123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.BrowsingContextProcessor = void 0;
- const protocol_js_1 = require("../../../protocol/protocol.js");
- const log_js_1 = require("../../../utils/log.js");
- const InputStateManager_js_1 = require("../input/InputStateManager.js");
- const ActionDispatcher_js_1 = require("../input/ActionDispatcher.js");
- const PreloadScriptStorage_js_1 = require("./PreloadScriptStorage.js");
- const browsingContextImpl_js_1 = require("./browsingContextImpl.js");
- const cdpTarget_js_1 = require("./cdpTarget.js");
- const bidiPreloadScript_1 = require("./bidiPreloadScript");
- class BrowsingContextProcessor {
- #browsingContextStorage;
- #cdpConnection;
- #eventManager;
- #logger;
- #realmStorage;
- #selfTargetId;
- #preloadScriptStorage = new PreloadScriptStorage_js_1.PreloadScriptStorage();
- #inputStateManager = new InputStateManager_js_1.InputStateManager();
- constructor(cdpConnection, selfTargetId, eventManager, browsingContextStorage, realmStorage, logger) {
- this.#cdpConnection = cdpConnection;
- this.#selfTargetId = selfTargetId;
- this.#eventManager = eventManager;
- this.#browsingContextStorage = browsingContextStorage;
- this.#realmStorage = realmStorage;
- this.#logger = logger;
- this.#setEventListeners(this.#cdpConnection.browserClient());
- }
- /**
- * This method is called for each CDP session, since this class is responsible
- * for creating and destroying all targets and browsing contexts.
- */
- #setEventListeners(cdpClient) {
- cdpClient.on('Target.attachedToTarget', (params) => {
- this.#handleAttachedToTargetEvent(params, cdpClient);
- });
- cdpClient.on('Target.detachedFromTarget', (params) => {
- this.#handleDetachedFromTargetEvent(params);
- });
- cdpClient.on('Target.targetInfoChanged', (params) => {
- this.#handleTargetInfoChangedEvent(params);
- });
- cdpClient.on('Page.frameAttached', (params) => {
- this.#handleFrameAttachedEvent(params);
- });
- cdpClient.on('Page.frameDetached', (params) => {
- this.#handleFrameDetachedEvent(params);
- });
- }
- #handleFrameAttachedEvent(params) {
- const parentBrowsingContext = this.#browsingContextStorage.findContext(params.parentFrameId);
- if (parentBrowsingContext !== undefined) {
- browsingContextImpl_js_1.BrowsingContextImpl.create(parentBrowsingContext.cdpTarget, this.#realmStorage, params.frameId, params.parentFrameId, this.#eventManager, this.#browsingContextStorage, this.#logger);
- }
- }
- #handleFrameDetachedEvent(params) {
- // In case of OOPiF no need in deleting BrowsingContext.
- if (params.reason === 'swap') {
- return;
- }
- this.#browsingContextStorage.findContext(params.frameId)?.delete();
- }
- #handleAttachedToTargetEvent(params, parentSessionCdpClient) {
- const { sessionId, targetInfo } = params;
- const targetCdpClient = this.#cdpConnection.getCdpClient(sessionId);
- if (!this.#isValidTarget(targetInfo)) {
- // DevTools or some other not supported by BiDi target. Just release
- // debugger and ignore them.
- targetCdpClient
- .sendCommand('Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger')
- .then(() => parentSessionCdpClient.sendCommand('Target.detachFromTarget', params))
- .catch((error) => this.#logger?.(log_js_1.LogType.system, error));
- return;
- }
- this.#logger?.(log_js_1.LogType.browsingContexts, 'AttachedToTarget event received:', JSON.stringify(params, null, 2));
- this.#setEventListeners(targetCdpClient);
- const maybeContext = this.#browsingContextStorage.findContext(targetInfo.targetId);
- const cdpTarget = cdpTarget_js_1.CdpTarget.create(targetInfo.targetId, maybeContext?.parentId ?? null, targetCdpClient, sessionId, this.#realmStorage, this.#eventManager, this.#preloadScriptStorage);
- if (maybeContext) {
- // OOPiF.
- maybeContext.updateCdpTarget(cdpTarget);
- }
- else {
- // New context.
- browsingContextImpl_js_1.BrowsingContextImpl.create(cdpTarget, this.#realmStorage, targetInfo.targetId, null, this.#eventManager, this.#browsingContextStorage, this.#logger);
- }
- }
- #handleDetachedFromTargetEvent(params) {
- // XXX: params.targetId is deprecated. Update this class to track using
- // params.sessionId instead.
- // https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/chromium-bidi/issues/60
- const contextId = params.targetId;
- this.#browsingContextStorage.findContext(contextId)?.delete();
- this.#preloadScriptStorage
- .findPreloadScripts({ targetId: contextId })
- .map((preloadScript) => preloadScript.cdpTargetIsGone(contextId));
- }
- #handleTargetInfoChangedEvent(params) {
- const contextId = params.targetInfo.targetId;
- this.#browsingContextStorage
- .findContext(contextId)
- ?.onTargetInfoChanged(params);
- }
- async #getRealm(target) {
- if ('realm' in target) {
- return this.#realmStorage.getRealm({
- realmId: target.realm,
- });
- }
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(target.context);
- return context.getOrCreateSandbox(target.sandbox);
- }
- process_browsingContext_getTree(params) {
- const resultContexts = params.root === undefined
- ? this.#browsingContextStorage.getTopLevelContexts()
- : [this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.root)];
- return {
- result: {
- contexts: resultContexts.map((c) => c.serializeToBidiValue(params.maxDepth ?? Number.MAX_VALUE)),
- },
- };
- }
- async process_browsingContext_create(params) {
- const browserCdpClient = this.#cdpConnection.browserClient();
- let referenceContext;
- if (params.referenceContext !== undefined) {
- referenceContext = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.referenceContext);
- if (!referenceContext.isTopLevelContext()) {
- throw new protocol_js_1.Message.InvalidArgumentException(`referenceContext should be a top-level context`);
- }
- }
- let result;
- switch (params.type) {
- case 'tab':
- result = await browserCdpClient.sendCommand('Target.createTarget', {
- url: 'about:blank',
- newWindow: false,
- });
- break;
- case 'window':
- result = await browserCdpClient.sendCommand('Target.createTarget', {
- url: 'about:blank',
- newWindow: true,
- });
- break;
- }
- // Wait for the new tab to be loaded to avoid race conditions in the
- // `browsingContext` events, when the `browsingContext.domContentLoaded` and
- // `browsingContext.load` events from the initial `about:blank` navigation
- // are emitted after the next navigation is started.
- // Details: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues/35846
- const contextId = result.targetId;
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(contextId);
- await context.awaitLoaded();
- return {
- result: {
- context: context.id,
- },
- };
- }
- process_browsingContext_navigate(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- return context.navigate(params.url, params.wait ?? 'none');
- }
- process_browsingContext_reload(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- return context.reload(params.ignoreCache ?? false, params.wait ?? 'none');
- }
- async process_browsingContext_captureScreenshot(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- return context.captureScreenshot();
- }
- async process_browsingContext_print(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- return context.print(params);
- }
- async process_script_addPreloadScript(params) {
- const preloadScript = new bidiPreloadScript_1.BidiPreloadScript(params);
- this.#preloadScriptStorage.addPreloadScript(preloadScript);
- const cdpTargets = new Set(
- // TODO: The unique target can be in a non-top-level browsing context.
- // We need all the targets.
- // To get them, we can walk through all the contexts and collect their targets into the set.
- params.context === undefined || params.context === null
- ? this.#browsingContextStorage
- .getTopLevelContexts()
- .map((context) => context.cdpTarget)
- : [this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context).cdpTarget]);
- await preloadScript.initInTargets(cdpTargets);
- return {
- result: {
- script: preloadScript.id,
- },
- };
- }
- async process_script_removePreloadScript(params) {
- const bidiId = params.script;
- const scripts = this.#preloadScriptStorage.findPreloadScripts({
- id: bidiId,
- });
- if (scripts.length === 0) {
- throw new protocol_js_1.Message.NoSuchScriptException(`No preload script with BiDi ID '${bidiId}'`);
- }
- await Promise.all(scripts.map((script) => script.remove()));
- this.#preloadScriptStorage.removeBiDiPreloadScripts({
- id: bidiId,
- });
- return { result: {} };
- }
- async process_script_evaluate(params) {
- const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target);
- return realm.scriptEvaluate(params.expression, params.awaitPromise, params.resultOwnership ?? 'none', params.serializationOptions ?? {});
- }
- process_script_getRealms(params) {
- if (params.context !== undefined) {
- // Make sure the context is known.
- this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- }
- const realms = this.#realmStorage
- .findRealms({
- browsingContextId: params.context,
- type: params.type,
- })
- .map((realm) => realm.toBiDi());
- return { result: { realms } };
- }
- async process_script_callFunction(params) {
- const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target);
- return realm.callFunction(params.functionDeclaration, params.this ?? {
- type: 'undefined',
- }, // `this` is `undefined` by default.
- params.arguments ?? [], // `arguments` is `[]` by default.
- params.awaitPromise, params.resultOwnership ?? 'none', params.serializationOptions ?? {});
- }
- async process_script_disown(params) {
- const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target);
- await Promise.all(params.handles.map(async (h) => realm.disown(h)));
- return { result: {} };
- }
- async process_input_performActions(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- const inputState = this.#inputStateManager.get(context.top);
- const actionsByTick = this.#getActionsByTick(params, inputState);
- const dispatcher = new ActionDispatcher_js_1.ActionDispatcher(inputState, context, await ActionDispatcher_js_1.ActionDispatcher.isMacOS(context).catch(() => false));
- await dispatcher.dispatchActions(actionsByTick);
- return { result: {} };
- }
- #getActionsByTick(params, inputState) {
- const actionsByTick = [];
- for (const action of params.actions) {
- switch (action.type) {
- case protocol_js_1.Input.SourceActionsType.Pointer: {
- action.parameters ??= { pointerType: protocol_js_1.Input.PointerType.Mouse };
- action.parameters.pointerType ??= protocol_js_1.Input.PointerType.Mouse;
- const source = inputState.getOrCreate(action.id, protocol_js_1.Input.SourceActionsType.Pointer, action.parameters.pointerType);
- if (source.subtype !== action.parameters.pointerType) {
- throw new protocol_js_1.Message.InvalidArgumentException(`Expected input source ${action.id} to be ${source.subtype}; got ${action.parameters.pointerType}.`);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- inputState.getOrCreate(action.id, action.type);
- }
- const actions = action.actions.map((item) => ({
- id: action.id,
- action: item,
- }));
- for (let i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
- if (actionsByTick.length === i) {
- actionsByTick.push([]);
- }
- actionsByTick[i].push(actions[i]);
- }
- }
- return actionsByTick;
- }
- async process_input_releaseActions(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- const topContext = context.top;
- const inputState = this.#inputStateManager.get(topContext);
- const dispatcher = new ActionDispatcher_js_1.ActionDispatcher(inputState, context, await ActionDispatcher_js_1.ActionDispatcher.isMacOS(context).catch(() => false));
- await dispatcher.dispatchTickActions(inputState.cancelList.reverse());
- this.#inputStateManager.delete(topContext);
- return { result: {} };
- }
- async process_browsingContext_setViewport(params) {
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context);
- if (!context.isTopLevelContext()) {
- throw new protocol_js_1.Message.InvalidArgumentException('Emulating viewport is only supported on the top-level context');
- }
- await context.setViewport(params.viewport);
- return { result: {} };
- }
- async process_browsingContext_close(commandParams) {
- const browserCdpClient = this.#cdpConnection.browserClient();
- const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(commandParams.context);
- if (!context.isTopLevelContext()) {
- throw new protocol_js_1.Message.InvalidArgumentException('A top-level browsing context cannot be closed.');
- }
- const detachedFromTargetPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
- const onContextDestroyed = (eventParams) => {
- if (eventParams.targetId === commandParams.context) {
- browserCdpClient.off('Target.detachedFromTarget', onContextDestroyed);
- resolve();
- }
- };
- browserCdpClient.on('Target.detachedFromTarget', onContextDestroyed);
- });
- await browserCdpClient.sendCommand('Target.closeTarget', {
- targetId: commandParams.context,
- });
- // Sometimes CDP command finishes before `detachedFromTarget` event,
- // sometimes after. Wait for the CDP command to be finished, and then wait
- // for `detachedFromTarget` if it hasn't emitted.
- await detachedFromTargetPromise;
- return { result: {} };
- }
- #isValidTarget(target) {
- if (target.targetId === this.#selfTargetId) {
- return false;
- }
- return ['page', 'iframe'].includes(target.type);
- }
- async process_cdp_sendCommand(params) {
- const client = params.session
- ? this.#cdpConnection.getCdpClient(params.session)
- : this.#cdpConnection.browserClient();
- const sendCdpCommandResult = await client.sendCommand(params.method, params.params);
- return {
- result: sendCdpCommandResult,
- session: params.session,
- };
- }
- process_cdp_getSession(params) {
- const context = params.context;
- const sessionId = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(context).cdpTarget.cdpSessionId;
- if (sessionId === undefined) {
- return { result: { session: null } };
- }
- return { result: { session: sessionId } };
- }
- }
- exports.BrowsingContextProcessor = BrowsingContextProcessor;
- //# sourceMappingURL=browsingContextProcessor.js.map