->replace($content, $mobile, $code);
-        parse_str($content, $param);
-        $type = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['method'];
-        $json = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['json'];
-        $header = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['header'];
-        return Dever::curl($url, $param, $type, $json, $header);
-    }
-    private function replace($content, $mobile = '', $code = '')
-    {
-        $skin = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['skin'];
-        $skin_key = Dever::input('skin', 'code');
-        if (isset($skin[$skin_key])) {
-            $skin = $skin[$skin_key];
-        } else {
-            $skin = array_shift($skin);
-        }
-        $config = array('{code}', '{mobile}', '{sign}', '{skin}', '{param}');
-        $replace = array($code, $mobile, Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['sign'], $skin);
-        return str_replace($config, $replace, $content);
-    }
-    protected function refer($state = false)
-    {
-        $refer = Dever::input('refer');
-        $project = 'main';
-        if ($refer) {
-            if (!strstr($refer, 'http://')) {
-                $refer = Encrypt::decode($refer);
-            }
-            /*
-            $url = parse_url(Encrypt::decode($refer));
-            $url['path'] = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $url['path']);
-            if (!isset($url['query'])) {
-                $url['query'] = '';
-            }
-            if (Uri::$type == '?') {
-                $refer = Dever::url(str_replace($url['path'] . Uri::$type, '', $url['query']), $project);
-            } else {
-                $refer = Dever::url($url['path'] . '?' . $url['query'], $project);
-            }
-            */
-        } else {
-            $refer = Dever::url('home', $project);
-        }
-        $param = Dever::input('param');
-        if ($param) {
-            $refer .= '&' . $param;
-        }
-        if ($state) {
-            return $refer;
-        }
-        Dever::out($refer);
-    }
-    protected function save($user)
-    {
-        if (is_numeric($user)) {
-            $user = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $user);
-        }
-        if ($user && is_array($user)) {
-            if (Dever::mobile()) {
-                $time = 30;
-            } else {
-                $time = 7;
-            }
-            $this->save->add(self::NAME, $user, 3600 * 24 * $time);
-            $user['signature'] = Dever::login($user['id']);
-            if (Dever::config('base', 'project')->regAction) {
-                Dever::load(Dever::config('base', 'project')->regAction, $user);
-            }
-            return $user;
-        }
-    }
-    public function createRefer()
-    {
-        return 'refer=' . Encrypt::encode(Dever::url(false, 'main'));
-    }
-    protected function saveSex($sex)
-    {
-        if ($sex || $sex == 0) {
-            $config_sex = Dever::config('base', 'project')->sex;
-            if (isset($config_sex[$sex])) {
-                $sex = $config_sex[$sex];
-            } else {
-                if ($sex == '男') {
-                    $sex = 1;
-                } elseif ($sex == '女') {
-                    $sex = 2;
-                } elseif ($sex == '未知') {
-                    $sex = 3;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $sex;
-    }
-    protected function saveAvatar($value)
-    {
-        if (!$value) {
-            return '';
-        }
-        $value = Dever::pic($value);
-        $base = Dever::data();
-        $date = explode('-', date("Y-m-d"));
-        if (is_array($value)) {
-            $user = $value[1];
-            $value = $value[0];
-            if (is_array($value)) {
-                $name = md5($value['tmp_name'] . rand(0, 100) . microtime());
-                $path = 'avatar/' . $date[0] . '/' . $date[1] . '/' . $date[2] . '/';
-                $ext = '.jpg';
-                $temp = Dever::path($base, $path . $name . $ext);
-                move_uploaded_file($value['tmp_name'], $temp);
-                $value = $temp;
-            }
-        }
-        //$result = Dever::$global['host']['img'] . 'chead.jpg';
-        if ($value) {
-            # 裁图
-            $handle = new Img();
-            $size = '200_200_2';
-            $user = isset($user) && $user ? $user : $this->init();
-            if ($user && isset($user['id']) && $user['id']) {
-                $name = md5($user['id']);
-            } else {
-                $name = md5($value . rand(0, 100) . microtime());
-            }
-            $path = 'avatar/' . $date[0] . '/' . $date[1] . '/' . $date[2] . '/';
-            $ext = '.jpg';
-            $file = Dever::path($base, $path . $name . $ext);
-            $temp = $file . '.temp.jpg';
-            //$value = Dever::curl($value);
-            //file_put_contents($temp, file_get_contents($value));
-            $file = $handle->thumb($value, $size, true, $file);
-            if ($file) {
-                $result = str_replace('/upload/', '/', Dever::config('host')->uploadRes . $path . $name . $ext);
-            } else {
-                $result = $value;
-            }
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }

+ 0 - 107

@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Lib;
-use Dever;
-class Code
-    private $width;
-    private $height;
-    public $code;
-    public $mcode;
-    public $string;
-    private $image;
-    public function __construct($width = '160', $height = '30')
-    {
-        $this->width = $width;
-        $this->height = $height;
-    }
-    public function create()
-    {
-        header("Content-type: image/png");
-        $this->createCode();
-        $this->createImage();
-        $this->createPix();
-        $this->write();
-        imagepng($this->image);
-        imagedestroy($this->image);
-    }
-    public function createM()
-    {
-        $len = isset(Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['length']) ? Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['length'] : 4;
-        $this->createRand($len);
-    }
-    private function createImage()
-    {
-        $this->image = @imagecreate($this->width, $this->height);
-        $back = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 255, 255, 255);
-        $border = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
-        imagefilledrectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width - 1, $this->height - 1, $back);
-        imagerectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width - 1, $this->height - 1, $border);
-    }
-    private function createPix()
-    {
-        for ($i = 0; $i <= 200; $i++) {
-            imagesetpixel($this->image, rand(2, $this->width), rand(2, $this->height), imagecolorallocate($this->image, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255)));
-        }
-    }
-    public function createRand($length)
-    {
-        $this->mcode = null;
-        $str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-        $str = '0123456789';
-        $max = strlen($str) - 1;
-        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
-            $this->mcode .= $str[rand(0, $max)]; //rand($min,$max)生成介于min和max两个数之间的一个随机整数
-        }
-    }
-    private function createCode()
-    {
-        $cal = array
-            (
-            array('+', '+'),
-            array('-', '-'),
-            //array('*', '乘以'),
-            //array('/', '除以'),
-        );
-        $index = array_rand($cal);
-        $m1 = rand(1, 100);
-        $m2 = rand(1, 100);
-        $this->string = $m1 . $cal[$index][1] . $m2 . '';
-        $this->code = '$this->code = ' . $m1 . $cal[$index][0] . $m2 . ';';
-        eval($this->code);
-    }
-    private function write()
-    {
-        $length = strlen($this->string);
-        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
-            $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 128), rand(0, 255));
-            $x = floor($this->width / $length) * $i;
-            $y = rand(0, $this->height - 15);
-            imagechar($this->image, rand(5, 5), $x + 5, $y, $this->string[$i], $bg_color);
-        }
-    }
-    public function __destruct()
-    {
-        unset($this->width, $this->height, $this->image);
-    }

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Lib;
-use Dever;
-class Cron
-    public function combine_api()
-    {
-    }
-	# 定时合并
-    public function combine()
-    {
-        $combine = Dever::project('combine');
-        if ($combine) {
-        	$where['status'] = 1;
-        	$data = Dever::db('passport/combine')->state($where);
-        	if ($data) {
-        		foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
-        			//$drop = implode(',', $v['old_uid']);
-                    $drop = $v['old_uid'];
-            		Dever::load('combine/lib/core.handle?uid=' . $v['new_uid'] . '&drop=' . $drop);
-            		$update['where_id'] = $v['id'];
-            		$update['status'] = 2;
-            		Dever::db('passport/combine')->update($update);
-        		}
-        	}
-            //Dever::daemon('lib/core.handle?uid=' . $cur . '&drop=' . $drop, 'combine');
-        }
-        return 'ok';
-    }

+ 0 - 58

@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Lib;
-use Dever;
-use Dever\Session\Oper as Save;
-class Email
-	public function forget()
-	{
-		$email = Dever::input('email');
-		$code = Dever::input('code');
-		$email = base64_decode($email);
-		$config = Dever::config('base', 'project')->email['forget'];
-		$title = $config['title'];
-		$content = $config['content'];
-		$signature = Dever::encode($email . '|||' . $code);
-		$link = Dever::url($config['link'] . '?email='.$email . '&signature=' . $signature);
-		$content = str_replace('{link}', $link, $content);
-		$this->send($email, $title, $content);
-	}
-	public function send($email, $title, $content)
-    {
-        $user = Dever::db('passport/user')->one(array('email' => $email));
-        if (!$user) {
-        	Dever::alert('该邮箱还未注册');
-        }
-        $config = Dever::config('base', 'project')->email;
-        Dever::apply('src/PHPMailer', 'email');
-        Dever::apply('src/Exception', 'email');
-        Dever::apply('src/SMTP', 'email');
-        $mail = new \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer();
-        $mail->isSMTP();
-        //$mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
-        $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
-        $mail->Host = $config['smtp'];
-        $mail->Port = 465;
-        $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
-        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
-        $mail->Username = $config['username'];
-        $mail->Password = $config['password'];
-        $mail->setFrom($config['from'][0], $config['from'][1]);
-        $mail->addAddress($user['email'], $user['username']);
-        $mail->Subject = "=?utf-8?B?" . base64_encode($title) . "?=";
-        $mail->Body = $content;
-        //$mail->addAttachment($file);
-        if (!$mail->send()) {
-            Dever::alert("Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo);
-        } else {
-            return 'ok';
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Lib;
-use Dever;
-class Manage
-	# 同步将其他地方的分类更新为system
-    public function updateSystem($id, $name, $param)
-    {
-    	$name = Dever::param('name', $param);
-    	$data['name'] = $name;
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/system')->one($id);
-        if (!$info) {
-        	Dever::db('passport/system')->insert($data);
-        } else {
-        	$data['where_id'] = $info['id'];
-            $data['state'] = Dever::param('state', $param);
-            if (!$name) {
-                unset($data['name']);
-            };
-        	Dever::db('passport/system')->update($data);
-        }
-        return $info;
-    }
-    public function show($id)
-    {
-        $db = Dever::db('passport/user');
-        $user = $db->one($id);
-        $config = $db->config;
-        if ($user['avatar']) {
-            $table['头像'] = '<img src="'.$user['avatar'].'" width="150" />';
-        }
-        if ($user['area']) {
-            $table['地区'] = $user['area'];
-        }
-        if ($user['address']) {
-            $table['详细地址'] = $user['address'];
-        }
-        if ($user['source_type']) {
-            $table['来源'] = $config['source_type'][$user['source_type']];
-        }
-        if ($user['profession']) {
-            $profession = Dever::db('passport/profession')->one($user['profession']);
-            $table['职业'] = $profession['name'];
-        }
-        if ($user['sex']) {
-            $table['性别'] = $config['sex'][$user['sex']];
-        }
-        if ($user['wechat']) {
-            $table['微信号'] = $user['wechat'];
-        }
-        if ($user['email']) {
-            $table['邮箱'] = $user['email'];
-        }
-        if (Dever::project('invite')) {
-            $invite = Dever::db('invite/code')->one(array('uid' => $user['id']));
-            if ($invite) {
-                $table['邀请码'] = $invite['value'];
-            }
-        }
-        return Dever::table($table);
-    }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-class Api
-    private $user;
-    public function info($uid)
-    {
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        if ($info) {
-        	$info['name'] = '';
-        	if ($info['truename']) {
-	        	$info['name'] = $info['truename'];
-	        } elseif ($info['username']) {
-	        	$info['name'] = $info['username'];
-	        }
-            if ($info['area']) {
-                $info['add'] = $info['name'] . '('.$info['area'].')';
-            } else {
-                $info['add'] = $info['name'] . '(未知)';
-            }
-        }
-        return $info;
-    }
-    # 测试合并
-    public function test_combine()
-    {
-        $base = new Base;
-        $base->combine(3, 321313);
-    }

+ 0 - 209

@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-class App extends Base
-    /**
-     * 更新用户信息
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function update()
-    {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        $name = Dever::input('username');
-        $avatar = Dever::input('avatar');
-        $sex = Dever::input('gender');
-        $city = Dever::input('city');
-        $mobile = Dever::input('mobile');
-        $province = Dever::input('province');
-        $country = Dever::input('country');
-        $info = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $uid);
-        if ($info) {
-            $update['set_username'] = $name;
-            $update['set_avatar'] = $avatar;
-            $update['set_sex'] = $sex;
-            $update['set_city'] = $city;
-            $update['set_province'] = $province;
-            $update['set_country'] = $country;
-            if ($country && $province && $city) {
-            	$update['set_area'] = $country . ',' . $province . ',' . $city;
-            }
-            $update['where_id'] = $uid;
-            Dever::load('passport/user-update', $update);
-        } else {
-            Dever::alert('无效的用户id,请重新登录');
-        }
-        $result = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        if ($name) {
-            $result['username'] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($avatar) {
-            $result['avatar'] = $avatar;
-        }
-        if ($sex) {
-            $result['sex'] = $sex;
-        }
-        if ($city) {
-            $result['city'] = $city;
-        }
-        if ($province) {
-            $result['province'] = $province;
-        }
-        if ($country) {
-            $result['country'] = $country;
-        }
-        if ($country && $province && $city) {
-            $result['area'] = $update['set_area'];
-        }
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 注册用户信息:app端已经拿到了openid了
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function wechat_reg()
-    {
-        $user = array();
-        $user['temp'] = 2;
-        $user['username'] = Dever::input('username');
-        $user['avatar'] = Dever::input('avatar');
-        $user['sex'] = Dever::input('gender');
-        $user['city'] = Dever::input('city');
-        $user['province'] = Dever::input('province');
-        $user['country'] = Dever::input('country');
-        $data = array();
-        $data['openid'] = Dever::input('openid');
-        $data['unionid'] = Dever::input('unionid');
-        $data['access_token'] = Dever::input('access_token');
-        $data['refresh_token'] = Dever::input('refresh_token');
-        $data['expires_in'] = Dever::input('expires_in');
-        $account = Dever::input('account', 1);
-        $system = Dever::input('system', 1);
-        $source_type = Dever::input('source_type');
-        $source = Dever::input('source');
-        $result = $this->wechat($data, $user, $account, $system, $source_type, $source);
-        if (isset($result['uid']) && $result['uid']) {
-            # 记录app登录日志
-            $appData = array('uid' => $result['uid'], 'source_type' => $source_type);
-            $app = Dever::db('passport/app')->one($appData);
-            if (!$app) {
-                $appData['system_id'] = $system;
-                Dever::db('passport/app')->insert($appData);
-            }
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 生成用户或者登录
-     *
-     * @return int
-     */
-    public function login()
-    {
-    	$mobile = Dever::input('mobile');
-    	$code = Dever::input('mcode');
-        $system = Dever::input('system', 1);
-    	$source_type = Dever::input('source_type', 'ios');
-        # 添加测试账号
-        if ($mobile == '18710005124') {
-        } else {
-            $mobile = Dever::load('passport/reg')->checkMobileExists(false, -1);
-        }
-        $uid = false;
-        $info = Dever::load('passport/user-one', array('mobile' => $mobile));
-        if (!$info) {
-            $data['username'] = Dever::hide($mobile);
-            $data['mobile'] = $mobile;
-            $data['system'] = $system;
-            $data['source_type'] = $source_type;
-            $uid = $this->reg($source_type, $data);
-            Dever::score($uid, 'mobile_reg', '手机号注册');
-        } else {
-            $uid = $this->combine($info['id'], $mobile, 'mobile');
-        }
-        # 记录app登录日志
-        $appData = array('uid' => $uid, 'source_type' => $source_type);
-        $app = Dever::db('passport/app')->one($appData);
-        if (!$app) {
-            $appData['system_id'] = $system;
-        	Dever::db('passport/app')->insert($appData);
-        }
-        $result = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * uuid登录
-     *
-     * @return int
-     */
-    public function login_uuid()
-    {
-        # 这里后续要加密
-        $uuid = Dever::input('uuid');
-        $system = Dever::input('system', 1);
-        $source_type = Dever::input('source_type', 'applet');
-        $appData = array('uuid' => $uuid, 'source_type' => $source_type);
-        $app = Dever::db('passport/app')->one($appData);
-        if (!$app) {
-            $user['add_username'] = '';
-            $user['add_bind'] = 2;
-            $user['add_temp'] = 1;
-            $user['add_source_type'] = $source_type;
-            $user['add_system_id'] = $system;
-            $uid = Dever::load('passport/user-insert', $user);
-            $this->createUsername($uid, '', true);
-            $appData['uid'] = $uid;
-            $appData['system_id'] = $system;
-            Dever::db('passport/app')->insert($appData);
-        } else {
-            $uid = $app['uid'];
-        }
-        $result = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    //获取用户信息
-    public function user() {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        $data=Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        if(!$data['pic']){
-                $data['pic']=DEVER_APP_HOST . '../data/upload/pic.png';
-        }
-        return $data;
-    }

+ 0 - 382

@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-# 小程序
-class Applet extends Base
-    private $cache = 'applet_sessionKey_';
-    public function init()
-    {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        $user = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $uid);
-        return $user;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 用户绑定 生成用户信息
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function bind()
-    {
-        $create = Dever::input('create', 2);
-        $data = $this->getLoginInfo();
-        if ($create == 1) {
-            # 未授权,生成临时用户,针对有的项目,不需要授权,但是还要生成用户
-            $data = $this->create($data, false);
-        }
-        return $data;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 一次性登录:通过code或者openid、sessionkey来注册用户,此时已经授权,可以直接拿到unioinid
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function login()
-    {
-        $data = $this->getLoginInfo();
-        $data += $this->getWechatData($data['session_key']);
-        $data['username'] = Dever::input('nickname');
-        $data['avatar'] = Dever::input('avatarurl');
-        $data['sex'] = Dever::input('gender');
-        $data['city'] = Dever::input('city');
-        //$data['mobile'] = Dever::input('mobile');
-        $data['province'] = Dever::input('province');
-        $data['country'] = Dever::input('country');
-        $result = $this->create($data);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 更新用户信息
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function update()
-    {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        $vid = Dever::input('vid');
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        if ($info) {
-            if ($info['temp'] == 1) {
-                # 针对未授权,生成临时用户的用户进行设置积分
-                Dever::score($uid, 'bind_wechat', '用户微信授权');
-            }
-            $data['temp'] = 2;
-            $data['username'] = Dever::input('nickname');
-            $data['avatar'] = Dever::input('avatarurl');
-            $data['sex'] = Dever::input('gender');
-            $data['city'] = Dever::input('city');
-            $data['province'] = Dever::input('province');
-            $data['country'] = Dever::input('country');
-            if ($data['sex'] == 1) {
-                $data['sex'] = 1;
-            } elseif ($data['sex'] == 2) {
-                $data['sex'] = 2;
-            } else {
-                $data['sex'] = 3;
-            }
-            $this->updateUser($uid, $data);
-        } else {
-            Dever::alert('无效的用户id,请重新登录');
-        }
-        $result['vid'] = $vid;
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 更新用户信息 手机号
-     *
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function mobile()
-    {
-        $uid = $this->check();
-        $vid = Dever::input('vid');
-        $result = array();
-        $mobile = $phoneNumber = '';
-        $iv = Dever::input('iv');
-        $encryptedData = Dever::input('encryptedData');
-        if ($iv && $encryptedData) {
-            $key = $this->cache . $vid;
-            $session_key = Dever::cache($key);
-            if (!$session_key) {
-                $vinfo = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->one($vid);
-                $session_key = $vinfo['session_key'];
-            }
-            $data = $this->getWechatData($session_key);
-            if ($data && $data['mobile']) {
-                $mobile = $data['mobile'];
-                $phoneNumber = $data['phone'];
-            }
-        }
-        if ($mobile && $phoneNumber && $uid) {
-            $uid = $this->combine($uid, $mobile, 'mobile');
-            $info = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $uid);
-            $result['mobile'] = $mobile;
-            if ($info) {
-                if (!$info['mobile']) {
-                    Dever::score($uid, 'bind_mobile', '绑定手机号');
-                }
-                $update['mobile'] = $mobile;
-                $update['bind'] = 1;
-                $update['where_id'] = $uid;
-                Dever::db('passport/user')->update($update);
-                $state = Dever::config('base', 'project')->regSendSms;
-                if ($state) {
-                    Dever::setInput('skin', $state);
-                    $this->send($mobile, $uid);
-                }
-            } else {
-                Dever::alert('无效的用户id,请重新登录');
-            }
-        }
-        $result['vid'] = $vid;
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 生成用户,返回uid
-     *
-     * @return int
-     */
-    public function create($data, $state = true)
-    {
-        $uid = false;
-        $data['system'] = Dever::input('system', 1);
-        $info = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->one(array('openid' => $data['openid']));
-        $wechat = array();
-        if (!$info) {
-            if (isset($data['unionid']) && $data['unionid']) {
-                $info = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->one(array('unionid' => $data['unionid']));
-                if (!$info) {
-                    $uid = false;
-                } else {
-                    # 判断用户是否存在,是否需要合并
-                    //$uid = $this->combine($info['uid'], $data['unionid']);
-                    $uid = $info['uid'];
-                }
-                $wechat['unionid'] = $data['unionid'];
-            }
-            if (!$uid) {
-                $uid = $this->reg('applet', $data);
-                if ($state) {
-                    Dever::score($info['id'], 'bind_wechat', '用户微信授权');
-                }
-            }
-            $wechat['openid'] = $data['openid'];
-            $wechat['session_key'] = $data['session_key'];
-            $wechat['uid'] = $uid;
-            $wechat['type'] = 1;
-            $wechat['system_id'] = $data['system'];
-            $id = Dever::db('passport/wechat')->insert($wechat);
-            $key = $this->cache . $id;
-            $cache = Dever::cache($key, $data['session_key']);
-        } else {
-            $uid = $info['uid'];
-            $id = $info['id'];
-            /*
-            if (isset($data['unionid']) && $data['unionid']) {
-                # 判断用户是否存在,是否需要合并
-                $wechat['uid'] = $this->combine($uid, $data['unionid']);
-                if ($wechat['uid'] != $uid) {
-                    $uid = $wechat['uid'];
-                }
-            }
-            */
-            $key = $this->cache . $id;
-            $cache = Dever::cache($key, $data['session_key']);
-            if (!$cache) {
-                $wechat['session_key'] = $data['session_key'];
-            }
-            if ($wechat) {
-                $wechat['where_id'] = $id;
-                Dever::db('passport/wechat')->update($wechat);
-            }
-        }
-        $user = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($uid);
-        $result['vid'] = $id;
-        $result['uid'] = $uid;
-        $result['signature'] = Dever::login($uid);
-        if (isset($user['mobile']) && $user['mobile']) {
-            $result['mobile'] = $user['mobile'];
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    private function unionid($session_key)
-    {
-        $data = $this->decryptData($session_key);
-        if ($data && isset($data->unionId)) {
-            return $data->unionId;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    private function getWechatData($session_key)
-    {
-        $result = array();
-        $data = $this->decryptData($session_key);
-        $result['openid'] = '';
-        $result['unionid'] = '';
-        $result['mobile'] = '';
-        $result['phone'] = '';
-        if ($data && isset($data->openId)) {
-            $result['openid'] = $data->openId;
-            if (isset($data->unionId)) {
-                $result['unionid'] = $data->unionId;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($data && isset($data->phoneNumber)) {
-            if (isset($data->phoneNumber)) {
-                $result['phone'] = $data->phoneNumber;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($data && isset($data->purePhoneNumber)) {  
-            if (isset($data->purePhoneNumber)) {
-                $result['mobile'] = $data->purePhoneNumber;
-            }
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    private function decryptData($session_key)
-    {
-        $iv = Dever::input('iv');
-        $encryptedData = Dever::input('encryptedData');
-        if (!$iv || !$encryptedData) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (strlen($session_key) != 24) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (strlen($iv) != 24) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $aesKey = base64_decode($session_key);
-        $aesIV = base64_decode($iv);
-        $aesCipher = base64_decode($encryptedData);
-        $result = openssl_decrypt($aesCipher, "AES-128-CBC", $aesKey, 1, $aesIV);
-        $dataObj = json_decode($result);
-        if ($dataObj  == NULL) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        /*
-        $applet = Dever::config('base', 'project')->applet;
-        $appid = $applet['appid'];
-        if($dataObj->watermark->appid != $appid) {
-            return false;
-        }*/
-        return $dataObj;
-    }
-    private function getApplet()
-    {
-        $applet = Dever::config('base', 'project')->applet;
-        $project = false;
-        $system = Dever::input('system', 1);
-        if (Dever::project('token')) {
-            $project = Dever::db('token/project')->one($system);
-        }
-        if (!$project) {
-            if (isset($applet['project']) && $applet['project']) {
-                $project = Dever::db($applet['project'])->one($system);
-            }
-        }
-        if ($project) {
-            $applet['appid'] = $project['appid'];
-            $applet['secret'] = $project['secret'];
-        }
-        if (!$applet || !$applet['appid'] || !$applet['secret']) {
-            Dever::alert('错误的appid');
-        }
-        return $applet;
-    }
-    private function getLoginInfo()
-    {
-        $session_key = Dever::input('session_key');
-        if ($session_key) {
-            return array('session_key' => $session_key, 'openid' => $openid);
-        }
-        $applet = $this->getApplet();
-        $appid = $applet['appid'];
-        $secret = $applet['secret'];
-        $url = $applet['url'];
-        $code = Dever::input('code');
-        if (!$applet || !$applet['appid'] || !$applet['secret']) {
-            Dever::alert('错误的appid');
-        }
-        $url .= '?appid=' . $appid;
-        $url .= '&secret=' . $secret;
-        $url .= '&js_code=' . $code;
-        $url .= '&grant_type=authorization_code';
-        $data = Dever::curl($url);
-        Dever::log($data, 'passport_applet');
-        if (strstr($data, 'errcode')) {
-            Dever::alert($data);
-        }
-        //YzJkOThpRFhwZ1lQTF9mZl9hLVZjZnFXemJVenlYcDQ3d3JWekk0b1I4NjBBQ0Naejg4a0VQa0U=
-        //$data = '{"session_key":"aNAXk7nG\/DRYI\/G0KzJRsw==","openid":"oIZ895RZs2ZkywasoZIv6WavPZlQ"}';
-        $data = Dever::json_decode($data);
-        return $data;
-    }

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-class Login extends Base
-    public function test()
-    {
-        return Dever::login(-1);
-    }
-    public function quit()
-    {
-        if ($this->info()) {
-            $this->save->un(self::NAME);
-        }
-        $refer = Dever::input('refer', 1);
-        $home = Dever::url('home', 'main');
-        if ($refer == 2) {
-            $refer = $home;
-        } else {
-            $refer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : Dever::url('home', 'main');
-        }
-        Dever::location($refer);
-    }
-    public function action()
-    {
-        $account = Dever::config('base', 'project')->account;
-        $param['option_' . $account] = Dever::input($account);
-        $password = sha1(Dever::input('password'));
-        $user = Dever::load('passport/user-login', $param);
-        if ($user && $password == $user['password']) {
-            $this->save($user);
-            $this->refer();
-        } else {
-            Dever::alert('您的账号或密码错误');
-        }
-    }
-    public function get()
-    {
-        return $this->info();
-    }
-    public function url()
-    {
-        return Dever::url('login?' . $this->createRefer(), 'main');
-    }
-    public function location()
-    {
-        return Dever::location($this->url());
-    }
-    public function oauth($url = false)
-    {
-        if (!$url) {
-            $url = Dever::url();
-        }
-        $link = Dever::url('get.request?refer=' . urlencode($url), 'oauth');
-        return $link;
-    }

+ 0 - 392

@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-# 所有手机发送短信操作,后续要独立成一个组件
-class Reg extends Base
-    /**
-     * 获取图形验证码
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function getCode()
-    {
-        return $this->code();
-    }
-    /**
-     * 获取手机随机验证码
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function getMCode()
-    {
-        $mobile = $this->checkMobileExists(1, -1);
-        $msg = $this->getMcode_action($mobile);
-        return $msg;
-    }
-    private function getMcode_action($mobile)
-    {
-        $code = $this->mcode($mobile);
-        $msg = '验证码已发送至您的手机,请注意查收,十分钟之内有效';
-        $debug = Dever::config('base', 'project')->mobileCode['debug'];
-        if ($debug) {
-            $msg .= ':' . $code;
-        }
-        return $msg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 获取手机随机验证码:未登录
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function getMCodeReg()
-    {
-        $mobile = $this->checkMobileExists(1);
-        $msg = $this->getMcode_action($mobile);
-        return $msg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 获取手机随机验证码:已经登录状态
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function getMCodeLogin()
-    {
-        $mobile = $this->checkMobileExists(1, true);
-        $type = Dever::input('type', 'code');
-        if ($type == 'code') {
-            $msg = $this->getMcode_action($mobile);
-        } else {
-            $content = Dever::input('content');
-            $msg = $this->send($mobile, $content);
-        }
-        return $msg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 检测手机号是否注册
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function checkMobileExist()
-    {
-        $param['option_mobile'] = $this->checkMobile();
-        $user = Dever::db('passport/user')->one($param);
-        if (!$user) {
-            Dever::alert('该手机号未注册');
-        }
-        return 'ok';
-    }
-    /**
-     * 检测图形验证码
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    private function checkCode()
-    {
-        $code = Dever::input('code');
-        $code = $this->code($code);
-        if (!$code) {
-            Dever::alert('验证码输入错误');
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * 检测手机验证码
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    private function checkMCode($mobile)
-    {
-        $code = Dever::input('mcode');
-        if (!$code) {
-            Dever::alert('请输入验证码');
-        }
-        $code = $this->mcode($mobile, $code);
-        if (!$code) {
-            Dever::alert('验证码输入错误');
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * 验证手机号
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    private function checkMobile()
-    {
-        $rule = Dever::rule('mobile');
-        $mobile = Dever::input('mobile');
-        if (!$mobile) {
-            Dever::alert('手机号不能为空');
-        }
-        if (!preg_match($rule, $mobile)) {
-            Dever::alert('请填写正确的手机号');
-        }
-        return $mobile;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 验证手机号是否注册
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function checkMobileExists($state = false, $login = false, $table = 'passport/user')
-    {
-        $param['option_mobile'] = $this->checkMobile();
-        if ($state && $state == 1) {
-        } else {
-            $this->checkMCode($param['option_mobile']);
-        }
-        if ($login != -1) {
-            $user = Dever::db($table)->one($param);
-            if ($login == false && $user) {
-                Dever::alert('该手机号已经注册');
-            } elseif ($login == true && !$user) {
-                Dever::alert('该手机号未注册');
-            }
-        }
-        return $param['option_mobile'];
-    }
-    /**
-     * 验证邮箱
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    private function checkEmail()
-    {
-        $rule = Dever::rule('email');
-        $email = Dever::input('email');
-        if (!$email) {
-            Dever::alert('邮箱不能为空');
-        }
-        if (!preg_match($rule, $email)) {
-            Dever::alert('请填写正确的邮箱');
-        }
-        $check = Dever::config('base', 'project')->passportCheckEmail;
-        if ($check && !strstr($email, $check[0])) {
-            Dever::alert($check[1]);
-        }
-        return $email;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 验证邮箱是否注册
-     * @return mixed
-     */
-    public function checkEmailExists($state = false, $login = false, $table = 'passport/user')
-    {
-        $param['option_email'] = $this->checkEmail();
-        if ($state && $state == 1) {
-        } else {
-            $this->checkCode($param['option_email']);
-        }
-        if ($login != -1) {
-            $user = Dever::db($table)->one($param);
-            if ($login == false && $user) {
-                Dever::alert('该邮箱已经注册');
-            } elseif ($login == true && !$user) {
-                Dever::alert('该邮箱未注册');
-            }
-        }
-        return $param['option_email'];
-    }
-    public function action()
-    {
-        $account = Dever::config('base', 'project')->account;
-        $code = Dever::config('base', 'project')->nocode ? Dever::config('base', 'project')->nocode : state;
-        $baccount = ucfirst($account);
-        $method = 'check' . $baccount . 'Exists';
-        $param['option_' . $account] = $this->$method($code);
-        if ($param['option_' . $account]) {
-            $param['add_' . $account] = $param['option_' . $account];
-            $param['add_username'] = Dever::input('username');
-            $param['add_password'] = Dever::input('password');
-            $sex = Dever::input('sex');
-            $wechat = Dever::input('wechat');
-            $profession = Dever::input('profession');
-            $truename = Dever::input('truename');
-            $area_id = Dever::input('area_id');
-            $area = Dever::input('area');
-            if ($sex) {
-                $param['add_sex'] = Dever::input('sex');
-            }
-            if ($wechat) {
-                $param['add_wechat'] = Dever::input('wechat');
-            }
-            if ($profession) {
-                $param['add_profession'] = Dever::input('profession');
-            }
-            if ($truename) {
-                $param['add_truename'] = Dever::input('truename');
-            }
-            if ($area) {
-                $param['add_area'] = Dever::input('area');
-            }
-            if ($area_id) {
-                $param['add_area_id'] = Dever::input('area_id');
-            }
-            $cpassword = Dever::input('cpassword');
-            if (!$param['add_username']) {
-                Dever::alert('昵称不能为空');
-            }
-            if (!$param['add_password']) {
-                Dever::alert('密码不能为空');
-            }
-            if ($cpassword != $param['add_password']) {
-                Dever::alert('确认密码不正确');
-            }
-            if ($param['add_sex']) {
-                $config_sex = Dever::config('base', 'project')->sex;
-                if (isset($config_sex[$param['add_sex']])) {
-                    $param['add_sex'] = $config_sex[$param['add_sex']];
-                } else {
-                    if ($sex == '男') {
-                        $param['add_sex'] = 1;
-                    } elseif ($sex == '女') {
-                        $param['add_sex'] = 2;
-                    } elseif ($sex == '未知') {
-                        $param['add_sex'] = 3;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if ($param['add_username'] == $param['add_' . $account]) {
-                $param['add_username'] = substr_replace($param['add_username'],'****',3,4);
-            }
-            $id = Dever::load('passport/user-insert', $param);
-            if ($id > 0) {
-                $this->save($id);
-                $this->refer();
-            } else {
-                Dever::alert('注册失败');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public function forget_email()
-    {
-        #发送邮件
-        $email = Dever::input('email');
-        if ($email) {
-            if (!preg_match(Dever::rule('email'), $email)) {
-                Dever::alert('请输入正确的邮箱');
-            }
-            $method = 'checkEmailExists';
-            $this->$method(1, 1);
-            $code = $this->code(false, false);
-            $email = base64_encode($email);
-            //return Dever::load('passport/lib/email')->forget($email, $code);
-            Dever::daemon('lib/email.forget?email=' . $email . '&code=' . $code, 'passport');
-            $refer = $this->refer(true);
-            return $refer . '||邮件已经发送成功!请到您的邮箱里查看。';
-        } else {
-            Dever::alert('请输入邮箱');
-        }
-    }
-    public function forget()
-    {
-        $signature = Dever::input('signature');
-        if (!$signature) {
-            Dever::alert('您的验证信息已失效,请重新发送验证邮件');
-        }
-        $signature = Dever::decode($signature);
-        $temp = explode('|||', $signature);
-        $code = $temp[1];
-        $state = $this->code($code);
-        if (!$state) {
-            Dever::alert('您的验证信息已失效,请重新发送验证邮件');
-        }
-        $account = Dever::config('base', 'project')->account;
-        $code = Dever::config('base', 'project')->nocode ? Dever::config('base', 'project')->nocode : state;
-        $baccount = ucfirst($account);
-        $method = 'check' . $baccount . 'Exists';
-        $param['option_' . $account] = $this->$method($code, true);
-        $user = Dever::load('passport/user-one', $param);
-        if (!$user) {
-            Dever::alert('该账号还未注册,请先注册');
-        } else {
-            $param['set_password'] = Dever::input('password');
-            $cpassword = Dever::input('cpassword');
-            if (sha1($param['set_password']) == $user['password']) {
-                Dever::alert('您的新密码和旧密码相同');
-            }
-            if (!$param['set_password']) {
-                Dever::alert('新密码不能为空');
-            }
-            if ($param['set_password'] != $cpassword) {
-                Dever::alert('确认密码不正确');
-            }
-            $id = $param['where_id'] = $user['id'];
-            Dever::load('passport/user-update', $param);
-            if ($id > 0) {
-                $refer = $this->refer(true);
-                return $refer . '||您已经成功修改密码';
-            } else {
-                Dever::alert('修改失败');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public function url()
-    {
-        return Dever::url('reg?' . $this->createRefer(), 'main');
-    }

+ 0 - 86

@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-namespace Passport\Src;
-use Dever;
-use Passport\Lib\Base;
-class User extends Base
-    private $user;
-    public function __construct()
-    {
-        parent::__construct();
-        $this->init();
-    }
-    public function init()
-    {
-        if (!$this->user) {
-            $this->user = $this->info();
-        }
-        return $this->user;
-    }
-    public function data()
-    {
-        if ($this->user) {
-            $this->user['link'] = Dever::url('user/info', 'main');
-            $this->user['link'] = Dever::url('forum/list?uid=' . $this->user['id'], 'main');
-        }
-        return $this->user;
-    }
-    public function checkLogin()
-    {
-        if (!$this->user) {
-            Dever::alert('请先登录', true);
-        }
-    }
-    public function updateInfo()
-    {
-        $this->checkLogin();
-        //$update['set_mobile'] = Dever::input('mobile');
-        $update['set_username'] = Dever::input('username');
-        $update['set_avatar'] = Dever::input('avatar') ? Dever::input('avatar') . '?v=' . time() : false;
-        $update['where_id'] = $this->user['id'];
-        $sex = Dever::input('sex', 0);
-        $update['set_sex'] = $this->saveSex($sex);
-        $update['set_avatar'] = $this->saveAvatar($update['set_avatar']);
-        Dever::load('passport/user-update', $update);
-        $this->user = $this->save($this->user['id']);
-        return true;
-    }
-    public function updateAvatar()
-    {
-        $this->checkLogin();
-        $update['set_avatar'] = Dever::input('avatar') ? Dever::input('avatar') . '?v=' . time() : false;
-        $update['where_id'] = $this->user['id'];
-        if ($update['set_avatar']) {
-            $update['set_avatar'] = $this->saveAvatar($update['set_avatar']);
-            Dever::load('passport/user-update', $update);
-            $this->user = $this->save($this->user['id']);
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    public function updateWeixin()
-    {
-        $this->checkLogin();
-        Dever::load('passport/user-update', array('where_id' => $this->user['id'], 'set_weixin' => 1));
-        return true;
-    }