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  35. option = {
  36. tooltip : {
  37. trigger: 'axis',
  38. formatter: function (params) {
  39. var res = params[0].seriesName + ' ' + params[0].name;
  40. res += '<br/> 开盘 : ' + params[0].value[0] + ' 最高 : ' + params[0].value[3];
  41. res += '<br/> 收盘 : ' + params[0].value[1] + ' 最低 : ' + params[0].value[2];
  42. return res;
  43. }
  44. },
  45. legend: {
  46. data:['上证指数']
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  66. type : 'category',
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  100. {
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  117. }
  118. },
  119. data:[ // 开盘,收盘,最低,最高
  120. {
  121. value:[2320.26,2302.6,2287.3,2362.94],
  122. itemStyle: {
  123. normal: {
  124. color0: 'blue', // 阴线填充颜色
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  135. [2300,2291.3,2288.26,2308.38],
  136. [2295.35,2346.5,2295.35,2346.92],
  137. [2347.22,2358.98,2337.35,2363.8],
  138. [2360.75,2382.48,2347.89,2383.76],
  139. [2383.43,2385.42,2371.23,2391.82],
  140. [2377.41,2419.02,2369.57,2421.15],
  141. [2425.92,2428.15,2417.58,2440.38],
  142. [2411,2433.13,2403.3,2437.42],
  143. [2432.68,2434.48,2427.7,2441.73],
  144. [2430.69,2418.53,2394.22,2433.89],
  145. [2416.62,2432.4,2414.4,2443.03],
  146. [2441.91,2421.56,2415.43,2444.8],
  147. [2420.26,2382.91,2373.53,2427.07],
  148. [2383.49,2397.18,2370.61,2397.94],
  149. [2378.82,2325.95,2309.17,2378.82],
  150. [2322.94,2314.16,2308.76,2330.88],
  151. [2320.62,2325.82,2315.01,2338.78],
  152. [2313.74,2293.34,2289.89,2340.71],
  153. [2297.77,2313.22,2292.03,2324.63],
  154. [2322.32,2365.59,2308.92,2366.16],
  155. [2364.54,2359.51,2330.86,2369.65],
  156. [2332.08,2273.4,2259.25,2333.54],
  157. [2274.81,2326.31,2270.1,2328.14],
  158. [2333.61,2347.18,2321.6,2351.44],
  159. [2340.44,2324.29,2304.27,2352.02],
  160. [2326.42,2318.61,2314.59,2333.67],
  161. [2314.68,2310.59,2296.58,2320.96],
  162. [2309.16,2286.6,2264.83,2333.29],
  163. [2282.17,2263.97,2253.25,2286.33],
  164. [2255.77,2270.28,2253.31,2276.22],
  165. [2269.31,2278.4,2250,2312.08],
  166. [2267.29,2240.02,2239.21,2276.05],
  167. [2244.26,2257.43,2232.02,2261.31],
  168. [2257.74,2317.37,2257.42,2317.86],
  169. [2318.21,2324.24,2311.6,2330.81],
  170. [2321.4,2328.28,2314.97,2332],
  171. [2334.74,2326.72,2319.91,2344.89],
  172. [2318.58,2297.67,2281.12,2319.99],
  173. [2299.38,2301.26,2289,2323.48],
  174. [2273.55,2236.3,2232.91,2273.55],
  175. [2238.49,2236.62,2228.81,2246.87],
  176. [2229.46,2234.4,2227.31,2243.95],
  177. [2234.9,2227.74,2220.44,2253.42],
  178. [2232.69,2225.29,2217.25,2241.34],
  179. [2196.24,2211.59,2180.67,2212.59],
  180. [2215.47,2225.77,2215.47,2234.73],
  181. [2224.93,2226.13,2212.56,2233.04],
  182. [2236.98,2219.55,2217.26,2242.48],
  183. [2218.09,2206.78,2204.44,2226.26],
  184. [2199.91,2181.94,2177.39,2204.99],
  185. [2169.63,2194.85,2165.78,2196.43],
  186. [2195.03,2193.8,2178.47,2197.51],
  187. [2181.82,2197.6,2175.44,2206.03],
  188. [2201.12,2244.64,2200.58,2250.11],
  189. [2236.4,2242.17,2232.26,2245.12],
  190. [2242.62,2184.54,2182.81,2242.62],
  191. [2187.35,2218.32,2184.11,2226.12],
  192. [2213.19,2199.31,2191.85,2224.63],
  193. [2203.89,2177.91,2173.86,2210.58],
  194. [2170.78,2174.12,2161.14,2179.65],
  195. [2179.05,2205.5,2179.05,2222.81],
  196. [2212.5,2231.17,2212.5,2236.07],
  197. [2227.86,2235.57,2219.44,2240.26],
  198. [2242.39,2246.3,2235.42,2255.21],
  199. [2246.96,2232.97,2221.38,2247.86],
  200. [2228.82,2246.83,2225.81,2247.67],
  201. [2247.68,2241.92,2231.36,2250.85],
  202. [2238.9,2217.01,2205.87,2239.93],
  203. [2217.09,2224.8,2213.58,2225.19],
  204. [2221.34,2251.81,2210.77,2252.87],
  205. [2249.81,2282.87,2248.41,2288.09],
  206. [2286.33,2299.99,2281.9,2309.39],
  207. [2297.11,2305.11,2290.12,2305.3],
  208. [2303.75,2302.4,2292.43,2314.18],
  209. [2293.81,2275.67,2274.1,2304.95],
  210. [2281.45,2288.53,2270.25,2292.59],
  211. [2286.66,2293.08,2283.94,2301.7],
  212. [2293.4,2321.32,2281.47,2322.1],
  213. [2323.54,2324.02,2321.17,2334.33],
  214. [2316.25,2317.75,2310.49,2325.72],
  215. [2320.74,2300.59,2299.37,2325.53],
  216. [2300.21,2299.25,2294.11,2313.43],
  217. [2297.1,2272.42,2264.76,2297.1],
  218. [2270.71,2270.93,2260.87,2276.86],
  219. [2264.43,2242.11,2240.07,2266.69],
  220. [2242.26,2210.9,2205.07,2250.63],
  221. [2190.1,2148.35,2126.22,2190.1]
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  226. itemStyle:{
  227. normal:{label:{position:'top'}}
  228. },
  229. data : [
  230. {name : '最高', value : 2444.8, xAxis: '2013/2/18', yAxis: 2466}
  231. ]
  232. }
  233. }
  234. ]
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