result_divs.twig 518 B

  1. {# These two table-image and table-link elements display the table name in browse search results #}
  2. <div id="table-info">
  3. <a id="table-link" class="item"></a>
  4. </div>
  5. {# Div for browsing results #}
  6. <div id="browse-results">
  7. {# This browse-results div is used to load the browse and delete results in the db search #}
  8. </div>
  9. <div id="sqlqueryform" class="clearfloat">
  10. {# This sqlqueryform div is used to load the delete form in the db search #}
  11. </div>
  12. {# Toggle query box link #}
  13. <a id="togglequerybox"></a>