/* ================================================================================ * sg.js v1.0 * http://git.shemic.com/sg/script * ================================================================================ * Copyright 2018-2020 Dever(dever.cc) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ================================================================================ */ var host = 'http://sg.5dev.cn/'; document.write(''); document.write(''); var SG = { id : '#pay', layui : '', product_name : '#product_name', amount : '#amount', prefix : 'Pay with ', submit : 'pay', url : host + 'payment/?l=api.get&json=1&callback=?', method : { 'credit' : { 'id' : 21 ,'name' : 'credit cards' ,'type' : 'page2' } ,'sadad' : { 'id' : 4 ,'name' : 'sadad' ,'type' : 'redirection' } ,'naps' : { 'id' : 3 ,'name' : 'naps' ,'type' : 'redirection' } /* ,'installments_page' : { 'id' : 12 ,'name' : 'installments page' ,'type' : 'page' } */ ,'installments' : { 'id' : 2 ,'name' : 'installments' ,'type' : 'redirection' } }, Html : function() { var self = this; var html = ''; html = self.CreateFormItem(html, 'Pay Method'); html += self.CreateFormItem(''+self.submit+''); if (self.layui.$(self.id).length) { self.layui.$(self.id).html(html); self.Init('#sg-submit', '#sg-method'); self.layui.form.render('select'); } } ,Notify : function(res) { alert(222); } ,Init : function(submit, value) { var self = this; self.layui.$(submit).bind('click', function() { var key = self.layui.$(value).val(); var method = self.method[key]; if (method.type == 'page2') { self.ShowPage(key, method); } else { self.Submit(key, method); } }); } ,ShowPage : function(key, method) { var self = this; var html = self.CreatePage(); self.layui.layer.alert(html, { area: ['auto', '600px'], title : 'notice' //,skin: 'layui-layer-lan' //样式类名 ,closeBtn: 0 ,btn: [self.submit, 'close'] ,success: function(layero, index){ self.layui.form.render('select'); } }, function() { var state = self.CheckPageParam(key, method).validateCcForm(); if (state) { self.Submit(key, method); } }); } ,CreatePage : function() { var self = this; var html = '
'; html += self.CreateFormItemInput('card_holder_name', 'Card Holder\'s Name', 'Card Name'); html += self.CreateFormItemInput('card_number', 'Debit/Credit Card Number', 'Card Number'); var option = { 'Jan (01)' : '01', 'Feb (02)' : '02', 'Mar (03)' : '03', 'Apr (04)' : '04', 'May (05)' : '05', 'June (06)' : '06', 'July (07)' : '07', 'Aug (08)' : '08', 'Sep (09)' : '09', 'Oct (10)' : '10', 'Nov (11)' : '11', 'Dec (12)' : '12', }; html += self.CreateFormItemSelect('expiry_month', 'Expiration Month', 'Expiration Month', option); var date = new Date; var year = date.getFullYear(); var total = 10; var option = {}; for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) { option[year + i] = year + i - 2000; } html += self.CreateFormItemSelect('expiry_year', 'Expiration Year', 'Expiration Year', option); html += self.CreateFormItemInput('cvv', 'Security Code', 'Card CVV'); html += '
'; return html; } ,Submit : function(key, method) { if (location.href.indexOf('?status=') != -1) { var refer = location.href.split('?status='); var refer = refer[0]; } else if (location.href.indexOf('&status=') != -1) { var refer = location.href.split('&status='); var refer = refer[0]; } else { var refer = location.href; } var self = this; var param = {}; param.type = method.id; param.refer = refer; param.product_name = self.layui.$(self.product_name).val(); param.amount = parseInt(self.layui.$(self.amount).val()); self.layui.$.ajax({ url: self.url, type: 'post', dataType: 'jsonp', data: param, success: function (response) { if (response.status == 1 && response.data && response.data.form) { self.layui.$(self.id).append(response.data.form); if (method.type == 'page2') { var expDate = self.layui.$('#expiry_year').val()+''+self.layui.$('#expiry_month').val(); var params = {}; params.card_holder_name = self.layui.$('#card_holder_name').val(); params.card_number = self.layui.$('#card_number').val(); params.expiry_date = expDate; params.card_security_code = self.layui.$('#cvv').val(); self.layui.$.each(params, function(k, v){ self.layui.$('').attr({ type: 'hidden', id: k, name: k, value: v }).appendTo('#sg-form'); }); self.Click(); } else if (method.type == 'page') { } else { self.Click(); } /* if(response.paymentMethod == 'cc_merchantpage' || response.paymentMethod == 'installments_merchantpage') { showMerchantPage(response.url); } */ } } }); } ,Click : function() { var self = this; self.layui.$('#sg-form input[type=submit]').click(); } ,CheckPageParam : function(key, method) { var self = this; var payfortFort = self.CheckPayFort(); return { validateCcForm: function () { this.hideError(); var isValid = payfortFort.validateCardHolderName(self.layui.$('#card_holder_name')); if(!isValid) { this.showError('Invalid Card Holder Name', '#card_holder_name'); return false; } isValid = payfortFort.validateCreditCard(self.layui.$('#card_number')); if(!isValid) { this.showError('Invalid Credit Card Number', '#card_number'); return false; } isValid = payfortFort.validateCvc(self.layui.$('#cvv')); if(!isValid) { this.showError('Invalid Card CVV', '#cvv'); return false; } return true; }, showError: function(msg, id) { self.layui.layer.tips(msg, id, { tips: [2, '#3595CC'], time: 3000 }); }, hideError: function() { return; } }; } ,CheckPayFort : function() { var self = this; return { validateCreditCard: function(element) { var isValid = false; var eleVal = self.layui.$(element).val(); eleVal = this.trimString(element.val()); eleVal = eleVal.replace(/\s+/g, ''); self.layui.$(element).val(eleVal); isValid = self.ValidateCreditCard(eleVal); return isValid; }, validateCardHolderName: function(element) { self.layui.$(element).val(this.trimString(element.val())); var cardHolderName = self.layui.$(element).val(); if(!cardHolderName || cardHolderName.length > 50) { return false; } return true; }, validateCvc: function(element) { self.layui.$(element).val(this.trimString(element.val())); var cvc = self.layui.$(element).val(); if(!cvc || cvc.length > 4 || cvc.length == 0) { return false; } if(!this.isPosInteger(cvc)) { return false; } return true; }, isDefined: function(variable) { if (typeof (variable) === 'undefined' || typeof (variable) === null) { return false; } return true; }, trimString: function(str){ return str.trim(); }, isPosInteger: function(data) { var objRegExp = /(^\d*$)/; return objRegExp.test( data ); } }; } ,CreateFormItemSelect : function(id, info, title, option) { var html = ''; var style = 'float: left;padding-left: 0px;padding-top: 5px;'; return this.CreateFormItem(html, title, style); } ,CreateFormItemInput : function(id, info, title) { var html = ''; var style = 'float: left;padding-left: 0px;padding-top: 5px;'; return this.CreateFormItem(html, title, style); } ,CreateFormItem : function(content, title, style) { if (style) { var attr = 'style="'+style+'"'; } else { var attr = 'class="layui-form-label"'; } if (title) { title = ''; } else { title = ''; } var html = '
' + content + '
'; return html; } ,getUrlParameter : function(sParam) { var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1]; } } } ,ValidateCreditCard : function(card) { var self = this; var card_types = [ { name: 'amex', pattern: /^3[47]/, valid_length: [15] }, { name: 'diners_club_carte_blanche', pattern: /^30[0-5]/, valid_length: [14] }, { name: 'diners_club_international', pattern: /^36/, valid_length: [14] }, { name: 'jcb', pattern: /^35(2[89]|[3-8][0-9])/, valid_length: [16] }, { name: 'laser', pattern: /^(6304|670[69]|6771)/, valid_length: [16, 17, 18, 19] }, { name: 'visa_electron', pattern: /^(4026|417500|4508|4844|491(3|7))/, valid_length: [16] }, { name: 'visa', pattern: /^4/, valid_length: [16] }, { name: 'mastercard', pattern: /^5[1-5]/, valid_length: [16] }, { name: 'maestro', pattern: /^(5018|5020|5038|6304|6759|676[1-3])/, valid_length: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] }, { name: 'discover', pattern: /^(6011|622(12[6-9]|1[3-9][0-9]|[2-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-1][0-9]|92[0-5]|64[4-9])|65)/, valid_length: [16] } ]; for (var i in card_types) { state = self.CheckCardMatch(card, card_types[i]); if (state) { state = self.CheckCardLength(card, card_types[i]); if (state) { return true; } } } return false; } ,CheckCardMatch : function(card, item) { if (card.match(item.pattern)) { return true; } else { return false; } } ,CheckCardLength : function(card, item) { var length = card.length; for (var i in item.valid_length) { if (item.valid_length[i] == length) { return true; } } return false; } }