host = ''; $this->url = "http://{$this->host}"; $this->serverDir = __DIR__.'/resources'; $this->servingProcess = new Process("php -S {$this->host} -t {$this->serverDir}"); $this->servingProcess->start(); // Chrome doesn't support Linux sandbox on many CI environments // See: $this->browserOptions = ['args' => ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']]; if ($this->canPopulateProperty('browser')) { $this->browser = (new Puppeteer)->launch($this->browserOptions); } } public function tearDown(): void { if (isset($this->browser)) { $this->browser->close(); } $this->servingProcess->stop(0); } /** @test */ public function can_browse_website() { $response = $this->browser->newPage()->goto($this->url); $this->assertTrue($response->ok(), 'Failed asserting that the response is successful.'); } /** * @test */ public function can_use_method_aliases() { $page = $this->browser->newPage(); $page->goto($this->url); $select = function($resource) { $elements = [ $resource->querySelector('h1'), $resource->querySelectorAll('h1')[0], $resource->querySelectorXPath('/html/body/h1')[0], ]; $this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(ElementHandle::class, $elements); }; $evaluate = function($resource) { $strings = [ $resource->querySelectorEval('h1', JsFunction::createWithBody('return "Hello World!";')), $resource->querySelectorAllEval('h1', JsFunction::createWithBody('return "Hello World!";')), ]; foreach ($strings as $string) { $this->assertEquals('Hello World!', $string); } }; // Test method aliases for Page, Frame and ElementHandle classes $resources = [$page, $page->mainFrame(), $page->querySelector('body')]; foreach ($resources as $resource) { $select($resource); $evaluate($resource); } } /** @test */ public function can_evaluate_a_selection() { $page = $this->browser->newPage(); $page->goto($this->url); $title = $page->querySelectorEval('h1', JsFunction::createWithParameters(['node']) ->body('return node.textContent;')); $titleCount = $page->querySelectorAllEval('h1', JsFunction::createWithParameters(['nodes']) ->body('return nodes.length;')); $this->assertEquals('Example Page', $title); $this->assertEquals(1, $titleCount); } /** @test */ public function can_intercept_requests() { $page = $this->browser->newPage(); $page->setRequestInterception(true); $page->on('request', JsFunction::createWithParameters(['request']) ->body('request.resourceType() === "stylesheet" ? request.abort() : request.continue()')); $page->goto($this->url); $backgroundColor = $page->querySelectorEval('h1', JsFunction::createWithParameters(['node']) ->body('return getComputedStyle(node).textTransform')); $this->assertNotEquals('lowercase', $backgroundColor); } /** * @test * @dontPopulateProperties browser */ public function check_all_resources_are_supported() { $incompleteResources = []; $resourceInstanciator = new ResourceInstanciator($this->browserOptions, $this->url); foreach ($resourceInstanciator->getResourceNames() as $name) { $resource = $resourceInstanciator->{$name}(new Puppeteer, $this->browserOptions); if ($resource instanceof UntestableResource) { $incompleteResources[$name] = $resource; } else if ($resource instanceof RiskyResource) { if (!empty($resource->exception())) { $incompleteResources[$name] = $resource; } else { try { $this->assertInstanceOf("Nesk\\Puphpeteer\\Resources\\$name", $resource->value()); } catch (ExpectationFailedException $exception) { $incompleteResources[$name] = $resource; } } } else { $this->assertInstanceOf("Nesk\\Puphpeteer\\Resources\\$name", $resource); } } if (empty($incompleteResources)) return; $incompleteText = "The following resources have not been tested properly, probably" ." for good reasons but you might want to have a look:"; foreach ($incompleteResources as $name => $resource) { if ($resource instanceof UntestableResource) { $reason = "Marked as untestable"; } else if ($resource instanceof RiskyResource) { if (!empty($exception = $resource->exception())) { $reason = "Marked as risky because of a Node error: {$exception->getMessage()}"; } else { $value = print_r($resource->value(), true); $reason = "Marked as risky because of an unexpected value: $value"; } } else { $reason = "Unknow reason"; } $incompleteText .= "\n • $name - $reason"; } $this->markTestIncomplete($incompleteText); } /** * @test * @dontPopulateProperties browser */ public function browser_console_calls_are_logged() { $setups = [ [false, function ($browser) { return $browser->newPage(); }, 'Received data from the port'], [true, function ($browser) { return $browser->newPage(); }, 'Received a Browser log:'], [true, function ($browser) { return $browser->pages()[0]; }, 'Received a Browser log:'], ]; foreach ($setups as [$shoulLogBrowserConsole, $pageFactory, $startsWith]) { $puppeteer = new Puppeteer([ 'log_browser_console' => $shoulLogBrowserConsole, 'logger' => $this->loggerMock( $this->at(9), $this->isLogLevel(), $this->stringStartsWith($startsWith) ), ]); $this->browser = $puppeteer->launch($this->browserOptions); $pageFactory($this->browser)->goto($this->url); } } }