accessId = $accessId; $this->secretKey = $secretKey; } public function __destruct() { } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给单个android设备 */ public static function PushTokenAndroid($accessId, $secretKey, $title, $content, $token) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new Message(); $mess->setTitle($title); $mess->setContent($content); $mess->setType(Message::TYPE_NOTIFICATION); $mess->setStyle(new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0)); $action = new ClickAction(); $action->setActionType(ClickAction::TYPE_ACTIVITY); $mess->setAction($action); $ret = $push->PushSingleDevice($token, $mess); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给单个ios设备 */ public static function PushTokenIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $token, $environment) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new MessageIOS(); $mess->setAlert($content); $ret = $push->PushSingleDevice($token, $mess, $environment); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给单个android版账户 */ public static function PushAccountAndroid($accessId, $secretKey, $title, $content, $account) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new Message(); $mess->setTitle($title); $mess->setContent($content); $mess->setType(Message::TYPE_NOTIFICATION); $mess->setStyle(new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0)); $action = new ClickAction(); $action->setActionType(ClickAction::TYPE_ACTIVITY); $mess->setAction($action); $ret = $push->PushSingleAccount(0, $account, $mess); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给单个ios版账户 */ public static function PushAccountIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $account, $environment) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new MessageIOS(); $mess->setAlert($content); $ret = $push->PushSingleAccount(0, $account, $mess, $environment); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给所有设备android版 */ public static function PushAllAndroid($accessId, $secretKey, $title, $content) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new Message(); $mess->setTitle($title); $mess->setContent($content); $mess->setType(Message::TYPE_NOTIFICATION); $mess->setStyle(new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0)); $action = new ClickAction(); $action->setActionType(ClickAction::TYPE_ACTIVITY); $mess->setAction($action); $ret = $push->PushAllDevices(0, $mess); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给所有设备ios版 */ public static function PushAllIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $environment) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new MessageIOS(); $mess->setAlert($content); $ret = $push->PushAllDevices(0, $mess, $environment); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给标签选中设备android版 */ public static function PushTagAndroid($accessId, $secretKey, $title, $content, $tag) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new Message(); $mess->setTitle($title); $mess->setContent($content); $mess->setType(Message::TYPE_NOTIFICATION); $mess->setStyle(new Style(0, 1, 1, 1, 0)); $action = new ClickAction(); $action->setActionType(ClickAction::TYPE_ACTIVITY); $mess->setAction($action); $ret = $push->PushTags(0, array(0 => $tag), 'OR', $mess); return $ret; } /** * 使用默认设置推送消息给标签选中设备ios版 */ public static function PushTagIos($accessId, $secretKey, $content, $tag, $environment) { $push = new XingeApp($accessId, $secretKey); $mess = new MessageIOS(); $mess->setAlert($content); $ret = $push->PushTags(0, array(0 => $tag), 'OR', $mess, $environment); return $ret; } /** * 推送消息给单个设备 */ public function PushSingleDevice($deviceToken, $message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1, 'err_msg' => 'message not valid'); if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) return $ret; if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) return $ret; $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); $params['send_time'] = $message->getSendTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['device_token'] = $deviceToken; $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHSINGLEDEVICE, $params); } /** * 推送消息给单个账户 */ public function PushSingleAccount($deviceType, $account, $message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_int($deviceType) || $deviceType < 0 || $deviceType > 5) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceType not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_string($account) || empty($account)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'account not valid'; return $ret; } if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message is not android or ios'; return $ret; } if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); $params['send_time'] = $message->getSendTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['device_type'] = $deviceType; $params['account'] = $account; $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHSINGLEACCOUNT, $params); } /** * 推送消息给多个账户 */ public function PushAccountList($deviceType, $accountList, $message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_int($deviceType) || $deviceType < 0 || $deviceType > 5) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceType not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_array($accountList) || empty($accountList)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'accountList not valid'; return $ret; } if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message is not android or ios'; return $ret; } if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['device_type'] = $deviceType; $params['account_list'] = json_encode($accountList); $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHACCOUNTLIST, $params); } /** * 推送消息给APP所有设备 */ public function PushAllDevices($deviceType, $message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1, 'err_msg' => 'message not valid'); if (!is_int($deviceType) || $deviceType < 0 || $deviceType > 5) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceType not valid'; return $ret; } if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) return $ret; if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) return $ret; $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); $params['send_time'] = $message->getSendTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['device_type'] = $deviceType; $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; if (!is_null($message->getLoopInterval()) && $message->getLoopInterval() > 0 && !is_null($message->getLoopTimes()) && $message->getLoopTimes() > 0 ) { $params['loop_interval'] = $message->getLoopInterval(); $params['loop_times'] = $message->getLoopTimes(); } //var_dump($params); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHALLDEVICE, $params); } /** * 推送消息给指定tags的设备 * 若要推送的tagList只有一项,则tagsOp应为OR */ public function PushTags($deviceType, $tagList, $tagsOp, $message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1, 'err_msg' => 'message not valid'); if (!is_int($deviceType) || $deviceType < 0 || $deviceType > 5) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceType not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_array($tagList) || empty($tagList)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'tagList not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_string($tagsOp) || ($tagsOp != 'AND' && $tagsOp != 'OR')) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'tagsOp not valid'; return $ret; } if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) return $ret; if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) return $ret; $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); $params['send_time'] = $message->getSendTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['device_type'] = $deviceType; $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['tags_list'] = json_encode($tagList); $params['tags_op'] = $tagsOp; $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; if (!is_null($message->getLoopInterval()) && $message->getLoopInterval() > 0 && !is_null($message->getLoopTimes()) && $message->getLoopTimes() > 0 ) { $params['loop_interval'] = $message->getLoopInterval(); $params['loop_times'] = $message->getLoopTimes(); } return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHTAGS, $params); } /** * 创建批量推送任务 */ public function CreateMultipush($message, $environment = 0) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!($message instanceof Message) && !($message instanceof MessageIOS)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message is not android or ios'; return $ret; } if (!$this->ValidateMessageType($message)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message type not fit accessId'; return $ret; } if ($message instanceof MessageIOS) { if ($environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_DEV && $environment != XingeApp::IOSENV_PROD) { $ret['err_msg'] = "ios message environment invalid"; return $ret; } } if (!$message->isValid()) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'message not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['expire_time'] = $message->getExpireTime(); if ($message instanceof Message) $params['multi_pkg'] = $message->getMultiPkg(); $params['message_type'] = $message->getType(); $params['message'] = $message->toJson(); $params['timestamp'] = time(); $params['environment'] = $environment; return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_CREATEMULTIPUSH, $params); } /** * 按帐号大批量推送 */ public function PushAccountListMultiple($pushId, $accountList) { // $pushId = intval($pushId); $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if ($pushId <= 0) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'pushId not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_array($accountList) || empty($accountList)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'accountList not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['push_id'] = $pushId; $params['account_list'] = json_encode($accountList); $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHACCOUNTLISTMULTIPLE, $params); } /** * 按Token大批量推送 */ public function PushDeviceListMultiple($pushId, $deviceList) { // $pushId = intval($pushId); $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if ($pushId <= 0) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'pushId not valid'; return $ret; } if (!is_array($deviceList) || empty($deviceList)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceList not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['push_id'] = $pushId; $params['device_list'] = json_encode($deviceList); $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_PUSHDEVICELISTMULTIPLE, $params); } /** * 查询消息推送状态 * @param array $pushIdList pushId(string)数组 */ public function QueryPushStatus($pushIdList) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); $idList = array(); if (!is_array($pushIdList) || empty($pushIdList)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'pushIdList not valid'; return $ret; } foreach ($pushIdList as $pushId) { $idList[] = array('push_id' => $pushId); } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['push_ids'] = json_encode($idList); $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYPUSHSTATUS, $params); } /** * 查询应用覆盖的设备数 */ public function QueryDeviceCount() { $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYDEVICECOUNT, $params); } /** * 查询应用标签 */ public function QueryTags($start = 0, $limit = 100) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_int($start) || !is_int($limit)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'start or limit not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['start'] = $start; $params['limit'] = $limit; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYTAGS, $params); } /** * 查询标签下token数量 */ public function QueryTagTokenNum($tag) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($tag)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'tag is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['tag'] = $tag; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYTAGTOKENNUM, $params); } /** * 查询token的标签 */ public function QueryTokenTags($deviceToken) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($deviceToken)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceToken is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['device_token'] = $deviceToken; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYTOKENTAGS, $params); } /** * 取消定时发送 */ public function CancelTimingPush($pushId) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($pushId) || empty($pushId)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'pushId not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['push_id'] = $pushId; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_CANCELTIMINGPUSH, $params); } //json转换为数组 protected function json2Array($json) { $json = stripslashes($json); return json_decode($json, true); } protected function callRestful($url, $params) { $paramsBase = new ParamsBase($params); $sign = $paramsBase->generateSign(RequestBase::METHOD_POST, $url, $this->secretKey); $params['sign'] = $sign; $requestBase = new RequestBase(); $ret = $this->json2Array($requestBase->exec($url, $params, RequestBase::METHOD_POST)); return $ret; } private function ValidateToken($token) { if ($this->accessId >= 2200000000) { return strlen($token) == 64; } else { return (strlen($token) == 40 || strlen($token) == 64); } } public function InitParams() { $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $params; } public function BatchSetTag($tagTokenPairs) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); foreach ($tagTokenPairs as $pair) { if (!($pair instanceof TagTokenPair)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'tag-token pair type error!'; return $ret; } if (!$this->ValidateToken($pair->token)) { $ret['err_msg'] = sprintf("invalid token %s", $pair->token); return $ret; } } $params = $this->InitParams(); $tag_token_list = array(); foreach ($tagTokenPairs as $pair) { array_push($tag_token_list, array($pair->tag, $pair->token)); } $params['tag_token_list'] = json_encode($tag_token_list); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_BATCHSETTAG, $params); } public function BatchDelTag($tagTokenPairs) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); foreach ($tagTokenPairs as $pair) { if (!($pair instanceof TagTokenPair)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'tag-token pair type error!'; return $ret; } if (!$this->ValidateToken($pair->token)) { $ret['err_msg'] = sprintf("invalid token %s", $pair->token); return $ret; } } $params = $this->InitParams(); $tag_token_list = array(); foreach ($tagTokenPairs as $pair) { array_push($tag_token_list, array($pair->tag, $pair->token)); } $params['tag_token_list'] = json_encode($tag_token_list); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_BATCHDELTAG, $params); } public function QueryInfoOfToken($deviceToken) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($deviceToken)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'deviceToken is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['device_token'] = $deviceToken; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYINFOOFTOKEN, $params); } public function QueryTokensOfAccount($account) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($account)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'account is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['account'] = $account; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_QUERYTOKENSOFACCOUNT, $params); } public function DeleteTokenOfAccount($account, $deviceToken) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($account) || !is_string($deviceToken)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'account or deviceToken is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['account'] = $account; $params['device_token'] = $deviceToken; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_DELETETOKENOFACCOUNT, $params); } public function DeleteAllTokensOfAccount($account) { $ret = array('ret_code' => -1); if (!is_string($account)) { $ret['err_msg'] = 'account is not valid'; return $ret; } $params = array(); $params['access_id'] = $this->accessId; $params['account'] = $account; $params['timestamp'] = time(); return $this->callRestful(self::RESTAPI_DELETEALLTOKENSOFACCOUNT, $params); } private function ValidateMessageType($message) { if ($this->accessId >= XingeApp::IOS_MIN_ID and $message instanceof MessageIOS) return true; else if ($this->accessId < XingeApp::IOS_MIN_ID and $message instanceof Message) return true; else return false; } public $accessId = ''; //应用的接入Id public $secretKey = ''; //应用的skey const RESTAPI_PUSHSINGLEDEVICE = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHSINGLEACCOUNT = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHACCOUNTLIST = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHALLDEVICE = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHTAGS = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYPUSHSTATUS = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYDEVICECOUNT = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYTAGS = ''; const RESTAPI_CANCELTIMINGPUSH = ''; const RESTAPI_BATCHSETTAG = ''; const RESTAPI_BATCHDELTAG = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYTOKENTAGS = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYTAGTOKENNUM = ''; const RESTAPI_CREATEMULTIPUSH = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHACCOUNTLISTMULTIPLE = ''; const RESTAPI_PUSHDEVICELISTMULTIPLE = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYINFOOFTOKEN = ''; const RESTAPI_QUERYTOKENSOFACCOUNT = ''; const RESTAPI_DELETETOKENOFACCOUNT = ''; const RESTAPI_DELETEALLTOKENSOFACCOUNT = ''; } class TagTokenPair { public function __construct($tag, $token) { $this->tag = strval($tag); $this->token = strval($token); } public function __destruct() { } public $tag; public $token; } class Message { public function __construct() { $this->m_acceptTimes = array(); $this->m_multiPkg = 0; $this->m_raw = ""; $this->m_style = new Style(0); $this->m_action = new ClickAction(); } public function __destruct() { } public function setTitle($title) { $this->m_title = $title; } public function setContent($content) { $this->m_content = $content; } public function setExpireTime($expireTime) { $this->m_expireTime = $expireTime; } public function getExpireTime() { return $this->m_expireTime; } public function setSendTime($sendTime) { $this->m_sendTime = $sendTime; } public function getSendTime() { return $this->m_sendTime; } public function addAcceptTime($acceptTime) { $this->m_acceptTimes[] = $acceptTime; } public function acceptTimeToJson() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->m_acceptTimes as $acceptTime) { $ret[] = $acceptTime->toArray(); } return $ret; } /** * 消息类型 * @param int $type 1:通知 2:透传消息 */ public function setType($type) { $this->m_type = $type; } public function getType() { return $this->m_type; } public function setMultiPkg($multiPkg) { $this->m_multiPkg = $multiPkg; } public function getMultiPkg() { return $this->m_multiPkg; } public function setStyle($style) { $this->m_style = $style; } public function setAction($action) { $this->m_action = $action; } public function setCustom($custom) { $this->m_custom = $custom; } public function setRaw($raw) { $this->m_raw = $raw; } public function getLoopInterval() { return $this->m_loopInterval; } public function setLoopInterval($loopInterval) { $this->m_loopInterval = $loopInterval; } public function getLoopTimes() { return $this->m_loopTimes; } public function setLoopTimes($loopTimes) { $this->m_loopTimes = $loopTimes; } public function toJson() { if (!empty($this->m_raw)) return $this->m_raw; $ret = array(); if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_NOTIFICATION) { $ret['title'] = $this->m_title; $ret['content'] = $this->m_content; $ret['accept_time'] = $this->acceptTimeToJson(); $ret['builder_id'] = $this->m_style->getBuilderId(); $ret['ring'] = $this->m_style->getRing(); $ret['vibrate'] = $this->m_style->getVibrate(); $ret['clearable'] = $this->m_style->getClearable(); $ret['n_id'] = $this->m_style->getNId(); if (!is_null($this->m_style->getRingRaw())) { $ret['ring_raw'] = $this->m_style->getRingRaw(); } $ret['lights'] = $this->m_style->getLights(); $ret['icon_type'] = $this->m_style->getIconType(); if (!is_null($this->m_style->getIconRes())) { $ret['icon_res'] = $this->m_style->getIconRes(); } $ret['style_id'] = $this->m_style->getStyleId(); if (!is_null($this->m_style->getSmallIcon())) { $ret['small_icon'] = $this->m_style->getSmallIcon(); } $ret['action'] = $this->m_action->toJson(); } else if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_MESSAGE) { $ret['title'] = $this->m_title; $ret['content'] = $this->m_content; $ret['accept_time'] = $this->acceptTimeToJson(); } $ret['custom_content'] = $this->m_custom; return json_encode($ret); } public function isValid() { if (is_string($this->m_raw) && !empty($this->raw)) return true; if (!isset($this->m_title)) $this->m_title = ""; else if (!is_string($this->m_title) || empty($this->m_title)) return false; if (!isset($this->m_content)) $this->m_content = ""; else if (!is_string($this->m_content) || empty($this->m_content)) return false; if (!is_int($this->m_type) || $this->m_type < self::TYPE_NOTIFICATION || $this->m_type > self::TYPE_MESSAGE) return false; if (!is_int($this->m_multiPkg) || $this->m_multiPkg < 0 || $this->m_multiPkg > 1) return false; if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_NOTIFICATION) { if (!($this->m_style instanceof Style) || !($this->m_action instanceof ClickAction)) return false; if (!$this->m_style->isValid() || !$this->m_action->isValid()) return false; } if (isset($this->m_expireTime)) { if (!is_int($this->m_expireTime) || $this->m_expireTime > 3 * 24 * 60 * 60) return false; } else { $this->m_expireTime = 0; } if (isset($this->m_sendTime)) { if (strtotime($this->m_sendTime) === false) return false; } else { $this->m_sendTime = "2013-12-19 17:49:00"; } foreach ($this->m_acceptTimes as $value) { if (!($value instanceof TimeInterval) || !$value->isValid()) return false; } if (isset($this->m_custom)) { if (!is_array($this->m_custom)) return false; } else { $this->m_custom = array(); } if (isset($this->m_loopInterval)) { if (!(is_int($this->m_loopInterval) && $this->m_loopInterval > 0)) { return false; } } if (isset($this->m_loopTimes)) { if (!(is_int($this->m_loopTimes) && $this->m_loopTimes > 0)) { return false; } } if (isset($this->m_loopInterval) && isset($this->m_loopTimes)) { if (($this->m_loopTimes - 1) * $this->m_loopInterval + 1 > self::MAX_LOOP_TASK_DAYS) { return false; } } return true; } private $m_title; private $m_content; private $m_expireTime; private $m_sendTime; private $m_acceptTimes; private $m_type; private $m_multiPkg; private $m_style; private $m_action; private $m_custom; private $m_raw; private $m_loopInterval; private $m_loopTimes; const TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 1; const TYPE_MESSAGE = 2; const MAX_LOOP_TASK_DAYS = 15; } class MessageIOS { public function __construct() { $this->m_acceptTimes = array(); $this->m_type = self::TYPE_APNS_NOTIFICATION; } public function __destruct() { } public function setExpireTime($expireTime) { $this->m_expireTime = $expireTime; } public function getExpireTime() { return $this->m_expireTime; } public function setSendTime($sendTime) { $this->m_sendTime = $sendTime; } public function getSendTime() { return $this->m_sendTime; } public function addAcceptTime($acceptTime) { $this->m_acceptTimes[] = $acceptTime; } public function acceptTimeToJson() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->m_acceptTimes as $acceptTime) { $ret[] = $acceptTime->toArray(); } return $ret; } public function setCustom($custom) { $this->m_custom = $custom; } public function setRaw($raw) { $this->m_raw = $raw; } public function setAlert($alert) { $this->m_alert = $alert; } public function setBadge($badge) { $this->m_badge = $badge; } public function setSound($sound) { $this->m_sound = $sound; } /** * 消息类型 * @param int $type 1:通知 2:静默通知 */ public function setType($type) { $this->m_type = $type; } public function getType() { return $this->m_type; } public function getCategory() { return $this->m_category; } public function setCategory($category) { $this->m_category = $category; } public function getLoopInterval() { return $this->m_loopInterval; } public function setLoopInterval($loopInterval) { $this->m_loopInterval = $loopInterval; } public function getLoopTimes() { return $this->m_loopTimes; } public function setLoopTimes($loopTimes) { $this->m_loopTimes = $loopTimes; } public function toJson() { if (!empty($this->m_raw)) return $this->m_raw; $ret = $this->m_custom; $ret['accept_time'] = $this->acceptTimeToJson(); $aps = array(); if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_APNS_NOTIFICATION) { $aps['alert'] = $this->m_alert; if (isset($this->m_badge)) $aps['badge'] = $this->m_badge; if (isset($this->m_sound)) $aps['sound'] = $this->m_sound; if (isset($this->m_category)) $aps['category'] = $this->m_category; } else if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_REMOTE_NOTIFICATION) { $aps['content-available'] = 1; } $ret['aps'] = $aps; return json_encode($ret); } public function isValid() { if (isset($this->m_expireTime)) { if (!is_int($this->m_expireTime) || $this->m_expireTime > 3 * 24 * 60 * 60) return false; } else { $this->m_expireTime = 0; } if (isset($this->m_sendTime)) { if (strtotime($this->m_sendTime) === false) return false; } else { $this->m_sendTime = "2014-03-13 12:00:00"; } if (!empty($this->m_raw)) { if (is_string($this->m_raw)) return true; else return false; } if (!is_int($this->m_type) || $this->m_type < self::TYPE_APNS_NOTIFICATION || $this->m_type > self::TYPE_REMOTE_NOTIFICATION) { return false; } foreach ($this->m_acceptTimes as $value) { if (!($value instanceof TimeInterval) || !$value->isValid()) return false; } if (isset($this->m_custom)) { if (!is_array($this->m_custom)) return false; } else { $this->m_custom = array(); } if ($this->m_type == self::TYPE_APNS_NOTIFICATION) { if (!isset($this->m_alert)) return false; if (!is_string($this->m_alert) && !is_array($this->m_alert)) return false; } if (isset($this->m_badge)) { if (!is_int($this->m_badge)) return false; } if (isset($this->m_sound)) { if (!is_string($this->m_sound)) return false; } if (isset($this->m_loopInterval)) { if (!(is_int($this->m_loopInterval) && $this->m_loopInterval > 0)) { return false; } } if (isset($this->m_loopTimes)) { if (!(is_int($this->m_loopTimes) && $this->m_loopTimes > 0)) { return false; } } if (isset($this->m_loopInterval) && isset($this->m_loopTimes)) { if (($this->m_loopTimes - 1) * $this->m_loopInterval + 1 > self::MAX_LOOP_TASK_DAYS) { return false; } } return true; } private $m_expireTime; private $m_sendTime; private $m_acceptTimes; private $m_custom; private $m_raw; private $m_type; private $m_alert; private $m_badge; private $m_sound; private $m_category; private $m_loopInterval; private $m_loopTimes; const TYPE_APNS_NOTIFICATION = 11; const TYPE_REMOTE_NOTIFICATION = 12; const MAX_LOOP_TASK_DAYS = 15; } class ClickAction { /** * 动作类型 * @param int $actionType 1打开activity或app本身,2打开url,3打开Intent */ public function __construct() { $this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag = 0; $this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag = 0; $this->m_confirmOnPackageDownloadUrl = 1; } public function setActionType($actionType) { $this->m_actionType = $actionType; } public function setUrl($url) { $this->m_url = $url; } public function setComfirmOnUrl($comfirmOnUrl) { $this->m_confirmOnUrl = $comfirmOnUrl; } public function setActivity($activity) { $this->m_activity = $activity; } public function setIntent($intent) { $this->m_intent = $intent; } public function setAtyAttrIntentFlag($atyAttrIntentFlag) { $this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag = $atyAttrIntentFlag; } public function setAtyAttrPendingIntentFlag($atyAttrPendingIntentFlag) { $this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag = $atyAttrPendingIntentFlag; } public function setPackageDownloadUrl($packageDownloadUrl) { $this->m_packageDownloadUrl = $packageDownloadUrl; } public function setConfirmOnPackageDownloadUrl($confirmOnPackageDownloadUrl) { $this->m_confirmOnPackageDownloadUrl = $confirmOnPackageDownloadUrl; } public function setPackageName($packageName) { $this->m_packageName = $packageName; } public function toJson() { $ret = array(); $ret['action_type'] = $this->m_actionType; $ret['browser'] = array('url' => $this->m_url, 'confirm' => $this->m_confirmOnUrl); $ret['activity'] = $this->m_activity; $ret['intent'] = $this->m_intent; $aty_attr = array(); if (isset($this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag)) { $aty_attr['if'] = $this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag; } if (isset($this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag)) { $aty_attr['pf'] = $this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag; } $ret['aty_attr'] = $aty_attr; return $ret; } public function isValid() { if (!isset($this->m_actionType)) $this->m_actionType = self::TYPE_ACTIVITY; if (!is_int($this->m_actionType)) return false; if ($this->m_actionType < self::TYPE_ACTIVITY || $this->m_actionType > self::TYPE_INTENT) return false; if ($this->m_actionType == self::TYPE_ACTIVITY) { if (!isset($this->m_activity)) { $this->m_activity = ""; return true; } if (isset($this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag)) { if (!is_int($this->m_atyAttrIntentFlag)) { return false; } } if (isset($this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag)) { if (!is_int($this->m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag)) { return false; } } if (is_string($this->m_activity) && !empty($this->m_activity)) return true; return false; } if ($this->m_actionType == self::TYPE_URL) { if (is_string($this->m_url) && !empty($this->m_url) && is_int($this->m_confirmOnUrl) && $this->m_confirmOnUrl >= 0 && $this->m_confirmOnUrl <= 1 ) return true; return false; } if ($this->m_actionType == self::TYPE_INTENT) { if (is_string($this->m_intent) && !empty($this->m_intent)) return true; return false; } } private $m_actionType; private $m_url; private $m_confirmOnUrl; private $m_activity; private $m_intent; private $m_atyAttrIntentFlag; private $m_atyAttrPendingIntentFlag; private $m_packageDownloadUrl; private $m_confirmOnPackageDownloadUrl; private $m_packageName; const TYPE_ACTIVITY = 1; const TYPE_URL = 2; const TYPE_INTENT = 3; } class Style { public function __construct($builderId, $ring = 0, $vibrate = 0, $clearable = 1, $nId = 0, $lights = 1, $iconType = 0, $styleId = 1) { $this->m_builderId = $builderId; $this->m_ring = $ring; $this->m_vibrate = $vibrate; $this->m_clearable = $clearable; $this->m_nId = $nId; $this->m_lights = $lights; $this->m_iconType = $iconType; $this->m_styleId = $styleId; } public function __destruct() { } public function getBuilderId() { return $this->m_builderId; } public function getRing() { return $this->m_ring; } public function getVibrate() { return $this->m_vibrate; } public function getClearable() { return $this->m_clearable; } public function getNId() { return $this->m_nId; } public function getLights() { return $this->m_lights; } public function getIconType() { return $this->m_iconType; } public function getStyleId() { return $this->m_styleId; } public function setRingRaw($ringRaw) { return $this->m_ringRaw = $ringRaw; } public function getRingRaw() { return $this->m_ringRaw; } public function setIconRes($iconRes) { return $this->m_iconRes = $iconRes; } public function getIconRes() { return $this->m_iconRes; } public function setSmallIcon($smallIcon) { return $this->m_smallIcon = $smallIcon; } public function getSmallIcon() { return $this->m_smallIcon; } public function isValid() { if (!is_int($this->m_builderId) || !is_int($this->m_ring) || !is_int($this->m_vibrate) || !is_int($this->m_clearable) || !is_int($this->m_lights) || !is_int($this->m_iconType) || !is_int($this->m_styleId) ) return false; if ($this->m_ring < 0 || $this->m_ring > 1) return false; if ($this->m_vibrate < 0 || $this->m_vibrate > 1) return false; if ($this->m_clearable < 0 || $this->m_clearable > 1) return false; if ($this->m_lights < 0 || $this->m_lights > 1) return false; if ($this->m_iconType < 0 || $this->m_iconType > 1) return false; if ($this->m_styleId < 0 || $this->m_styleId > 1) return false; return true; } private $m_builderId; private $m_ring; private $m_vibrate; private $m_clearable; private $m_nId; private $m_ringRaw; private $m_lights; private $m_iconType; private $m_iconRes; private $m_styleId; private $m_smallIcon; } class TimeInterval { public function __construct($startHour, $startMin, $endHour, $endMin) { $this->m_startHour = $startHour; $this->m_startMin = $startMin; $this->m_endHour = $endHour; $this->m_endMin = $endMin; } public function __destruct() { } public function toArray() { return array( 'start' => array('hour' => strval($this->m_startHour), 'min' => strval($this->m_startMin)), 'end' => array('hour' => strval($this->m_endHour), 'min' => strval($this->m_endMin)) ); } public function isValid() { if (!is_int($this->m_startHour) || !is_int($this->m_startMin) || !is_int($this->m_endHour) || !is_int($this->m_endMin) ) return false; if ($this->m_startHour >= 0 && $this->m_startHour <= 23 && $this->m_startMin >= 0 && $this->m_startMin <= 59 && $this->m_endHour >= 0 && $this->m_endHour <= 23 && $this->m_endMin >= 0 && $this->m_endMin <= 59 ) return true; else return false; } private $m_startHour; private $m_startMin; private $m_endHour; private $m_endMin; } class ParamsBase { /** * @var array 当前传入的参数列表 */ public $_params = array(); /** * 构造函数 */ public function __construct($params) { if (!is_array($params)) { return array(); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { //如果是非法的key值,则不使用这个key $this->_params[$key] = $value; } } public function set($k, $v) { if (!isset($k) || !isset($v)) { return; } $this->_params[$k] = $v; } /** * 根据实例化传入的参数生成签名 */ public function generateSign($method, $url, $secret_key) { //将参数进行升序排序 $param_str = ''; $method = strtoupper($method); $url_arr = parse_url($url); if (isset($url_arr['host']) && isset($url_arr['path'])) { $url = $url_arr['host'] . $url_arr['path']; } if (!empty($this->_params)) { ksort($this->_params); foreach ($this->_params as $key => $value) { $param_str .= $key . '=' . $value; } } //print $method.$url.$param_str.$secret_key."\n"; return md5($method . $url . $param_str . $secret_key); } } class RequestBase { //get请求方式 const METHOD_GET = 'get'; //post请求方式 const METHOD_POST = 'post'; /** * 发起一个get或post请求 * @param $url 请求的url * @param int $method 请求方式 * @param array $params 请求参数 * @param array $extra_conf curl配置, 高级需求可以用, 如 * $extra_conf = array( * CURLOPT_HEADER => true, * CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER = false * ) * @return bool|mixed 成功返回数据,失败返回false * @throws Exception */ public static function exec($url, $params = array(), $method = self::METHOD_GET, $extra_conf = array()) { $params = is_array($params) ? http_build_query($params) : $params; //如果是get请求,直接将参数附在url后面 if ($method == self::METHOD_GET) { $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . $params; } //默认配置 $curl_conf = array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, //请求url CURLOPT_HEADER => false, //不输出头信息 CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, //不输出返回数据 CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 3 // 连接超时时间 ); //配置post请求额外需要的配置项 if ($method == self::METHOD_POST) { //使用post方式 $curl_conf[CURLOPT_POST] = true; //post参数 $curl_conf[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $params; } //添加额外的配置 foreach ($extra_conf as $k => $v) { $curl_conf[$k] = $v; } $data = false; try { //初始化一个curl句柄 $curl_handle = curl_init(); //设置curl的配置项 curl_setopt_array($curl_handle, $curl_conf); //发起请求 $data = curl_exec($curl_handle); if ($data === false) { throw new Exception('CURL ERROR: ' . curl_error($curl_handle)); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } curl_close($curl_handle); return $data; } } ?>