12345678910111213141516 |
- {% if initial_sliders_state == 'disabled' %}
- <div{% if id is defined %} id="{{ id }}"{% endif %}>
- {% else %}
- {#
- Bad hack on the next line. document.write() conflicts with jQuery,
- hence, opening the <div> with PHP itself instead of JavaScript.
- @todo find a better solution that uses $.append(), the recommended
- method maybe by using an additional param, the id of the div to
- append to
- #}
- <div{% if id is defined %} id="{{ id }}"
- {%- endif %} {% if initial_sliders_state == 'closed' -%}
- style="display: none; overflow:auto;"{% endif %} class="pma_auto_slider"
- {%- if message is defined %} title="{{ message }}"{% endif %}>
- {% endif %}