# quickjs-emscripten Javascript/Typescript bindings for QuickJS, a modern Javascript interpreter, compiled to WebAssembly. - Safely evaluate untrusted Javascript (up to ES2020). - Create and manipulate values inside the QuickJS runtime ([more][values]). - Expose host functions to the QuickJS runtime ([more][functions]). - Execute synchronous code that uses asynchronous functions, with [asyncify][asyncify]. [Github] | [NPM] | [API Documentation][api] | [Examples][tests] ```typescript import { getQuickJS } from "quickjs-emscripten" async function main() { const QuickJS = await getQuickJS() const vm = QuickJS.newContext() const world = vm.newString("world") vm.setProp(vm.global, "NAME", world) world.dispose() const result = vm.evalCode(`"Hello " + NAME + "!"`) if (result.error) { console.log("Execution failed:", vm.dump(result.error)) result.error.dispose() } else { console.log("Success:", vm.dump(result.value)) result.value.dispose() } vm.dispose() } main() ``` [github]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/quickjs-emscripten [api]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/modules.md [tests]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/ts/quickjs.test.ts [values]: #interfacing-with-the-interpreter [asyncify]: #asyncify [functions]: #exposing-apis ## Usage Install from `npm`: `npm install --save quickjs-emscripten` or `yarn add quickjs-emscripten`. The root entrypoint of this library is the `getQuickJS` function, which returns a promise that resolves to a [QuickJS singleton](./doc/classes/quickjs.md) when the QuickJS WASM module is ready. Once `getQuickJS` has been awaited at least once, you also can use the `getQuickJSSync` function to directly access the singleton engine in your synchronous code. ### Safely evaluate Javascript code See [QuickJS.evalCode](https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/classes/quickjs.md#evalcode) ```typescript import { getQuickJS, shouldInterruptAfterDeadline } from "quickjs-emscripten" getQuickJS().then((QuickJS) => { const result = QuickJS.evalCode("1 + 1", { shouldInterrupt: shouldInterruptAfterDeadline(Date.now() + 1000), memoryLimitBytes: 1024 * 1024, }) console.log(result) }) ``` ### Interfacing with the interpreter You can use [QuickJSContext](https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/classes/QuickJSContext.md) to build a scripting environment by modifying globals and exposing functions into the QuickJS interpreter. Each `QuickJSContext` instance has its own environment -- globals, built-in classes -- and actions from one context won't leak into other contexts or runtimes (with one exception, see [Asyncify][asyncify]). Every context is created inside a [QuickJSRuntime](https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/classes/QuickJSRuntime.md). A runtime represents a Javascript heap, and you can even share values between contexts in the same runtime. ```typescript const vm = QuickJS.newContext() let state = 0 const fnHandle = vm.newFunction("nextId", () => { return vm.newNumber(++state) }) vm.setProp(vm.global, "nextId", fnHandle) fnHandle.dispose() const nextId = vm.unwrapResult(vm.evalCode(`nextId(); nextId(); nextId()`)) console.log("vm result:", vm.getNumber(nextId), "native state:", state) nextId.dispose() vm.dispose() ``` When you create a context from a top-level API like in the example above, instead of by calling `runtime.newContext()`, a runtime is automatically created for the lifetime of the context, and disposed of when you dispose the context. #### Runtime The runtime has APIs for CPU and memory limits that apply to all contexts within the runtime in aggregate. You can also use the runtime to configure EcmaScript module loading. ```typescript const runtime = QuickJS.newRuntime() // "Should be enough for everyone" -- attributed to B. Gates runtime.setMemoryLimit(1024 * 640) // Limit stack size runtime.setMaxStackSize(1024 * 320) // Interrupt computation after 1024 calls to the interrupt handler let interruptCycles = 0 runtime.setInterruptHandler(() => ++interruptCycles > 1024) // Toy module system that always returns the module name // as the default export runtime.setModuleLoader((moduleName) => `export default '${moduleName}'`) const context = runtime.newContext() const ok = context.evalCode(` import fooName from './foo.js' globalThis.result = fooName `) context.unwrapResult(ok).dispose() // logs "foo.js" console.log(context.getProp(context.global, "result").consume(context.dump)) context.dispose() runtime.dispose() ``` ### Memory Management Many methods in this library return handles to memory allocated inside the WebAssembly heap. These types cannot be garbage-collected as usual in Javascript. Instead, you must manually manage their memory by calling a `.dispose()` method to free the underlying resources. Once a handle has been disposed, it cannot be used anymore. Note that in the example above, we call `.dispose()` on each handle once it is no longer needed. Calling `QuickJSContext.dispose()` will throw a RuntimeError if you've forgotten to dispose any handles associated with that VM, so it's good practice to create a new VM instance for each of your tests, and to call `vm.dispose()` at the end of every test. ```typescript const vm = QuickJS.newContext() const numberHandle = vm.newNumber(42) // Note: numberHandle not disposed, so it leaks memory. vm.dispose() // throws RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: list_empty(&rt->gc_obj_list), at: quickjs/quickjs.c,1963,JS_FreeRuntime) ``` Here are some strategies to reduce the toil of calling `.dispose()` on each handle you create: #### Scope A [`Scope`](https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/classes/scope.md#class-scope) instance manages a set of disposables and calls their `.dispose()` method in the reverse order in which they're added to the scope. Here's the "Interfacing with the interpreter" example re-written using `Scope`: ```typescript Scope.withScope((scope) => { const vm = scope.manage(QuickJS.newContext()) let state = 0 const fnHandle = scope.manage( vm.newFunction("nextId", () => { return vm.newNumber(++state) }) ) vm.setProp(vm.global, "nextId", fnHandle) const nextId = scope.manage(vm.unwrapResult(vm.evalCode(`nextId(); nextId(); nextId()`))) console.log("vm result:", vm.getNumber(nextId), "native state:", state) // When the withScope block exits, it calls scope.dispose(), which in turn calls // the .dispose() methods of all the disposables managed by the scope. }) ``` You can also create `Scope` instances with `new Scope()` if you want to manage calling `scope.dispose()` yourself. #### `Lifetime.consume(fn)` [`Lifetime.consume`](https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/classes/lifetime.md#consume) is sugar for the common pattern of using a handle and then immediately disposing of it. `Lifetime.consume` takes a `map` function that produces a result of any type. The `map` fuction is called with the handle, then the handle is disposed, then the result is returned. Here's the "Interfacing with interpreter" example re-written using `.consume()`: ```typescript const vm = QuickJS.newContext() let state = 0 vm.newFunction("nextId", () => { return vm.newNumber(++state) }).consume((fnHandle) => vm.setProp(vm.global, "nextId", fnHandle)) vm.unwrapResult(vm.evalCode(`nextId(); nextId(); nextId()`)).consume((nextId) => console.log("vm result:", vm.getNumber(nextId), "native state:", state) ) vm.dispose() ``` Generally working with `Scope` leads to more straight-forward code, but `Lifetime.consume` can be handy sugar as part of a method call chain. ### Exposing APIs To add APIs inside the QuickJS environment, you'll need to create objects to define the shape of your API, and add properties and functions to those objects to allow code inside QuickJS to call code on the host. By default, no host functionality is exposed to code running inside QuickJS. ```typescript const vm = QuickJS.newContext() // `console.log` const logHandle = vm.newFunction("log", (...args) => { const nativeArgs = args.map(vm.dump) console.log("QuickJS:", ...nativeArgs) }) // Partially implement `console` object const consoleHandle = vm.newObject() vm.setProp(consoleHandle, "log", logHandle) vm.setProp(vm.global, "console", consoleHandle) consoleHandle.dispose() logHandle.dispose() vm.unwrapResult(vm.evalCode(`console.log("Hello from QuickJS!")`)).dispose() ``` #### Promises To expose an asynchronous function that _returns a promise_ to callers within QuickJS, your function can return the handle of a `QuickJSDeferredPromise` created via `context.newPromise()`. When you resolve a `QuickJSDeferredPromise` -- and generally whenever async behavior completes for the VM -- pending listeners inside QuickJS may not execute immediately. Your code needs to explicitly call `runtime.executePendingJobs()` to resume execution inside QuickJS. This API gives your code maximum control to _schedule_ when QuickJS will block the host's event loop by resuming execution. To work with QuickJS handles that contain a promise inside the environment, you can convert the QuickJSHandle into a native promise using `context.resolvePromise()`. Take care with this API to avoid 'deadlocks' where the host awaits a guest promise, but the guest cannot make progress until the host calls `runtime.executePendingJobs()`. The simplest way to avoid this kind of deadlock is to always schedule `executePendingJobs` after any promise is settled. ```typescript const vm = QuickJS.newContext() const fakeFileSystem = new Map([["example.txt", "Example file content"]]) // Function that simulates reading data asynchronously const readFileHandle = vm.newFunction("readFile", (pathHandle) => { const path = vm.getString(pathHandle) const promise = vm.newPromise() setTimeout(() => { const content = fakeFileSystem.get(path) promise.resolve(vm.newString(content || "")) }, 100) // IMPORTANT: Once you resolve an async action inside QuickJS, // call runtime.executePendingJobs() to run any code that was // waiting on the promise or callback. promise.settled.then(vm.runtime.executePendingJobs) return promise.handle }) readFileHandle.consume((handle) => vm.setProp(vm.global, "readFile", handle)) // Evaluate code that uses `readFile`, which returns a promise const result = vm.evalCode(`(async () => { const content = await readFile('example.txt') return content.toUpperCase() })()`) const promiseHandle = vm.unwrapResult(result) // Convert the promise handle into a native promise and await it. // If code like this deadlocks, make sure you are calling // runtime.executePendingJobs appropriately. const resolvedResult = await vm.resolvePromise(promiseHandle) promiseHandle.dispose() const resolvedHandle = vm.unwrapResult(resolvedResult) console.log("Result:", vm.getString(resolvedHandle)) resolvedHandle.dispose() ``` #### Asyncify Sometimes, we want to create a function that's synchronous from the perspective of QuickJS, but prefer to implement that function _asynchronously_ in your host code. The most obvious use-case is for EcmaScript module loading. The underlying QuickJS C library expects the module loader function to return synchronously, but loading data synchronously in the browser or server is somewhere between "a bad idea" and "impossible". QuickJS also doesn't expose an API to "pause" the execution of a runtime, and adding such an API is tricky due to the VM's implementation. As a work-around, we provide an alternate build of QuickJS processed by Emscripten/Binaryen's [ASYNCIFY](https://emscripten.org/docs/porting/asyncify.html) compiler transform. Here's how Emscripten's documentation describes Asyncify: > Asyncify lets synchronous C or C++ code interact with asynchronous \[host] JavaScript. This allows things like: > > - A synchronous call in C that yields to the event loop, which allows browser events to be handled. > > - A synchronous call in C that waits for an asynchronous operation in \[host] JS to complete. > > Asyncify automatically transforms ... code into a form that can be paused and > resumed ..., so that it is asynchronous (hence the name “Asyncify”) even though > \[it is written] in a normal synchronous way. This means we can suspend an _entire WebAssembly module_ (which could contain multiple runtimes and contexts) while our host Javascript loads data asynchronously, and then resume execution once the data load completes. This is a very handy superpower, but it comes with a couple of major limitations: 1. _An asyncified WebAssembly module can only suspend to wait for a single asynchronous call at a time_. You may call back into a suspended WebAssembly module eg. to create a QuickJS value to return a result, but the system will crash if this call tries to suspend again. Take a look at Emscripten's documentation on [reentrancy](https://emscripten.org/docs/porting/asyncify.html#reentrancy). 2. _Asyncified code is bigger and runs slower_. The asyncified build of Quickjs-emscripten library is 1M, 2x larger than the 500K of the default version. There may be room for further [optimization](https://emscripten.org/docs/porting/asyncify.html#optimizing) Of our build in the future. To use asyncify features, use the following functions: - [newAsyncRuntime][]: create a runtime inside a new WebAssembly module. - [newAsyncContext][]: create runtime and context together inside a new WebAssembly module. - [newQuickJSAsyncWASMModule][]: create an empty WebAssembly module. [newasyncruntime]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/modules.md#newasyncruntime [newasynccontext]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/modules.md#newasynccontext [newquickjsasyncwasmmodule]: https://github.com/justjake/quickjs-emscripten/blob/main/doc/modules.md#newquickjsasyncwasmmodule These functions are asynchronous because they always create a new underlying WebAssembly module so that each instance can suspend and resume independently, and instantiating a WebAssembly module is an async operation. This also adds substantial overhead compared to creating a runtime or context inside an existing module; if you only need to wait for a single async action at a time, you can create a single top-level module and create runtimes or contexts inside of it. ##### Async module loader Here's an example of valuating a script that loads React asynchronously as an ES module. In our example, we're loading from the filesystem for reproducibility, but you can use this technique to load using `fetch`. ```typescript const module = await newQuickJSAsyncWASMModule() const runtime = module.newRuntime() const path = await import("path") const { promises: fs } = await import("fs") const importsPath = path.join(__dirname, "../examples/imports") + "/" // Module loaders can return promises. // Execution will suspend until the promise resolves. runtime.setModuleLoader((moduleName) => { const modulePath = path.join(importsPath, moduleName) if (!modulePath.startsWith(importsPath)) { throw new Error("out of bounds") } console.log("loading", moduleName, "from", modulePath) return fs.readFile(modulePath, "utf-8") }) // evalCodeAsync is required when execution may suspend. const context = runtime.newContext() const result = await context.evalCodeAsync(` import * as React from 'esm.sh/react@17' import * as ReactDOMServer from 'esm.sh/react-dom@17/server' const e = React.createElement globalThis.html = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup( e('div', null, e('strong', null, 'Hello world!')) ) `) context.unwrapResult(result).dispose() const html = context.getProp(context.global, "html").consume(context.getString) console.log(html) //