{% if is_superuser or allow_user_drop_database %} {% endif %} {% trans 'Total' %}: {{- database_count -}} {% for stat_name, stat in column_order %} {% if stat_name in first_database|keys %} {% if stat['format'] is same as('byte') %} {% set byte_format = Util_formatByteDown(stat['footer'], 3, 1) %} {% set value = byte_format[0] %} {% set unit = byte_format[1] %} {% elseif stat['format'] is same as('number') %} {% set value = Util_formatNumber(stat['footer'], 0) %} {% else %} {% set value = htmlentities(stat['footer'], 0) %} {% endif %} {% if stat['description_function'] is defined %} {{ value }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% if stat['format'] is same as('byte') %} {{ unit }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if master_replication %} {% endif %} {% if slave_replication %} {% endif %} {# Footer buttons #} {% if is_superuser or allow_user_drop_database %} {% include 'select_all.twig' with { 'pma_theme_image': pma_theme_image, 'text_dir': text_dir, 'form_name': 'dbStatsForm' } only %} {{ Util_getButtonOrImage( '', 'mult_submit ajax', 'Drop'|trans, 'b_deltbl' ) }} {% endif %} {# Enable statistics #} {% if dbstats is empty %} {{ Message_notice('Note: Enabling the database statistics here might cause heavy traffic between the web server and the MySQL server.'|trans) }} {% endif %}