#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Modbus TestKit: Implementation of Modbus protocol in python (C)2009 - Luc Jean - luc.jean@gmail.com (C)2009 - Apidev - http://www.apidev.fr This is distributed under GNU LGPL license, see license.txt """ import socket import select import struct from modbus_tk import LOGGER from modbus_tk.hooks import call_hooks from modbus_tk.modbus import ( Databank, Master, Query, Server, InvalidArgumentError, ModbusInvalidResponseError, ModbusInvalidRequestError ) from modbus_tk.utils import threadsafe_function, flush_socket, to_data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ModbusInvalidMbapError(Exception): """Exception raised when the modbus TCP header doesn't correspond to what is expected""" def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self, value) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TcpMbap(object): """Defines the information added by the Modbus TCP layer""" def __init__(self): """Constructor: initializes with 0""" self.transaction_id = 0 self.protocol_id = 0 self.length = 0 self.unit_id = 0 def clone(self, mbap): """Set the value of each fields from another TcpMbap instance""" self.transaction_id = mbap.transaction_id self.protocol_id = mbap.protocol_id self.length = mbap.length self.unit_id = mbap.unit_id def _check_ids(self, request_mbap): """ Check that the ids in the request and the response are similar. if not returns a string describing the error """ error_str = "" if request_mbap.transaction_id != self.transaction_id: error_str += "Invalid transaction id: request={0} - response={1}. ".format( request_mbap.transaction_id, self.transaction_id) if request_mbap.protocol_id != self.protocol_id: error_str += "Invalid protocol id: request={0} - response={1}. ".format( request_mbap.protocol_id, self.protocol_id ) if request_mbap.unit_id != self.unit_id: error_str += "Invalid unit id: request={0} - response={1}. ".format(request_mbap.unit_id, self.unit_id) return error_str def check_length(self, pdu_length): """Check the length field is valid. If not raise an exception""" following_bytes_length = pdu_length+1 if self.length != following_bytes_length: return "Response length is {0} while receiving {1} bytes. ".format(self.length, following_bytes_length) return "" def check_response(self, request_mbap, response_pdu_length): """Check that the MBAP of the response is valid. If not raise an exception""" error_str = self._check_ids(request_mbap) error_str += self.check_length(response_pdu_length) if len(error_str) > 0: raise ModbusInvalidMbapError(error_str) def pack(self): """convert the TCP mbap into a string""" return struct.pack(">HHHB", self.transaction_id, self.protocol_id, self.length, self.unit_id) def unpack(self, value): """extract the TCP mbap from a string""" (self.transaction_id, self.protocol_id, self.length, self.unit_id) = struct.unpack(">HHHB", value) class TcpQuery(Query): """Subclass of a Query. Adds the Modbus TCP specific part of the protocol""" #static variable for giving a unique id to each query _last_transaction_id = 0 def __init__(self): """Constructor""" super(TcpQuery, self).__init__() self._request_mbap = TcpMbap() self._response_mbap = TcpMbap() @threadsafe_function def _get_transaction_id(self): """returns an identifier for the query""" if TcpQuery._last_transaction_id < 0xffff: TcpQuery._last_transaction_id += 1 else: TcpQuery._last_transaction_id = 0 return TcpQuery._last_transaction_id def build_request(self, pdu, slave): """Add the Modbus TCP part to the request""" if (slave < 0) or (slave > 255): raise InvalidArgumentError("{0} Invalid value for slave id".format(slave)) self._request_mbap.length = len(pdu) + 1 self._request_mbap.transaction_id = self._get_transaction_id() self._request_mbap.unit_id = slave mbap = self._request_mbap.pack() return mbap + pdu def parse_response(self, response): """Extract the pdu from the Modbus TCP response""" if len(response) > 6: mbap, pdu = response[:7], response[7:] self._response_mbap.unpack(mbap) self._response_mbap.check_response(self._request_mbap, len(pdu)) return pdu else: raise ModbusInvalidResponseError("Response length is only {0} bytes. ".format(len(response))) def parse_request(self, request): """Extract the pdu from a modbus request""" if len(request) > 6: mbap, pdu = request[:7], request[7:] self._request_mbap.unpack(mbap) error_str = self._request_mbap.check_length(len(pdu)) if len(error_str) > 0: raise ModbusInvalidMbapError(error_str) return self._request_mbap.unit_id, pdu else: raise ModbusInvalidRequestError("Request length is only {0} bytes. ".format(len(request))) def build_response(self, response_pdu): """Build the response""" self._response_mbap.clone(self._request_mbap) self._response_mbap.length = len(response_pdu) + 1 return self._response_mbap.pack() + response_pdu class TcpMaster(Master): """Subclass of Master. Implements the Modbus TCP MAC layer""" def __init__(self, host="", port=502, timeout_in_sec=5.0): """Constructor. Set the communication settings""" super(TcpMaster, self).__init__(timeout_in_sec) self._host = host self._port = port self._sock = None def _do_open(self): """Connect to the Modbus slave""" if self._sock: self._sock.close() self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_timeout(self.get_timeout()) self._sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.before_connect", (self, )) self._sock.connect((self._host, self._port)) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.after_connect", (self, )) def _do_close(self): """Close the connection with the Modbus Slave""" if self._sock: call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.before_close", (self, )) self._sock.close() call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.after_close", (self, )) self._sock = None return True def set_timeout(self, timeout_in_sec): """Change the timeout value""" super(TcpMaster, self).set_timeout(timeout_in_sec) if self._sock: self._sock.setblocking(timeout_in_sec > 0) if timeout_in_sec: self._sock.settimeout(timeout_in_sec) def _send(self, request): """Send request to the slave""" retval = call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.before_send", (self, request)) if retval is not None: request = retval try: flush_socket(self._sock, 3) except Exception as msg: #if we can't flush the socket successfully: a disconnection may happened #try to reconnect LOGGER.error('Error while flushing the socket: {0}'.format(msg)) self._do_open() self._sock.send(request) def _recv(self, expected_length=-1): """ Receive the response from the slave Do not take expected_length into account because the length of the response is written in the mbap. Used for RTU only """ response = to_data('') length = 255 while len(response) < length: rcv_byte = self._sock.recv(1) if rcv_byte: response += rcv_byte if len(response) == 6: to_be_recv_length = struct.unpack(">HHH", response)[2] length = to_be_recv_length + 6 else: break retval = call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpMaster.after_recv", (self, response)) if retval is not None: return retval return response def _make_query(self): """Returns an instance of a Query subclass implementing the modbus TCP protocol""" return TcpQuery() class TcpServer(Server): """ This class implements a simple and mono-threaded modbus tcp server !! Change in 0.5.0: By default the TcpServer is not bound to a specific address for example: You must set address to 'loaclhost', if youjust want to accept local connections """ def __init__(self, port=502, address='', timeout_in_sec=1, databank=None, error_on_missing_slave=True): """Constructor: initializes the server settings""" databank = databank if databank else Databank(error_on_missing_slave=error_on_missing_slave) super(TcpServer, self).__init__(databank) self._sock = None self._sa = (address, port) self._timeout_in_sec = timeout_in_sec self._sockets = [] def _make_query(self): """Returns an instance of a Query subclass implementing the modbus TCP protocol""" return TcpQuery() def _get_request_length(self, mbap): """Parse the mbap and returns the number of bytes to be read""" if len(mbap) < 6: raise ModbusInvalidRequestError("The mbap is only %d bytes long", len(mbap)) length = struct.unpack(">HHH", mbap[:6])[2] return length def _do_init(self): """initialize server""" self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if self._timeout_in_sec: self._sock.settimeout(self._timeout_in_sec) self._sock.setblocking(0) self._sock.bind(self._sa) self._sock.listen(10) self._sockets.append(self._sock) def _do_exit(self): """clean the server tasks""" #close the sockets for sock in self._sockets: try: sock.close() self._sockets.remove(sock) except Exception as msg: LOGGER.warning("Error while closing socket, Exception occurred: %s", msg) self._sock.close() self._sock = None def _do_run(self): """called in a almost-for-ever loop by the server""" # check the status of every socket inputready = select.select(self._sockets, [], [], 1.0)[0] # handle data on each a socket for sock in inputready: try: if sock == self._sock: # handle the server socket client, address = self._sock.accept() client.setblocking(0) LOGGER.info("%s is connected with socket %d...", str(address), client.fileno()) self._sockets.append(client) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.on_connect", (self, client, address)) else: if len(sock.recv(1, socket.MSG_PEEK)) == 0: # socket is disconnected LOGGER.info("%d is disconnected" % (sock.fileno())) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.on_disconnect", (self, sock)) sock.close() self._sockets.remove(sock) break # handle all other sockets sock.settimeout(1.0) request = to_data("") is_ok = True # read the 7 bytes of the mbap while (len(request) < 7) and is_ok: new_byte = sock.recv(1) if len(new_byte) == 0: is_ok = False else: request += new_byte retval = call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.after_recv", (self, sock, request)) if retval is not None: request = retval if is_ok: # read the rest of the request length = self._get_request_length(request) while (len(request) < (length + 6)) and is_ok: new_byte = sock.recv(1) if len(new_byte) == 0: is_ok = False else: request += new_byte if is_ok: response = "" # parse the request try: response = self._handle(request) except Exception as msg: LOGGER.error("Error while handling a request, Exception occurred: %s", msg) # send back the response if response: try: retval = call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.before_send", (self, sock, response)) if retval is not None: response = retval sock.send(response) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.after_send", (self, sock, response)) except Exception as msg: is_ok = False LOGGER.error( "Error while sending on socket %d, Exception occurred: %s", sock.fileno(), msg ) except Exception as excpt: LOGGER.warning("Error while processing data on socket %d: %s", sock.fileno(), excpt) call_hooks("modbus_tcp.TcpServer.on_error", (self, sock, excpt)) sock.close() self._sockets.remove(sock)