{% set title = '' %} {% if column_meta['column_status'] is defined %} {% if column_meta['column_status']['isReferenced'] %} {% set title = title ~ 'Referenced by %s.'|trans|format( column_meta['column_status']['references']|join(',') ) %} {% endif %} {% if column_meta['column_status']['isForeignKey'] %} {% if title is not empty %} {% set title = title ~ '\n'|raw %} {% endif %} {% set title = title ~ 'Is a foreign key.'|trans %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if title is empty %} {% set title = 'Column'|trans %} {% endif %} {% if cfg_relation['centralcolumnswork'] and not (column_meta['column_status'] is defined and not column_meta['column_status']['isEditable']) %}
{% endif %}