# clue/socket-raw [![CI status](https://github.com/clue/socket-raw/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/clue/socket-raw/actions) [![installs on Packagist](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/clue/socket-raw?color=blue&label=installs%20on%20Packagist)](https://packagist.org/packages/clue/socket-raw) Simple and lightweight OOP wrapper for PHP's low-level sockets extension (ext-sockets). PHP offers two networking APIs, the newer [streams API](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.stream.php) and the older [socket API](https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sockets.php). While the former has been a huge step forward in generalizing various streaming resources, it lacks some of the advanced features of the original and much more low-level socket API. This lightweight library exposes this socket API in a modern way by providing a thin wrapper around the underlying API. * **Full socket API** - It exposes the whole [socket API](https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sockets.php) through a *sane* object-oriented interface. Provides convenience methods for common operations as well as exposing all underlying methods and options. * **Fluent interface** - Uses a fluent interface so you can easily chain method calls. Error conditions will be signalled using `Exception`s instead of relying on cumbersome return codes. * **Lightweight, SOLID design** - Provides a thin abstraction that is [*just good enough*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_good_enough) and does not get in your way. This library is merely a very thin wrapper and has no other external dependencies. * **Good test coverage** - Comes with an automated test suite and is regularly tested in the *real world*. **Table of contents** * [Support us](#support-us) * [Quickstart example](#quickstart-example) * [Usage](#usage) * [Factory](#factory) * [createClient()](#createclient) * [createServer()](#createserver) * [create*()](#create) * [Socket](#socket) * [Methods](#methods) * [Data I/O](#data-io) * [Unconnected I/O](#unconnected-io) * [Non-blocking (async) I/O](#non-blocking-async-io) * [Connection handling](#connection-handling) * [Install](#install) * [Tests](#tests) * [License](#license) ## Support us We invest a lot of time developing, maintaining and updating our awesome open-source projects. You can help us sustain this high-quality of our work by [becoming a sponsor on GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/clue). Sponsors get numerous benefits in return, see our [sponsoring page](https://github.com/sponsors/clue) for details. Let's take these projects to the next level together! 🚀 ## Quickstart example Once [installed](#install), you can use the following example to send and receive HTTP messages: ```php $factory = new \Socket\Raw\Factory(); $socket = $factory->createClient('www.google.com:80'); echo 'Connected to ' . $socket->getPeerName() . PHP_EOL; // send simple HTTP request to remote side $socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\Host: www.google.com\r\n\r\n"); // receive and dump HTTP response var_dump($socket->read(8192)); $socket->close(); ``` See also the [examples](examples). ## Usage ### Factory As shown in the [quickstart example](#quickstart-example), this library uses a `Factory` pattern as a simple API to [`socket_create()`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.socket-create.php). It provides simple access to creating TCP, UDP, UNIX, UDG and ICMP protocol sockets and supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. ```php $factory = new \Socket\Raw\Factory(); ``` #### createClient() The `createClient(string $address, null|float $timeout): Socket` method is the most convenient method for creating connected client sockets (similar to how [`fsockopen()`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fsockopen.php) or [`stream_socket_client()`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-client.php) work). ```php // establish a TCP/IP stream connection socket to www.google.com on port 80 $socket = $factory->createClient('tcp://www.google.com:80'); // same as above, as scheme defaults to TCP $socket = $factory->createClient('www.google.com:80'); // same as above, but wait no longer than 2.5s for connection $socket = $factory->createClient('www.google.com:80', 2.5); // create connectionless UDP/IP datagram socket connected to google's DNS $socket = $factory->createClient('udp://'); // establish TCP/IPv6 stream connection socket to localhost on port 1337 $socket = $factory->createClient('tcp://[::1]:1337'); // connect to local Unix stream socket path $socket = $factory->createClient('unix:///tmp/daemon.sock'); // create Unix datagram socket $socket = $factory->createClient('udg:///tmp/udg.socket'); // create a raw low-level ICMP socket (requires root!) $socket = $factory->createClient('icmp://'); ``` #### createServer() The `createServer($address)` method can be used to create a server side (listening) socket bound to specific address/path (similar to how [`stream_socket_server()`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-server.php) works). It accepts the same addressing scheme as the [`createClient()`](#createclient) method. ```php // create a TCP/IP stream connection socket server on port 1337 $socket = $factory->createServer('tcp://localhost:1337'); // create a UDP/IPv6 datagram socket server on port 1337 $socket = $factory->createServer('udp://[::1]:1337'); ``` #### create*() Less commonly used, the `Factory` provides access to creating (unconnected) sockets for various socket types: ```php $socket = $factory->createTcp4(); $socket = $factory->createTcp6(); $socket = $factory->createUdp4(); $socket = $factory->createUdp6(); $socket = $factory->createUnix(); $socket = $factory->createUdg(); $socket = $factory->createIcmp4(); $socket = $factory->createIcmp6(); ``` You can also create arbitrary socket protocol types through the underlying mechanism: ```php $factory->create($family, $type, $protocol); ``` ### Socket As discussed above, the `Socket` class is merely an object-oriented wrapper around a socket resource. As such, it helps if you're familar with socket programming in general. The recommended way to create a `Socket` instance is via the above [`Factory`](#factory). #### Methods All low-level socket operations are available as methods on the `Socket` class. You can refer to PHP's fairly good [socket API documentation](https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sockets.php) or the docblock comments in the [`Socket` class](src/Socket.php) to get you started. ##### Data I/O: ``` $socket->write('data'); $data = $socket->read(8192); ``` ##### Unconnected I/O: ``` $socket->sendTo('data', $flags, $remote); $data = $socket->rcvFrom(8192, $flags, $remote); ``` ##### Non-blocking (async) I/O: ``` $socket->setBlocking(false); $socket->selectRead(); $socket->selectWrite(); ``` ##### Connection handling: ```php $client = $socket->accept(); $socket->bind($address); $socket->connect($address); $socket->shutdown(); $socket->close(); ``` ## Install The recommended way to install this library is [through Composer](https://getcomposer.org/). [New to Composer?](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) This project follows [SemVer](https://semver.org/). This will install the latest supported version: ```bash $ composer require clue/socket-raw:^1.6 ``` See also the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for details about version upgrades. This project aims to run on any platform and thus does not require any PHP extensions besides `ext-sockets` and supports running on legacy PHP 5.3 through current PHP 8+. It's *highly recommended to use the latest supported PHP version* for this project. ## Tests To run the test suite, you first need to clone this repo and then install all dependencies [through Composer](https://getcomposer.org/): ```bash $ composer install ``` To run the test suite, go to the project root and run: ```bash $ vendor/bin/phpunit ``` Note that the test suite contains tests for ICMP sockets which require root access on Unix/Linux systems. Therefor some tests will be skipped unless you run the following command to execute the full test suite: ```bash $ sudo vendor/bin/phpunit ``` The test suite also contains a number of functional integration tests that rely on a stable internet connection. If you do not want to run these, they can simply be skipped like this: ```bash $ vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group internet ``` ## License This project is released under the permissive [MIT license](LICENSE). > Did you know that I offer custom development services and issuing invoices for sponsorships of releases and for contributions? Contact me (@clue) for details.