/** * @version 7.10 [rev.7.10.03] */ @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arimo:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Arimo", Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; color: #333333; background: #fdfdfd; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0.75em; } h1 { font-size: 28px; } h2 { font-size: 24px; } h3 { font-size: 20px; } h4 { font-size: 18px; } img { border: 0; border: none; } a { color: #248EC7; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FFFFFF; } a:hover, a:focus { color: #777; text-decoration: none; } hr { border-top: 1px solid #ddd; margin: 4px 0 2px; } input:focus, select:focus, textarea:focus, button:focus { outline: none; } /* -- logo left (layout) -- */ .logo { float: left; width: 28%; margin: 19px 2% 5px 0; } .logo img { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } /* -- header content (layout) -- */ .header-content { width: 70%; float: left; position: relative; padding: 20px 0 15px; } .header-content .welcome-message { padding-left: 25px; } /* -- main navigation (layout) -- */ .header-content .navbar { margin-bottom: 0; border: transparent; background-color: transparent; } .header-content .navbar-nav > li > a { color: #248EC7; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; } .header-content .navbar-nav > li > a:focus, .header-content .navbar-nav > li > a:hover { color: #777; background-color: transparent; } .header-content .navbar-nav > .active > a { background-color: transparent; } .header-content .navbar-right { margin-right: 0; } /* headline */ .headline { border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; line-height: normal; padding-bottom: 7px; } h1.headline span, h2.headline span { border-bottom: 4px solid #dedede; padding-bottom: 8px; } h3.headline span, h4.headline span { border-bottom: 2px solid #e0e0e0; padding-bottom: 8px; } /* -- home page headlines -- */ .home-page h1 { font-size: 28px; margin: 0 0 22px; color: #121214; font-weight: 200; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: center; } .home-page h2 { font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; } /* -- search bar (layout) -- */ .search-bar { border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; background-color: #f6f6f6; position: relative; height: 50px; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } /* search bar browse drop-down menu (layout) */ .browse-menu { height: 50px; border-right: 1px solid #f1f1f1; float: left; } .browse-menu a { display: block; color: #333; line-height: 48px; padding-left: 8px; font-weight: bold; } .browse-menu i { padding-left: 4px; } #browse-content a:hover { color: #449DD0; } .browse-menu a span { margin-left: 5px; font-size: 12px; } /* categories browse drop-down menu content (layout) */ #browse-content { width: 95%; margin-left: 2.5%; margin-top: 0; list-style: none; display: none; position: absolute; top: 52px; left: -1px; z-index: 999; background: #f6f6f6; -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -1px #f1f1f1; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -1px #f1f1f1; box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -1px #f1f1f1; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1; -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; padding: 6px 0; } #browse-content li { float: left; width: 33%; } #browse-content li a { padding: 3px 0; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-indent: 12px; } #browse-content li a:hover { color: #449DD0; } #browse-content span { margin-left: 5px; font-size: 10px; color: #333; } /* ----- Category Select (layout) ----- */ #category-select-btn { background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #CCC; height: 34px; position: relative; width: 215px; float: left; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; /*box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #DDD inset, 0 1px 0 white;*/ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075); padding: 6px 12px; color: #777; } #category-select-btn i { float: right; line-height: 22px; padding-left: 12px; border-left: 1px solid #ccc; } #category-select-content { margin-top: 0; list-style: none; padding-left: 0; display: none; position: absolute; top: 45px; left: 15px; z-index: 999; overflow-y: auto; max-height: 300px; background-color: #fafafa; border: solid 1px #ddd; } #category-select-content li + li { border-top: 1px dotted #ccc; } #category-select-content a { display: block; outline: none; padding: 7px 10px; } /* buttons css (layout) */ .btn { font-weight: 600; border-radius: 3px; background-image: none; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); } .btn-link { box-shadow: none; } .btn-primary { border: 1px solid #54779F; background-color: #449DD0; } .btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:focus { background-color: #4083A9; } .btn-primary, .btn-success, .btn-info, .btn-warning, .btn-danger { text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .btn-sm { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; } .nav-pills > li.active > a, .nav-pills > li.active > a:focus, .nav-pills > li.active > a:hover { background-color: #449DD0; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } /* header left navbar w/ icons */ .left-navbar li a { line-height: 24px; } .left-navbar li a > i { font-size: 16px; color: #444; } .left-navbar .badge { text-shadow: none !important; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 400; } /* header advanced search box (layout) */ .form-header { margin-top: 7px; } .form-header .input-search { width: 290px; background-color: #FAFAFA; } .advanced-search-box { line-height: 48px; border-left: 1px solid #f1f1f1; } .advanced-search-box a { color: #333; font-weight: bold; } .advanced-search-box a:hover { color: #449DD0; } .lang-selector { line-height: 48px; } /* listing details page */ .product h1.title { color: #248EC7; margin-bottom: 0.4em; } .subtitle { display: inline; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px; font-weight: 500; } /* login page */ .login-box .content { min-height: 200px; padding-bottom: 20px; } .login-box .first { border-right: 1px solid #ddd; } /* standard price color */ .price { color: #4083A9; } /* browse container content */ #browse .filter-results, #browse .section-title { margin: 0 0 12px 0; font-size: 20px; line-height: 24px; } #browse .featured h2 { font-size: 18px; line-height: 20px; margin: 0 0 16px; color: #999; } .browse-title { margin-bottom: 12px; } /* browse menu left side search filter */ .search { font-size: 12px; margin-top: 0; list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } .search li > a { display: block; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px; } .search ul { display: block; padding: 0; max-height: 230px; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 12px; } .search ul a { font-weight: normal; color: #999; padding: 0; } .search .form-group { margin-bottom: 0; } .search label { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; } .search label:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } /* home page footer (layout) */ footer { border-top: 1px solid #eee; padding-top: 10px; margin: 20px 0; position: relative; font-size: 11px; overflow: hidden; } footer .links { text-align: right; } footer .links li { display: inline; } footer .statistics { text-align: right; } footer .social { padding-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; } footer .social-button { padding-right: 8px; float: left; } /* scroll to top (layout) */ .scroll-top { width: 36px; height: 36px; background: #449DD0; text-align: center; position: fixed; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; cursor: pointer; color: #fff; font-size: 30px; text-decoration: none; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.5; } /* breadcrumbs (theme specific) */ .breadcrumbs { margin: 0 0 20px 0; padding: 4px 0 0 8px; } /* listing details page breadcrumbs (theme specific) */ .breadcrumb { margin-bottom: 4px; background-color: #f1f1f1; } .breadcrumb > li a.home { float: left; height: 16px; width: 16px; background: url(../images/sprite.png) 0 -254px no-repeat; text-indent: -999px; } .breadcrumb > li a.home:hover { background-position: 0 -270px; } .product .breadcrumb { margin-bottom: 24px; background-color: transparent; } /* REGISTER AND LOGIN MODAL BOXES */ .form-modal { max-width: 280px; margin: 0 auto; } .form-modal input { margin-bottom: 16px; } .pagination > li > a, .pagination > li > span { color: #248EC7; } .pagination > .active > a, .pagination > .active > a:focus, .pagination > .active > a:hover, .pagination > .active > span, .pagination > .active > span:focus, .pagination > .active > span:hover { background-color: #248EC7; border-color: #248EC7; }