'体验店',2 => '零售店',10 => '平台商城'); return Dever::render('out', $data); } public function list_api() { $status = Dever::db('shop/sell_order')->config['status_manage']; $start = Dever::input('start'); $end = Dever::input('end'); $fastart = Dever::input('fastart'); $faend = Dever::input('faend'); $fstart = Dever::input('fstart'); $fend = Dever::input('fend'); $cate = Dever::input('cate'); $name = Dever::input('goods_name'); $shop_name = Dever::input('shop_name'); $order_num = Dever::input('order_num'); if ($start) { $where['start'] = strtotime($start); } if ($end) { $where['end'] = strtotime($end)+86399; } if ($fastart) { $where['fastart'] = strtotime($fastart); } if ($faend) { $where['faend'] = strtotime($faend)+86399; } if ($fstart) { $where['fstart'] = strtotime($fstart); } if ($fend) { $where['fend'] = strtotime($fend)+86399; } if ($cate && $cate>0) { $where['shop_type'] = $cate; } if ($name) { $where['name'] = $name; } if ($shop_name) { $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find(array('name'=>$shop_name)); if ($shop) { $where['shop_id'] = $shop['id']; } } if ($order_num) { $where['order_num'] = $order_num; } $where['state'] = 1; $data = Dever::db('shop/sell_order')->getExcel($where); $header = array('门店类型', '门店编号', '门店名称', '订单号', '商品编码', '存货编码', '商品名称', '规格型号', '税率', '商品单价', '购买数量', '商品合计金额', '代理优惠金额', '商品实付金额', '礼品卡金额', '钱包金额','商品支付金额', '礼品卡名称', '礼品卡卡号', '代理商注册时间', '下单时间', '付款时间', '发货时间', '完成时间', '订单总数量', '订单总金额', '订单实付金额', '礼品卡金额', '钱包金额', '优惠券金额', '代理优惠金额', '订单状态', '退款状态', '退款时间', '退款金额','退卡金额','退现金金额', '收件人', '收件人手机', '收件人地址'); $body = array(); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $shop_type = ''; if ($v['shop_type'] == 1) { $shop_type = '体验店'; } elseif ($v['shop_type'] == 2) { $shop_type = '平台商城'; } $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find($v['shop_id']); $sid = ''; $shop_name = ''; if ($shop) { if (isset($shop['sid']) && $shop['sid'] ) { $sid = $shop['sid']; } if (isset($shop['name']) && $shop['name']) { $shop_name = $shop['name']; } } $v['card'] = ''; if ($v['card_code_id']) { $code = Dever::db('card/code')->find($v['card_code_id']); if ($code) { $card_info = Dever::db('card/info')->find($code['card_id']); if ($card_info) { if (!$code['total_cash']) { $code['total_cash'] = $card_info['value']; } $v['card'] = $card_info['name']; $v['card_code'] = $code['card']; } } } $zhuce = ''; $address_contact = ''; $address_mobile = ''; $address_info = ''; if ($v['address_id'] > 0) { $address = Dever::load('passport/address')->getOne($v['uid'], $v['address_id']); if($address) { $address_contact = $address['contact']; $address_mobile = $address['mobile']; $address_info = $address['address_info']; $member = Dever::db('agent/member')->find(array('mobile'=>$address['mobile'])); if ($member) { $zhuce = date('Y-m-d H:i',$member['cdate']); } } } $ps = Dever::db('shop/sell_order_ps')->find(array('order_id' => $v['id'])); $cdate = strstr($v['cdate'], '-') ? $v['cdate'] : date('Y-m-d H:i', $v['cdate']); $paydate = isset($v['paydate']) && $v['paydate'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i', $v['paydate']) : '-'; $operdate = ($ps && $ps['cdate']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i', $ps['cdate']) : '-'; $fdate = '-'; if ($v['fdate']) { $fdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['fdate']); } $refund_status = ''; $refund_cdate = ''; $refund_cash = ''; $ka = 0; $money = 0; $goods = Dever::db('shop/sell_order_goods')->select(Array('order_id'=>$v['id'])); foreach($goods as $k1 => $v1) { $goods_info = Dever::load('goods/lib/info')->getInfoBySku($v1['goods_id'], $v1['sku_id']); if (isset($goods_info['sku'])) { $sku = $goods_info['sku']['string']; } else { $sku = ''; } if ($k1 == 0) { $total_cash = Dever::load("shop/lib/manage.getTotalCash", $v['id']); } else { $total_cash = 0; } if ($v['status'] == 8 || $v['status'] == 6) { $refund_status = '已退款'; $refund_cash = $v1['price']*$v1['num']; if ($v['status'] == 8) { if ($v['refund_cash'] && $v['refund_cash']>0) { $money = $v['refund_cash']+$v['wallet_cash']; } if ($v['card_code_cash'] && $v['card_code_cash'] >0) { $ka = $v['card_code_cash']; } if ($k1 == 0) { $ka = $ka; $money = $money; } else { $ka = 0; $money = 0; } } elseif ($v['status'] == 6) { if ($v1['status'] == 3) { if ($v['card_code_id'] && $v['card_code_id'] >0) { $ka = $v['refund_cash']; } else { $money = $v['refund_cash']; } $refund_status = '已退款'; } else { $refund_status = '正常'; $refund_cash = 0; $ka = 0; $money = 0; } } // print_R($ka);die; $refund_cdate = ''; if ($v['shop_type'] == 1) { $refund = Dever::db('shop/sell_order_refund')->find(array('order_id'=>$v['id'])); if ($refund) { $refund_cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$refund['cdate']); } } } else { if ($v['refund_status'] == 3 && $v1['status'] == 3) { $refund_cash = $v1['num']*$v1['price']; if ($v['card_code_id'] && $v['card_code_id'] >0) { $ka = $v['refund_cash']; } else { $money = $v['refund_cash']; } // $refund_status = '已退款'; $refund_status = '有退款'; $refund_cdate = ''; if ($v['shop_type'] == 1) { $refund = Dever::db('shop/sell_order_refund')->find(array('order_id'=>$v['id'])); if ($refund) { $refund_cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$refund['cdate']); } } } else { $refund_cdate = ''; $refund_cash = '0'; $refund_status = '未退款'; } } // print_R($goods);die; // print_R($goods_info);die; if ($goods_info['price_type'] > 2 && isset($goods_info['goods']) && is_array($goods_info['goods'])) { $heji = 0; $heji = $this->total($goods,$v1['num']); // print_R($v);die; foreach ($goods_info['goods'] as $key => $val) { $dnum = round($val['num']*$v1['num'],2); $bili = round($val['price']*$dnum /$heji,2);#比例 // print_R($bili);die; $price_money = $val['price']*$dnum*$v['discount_cash'];#支付 if ($v['card_code_cash'] && $v['card_code_cash']>0){ $card_price = round(($v['card_code_cash']/$v['oprice']*($val['price']*$dnum)),2); } else { $card_price = 0; } $wallet_price = round(($v['wallet_cash']/$v['oprice']*($val['price']*$dnum)),2); $goodsfu = 0; if ($v1['discount_id']<=0) { $youhui = 0; if ($card_price + $wallet_price >=$val['price']*$dnum){ $goodsfu = 0; } elseif ($card_price + $wallet_price ==0) { $goodsfu = round($val['price']*$dnum,2); } else { $goodsfu = round($val['price']*$dnum-($card_price + $wallet_price),2); } // print_R($card_price);die; } else { $act = Dever::db('act/discount')->find($v['discount_id']); if ($act && $act['num']) { $act_num = $act['num']/10; } if ($card_price + $wallet_price == 0) { $goodsfu = round($val['price']*$dnum*$act_num,2); $youhui = round($val['price']*$dnum-$goodsfu); } elseif ($card_price + $wallet_price >=$val['price']*$dnum) { $goodsfu = 0; $youhui = round($val['price']*$dnum-$goodsfu-($card_price + $wallet_price),2); } else { $goodsfu = round($val['price']*$dnum-($card_price + $wallet_price),2); $youhui = round($val['price']*$dnum-$goodsfu,2); } // $youhui = ($val['price']*$dnum-($val['price']*$dnum/$heji)*$v1['price'])*$v1['num']; } // $goodsfu = $val['price']*$dnum-$youhui-$card_price-$wallet_price; if ($key == 0 && $k1 ==0) { $price = $v['price'];//round($v1['price']*$v1['num']-$v1['discount_cash'],2); $shifu = round($v['price'],2);//实付金额 $order_num = $v1['num'];#订单总数量 $oprice = $v['oprice'];//round($v1['price']*$v1['num'],2);#订单总金额 $coupon_cash = round($v1['coupon_cash'],2); $discount_cash = round($v1['discount_cash'],2); $card_code_cash = round($v['card_code_cash'],2); $wallet_cash = round($v['wallet_cash'],2); if ($v['status'] == 8) { $refund_cash = $refund_cash; $ka = $ka; $money = 0; } } else { $price = 0; $shifu = 0; $order_num = 0; $oprice = 0;#订单总金额 $coupon_cash = 0; $discount_cash = 0; $card_code_cash = 0; $wallet_cash = 0; if ($v['status'] == 8) { $refund_cash = 0; $ka = 0; $money = 0; } } $d = array ( $shop_type, $sid, $shop_name, $v['order_num'], $val['code']."\t", $goods_info['cunhuo_code']."\t", $val['name'].'('.$goods_info['name'].')', $sku, $goods_info['tax'], round($val['price'],2), $dnum, round(($val['price']*$dnum),2), round($youhui,2), $goodsfu, $card_price, $wallet_price, $price,//$price,//$price_money, $v['card'], $v['card_code_card']."\t", $zhuce, $cdate, $paydate, $operdate, $fdate, $order_num, $oprice, $price, $card_code_cash, $wallet_cash, $coupon_cash, $discount_cash, $status[$v['status']], $refund_status, $refund_cdate, round($refund_cash, 2), round($ka,2), round($money,2), $address_contact, $address_mobile, $address_info, ); $body[] = $d; } } else { if ($ka > 0 || $money > 0) { $st = Dever::db('shop/sell_order_goods')->find(Array('order_id'=>$v['id'],'status'=>3)); if ($v1['goods_id'] == $st['goods_id']) { $ka = round($ka,2); $money = round($money,2); } else { $ka = 0; $money = 0; } } if ($k1 == 0 ) { $discount_cash = round($v['discount_cash'],2); $card_code_cash = round($v['card_code_cash'],2); $wallet_cash = round($v['wallet_cash'],2); $zhifu = $v['price']; $total = $v['oprice']-($card_code_cash + $wallet_cash + $discount_cash+$zhifu); $order_num = $v['num'];//订单总数量 $oprice = round($v['oprice'],2);#订单总金额 $coupon_cash = round($v['coupon_cash'],2); // $ka = round($ka,2); // $money = round($money,2); } else { $discount_cash = 0; $card_code_cash = 0; $wallet_cash = 0; $total = 0; $zhifu = 0; $order_num = 0; $oprice = 0; $coupon_cash = 0; // $ka = 0; // $money = 0; } $dyouhui = round($v1['discount_cash'],2); $dcard_price = $v['card_code_cash']/$v['oprice']*($v1['price']*$v1['num']); $dwallet_price = $v['wallet_cash']/$v['oprice']*($v1['price']*$v1['num']); $dgoodsfu = $v1['price']*$v1['num']-$dyouhui-$dcard_price-$dwallet_price; // print_R($v1);die; // $dpaymoney = round($v1['price']/$v['oprice']*$v1['price']*$v1['num'],2); if ($dgoodsfu<0){ $dgoodsfu = 0; } // print_R($ka); $d = array ( $shop_type, $sid, $shop_name, $v['order_num'], $goods_info['code']."\t", $goods_info['cunhuo_code']."\t", $goods_info['name'], $sku, $goods_info['tax'], round($v1['price'],2), round($v1['num'],2), round(($v1['price']*$v1['num']),2), round($dyouhui,2), $dgoodsfu, $dcard_price, $dwallet_price, $zhifu,//$dgoodsfu,// $v['card'], $v['card_code_card']."\t", $zhuce, $cdate, $paydate, $operdate, $fdate, $order_num, sprintf('%01.2f',$total_cash), $zhifu, $card_code_cash, $wallet_cash, $coupon_cash,//优惠券 $discount_cash,//代理优惠 $status[$v['status']], $refund_status, $refund_cdate, round($refund_cash, 2), $ka, $money, $address_contact, $address_mobile, $address_info, ); $body[] = $d; } } } } if (!$body) { Dever::alert('此时段没有数据,请重新选择条件'); } $file = '商品销售相关数据'; return Dever::excelExport($body, $header, $file); } public function total($goods,$num){ if ($goods) { $price = 0; foreach ($goods as $k => $v) { $price += $v['price'] * $v['num']*$num; } return $price; } } public function duihuan_api() { $start = Dever::input('start'); $end = Dever::input('end'); $fastart = Dever::input('fastart'); $faend = Dever::input('faend'); $fstart = Dever::input('fstart'); $fend = Dever::input('fend'); $name = Dever::input('goods_name'); $shop_name = Dever::input('shop_name'); $order_num = Dever::input('order_num'); $parent_type = Dever::input('cate'); if ($start) { $where['start'] = strtotime($start); } if ($end) { $where['end'] = strtotime($end)+86399; } if ($fastart) { $where['fastart'] = strtotime($fastart); } if ($faend) { $where['faend'] = strtotime($faend)+86399; } if ($fstart) { $where['fstart'] = strtotime($fstart); } if ($fend) { $where['fend'] = strtotime($fend)+86399; } if ($parent_type && $parent_type>0) { $where['parent_type'] = $parent_type; } else { $where['parent_type'] = '1,3'; } if ($name) { $where['name'] = $name; } if ($shop_name) { $where['type'] = 1; $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find(array('name'=>$name)); if ($shop) { $where['type_id'] = $shop['id']; } } if ($order_num) { $where['order_num'] = $order_num; } $where['state'] = 1; $data = Dever::db('shop/buy_order')->getDui($where); $header = array('门店类型', '门店编号', '门店名称', '订单号', '商品编码', '存货编码', '商品名称', '规格型号', '税率', '商品单价', '购买数量', '商品合计金额', '代理商注册时间', '下单时间', '付款时间', '发货时间', '完成时间', '订单总数量', '订单总金额', '订单实付金额', '资金账户抵扣金额', '订单状态', '退款状态', '退款时间', '退款金额', '收件人', '收件人手机', '收件人地址'); $body = array(); if ($data) { foreach($data as $k => $v){ $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find($v['type_id']); if ($shop['type'] ==1) { $shop_type = '体验店'; } elseif ($shop['type'] ==10) { $shop_type = '平台商城'; } $zhuce = ''; $address_contact = ''; $address_mobile = ''; $address_info = ''; $shifu = 0; if ($v['parent_type'] == 3) { $parent_order = Dever::db('agent/dh_order')->find($v['parent_order_id']); $shifu = 0; $record_cash = 0; } else { $shifu = round($v['price'],2); $record_cash = round($v['record_cash'],2); } if ($v['type'] == 1) { $type_info = Dever::db('shop/info')->find($v['type_id']); } elseif ($info['type'] == 2) { $type_info = Dever::db('store/info')->find($v['type_id']); } elseif ($info['type'] == 3) { $type_info = Dever::db('store/info')->find($v['type_id']); } if (isset($parent_order) && $parent_order && isset($parent_order['uid']) && $parent_order['uid']) { if ($parent_order['address_id']) { $address = Dever::load('passport/address')->getOne($parent_order['uid'], $parent_order['address_id']); if($address) { $address_contact = $address['contact']; $address_mobile = $address['mobile']; $address_info = $address['address_info']; $member = Dever::db('agent/member')->find(array('mobile'=>$address['mobile'])); if ($member) { $zhuce = date('Y-m-d H:i',$member['cdate']); } } } } elseif (isset($type_info) && $type_info) { $address_contact = $type_info['truename']; $address_mobile = $type_info['mobile']; $address_info = $type_info['address']; } $goods = Dever::db('shop/buy_order_goods')->select(array('order_id' => $v['id'])); $goods_status = Dever::db('shop/buy_order_goods')->config['status']; foreach ($goods as $k1 => $v1) { $goods_info = Dever::load('goods/lib/info')->getInfoBySku($v1['goods_id'], $v1['sku_id']); if (isset($goods_info['sku'])) { $sku = $goods_info['sku']['string']; } else { $sku = ''; } if ($v['cdate']) { $cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['cdate']); } $fadate = ''; if ($v['fadate']) { $fadate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['fadate']); } $fdate = ''; if ($v['fdate']) { $fdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['fdate']); } if ($v1['status'] == 1) { $refund_status = '正常'; } elseif ($v1['status'] == 2) { $refund_status = '已申报'; } elseif ($v1['status'] == 3) { $refund_status = '已退款'; } $tk = Dever::db('shop/buy_order_refund')->find(array('order_id'=>$v['id'],'order_goods_id'=>$v1['id'])); $refund_cdate = '-'; if ($tk) { $refund_cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$tk['cdate']); } if ($k1 == 0) { $num = $v['num']; $order_price = round($v['price'],2); $shifu = $shifu; $record_cash = $record_cash; $refund_cash = round($v['refund_cash'],2); } else { $num = 0; $order_price = 0; $shifu = 0; $record_cash = 0; $refund_cash = 0; } $d = array ( $shop_type, $shop['sid'], $shop['name'], $v['order_num'], $goods_info['code']."\t", $goods_info['cunhuo_code']."\t", $goods_info['name'], $sku, $goods_info['tax'], round($v1['price'],2), round($v1['num'],2), round($v1['price']*$v1['num'],2), $zhuce, $cdate, $cdate, $fadate, $fdate, $num, $order_price, $shifu, $record_cash, $goods_status[$v1['status']], $refund_status, $refund_cdate, $refund_cash, $address_contact, $address_mobile, $address_info, ); $body[] = $d; } } } // print_R($body);die; if (!$body) { Dever::alert('此时段没有数据,请重新选择条件'); } $file = '代理商兑换订单'; return Dever::excelExport($body, $header, $file); } public function memberGoods_api() { $name = Dever::input('name'); $member_name = Dever::input('member_name'); $card_num = Dever::input('card_num'); $mobile = Dever::input('mobile'); $start = Dever::input('start'); $end = Dever::input('end'); $rstart = Dever::input('rstart'); $rend = Dever::input('end'); $cstart = Dever::input('cstart'); $cend = Dever::input('cend'); if ($card_num) { $code = Dever::db('card/code')->find(array('card'=>$card_num)); if ($code){ $where['sku_id'] = "t_1.sku_id=".$code['id']; } } if ($name) { $where['name'] = "t_1.name like '%$name%'"; } if ($cstart) { $where['cstart'] = 't_1.cdate+(360*86400)>='. strtotime($cstart); } if ($cend) { $where['cend'] = 't_1.cdate+(360*86400)<='.strtotime($cend)+86399; } if ($start) { $where['start'] = 't_1.cdate>='.strtotime($start); } if ($end) { $where['end'] = 't_1.cdate<='.strtotime($end)+86399; } if ($member_name) { $where['member_name'] = "t_2.name like '%$member_name%'"; } if ($mobile) { $where['mobile'] = 't_2.mobile='.$mobile; } if ($rstart) { $where['rstart'] = 't_2.cdate>='.strtotime($rstart); } if ($rend) { $where['rend'] = 't_2.cdate<='.strtotime($rend)+86399; } $where['t_1.state'] = 't_1.state=1'; $where['t_1.type'] = "t_1.type in (1,2)"; $header = array('权益名称','会员等级','姓名','手机号','卡号','类型','数量','单件价值','总价值','已兑换价值','已使用价值','未兑换价值','未使用价值','备注','获取方式','获取时间','代理商注册时间','礼品卡有效期'); $body = array(); if ($where) { $where = implode(' and ', $where); $data = Dever::db('agent/member_goods')->fetchAll("select t_1.*,t_2.id as aid from churen_agent_member_goods as t_1 left join churen_agent_member as t_2 on t_1.mid = t_2.id where " . $where,array(),array(20, 'list')); if ($data) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $role_name = ''; $member_name = ''; $member_mobile = ''; $member = Dever::db('agent/member')->find($v['mid']); if ($member) { $member_cdate = '-'; if($member['cdate']){ $member_cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$member['cdate']); } $member_name = $member['name']; $member_mobile = $member['mobile']; $role = Dever::db('setting/role')->find($member['role']); if ($role) { $role_name = $role['name']; } } $wd = ($v['total_num'] - $v['sell_num'])*$v['price']; $yd = $v['sell_num']*$v['price']; $card = '-'; $mianzhi = '0'; $money = '-'; $youxiao = ''; $leitype = '发放权益'; if($v['type'] == 2){ $code = Dever::db('card/code')->find($v['sku_id']); if($code){ $card_info = Dever::db('card/info')->find($code['card_id']); if ($card_info && $card_info['end_dh_day']) { $youxiao = date('Y-m-d H:i',strtotime(+ $card_info['end_dh_day'].'day',$code['bdate'])); } $card = $code['card']."\t"; $mianzhi = $code['use_cash']; } } $wy = $v['cash'] - $mianzhi; $desc = ''; $member_goods_log = Dever::db('agent/member_goods_log')->getOne(array('type'=>$v['type'],'type_id'=>$v['type_id'],'sku_id'=>$v['sku_id'],'state'=>1)); if($member_goods_log && $member_goods_log['desc']){ $desc = $member_goods_log['desc']; } $d = array ( $v['name'], $role_name, $member_name, $member_mobile, $card, $leitype, $v['total_num'], $v['price'], $v['cash'], $yd, $mianzhi, $wd, $wy, $desc, '', date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['cdate']), $member_cdate, $youxiao, ); $body[] = $d; } } } if (!$body) { Dever::alert('此时段没有数据,请重新选择条件'); } $file = '代理商权益'; return Dever::excelExport($body, $header, $file); } #代理商权益发放使用兑换明细 public function mingxi_api() { $name = Dever::input('name'); $mobile = Dever::input('mobile'); $card_num = Dever::input('card_num'); $shop_name = Dever::input('shop_name'); $shop_num = Dever::input('shop_num'); $order_num = Dever::input('order_num'); $start = Dever::input('start'); $end = Dever::input('end'); $type = Dever::input('type'); if ($name) { $where['name'] = $name; } if ($mobile) { $where['mobile'] = $mobile; } if ($card_num) { $code = Dever::db('card/code')->find(array('card'=>$card_num)); if ($code){ $where['sku_id'] = $code['id']; } } if ($shop_name) { $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find(array('name'=>$shop_name)); $where['shop_id'] = $shop['id']; } if ($shop_num) { $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->fetch('select * from churen_shop_info where sid = '.$shop_num.' and state = 1'); $where['shop_id'] = $shop['id']; } // print_R($where['shop_id']);die; if ($order_num) { $sell_order = Dever::db('shop/sell_order')->find(array('order_num'=>$order_num)); $where['sku_id'] = $sell_order['card_code_id']; } if ($start) { $where['start'] = strtotime($start); } if ($end) { $where['end'] = strtotime($end)+86399; } if ($type) { $where['types'] = $type; } $header = array('日期','权益名称','会员等级','姓名','手机号','卡号','类型','数量','单件价值','总价值','门店类型','门店编号','门店名称','关联平台商城订单号','备注','获取方式','获取时间','代理商注册时间','礼品卡有效期'); $body = array(); $where['type'] = '1,2'; $data = Dever::db('agent/member_goods')->getMingxi($where); $res = array('发放权益','兑换权益','使用权益'); // print_R($data);die; $rest = array(); if ($where['types'] == -1) { foreach ($res as $a => $b ){ foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $v['leixing'] = $b; $rest[] = $v; } } } elseif ($where['types'] == 1) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $v['leixing'] = '发放权益'; $rest[] = $v; } } elseif ($where['types'] == 2) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $v['leixing'] = '兑换权益'; $rest[] = $v; } } elseif ($where['types'] == 3) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $v['leixing'] = '使用权益'; $rest[] = $v; } } foreach ($rest as $k => $v) { $data[$k]['cdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i',$v['cdate']); // foreach ($res as $a => $b) { // $data[$k]['leixing'] = $b; $member_goods_name = ''; if (isset($v['name']) && $v['name']) { $member_goods_name = $v['name']; } $total_num = ''; if(isset($v['total_num']) && $v['total_num']) { $total_num = $v['total_num']; } $price = ''; if (isset($v['price']) && $v['price']) { $price = $v['price']; } $cash = ''; if (isset($v['cash']) && $v['cash']) { $cash = $v['cash']; } $role_name = ''; $member_name = ''; $member_mobile = ''; $member_cdate = '-'; $member = Dever::db('agent/member')->find($v['mid']); if ($member) { if($member['cdate']){ $member_cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i',$member['cdate']); } $member_name = $member['name']; $member_mobile = $member['mobile']; $role = Dever::db('setting/role')->find($member['role']); if ($role) { $role_name = $role['name']; } } $card = ''; $youxiao = ''; if ($v['type'] == 2){ $code = Dever::db('card/code')->find($v['sku_id']); if($code){ $card_info = Dever::db('card/info')->find($code['card_id']); if ($card_info && $card_info['end_dh_day']) { $youxiao = date('Y-m-d H:i',strtotime(+ $card_info['end_dh_day'].'day',$code['bdate'])); } $card = $code['card']."\t"; } } $desc = ''; $member_goods_log = Dever::db('agent/member_goods_log')->getOne(array('type'=>$v['type'],'type_id'=>$v['type_id'],'sku_id'=>$v['sku_id'],'state'=>1)); if($member_goods_log && $member_goods_log['desc']){ $desc = $member_goods_log['desc']; } $dui['mid'] = $v['mid']; if (isset($where['start']) && $where['start']) { $dui['start'] = $where['start']; } if (isset($where['end']) && $where['end']) { $dui['end'] = $where['end']; } $dh_order_ps = Dever::db('agent/dh_order_ps')->getDui($dui); if ($where['types'] == 2 || $where['types'] == -1) { // $v['leixing'] = '' if ($dh_order_ps) { // $data[$k]['leixing'] = '兑换权益'; foreach ($dh_order_ps as $k =>$v) { $dh_order = Dever::db('agent/dh_order')->find($v['order_id']); if ($dh_order && isset($dh_order['info']) && $dh_order['info']){ $desc = $dh_order['info']; } } } } $shop_name = ''; $shop_type = ''; $shop_sid = ''; $order_num = ''; if (isset($where['shop_id']) && $where['shop_id']) { $where['types'] = 3; $w2['shop_id'] = $where['shop_id']; if (isset($where['start']) && $where['start']) { $w2['start'] = $where['start']; } if (isset($where['end']) && $where['end']) { $w2['end'] = $where['end']; } $sell_order = Dever::db('shop/sell_order')->getOutOne($w2); if ($sell_order) { if ($where['types'] == 3 || $where['types'] == -1){ $w = $this->common($sell_order); if ($w) { $shop_name = $w['shop_name']; $shop_type = $w['shop_type']; $shop_sid = $w['shop_sid']; $order_num = $w['order_num']; } } } } else { if (isset($v['sku_id']) && $v['sku_id']){ $w1['card_code_id'] = $v['sku_id']; if (isset($where['start']) && $where['start']) { $w1['start'] = $where['start']; } if (isset($where['end']) && $where['end']) { $w1['end'] = $where['end']; } $sell_order = Dever::db('shop/sell_order')->getOutOne($w1); if ($sell_order) { if ($where['types'] == 3 || $where['types'] == -1) { $w = $this->common($sell_order); if ($w) { $shop_name = $w['shop_name']; $shop_type = $w['shop_type']; $shop_sid = $w['shop_sid']; $order_num = $w['order_num']; } } } } } $d = array ( $data[$k]['cdate'], $member_goods_name, $role_name, $member_name, $member_mobile, $card, $v['leixing'], $total_num, $price, $cash, $shop_type, $shop_sid, $shop_name, $order_num, $desc, '', $data[$k]['cdate'], $member_cdate, $youxiao, ); $body[] = $d; } if (!$body) { Dever::alert('此时段没有数据,请重新选择条件'); } $file = '代理商权益明细'; return Dever::excelExport($body, $header, $file); } public function common($sell_order) { $w = array(); $w['order_num'] = $sell_order['order_num']; $shop = Dever::db('shop/info')->find($sell_order['shop_id']); if ($shop) { $w['shop_name'] = $shop['name']; $w['shop_sid'] = $shop['sid']; if ($shop['type'] = 1) { $w['shop_type'] = '体验店'; } elseif ($shop['type'] = 2) { $w['shop_type'] = '零售店'; } elseif ($shop['type'] = 10) { $w['shop_type'] = '平台商城'; } } return $w; } }