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- <div class="section" id="transformations">
- <span id="id1"></span><h1>Transformations<a class="headerlink" href="#transformations" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
- <div class="admonition note">
- <p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
- <p>You need to have configured the <a class="reference internal" href="setup.html#linked-tables"><span class="std std-ref">phpMyAdmin configuration storage</span></a> for using transformations
- feature.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section" id="introduction">
- <span id="transformationsintro"></span><h2>Introduction<a class="headerlink" href="#introduction" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
- <p>To enable transformations, you have to setup the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">column_info</span></code>
- table and the proper directives. Please see the <a class="reference internal" href="config.html#config"><span class="std std-ref">Configuration</span></a> on how to do so.</p>
- <p>You can apply different transformations to the contents of each
- column. The transformation will take the content of each column and
- transform it with certain rules defined in the selected
- transformation.</p>
- <p>Say you have a column ‘filename’ which contains a filename. Normally
- you would see in phpMyAdmin only this filename. Using transformations
- you can transform that filename into a HTML link, so you can click
- inside of the phpMyAdmin structure on the column’s link and will see
- the file displayed in a new browser window. Using transformation
- options you can also specify strings to append/prepend to a string or
- the format you want the output stored in.</p>
- <p>For a general overview of all available transformations and their
- options, you can consult your <em><www.your-host.com>/<your-install-
- dir>/transformation_overview.php</em> installation.</p>
- <p>For a tutorial on how to effectively use transformations, see our
- <a class="reference external" href="https://www.phpmyadmin.net/docs/">Link section</a> on the
- official phpMyAdmin homepage.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section" id="usage">
- <span id="transformationshowto"></span><h2>Usage<a class="headerlink" href="#usage" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
- <p>Go to your <em>tbl_structure.php</em> page (i.e. reached through clicking on
- the ‘Structure’ link for a table). There click on “Change” (or change
- icon) and there you will see three new fields at the end of the line.
- They are called ‘MIME-type’, ‘Browser transformation’ and
- ‘Transformation options’.</p>
- <ul class="simple">
- <li><p>The field ‘MIME-type’ is a drop-down field. Select the MIME-type that
- corresponds to the column’s contents. Please note that transformations
- are inactive as long as no MIME-type is selected.</p></li>
- <li><p>The field ‘Browser transformation’ is a drop-down field. You can
- choose from a hopefully growing amount of pre-defined transformations.
- See below for information on how to build your own transformation.
- There are global transformations and mimetype-bound transformations.
- Global transformations can be used for any mimetype. They will take
- the mimetype, if necessary, into regard. Mimetype-bound
- transformations usually only operate on a certain mimetype. There are
- transformations which operate on the main mimetype (like ‘image’),
- which will most likely take the subtype into regard, and those who
- only operate on a specific subtype (like ‘image/jpeg’). You can use
- transformations on mimetypes for which the function was not defined
- for. There is no security check for you selected the right
- transformation, so take care of what the output will be like.</p></li>
- <li><p>The field ‘Transformation options’ is a free-type textfield. You have
- to enter transform-function specific options here. Usually the
- transforms can operate with default options, but it is generally a
- good idea to look up the overview to see which options are necessary.
- Much like the ENUM/SET-Fields, you have to split up several options
- using the format ‘a’,’b’,’c’,…(NOTE THE MISSING BLANKS). This is
- because internally the options will be parsed as an array, leaving the
- first value the first element in the array, and so forth. If you want
- to specify a MIME character set you can define it in the
- transformation_options. You have to put that outside of the pre-
- defined options of the specific mime-transform, as the last value of
- the set. Use the format “’; charset=XXX’”. If you use a transform, for
- which you can specify 2 options and you want to append a character
- set, enter “‘first parameter’,’second parameter’,’charset=us-ascii’”.
- You can, however use the defaults for the parameters: “’’,’’,’charset
- =us-ascii’”. The default options can be configured using
- <span class="target" id="index-0"></span><a class="reference internal" href="config.html#cfg_DefaultTransformations"><code class="xref config config-option docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">$cfg['DefaultTransformations']</span></code></a></p></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="section" id="file-structure">
- <span id="transformationsfiles"></span><h2>File structure<a class="headerlink" href="#file-structure" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
- <p>All specific transformations for mimetypes are defined through class
- files in the directory ‘libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/’. Each of
- them extends a certain transformation abstract class declared in
- libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs.</p>
- <p>They are stored in files to ease up customization and easy adding of
- new transformations.</p>
- <p>Because the user cannot enter own mimetypes, it is kept sure that
- transformations always work. It makes no sense to apply a
- transformation to a mimetype the transform-function doesn’t know to
- handle.</p>
- <p>There is a file called ‘<em>transformations.lib.php</em>’ that provides some
- basic functions which can be included by any other transform function.</p>
- <p>The file name convention is <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">[Mimetype]_[Subtype]_[Transformation</span>
- <span class="pre">Name].class.php</span></code>, while the abtract class that it extends has the
- name <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">[Transformation</span> <span class="pre">Name]TransformationsPlugin</span></code>. All of the
- methods that have to be implemented by a transformations plug-in are:</p>
- <ol class="arabic simple">
- <li><p>getMIMEType() and getMIMESubtype() in the main class;</p></li>
- <li><p>getName(), getInfo() and applyTransformation() in the abstract class
- it extends.</p></li>
- </ol>
- <p>The getMIMEType(), getMIMESubtype() and getName() methods return the
- name of the MIME type, MIME Subtype and transformation accordingly.
- getInfo() returns the transformation’s description and possible
- options it may receive and applyTransformation() is the method that
- does the actual work of the transformation plug-in.</p>
- <p>Please see the libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/TEMPLATE and
- libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/TEMPLATE_ABSTRACT files for adding
- your own transformation plug-in. You can also generate a new
- transformation plug-in (with or without the abstract transformation
- class), by using
- <code class="file docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">scripts/transformations_generator_plugin.sh</span></code> or
- <code class="file docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">scripts/transformations_generator_main_class.sh</span></code>.</p>
- <p>The applyTransformation() method always gets passed three variables:</p>
- <ol class="arabic simple">
- <li><p><strong>$buffer</strong> - Contains the text inside of the column. This is the
- text, you want to transform.</p></li>
- <li><p><strong>$options</strong> - Contains any user-passed options to a transform
- function as an array.</p></li>
- <li><p><strong>$meta</strong> - Contains an object with information about your column. The
- data is drawn from the output of the <a class="reference external" href="https://www.php.net/mysql_fetch_field">mysql_fetch_field()</a> function. This means, all
- object properties described on the <a class="reference external" href="https://www.php.net/mysql_fetch_field">manual page</a> are available in this
- variable and can be used to transform a column accordingly to
- unsigned/zerofill/not_null/… properties. The $meta->mimetype
- variable contains the original MIME-type of the column (i.e.
- ‘text/plain’, ‘image/jpeg’ etc.)</p></li>
- </ol>
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- <li><a class="reference internal" href="#">Transformations</a><ul>
- <li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a class="reference internal" href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
- <li><a class="reference internal" href="#file-structure">File structure</a></li>
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