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- option = {
- title: {
- x: 'center',
- text: 'ECharts例子个数统计',
- subtext: 'Rainbow bar example',
- link: 'http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/example.html'
- },
- tooltip: {
- trigger: 'item'
- },
- toolbox: {
- show: true,
- feature: {
- dataView: {show: true, readOnly: false},
- restore: {show: true},
- saveAsImage: {show: true}
- }
- },
- calculable: true,
- grid: {
- borderWidth: 0,
- y: 80,
- y2: 60
- },
- xAxis: [
- {
- type: 'category',
- show: false,
- data: ['Line', 'Bar', 'Scatter', 'K', 'Pie', 'Radar', 'Chord', 'Force', 'Map', 'Gauge', 'Funnel']
- }
- ],
- yAxis: [
- {
- type: 'value',
- show: false
- }
- ],
- series: [
- {
- name: 'ECharts例子个数统计',
- type: 'bar',
- itemStyle: {
- normal: {
- color: function(params) {
- // build a color map as your need.
- var colorList = [
- '#C1232B','#B5C334','#FCCE10','#E87C25','#27727B',
- '#FE8463','#9BCA63','#FAD860','#F3A43B','#60C0DD',
- '#D7504B','#C6E579','#F4E001','#F0805A','#26C0C0'
- ];
- return colorList[params.dataIndex]
- },
- label: {
- show: true,
- position: 'top',
- formatter: '{b}\n{c}'
- }
- }
- },
- data: [12,21,10,4,12,5,6,5,25,23,7],
- markPoint: {
- tooltip: {
- trigger: 'item',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
- formatter: function(params){
- return '<img src="'
- + params.data.symbol.replace('image://', '')
- + '"/>';
- }
- },
- data: [
- {xAxis:0, y: 350, name:'Line', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/折线图.png'},
- {xAxis:1, y: 350, name:'Bar', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/柱状图.png'},
- {xAxis:2, y: 350, name:'Scatter', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/散点图.png'},
- {xAxis:3, y: 350, name:'K', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/K线图.png'},
- {xAxis:4, y: 350, name:'Pie', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/饼状图.png'},
- {xAxis:5, y: 350, name:'Radar', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/雷达图.png'},
- {xAxis:6, y: 350, name:'Chord', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/和弦图.png'},
- {xAxis:7, y: 350, name:'Force', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/力导向图.png'},
- {xAxis:8, y: 350, name:'Map', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/地图.png'},
- {xAxis:9, y: 350, name:'Gauge', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/仪表盘.png'},
- {xAxis:10, y: 350, name:'Funnel', symbolSize:20, symbol: 'image://../asset/ico/漏斗图.png'},
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
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