Usage: dm [-a] [-n] [-p] dm -h or --help Help -a or --action Action name -n or --name The Action name in the configuration file -p or --param Execution parameters are generally judged by actions list: use default:docker,value:docker|php set default:shemic,value:shemic|hub|aliyun up Update the DM code list: show Displays the docker container that is currently started showi Displays the current docker mirror rm Remove an exception or docker container that has not been started rmi Delete expired docker images +list: run Run the container stop Stop the container create Create the container call Run the container, run only once up Run the container and update the docker mirror rm Remove the running docker container save Save or backup the running docker container load Restores and re run the docker container that is saved or backed up Example: dm -a run -n web-php dm run web-php dm -a call -n tool-apidoc -p input=demo^out=output dm call tool apidoc input=demo^out=output [DM is a small docker choreography tool]