@@ -235,62 +235,132 @@ class auth_path(Load):
class view_path(Load):
def get(self):
- import re
- appid = self.input('appid')
- nonce = self.input('nonce')
- timestamp = self.input('timestamp')
- signature = self.input('signature')
- file = self.input('file')
- file_id = self.input('file_id')
uid = self.input('uid')
page = self.input('page')
path = self.input('path')
+ callback = self.input('callback')
+ source = self.input('source')
self.data = {}
file = Common.signature(self, 11)
+ # 读取源文件
+ user = self.service.getAuth(self.data['site']['id'], uid, file['id'])
+ limit = -1
+ if not user and file['file_type'] == 1:
+ # 没有文件信息,则有限制
+ limit = self.data['site']['page']
if page:
- url = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host
- static = url + path
- page = Demeter.path + 'runtime' + path + page
- content = File.readContent(page)
- content = content.replace('src="', 'src="' + str(static))
+ content = self.getPage(path, page, limit)
+ elif source:
+ content = self.getSource(file, limit, uid)
+ else:
+ content = self.getContent(file, limit, uid)
+ if callback:
+ self.out(content)
+ else:
+ self.write(content)
+ def getPage(self, path, page, limit):
+ num = page.replace('.page', '')
+ if limit > 0 and int(num) > limit:
+ self.out('您没有权限查看')
+ url = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host
+ static = url + path
+ page = Demeter.path + 'runtime' + path + page
+ content = File.readContent(page)
+ content = content.replace('src="', 'src="' + str(static))
+ return content
+ def getContent(self, file, limit, uid):
+ if limit < 0:
+ limit = int(file['page'])
+ url = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host
+ style = ['document.css']
+ script = ['jquery.js']
+ content = ''
+ static = self.static(url)
+ assets = self.assets(url, file['path'])
+ for i in style:
+ content = content + '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+static+i+'"/>'
+ content = content + '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+assets+file['key']+'.css"/>'
+ for i in script:
+ content = content + '<script src="'+static+i+'"></script>'
+ content = content + self.style()
+ content = content + '<div id="page-container">'
+ page_url = self.url(url, file['path'], file['key'], uid)
+ for i in range(limit):
+ n = str(i+1)
+ content = content + '<div id="pf'+n+'" style="display:none;" class="demeter_document pf w0 h0" data-page-no="'+n+'" data-page-url="'+page_url+n+'.page"></div>'
+ content = content + '</div>'
+ #content = content + '<script>try{pdf2htmlEX.defaultViewer = new pdf2htmlEX.Viewer({});}catch(e){}</script>'
+ return content
+ def getSource(self, file, limit, uid):
+ view = file['html'] + '_p' + str(limit) + '.html'
+ if File.exists(view):
+ content = File.readContent(view)
+ File.write(view, content)
- user = self.service.getAuth(self.data['site']['id'], uid, file['id'])
+ content = File.readContent(file['html'])
+ url = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host
+ static = self.static(url) + 'pdf/'
+ content = content.replace('src="', 'src="' + static)
+ content = content.replace('href="', 'href="' + self.assets(url, file['path']))
+ if limit > 0:
+ content = self.pattern(limit,content)
+ content = content.replace('data-page-url="', 'data-page-url="' + self.url(url, file['path'], file['key'], uid))
- limit = -1
- if not user and file['file_type'] == 1:
- # 没有文件信息,则有限制
- limit = self.data['site']['page']
+ #content = self.domain(content)
- path = file['path']
- view = file['html'] + '_p' + str(limit) + '.html'
- if File.exists(view):
- content = File.readContent(view)
- File.write(view, content)
- else:
- url = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host
- static = url + '/static/'
- content = File.readContent(file['html'])
- content = content.replace('src="', 'src="' + static)
+ content = content.replace('</head>', self.style() + '<head>')
+ return content
+ def static(self, url):
+ return url + '/static/'
+ def assets(self, url, path):
+ path = path.replace(Demeter.path + 'runtime', '')
+ return url + path
+ def pattern(self, limit, content):
+ import re
+ pattern = '<div id="pf([0-9][a-zA-Z]+|[a-zA-Z0]+|['+str(limit+1)+'-9]|([1-9][0-9]+))"(.*?)<\/div>'
+ content = re.sub(pattern, '', content)
+ return content
- if limit > 0:
- pattern = '<div id="pf([0-9][a-zA-Z]+|[a-zA-Z0]+|['+str(limit+1)+'-9]|([1-9][0-9]+))"(.*?)<\/div>'
- content = re.sub(pattern, '', content)
+ def domain(self, content):
+ script = '<script>document.domain="'+self.host+'";</script>'
+ content = content.replace('</body>', script + '</body>')
+ return content
- path = path.replace(Demeter.path + 'runtime', '')
- url = url + '/main/view?path=' + str(path) + '&file=' + file['key'] + '&file_id=' + file_id + '×tamp=' + timestamp + '&nonce=' + nonce + '&appid=' + appid + '&signature=' + signature + '&uid=' + uid + '&page='
- content = content.replace('data-page-url="', 'data-page-url="' + url)
+ def style(self):
+ return '<style>body{zoom:100%;}#page-container{position: static;background-color: white;background-image: none;overflow: hidden;}#sidebar{background-color: white;background-image: none;}.pf{border:1px solid #d3d3d3;box-shadow:none;width:98%}</style>'
- script = '<script>document.domain="'+self.host+'";</script>'
- content = content.replace('</body>', script + '</body>')
+ def url(self, url, path, key, uid):
+ appid = self.input('appid')
+ nonce = self.input('nonce')
+ timestamp = self.input('timestamp')
+ signature = self.input('signature')
+ file_id = self.input('file_id')
- style = '<style>body{zoom:100%;}#page-container{background-color: white;background-image: none;overflow: hidden;}#sidebar{background-color: white;background-image: none;}.pf{margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;border:0px solid #bababa;box-shadow:none}</style>'
+ path = path.replace(Demeter.path + 'runtime', '')
- content = content.replace('</head>', style + '<head>')
+ url = url + '/main/view?path=' + str(path) + '&file=' + key + '&file_id=' + file_id + '×tamp=' + timestamp + '&nonce=' + nonce + '&appid=' + appid + '&signature=' + signature + '&uid=' + uid + '&page='
- self.write(content)
+ return url
# 下载源文件
class down_path(Load):