array('iconv', self::ENGINE_ICONV, 'iconv'), 'recode' => array('recode_string', self::ENGINE_RECODE, 'recode'), 'mb' => array('mb_convert_encoding', self::ENGINE_MB, 'mbstring'), 'none' => array('isset', self::ENGINE_NONE, ''), ); /** * Order of automatic detection of engines * * @var array */ private static $_engineorder = array( 'iconv', 'mb', 'recode', ); /** * Kanji encodings list * * @var string */ private static $_kanji_encodings = 'ASCII,SJIS,EUC-JP,JIS'; /** * Initializes encoding engine detecting available backends. * * @return void */ public static function initEngine() { $engine = 'auto'; if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['RecodingEngine'])) { $engine = $GLOBALS['cfg']['RecodingEngine']; } /* Use user configuration */ if (isset(self::$_enginemap[$engine])) { if (function_exists(self::$_enginemap[$engine][0])) { self::$_engine = self::$_enginemap[$engine][1]; return; } else { Core::warnMissingExtension(self::$_enginemap[$engine][2]); } } /* Autodetection */ foreach (self::$_engineorder as $engine) { if (function_exists(self::$_enginemap[$engine][0])) { self::$_engine = self::$_enginemap[$engine][1]; return; } } /* Fallback to none conversion */ self::$_engine = self::ENGINE_NONE; } /** * Setter for engine. Use with caution, mostly useful for testing. * * @param int $engine Engine enconding * * @return void */ public static function setEngine($engine) { self::$_engine = $engine; } /** * Checks whether there is any charset conversion supported * * @return bool */ public static function isSupported() { if (is_null(self::$_engine)) { self::initEngine(); } return self::$_engine != self::ENGINE_NONE; } /** * Converts encoding of text according to parameters with detected * conversion function. * * @param string $src_charset source charset * @param string $dest_charset target charset * @param string $what what to convert * * @return string converted text * * @access public */ public static function convertString($src_charset, $dest_charset, $what) { if ($src_charset == $dest_charset) { return $what; } if (is_null(self::$_engine)) { self::initEngine(); } switch (self::$_engine) { case self::ENGINE_RECODE: return recode_string( $src_charset . '..' . $dest_charset, $what ); case self::ENGINE_ICONV: return iconv( $src_charset, $dest_charset . (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['IconvExtraParams']) ? $GLOBALS['cfg']['IconvExtraParams'] : ''), $what ); case self::ENGINE_MB: return mb_convert_encoding( $what, $dest_charset, $src_charset ); default: return $what; } } /** * Detects whether Kanji encoding is available * * @return bool */ public static function canConvertKanji() { return $GLOBALS['lang'] == 'ja'; } /** * Setter for Kanji encodings. Use with caution, mostly useful for testing. * * @return string */ public static function getKanjiEncodings() { return self::$_kanji_encodings; } /** * Setter for Kanji encodings. Use with caution, mostly useful for testing. * * @param string $value Kanji encodings list * * @return void */ public static function setKanjiEncodings($value) { self::$_kanji_encodings = $value; } /** * Reverses SJIS & EUC-JP position in the encoding codes list * * @return void */ public static function kanjiChangeOrder() { $parts = explode(',', self::$_kanji_encodings); if ($parts[1] == 'EUC-JP') { self::$_kanji_encodings = 'ASCII,SJIS,EUC-JP,JIS'; } else { self::$_kanji_encodings = 'ASCII,EUC-JP,SJIS,JIS'; } } /** * Kanji string encoding convert * * @param string $str the string to convert * @param string $enc the destination encoding code * @param string $kana set 'kana' convert to JIS-X208-kana * * @return string the converted string */ public static function kanjiStrConv($str, $enc, $kana) { if ($enc == '' && $kana == '') { return $str; } $string_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, self::$_kanji_encodings); if ($string_encoding === false) { $string_encoding = 'utf-8'; } if ($kana == 'kana') { $dist = mb_convert_kana($str, 'KV', $string_encoding); $str = $dist; } if ($string_encoding != $enc && $enc != '') { $dist = mb_convert_encoding($str, $enc, $string_encoding); } else { $dist = $str; } return $dist; } /** * Kanji file encoding convert * * @param string $file the name of the file to convert * @param string $enc the destination encoding code * @param string $kana set 'kana' convert to JIS-X208-kana * * @return string the name of the converted file */ public static function kanjiFileConv($file, $enc, $kana) { if ($enc == '' && $kana == '') { return $file; } $tmpfname = tempnam($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getUploadTempDir(), $enc); $fpd = fopen($tmpfname, 'wb'); $fps = fopen($file, 'r'); self::kanjiChangeOrder(); while (!feof($fps)) { $line = fgets($fps, 4096); $dist = self::kanjiStrConv($line, $enc, $kana); fputs($fpd, $dist); } // end while self::kanjiChangeOrder(); fclose($fps); fclose($fpd); unlink($file); return $tmpfname; } /** * Defines radio form fields to switch between encoding modes * * @return string xhtml code for the radio controls */ public static function kanjiEncodingForm() { return Template::get('encoding/kanji_encoding_form')->render(); } /** * Lists available encodings. * * @return array */ public static function listEncodings() { if (is_null(self::$_engine)) { self::initEngine(); } /* Most engines do not support listing */ if (self::$_engine != self::ENGINE_MB) { return $GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets']; } return array_intersect( array_map('strtolower', mb_list_encodings()), $GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets'] ); } }