{{ rownum }} {{ extracted_columnspec['displayed_type']|raw }} {% if relation_commwork and relation_mimework and browse_mime and mime_map[row['Field']]['mimetype'] is defined %}
MIME: {{ mime_map[row['Field']]['mimetype']|replace({'_': '/'})|lower }} {% endif %}
{% if field_charset is not empty %} {{ field_charset }} {% endif %} {{ attribute }} {{ row['Null'] == 'YES' ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }} {% if row['Default'] is not null %} {% if extracted_columnspec['type'] == 'bit' %} {{ Util_convertBitDefaultValue(row['Default']) }} {% else %} {{ row['Default']|raw }} {% endif %} {% else %} {% trans %}None{% context %}None for default{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if show_column_comments %} {{ comments }} {% endif %} {{ row['Extra']|upper }} {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %} {{ titles['Change']|raw }} {{ titles['Drop']|raw }} {% endif %}