background.wxml 4.5 KB

  1. <custom style="height:{{CustomBar}}px;">
  2. <bar class="fixed gradual-blue" style="height:{{CustomBar}}px;padding-top:{{StatusBar}}px;">
  3. <navigator class='action' open-type="navigateBack" delta="1" hover-class="none">
  4. <text class='icon-back'></text> 背景颜色
  5. </navigator>
  6. </bar>
  7. </custom>
  8. <bar class="solid-bottom">
  9. <view class='action'>
  10. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>深色背景
  11. </view>
  12. </bar>
  13. <view class='grid col-3 padding-sm'>
  14. <view class='padding-sm' wx:for="{{ColorList}}" wx:key>
  15. <view class='bg-{{}} padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  16. <view class="text-lg">{{item.title}}</view>
  17. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>{{}}</view>
  18. </view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. <bar class="solid-bottom">
  22. <view class='action'>
  23. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>淡色背景
  24. </view>
  25. </bar>
  26. <view class='grid col-3 bg-white padding-sm'>
  27. <view class='padding-sm' wx:for="{{ColorList}}" wx:key wx:if="{{index<12}}">
  28. <view class='bg-{{}} padding radius text-center light'>
  29. <view class="text-lg">{{item.title}}</view>
  30. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>{{}}</view>
  31. </view>
  32. </view>
  33. </view>
  34. <bar class="solid-bottom margin-top">
  35. <view class='action'>
  36. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>渐变背景
  37. </view>
  38. </bar>
  39. <view class='grid col-2 padding-sm'>
  40. <view class='padding-sm'>
  41. <view class='gradual-red padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  42. <view class="text-lg">魅红</view>
  43. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#f43f3b - #ec008c</view>
  44. </view>
  45. </view>
  46. <view class='padding-sm'>
  47. <view class='gradual-orange padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  48. <view class="text-lg">鎏金</view>
  49. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#ff9700 - #ed1c24</view>
  50. </view>
  51. </view>
  52. <view class='padding-sm'>
  53. <view class='gradual-green padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  54. <view class="text-lg">翠柳</view>
  55. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#39b54a - #8dc63f</view>
  56. </view>
  57. </view>
  58. <view class='padding-sm'>
  59. <view class='gradual-blue padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  60. <view class="text-lg">靛青</view>
  61. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#0081ff - #1cbbb4</view>
  62. </view>
  63. </view>
  64. <view class='padding-sm'>
  65. <view class='gradual-purple padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  66. <view class="text-lg">惑紫</view>
  67. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#9000ff - #5e00ff</view>
  68. </view>
  69. </view>
  70. <view class='padding-sm'>
  71. <view class='gradual-pink padding radius text-center shadow-blur'>
  72. <view class="text-lg">霞彩</view>
  73. <view class='margin-top-sm text-Abc'>#ec008c - #6739b6</view>
  74. </view>
  75. </view>
  76. </view>
  77. <bar class="margin-top">
  78. <view class='action'>
  79. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>图片背景
  80. </view>
  81. </bar>
  82. <view class="bg-img bg-mask padding-tb-xl" style="background-image: url('')">
  83. <view class='padding-xl text-white'>
  84. <view class='padding-xs text-xl'>
  85. 我和春天有个约会
  86. </view>
  87. <view class='padding-xs'>
  88. I Have a Date with Spring
  89. </view>
  90. </view>
  91. </view>
  92. <bar class="margin-top">
  93. <view class='action'>
  94. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>视频背景
  95. </view>
  96. </bar>
  97. <view class="bg-video bg-mask">
  98. <video src='' autoplay loop muted show-play-btn="{{false}}" controls="{{false}}" objectFit="cover"></video>
  99. <cover-view class='padding-xl text-white'>
  100. <cover-view class='padding-xs text-xl'>
  101. 开源是创新的动力之源
  102. </cover-view>
  103. <cover-view class='padding-xs'>
  104. Open Source is the Power Source of Innovation
  105. </cover-view>
  106. </cover-view>
  107. </view>
  108. <bar class="margin-top">
  109. <view class='action'>
  110. <text class='icon-title text-blue'></text>透明背景(文字层)
  111. </view>
  112. </bar>
  113. <view class='grid col-2 padding-sm'>
  114. <view class='padding-sm'>
  115. <view class="bg-img padding-bottom-xl" style="background-image: url('')">
  116. <view class='bg-shadeTop padding padding-bottom-xl'>
  117. 上面开始
  118. </view>
  119. </view>
  120. </view>
  121. <view class='padding-sm'>
  122. <view class="bg-img padding-top-xl" style="background-image: url('')">
  123. <view class='bg-shadeBottom padding padding-top-xl '>
  124. 下面开始
  125. </view>
  126. </view>
  127. </view>
  128. </view>