init(); } /** * create * * @return string */ public function create($table, $struct) { $create = $primary = array(); foreach($struct as $k => $v) { if(isset($v['table']) && $v['table'] != $table) { continue; } $primary[$k] = ''; if(is_array($v)) { if(!isset($v['type'])) { continue; } $com = $v; $v = $com['type']; if(strpos($com['type'], 'text') !== false) { $primary[$k] .= ''; } elseif(strpos($com['type'], 'int') === false) { $primary[$k] .= 'not null default \'\''; } elseif(!empty($com['default'])) { $primary[$k] .= 'not null default \'' . $com['default'] . '\''; } elseif($k != 'id' && strpos($com['type'], 'int') !== false) { $primary[$k] .= 'not null default 0'; } else { $primary[$k] .= 'not null'; } if(!empty($com['name'])) { $primary[$k] .= ' comment \'' . $com['name'] . '\''; } } elseif(is_string($v) && strpos($v,' ') !== false) { $com = explode(' ',$v); $v = $com[0]; if(!empty($com[1])) { $primary[$k] .= 'not null default \'' . $com[1] . '\''; } else { $primary[$k] .= 'not null'; } if(!empty($com[2])) { $primary[$k] .= ' comment \'' . $com[2] . '\''; } } if($k == 'id') { $primary[$k] = 'unsigned auto_increment primary key ' . $primary[$k]; } $create[] = '`' . $k . '` ' . strtoupper(str_replace('-','(',$v) . ') ' . $primary[$k] . '');// not null } $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '`;CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`(' . implode(',', $create) . ')'; //echo $sql;die; return $sql; } /** * alter * * @return string */ public function alter($table, $config) { $create = $primary = array(); $alter = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table; $sql = array(); foreach($config as $k => $v) { if(isset($v['type'])) { $v = array ( 'add', $k, $k, $v['type'] . ' ' . $v['default'] . ' ' . $v['name'], ); } $sql[$k] = ''; if(isset($v[3]) && strpos($v[3],' ') !== false) { $com = explode(' ',$v[3]); $sql[$k] = str_replace('-','(',$com[0]) . ') '; if(isset($com[1]) && $com[1] != '') { $sql[$k] .= 'not null default \'' . $com[1] . '\''; } else { $sql[$k] .= 'not null'; } if(!empty($com[2])) { $sql[$k] .= ' comment \'' . $com[2] . '\''; } $sql[$k] = strtoupper($sql[$k]); } if($v[0] == 'add') { # 新增字段 $sql[$k] = $alter . '` ADD `' . $v[1] . '` ' . $sql[$k]; } elseif($v[0] == 'delete') { # 删除字段 $sql[$k] = $alter . '` DROP `' . $v[1] . '`'; } else { # 修改字段 $sql[$k] = $alter . '` CHANGE `' . $v[1] . '` `' . $v[2] . '` ' . $sql[$k]; } } $sql = implode(';', $sql); return $sql; } /** * col * * @return string */ private function col($col) { $result = ''; if(is_array($col)) { $array = array(); foreach($col as $k => $v) { if(!is_numeric($k)) { $array[] = $k . ' AS ' . $v; } else { $array[] = $v; } } $result = implode(' ', $array); } else { $result = $col ? $col : '*'; } if(isset($this->col) && $this->col) { $result .= ',' . $this->col; } return $result; } /** * select * * @return string */ public function select($table, $col = '') { $where = ''; if($this->where) { if(isset($this->between)) { $where = 'WHERE ' . $this->between . ' AND ' . implode(' ', $this->where); $this->limit = ''; } else { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' ', $this->where); } } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->col($col) . ' FROM `' . $table . '` ' . $where . ' ' . $this->group . ' ' . $this->order . ' ' . $this->limit; $this->init(); return $sql; } /** * count * * @return string */ public function count($table, $col = '') { $where = ''; if($this->where) { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' ', $this->where); } $state = 1; if($col == 'clear') { $col = ''; $state = 2; } if(!$col) { $col = 'count(*) as total'; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $col . ' FROM `' . $table . '` ' . $where . ' ' . $this->group . ' '; if($state == 1) { $this->init(); } return $sql; } /** * showIndex * * @return string */ public function showIndex($table) { $sql = 'SHOW INDEX FROM `' . $table . '` '; return $sql; } /** * dropIndex * * @return string */ public function dropIndex($table, $name) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` DROP INDEX ' . $name; return $sql; } /** * index * * @return string */ public function index($table, $value) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` ADD INDEX '; $max = count($value)-1; $i = 0; foreach($value as $k => $v) { $sql .= ' ' . $k . ' (' . $v . ')'; if($i >= $max) { $sql .= ''; } else { $sql .= ','; } $i++; } return $sql; } /** * insert * * @return string */ public function insert($table) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (' . implode(',', $this->col) . ') VALUES (' . implode(',', $this->value) . ')'; $this->init(); return $sql; } /** * inserts * * @return string */ public function inserts($table, $col, $value) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (' . $col . ') VALUES '; $max = count($value)-1; foreach($value as $k => $v) { $sql .= '(' . $v . ')'; if($k >= $max) { $sql .= ''; } else { $sql .= ','; } } return $sql; } /** * update * * @return string */ public function update($table) { $where = ''; if(!$this->where) { return false; } else { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' ', $this->where); } $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $table . '` SET ' . implode(',', $this->value) . ' ' . $where; $this->init(); return $sql; } /** * delete * * @return string */ public function delete($table) { $where = ''; if(!$this->where) { return false; } else { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' ', $this->where); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $table . '` ' . $where; $this->init(); return $sql; } /** * truncate * * @return string */ public function truncate($table) { $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE `' . $table . '`'; return $sql; } /** * sql * * @return string */ public function sql($sql) { return $sql; } /** * init * * @return object */ public function init() { $this->where = $this->value = $this->col = array(); $this->order = ''; $this->group = ''; $this->limit = ''; return $this; } /** * where * * @return string */ public function where($param) { if(empty($param[2])) $param[2] = '='; if(empty($param[3])) $param[3] = 'and'; $where = '`' . $param[0] . '` ' . $param[2] . ' ' . $param[1]; if(!$this->where) { $this->where[] = $where; } else { $this->where[] = $param[3] . ' ' . $where; } } /** * order * * @return string */ public function order($param) { if(is_array($param[0])) { $this->order = 'order by '; foreach($param[0] as $k => $v) { $order[] = '`' . $k . '` ' . $v; } $this->order .= implode(',', $order); //echo $this->order; } else { if(empty($param[1])) $param[1] = 'desc'; $this->order = 'order by `' . $param[0] . '` ' . $param[1]; } } /** * group * * @return string */ public function group($param) { if(is_array($param)) { $param = $param[0]; } # 去掉id的分组,没用 if(isset($param) && $param != 'id') { if($param == 'day') { $this->col = 'FROM_UNIXTIME(cdate, "%Y-%m-%d") as day'; } elseif($param == 'month') { $this->col = 'FROM_UNIXTIME(cdate, "%Y-%m") as month'; } elseif($param == 'year') { $this->col = 'FROM_UNIXTIME(cdate, "%Y") as year'; } else { $this->col = $param; } $this->group = 'group by `' . $param . '`'; } } /** * limit * * @return string */ public function limit($param) { if(empty($param[1])) $param[1] = 0; $this->limit = 'limit ' . $param[1] . ',' . $param[0]; //$this->between = ' `id` BETWEEN ' . $param[1] . ' AND ' . ($param[1] + $param[0]); } /** * reset limit * * @return string */ public function reset($param) { $this->{$param[0]} = ''; } /** * add * * @return string */ public function add($param) { $this->col[] = '`' . $param[0] . '`'; $this->value[] = $param[1]; } /** * set * * @return string */ public function set($param) { if(empty($param[2])) $param[2] = '='; $param[0] = '`' . $param[0] . '`'; if(strpos($param[2], '+=') !== false) { $param[2] = '=' . $param[0] . '+'; } if(strpos($param[2], '-=') !== false) { $param[2] = '=' . $param[0] . '-'; } $this->value[] = $param[0] . $param[2] . $param[1]; } }