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Secure Spreadsheet

🔥 Secure your data exports - encrypt and password protect sensitive XLSX files

The Office Open XML format provides a standard for encryption and password protection

Works with Excel, Numbers, and LibreOffice Calc

Build Status


To install the package:

Run composer require nick322/secure-spreadsheet to add the package to your project.

Or run composer global require nick322/secure-spreadsheet to add the package to your system.

This will automatically install the package to your vendor folder.


In cli

secure-spreadsheet run --password=1 --input=/Users/nick/Encryptor/Book1.xlsx --output=/Users/nick/Encryptor/bb.xlsx

In php

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Nick\SecureSpreadsheet\Encrypt;

$test = new Encrypt();

If you want to only use memory/variable output and input, and no file interaction

$test = new Encrypt($nofile = true);
$output = $test->input($binaryData)


Thanks to xlsx-populate for providing the encryption and password protection.


View the changelog


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:

To get started with development:

git clone https://github.com/nick322/secure-spreadsheet.git
cd secure-spreadsheet