// This is actually for BOTH trees and menus $axure.internal(function($ax) { var _tree = $ax.tree = {}; var _menu = $ax.menu = {}; $ax.menu.InitializeSubmenu = function(subMenuId, cellId) { var $submenudiv = $('#' + subMenuId); //mouseenter and leave for parent table cell $('#' + cellId).mouseenter(function(e) { //show current submenu // var submenuElement = document.getElementById(subMenuId); // if($ax.visibility.IsVisible(submenuElement) && submenuElement.style.display !== 'none') return; $ax.visibility.SetIdVisible(subMenuId, true); $ax.legacy.BringToFront(subMenuId); _fireEventForSubmenu(subMenuId, "onShow"); }).mouseleave(function (e) { var offset = $submenudiv.offset(); var subcontwidth = $submenudiv.width(); var subcontheight = $submenudiv.height(); //If mouse is not within the submenu (added 3 pixel margin to top and left calculations), then close the submenu... if(e.pageX + 3 < offset.left || e.pageX > offset.left + subcontwidth || e.pageY + 3 < offset.top || e.pageY > offset.top + subcontheight) { $submenudiv.find('.sub_menu').andSelf().each(function () { // if(!$ax.visibility.IsVisible(this)) return; $ax.visibility.SetVisible(this, false); _fireEventForSubmenu(subMenuId, "onHide"); }); $ax.style.SetWidgetHover(cellId, false); } }); $submenudiv.css('display', 'none'); //mouseleave for submenu $submenudiv.mouseleave(function(e) { //close this menu and all menus below it $(this).find('.sub_menu').andSelf().css({ 'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'none' }).each(function () { // if(!$ax.visibility.IsVisible(this)) return; _fireEventForSubmenu(this.id, "onHide"); }); $ax.style.SetWidgetHover(cellId, false); }); }; var _fireEventForSubmenu = function(targetId, eventName) { var diagramObject = $ax.getObjectFromElementId(targetId); var event = diagramObject.interactionMap && diagramObject.interactionMap[eventName]; if(event) { var eventInfo = $ax.getEventInfoFromEvent($ax.getjBrowserEvent(), false, targetId); $ax.event.handleEvent(targetId, eventInfo, event, false, true); } } function IsNodeVisible(nodeId) { var current = window.document.getElementById(nodeId); var parent = current.parentNode; //move all the parent's children that are below the node and their annotations while(!$(current).hasClass("treeroot")) { if(!$ax.visibility.IsVisible(parent)) return false; current = parent; parent = parent.parentNode; } return true; } $ax.tree.ExpandNode = function(nodeId, childContainerId, plusMinusId) { var container = window.document.getElementById(childContainerId); if(!container || $ax.visibility.IsVisible(container)) return; $ax.visibility.SetVisible(container, true); if(plusMinusId != '') $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(plusMinusId, true); var delta = _getExpandCollapseDelta(nodeId, childContainerId); var isVisible = IsNodeVisible(nodeId); var current = window.document.getElementById(nodeId); var parent = current.parentNode; //move all the parent's children that are below the node and their annotations while(!$(current).hasClass("treeroot")) { var after = false; var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = parent.childNodes[i]; if(after && child.id && $(child).hasClass("treenode")) { var elementId = child.id; child.style.top = Number($(child).css('top').replace("px", "")) + delta + 'px'; var ann = window.document.getElementById(elementId + "_ann"); if(ann) ann.style.top = Number($(ann).css('top').replace("px", "")) + delta + 'px'; } if(child == current) after = true; } current = parent; parent = parent.parentNode; if(!isVisible && $ax.visibility.IsVisible(parent)) break; } }; $ax.tree.CollapseNode = function(nodeId, childContainerId, plusMinusId) { var container = window.document.getElementById(childContainerId); if(!container || !$ax.visibility.IsVisible(container)) return; if(plusMinusId != '') $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(plusMinusId, false); var delta = _getExpandCollapseDelta(nodeId, childContainerId); //hide it after getting the delta, otherwise the delta can't be calculated (offsetParent is null) $ax.visibility.SetVisible(container, false); var isVisible = IsNodeVisible(nodeId); var current = window.document.getElementById(nodeId); var parent = current.parentNode; //move all the parent's children that are below the node and their annotations while(!$(current).hasClass("treeroot")) { var after = false; var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = parent.childNodes[i]; if(after && child.id && $(child).hasClass("treenode")) { var elementId = child.id; child.style.top = Number($(child).css('top').replace("px", "")) - delta + 'px'; var ann = window.document.getElementById(elementId + "_ann"); if(ann) ann.style.top = Number($(ann).css('top').replace("px", "")) - delta + 'px'; } if(child == current) after = true; } current = parent; parent = current.parentNode; if(!isVisible && $ax.visibility.IsVisible(parent)) break; } }; var _getExpandCollapseDelta = function(nodeId, childContainerId) { return _getChildContainerHeightHelper(childContainerId); }; var _getChildContainerHeightHelper = function(childContainerId) { var height = 0; $('#' + childContainerId).children().each(function() { if($(this).hasClass("treenode")) { height += $(this).height(); var subContainer = window.document.getElementById(this.id + '_children'); if(subContainer && $ax.visibility.IsVisible(subContainer)) { height += _getChildContainerHeightHelper(subContainer.id); } } }); return height; }; $ax.tree.InitializeTreeNode = function(nodeId, plusminusid, childContainerId, selectText) { var childContainer = window.document.getElementById(childContainerId); if(childContainer) { //relying on the html generator to put this inline so we know to collapse by default var isCollapsed = childContainer.style.visibility == "hidden"; if(isCollapsed) $ax.visibility.SetVisible(childContainer, false); if(!isCollapsed && plusminusid != '') $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(plusminusid, true); } if(plusminusid != '') { $jobj(plusminusid).click(function() { var visibleSet = $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(childContainerId); if(visibleSet) $ax.tree.CollapseNode(nodeId, childContainerId, plusminusid); else $ax.tree.ExpandNode(nodeId, childContainerId, plusminusid); $ax.tree.SelectTreeNode(nodeId, true); return false; }).css('cursor', 'default'); } }; var _getButtonShapeId = function(id) { var obj = $obj(id); return $ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject(obj.type) ? $ax.getElementIdFromPath([obj.buttonShapeId], { relativeTo: id }) : id; }; $ax.tree.SelectTreeNode = function(id, selected) { $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(_getButtonShapeId(id), selected); }; });