options.twig 2.1 KB

  1. {{ Util_getDivForSliderEffect('searchoptions', 'Options'|trans) }}
  2. {# Displays columns select list for selecting distinct columns in the search #}
  3. <fieldset id="fieldset_select_fields">
  4. <legend>
  5. {% trans 'Select columns (at least one):' %}
  6. </legend>
  7. <select name="columnsToDisplay[]"
  8. size="{{ min(column_names|length, 10) }}"
  9. multiple="multiple">
  10. {% for each_field in column_names %}
  11. <option value="{{ each_field }}"
  12. selected="selected">
  13. {{ each_field }}
  14. </option>
  15. {% endfor %}
  16. </select>
  17. <input type="checkbox" name="distinct" value="DISTINCT" id="oDistinct" />
  18. <label for="oDistinct">DISTINCT</label>
  19. </fieldset>
  20. {# Displays input box for custom 'Where' clause to be used in the search #}
  21. <fieldset id="fieldset_search_conditions">
  22. <legend>
  23. <em>{% trans 'Or' %}</em>
  24. {% trans 'Add search conditions (body of the "where" clause):' %}
  25. </legend>
  26. {{ Util_showMySQLDocu('Functions') }}
  27. <input type="text" name="customWhereClause" class="textfield" size="64" />
  28. </fieldset>
  29. {# Displays option of changing default number of rows displayed per page #}
  30. <fieldset id="fieldset_limit_rows">
  31. <legend>{% trans 'Number of rows per page' %}</legend>
  32. <input type="number"
  33. name="session_max_rows"
  34. required="required"
  35. min="1"
  36. value="{{ max_rows }}"
  37. class="textfield" />
  38. </fieldset>
  39. {# Displays option for ordering search results by a column value (Asc or Desc) #}
  40. <fieldset id="fieldset_display_order">
  41. <legend>{% trans 'Display order:' %}</legend>
  42. <select name="orderByColumn"><option value="--nil--"></option>
  43. {% for each_field in column_names %}
  44. <option value="{{ each_field }}">
  45. {{ each_field }}
  46. </option>
  47. {% endfor %}
  48. </select>
  49. {{ Util_getRadioFields(
  50. 'order',
  51. {
  52. 'ASC': 'Ascending'|trans,
  53. 'DESC': 'Descending'|trans
  54. },
  55. 'ASC',
  56. false,
  57. true,
  58. 'formelement'
  59. ) }}
  60. </fieldset>
  61. <div class="clearfloat"></div>