fields_table.twig 834 B

  1. <table class="data"{{ search_type == 'zoom' ? ' id="tableFieldsId"' }}>
  2. {% include 'table/search/table_header.twig' with {
  3. 'geom_column_flag': geom_column_flag
  4. } only %}
  5. <tbody>
  6. {% if search_type == 'zoom' %}
  7. {% include 'table/search/rows_zoom.twig' with {
  8. 'self': self,
  9. 'column_names': column_names,
  10. 'criteria_column_names': criteria_column_names,
  11. 'criteria_column_types': criteria_column_types
  12. } only %}
  13. {% else %}
  14. {% include 'table/search/rows_normal.twig' with {
  15. 'self': self,
  16. 'geom_column_flag': geom_column_flag,
  17. 'column_names': column_names,
  18. 'column_types': column_types,
  19. 'column_collations': column_collations
  20. } only %}
  21. {% endif %}
  22. </tbody>
  23. </table>