@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
from demeter.core import *
from datetime import *
import uuid
+import os
+import os.path
import requests
import shutil
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ class Convert(object):
info['local'] = local
info['pdf'] = filepath + '/' + filename + '.pdf'
info['html'] = filepath + '/' + filename + '.html'
info['url'] = info['html'].replace(Demeter.path + 'runtime', '')
info['path'] = filepath + '/'
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ class Convert(object):
self.download(file, local);
return info
- def download(file, local):
+ def download(self, file, local):
if 'http' in file:
r = requests.get(file, stream=True)
with open(local, 'wb') as up:
@@ -108,12 +111,91 @@ class Convert(object):
return True
return False
- def handle(self, file, key, ext, path, pdf):
- convert = 'libreoffice --invisible --convert-to pdf ' + file
+ def command(self, info):
+ convert = 'cd ' + info['path'] + ' && '
+ convert = convert + 'libreoffice --invisible --convert-to pdf ' + info['local']
convert = convert + ' && '
convert = convert + 'pdf2htmlEX --zoom 1.3 --no-drm 1 --split-pages 1 '
convert = convert + '--embed-css 1 --embed-javascript 0 --embed-image 0 --embed-font 1 '
- convert = convert + '--embed-external-font 0 --dest-dir '+path+' --page-filename %d.page ' + pdf
- print convert
- return
+ convert = convert + '--embed-external-font 0 --dest-dir '+info['path']+' --page-filename %d.page ' + info['pdf']
+ return convert
+ def total(self, path):
+ page = 0
+ for parentdir,dirname,filenames in os.walk(path):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if os.path.splitext(filename)[1]=='.page':
+ page = page + 1
+ return page
+ def handle(self, id):
+ model = Demeter.model('convert')
+ model.id = id
+ info = model.select(type='fetchone')
+ if not info:
+ return
+ status = True
+ if info['status'] == 1 or info['status'] == 4:
+ status = False
+ if info and status == False:
+ model.id = id
+ update = {}
+ update['status'] = 2
+ if not File.exists(info['local']):
+ self.download(info['file'], info['local'])
+ if not File.exists(info['html']):
+ handle = self.command(info)
+ print handle
+ return
+ Shell.popen(handle)
+ if File.exists(info['html']):
+ self.string_switch(info['html'], "taste", "tasting")
+ page = self.total(info['path'])
+ model.id = id
+ update = {}
+ update['page'] = page
+ update['status'] = 3
+ model.update(update)
+ return
+ model.id = id
+ update = {}
+ update['status'] = 4
+ model.update(update)
+ def string_switch(self, x,y,z,s=1):
+ with open(x, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ with open(x, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_w:
+ n = 0
+ if s == 1:
+ for line in lines:
+ if y in line:
+ line = line.replace(y,z)
+ f_w.write(line)
+ n += 1
+ break
+ f_w.write(line)
+ n += 1
+ for i in range(n,len(lines)):
+ f_w.write(lines[i])
+ elif s == 'g':
+ for line in lines:
+ if y in line:
+ line = line.replace(y,z)
+ f_w.write(line)