default.php 13 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. *
  4. * PHP Pro Bid $Id$ XqLafNmPmkSaggFuwjTHgqnin6OIt/HGl9Rgj0nXNMs=
  5. *
  6. * @link
  7. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Online Ventures Software & CodeCube SRL
  8. * @license Commercial License
  9. *
  10. * @version 7.10 [rev.7.10.04]
  11. */
  12. /**
  13. * This file will contain all static sentences that are not included plus navigation.xml files labels,
  14. * so that the gettext parser can parse them automatically.
  15. */
  16. // Cube\Validate\Db\NoRecordExists
  17. _("A record matching '%value%' has been found.");
  18. // Cube\Validate\Db\RecordExists
  19. _("No record matching '%value%' has been found.");
  20. // Cube\Validate\Alphanumeric
  21. _("'%s' must contain an alphanumeric value.");
  22. // Cube\Validate\Captcha
  23. _('The captcha code is not valid.');
  24. // Cube\Validate\Csrf
  25. _('The CSRF validation has failed.');
  26. // Cube\Validate\Digits
  27. _("'%s' can only contain digits.");
  28. // Cube\Validate\Email
  29. _("'%s' does not contain a valid email address.");
  30. // Cube\Validate\GreaterThan
  31. _("'%s' must be greater or equal to %value%.");
  32. _("'%s' must be greater than %value%.");
  33. // Cube\Validate\Identical
  34. _("'%s' and '%name%' do not match.");
  35. // Cube\Validate\InArray
  36. _("'%s' was not found in the haystack.");
  37. // Cube\Validate\LessThan
  38. _("'%s' must be smaller than %value%.");
  39. _("'%s' must be smaller or equal to %value%.");
  40. // Cube\Validate\NoHtml
  41. _("'%s' cannot contain any html code.");
  42. // Cube\Validate\NotEmpty
  43. _("'%s' is required and cannot be empty.");
  44. // Cube\Validate\Numeric
  45. _("'%s' must contain a numeric value.");
  46. // Cube\Validate\Phone
  47. _("'%s' does not contain a valid phone number.");
  48. // Cube\Validate\StringLength
  49. _("'%s' expects a string, invalid type given.");
  50. _("'%s' must contain at least %value% characters.");
  51. _("'%s' must contain no more than %value% characters.");
  52. // Cube\Validate\Url
  53. _("'%s' does not contain a valid URL.");
  54. // Ppb\Db\Table\Row\Bid
  55. _('High Bid');
  56. _('Outbid');
  57. // Ppb\Db\Table\Row\Offer
  58. _('Pending');
  59. _('Accepted');
  60. _('Declined');
  61. _('Withdrawn');
  62. // Ppb\Db\Table\Row\Sale
  63. _('Unpaid');
  64. _('Paid');
  65. _('Paid (Direct Payment)');
  66. _('Payment on Arrival');
  67. _('Processing');
  68. _('Posted/Sent');
  69. _('Problem');
  70. _('N/A');
  71. // Ppb\Db\Table\Row\User
  72. _('Admin');
  73. _('Manager');
  74. // Ppb\Form\Element\MultiUpload
  75. _('or enter remote URL');
  76. _('Add');
  77. _('or enter embedded code');
  78. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\AmazonPayments
  79. _('AmazonPayments');
  80. _('Click to pay using Amazon Payments Checkout.');
  81. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\AuthorizeNet
  82. _('AuthorizeNet');
  83. _('Click to pay through');
  84. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\Nochex
  85. _('Nochex');
  86. _('Click to pay through Nochex.');
  87. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\Paymate
  88. _('Paymate');
  89. _('Click to pay using Paymate Express Payments.');
  90. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\PaymentSimulator
  91. _('PaymentSimulator');
  92. _('Payment Simulator description.');
  93. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\PayPal
  94. _('PayPal');
  95. _('Click to pay through PayPal.');
  96. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\PayPal
  97. _('PayPalSandbox');
  98. _('Click to pay through PayPal Sandbox.');
  99. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\SagePay
  100. _('SagePay');
  101. _('Click to pay through SagePay.');
  102. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\Skrill
  103. _('Skrill');
  104. _('Click to pay through Skrill.');
  105. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\TCheckout
  106. _('TCheckout');
  107. _('Click to pay through 2Checkout.');
  108. // Ppb\Model\Elements\PaymentGateway\WorldPay
  109. _('WorldPay');
  110. _('Click to pay though WorldPay.');
  111. // Ppb\Model\Shipping\Carrier\AustraliaPost
  112. _('AustraliaPost');
  113. _('Australia Post Description');
  114. // Ppb\Model\Shipping\Carrier\FedExWebServices
  115. _('FedExWebServices');
  116. _('FedExWebServices Description');
  117. // Ppb\Model\Shipping\Carrier\UPS
  118. _('UPS');
  119. _('UPS Description');
  120. // Ppb\Model\Shipping\Carrier\USPS
  121. _('USPS');
  122. _('USPS Description');
  123. // Ppb\Model\Shipping
  124. _('Pick-up');
  125. _('Standard Shipping');
  126. _('Lbs');
  127. _('Kg');
  128. _('No pick-ups');
  129. _('Buyer can pick-up');
  130. _('Buyer must pick-up');
  131. _('Offer Free Postage');
  132. _('If amount exceeds');
  133. _('Postage Calculation Type');
  134. _('First Item');
  135. _('Additional Items');
  136. _('Select Shipping Carriers');
  137. _('Weight UOM');
  138. _('Shipping Locations');
  139. _('Location Groups');
  140. _('Accept Returns');
  141. _('Return Policy Details');
  142. _('Pick-ups');
  143. _('Postage');
  144. _('Item Weight');
  145. _('Insurance');
  146. _('Shipping Instructions');
  147. _('inches');
  148. _('cm');
  149. _('Length');
  150. _('Width');
  151. _('Height');
  152. _('Dimensions UOM');
  153. _('Dimensions');
  154. // Ppb\Service\Fees\ListingSetup
  155. _('Listing Setup');
  156. _('Home Page Featuring');
  157. _('Category Pages Featuring');
  158. _('Highlighted Item');
  159. _('Bold Item');
  160. _('Listing Images');
  161. _('Listing Media');
  162. _('Digital Downloads');
  163. _('Additional Category Listing');
  164. _('Buy Out');
  165. _('Reserve Price');
  166. _('Make Offer');
  167. _('Item Swap');
  168. // Ppb\Service\Fees\SaleTransaction
  169. _('Sale Transaction Fee');
  170. // Ppb\Service\Fees\StoreSubscription
  171. _('Store Subscription Fee');
  172. // Ppb\Service\Fees\UserSignup
  173. _('User Signup Fee');
  174. // Ppb\Service\Fees\UserVerification
  175. _('User Verification Fee');
  176. // Ppb\Service\Listings
  177. _("%s listings have been opened.");
  178. _("%s listings have been closed.");
  179. _("%s listings have been relisted.");
  180. _("%s listings have been activated.");
  181. _("%s listings have been suspended.");
  182. _("%s listings have been approved.");
  183. _("%s listings have been undeleted.");
  184. _("%s listings have been deleted.");
  185. // Ppb\Service\ListingsMedia
  186. _('Image');
  187. _('Video');
  188. _('Download');
  189. // Ppb\Service\Messaging
  190. _('Public Question - Listing ID: #%s');
  191. _('Private Message - Listing ID: #%s');
  192. _('Sale Transaction - Invoice ID: #%s');
  193. _('Message from Site Admin');
  194. _('Abuse Report - User: %s');
  195. _('Abuse Report - Listing ID: %s');
  196. _('Refund Request - Invoice ID: #%s');
  197. // @version 7.2
  198. _('Re:');
  199. _('Fwd:');
  200. // Ppb\Service\Newsletters
  201. _('All Users');
  202. _('Active Users');
  203. _('Suspended Users');
  204. _('Newsletter Subscribers');
  205. _('Store Owners');
  206. // Ppb\Service\Reputation
  207. _('Positive');
  208. _('Neutral');
  209. _('Negative');
  210. _('Last Month');
  211. _('Last 6 Months');
  212. _('Last 12 Months');
  213. // Ppb\Service\Users
  214. _('User Verification Subscription');
  215. _('Store Subscription');
  216. // Ppb\Validate\PaymentMethods
  217. _('You must select at least one method of payment.');
  218. // Ppb\View\Helper\Countdown
  219. _('days');
  220. _('day');
  221. _('years');
  222. _('year');
  223. _('months');
  224. _('month');
  225. _('weeks');
  226. _('week');
  227. _('hours');
  228. _('hour');
  229. _('hrs');
  230. _('hr');
  231. _('minutes');
  232. _('minute');
  233. _('mins');
  234. _('min');
  235. _('seconds');
  236. _('second');
  237. _('secs');
  238. _('sec');
  239. // App\Form\Contact
  240. _('Send');
  241. // App\Form\Payment
  242. _('Make Payment');
  243. // Listings\Form\Cart
  244. _('Place Order');
  245. _('Update Cart');
  246. _('Checkout');
  247. _('Submit');
  248. // Listings\Form\Listing
  249. _('Next Step');
  250. _('Previous Step');
  251. _('List Now');
  252. _('Save as Draft');
  253. // Members\Form\FeesCalculator
  254. _('Calculate');
  255. // Members\Form\Invoices
  256. _('Update Values');
  257. // Members\Form\Login
  258. _('Login');
  259. // Members\Form\PostageSetup
  260. _('Save Settings');
  261. // @version 7.3
  262. // App\Controller\Payment
  263. _('User Signup Fee - User ID: #%s');
  264. _('Listing Setup Fee - Listing ID: #%s');
  265. _('Sale Transaction Fee - Sale ID: #%s');
  266. _('Direct Payment Purchase - Invoice ID: #%s');
  267. _('Credit Account - User ID: #%s');
  268. _('Store Subscription Fee - %s Store - User ID: #%s');
  269. _('User Verification Fee - User ID: #%s');
  270. // js/global.js
  271. _('OK');
  272. _('Cancel');
  273. // @version 7.5
  274. // Admin/config/data/navigation/navigation.xml
  275. _("Home");
  276. _("Settings");
  277. _("Site Setup");
  278. _("User Settings");
  279. _("Registration & Verification");
  280. _("Signup Confirmation");
  281. _("Account Settings");
  282. _("Private Reputation Comments");
  283. _("Users Reputation");
  284. _("Site Settings");
  285. _("Home Page Appearance");
  286. _("Time and Date");
  287. _("Multi Language Support");
  288. _("SEO Settings");
  289. _("Cron Jobs");
  290. _("Private Site/Single Seller");
  291. _("Users Messaging");
  292. _("Preferred Sellers Feature");
  293. _("Site Invoices Settings");
  294. _("Google Analytics");
  295. _("Allow Buyer to Combine Purchases");
  296. _("Social Network Links");
  297. _("Cookie Usage Confirmation");
  298. _("Google reCAPTCHA");
  299. _("BCC Emails to Admin");
  300. _("Recently Viewed Listings Box");
  301. _("Bulk Lister");
  302. _("Listings Settings");
  303. _("Global Settings");
  304. _("Currency Settings");
  305. _("Listing Subtitle");
  306. _("Listing Images");
  307. _("Media Uploads");
  308. _("Listings Approval");
  309. _("Auto Relist Settings");
  310. _("Marked Deleted Listings Removal");
  311. _("Closed Listings Deletion");
  312. _("Additional Category Listing");
  313. _("Listings Counters");
  314. _("Terms and Conditions Box");
  315. _("Display Free Fees on User End");
  316. _("Custom Start & End Times");
  317. _("Search Engine Settings");
  318. _("Auctions & Products");
  319. _("Auctions Settings");
  320. _("Products Settings");
  321. _("Buy Out Feature");
  322. _("Make Offer Feature");
  323. _("Shipping Settings");
  324. _("User Phone Numbers Display");
  325. _("Seller's Other Items Box");
  326. _("Digital Downloads");
  327. _("Sale Transaction Fee Refunds");
  328. _("Users");
  329. _("Site Users");
  330. _("Create Account");
  331. _("Edit Account");
  332. _("Admin Users");
  333. _("Users Reputation Management");
  334. _("Listings");
  335. _("All Listings");
  336. _("Auctions");
  337. _("Products");
  338. _("Sales Management");
  339. _("Edit Listing");
  340. _("Stores");
  341. _("Subscriptions");
  342. _("Manage Store Owners");
  343. _("Tables");
  344. _("Categories");
  345. _("Locations");
  346. _("Listings Durations");
  347. _("Bid Increments");
  348. _("Currencies");
  349. _("Offline Payment Methods");
  350. _("Content Sections");
  351. _("Custom Fields");
  352. _("Auctions / Products");
  353. _("User Registration");
  354. _("Create Custom Field");
  355. _("Edit Custom Field");
  356. _("Site Content");
  357. _("Content Pages");
  358. _("Create Content Page");
  359. _("Edit Content Page");
  360. _("Adverts Management");
  361. _("Create Advert");
  362. _("Edit Advert");
  363. _("Edit System Emails");
  364. _("Edit Language Files");
  365. _("Fees");
  366. _("Payment Gateways");
  367. _("Fees Management");
  368. _("General");
  369. _("User Signup");
  370. _("Listing Setup Fee");
  371. _("Sale Fee");
  372. _("Home Page Featuring Fee");
  373. _("Category Pages Featuring Fee");
  374. _("Highlighted Listing Fee");
  375. _("Listing Images Fee");
  376. _("Media Upload Fee");
  377. _("Digital Downloads Fee");
  378. _("Additional Category Listing Fee");
  379. _("Reserve Price Fee");
  380. _("Buy Out Fee");
  381. _("Make Offer Fee");
  382. _("Tax");
  383. _("Configuration");
  384. _("Tools");
  385. _("Accounting");
  386. _("View Invoice");
  387. _("Messaging");
  388. _("View Conversation");
  389. _("Who's Online");
  390. _("Newsletters");
  391. _("Create Newsletter");
  392. _("Edit Newsletter");
  393. _("Vouchers");
  394. _("Create Voucher");
  395. _("Edit Voucher");
  396. _("Shipping Carriers Management");
  397. _("Word Filter");
  398. _("SEO Link Redirects");
  399. _("Filter Site Users");
  400. _("All");
  401. _("Active");
  402. _("Suspended");
  403. _("Awaiting Approval");
  404. _("Email Not Verified");
  405. _("Accounts with Debit");
  406. _("Debit Balance Exceeded");
  407. _("Verified Users");
  408. _("Seller Accounts");
  409. _("Preferred Sellers");
  410. _("Store Owners");
  411. _("Filter Auctions Products");
  412. _("Open");
  413. _("Scheduled");
  414. _("Closed");
  415. _("Marked Deleted");
  416. _("Sold Items");
  417. _("Account History Filter");
  418. _("Receipt");
  419. _("Debit");
  420. _("Credit");
  421. _("Pending Refund Requests");
  422. _("Messaging Filter");
  423. _("Inbox");
  424. _("Sent");
  425. _("Users Messages");
  426. // App/config/data/navigation/navigation.xml
  427. _("Home");
  428. _("Members Area");
  429. _("Summary");
  430. _("Messages");
  431. _("Inbox");
  432. _("Sent");
  433. _("Archive");
  434. _("Received");
  435. _("View Conversation");
  436. _("Post Message");
  437. _("Buying");
  438. _("Purchases");
  439. _("Current Bids");
  440. _("Offers");
  441. _("Buyer Tools");
  442. _("Wishlist");
  443. _("Favorite Stores");
  444. _("Selling");
  445. _("Open");
  446. _("Scheduled");
  447. _("Closed");
  448. _("Drafts");
  449. _("My Sales");
  450. _("Seller Tools");
  451. _("Global Settings");
  452. _("Fees Calculator");
  453. _("Postage Setup");
  454. _("Prefilled Fields");
  455. _("Seller Vouchers");
  456. _("Create Voucher");
  457. _("Edit Voucher");
  458. _("Bulk Lister");
  459. _("Store");
  460. _("Store Setup");
  461. _("Store Pages");
  462. _("Custom Categories");
  463. _("Feedback");
  464. _("Leave Feedback");
  465. _("Pending Feedback");
  466. _("Feedback Left");
  467. _("My Account");
  468. _("Personal Information");
  469. _("Account Settings");
  470. _("User Verification");
  471. _("Account History");
  472. _("Address Book");
  473. _("Buy");
  474. _("Sell");
  475. _("Stores");
  476. _("Browse Stores");
  477. _("Register");
  478. _("Login");
  479. _("Buying Bids Filter");
  480. _("All");
  481. _("Winning");
  482. _("Outbid");
  483. _("Selling Open Filter");
  484. _("With Bids");
  485. _("With Offers");
  486. _("Sold");
  487. _("Selling Closed Filter");
  488. _("Pending");
  489. _("Not Sold");
  490. _("Offers Filter");
  491. _("Accepted");
  492. _("Declined");
  493. _("Withdrawn");
  494. _("Sale Invoices Filter");
  495. _("Unpaid");
  496. _("Paid");
  497. _("Posted/Sent");
  498. _("Account History Filter");
  499. _("Receipt");
  500. _("Debit");
  501. _("Credit");
  502. _("Pending Refund Requests");
  503. _("Bulk Lister Tabs");
  504. _("Description");
  505. _("File Structure");
  506. _("Categories");
  507. _("Locations");
  508. _("Payment Methods");
  509. // @version 7.5
  510. // Cube\Form\Element\Select
  511. _("-- select --");
  512. // @version 7.6
  513. _("Site");
  514. _("Both");
  515. // @version 7.7
  516. _("IP Address");
  517. _("Email Address");
  518. _("Register / Log In");
  519. _("Purchasing");
  520. // @version 7.9
  521. _('Blocked Users');
  522. // @version 7.10
  523. // Ppb\Validate\Db\Category
  524. _("'%s': the value '%value%' is invalid.");
  525. // Ppb\Validate\FlatRatesPostage
  526. // Ppb\Validate\ItemPostage
  527. _("'%s': the price fields only accept numeric values.");
  528. // Ppb\Validate\LocalizedNumeric
  529. _("'%s' must contain a localized numeric value.");
  530. // Ppb\Validate\MultipleEmails
  531. _("'%s' must contain one or multiple valid email addresses.");
  532. _("'%s': you cannot enter an email address more than once.");
  533. // Ppb\Validate\ReCaptcha
  534. _("The reCAPTCHA code is incorrect.");
  535. // Ppb\Validate\StockLevels
  536. _("'%s': the quantity fields only accept positive integer values.");
  537. // Ppb\Validate\VatNumber
  538. _("'%s': '%value%' is not a valid VAT number.");
  539. // Cube\Validate\Different
  540. _("'%s' and '%name%' must have different values.");
  541. function _($string)
  542. {
  543. }