const { Writable, Readable, getStreamError } = require('streamx') const FIFO = require('fast-fifo') const b4a = require('b4a') const headers = require('./headers') const EMPTY = b4a.alloc(0) class BufferList { constructor () { this.buffered = 0 this.shifted = 0 this.queue = new FIFO() this._offset = 0 } push (buffer) { this.buffered += buffer.byteLength this.queue.push(buffer) } shiftFirst (size) { return this._buffered === 0 ? null : this._next(size) } shift (size) { if (size > this.buffered) return null if (size === 0) return EMPTY let chunk = this._next(size) if (size === chunk.byteLength) return chunk // likely case const chunks = [chunk] while ((size -= chunk.byteLength) > 0) { chunk = this._next(size) chunks.push(chunk) } return b4a.concat(chunks) } _next (size) { const buf = this.queue.peek() const rem = buf.byteLength - this._offset if (size >= rem) { const sub = this._offset ? buf.subarray(this._offset, buf.byteLength) : buf this.queue.shift() this._offset = 0 this.buffered -= rem this.shifted += rem return sub } this.buffered -= size this.shifted += size return buf.subarray(this._offset, (this._offset += size)) } } class Source extends Readable { constructor (self, header, offset) { super() this.header = header this.offset = offset this._parent = self } _read (cb) { if (this.header.size === 0) { this.push(null) } if (this._parent._stream === this) { this._parent._update() } cb(null) } _predestroy () { this._parent.destroy(getStreamError(this)) } _detach () { if (this._parent._stream === this) { this._parent._stream = null this._parent._missing = overflow(this.header.size) this._parent._update() } } _destroy (cb) { this._detach() cb(null) } } class Extract extends Writable { constructor (opts) { super(opts) if (!opts) opts = {} this._buffer = new BufferList() this._offset = 0 this._header = null this._stream = null this._missing = 0 this._longHeader = false this._callback = noop this._locked = false this._finished = false this._pax = null this._paxGlobal = null this._gnuLongPath = null this._gnuLongLinkPath = null this._filenameEncoding = opts.filenameEncoding || 'utf-8' this._allowUnknownFormat = !!opts.allowUnknownFormat this._unlockBound = this._unlock.bind(this) } _unlock (err) { this._locked = false if (err) { this.destroy(err) this._continueWrite(err) return } this._update() } _consumeHeader () { if (this._locked) return false this._offset = this._buffer.shifted try { this._header = headers.decode(this._buffer.shift(512), this._filenameEncoding, this._allowUnknownFormat) } catch (err) { this._continueWrite(err) return false } if (!this._header) return true switch (this._header.type) { case 'gnu-long-path': case 'gnu-long-link-path': case 'pax-global-header': case 'pax-header': this._longHeader = true this._missing = this._header.size return true } this._locked = true this._applyLongHeaders() if (this._header.size === 0 || this._header.type === 'directory') { this.emit('entry', this._header, this._createStream(), this._unlockBound) return true } this._stream = this._createStream() this._missing = this._header.size this.emit('entry', this._header, this._stream, this._unlockBound) return true } _applyLongHeaders () { if (this._gnuLongPath) { = this._gnuLongPath this._gnuLongPath = null } if (this._gnuLongLinkPath) { this._header.linkname = this._gnuLongLinkPath this._gnuLongLinkPath = null } if (this._pax) { if (this._pax.path) = this._pax.path if (this._pax.linkpath) this._header.linkname = this._pax.linkpath if (this._pax.size) this._header.size = parseInt(this._pax.size, 10) this._header.pax = this._pax this._pax = null } } _decodeLongHeader (buf) { switch (this._header.type) { case 'gnu-long-path': this._gnuLongPath = headers.decodeLongPath(buf, this._filenameEncoding) break case 'gnu-long-link-path': this._gnuLongLinkPath = headers.decodeLongPath(buf, this._filenameEncoding) break case 'pax-global-header': this._paxGlobal = headers.decodePax(buf) break case 'pax-header': this._pax = this._paxGlobal === null ? headers.decodePax(buf) : Object.assign({}, this._paxGlobal, headers.decodePax(buf)) break } } _consumeLongHeader () { this._longHeader = false this._missing = overflow(this._header.size) const buf = this._buffer.shift(this._header.size) try { this._decodeLongHeader(buf) } catch (err) { this._continueWrite(err) return false } return true } _consumeStream () { const buf = this._buffer.shiftFirst(this._missing) if (buf === null) return false this._missing -= buf.byteLength const drained = this._stream.push(buf) if (this._missing === 0) { this._stream.push(null) if (drained) this._stream._detach() return drained && this._locked === false } return drained } _createStream () { return new Source(this, this._header, this._offset) } _update () { while (this._buffer.buffered > 0 && !this.destroying) { if (this._missing > 0) { if (this._stream !== null) { if (this._consumeStream() === false) return continue } if (this._longHeader === true) { if (this._missing > this._buffer.buffered) break if (this._consumeLongHeader() === false) return false continue } const ignore = this._buffer.shiftFirst(this._missing) if (ignore !== null) this._missing -= ignore.byteLength continue } if (this._buffer.buffered < 512) break if (this._stream !== null || this._consumeHeader() === false) return } this._continueWrite(null) } _continueWrite (err) { const cb = this._callback this._callback = noop cb(err) } _write (data, cb) { this._callback = cb this._buffer.push(data) this._update() } _final (cb) { this._finished = this._missing === 0 && this._buffer.buffered === 0 cb(this._finished ? null : new Error('Unexpected end of data')) } _predestroy () { this._continueWrite(null) } _destroy (cb) { if (this._stream) this._stream.destroy(getStreamError(this)) cb(null) } [Symbol.asyncIterator] () { let error = null let promiseResolve = null let promiseReject = null let entryStream = null let entryCallback = null const extract = this this.on('entry', onentry) this.on('error', (err) => { error = err }) this.on('close', onclose) return { [Symbol.asyncIterator] () { return this }, next () { return new Promise(onnext) }, return () { return destroy(null) }, throw (err) { return destroy(err) } } function consumeCallback (err) { if (!entryCallback) return const cb = entryCallback entryCallback = null cb(err) } function onnext (resolve, reject) { if (error) { return reject(error) } if (entryStream) { resolve({ value: entryStream, done: false }) entryStream = null return } promiseResolve = resolve promiseReject = reject consumeCallback(null) if (extract._finished && promiseResolve) { promiseResolve({ value: undefined, done: true }) promiseResolve = promiseReject = null } } function onentry (header, stream, callback) { entryCallback = callback stream.on('error', noop) // no way around this due to tick sillyness if (promiseResolve) { promiseResolve({ value: stream, done: false }) promiseResolve = promiseReject = null } else { entryStream = stream } } function onclose () { consumeCallback(error) if (!promiseResolve) return if (error) promiseReject(error) else promiseResolve({ value: undefined, done: true }) promiseResolve = promiseReject = null } function destroy (err) { extract.destroy(err) consumeCallback(err) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (extract.destroyed) return resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }) extract.once('close', function () { if (err) reject(err) else resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }) }) }) } } } module.exports = function extract (opts) { return new Extract(opts) } function noop () {} function overflow (size) { size &= 511 return size && 512 - size }