@@ -1,682 +1,682 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- demeter
- name:model.py
- author:rabin
-import os
-import uuid
-import short_url
-import json
-import traceback
-import re
-import math
-from demeter.core import *
-class Model(object):
- __table__ = ''
- __comment__ = ''
- def __init__(self, type, db, config):
- self.db = db
- self._type = type
- self._config = config
- self._table = self._config['prefix'] + '_' + self.__table__
- self._set = ''
- self._bind = {}
- self._attr = {}
- self._key = {}
- self.create()
- def cur(self):
- return self.db.cursor()
- def commit(self):
- return self.db.commit()
- def lastId(self, cur):
- if hasattr(cur, 'lastrowid'):
- id = cur.lastrowid
- else:
- id = cur.fetchone()[0]
- return id
- def query(self, sql, bind=[], fetch='fetchone', method='', cur=False):
- if not cur:
- cur = self.cur()
- if not method:
- if 'select' in sql:
- method = 'select'
- if 'insert' in sql:
- method = 'insert'
- cur.execute(sql, bind)
- if method == 'select':
- return self.fetch(cur, fetch)
- id = True
- if method == 'insert':
- id = self.lastId(cur)
- self.commit()
- self._set = {}
- return id
- def execute(self, sql, method='select', fetch='fetchall'):
- cur = self.cur()
- bind = []
- state_true = True
- state_false = False
- if self._type == 'mysql':
- state_true = '1'
- else:
- state_false = '2'
- if self._set:
- for key in self._set:
- self.check(key, self._set[key], self._attr[key])
- if self._set[key] == 'time':
- self._set[key] = self.time()
- elif self._set[key] == 'True':
- self._set[key] = state_true
- elif self._set[key] == 'False':
- self._set[key] = state_false
- elif 'date' in key and type(self._set[key]) != int:
- self._set[key] = self.mktime(self._set[key])
- elif self._attr[key].md5:
- self._set[key] = self.createMd5(self._set[key])
- bind.append(self._set[key])
- for value in self._key:
- if value[0] in self._bind and self._bind[value[0]] != None:
- val = self._bind[value[0]]
- if method == 'insert':
- self.check(value[0], val, self._attr[value[0]])
- self._attr[value[0]].unset()
- if type(val) == list and val:
- for i in val:
- bind.append(i)
- else:
- bind.append(val)
- if method == 'select' and ';' in sql:
- temp = sql.split(';')
- sql = temp[1]
- totalSql = temp[0]
- cur.execute(totalSql, bind)
- Demeter.config['page']['totalNum'] = self.fetch(cur, 'fetchone', 'count')
- Demeter.config['page']['total'] = int(math.ceil(round(float(Demeter.config['page']['totalNum'])/float(Demeter.config['page']['num']),2)))
- return self.query(sql, bind, fetch=fetch, method=method, cur=cur)
- def fetchAll(self):
- return self.fetch(self.cur(), type='fetchall')
- def fetch(self, cur, type='fetchall', method = ''):
- load = getattr(cur, type)
- rows = load()
- desc = self._key
- desc = cur.description
- if type == 'fetchall':
- result = []
- if rows:
- for key in rows:
- row = {}
- i = 0
- for v in key:
- row[desc[i][0]] = v
- i = i + 1
- result.append(row)
- elif method == 'count':
- return rows[0]
- else:
- result = {}
- i = 0
- if rows:
- for key in rows:
- if not key:
- key = ''
- result[desc[i][0]] = key
- i = i + 1
- return result
- def attr(self, method):
- fields = vars(self.__class__)
- self._attr = {}
- self._bind = {}
- self._key = {}
- if Demeter.checkPy3():
- col = (int, str, float, bool, uuid.UUID)
- code = (str,)
- else:
- col = (int, str, long, float, unicode, bool, uuid.UUID)
- code = (str, unicode)
- for field in fields:
- if isinstance(fields[field], Fields):
- self._attr[field] = fields[field]
- self._key[field] = self._attr[field].getKey()
- insert = (method == 'insert')
- update = (insert or method == 'update')
- if insert and self._attr[field].uuid:
- self.setUuid(field, col)
- bind = False
- val = self._attr[field].getArgv()
- if val or val == False:
- bind = True
- else:
- val = getattr(self, field)
- if isinstance(val, col):
- setattr(self, field, self._attr[field])
- bind = True
- elif insert and self._attr[field].default:
- val = self._attr[field].default
- bind = True
- if val == 'time':
- val = self.time()
- elif '.' in val:
- temp = val.split('.')
- val = Demeter.config[temp[0]][temp[1]]
- elif method == 'select' and self._attr[field].default and field == 'state':
- val = self._attr[field].default
- bind = True
- if bind and val != None:
- if type(val) == list:
- length = len(val)
- if length <= 1:
- val = val[0]
- if insert and self._attr[field].md5:
- val = self.createMd5(val)
- if self._attr[field].type == 'boolean' and isinstance(val, code):
- val = Demeter.bool(val, self._type)
- if type(val) == list:
- val = tuple(val)
- self._bind[field] = val
- self._attr[field].val(self._bind[field])
- self._attr[field].bind('%s')
- self._key = sorted(self._key.items(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = False)
- Counter().unset()
- def check(self, field, val, attr):
- if val == 'undefined':
- self.error(error)
- if attr.match == 'not':
- if not val:
- self.error(field + ' not exists')
- elif attr.match:
- if '|' in attr.match:
- temp = attr.match.split('|')
- match = temp[0]
- error = temp[1]
- else:
- match = attr.match
- error = field + ' not match:' + match
- if hasattr(Check, match):
- method = getattr(Check, match)
- result = method(val)
- else:
- result = re.search(match, val)
- if not result:
- self.error(error)
- def error(self, msg):
- for value in self._key:
- if value[0] in self._bind and self._bind[value[0]] != None:
- self._attr[value[0]].unset()
- self._set = {}
- Demeter.error(msg)
- def time(self):
- return Demeter.time()
- def mktime(self, value):
- return Demeter.mktime(value)
- def setUuid(self, field, col):
- id = getattr(self, self._attr[field].uuid)
- if isinstance(id, col):
- system = short_url.encode_url(id)
- else:
- system = self._attr[field].uuid
- name = system + '.' + self.__table__
- result = uuid.uuid5(uuid.uuid1(), name)
- result = str(result)
- setattr(self, field, result)
- def createMd5(self, value):
- return Demeter.md5(value, salt=True)
- def createState(self):
- if 'create' in self._config:
- create = Demeter.bool(self._config['create'])
- if create:
- return Demeter.runtime(self._type, self.__table__, json.dumps(self._key))
- return False
- def drop(self):
- return self.handle('drop')
- def create(self):
- return self.handle('create')
- def insert(self):
- return self.handle('insert')
- def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if args:
- self._set = args[0]
- else:
- self._set = kwargs
- return self.handle('update', set=self._set)
- def delete(self):
- return self.handle('delete')
- def select(self, type='fetchall',col = '*', order = 'cdate desc', group = '', limit = '0,100', page=False):
- pageConfig = {}
- if page and 'page' in Demeter.config:
- pageConfig['current'] = Demeter.config['page']['current']
- if page == True:
- pageConfig['num'] = 15
- elif 'num' in page:
- pageConfig['num'] = page['num']
- Demeter.config['page']['num'] = pageConfig['num']
- return self.handle('select', type=type, col=col, order=order, group=group, limit=limit, page=pageConfig)
- def manage(self):
- self.attr(method)
- return
- def handle(self, method='select', type='fetchall', col = '*', order = '', group = '', limit = '0,100', page=False, set = ''):
- self.attr(method)
- if method == 'create':
- create = self.createState()
- if create == False:
- return False
- if type == 'fetchone':
- limit = '0,1'
- load = getattr(Sql(self._type), method)
- return self.execute(load(self._table, {'key':self._key, 'fields':self._attr, 'col':col, 'order':order, 'group':group, 'limit':limit, 'page':page, 'set':set, 'table_comment':self.__comment__}), method, type)
-class Fields(object):
- def __init__(self, type='', default='', primaryKey=False, autoIncrement=False, null=True, unique=False, check='', constraint='', comment='', uuid='', index=False, indexs=False, md5=False, match='', manage=''):
- self.type = type
- self.default = default
- self.primaryKey = primaryKey
- self.autoIncrement = autoIncrement
- self.null = null
- self.unique = unique
- self.check = check
- self.constraint = constraint
- self.comment = comment
- self.uuid = uuid
- self.index = index
- self.indexs = indexs
- self.md5 = md5
- self.key = Counter().inc()
- self.match = match
- self.value = ''
- self.argv = ''
- self.bindValue = ''
- self.expValue = '='
- self.logicValue = 'and'
- self.manage = manage
- def assgin(self, value, exp='=', logic='and'):
- self.add(value)
- self.exp(exp)
- self.logic(logic)
- return self
- def bind(self, value):
- self.bindValue = value
- return self
- def exp(self, value):
- """
- if type(self.expValue) != list:
- self.expValue = []
- self.expValue.append(value)
- """
- self.expValue = value
- return self
- def logic(self, value):
- """
- if type(self.logicValue) != list:
- self.logicValue = []
- self.logicValue.append(value)
- """
- self.logicValue = value
- return self
- def val(self, value, exp='=', logic='and'):
- if type(value) == list:
- length = len(value)
- if length <= 1:
- value = value[0]
- self.value = value
- if not self.expValue:
- self.exp(exp)
- if not self.logicValue:
- self.logic(logic)
- return self
- def getArgv(self):
- return self.argv
- def getVal(self):
- return self.value
- def getBind(self):
- return self.bindValue
- def getExp(self):
- if not self.expValue:
- return ''
- if type(self.expValue) == list:
- length = len(self.expValue)
- if length <= 1:
- result = self.expValue[0]
- else:
- result = self.expValue
- else:
- result = self.expValue
- return result
- def getKey(self):
- return self.key
- def getLogic(self):
- if not self.logicValue:
- return ''
- if type(self.logicValue) == list:
- length = len(self.logicValue)
- if length <= 1:
- result = self.logicValue[0]
- else:
- result = self.logicValue
- else:
- result = self.logicValue
- return result
- def unset(self):
- self.argv = None
- self.value = None
- self.bindValue = None
- self.expValue = '='
- self.logicValue = 'and'
- return self
- def add(self, value):
- """
- if not self.argv:
- self.argv = []
- self.argv.append(value)
- """
- self.argv = value
- return self
- def ins(self, value):
- self.argv = value
- self.exp('in')
- return self
- def nq(self, value):
- self.argv = value
- self.exp('!=')
- return self
- def like(self, value):
- self.argv = '%' + value + '%'
- self.exp('like')
- return self
- def mlike(self, value):
- self.argv = value
- self.exp('~')
- self.logic('and')
- return self
- def time(self, value):
- self.add(Demeter.mktime(value))
- return self
- def start(self, value):
- self.time(value)
- self.exp('>=')
- self.logic('and')
- return self
- def end(self, value):
- self.time(value)
- self.exp('<=')
- self.logic('and')
- return self
-class Counter(object):
- num = 0
- """
- instance = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwd):
- if Counter.instance is None:
- Counter.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwd)
- return Counter.instance
- """
- def inc(self):
- self.num = self.num + 1
- return self.num
- def dec(self):
- self.num = self.num - 1
- return self.num
- def unset(self):
- self.num = 0
- return self.num
-class Sql(object):
- """
- instance = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwd):
- if Sql.instance is None:
- Sql.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwd)
- return Sql.instance
- """
- def __init__(self, type):
- self.type = type
- def drop(self, table, args):
- sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + table
- return sql
- def alter(self, table, args):
- sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + table + ' ADD COLUMN '
- return sql
- def create(self, table, args):
- create = []
- primary = []
- unique = []
- indexs = []
- index = []
- comment = {}
- for value in args['key']:
- key = value[0]
- val = args['fields'][key]
- if val.primaryKey:
- primary.append(key)
- if val.unique:
- unique.append(key)
- if val.index:
- index.append((key, val.index))
- if val.indexs:
- indexs.append(key)
- fields = []
- fields.append(key)
- if val.autoIncrement and self.type == 'postgresql':
- fields.append('SERIAL')
- elif self.type == 'mysql' and val.type == 'boolean':
- fields.append('int')
- else:
- fields.append(val.type)
- if not val.null:
- fields.append('NOT NULL')
- if val.autoIncrement and self.type == 'mysql':
- fields.append('AUTO_INCREMENT')
- #约束
- if val.constraint:
- fields.append('CONSTRAINT ' + val.constraint)
- if val.check:
- fields.append('CHECK ' + val.check)
- if val.default:
- default = val.default
- if val.default == 'time':
- default = '0'
- if '.' in val.default:
- temp = val.default.split('.')
- default = Demeter.config[temp[0]][temp[1]]
- if self.type == 'mysql' and val.type == 'boolean':
- default = Demeter.bool(default, self.type)
- fields.append('DEFAULT \'' + str(default) + '\'')
- if val.comment:
- if self.type == 'mysql':
- fields.append('COMMENT \'' + val.comment + '\'')
- else:
- comment[key] = val.comment
- fields = ' '.join(fields)
- create.append(fields)
- if primary:
- create.append('PRIMARY KEY (' + ','.join(primary) + ')')
- if unique:
- create.append('UNIQUE (' + ','.join(unique) + ')')
- create = ','.join(create)
- sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' + table + '(' + create + ')'
- sql = self.drop(table, args) + ';' + sql
- if indexs:
- name = '_'.join(indexs)
- value = ','.join(indexs)
- sql = sql + ';' + 'CREATE INDEX ' + table + '_' + name +' ON ' + table + '(' + value + ')'
- if index:
- for value in index:
- sql = sql + ';' + 'CREATE INDEX ' + table + '_' + value[0] +' ON ' + table + value[1]
- if comment:
- if args['table_comment']:
- sql = sql + ';' + 'COMMENT ON TABLE ' + table + ' IS \''+args['table_comment']+'\''
- for key in comment:
- sql = sql + ';' + 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' + table + '.'+key+' IS \''+comment[key]+'\''
- return sql
- def insert(self, table, args):
- fields = []
- values = []
- for value in args['key']:
- key = value[0]
- val = args['fields'][key].getBind()
- if val:
- values.append(val)
- fields.append(key)
- fields = ','.join(fields)
- values = ','.join(values)
- sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' (' + fields + ') VALUES (' + values + ')'
- if self.type == 'postgresql':
- sql = sql + ' RETURNING id'
- return sql
- def update(self, table, args):
- fields = []
- for key in args['set']:
- fields.append(key + ' = %s')
- fields = ','.join(fields)
- sql = 'UPDATE ' + table + ' SET ' + fields + self.where(args['key'], args['fields'])
- return sql
- def delete(self, table, args):
- sql = 'DELETE FROM ' + table + self.where(args['key'], args['fields'])
- return sql
- def select(self, table, args):
- string = ' FROM ' + table + self.where(args['key'], args['fields']) + ' ' + self.group(args['group'])
- sql = ''
- if args['page']:
- sql = 'SELECT count(1) as total' + string + ';'
- sql = sql + 'SELECT ' + args['col'] + string + ' ' + self.order(args['order']) + ' ' + self.limit(args['limit'], args['page'])
- return sql
- def where(self, key, fields):
- fields = self.fields(key, fields)
- if fields:
- return ' WHERE ' + fields
- return ''
- def fields(self, key, fields):
- result = ''
- k = 0
- for value in key:
- key = value[0]
- field = fields[key]
- bind = field.getBind()
- val = field.getVal()
- logic = field.getLogic()
- exp = field.getExp()
- if type(val) == list and val:
- n = 0
- for i in val:
- data = self.field(field, bind, key, k, logic[n], exp[n])
- n = n + 1
- if data:
- result = result + data
- k = 1
- else:
- data = self.field(field, bind, key, k, logic, exp)
- if data:
- result = result + data
- k = 1
- return result
- def field(self, field, val, key, k, logic, exp):
- result = ''
- if val:
- if k == 0:
- logic = ''
- else:
- logic = ' ' + logic
- result = logic + ' ' + key + ' ' + exp + ' ' + str(val)
- return result
- def order(self, value):
- result = ''
- if value:
- result = ' ORDER BY ' + value
- return result
- def group(self, value):
- result = ''
- if value:
- result = ' GROUP BY ' + value
- return result
- def limit(self, value, page):
- result = ''
- if page:
- value = str((int(page['current'])-1) * page['num']) + ',' + str(page['num'])
- if value:
- value = value.split(',')
- if self.type == 'mysql':
- result = ' LIMIT ' + value[0] + ',' + value[1]
- elif self.type == 'postgresql':
- result = ' LIMIT ' + value[1] + ' OFFSET ' + value[0]
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ demeter
+ name:model.py
+ author:rabin
+import os
+import uuid
+import short_url
+import json
+import traceback
+import re
+import math
+from demeter.core import *
+class Model(object):
+ __table__ = ''
+ __comment__ = ''
+ def __init__(self, type, db, config):
+ self.db = db
+ self._type = type
+ self._config = config
+ self._table = self._config['prefix'] + '_' + self.__table__
+ self._set = ''
+ self._bind = {}
+ self._attr = {}
+ self._key = {}
+ self.create()
+ def cur(self):
+ return self.db.cursor()
+ def commit(self):
+ return self.db.commit()
+ def lastId(self, cur):
+ if hasattr(cur, 'lastrowid'):
+ id = cur.lastrowid
+ else:
+ id = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ return id
+ def query(self, sql, bind=[], fetch='fetchone', method='', cur=False):
+ if not cur:
+ cur = self.cur()
+ if not method:
+ if 'select' in sql:
+ method = 'select'
+ if 'insert' in sql:
+ method = 'insert'
+ cur.execute(sql, bind)
+ if method == 'select':
+ return self.fetch(cur, fetch)
+ id = True
+ if method == 'insert':
+ id = self.lastId(cur)
+ self.commit()
+ self._set = {}
+ return id
+ def execute(self, sql, method='select', fetch='fetchall'):
+ cur = self.cur()
+ bind = []
+ state_true = True
+ state_false = False
+ if self._type == 'mysql':
+ state_true = '1'
+ else:
+ state_false = '2'
+ if self._set:
+ for key in self._set:
+ self.check(key, self._set[key], self._attr[key])
+ if self._set[key] == 'time':
+ self._set[key] = self.time()
+ elif self._set[key] == 'True':
+ self._set[key] = state_true
+ elif self._set[key] == 'False':
+ self._set[key] = state_false
+ elif 'date' in key and type(self._set[key]) != int:
+ self._set[key] = self.mktime(self._set[key])
+ elif self._attr[key].md5:
+ self._set[key] = self.createMd5(self._set[key])
+ bind.append(self._set[key])
+ for value in self._key:
+ if value[0] in self._bind and self._bind[value[0]] != None:
+ val = self._bind[value[0]]
+ if method == 'insert':
+ self.check(value[0], val, self._attr[value[0]])
+ self._attr[value[0]].unset()
+ if type(val) == list and val:
+ for i in val:
+ bind.append(i)
+ else:
+ bind.append(val)
+ if method == 'select' and ';' in sql:
+ temp = sql.split(';')
+ sql = temp[1]
+ totalSql = temp[0]
+ cur.execute(totalSql, bind)
+ Demeter.config['page']['totalNum'] = self.fetch(cur, 'fetchone', 'count')
+ Demeter.config['page']['total'] = int(math.ceil(round(float(Demeter.config['page']['totalNum'])/float(Demeter.config['page']['num']),2)))
+ return self.query(sql, bind, fetch=fetch, method=method, cur=cur)
+ def fetchAll(self):
+ return self.fetch(self.cur(), type='fetchall')
+ def fetch(self, cur, type='fetchall', method = ''):
+ load = getattr(cur, type)
+ rows = load()
+ desc = self._key
+ desc = cur.description
+ if type == 'fetchall':
+ result = []
+ if rows:
+ for key in rows:
+ row = {}
+ i = 0
+ for v in key:
+ row[desc[i][0]] = v
+ i = i + 1
+ result.append(row)
+ elif method == 'count':
+ return rows[0]
+ else:
+ result = {}
+ i = 0
+ if rows:
+ for key in rows:
+ if not key:
+ key = ''
+ result[desc[i][0]] = key
+ i = i + 1
+ return result
+ def attr(self, method):
+ fields = vars(self.__class__)
+ self._attr = {}
+ self._bind = {}
+ self._key = {}
+ if Demeter.checkPy3():
+ col = (int, str, float, bool, uuid.UUID)
+ code = (str,)
+ else:
+ col = (int, str, long, float, unicode, bool, uuid.UUID)
+ code = (str, unicode)
+ for field in fields:
+ if isinstance(fields[field], Fields):
+ self._attr[field] = fields[field]
+ self._key[field] = self._attr[field].getKey()
+ insert = (method == 'insert')
+ update = (insert or method == 'update')
+ if insert and self._attr[field].uuid:
+ self.setUuid(field, col)
+ bind = False
+ val = self._attr[field].getArgv()
+ if val or val == False:
+ bind = True
+ else:
+ val = getattr(self, field)
+ if isinstance(val, col):
+ setattr(self, field, self._attr[field])
+ bind = True
+ elif insert and self._attr[field].default:
+ val = self._attr[field].default
+ bind = True
+ if val == 'time':
+ val = self.time()
+ elif '.' in val:
+ temp = val.split('.')
+ val = Demeter.config[temp[0]][temp[1]]
+ elif method == 'select' and self._attr[field].default and field == 'state':
+ val = self._attr[field].default
+ bind = True
+ if bind and val != None:
+ if type(val) == list:
+ length = len(val)
+ if length <= 1:
+ val = val[0]
+ if insert and self._attr[field].md5:
+ val = self.createMd5(val)
+ if self._attr[field].type == 'boolean' and isinstance(val, code):
+ val = Demeter.bool(val, self._type)
+ if type(val) == list:
+ val = tuple(val)
+ self._bind[field] = val
+ self._attr[field].val(self._bind[field])
+ self._attr[field].bind('%s')
+ self._key = sorted(self._key.items(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = False)
+ Counter().unset()
+ def check(self, field, val, attr):
+ if val == 'undefined':
+ self.error(error)
+ if attr.match == 'not':
+ if not val:
+ self.error(field + ' not exists')
+ elif attr.match:
+ if '|' in attr.match:
+ temp = attr.match.split('|')
+ match = temp[0]
+ error = temp[1]
+ else:
+ match = attr.match
+ error = field + ' not match:' + match
+ if hasattr(Check, match):
+ method = getattr(Check, match)
+ result = method(val)
+ else:
+ result = re.search(match, val)
+ if not result:
+ self.error(error)
+ def error(self, msg):
+ for value in self._key:
+ if value[0] in self._bind and self._bind[value[0]] != None:
+ self._attr[value[0]].unset()
+ self._set = {}
+ Demeter.error(msg)
+ def time(self):
+ return Demeter.time()
+ def mktime(self, value):
+ return Demeter.mktime(value)
+ def setUuid(self, field, col):
+ id = getattr(self, self._attr[field].uuid)
+ if isinstance(id, col):
+ system = short_url.encode_url(id)
+ else:
+ system = self._attr[field].uuid
+ name = system + '.' + self.__table__
+ result = uuid.uuid5(uuid.uuid1(), name)
+ result = str(result)
+ setattr(self, field, result)
+ def createMd5(self, value):
+ return Demeter.md5(value, salt=True)
+ def createState(self):
+ if 'create' in self._config:
+ create = Demeter.bool(self._config['create'])
+ if create:
+ return Demeter.runtime(self._type, self.__table__, json.dumps(self._key))
+ return False
+ def drop(self):
+ return self.handle('drop')
+ def create(self):
+ return self.handle('create')
+ def insert(self):
+ return self.handle('insert')
+ def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if args:
+ self._set = args[0]
+ else:
+ self._set = kwargs
+ return self.handle('update', set=self._set)
+ def delete(self):
+ return self.handle('delete')
+ def select(self, type='fetchall',col = '*', order = 'cdate desc', group = '', limit = '0,100', page=False):
+ pageConfig = {}
+ if page and 'page' in Demeter.config:
+ pageConfig['current'] = Demeter.config['page']['current']
+ if page == True:
+ pageConfig['num'] = 15
+ elif 'num' in page:
+ pageConfig['num'] = page['num']
+ Demeter.config['page']['num'] = pageConfig['num']
+ return self.handle('select', type=type, col=col, order=order, group=group, limit=limit, page=pageConfig)
+ def manage(self):
+ self.attr(method)
+ return
+ def handle(self, method='select', type='fetchall', col = '*', order = '', group = '', limit = '0,100', page=False, set = ''):
+ self.attr(method)
+ if method == 'create':
+ create = self.createState()
+ if create == False:
+ return False
+ if type == 'fetchone':
+ limit = '0,1'
+ load = getattr(Sql(self._type), method)
+ return self.execute(load(self._table, {'key':self._key, 'fields':self._attr, 'col':col, 'order':order, 'group':group, 'limit':limit, 'page':page, 'set':set, 'table_comment':self.__comment__}), method, type)
+class Fields(object):
+ def __init__(self, type='', default='', primaryKey=False, autoIncrement=False, null=True, unique=False, check='', constraint='', comment='', uuid='', index=False, indexs=False, md5=False, match='', manage=''):
+ self.type = type
+ self.default = default
+ self.primaryKey = primaryKey
+ self.autoIncrement = autoIncrement
+ self.null = null
+ self.unique = unique
+ self.check = check
+ self.constraint = constraint
+ self.comment = comment
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.index = index
+ self.indexs = indexs
+ self.md5 = md5
+ self.key = Counter().inc()
+ self.match = match
+ self.value = ''
+ self.argv = ''
+ self.bindValue = ''
+ self.expValue = '='
+ self.logicValue = 'and'
+ self.manage = manage
+ def assgin(self, value, exp='=', logic='and'):
+ self.add(value)
+ self.exp(exp)
+ self.logic(logic)
+ return self
+ def bind(self, value):
+ self.bindValue = value
+ return self
+ def exp(self, value):
+ """
+ if type(self.expValue) != list:
+ self.expValue = []
+ self.expValue.append(value)
+ """
+ self.expValue = value
+ return self
+ def logic(self, value):
+ """
+ if type(self.logicValue) != list:
+ self.logicValue = []
+ self.logicValue.append(value)
+ """
+ self.logicValue = value
+ return self
+ def val(self, value, exp='=', logic='and'):
+ if type(value) == list:
+ length = len(value)
+ if length <= 1:
+ value = value[0]
+ self.value = value
+ if not self.expValue:
+ self.exp(exp)
+ if not self.logicValue:
+ self.logic(logic)
+ return self
+ def getArgv(self):
+ return self.argv
+ def getVal(self):
+ return self.value
+ def getBind(self):
+ return self.bindValue
+ def getExp(self):
+ if not self.expValue:
+ return ''
+ if type(self.expValue) == list:
+ length = len(self.expValue)
+ if length <= 1:
+ result = self.expValue[0]
+ else:
+ result = self.expValue
+ else:
+ result = self.expValue
+ return result
+ def getKey(self):
+ return self.key
+ def getLogic(self):
+ if not self.logicValue:
+ return ''
+ if type(self.logicValue) == list:
+ length = len(self.logicValue)
+ if length <= 1:
+ result = self.logicValue[0]
+ else:
+ result = self.logicValue
+ else:
+ result = self.logicValue
+ return result
+ def unset(self):
+ self.argv = None
+ self.value = None
+ self.bindValue = None
+ self.expValue = '='
+ self.logicValue = 'and'
+ return self
+ def add(self, value):
+ """
+ if not self.argv:
+ self.argv = []
+ self.argv.append(value)
+ """
+ self.argv = value
+ return self
+ def ins(self, value):
+ self.argv = value
+ self.exp('in')
+ return self
+ def nq(self, value):
+ self.argv = value
+ self.exp('!=')
+ return self
+ def like(self, value):
+ self.argv = '%' + value + '%'
+ self.exp('like')
+ return self
+ def mlike(self, value):
+ self.argv = value
+ self.exp('~')
+ self.logic('and')
+ return self
+ def time(self, value):
+ self.add(Demeter.mktime(value))
+ return self
+ def start(self, value):
+ self.time(value)
+ self.exp('>=')
+ self.logic('and')
+ return self
+ def end(self, value):
+ self.time(value)
+ self.exp('<=')
+ self.logic('and')
+ return self
+class Counter(object):
+ num = 0
+ """
+ instance = None
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwd):
+ if Counter.instance is None:
+ Counter.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwd)
+ return Counter.instance
+ """
+ def inc(self):
+ self.num = self.num + 1
+ return self.num
+ def dec(self):
+ self.num = self.num - 1
+ return self.num
+ def unset(self):
+ self.num = 0
+ return self.num
+class Sql(object):
+ """
+ instance = None
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwd):
+ if Sql.instance is None:
+ Sql.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwd)
+ return Sql.instance
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type):
+ self.type = type
+ def drop(self, table, args):
+ sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + table
+ return sql
+ def alter(self, table, args):
+ sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + table + ' ADD COLUMN '
+ return sql
+ def create(self, table, args):
+ create = []
+ primary = []
+ unique = []
+ indexs = []
+ index = []
+ comment = {}
+ for value in args['key']:
+ key = value[0]
+ val = args['fields'][key]
+ if val.primaryKey:
+ primary.append(key)
+ if val.unique:
+ unique.append(key)
+ if val.index:
+ index.append((key, val.index))
+ if val.indexs:
+ indexs.append(key)
+ fields = []
+ fields.append(key)
+ if val.autoIncrement and self.type == 'postgresql':
+ fields.append('SERIAL')
+ elif self.type == 'mysql' and val.type == 'boolean':
+ fields.append('int')
+ else:
+ fields.append(val.type)
+ if not val.null:
+ fields.append('NOT NULL')
+ if val.autoIncrement and self.type == 'mysql':
+ fields.append('AUTO_INCREMENT')
+ #约束
+ if val.constraint:
+ fields.append('CONSTRAINT ' + val.constraint)
+ if val.check:
+ fields.append('CHECK ' + val.check)
+ if val.default:
+ default = val.default
+ if val.default == 'time':
+ default = '0'
+ if '.' in val.default:
+ temp = val.default.split('.')
+ default = Demeter.config[temp[0]][temp[1]]
+ if self.type == 'mysql' and val.type == 'boolean':
+ default = Demeter.bool(default, self.type)
+ fields.append('DEFAULT \'' + str(default) + '\'')
+ if val.comment:
+ if self.type == 'mysql':
+ fields.append('COMMENT \'' + val.comment + '\'')
+ else:
+ comment[key] = val.comment
+ fields = ' '.join(fields)
+ create.append(fields)
+ if primary:
+ create.append('PRIMARY KEY (' + ','.join(primary) + ')')
+ if unique:
+ create.append('UNIQUE (' + ','.join(unique) + ')')
+ create = ','.join(create)
+ sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' + table + '(' + create + ')'
+ sql = self.drop(table, args) + ';' + sql
+ if indexs:
+ name = '_'.join(indexs)
+ value = ','.join(indexs)
+ sql = sql + ';' + 'CREATE INDEX ' + table + '_' + name +' ON ' + table + '(' + value + ')'
+ if index:
+ for value in index:
+ sql = sql + ';' + 'CREATE INDEX ' + table + '_' + value[0] +' ON ' + table + value[1]
+ if comment:
+ if args['table_comment']:
+ sql = sql + ';' + 'COMMENT ON TABLE ' + table + ' IS \''+args['table_comment']+'\''
+ for key in comment:
+ sql = sql + ';' + 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' + table + '.'+key+' IS \''+comment[key]+'\''
+ return sql
+ def insert(self, table, args):
+ fields = []
+ values = []
+ for value in args['key']:
+ key = value[0]
+ val = args['fields'][key].getBind()
+ if val:
+ values.append(val)
+ fields.append(key)
+ fields = ','.join(fields)
+ values = ','.join(values)
+ sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' (' + fields + ') VALUES (' + values + ')'
+ if self.type == 'postgresql':
+ sql = sql + ' RETURNING id'
+ return sql
+ def update(self, table, args):
+ fields = []
+ for key in args['set']:
+ fields.append(key + ' = %s')
+ fields = ','.join(fields)
+ sql = 'UPDATE ' + table + ' SET ' + fields + self.where(args['key'], args['fields'])
+ return sql
+ def delete(self, table, args):
+ sql = 'DELETE FROM ' + table + self.where(args['key'], args['fields'])
+ return sql
+ def select(self, table, args):
+ string = ' FROM ' + table + self.where(args['key'], args['fields']) + ' ' + self.group(args['group'])
+ sql = ''
+ if args['page']:
+ sql = 'SELECT count(1) as total' + string + ';'
+ sql = sql + 'SELECT ' + args['col'] + string + ' ' + self.order(args['order']) + ' ' + self.limit(args['limit'], args['page'])
+ return sql
+ def where(self, key, fields):
+ fields = self.fields(key, fields)
+ if fields:
+ return ' WHERE ' + fields
+ return ''
+ def fields(self, key, fields):
+ result = ''
+ k = 0
+ for value in key:
+ key = value[0]
+ field = fields[key]
+ bind = field.getBind()
+ val = field.getVal()
+ logic = field.getLogic()
+ exp = field.getExp()
+ if type(val) == list and val:
+ n = 0
+ for i in val:
+ data = self.field(field, bind, key, k, logic[n], exp[n])
+ n = n + 1
+ if data:
+ result = result + data
+ k = 1
+ else:
+ data = self.field(field, bind, key, k, logic, exp)
+ if data:
+ result = result + data
+ k = 1
+ return result
+ def field(self, field, val, key, k, logic, exp):
+ result = ''
+ if val:
+ if k == 0:
+ logic = ''
+ else:
+ logic = ' ' + logic
+ result = logic + ' ' + key + ' ' + exp + ' ' + str(val)
+ return result
+ def order(self, value):
+ result = ''
+ if value:
+ result = ' ORDER BY ' + value
+ return result
+ def group(self, value):
+ result = ''
+ if value:
+ result = ' GROUP BY ' + value
+ return result
+ def limit(self, value, page):
+ result = ''
+ if page:
+ value = str((int(page['current'])-1) * page['num']) + ',' + str(page['num'])
+ if value:
+ value = value.split(',')
+ if self.type == 'mysql':
+ result = ' LIMIT ' + value[0] + ',' + value[1]
+ elif self.type == 'postgresql':
+ result = ' LIMIT ' + value[1] + ' OFFSET ' + value[0]
return result
return result