_pages; } /** * * add new pages to the pages array, accepts an array or an object of type Config * * @param \Cube\Config\AbstractConfig|array $pages * * @return \Cube\Navigation\AbstractContainer * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function addPages($pages) { if (!is_array($pages) && !($pages instanceof AbstractConfig)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The navigation object requires an array or an object of type \Cube\Config in order to be created."); } else { // need to test as i'm not sure it works as intended if ($pages instanceof AbstractConfig) { $pages = $pages->getData(); } foreach ($pages as $page) { $this->addPage($page); } } return $this; } /** * * set pages array * * @param \Cube\Config\AbstractConfig|array $pages * * @return \Cube\Navigation\AbstractContainer */ public function setPages($pages) { $this->removePages(); $this->addPages($pages); return $this; } /** * * reset pages array * * @return \Cube\Navigation\AbstractContainer */ public function removePages() { $this->_pages = array(); return $this; } /** * Adds a page to the container * * This method will inject the container as the given page's parent by * calling {@link Page\AbstractPage::setParent()}. * * @param Page\AbstractPage|array|\Traversable $page page to add * * @return AbstractContainer fluent interface, returns self * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if page is invalid */ public function addPage($page) { if ($page === $this) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A page cannot have itself as a parent'); } if (!$page instanceof Page\AbstractPage) { if (!is_array($page) && !$page instanceof \Traversable) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "'%s' must be an instance of Cube\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage, or an array", $page)); } $page = Page\AbstractPage::factory($page); } if ($page) { $this->_pages[] = $page; $page->setParent($this); } return $this; } /** * get the first page matching a property * * @param string $property property name to search against * @param mixed $value property value * @param bool $exact whether to search for exact values only * * @return \Cube\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage|null */ public function findOneBy($property, $value, $exact = true) { $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($this, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); /** @var \Cube\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage $page */ foreach ($iterator as $page) { $pageName = $page->get($property); if ($exact === true) { if ($pageName == $value) { return $page; } } else { if (stristr($pageName, $value)) { return $page; } } } return null; } /** * * get all pages matching a set property * * @param string $property property name to search against * @param mixed $value property value * @param bool $exact whether to search for exact values only * * @return array */ public function findAllBy($property, $value, $exact = true) { $result = array(); $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($this, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); /** @var \Cube\Navigation\Page\AbstractPage $page */ foreach ($iterator as $page) { $pageName = $page->get($property); if ($exact === true) { if ($pageName == $value) { $result[] = $page; } } else { if (stristr($pageName, $value)) { $result[] = $page; } } } return $result; } /** * * checks if the current position is valid * * @return bool */ public function valid() { return current($this->_pages) !== false; } /** * * checks if the current container has children * * @return bool */ public function hasChildren() { return (count($this->_pages) > 0) ? true : false; } public function next() { next($this->_pages); } /** * * return the current container * * @return mixed */ public function current() { return current($this->_pages); } /** * * returns an iterator for the current element * * @return mixed */ public function getChildren() { $key = key($this->_pages); if (isset($this->_pages[$key])) { return $this->_pages[$key]; } return null; } public function rewind() { reset($this->_pages); } /** * * return the key of the current element * * @return mixed */ public function key() { return key($this->_pages); } }