#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ demeter core name:demeter.py author:rabin """ import pexpect from pexpect import replwrap, EOF class MysqlWrapper(replwrap.REPLWrapper): def __init__(self, cmd_or_spawn, orig_prompt, prompt_change, extra_init_cmd=None, line_output_callback=None): self.line_output_callback = line_output_callback replwrap.REPLWrapper.__init__(self, cmd_or_spawn, orig_prompt, prompt_change, extra_init_cmd=extra_init_cmd) def _expect_prompts(self, timeout=-1): if timeout == None: while True: pos = self.child.expect_exact([self.prompt, self.continuation_prompt, u'\r\n'], timeout=None) if pos == 2: self.line_output_callback(self.child.before) else: if len(self.child.before) != 0: self.line_output_callback(self.child.before) break else: pos = replwrap.REPLWrapper._expect_prompt(self, timeout=timeout) return pos def output(content): print content if __name__ == '__main__': user = 'root' ip = '' port = '3309' password = '123456' child = pexpect.spawn('mysql -u%s -h%s -P%s -p%s' % (user, ip, port,password)) py = MysqlWrapper(child, u"mysql>", None,extra_init_cmd=None,line_output_callback=output) #py.run_command("show databases;", timeout=None) outout = py.run_command("use dever;select * from plant_forum_posts;", timeout=None) print py.child.before """ child = pexpect.spawn('mysql -u%s -h%s -P%s -p' % (user, ip, port)) child.expect ('password:') child.sendline (password) child.expect('mysql>') child.sendline('show databases;') child.expect('mysql>') child.sendline('use dever;') print child.after # Print the result of the ls command. #child.interact() # Give control of the child to the user. """