bf435880a65452df6a7d226f6307f8b580c6cbb4.svn-base 861 KB

  1. (function(){
  3. var baidu = || {};
  4. = baidu;
  5. window.UE = baidu.editor = {};
  6. UE.plugins = {};
  7. UE.commands = {};
  8. UE.instants = {};
  9. UE.I18N = {};
  10. UE.version = "";
  11. var dom = UE.dom = {};
  12. /**
  13. * @file
  14. * @name UE.browser
  15. * @short Browser
  16. * @desc UEditor中采用的浏览器判断模块
  17. */
  18. var browser = UE.browser = function(){
  19. var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
  20. opera = window.opera,
  21. browser = {
  22. /**
  23. * 检测浏览器是否为IE
  24. * @name ie
  25. * @grammar => true|false
  26. */
  27. ie : !!window.ActiveXObject,
  28. /**
  29. * 检测浏览器是否为Opera
  30. * @name opera
  31. * @grammar UE.browser.opera => true|false
  32. */
  33. opera : ( !!opera && opera.version ),
  34. /**
  35. * 检测浏览器是否为webkit内核
  36. * @name webkit
  37. * @grammar UE.browser.webkit => true|false
  38. */
  39. webkit : ( agent.indexOf( ' applewebkit/' ) > -1 ),
  40. /**
  41. * 检测浏览器是否为mac系统下的浏览器
  42. * @name mac
  43. * @grammar UE.browser.mac => true|false
  44. */
  45. mac : ( agent.indexOf( 'macintosh' ) > -1 ),
  46. /**
  47. * 检测浏览器是否处于怪异模式
  48. * @name quirks
  49. * @grammar UE.browser.quirks => true|false
  50. */
  51. quirks : ( document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' )
  52. };
  53. /**
  54. * 检测浏览器是否处为gecko内核
  55. * @name gecko
  56. * @grammar UE.browser.gecko => true|false
  57. */
  58. browser.gecko =( navigator.product == 'Gecko' && !browser.webkit && !browser.opera );
  59. var version = 0;
  60. // Internet Explorer 6.0+
  61. if ( ){
  62. version = parseFloat( agent.match( /msie (\d+)/ )[1] );
  63. /**
  64. * 检测浏览器是否为 IE9 模式
  65. * @name ie9Compat
  66. * @grammar UE.browser.ie9Compat => true|false
  67. */
  68. browser.ie9Compat = document.documentMode == 9;
  69. /**
  70. * 检测浏览器是否为 IE8 浏览器
  71. * @name ie8
  72. * @grammar UE.browser.ie8 => true|false
  73. */
  74. browser.ie8 = !!document.documentMode;
  75. /**
  76. * 检测浏览器是否为 IE8 模式
  77. * @name ie8Compat
  78. * @grammar UE.browser.ie8Compat => true|false
  79. */
  80. browser.ie8Compat = document.documentMode == 8;
  81. /**
  82. * 检测浏览器是否运行在 兼容IE7模式
  83. * @name ie7Compat
  84. * @grammar UE.browser.ie7Compat => true|false
  85. */
  86. browser.ie7Compat = ( ( version == 7 && !document.documentMode )
  87. || document.documentMode == 7 );
  88. /**
  89. * 检测浏览器是否IE6模式或怪异模式
  90. * @name ie6Compat
  91. * @grammar UE.browser.ie6Compat => true|false
  92. */
  93. browser.ie6Compat = ( version < 7 || browser.quirks );
  94. browser.ie9above = version > 8;
  95. browser.ie9under = version < 9;
  96. }
  97. // Gecko.
  98. if ( browser.gecko ){
  99. var geckoRelease = agent.match( /rv:([\d\.]+)/ );
  100. if ( geckoRelease )
  101. {
  102. geckoRelease = geckoRelease[1].split( '.' );
  103. version = geckoRelease[0] * 10000 + ( geckoRelease[1] || 0 ) * 100 + ( geckoRelease[2] || 0 ) * 1;
  104. }
  105. }
  106. /**
  107. * 检测浏览器是否为chrome
  108. * @name chrome
  109. * @grammar => true|false
  110. */
  111. if (/chrome\/(\d+\.\d)/i.test(agent)) {
  112. = + RegExp['\x241'];
  113. }
  114. /**
  115. * 检测浏览器是否为safari
  116. * @name safari
  117. * @grammar UE.browser.safari => true|false
  118. */
  119. if(/(\d+\.\d)?(?:\.\d)?\s+safari\/?(\d+\.\d+)?/i.test(agent) && !/chrome/i.test(agent)){
  120. browser.safari = + (RegExp['\x241'] || RegExp['\x242']);
  121. }
  122. // Opera 9.50+
  123. if ( browser.opera )
  124. version = parseFloat( opera.version() );
  125. // WebKit 522+ (Safari 3+)
  126. if ( browser.webkit )
  127. version = parseFloat( agent.match( / applewebkit\/(\d+)/ )[1] );
  128. /**
  129. * 浏览器版本判断
  130. * IE系列返回值为5,6,7,8,9,10等
  131. * gecko系列会返回10900,158900等.
  132. * webkit系列会返回其build号 (如 522等).
  133. * @name version
  134. * @grammar UE.browser.version => number
  135. * @example
  136. * if ( && UE.browser.version == 6 ){
  137. * alert( "Ouch!居然是万恶的IE6!" );
  138. * }
  139. */
  140. browser.version = version;
  141. /**
  142. * 是否是兼容模式的浏览器
  143. * @name isCompatible
  144. * @grammar UE.browser.isCompatible => true|false
  145. * @example
  146. * if ( UE.browser.isCompatible ){
  147. * alert( "你的浏览器相当不错哦!" );
  148. * }
  149. */
  150. browser.isCompatible =
  151. ! && (
  152. ( && version >= 6 ) ||
  153. ( browser.gecko && version >= 10801 ) ||
  154. ( browser.opera && version >= 9.5 ) ||
  155. ( browser.air && version >= 1 ) ||
  156. ( browser.webkit && version >= 522 ) ||
  157. false );
  158. return browser;
  159. }();
  160. //快捷方式
  161. var ie =,
  162. webkit = browser.webkit,
  163. gecko = browser.gecko,
  164. opera = browser.opera;
  165. /**
  166. * @file
  167. * @name UE.Utils
  168. * @short Utils
  169. * @desc UEditor封装使用的静态工具函数
  170. * @import editor.js
  171. */
  172. var utils = UE.utils = {
  173. /**
  174. * 遍历数组,对象,nodeList
  175. * @name each
  176. * @grammar UE.utils.each(obj,iterator,[context])
  177. * @since 1.2.4+
  178. * @desc
  179. * * obj 要遍历的对象
  180. * * iterator 遍历的方法,方法的第一个是遍历的值,第二个是索引,第三个是obj
  181. * * context iterator的上下文
  182. * @example
  183. * UE.utils.each([1,2],function(v,i){
  184. * console.log(v)//值
  185. * console.log(i)//索引
  186. * })
  187. * UE.utils.each(document.getElementsByTagName('*'),function(n){
  188. * console.log(n.tagName)
  189. * })
  190. */
  191. each : function(obj, iterator, context) {
  192. if (obj == null) return;
  193. if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
  194. for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
  195. if(, obj[i], i, obj) === false)
  196. return false;
  197. }
  198. } else {
  199. for (var key in obj) {
  200. if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  201. if(, obj[key], key, obj) === false)
  202. return false;
  203. }
  204. }
  205. }
  206. },
  207. makeInstance:function (obj) {
  208. var noop = new Function();
  209. noop.prototype = obj;
  210. obj = new noop;
  211. noop.prototype = null;
  212. return obj;
  213. },
  214. /**
  215. * 将source对象中的属性扩展到target对象上
  216. * @name extend
  217. * @grammar UE.utils.extend(target,source) => Object //覆盖扩展
  218. * @grammar UE.utils.extend(target,source,true) ==> Object //保留扩展
  219. */
  220. extend:function (t, s, b) {
  221. if (s) {
  222. for (var k in s) {
  223. if (!b || !t.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
  224. t[k] = s[k];
  225. }
  226. }
  227. }
  228. return t;
  229. },
  230. extend2:function (t) {
  231. var a = arguments;
  232. for (var i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
  233. var x = a[i];
  234. for (var k in x) {
  235. if (!t.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
  236. t[k] = x[k];
  237. }
  238. }
  239. }
  240. return t;
  241. },
  242. /**
  243. * 模拟继承机制,subClass继承superClass
  244. * @name inherits
  245. * @grammar UE.utils.inherits(subClass,superClass) => subClass
  246. * @example
  247. * function SuperClass(){
  248. * = "小李";
  249. * }
  250. * SuperClass.prototype = {
  251. * hello:function(str){
  252. * console.log( + str);
  253. * }
  254. * }
  255. * function SubClass(){
  256. * = "小张";
  257. * }
  258. * UE.utils.inherits(SubClass,SuperClass);
  259. * var sub = new SubClass();
  260. * sub.hello("早上好!"); ==> "小张早上好!"
  261. */
  262. inherits:function (subClass, superClass) {
  263. var oldP = subClass.prototype,
  264. newP = utils.makeInstance(superClass.prototype);
  265. utils.extend(newP, oldP, true);
  266. subClass.prototype = newP;
  267. return (newP.constructor = subClass);
  268. },
  269. /**
  270. * 用指定的context作为fn上下文,也就是this
  271. * @name bind
  272. * @grammar UE.utils.bind(fn,context) => fn
  273. */
  274. bind:function (fn, context) {
  275. return function () {
  276. return fn.apply(context, arguments);
  277. };
  278. },
  279. /**
  280. * 创建延迟delay执行的函数fn
  281. * @name defer
  282. * @grammar UE.utils.defer(fn,delay) =>fn //延迟delay毫秒执行fn,返回fn
  283. * @grammar UE.utils.defer(fn,delay,exclusion) =>fn //延迟delay毫秒执行fn,若exclusion为真,则互斥执行fn
  284. * @example
  285. * function test(){
  286. * console.log("延迟输出!");
  287. * }
  288. * //非互斥延迟执行
  289. * var testDefer = UE.utils.defer(test,1000);
  290. * testDefer(); => "延迟输出!";
  291. * testDefer(); => "延迟输出!";
  292. * //互斥延迟执行
  293. * var testDefer1 = UE.utils.defer(test,1000,true);
  294. * testDefer1(); => //本次不执行
  295. * testDefer1(); => "延迟输出!";
  296. */
  297. defer:function (fn, delay, exclusion) {
  298. var timerID;
  299. return function () {
  300. if (exclusion) {
  301. clearTimeout(timerID);
  302. }
  303. timerID = setTimeout(fn, delay);
  304. };
  305. },
  306. /**
  307. * 查找元素item在数组array中的索引, 若找不到返回-1
  308. * @name indexOf
  309. * @grammar UE.utils.indexOf(array,item) => index|-1 //默认从数组开头部开始搜索
  310. * @grammar UE.utils.indexOf(array,item,start) => index|-1 //start指定开始查找的位置
  311. */
  312. indexOf:function (array, item, start) {
  313. var index = -1;
  314. start = this.isNumber(start) ? start : 0;
  315. this.each(array, function (v, i) {
  316. if (i >= start && v === item) {
  317. index = i;
  318. return false;
  319. }
  320. });
  321. return index;
  322. },
  323. /**
  324. * 移除数组array中的元素item
  325. * @name removeItem
  326. * @grammar UE.utils.removeItem(array,item)
  327. */
  328. removeItem:function (array, item) {
  329. for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
  330. if (array[i] === item) {
  331. array.splice(i, 1);
  332. i--;
  333. }
  334. }
  335. },
  336. /**
  337. * 删除字符串str的首尾空格
  338. * @name trim
  339. * @grammar UE.utils.trim(str) => String
  340. */
  341. trim:function (str) {
  342. return str.replace(/(^[ \t\n\r]+)|([ \t\n\r]+$)/g, '');
  343. },
  344. /**
  345. * 将字符串list(以','分隔)或者数组list转成哈希对象
  346. * @name listToMap
  347. * @grammar UE.utils.listToMap(list) => Object //Object形如{test:1,br:1,textarea:1}
  348. */
  349. listToMap:function (list) {
  350. if (!list)return {};
  351. list = utils.isArray(list) ? list : list.split(',');
  352. for (var i = 0, ci, obj = {}; ci = list[i++];) {
  353. obj[ci.toUpperCase()] = obj[ci] = 1;
  354. }
  355. return obj;
  356. },
  357. /**
  358. * 将str中的html符号转义,默认将转义''&<">''四个字符,可自定义reg来确定需要转义的字符
  359. * @name unhtml
  360. * @grammar UE.utils.unhtml(str); => String
  361. * @grammar UE.utils.unhtml(str,reg) => String
  362. * @example
  363. * var html = '<body>You say:"你好!Baidu & UEditor!"</body>';
  364. * UE.utils.unhtml(html); ==> &lt;body&gt;You say:&quot;你好!Baidu &amp; UEditor!&quot;&lt;/body&gt;
  365. * UE.utils.unhtml(html,/[<>]/g) ==> &lt;body&gt;You say:"你好!Baidu & UEditor!"&lt;/body&gt;
  366. */
  367. unhtml:function (str, reg) {
  368. return str ? str.replace(reg || /[&<">'](?:(amp|lt|quot|gt|#39|nbsp);)?/g, function (a, b) {
  369. if (b) {
  370. return a;
  371. } else {
  372. return {
  373. '<':'&lt;',
  374. '&':'&amp;',
  375. '"':'&quot;',
  376. '>':'&gt;',
  377. "'":'&#39;'
  378. }[a]
  379. }
  380. }) : '';
  381. },
  382. /**
  383. * 将str中的转义字符还原成html字符
  384. * @name html
  385. * @grammar UE.utils.html(str) => String //详细参见<code><a href = '#unhtml'>unhtml</a></code>
  386. */
  387. html:function (str) {
  388. return str ? str.replace(/&((g|l|quo)t|amp|#39);/g, function (m) {
  389. return {
  390. '&lt;':'<',
  391. '&amp;':'&',
  392. '&quot;':'"',
  393. '&gt;':'>',
  394. '&#39;':"'"
  395. }[m]
  396. }) : '';
  397. },
  398. /**
  399. * 将css样式转换为驼峰的形式。如font-size => fontSize
  400. * @name cssStyleToDomStyle
  401. * @grammar UE.utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(cssName) => String
  402. */
  403. cssStyleToDomStyle:function () {
  404. var test = document.createElement('div').style,
  405. cache = {
  406. 'float':test.cssFloat != undefined ? 'cssFloat' : test.styleFloat != undefined ? 'styleFloat' : 'float'
  407. };
  408. return function (cssName) {
  409. return cache[cssName] || (cache[cssName] = cssName.toLowerCase().replace(/-./g, function (match) {
  410. return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
  411. }));
  412. };
  413. }(),
  414. /**
  415. * 动态加载文件到doc中,并依据obj来设置属性,加载成功后执行回调函数fn
  416. * @name loadFile
  417. * @grammar UE.utils.loadFile(doc,obj)
  418. * @grammar UE.utils.loadFile(doc,obj,fn)
  419. * @example
  420. * //指定加载到当前document中一个script文件,加载成功后执行function
  421. * utils.loadFile( document, {
  422. * src:"test.js",
  423. * tag:"script",
  424. * type:"text/javascript",
  425. * defer:"defer"
  426. * }, function () {
  427. * console.log('加载成功!')
  428. * });
  429. */
  430. loadFile:function () {
  431. var tmpList = [];
  432. function getItem(doc, obj) {
  433. try {
  434. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tmpList[i++];) {
  435. if (ci.doc === doc && ci.url == (obj.src || obj.href)) {
  436. return ci;
  437. }
  438. }
  439. } catch (e) {
  440. return null;
  441. }
  442. }
  443. return function (doc, obj, fn) {
  444. var item = getItem(doc, obj);
  445. if (item) {
  446. if (item.ready) {
  447. fn && fn();
  448. } else {
  449. item.funs.push(fn)
  450. }
  451. return;
  452. }
  453. tmpList.push({
  454. doc:doc,
  455. url:obj.src || obj.href,
  456. funs:[fn]
  457. });
  458. if (!doc.body) {
  459. var html = [];
  460. for (var p in obj) {
  461. if (p == 'tag')continue;
  462. html.push(p + '="' + obj[p] + '"')
  463. }
  464. doc.write('<' + obj.tag + ' ' + html.join(' ') + ' ></' + obj.tag + '>');
  465. return;
  466. }
  467. if ( && doc.getElementById( {
  468. return;
  469. }
  470. var element = doc.createElement(obj.tag);
  471. delete obj.tag;
  472. for (var p in obj) {
  473. element.setAttribute(p, obj[p]);
  474. }
  475. element.onload = element.onreadystatechange = function () {
  476. if (!this.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(this.readyState)) {
  477. item = getItem(doc, obj);
  478. if (item.funs.length > 0) {
  479. item.ready = 1;
  480. for (var fi; fi = item.funs.pop();) {
  481. fi();
  482. }
  483. }
  484. element.onload = element.onreadystatechange = null;
  485. }
  486. };
  487. element.onerror = function () {
  488. throw Error('The load ' + (obj.href || obj.src) + ' fails,check the url settings of file ueditor.config.js ')
  489. };
  490. doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(element);
  491. }
  492. }(),
  493. /**
  494. * 判断obj对象是否为空
  495. * @name isEmptyObject
  496. * @grammar UE.utils.isEmptyObject(obj) => true|false
  497. * @example
  498. * UE.utils.isEmptyObject({}) ==>true
  499. * UE.utils.isEmptyObject([]) ==>true
  500. * UE.utils.isEmptyObject("") ==>true
  501. */
  502. isEmptyObject:function (obj) {
  503. if (obj == null) return true;
  504. if (this.isArray(obj) || this.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
  505. for (var key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false;
  506. return true;
  507. },
  508. /**
  509. * 统一将颜色值使用16进制形式表示
  510. * @name fixColor
  511. * @grammar UE.utils.fixColor(name,value) => value
  512. * @example
  513. * rgb(255,255,255) => "#ffffff"
  514. */
  515. fixColor:function (name, value) {
  516. if (/color/i.test(name) && /rgba?/.test(value)) {
  517. var array = value.split(",");
  518. if (array.length > 3)
  519. return "";
  520. value = "#";
  521. for (var i = 0, color; color = array[i++];) {
  522. color = parseInt(color.replace(/[^\d]/gi, ''), 10).toString(16);
  523. value += color.length == 1 ? "0" + color : color;
  524. }
  525. value = value.toUpperCase();
  526. }
  527. return value;
  528. },
  529. /**
  530. * 只针对border,padding,margin做了处理,因为性能问题
  531. * @public
  532. * @function
  533. * @param {String} val style字符串
  534. */
  535. optCss:function (val) {
  536. var padding, margin, border;
  537. val = val.replace(/(padding|margin|border)\-([^:]+):([^;]+);?/gi, function (str, key, name, val) {
  538. if (val.split(' ').length == 1) {
  539. switch (key) {
  540. case 'padding':
  541. !padding && (padding = {});
  542. padding[name] = val;
  543. return '';
  544. case 'margin':
  545. !margin && (margin = {});
  546. margin[name] = val;
  547. return '';
  548. case 'border':
  549. return val == 'initial' ? '' : str;
  550. }
  551. }
  552. return str;
  553. });
  554. function opt(obj, name) {
  555. if (!obj) {
  556. return '';
  557. }
  558. var t = , b = obj.bottom, l = obj.left, r = obj.right, val = '';
  559. if (!t || !l || !b || !r) {
  560. for (var p in obj) {
  561. val += ';' + name + '-' + p + ':' + obj[p] + ';';
  562. }
  563. } else {
  564. val += ';' + name + ':' +
  565. (t == b && b == l && l == r ? t :
  566. t == b && l == r ? (t + ' ' + l) :
  567. l == r ? (t + ' ' + l + ' ' + b) : (t + ' ' + r + ' ' + b + ' ' + l)) + ';'
  568. }
  569. return val;
  570. }
  571. val += opt(padding, 'padding') + opt(margin, 'margin');
  572. return val.replace(/^[ \n\r\t;]*|[ \n\r\t]*$/, '').replace(/;([ \n\r\t]+)|\1;/g, ';')
  573. .replace(/(&((l|g)t|quot|#39))?;{2,}/g, function (a, b) {
  574. return b ? b + ";;" : ';'
  575. });
  576. },
  577. /**
  578. * 深度克隆对象,从source到target
  579. * @name clone
  580. * @grammar UE.utils.clone(source) => anthorObj 新的对象是完整的source的副本
  581. * @grammar UE.utils.clone(source,target) => target包含了source的所有内容,重名会覆盖
  582. */
  583. clone:function (source, target) {
  584. var tmp;
  585. target = target || {};
  586. for (var i in source) {
  587. if (source.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  588. tmp = source[i];
  589. if (typeof tmp == 'object') {
  590. target[i] = utils.isArray(tmp) ? [] : {};
  591. utils.clone(source[i], target[i])
  592. } else {
  593. target[i] = tmp;
  594. }
  595. }
  596. }
  597. return target;
  598. },
  599. /**
  600. * 转换cm/pt到px
  601. * @name transUnitToPx
  602. * @grammar UE.utils.transUnitToPx('20pt') => '27px'
  603. * @grammar UE.utils.transUnitToPx('0pt') => '0'
  604. */
  605. transUnitToPx:function (val) {
  606. if (!/(pt|cm)/.test(val)) {
  607. return val
  608. }
  609. var unit;
  610. val.replace(/([\d.]+)(\w+)/, function (str, v, u) {
  611. val = v;
  612. unit = u;
  613. });
  614. switch (unit) {
  615. case 'cm':
  616. val = parseFloat(val) * 25;
  617. break;
  618. case 'pt':
  619. val = Math.round(parseFloat(val) * 96 / 72);
  620. }
  621. return val + (val ? 'px' : '');
  622. },
  623. /**
  624. * DomReady方法,回调函数将在dom树ready完成后执行
  625. * @name domReady
  626. * @grammar UE.utils.domReady(fn) => fn //返回一个延迟执行的方法
  627. */
  628. domReady:function () {
  629. var fnArr = [];
  630. function doReady(doc) {
  631. //确保onready只执行一次
  632. doc.isReady = true;
  633. for (var ci; ci = fnArr.pop(); ci()) {
  634. }
  635. }
  636. return function (onready, win) {
  637. win = win || window;
  638. var doc = win.document;
  639. onready && fnArr.push(onready);
  640. if (doc.readyState === "complete") {
  641. doReady(doc);
  642. } else {
  643. doc.isReady && doReady(doc);
  644. if ( {
  645. (function () {
  646. if (doc.isReady) return;
  647. try {
  648. doc.documentElement.doScroll("left");
  649. } catch (error) {
  650. setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
  651. return;
  652. }
  653. doReady(doc);
  654. })();
  655. win.attachEvent('onload', function () {
  656. doReady(doc)
  657. });
  658. } else {
  659. doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  660. doc.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false);
  661. doReady(doc);
  662. }, false);
  663. win.addEventListener('load', function () {
  664. doReady(doc)
  665. }, false);
  666. }
  667. }
  668. }
  669. }(),
  670. /**
  671. * 动态添加css样式
  672. * @name cssRule
  673. * @grammar UE.utils.cssRule('添加的样式的节点名称',['样式','放到哪个document上'])
  674. * @grammar UE.utils.cssRule('body','body{background:#ccc}') => null //给body添加背景颜色
  675. * @grammar UE.utils.cssRule('body') =>样式的字符串 //取得key值为body的样式的内容,如果没有找到key值先关的样式将返回空,例如刚才那个背景颜色,将返回 body{background:#ccc}
  676. * @grammar UE.utils.cssRule('body','') =>null //清空给定的key值的背景颜色
  677. */
  678. ? function (key, style, doc) {
  679. var indexList, index;
  680. doc = doc || document;
  681. if (doc.indexList) {
  682. indexList = doc.indexList;
  683. } else {
  684. indexList = doc.indexList = {};
  685. }
  686. var sheetStyle;
  687. if (!indexList[key]) {
  688. if (style === undefined) {
  689. return ''
  690. }
  691. sheetStyle = doc.createStyleSheet('', index = doc.styleSheets.length);
  692. indexList[key] = index;
  693. } else {
  694. sheetStyle = doc.styleSheets[indexList[key]];
  695. }
  696. if (style === undefined) {
  697. return sheetStyle.cssText
  698. }
  699. sheetStyle.cssText = style || ''
  700. } : function (key, style, doc) {
  701. doc = doc || document;
  702. var head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], node;
  703. if (!(node = doc.getElementById(key))) {
  704. if (style === undefined) {
  705. return ''
  706. }
  707. node = doc.createElement('style');
  708. = key;
  709. head.appendChild(node)
  710. }
  711. if (style === undefined) {
  712. return node.innerHTML
  713. }
  714. if (style !== '') {
  715. node.innerHTML = style;
  716. } else {
  717. head.removeChild(node)
  718. }
  719. },
  720. sort:function(array,compareFn){
  721. compareFn = compareFn || function(item1, item2){ return item1.localeCompare(item2);};
  722. for(var i= 0,len = array.length; i<len; i++){
  723. for(var j = i,length = array.length; j<length; j++){
  724. if(compareFn(array[i], array[j]) > 0){
  725. var t = array[i];
  726. array[i] = array[j];
  727. array[j] = t;
  728. }
  729. }
  730. }
  731. return array;
  732. }
  733. };
  734. /**
  735. * 判断str是否为字符串
  736. * @name isString
  737. * @grammar UE.utils.isString(str) => true|false
  738. */
  739. /**
  740. * 判断array是否为数组
  741. * @name isArray
  742. * @grammar UE.utils.isArray(obj) => true|false
  743. */
  744. /**
  745. * 判断obj对象是否为方法
  746. * @name isFunction
  747. * @grammar UE.utils.isFunction(obj) => true|false
  748. */
  749. /**
  750. * 判断obj对象是否为数字
  751. * @name isNumber
  752. * @grammar UE.utils.isNumber(obj) => true|false
  753. */
  754. utils.each(['String', 'Function', 'Array', 'Number', 'RegExp', 'Object'], function (v) {
  755. UE.utils['is' + v] = function (obj) {
  756. return Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj) == '[object ' + v + ']';
  757. }
  758. });
  759. /**
  760. * @file
  761. * @name UE.EventBase
  762. * @short EventBase
  763. * @import editor.js,core/utils.js
  764. * @desc UE采用的事件基类,继承此类的对应类将获取addListener,removeListener,fireEvent方法。
  765. * 在UE中,Editor以及所有ui实例都继承了该类,故可以在对应的ui对象以及editor对象上使用上述方法。
  766. */
  767. var EventBase = UE.EventBase = function () {};
  768. EventBase.prototype = {
  769. /**
  770. * 注册事件监听器
  771. * @name addListener
  772. * @grammar editor.addListener(types,fn) //types为事件名称,多个可用空格分隔
  773. * @example
  774. * editor.addListener('selectionchange',function(){
  775. * console.log("选区已经变化!");
  776. * })
  777. * editor.addListener('beforegetcontent aftergetcontent',function(type){
  778. * if(type == 'beforegetcontent'){
  779. * //do something
  780. * }else{
  781. * //do something
  782. * }
  783. * console.log(this.getContent) // this是注册的事件的编辑器实例
  784. * })
  785. */
  786. addListener:function (types, listener) {
  787. types = utils.trim(types).split(' ');
  788. for (var i = 0, ti; ti = types[i++];) {
  789. getListener(this, ti, true).push(listener);
  790. }
  791. },
  792. /**
  793. * 移除事件监听器
  794. * @name removeListener
  795. * @grammar editor.removeListener(types,fn) //types为事件名称,多个可用空格分隔
  796. * @example
  797. * //changeCallback为方法体
  798. * editor.removeListener("selectionchange",changeCallback);
  799. */
  800. removeListener:function (types, listener) {
  801. types = utils.trim(types).split(' ');
  802. for (var i = 0, ti; ti = types[i++];) {
  803. utils.removeItem(getListener(this, ti) || [], listener);
  804. }
  805. },
  806. /**
  807. * 触发事件
  808. * @name fireEvent
  809. * @grammar editor.fireEvent(types) //types为事件名称,多个可用空格分隔
  810. * @example
  811. * editor.fireEvent("selectionchange");
  812. */
  813. fireEvent:function () {
  814. var types = arguments[0];
  815. types = utils.trim(types).split(' ');
  816. for (var i = 0, ti; ti = types[i++];) {
  817. var listeners = getListener(this, ti),
  818. r, t, k;
  819. if (listeners) {
  820. k = listeners.length;
  821. while (k--) {
  822. if(!listeners[k])continue;
  823. t = listeners[k].apply(this, arguments);
  824. if(t === true){
  825. return t;
  826. }
  827. if (t !== undefined) {
  828. r = t;
  829. }
  830. }
  831. }
  832. if (t = this['on' + ti.toLowerCase()]) {
  833. r = t.apply(this, arguments);
  834. }
  835. }
  836. return r;
  837. }
  838. };
  839. /**
  840. * 获得对象所拥有监听类型的所有监听器
  841. * @public
  842. * @function
  843. * @param {Object} obj 查询监听器的对象
  844. * @param {String} type 事件类型
  845. * @param {Boolean} force 为true且当前所有type类型的侦听器不存在时,创建一个空监听器数组
  846. * @returns {Array} 监听器数组
  847. */
  848. function getListener(obj, type, force) {
  849. var allListeners;
  850. type = type.toLowerCase();
  851. return ( ( allListeners = ( obj.__allListeners || force && ( obj.__allListeners = {} ) ) )
  852. && ( allListeners[type] || force && ( allListeners[type] = [] ) ) );
  853. }
  854. ///import editor.js
  855. ///import core/dom/dom.js
  856. ///import core/utils.js
  857. /**
  858. * dtd html语义化的体现类
  859. * @constructor
  860. * @namespace dtd
  861. */
  862. var dtd = dom.dtd = (function() {
  863. function _( s ) {
  864. for (var k in s) {
  865. s[k.toUpperCase()] = s[k];
  866. }
  867. return s;
  868. }
  869. var X = utils.extend2;
  870. var A = _({isindex:1,fieldset:1}),
  871. B = _({input:1,button:1,select:1,textarea:1,label:1}),
  872. C = X( _({a:1}), B ),
  873. D = X( {iframe:1}, C ),
  874. E = _({hr:1,ul:1,menu:1,div:1,blockquote:1,noscript:1,table:1,center:1,address:1,dir:1,pre:1,h5:1,dl:1,h4:1,noframes:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1}),
  875. F = _({ins:1,del:1,script:1,style:1}),
  876. G = X( _({b:1,acronym:1,bdo:1,'var':1,'#':1,abbr:1,code:1,br:1,i:1,cite:1,kbd:1,u:1,strike:1,s:1,tt:1,strong:1,q:1,samp:1,em:1,dfn:1,span:1}), F ),
  877. H = X( _({sub:1,img:1,embed:1,object:1,sup:1,basefont:1,map:1,applet:1,font:1,big:1,small:1}), G ),
  878. I = X( _({p:1}), H ),
  879. J = X( _({iframe:1}), H, B ),
  880. K = _({img:1,embed:1,noscript:1,br:1,kbd:1,center:1,button:1,basefont:1,h5:1,h4:1,samp:1,h6:1,ol:1,h1:1,h3:1,h2:1,form:1,font:1,'#':1,select:1,menu:1,ins:1,abbr:1,label:1,code:1,table:1,script:1,cite:1,input:1,iframe:1,strong:1,textarea:1,noframes:1,big:1,small:1,span:1,hr:1,sub:1,bdo:1,'var':1,div:1,object:1,sup:1,strike:1,dir:1,map:1,dl:1,applet:1,del:1,isindex:1,fieldset:1,ul:1,b:1,acronym:1,a:1,blockquote:1,i:1,u:1,s:1,tt:1,address:1,q:1,pre:1,p:1,em:1,dfn:1}),
  881. L = X( _({a:0}), J ),//a不能被切开,所以把他
  882. M = _({tr:1}),
  883. N = _({'#':1}),
  884. O = X( _({param:1}), K ),
  885. P = X( _({form:1}), A, D, E, I ),
  886. Q = _({li:1,ol:1,ul:1}),
  887. R = _({style:1,script:1}),
  888. S = _({base:1,link:1,meta:1,title:1}),
  889. T = X( S, R ),
  890. U = _({head:1,body:1}),
  891. V = _({html:1});
  892. var block = _({address:1,blockquote:1,center:1,dir:1,div:1,dl:1,fieldset:1,form:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,hr:1,isindex:1,menu:1,noframes:1,ol:1,p:1,pre:1,table:1,ul:1}),
  893. empty = _({area:1,base:1,basefont:1,br:1,col:1,command:1,dialog:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,input:1,isindex:1,keygen:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,source:1,track:1,wbr:1});
  894. return _({
  895. // $ 表示自定的属性
  896. // body外的元素列表.
  897. $nonBodyContent: X( V, U, S ),
  898. //块结构元素列表
  899. $block : block,
  900. //内联元素列表
  901. $inline : L,
  902. $inlineWithA : X(_({a:1}),L),
  903. $body : X( _({script:1,style:1}), block ),
  904. $cdata : _({script:1,style:1}),
  905. //自闭和元素
  906. $empty : empty,
  907. //不是自闭合,但不能让range选中里边
  908. $nonChild : _({iframe:1,textarea:1}),
  909. //列表元素列表
  910. $listItem : _({dd:1,dt:1,li:1}),
  911. //列表根元素列表
  912. $list: _({ul:1,ol:1,dl:1}),
  913. //不能认为是空的元素
  914. $isNotEmpty : _({table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1,iframe:1,area:1,base:1,col:1,hr:1,img:1,embed:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1}),
  915. //如果没有子节点就可以删除的元素列表,像span,a
  916. $removeEmpty : _({a:1,abbr:1,acronym:1,address:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,s:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1}),
  917. $removeEmptyBlock : _({'p':1,'div':1}),
  918. //在table元素里的元素列表
  919. $tableContent : _({caption:1,col:1,colgroup:1,tbody:1,td:1,tfoot:1,th:1,thead:1,tr:1,table:1}),
  920. //不转换的标签
  921. $notTransContent : _({pre:1,script:1,style:1,textarea:1}),
  922. html: U,
  923. head: T,
  924. style: N,
  925. script: N,
  926. body: P,
  927. base: {},
  928. link: {},
  929. meta: {},
  930. title: N,
  931. col : {},
  932. tr : _({td:1,th:1}),
  933. img : {},
  934. embed: {},
  935. colgroup : _({thead:1,col:1,tbody:1,tr:1,tfoot:1}),
  936. noscript : P,
  937. td : P,
  938. br : {},
  939. th : P,
  940. center : P,
  941. kbd : L,
  942. button : X( I, E ),
  943. basefont : {},
  944. h5 : L,
  945. h4 : L,
  946. samp : L,
  947. h6 : L,
  948. ol : Q,
  949. h1 : L,
  950. h3 : L,
  951. option : N,
  952. h2 : L,
  953. form : X( A, D, E, I ),
  954. select : _({optgroup:1,option:1}),
  955. font : L,
  956. ins : L,
  957. menu : Q,
  958. abbr : L,
  959. label : L,
  960. table : _({thead:1,col:1,tbody:1,tr:1,colgroup:1,caption:1,tfoot:1}),
  961. code : L,
  962. tfoot : M,
  963. cite : L,
  964. li : P,
  965. input : {},
  966. iframe : P,
  967. strong : L,
  968. textarea : N,
  969. noframes : P,
  970. big : L,
  971. small : L,
  972. //trace:
  973. span :_({'#':1,br:1,b:1,strong:1,u:1,i:1,em:1,sub:1,sup:1,strike:1,span:1}),
  974. hr : L,
  975. dt : L,
  976. sub : L,
  977. optgroup : _({option:1}),
  978. param : {},
  979. bdo : L,
  980. 'var' : L,
  981. div : P,
  982. object : O,
  983. sup : L,
  984. dd : P,
  985. strike : L,
  986. area : {},
  987. dir : Q,
  988. map : X( _({area:1,form:1,p:1}), A, F, E ),
  989. applet : O,
  990. dl : _({dt:1,dd:1}),
  991. del : L,
  992. isindex : {},
  993. fieldset : X( _({legend:1}), K ),
  994. thead : M,
  995. ul : Q,
  996. acronym : L,
  997. b : L,
  998. a : X( _({a:1}), J ),
  999. blockquote :X(_({td:1,tr:1,tbody:1,li:1}),P),
  1000. caption : L,
  1001. i : L,
  1002. u : L,
  1003. tbody : M,
  1004. s : L,
  1005. address : X( D, I ),
  1006. tt : L,
  1007. legend : L,
  1008. q : L,
  1009. pre : X( G, C ),
  1010. p : X(_({'a':1}),L),
  1011. em :L,
  1012. dfn : L
  1013. });
  1014. })();
  1015. /**
  1016. * @file
  1017. * @name UE.dom.domUtils
  1018. * @short DomUtils
  1019. * @import editor.js, core/utils.js,core/browser.js,core/dom/dtd.js
  1020. * @desc UEditor封装的底层dom操作库
  1021. */
  1022. function getDomNode(node, start, ltr, startFromChild, fn, guard) {
  1023. var tmpNode = startFromChild && node[start],
  1024. parent;
  1025. !tmpNode && (tmpNode = node[ltr]);
  1026. while (!tmpNode && (parent = (parent || node).parentNode)) {
  1027. if (parent.tagName == 'BODY' || guard && !guard(parent)) {
  1028. return null;
  1029. }
  1030. tmpNode = parent[ltr];
  1031. }
  1032. if (tmpNode && fn && !fn(tmpNode)) {
  1033. return getDomNode(tmpNode, start, ltr, false, fn);
  1034. }
  1035. return tmpNode;
  1036. }
  1037. var attrFix = ie && browser.version < 9 ? {
  1038. tabindex:"tabIndex",
  1039. readonly:"readOnly",
  1040. "for":"htmlFor",
  1041. "class":"className",
  1042. maxlength:"maxLength",
  1043. cellspacing:"cellSpacing",
  1044. cellpadding:"cellPadding",
  1045. rowspan:"rowSpan",
  1046. colspan:"colSpan",
  1047. usemap:"useMap",
  1048. frameborder:"frameBorder"
  1049. } : {
  1050. tabindex:"tabIndex",
  1051. readonly:"readOnly"
  1052. },
  1053. styleBlock = utils.listToMap([
  1054. '-webkit-box', '-moz-box', 'block' ,
  1055. 'list-item' , 'table' , 'table-row-group' ,
  1056. 'table-header-group', 'table-footer-group' ,
  1057. 'table-row' , 'table-column-group' , 'table-column' ,
  1058. 'table-cell' , 'table-caption'
  1059. ]);
  1060. var domUtils = dom.domUtils = {
  1061. //节点常量
  1062. NODE_ELEMENT:1,
  1063. NODE_DOCUMENT:9,
  1064. NODE_TEXT:3,
  1065. NODE_COMMENT:8,
  1067. //位置关系
  1074. //ie6使用其他的会有一段空白出现
  1075. fillChar:ie && browser.version == '6' ? '\ufeff' : '\u200B',
  1076. //-------------------------Node部分--------------------------------
  1077. keys:{
  1078. /*Backspace*/ 8:1, /*Delete*/ 46:1,
  1079. /*Shift*/ 16:1, /*Ctrl*/ 17:1, /*Alt*/ 18:1,
  1080. 37:1, 38:1, 39:1, 40:1,
  1081. 13:1 /*enter*/
  1082. },
  1083. /**
  1084. * 获取节点A相对于节点B的位置关系
  1085. * @name getPosition
  1086. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getPosition(nodeA,nodeB) => Number
  1087. * @example
  1088. * switch (returnValue) {
  1089. * case 0: //相等,同一节点
  1090. * case 1: //无关,节点不相连
  1091. * case 2: //跟随,即节点A头部位于节点B头部的后面
  1092. * case 4: //前置,即节点A头部位于节点B头部的前面
  1093. * case 8: //被包含,即节点A被节点B包含
  1094. * case 10://组合类型,即节点A满足跟随节点B且被节点B包含。实际上,如果被包含,必定跟随,所以returnValue事实上不会存在8的情况。
  1095. * case 16://包含,即节点A包含节点B
  1096. * case 20://组合类型,即节点A满足前置节点A且包含节点B。同样,如果包含,必定前置,所以returnValue事实上也不会存在16的情况
  1097. * }
  1098. */
  1099. getPosition:function (nodeA, nodeB) {
  1100. // 如果两个节点是同一个节点
  1101. if (nodeA === nodeB) {
  1102. // domUtils.POSITION_IDENTICAL
  1103. return 0;
  1104. }
  1105. var node,
  1106. parentsA = [nodeA],
  1107. parentsB = [nodeB];
  1108. node = nodeA;
  1109. while (node = node.parentNode) {
  1110. // 如果nodeB是nodeA的祖先节点
  1111. if (node === nodeB) {
  1113. return 10;
  1114. }
  1115. parentsA.push(node);
  1116. }
  1117. node = nodeB;
  1118. while (node = node.parentNode) {
  1119. // 如果nodeA是nodeB的祖先节点
  1120. if (node === nodeA) {
  1122. return 20;
  1123. }
  1124. parentsB.push(node);
  1125. }
  1126. parentsA.reverse();
  1127. parentsB.reverse();
  1128. if (parentsA[0] !== parentsB[0]) {
  1130. return 1;
  1131. }
  1132. var i = -1;
  1133. while (i++, parentsA[i] === parentsB[i]) {
  1134. }
  1135. nodeA = parentsA[i];
  1136. nodeB = parentsB[i];
  1137. while (nodeA = nodeA.nextSibling) {
  1138. if (nodeA === nodeB) {
  1139. // domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING
  1140. return 4
  1141. }
  1142. }
  1143. // domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING
  1144. return 2;
  1145. },
  1146. /**
  1147. * 返回节点node在父节点中的索引位置
  1148. * @name getNodeIndex
  1149. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getNodeIndex(node) => Number //索引值从0开始
  1150. */
  1151. getNodeIndex:function (node, ignoreTextNode) {
  1152. var preNode = node,
  1153. i = 0;
  1154. while (preNode = preNode.previousSibling) {
  1155. if (ignoreTextNode && preNode.nodeType == 3) {
  1156. if(preNode.nodeType != preNode.nextSibling.nodeType ){
  1157. i++;
  1158. }
  1159. continue;
  1160. }
  1161. i++;
  1162. }
  1163. return i;
  1164. },
  1165. /**
  1166. * 检测节点node是否在节点doc的树上,实质上是检测是否被doc包含
  1167. * @name inDoc
  1168. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.inDoc(node,doc) => true|false
  1169. */
  1170. inDoc:function (node, doc) {
  1171. return domUtils.getPosition(node, doc) == 10;
  1172. },
  1173. /**
  1174. * 查找node节点的祖先节点
  1175. * @name findParent
  1176. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParent(node) => Element // 直接返回node节点的父节点
  1177. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParent(node,filterFn) => Element //filterFn为过滤函数,node作为参数,返回true时才会将node作为符合要求的节点返回
  1178. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParent(node,filterFn,includeSelf) => Element //includeSelf指定是否包含自身
  1179. */
  1180. findParent:function (node, filterFn, includeSelf) {
  1181. if (node && !domUtils.isBody(node)) {
  1182. node = includeSelf ? node : node.parentNode;
  1183. while (node) {
  1184. if (!filterFn || filterFn(node) || domUtils.isBody(node)) {
  1185. return filterFn && !filterFn(node) && domUtils.isBody(node) ? null : node;
  1186. }
  1187. node = node.parentNode;
  1188. }
  1189. }
  1190. return null;
  1191. },
  1192. /**
  1193. * 通过tagName查找node节点的祖先节点
  1194. * @name findParentByTagName
  1195. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParentByTagName(node,tagNames) => Element //tagNames支持数组,区分大小写
  1196. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParentByTagName(node,tagNames,includeSelf) => Element //includeSelf指定是否包含自身
  1197. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParentByTagName(node,tagNames,includeSelf,excludeFn) => Element //excludeFn指定例外过滤条件,返回true时忽略该节点
  1198. */
  1199. findParentByTagName:function (node, tagNames, includeSelf, excludeFn) {
  1200. tagNames = utils.listToMap(utils.isArray(tagNames) ? tagNames : [tagNames]);
  1201. return domUtils.findParent(node, function (node) {
  1202. return tagNames[node.tagName] && !(excludeFn && excludeFn(node));
  1203. }, includeSelf);
  1204. },
  1205. /**
  1206. * 查找节点node的祖先节点集合
  1207. * @name findParents
  1208. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParents(node) => Array //返回一个祖先节点数组集合,不包含自身
  1209. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParents(node,includeSelf) => Array //返回一个祖先节点数组集合,includeSelf指定是否包含自身
  1210. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParents(node,includeSelf,filterFn) => Array //返回一个祖先节点数组集合,filterFn指定过滤条件,返回true的node将被选取
  1211. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.findParents(node,includeSelf,filterFn,closerFirst) => Array //返回一个祖先节点数组集合,closerFirst为true的话,node的直接父亲节点是数组的第0个
  1212. */
  1213. findParents:function (node, includeSelf, filterFn, closerFirst) {
  1214. var parents = includeSelf && ( filterFn && filterFn(node) || !filterFn ) ? [node] : [];
  1215. while (node = domUtils.findParent(node, filterFn)) {
  1216. parents.push(node);
  1217. }
  1218. return closerFirst ? parents : parents.reverse();
  1219. },
  1220. /**
  1221. * 在节点node后面插入新节点newNode
  1222. * @name insertAfter
  1223. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.insertAfter(node,newNode) => newNode
  1224. */
  1225. insertAfter:function (node, newNode) {
  1226. return node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling);
  1227. },
  1228. /**
  1229. * 删除节点node,并根据keepChildren指定是否保留子节点
  1230. * @name remove
  1231. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.remove(node) => node
  1232. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.remove(node,keepChildren) => node
  1233. */
  1234. remove:function (node, keepChildren) {
  1235. var parent = node.parentNode,
  1236. child;
  1237. if (parent) {
  1238. if (keepChildren && node.hasChildNodes()) {
  1239. while (child = node.firstChild) {
  1240. parent.insertBefore(child, node);
  1241. }
  1242. }
  1243. parent.removeChild(node);
  1244. }
  1245. return node;
  1246. },
  1247. /**
  1248. * 取得node节点在dom树上的下一个节点,即多叉树遍历
  1249. * @name getNextDomNode
  1250. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getNextDomNode(node) => Element
  1251. * @example
  1252. */
  1253. getNextDomNode:function (node, startFromChild, filterFn, guard) {
  1254. return getDomNode(node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', startFromChild, filterFn, guard);
  1255. },
  1256. /**
  1257. * 检测节点node是否属于bookmark节点
  1258. * @name isBookmarkNode
  1259. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) => true|false
  1260. */
  1261. isBookmarkNode:function (node) {
  1262. return node.nodeType == 1 && && /^_baidu_bookmark_/i.test(;
  1263. },
  1264. /**
  1265. * 获取节点node所在的window对象
  1266. * @name getWindow
  1267. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getWindow(node) => window对象
  1268. */
  1269. getWindow:function (node) {
  1270. var doc = node.ownerDocument || node;
  1271. return doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
  1272. },
  1273. /**
  1274. * 得到nodeA与nodeB公共的祖先节点
  1275. * @name getCommonAncestor
  1276. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getCommonAncestor(nodeA,nodeB) => Element
  1277. */
  1278. getCommonAncestor:function (nodeA, nodeB) {
  1279. if (nodeA === nodeB)
  1280. return nodeA;
  1281. var parentsA = [nodeA] , parentsB = [nodeB], parent = nodeA, i = -1;
  1282. while (parent = parent.parentNode) {
  1283. if (parent === nodeB) {
  1284. return parent;
  1285. }
  1286. parentsA.push(parent);
  1287. }
  1288. parent = nodeB;
  1289. while (parent = parent.parentNode) {
  1290. if (parent === nodeA)
  1291. return parent;
  1292. parentsB.push(parent);
  1293. }
  1294. parentsA.reverse();
  1295. parentsB.reverse();
  1296. while (i++, parentsA[i] === parentsB[i]) {
  1297. }
  1298. return i == 0 ? null : parentsA[i - 1];
  1299. },
  1300. /**
  1301. * 清除node节点左右兄弟为空的inline节点
  1302. * @name clearEmptySibling
  1303. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.clearEmptySibling(node)
  1304. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.clearEmptySibling(node,ignoreNext) //ignoreNext指定是否忽略右边空节点
  1305. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.clearEmptySibling(node,ignoreNext,ignorePre) //ignorePre指定是否忽略左边空节点
  1306. * @example
  1307. * <b></b><i></i>xxxx<b>bb</b> --> xxxx<b>bb</b>
  1308. */
  1309. clearEmptySibling:function (node, ignoreNext, ignorePre) {
  1310. function clear(next, dir) {
  1311. var tmpNode;
  1312. while (next && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(next) && (domUtils.isEmptyInlineElement(next)
  1313. //这里不能把空格算进来会吧空格干掉,出现文字间的空格丢掉了
  1314. || !new RegExp('[^\t\n\r' + domUtils.fillChar + ']').test(next.nodeValue) )) {
  1315. tmpNode = next[dir];
  1316. domUtils.remove(next);
  1317. next = tmpNode;
  1318. }
  1319. }
  1320. !ignoreNext && clear(node.nextSibling, 'nextSibling');
  1321. !ignorePre && clear(node.previousSibling, 'previousSibling');
  1322. },
  1323. /**
  1324. * 将一个文本节点node拆分成两个文本节点,offset指定拆分位置
  1325. * @name split
  1326. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.split(node,offset) => TextNode //返回从切分位置开始的后一个文本节点
  1327. */
  1328. split:function (node, offset) {
  1329. var doc = node.ownerDocument;
  1330. if ( && offset == node.nodeValue.length) {
  1331. var next = doc.createTextNode('');
  1332. return domUtils.insertAfter(node, next);
  1333. }
  1334. var retval = node.splitText(offset);
  1335. //ie8下splitText不会跟新childNodes,我们手动触发他的更新
  1336. if (browser.ie8) {
  1337. var tmpNode = doc.createTextNode('');
  1338. domUtils.insertAfter(retval, tmpNode);
  1339. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  1340. }
  1341. return retval;
  1342. },
  1343. /**
  1344. * 检测节点node是否为空节点(包括空格、换行、占位符等字符)
  1345. * @name isWhitespace
  1346. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isWhitespace(node) => true|false
  1347. */
  1348. isWhitespace:function (node) {
  1349. return !new RegExp('[^ \t\n\r' + domUtils.fillChar + ']').test(node.nodeValue);
  1350. },
  1351. /**
  1352. * 获取元素element相对于viewport的位置坐标
  1353. * @name getXY
  1354. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getXY(element) => Object //返回坐标对象{x:left,y:top}
  1355. */
  1356. getXY:function (element) {
  1357. var x = 0, y = 0;
  1358. while (element.offsetParent) {
  1359. y += element.offsetTop;
  1360. x += element.offsetLeft;
  1361. element = element.offsetParent;
  1362. }
  1363. return { 'x':x, 'y':y};
  1364. },
  1365. /**
  1366. * 为元素element绑定原生DOM事件,type为事件类型,handler为处理函数
  1367. * @name on
  1368. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.on(element,type,handler) //type支持数组传入
  1369. * @example
  1370. * UE.dom.domUtils.on(document.body,"click",function(e){
  1371. * //e为事件对象,this为被点击元素对戏那个
  1372. * })
  1373. * @example
  1374. * UE.dom.domUtils.on(document.body,["click","mousedown"],function(evt){
  1375. * //evt为事件对象,this为被点击元素对象
  1376. * })
  1377. */
  1378. on:function (element, type, handler) {
  1379. var types = utils.isArray(type) ? type : [type],
  1380. k = types.length;
  1381. if (k) while (k--) {
  1382. type = types[k];
  1383. if (element.addEventListener) {
  1384. element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
  1385. } else {
  1386. if (!handler._d) {
  1387. handler._d = {
  1388. els : []
  1389. };
  1390. }
  1391. var key = type + handler.toString(),index = utils.indexOf(handler._d.els,element);
  1392. if (!handler._d[key] || index == -1) {
  1393. if(index == -1){
  1394. handler._d.els.push(element);
  1395. }
  1396. if(!handler._d[key]){
  1397. handler._d[key] = function (evt) {
  1398. return, evt || window.event);
  1399. };
  1400. }
  1401. element.attachEvent('on' + type, handler._d[key]);
  1402. }
  1403. }
  1404. }
  1405. element = null;
  1406. },
  1407. /**
  1408. * 解除原生DOM事件绑定
  1409. * @name un
  1410. * @grammar UE.dom.donUtils.un(element,type,handler) //参见<code><a href="#on">on</a></code>
  1411. */
  1412. un:function (element, type, handler) {
  1413. var types = utils.isArray(type) ? type : [type],
  1414. k = types.length;
  1415. if (k) while (k--) {
  1416. type = types[k];
  1417. if (element.removeEventListener) {
  1418. element.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
  1419. } else {
  1420. var key = type + handler.toString();
  1421. try{
  1422. element.detachEvent('on' + type, handler._d ? handler._d[key] : handler);
  1423. }catch(e){}
  1424. if (handler._d && handler._d[key]) {
  1425. var index = utils.indexOf(handler._d.els,element);
  1426. if(index!=-1){
  1427. handler._d.els.splice(index,1);
  1428. }
  1429. handler._d.els.length == 0 && delete handler._d[key];
  1430. }
  1431. }
  1432. }
  1433. },
  1434. /**
  1435. * 比较节点nodeA与节点nodeB是否具有相同的标签名、属性名以及属性值
  1436. * @name isSameElement
  1437. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isSameElement(nodeA,nodeB) => true|false
  1438. * @example
  1439. * <span style="font-size:12px">ssss</span> and <span style="font-size:12px">bbbbb</span> => true
  1440. * <span style="font-size:13px">ssss</span> and <span style="font-size:12px">bbbbb</span> => false
  1441. */
  1442. isSameElement:function (nodeA, nodeB) {
  1443. if (nodeA.tagName != nodeB.tagName) {
  1444. return false;
  1445. }
  1446. var thisAttrs = nodeA.attributes,
  1447. otherAttrs = nodeB.attributes;
  1448. if (!ie && thisAttrs.length != otherAttrs.length) {
  1449. return false;
  1450. }
  1451. var attrA, attrB, al = 0, bl = 0;
  1452. for (var i = 0; attrA = thisAttrs[i++];) {
  1453. if (attrA.nodeName == 'style') {
  1454. if (attrA.specified) {
  1455. al++;
  1456. }
  1457. if (domUtils.isSameStyle(nodeA, nodeB)) {
  1458. continue;
  1459. } else {
  1460. return false;
  1461. }
  1462. }
  1463. if (ie) {
  1464. if (attrA.specified) {
  1465. al++;
  1466. attrB = otherAttrs.getNamedItem(attrA.nodeName);
  1467. } else {
  1468. continue;
  1469. }
  1470. } else {
  1471. attrB = nodeB.attributes[attrA.nodeName];
  1472. }
  1473. if (!attrB.specified || attrA.nodeValue != attrB.nodeValue) {
  1474. return false;
  1475. }
  1476. }
  1477. // 有可能attrB的属性包含了attrA的属性之外还有自己的属性
  1478. if (ie) {
  1479. for (i = 0; attrB = otherAttrs[i++];) {
  1480. if (attrB.specified) {
  1481. bl++;
  1482. }
  1483. }
  1484. if (al != bl) {
  1485. return false;
  1486. }
  1487. }
  1488. return true;
  1489. },
  1490. /**
  1491. * 判断节点nodeA与节点nodeB的元素属性是否一致
  1492. * @name isSameStyle
  1493. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isSameStyle(nodeA,nodeB) => true|false
  1494. */
  1495. isSameStyle:function (nodeA, nodeB) {
  1496. var styleA = ?; ?)/g, ';').replace(/( ?: ?)/g, ':'),
  1497. styleB = ?; ?)/g, ';').replace(/( ?: ?)/g, ':');
  1498. if (browser.opera) {
  1499. styleA =;
  1500. styleB =;
  1501. if (styleA.length != styleB.length)
  1502. return false;
  1503. for (var p in styleA) {
  1504. if (/^(\d+|csstext)$/i.test(p)) {
  1505. continue;
  1506. }
  1507. if (styleA[p] != styleB[p]) {
  1508. return false;
  1509. }
  1510. }
  1511. return true;
  1512. }
  1513. if (!styleA || !styleB) {
  1514. return styleA == styleB;
  1515. }
  1516. styleA = styleA.split(';');
  1517. styleB = styleB.split(';');
  1518. if (styleA.length != styleB.length) {
  1519. return false;
  1520. }
  1521. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = styleA[i++];) {
  1522. if (utils.indexOf(styleB, ci) == -1) {
  1523. return false;
  1524. }
  1525. }
  1526. return true;
  1527. },
  1528. /**
  1529. * 检查节点node是否为块元素
  1530. * @name isBlockElm
  1531. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isBlockElm(node) => true|false
  1532. */
  1533. isBlockElm:function (node) {
  1534. return node.nodeType == 1 && (dtd.$block[node.tagName] || styleBlock[domUtils.getComputedStyle(node, 'display')]) && !dtd.$nonChild[node.tagName];
  1535. },
  1536. /**
  1537. * 检测node节点是否为body节点
  1538. * @name isBody
  1539. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isBody(node) => true|false
  1540. */
  1541. isBody:function (node) {
  1542. return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body';
  1543. },
  1544. /**
  1545. * 以node节点为中心,将该节点的指定祖先节点parent拆分成2块
  1546. * @name breakParent
  1547. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.breakParent(node,parent) => node
  1548. * @desc
  1549. * <code type="html"><b>ooo</b>是node节点
  1550. * <p>xxxx<b>ooo</b>xxx</p> ==> <p>xxx</p><b>ooo</b><p>xxx</p>
  1551. * <p>xxxxx<span>xxxx<b>ooo</b>xxxxxx</span></p> => <p>xxxxx<span>xxxx</span></p><b>ooo</b><p><span>xxxxxx</span></p></code>
  1552. */
  1553. breakParent:function (node, parent) {
  1554. var tmpNode,
  1555. parentClone = node,
  1556. clone = node,
  1557. leftNodes,
  1558. rightNodes;
  1559. do {
  1560. parentClone = parentClone.parentNode;
  1561. if (leftNodes) {
  1562. tmpNode = parentClone.cloneNode(false);
  1563. tmpNode.appendChild(leftNodes);
  1564. leftNodes = tmpNode;
  1565. tmpNode = parentClone.cloneNode(false);
  1566. tmpNode.appendChild(rightNodes);
  1567. rightNodes = tmpNode;
  1568. } else {
  1569. leftNodes = parentClone.cloneNode(false);
  1570. rightNodes = leftNodes.cloneNode(false);
  1571. }
  1572. while (tmpNode = clone.previousSibling) {
  1573. leftNodes.insertBefore(tmpNode, leftNodes.firstChild);
  1574. }
  1575. while (tmpNode = clone.nextSibling) {
  1576. rightNodes.appendChild(tmpNode);
  1577. }
  1578. clone = parentClone;
  1579. } while (parent !== parentClone);
  1580. tmpNode = parent.parentNode;
  1581. tmpNode.insertBefore(leftNodes, parent);
  1582. tmpNode.insertBefore(rightNodes, parent);
  1583. tmpNode.insertBefore(node, rightNodes);
  1584. domUtils.remove(parent);
  1585. return node;
  1586. },
  1587. /**
  1588. * 检查节点node是否是空inline节点
  1589. * @name isEmptyInlineElement
  1590. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.isEmptyInlineElement(node) => 1|0
  1591. * @example
  1592. * <b><i></i></b> => 1
  1593. * <b><i></i><u></u></b> => 1
  1594. * <b></b> => 1
  1595. * <b>xx<i></i></b> => 0
  1596. */
  1597. isEmptyInlineElement:function (node) {
  1598. if (node.nodeType != 1 || !dtd.$removeEmpty[ node.tagName ]) {
  1599. return 0;
  1600. }
  1601. node = node.firstChild;
  1602. while (node) {
  1603. //如果是创建的bookmark就跳过
  1604. if (domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node)) {
  1605. return 0;
  1606. }
  1607. if (node.nodeType == 1 && !domUtils.isEmptyInlineElement(node) ||
  1608. node.nodeType == 3 && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node)
  1609. ) {
  1610. return 0;
  1611. }
  1612. node = node.nextSibling;
  1613. }
  1614. return 1;
  1615. },
  1616. /**
  1617. * 删除node节点下的左右空白文本子节点
  1618. * @name trimWhiteTextNode
  1619. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.trimWhiteTextNode(node)
  1620. */
  1621. trimWhiteTextNode:function (node) {
  1622. function remove(dir) {
  1623. var child;
  1624. while ((child = node[dir]) && child.nodeType == 3 && domUtils.isWhitespace(child)) {
  1625. node.removeChild(child);
  1626. }
  1627. }
  1628. remove('firstChild');
  1629. remove('lastChild');
  1630. },
  1631. /**
  1632. * 合并node节点下相同的子节点
  1633. * @name mergeChild
  1634. * @desc
  1635. * UE.dom.domUtils.mergeChild(node,tagName) //tagName要合并的子节点的标签
  1636. * @example
  1637. * <p><span style="font-size:12px;">xx<span style="font-size:12px;">aa</span>xx</span></p>
  1638. * ==> UE.dom.domUtils.mergeChild(node,'span')
  1639. * <p><span style="font-size:12px;">xxaaxx</span></p>
  1640. */
  1641. mergeChild:function (node, tagName, attrs) {
  1642. var list = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(node, node.tagName.toLowerCase());
  1643. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = list[i++];) {
  1644. if (!ci.parentNode || domUtils.isBookmarkNode(ci)) {
  1645. continue;
  1646. }
  1647. //span单独处理
  1648. if (ci.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {
  1649. if (node === ci.parentNode) {
  1650. domUtils.trimWhiteTextNode(node);
  1651. if (node.childNodes.length == 1) {
  1652. = + ";" +;
  1653. domUtils.remove(ci, true);
  1654. continue;
  1655. }
  1656. }
  1657. = + ';' +;
  1658. if (attrs) {
  1659. var style =;
  1660. if (style) {
  1661. style = style.split(';');
  1662. for (var j = 0, s; s = style[j++];) {
  1663.[utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(s.split(':')[0])] = s.split(':')[1];
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1666. }
  1667. if (domUtils.isSameStyle(ci, node)) {
  1668. domUtils.remove(ci, true);
  1669. }
  1670. continue;
  1671. }
  1672. if (domUtils.isSameElement(node, ci)) {
  1673. domUtils.remove(ci, true);
  1674. }
  1675. }
  1676. },
  1677. /**
  1678. * 原生方法getElementsByTagName的封装
  1679. * @name getElementsByTagName
  1680. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getElementsByTagName(node,tagName) => Array //节点集合数组
  1681. */
  1682. getElementsByTagName:function (node, name,filter) {
  1683. if(filter && utils.isString(filter)){
  1684. var className = filter;
  1685. filter = function(node){return domUtils.hasClass(node,className)}
  1686. }
  1687. name = utils.trim(name).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ').split(' ');
  1688. var arr = [];
  1689. for(var n = 0,ni;ni=name[n++];){
  1690. var list = node.getElementsByTagName(ni);
  1691. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = list[i++];) {
  1692. if(!filter || filter(ci))
  1693. arr.push(ci);
  1694. }
  1695. }
  1696. return arr;
  1697. },
  1698. /**
  1699. * 将节点node合并到父节点上
  1700. * @name mergeToParent
  1701. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.mergeToParent(node)
  1702. * @example
  1703. * <span style="color:#fff"><span style="font-size:12px">xxx</span></span> ==> <span style="color:#fff;font-size:12px">xxx</span>
  1704. */
  1705. mergeToParent:function (node) {
  1706. var parent = node.parentNode;
  1707. while (parent && dtd.$removeEmpty[parent.tagName]) {
  1708. if (parent.tagName == node.tagName || parent.tagName == 'A') {//针对a标签单独处理
  1709. domUtils.trimWhiteTextNode(parent);
  1710. //span需要特殊处理 不处理这样的情况 <span stlye="color:#fff">xxx<span style="color:#ccc">xxx</span>xxx</span>
  1711. if (parent.tagName == 'SPAN' && !domUtils.isSameStyle(parent, node)
  1712. || (parent.tagName == 'A' && node.tagName == 'SPAN')) {
  1713. if (parent.childNodes.length > 1 || parent !== node.parentNode) {
  1714. = + ";" +;
  1715. parent = parent.parentNode;
  1716. continue;
  1717. } else {
  1718. += ";" +;
  1719. //trace:952 a标签要保持下划线
  1720. if (parent.tagName == 'A') {
  1721. = 'underline';
  1722. }
  1723. }
  1724. }
  1725. if (parent.tagName != 'A') {
  1726. parent === node.parentNode && domUtils.remove(node, true);
  1727. break;
  1728. }
  1729. }
  1730. parent = parent.parentNode;
  1731. }
  1732. },
  1733. /**
  1734. * 合并节点node的左右兄弟节点
  1735. * @name mergeSibling
  1736. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.mergeSibling(node)
  1737. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.mergeSibling(node,ignorePre) //ignorePre指定是否忽略左兄弟
  1738. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.mergeSibling(node,ignorePre,ignoreNext) //ignoreNext指定是否忽略右兄弟
  1739. * @example
  1740. * <b>xxxx</b><b>ooo</b><b>xxxx</b> ==> <b>xxxxoooxxxx</b>
  1741. */
  1742. mergeSibling:function (node, ignorePre, ignoreNext) {
  1743. function merge(rtl, start, node) {
  1744. var next;
  1745. if ((next = node[rtl]) && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(next) && next.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isSameElement(node, next)) {
  1746. while (next.firstChild) {
  1747. if (start == 'firstChild') {
  1748. node.insertBefore(next.lastChild, node.firstChild);
  1749. } else {
  1750. node.appendChild(next.firstChild);
  1751. }
  1752. }
  1753. domUtils.remove(next);
  1754. }
  1755. }
  1756. !ignorePre && merge('previousSibling', 'firstChild', node);
  1757. !ignoreNext && merge('nextSibling', 'lastChild', node);
  1758. },
  1759. /**
  1760. * 设置节点node及其子节点不会被选中
  1761. * @name unSelectable
  1762. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.unSelectable(node)
  1763. */
  1764. unSelectable:ie || browser.opera ? function (node) {
  1765. //for ie9
  1766. node.onselectstart = function () {
  1767. return false;
  1768. };
  1769. node.onclick = node.onkeyup = node.onkeydown = function () {
  1770. return false;
  1771. };
  1772. node.unselectable = 'on';
  1773. node.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
  1774. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = node.all[i++];) {
  1775. switch (ci.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
  1776. case 'iframe' :
  1777. case 'textarea' :
  1778. case 'input' :
  1779. case 'select' :
  1780. break;
  1781. default :
  1782. ci.unselectable = 'on';
  1783. node.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
  1784. }
  1785. }
  1786. } : function (node) {
  1787. =
  1788. =
  1789. = 'none';
  1790. },
  1791. /**
  1792. * 删除节点node上的属性attrNames,attrNames为属性名称数组
  1793. * @name removeAttributes
  1794. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.removeAttributes(node,attrNames)
  1795. * @example
  1796. * //Before remove
  1797. * <span style="font-size:14px;" id="test" name="followMe">xxxxx</span>
  1798. * //Remove
  1799. * UE.dom.domUtils.removeAttributes(node,["id","name"]);
  1800. * //After remove
  1801. * <span style="font-size:14px;">xxxxx</span>
  1802. */
  1803. removeAttributes:function (node, attrNames) {
  1804. attrNames = utils.isArray(attrNames) ? attrNames : utils.trim(attrNames).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ').split(' ');
  1805. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = attrNames[i++];) {
  1806. ci = attrFix[ci] || ci;
  1807. switch (ci) {
  1808. case 'className':
  1809. node[ci] = '';
  1810. break;
  1811. case 'style':
  1812. = '';
  1813. ! && node.removeAttributeNode(node.getAttributeNode('style'))
  1814. }
  1815. node.removeAttribute(ci);
  1816. }
  1817. },
  1818. /**
  1819. * 在doc下创建一个标签名为tag,属性为attrs的元素
  1820. * @name createElement
  1821. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.createElement(doc,tag,attrs) => Node //返回创建的节点
  1822. */
  1823. createElement:function (doc, tag, attrs) {
  1824. return domUtils.setAttributes(doc.createElement(tag), attrs)
  1825. },
  1826. /**
  1827. * 为节点node添加属性attrs,attrs为属性键值对
  1828. * @name setAttributes
  1829. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.setAttributes(node,attrs) => node
  1830. */
  1831. setAttributes:function (node, attrs) {
  1832. for (var attr in attrs) {
  1833. if(attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)){
  1834. var value = attrs[attr];
  1835. switch (attr) {
  1836. case 'class':
  1837. //ie下要这样赋值,setAttribute不起作用
  1838. node.className = value;
  1839. break;
  1840. case 'style' :
  1841. = + ";" + value;
  1842. break;
  1843. case 'innerHTML':
  1844. node[attr] = value;
  1845. break;
  1846. case 'value':
  1847. node.value = value;
  1848. break;
  1849. default:
  1850. node.setAttribute(attrFix[attr] || attr, value);
  1851. }
  1852. }
  1853. }
  1854. return node;
  1855. },
  1856. /**
  1857. * 获取元素element的计算样式
  1858. * @name getComputedStyle
  1859. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getComputedStyle(element,styleName) => String //返回对应样式名称的样式值
  1860. * @example
  1861. * getComputedStyle(document.body,"font-size") => "15px"
  1862. * getComputedStyle(form,"color") => "#ffccdd"
  1863. */
  1864. getComputedStyle:function (element, styleName) {
  1865. //一下的属性单独处理
  1866. var pros = 'width height top left';
  1867. if(pros.indexOf(styleName) > -1){
  1868. return element['offset' + styleName.replace(/^\w/,function(s){return s.toUpperCase()})] + 'px';
  1869. }
  1870. //忽略文本节点
  1871. if (element.nodeType == 3) {
  1872. element = element.parentNode;
  1873. }
  1874. //ie下font-size若body下定义了font-size,则从currentStyle里会取到这个font-size. 取不到实际值,故此修改.
  1875. if ( && browser.version < 9 && styleName == 'font-size' && ! &&
  1876. !dtd.$empty[element.tagName] && !dtd.$nonChild[element.tagName]) {
  1877. var span = element.ownerDocument.createElement('span');
  1878. = 'padding:0;border:0;font-family:simsun;';
  1879. span.innerHTML = '.';
  1880. element.appendChild(span);
  1881. var result = span.offsetHeight;
  1882. element.removeChild(span);
  1883. span = null;
  1884. return result + 'px';
  1885. }
  1886. try {
  1887. var value = domUtils.getStyle(element, styleName) ||
  1888. (window.getComputedStyle ? domUtils.getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue(styleName) :
  1889. ( element.currentStyle || )[utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(styleName)]);
  1890. } catch (e) {
  1891. return "";
  1892. }
  1893. return utils.transUnitToPx(utils.fixColor(styleName, value));
  1894. },
  1895. /**
  1896. * 在元素element上删除classNames,支持同时删除多个
  1897. * @name removeClasses
  1898. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.removeClasses(element,classNames)
  1899. * @example
  1900. * //执行方法前的dom结构
  1901. * <span class="test1 test2 test3">xxx</span>
  1902. * //执行方法
  1903. * UE.dom.domUtils.removeClasses(element,["test1","test3"])
  1904. * //执行方法后的dom结构
  1905. * <span class="test2">xxx</span>
  1906. */
  1907. removeClasses:function (elm, classNames) {
  1908. classNames = utils.isArray(classNames) ? classNames :
  1909. utils.trim(classNames).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ').split(' ');
  1910. for(var i = 0,ci,cls = elm.className;ci=classNames[i++];){
  1911. cls = cls.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + ci + '\\b'),'')
  1912. }
  1913. cls = utils.trim(cls).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ');
  1914. if(cls){
  1915. elm.className = cls;
  1916. }else{
  1917. domUtils.removeAttributes(elm,['class']);
  1918. }
  1919. },
  1920. /**
  1921. * 在元素element上增加一个样式类className,支持以空格分开的多个类名
  1922. * 如果相同的类名将不会添加
  1923. * @name addClass
  1924. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.addClass(element,classNames)
  1925. */
  1926. addClass:function (elm, classNames) {
  1927. if(!elm)return;
  1928. classNames = utils.trim(classNames).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ').split(' ');
  1929. for(var i = 0,ci,cls = elm.className;ci=classNames[i++];){
  1930. if(!new RegExp('\\b' + ci + '\\b').test(cls)){
  1931. elm.className += ' ' + ci;
  1932. }
  1933. }
  1934. },
  1935. /**
  1936. * 判断元素element是否包含样式类名className,支持以空格分开的多个类名,多个类名顺序不同也可以比较
  1937. * @name hasClass
  1938. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.hasClass(element,className) =>true|false
  1939. */
  1940. hasClass:function (element, className) {
  1941. if(utils.isRegExp(className)){
  1942. return className.test(element.className)
  1943. }
  1944. className = utils.trim(className).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g,' ').split(' ');
  1945. for(var i = 0,ci,cls = element.className;ci=className[i++];){
  1946. if(!new RegExp('\\b' + ci + '\\b','i').test(cls)){
  1947. return false;
  1948. }
  1949. }
  1950. return i - 1 == className.length;
  1951. },
  1952. /**
  1953. * 阻止事件默认行为
  1954. * @param {Event} evt 需要组织的事件对象
  1955. */
  1956. preventDefault:function (evt) {
  1957. evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : (evt.returnValue = false);
  1958. },
  1959. /**
  1960. * 删除元素element的样式
  1961. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.removeStyle(element,name) 删除的样式名称
  1962. */
  1963. removeStyle:function (element, name) {
  1964. if( ){
  1965. //针对color先单独处理一下
  1966. if(name == 'color'){
  1967. name = '(^|;)' + name;
  1968. }
  1969. = RegExp(name + '[^:]*:[^;]+;?','ig'),'')
  1970. }else{
  1971. if ( {
  1972. (name);
  1973. }else {
  1974. (utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(name));
  1975. }
  1976. }
  1977. if (! {
  1978. domUtils.removeAttributes(element, ['style']);
  1979. }
  1980. },
  1981. /**
  1982. * 获取元素element的某个样式值
  1983. * @name getStyle
  1984. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.getStyle(element,name) => String
  1985. */
  1986. getStyle:function (element, name) {
  1987. var value =[ utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(name) ];
  1988. return utils.fixColor(name, value);
  1989. },
  1990. /**
  1991. * 为元素element设置样式属性值
  1992. * @name setStyle
  1993. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.setStyle(element,name,value)
  1994. */
  1995. setStyle:function (element, name, value) {
  1996.[utils.cssStyleToDomStyle(name)] = value;
  1997. if(!utils.trim({
  1998. this.removeAttributes(element,'style')
  1999. }
  2000. },
  2001. /**
  2002. * 为元素element设置样式属性值
  2003. * @name setStyles
  2004. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.setStyle(element,styles) //styles为样式键值对
  2005. */
  2006. setStyles:function (element, styles) {
  2007. for (var name in styles) {
  2008. if (styles.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
  2009. domUtils.setStyle(element, name, styles[name]);
  2010. }
  2011. }
  2012. },
  2013. /**
  2014. * 删除_moz_dirty属性
  2015. * @function
  2016. */
  2017. removeDirtyAttr:function (node) {
  2018. for (var i = 0, ci, nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('*'); ci = nodes[i++];) {
  2019. ci.removeAttribute('_moz_dirty');
  2020. }
  2021. node.removeAttribute('_moz_dirty');
  2022. },
  2023. /**
  2024. * 返回子节点的数量
  2025. * @function
  2026. * @param {Node} node 父节点
  2027. * @param {Function} fn 过滤子节点的规则,若为空,则得到所有子节点的数量
  2028. * @return {Number} 符合条件子节点的数量
  2029. */
  2030. getChildCount:function (node, fn) {
  2031. var count = 0, first = node.firstChild;
  2032. fn = fn || function () {
  2033. return 1;
  2034. };
  2035. while (first) {
  2036. if (fn(first)) {
  2037. count++;
  2038. }
  2039. first = first.nextSibling;
  2040. }
  2041. return count;
  2042. },
  2043. /**
  2044. * 判断是否为空节点
  2045. * @function
  2046. * @param {Node} node 节点
  2047. * @return {Boolean} 是否为空节点
  2048. */
  2049. isEmptyNode:function (node) {
  2050. return !node.firstChild || domUtils.getChildCount(node, function (node) {
  2051. return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node)
  2052. }) == 0
  2053. },
  2054. /**
  2055. * 清空节点所有的className
  2056. * @function
  2057. * @param {Array} nodes 节点数组
  2058. */
  2059. clearSelectedArr:function (nodes) {
  2060. var node;
  2061. while (node = nodes.pop()) {
  2062. domUtils.removeAttributes(node, ['class']);
  2063. }
  2064. },
  2065. /**
  2066. * 将显示区域滚动到显示节点的位置
  2067. * @function
  2068. * @param {Node} node 节点
  2069. * @param {window} win window对象
  2070. * @param {Number} offsetTop 距离上方的偏移量
  2071. */
  2072. scrollToView:function (node, win, offsetTop) {
  2073. var getViewPaneSize = function () {
  2074. var doc = win.document,
  2075. mode = doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat';
  2076. return {
  2077. width:( mode ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : doc.body.clientWidth ) || 0,
  2078. height:( mode ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight ) || 0
  2079. };
  2080. },
  2081. getScrollPosition = function (win) {
  2082. if ('pageXOffset' in win) {
  2083. return {
  2084. x:win.pageXOffset || 0,
  2085. y:win.pageYOffset || 0
  2086. };
  2087. }
  2088. else {
  2089. var doc = win.document;
  2090. return {
  2091. x:doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0,
  2092. y:doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0
  2093. };
  2094. }
  2095. };
  2096. var winHeight = getViewPaneSize().height, offset = winHeight * -1 + offsetTop;
  2097. offset += (node.offsetHeight || 0);
  2098. var elementPosition = domUtils.getXY(node);
  2099. offset += elementPosition.y;
  2100. var currentScroll = getScrollPosition(win).y;
  2101. // offset += 50;
  2102. if (offset > currentScroll || offset < currentScroll - winHeight) {
  2103. win.scrollTo(0, offset + (offset < 0 ? -20 : 20));
  2104. }
  2105. },
  2106. /**
  2107. * 判断节点是否为br
  2108. * @function
  2109. * @param {Node} node 节点
  2110. */
  2111. isBr:function (node) {
  2112. return node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName == 'BR';
  2113. },
  2114. isFillChar:function (node,isInStart) {
  2115. return node.nodeType == 3 && !node.nodeValue.replace(new RegExp((isInStart ? '^' : '' ) + domUtils.fillChar), '').length
  2116. },
  2117. isStartInblock:function (range) {
  2118. var tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  2119. flag = 0,
  2120. start = tmpRange.startContainer,
  2121. tmp;
  2122. if(start.nodeType == 1 && start.childNodes[tmpRange.startOffset]){
  2123. start = start.childNodes[tmpRange.startOffset];
  2124. var pre = start.previousSibling;
  2125. while(pre && domUtils.isFillChar(pre)){
  2126. start = pre;
  2127. pre = pre.previousSibling;
  2128. }
  2129. }
  2130. if(this.isFillChar(start,true) && tmpRange.startOffset == 1){
  2131. tmpRange.setStartBefore(start);
  2132. start = tmpRange.startContainer;
  2133. }
  2134. while (start && domUtils.isFillChar(start)) {
  2135. tmp = start;
  2136. start = start.previousSibling
  2137. }
  2138. if (tmp) {
  2139. tmpRange.setStartBefore(tmp);
  2140. start = tmpRange.startContainer;
  2141. }
  2142. if (start.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isEmptyNode(start) && tmpRange.startOffset == 1) {
  2143. tmpRange.setStart(start, 0).collapse(true);
  2144. }
  2145. while (!tmpRange.startOffset) {
  2146. start = tmpRange.startContainer;
  2147. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(start) || domUtils.isBody(start)) {
  2148. flag = 1;
  2149. break;
  2150. }
  2151. var pre = tmpRange.startContainer.previousSibling,
  2152. tmpNode;
  2153. if (!pre) {
  2154. tmpRange.setStartBefore(tmpRange.startContainer);
  2155. } else {
  2156. while (pre && domUtils.isFillChar(pre)) {
  2157. tmpNode = pre;
  2158. pre = pre.previousSibling;
  2159. }
  2160. if (tmpNode) {
  2161. tmpRange.setStartBefore(tmpNode);
  2162. } else {
  2163. tmpRange.setStartBefore(tmpRange.startContainer);
  2164. }
  2165. }
  2166. }
  2167. return flag && !domUtils.isBody(tmpRange.startContainer) ? 1 : 0;
  2168. },
  2169. isEmptyBlock:function (node,reg) {
  2170. if(node.nodeType != 1)
  2171. return 0;
  2172. reg = reg || new RegExp('[ \t\r\n' + domUtils.fillChar + ']', 'g');
  2173. if (node[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'].replace(reg, '').length > 0) {
  2174. return 0;
  2175. }
  2176. for (var n in dtd.$isNotEmpty) {
  2177. if (node.getElementsByTagName(n).length) {
  2178. return 0;
  2179. }
  2180. }
  2181. return 1;
  2182. },
  2183. setViewportOffset:function (element, offset) {
  2184. var left = parseInt( | 0;
  2185. var top = parseInt( | 0;
  2186. var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  2187. var offsetLeft = offset.left - rect.left;
  2188. var offsetTop = -;
  2189. if (offsetLeft) {
  2190. = left + offsetLeft + 'px';
  2191. }
  2192. if (offsetTop) {
  2193. = top + offsetTop + 'px';
  2194. }
  2195. },
  2196. fillNode:function (doc, node) {
  2197. var tmpNode = ? doc.createTextNode(domUtils.fillChar) : doc.createElement('br');
  2198. node.innerHTML = '';
  2199. node.appendChild(tmpNode);
  2200. },
  2201. moveChild:function (src, tag, dir) {
  2202. while (src.firstChild) {
  2203. if (dir && tag.firstChild) {
  2204. tag.insertBefore(src.lastChild, tag.firstChild);
  2205. } else {
  2206. tag.appendChild(src.firstChild);
  2207. }
  2208. }
  2209. },
  2210. //判断是否有额外属性
  2211. hasNoAttributes:function (node) {
  2212. return ? /^<\w+\s*?>/.test(node.outerHTML) : node.attributes.length == 0;
  2213. },
  2214. //判断是否是编辑器自定义的参数
  2215. isCustomeNode:function (node) {
  2216. return node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('_ue_custom_node_');
  2217. },
  2218. isTagNode:function (node, tagName) {
  2219. return node.nodeType == 1 && new RegExp('^' + node.tagName + '$','i').test(tagName)
  2220. },
  2221. /**
  2222. * 对于nodelist用filter进行过滤
  2223. * @name filterNodeList
  2224. * @since 1.2.4+
  2225. * @grammar UE.dom.domUtils.filterNodeList(nodelist,filter,onlyFirst) => 节点
  2226. * @example
  2227. * UE.dom.domUtils.filterNodeList(document.getElementsByTagName('*'),'div p') //返回第一个是div或者p的节点
  2228. * UE.dom.domUtils.filterNodeList(document.getElementsByTagName('*'),function(n){return n.getAttribute('src')})
  2229. * //返回第一个带src属性的节点
  2230. * UE.dom.domUtils.filterNodeList(document.getElementsByTagName('*'),'i',true) //返回数组,里边都是i节点
  2231. */
  2232. filterNodeList : function(nodelist,filter,forAll){
  2233. var results = [];
  2234. if(!utils .isFunction(filter)){
  2235. var str = filter;
  2236. filter = function(n){
  2237. return utils.indexOf(utils.isArray(str) ? str:str.split(' '), n.tagName.toLowerCase()) != -1
  2238. };
  2239. }
  2240. utils.each(nodelist,function(n){
  2241. filter(n) && results.push(n)
  2242. });
  2243. return results.length == 0 ? null : results.length == 1 || !forAll ? results[0] : results
  2244. },
  2245. isInNodeEndBoundary : function (rng,node){
  2246. var start = rng.startContainer;
  2247. if(start.nodeType == 3 && rng.startOffset != start.nodeValue.length){
  2248. return 0;
  2249. }
  2250. if(start.nodeType == 1 && rng.startOffset != start.childNodes.length){
  2251. return 0;
  2252. }
  2253. while(start !== node){
  2254. if(start.nextSibling){
  2255. return 0
  2256. };
  2257. start = start.parentNode;
  2258. }
  2259. return 1;
  2260. },
  2261. isBoundaryNode : function (node,dir){
  2262. var tmp;
  2263. while(!domUtils.isBody(node)){
  2264. tmp = node;
  2265. node = node.parentNode;
  2266. if(tmp !== node[dir]){
  2267. return false;
  2268. }
  2269. }
  2270. return true;
  2271. }
  2272. };
  2273. var fillCharReg = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g');
  2274. ///import editor.js
  2275. ///import core/utils.js
  2276. ///import core/browser.js
  2277. ///import core/dom/dom.js
  2278. ///import core/dom/dtd.js
  2279. ///import core/dom/domUtils.js
  2280. /**
  2281. * @file
  2282. * @name UE.dom.Range
  2283. * @anthor zhanyi
  2284. * @short Range
  2285. * @import editor.js,core/utils.js,core/browser.js,core/dom/domUtils.js,core/dom/dtd.js
  2286. * @desc Range范围实现类,本类是UEditor底层核心类,统一w3cRange和ieRange之间的差异,包括接口和属性
  2287. */
  2288. (function () {
  2289. var guid = 0,
  2290. fillChar = domUtils.fillChar,
  2291. fillData;
  2292. /**
  2293. * 更新range的collapse状态
  2294. * @param {Range} range range对象
  2295. */
  2296. function updateCollapse(range) {
  2297. range.collapsed =
  2298. range.startContainer && range.endContainer &&
  2299. range.startContainer === range.endContainer &&
  2300. range.startOffset == range.endOffset;
  2301. }
  2302. function selectOneNode(rng){
  2303. return !rng.collapsed && rng.startContainer.nodeType == 1 && rng.startContainer === rng.endContainer && rng.endOffset - rng.startOffset == 1
  2304. }
  2305. function setEndPoint(toStart, node, offset, range) {
  2306. //如果node是自闭合标签要处理
  2307. if (node.nodeType == 1 && (dtd.$empty[node.tagName] || dtd.$nonChild[node.tagName])) {
  2308. offset = domUtils.getNodeIndex(node) + (toStart ? 0 : 1);
  2309. node = node.parentNode;
  2310. }
  2311. if (toStart) {
  2312. range.startContainer = node;
  2313. range.startOffset = offset;
  2314. if (!range.endContainer) {
  2315. range.collapse(true);
  2316. }
  2317. } else {
  2318. range.endContainer = node;
  2319. range.endOffset = offset;
  2320. if (!range.startContainer) {
  2321. range.collapse(false);
  2322. }
  2323. }
  2324. updateCollapse(range);
  2325. return range;
  2326. }
  2327. function execContentsAction(range, action) {
  2328. //调整边界
  2329. //range.includeBookmark();
  2330. var start = range.startContainer,
  2331. end = range.endContainer,
  2332. startOffset = range.startOffset,
  2333. endOffset = range.endOffset,
  2334. doc = range.document,
  2335. frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
  2336. tmpStart, tmpEnd;
  2337. if (start.nodeType == 1) {
  2338. start = start.childNodes[startOffset] || (tmpStart = start.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('')));
  2339. }
  2340. if (end.nodeType == 1) {
  2341. end = end.childNodes[endOffset] || (tmpEnd = end.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('')));
  2342. }
  2343. if (start === end && start.nodeType == 3) {
  2344. frag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(start.substringData(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset)));
  2345. //is not clone
  2346. if (action) {
  2347. start.deleteData(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset);
  2348. range.collapse(true);
  2349. }
  2350. return frag;
  2351. }
  2352. var current, currentLevel, clone = frag,
  2353. startParents = domUtils.findParents(start, true), endParents = domUtils.findParents(end, true);
  2354. for (var i = 0; startParents[i] == endParents[i];) {
  2355. i++;
  2356. }
  2357. for (var j = i, si; si = startParents[j]; j++) {
  2358. current = si.nextSibling;
  2359. if (si == start) {
  2360. if (!tmpStart) {
  2361. if (range.startContainer.nodeType == 3) {
  2362. clone.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(start.nodeValue.slice(startOffset)));
  2363. //is not clone
  2364. if (action) {
  2365. start.deleteData(startOffset, start.nodeValue.length - startOffset);
  2366. }
  2367. } else {
  2368. clone.appendChild(!action ? start.cloneNode(true) : start);
  2369. }
  2370. }
  2371. } else {
  2372. currentLevel = si.cloneNode(false);
  2373. clone.appendChild(currentLevel);
  2374. }
  2375. while (current) {
  2376. if (current === end || current === endParents[j]) {
  2377. break;
  2378. }
  2379. si = current.nextSibling;
  2380. clone.appendChild(!action ? current.cloneNode(true) : current);
  2381. current = si;
  2382. }
  2383. clone = currentLevel;
  2384. }
  2385. clone = frag;
  2386. if (!startParents[i]) {
  2387. clone.appendChild(startParents[i - 1].cloneNode(false));
  2388. clone = clone.firstChild;
  2389. }
  2390. for (var j = i, ei; ei = endParents[j]; j++) {
  2391. current = ei.previousSibling;
  2392. if (ei == end) {
  2393. if (!tmpEnd && range.endContainer.nodeType == 3) {
  2394. clone.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(end.substringData(0, endOffset)));
  2395. //is not clone
  2396. if (action) {
  2397. end.deleteData(0, endOffset);
  2398. }
  2399. }
  2400. } else {
  2401. currentLevel = ei.cloneNode(false);
  2402. clone.appendChild(currentLevel);
  2403. }
  2404. //如果两端同级,右边第一次已经被开始做了
  2405. if (j != i || !startParents[i]) {
  2406. while (current) {
  2407. if (current === start) {
  2408. break;
  2409. }
  2410. ei = current.previousSibling;
  2411. clone.insertBefore(!action ? current.cloneNode(true) : current, clone.firstChild);
  2412. current = ei;
  2413. }
  2414. }
  2415. clone = currentLevel;
  2416. }
  2417. if (action) {
  2418. range.setStartBefore(!endParents[i] ? endParents[i - 1] : !startParents[i] ? startParents[i - 1] : endParents[i]).collapse(true);
  2419. }
  2420. tmpStart && domUtils.remove(tmpStart);
  2421. tmpEnd && domUtils.remove(tmpEnd);
  2422. return frag;
  2423. }
  2424. /**
  2425. * @name Range
  2426. * @grammar new UE.dom.Range(document) => Range 实例
  2427. * @desc 创建一个跟document绑定的空的Range实例
  2428. * - ***startContainer*** 开始边界的容器节点,可以是elementNode或者是textNode
  2429. * - ***startOffset*** 容器节点中的偏移量,如果是elementNode就是childNodes中的第几个,如果是textNode就是nodeValue的第几个字符
  2430. * - ***endContainer*** 结束边界的容器节点,可以是elementNode或者是textNode
  2431. * - ***endOffset*** 容器节点中的偏移量,如果是elementNode就是childNodes中的第几个,如果是textNode就是nodeValue的第几个字符
  2432. * - ***document*** 跟range关联的document对象
  2433. * - ***collapsed*** 是否是闭合状态
  2434. */
  2435. var Range = dom.Range = function (document) {
  2436. var me = this;
  2437. me.startContainer =
  2438. me.startOffset =
  2439. me.endContainer =
  2440. me.endOffset = null;
  2441. me.document = document;
  2442. me.collapsed = true;
  2443. };
  2444. /**
  2445. * 删除fillData
  2446. * @param doc
  2447. * @param excludeNode
  2448. */
  2449. function removeFillData(doc, excludeNode) {
  2450. try {
  2451. if (fillData && domUtils.inDoc(fillData, doc)) {
  2452. if (!fillData.nodeValue.replace(fillCharReg, '').length) {
  2453. var tmpNode = fillData.parentNode;
  2454. domUtils.remove(fillData);
  2455. while (tmpNode && domUtils.isEmptyInlineElement(tmpNode) &&
  2456. //safari的contains有bug
  2457. (browser.safari ? !(domUtils.getPosition(tmpNode,excludeNode) & domUtils.POSITION_CONTAINS) : !tmpNode.contains(excludeNode))
  2458. ) {
  2459. fillData = tmpNode.parentNode;
  2460. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  2461. tmpNode = fillData;
  2462. }
  2463. } else {
  2464. fillData.nodeValue = fillData.nodeValue.replace(fillCharReg, '');
  2465. }
  2466. }
  2467. } catch (e) {
  2468. }
  2469. }
  2470. /**
  2471. *
  2472. * @param node
  2473. * @param dir
  2474. */
  2475. function mergeSibling(node, dir) {
  2476. var tmpNode;
  2477. node = node[dir];
  2478. while (node && domUtils.isFillChar(node)) {
  2479. tmpNode = node[dir];
  2480. domUtils.remove(node);
  2481. node = tmpNode;
  2482. }
  2483. }
  2484. Range.prototype = {
  2485. /**
  2486. * @name cloneContents
  2487. * @grammar range.cloneContents() => DocumentFragment
  2488. * @desc 克隆选中的内容到一个fragment里,如果选区是空的将返回null
  2489. */
  2490. cloneContents:function () {
  2491. return this.collapsed ? null : execContentsAction(this, 0);
  2492. },
  2493. /**
  2494. * @name deleteContents
  2495. * @grammar range.deleteContents() => Range
  2496. * @desc 删除当前选区范围中的所有内容并返回range实例,这时的range已经变成了闭合状态
  2497. * @example
  2498. * DOM Element :
  2499. * <b>x<i>x[x<i>xx]x</b>
  2500. * //执行方法后
  2501. * <b>x<i>x<i>|x</b>
  2502. * 注意range改变了
  2503. * range.startContainer => b
  2504. * range.startOffset => 2
  2505. * range.endContainer => b
  2506. * range.endOffset => 2
  2507. * range.collapsed => true
  2508. */
  2509. deleteContents:function () {
  2510. var txt;
  2511. if (!this.collapsed) {
  2512. execContentsAction(this, 1);
  2513. }
  2514. if (browser.webkit) {
  2515. txt = this.startContainer;
  2516. if (txt.nodeType == 3 && !txt.nodeValue.length) {
  2517. this.setStartBefore(txt).collapse(true);
  2518. domUtils.remove(txt);
  2519. }
  2520. }
  2521. return this;
  2522. },
  2523. /**
  2524. * @name extractContents
  2525. * @grammar range.extractContents() => DocumentFragment
  2526. * @desc 将当前的内容放到一个fragment里并返回这个fragment,这时的range已经变成了闭合状态
  2527. * @example
  2528. * DOM Element :
  2529. * <b>x<i>x[x<i>xx]x</b>
  2530. * //执行方法后
  2531. * 返回的fragment里的 dom结构是
  2532. * <i>x<i>xx
  2533. * dom树上的结构是
  2534. * <b>x<i>x<i>|x</b>
  2535. * 注意range改变了
  2536. * range.startContainer => b
  2537. * range.startOffset => 2
  2538. * range.endContainer => b
  2539. * range.endOffset => 2
  2540. * range.collapsed => true
  2541. */
  2542. extractContents:function () {
  2543. return this.collapsed ? null : execContentsAction(this, 2);
  2544. },
  2545. /**
  2546. * @name setStart
  2547. * @grammar range.setStart(node,offset) => Range
  2548. * @desc 设置range的开始位置位于node节点内,偏移量为offset
  2549. * 如果node是elementNode那offset指的是childNodes中的第几个,如果是textNode那offset指的是nodeValue的第几个字符
  2550. */
  2551. setStart:function (node, offset) {
  2552. return setEndPoint(true, node, offset, this);
  2553. },
  2554. /**
  2555. * 设置range的结束位置位于node节点,偏移量为offset
  2556. * 如果node是elementNode那offset指的是childNodes中的第几个,如果是textNode那offset指的是nodeValue的第几个字符
  2557. * @name setEnd
  2558. * @grammar range.setEnd(node,offset) => Range
  2559. */
  2560. setEnd:function (node, offset) {
  2561. return setEndPoint(false, node, offset, this);
  2562. },
  2563. /**
  2564. * 将Range开始位置设置到node节点之后
  2565. * @name setStartAfter
  2566. * @grammar range.setStartAfter(node) => Range
  2567. * @example
  2568. * <b>xx<i>x|x</i>x</b>
  2569. * 执行setStartAfter(i)后
  2570. * range.startContainer =>b
  2571. * range.startOffset =>2
  2572. */
  2573. setStartAfter:function (node) {
  2574. return this.setStart(node.parentNode, domUtils.getNodeIndex(node) + 1);
  2575. },
  2576. /**
  2577. * 将Range开始位置设置到node节点之前
  2578. * @name setStartBefore
  2579. * @grammar range.setStartBefore(node) => Range
  2580. * @example
  2581. * <b>xx<i>x|x</i>x</b>
  2582. * 执行setStartBefore(i)后
  2583. * range.startContainer =>b
  2584. * range.startOffset =>1
  2585. */
  2586. setStartBefore:function (node) {
  2587. return this.setStart(node.parentNode, domUtils.getNodeIndex(node));
  2588. },
  2589. /**
  2590. * 将Range结束位置设置到node节点之后
  2591. * @name setEndAfter
  2592. * @grammar range.setEndAfter(node) => Range
  2593. * @example
  2594. * <b>xx<i>x|x</i>x</b>
  2595. * setEndAfter(i)后
  2596. * range.endContainer =>b
  2597. * range.endtOffset =>2
  2598. */
  2599. setEndAfter:function (node) {
  2600. return this.setEnd(node.parentNode, domUtils.getNodeIndex(node) + 1);
  2601. },
  2602. /**
  2603. * 将Range结束位置设置到node节点之前
  2604. * @name setEndBefore
  2605. * @grammar range.setEndBefore(node) => Range
  2606. * @example
  2607. * <b>xx<i>x|x</i>x</b>
  2608. * 执行setEndBefore(i)后
  2609. * range.endContainer =>b
  2610. * range.endtOffset =>1
  2611. */
  2612. setEndBefore:function (node) {
  2613. return this.setEnd(node.parentNode, domUtils.getNodeIndex(node));
  2614. },
  2615. /**
  2616. * 将Range开始位置设置到node节点内的开始位置
  2617. * @name setStartAtFirst
  2618. * @grammar range.setStartAtFirst(node) => Range
  2619. */
  2620. setStartAtFirst:function (node) {
  2621. return this.setStart(node, 0);
  2622. },
  2623. /**
  2624. * 将Range开始位置设置到node节点内的结束位置
  2625. * @name setStartAtLast
  2626. * @grammar range.setStartAtLast(node) => Range
  2627. */
  2628. setStartAtLast:function (node) {
  2629. return this.setStart(node, node.nodeType == 3 ? node.nodeValue.length : node.childNodes.length);
  2630. },
  2631. /**
  2632. * 将Range结束位置设置到node节点内的开始位置
  2633. * @name setEndAtFirst
  2634. * @grammar range.setEndAtFirst(node) => Range
  2635. */
  2636. setEndAtFirst:function (node) {
  2637. return this.setEnd(node, 0);
  2638. },
  2639. /**
  2640. * 将Range结束位置设置到node节点内的结束位置
  2641. * @name setEndAtLast
  2642. * @grammar range.setEndAtLast(node) => Range
  2643. */
  2644. setEndAtLast:function (node) {
  2645. return this.setEnd(node, node.nodeType == 3 ? node.nodeValue.length : node.childNodes.length);
  2646. },
  2647. /**
  2648. * 选中完整的指定节点,并返回包含该节点的range
  2649. * @name selectNode
  2650. * @grammar range.selectNode(node) => Range
  2651. */
  2652. selectNode:function (node) {
  2653. return this.setStartBefore(node).setEndAfter(node);
  2654. },
  2655. /**
  2656. * 选中node内部的所有节点,并返回对应的range
  2657. * @name selectNodeContents
  2658. * @grammar range.selectNodeContents(node) => Range
  2659. * @example
  2660. * <b>xx[x<i>xxx</i>]xxx</b>
  2661. * 执行后
  2662. * <b>[xxx<i>xxx</i>xxx]</b>
  2663. * range.startContainer =>b
  2664. * range.startOffset =>0
  2665. * range.endContainer =>b
  2666. * range.endOffset =>3
  2667. */
  2668. selectNodeContents:function (node) {
  2669. return this.setStart(node, 0).setEndAtLast(node);
  2670. },
  2671. /**
  2672. * 克隆一个新的range对象
  2673. * @name cloneRange
  2674. * @grammar range.cloneRange() => Range
  2675. */
  2676. cloneRange:function () {
  2677. var me = this;
  2678. return new Range(me.document).setStart(me.startContainer, me.startOffset).setEnd(me.endContainer, me.endOffset);
  2679. },
  2680. /**
  2681. * 让选区闭合到尾部,若toStart为真,则闭合到头部
  2682. * @name collapse
  2683. * @grammar range.collapse() => Range
  2684. * @grammar range.collapse(true) => Range //闭合选区到头部
  2685. */
  2686. collapse:function (toStart) {
  2687. var me = this;
  2688. if (toStart) {
  2689. me.endContainer = me.startContainer;
  2690. me.endOffset = me.startOffset;
  2691. } else {
  2692. me.startContainer = me.endContainer;
  2693. me.startOffset = me.endOffset;
  2694. }
  2695. me.collapsed = true;
  2696. return me;
  2697. },
  2698. /**
  2699. * 调整range的边界,使其"收缩"到最小的位置
  2700. * @name shrinkBoundary
  2701. * @grammar range.shrinkBoundary() => Range //range开始位置和结束位置都调整,参见<code><a href="#adjustmentboundary">adjustmentBoundary</a></code>
  2702. * @grammar range.shrinkBoundary(true) => Range //仅调整开始位置,忽略结束位置
  2703. * @example
  2704. * <b>xx[</b>xxxxx] ==> <b>xx</b>[xxxxx]
  2705. * <b>x[xx</b><i>]xxx</i> ==> <b>x[xx]</b><i>xxx</i>
  2706. * [<b><i>xxxx</i>xxxxxxx</b>] ==> <b><i>[xxxx</i>xxxxxxx]</b>
  2707. */
  2708. shrinkBoundary:function (ignoreEnd) {
  2709. var me = this, child,
  2710. collapsed = me.collapsed;
  2711. function check(node){
  2712. return node.nodeType == 1 && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) && !dtd.$empty[node.tagName] && !dtd.$nonChild[node.tagName]
  2713. }
  2714. while (me.startContainer.nodeType == 1 //是element
  2715. && (child = me.startContainer.childNodes[me.startOffset]) //子节点也是element
  2716. && check(child)) {
  2717. me.setStart(child, 0);
  2718. }
  2719. if (collapsed) {
  2720. return me.collapse(true);
  2721. }
  2722. if (!ignoreEnd) {
  2723. while (me.endContainer.nodeType == 1//是element
  2724. && me.endOffset > 0 //如果是空元素就退出 endOffset=0那么endOffst-1为负值,childNodes[endOffset]报错
  2725. && (child = me.endContainer.childNodes[me.endOffset - 1]) //子节点也是element
  2726. && check(child)) {
  2727. me.setEnd(child, child.childNodes.length);
  2728. }
  2729. }
  2730. return me;
  2731. },
  2732. /**
  2733. * 获取当前range所在位置的公共祖先节点,当前range位置可以位于文本节点内,也可以包含整个元素节点,也可以位于两个节点之间
  2734. * @name getCommonAncestor
  2735. * @grammar range.getCommonAncestor([includeSelf, ignoreTextNode]) => Element
  2736. * @example
  2737. * <b>xx[xx<i>xx]x</i>xxx</b> ==>getCommonAncestor() ==> b
  2738. * <b>[<img/>]</b>
  2739. * range.startContainer ==> b
  2740. * range.startOffset ==> 0
  2741. * range.endContainer ==> b
  2742. * range.endOffset ==> 1
  2743. * range.getCommonAncestor() ==> b
  2744. * range.getCommonAncestor(true) ==> img
  2745. * <b>xxx|xx</b>
  2746. * range.startContainer ==> textNode
  2747. * range.startOffset ==> 3
  2748. * range.endContainer ==> textNode
  2749. * range.endOffset ==> 3
  2750. * range.getCommonAncestor() ==> textNode
  2751. * range.getCommonAncestor(null,true) ==> b
  2752. */
  2753. getCommonAncestor:function (includeSelf, ignoreTextNode) {
  2754. var me = this,
  2755. start = me.startContainer,
  2756. end = me.endContainer;
  2757. if (start === end) {
  2758. if (includeSelf && selectOneNode(this)) {
  2759. start = start.childNodes[me.startOffset];
  2760. if(start.nodeType == 1)
  2761. return start;
  2762. }
  2763. //只有在上来就相等的情况下才会出现是文本的情况
  2764. return ignoreTextNode && start.nodeType == 3 ? start.parentNode : start;
  2765. }
  2766. return domUtils.getCommonAncestor(start, end);
  2767. },
  2768. /**
  2769. * 调整边界容器,如果是textNode,就调整到elementNode上
  2770. * @name trimBoundary
  2771. * @grammar range.trimBoundary([ignoreEnd]) => Range //true忽略结束边界
  2772. * @example
  2773. * DOM Element :
  2774. * <b>|xxx</b>
  2775. * startContainer = xxx; startOffset = 0
  2776. * //执行后本方法后
  2777. * startContainer = <b>; startOffset = 0
  2778. * @example
  2779. * Dom Element :
  2780. * <b>xx|x</b>
  2781. * startContainer = xxx; startOffset = 2
  2782. * //执行本方法后,xxx被实实在在地切分成两个TextNode
  2783. * startContainer = <b>; startOffset = 1
  2784. */
  2785. trimBoundary:function (ignoreEnd) {
  2786. this.txtToElmBoundary();
  2787. var start = this.startContainer,
  2788. offset = this.startOffset,
  2789. collapsed = this.collapsed,
  2790. end = this.endContainer;
  2791. if (start.nodeType == 3) {
  2792. if (offset == 0) {
  2793. this.setStartBefore(start);
  2794. } else {
  2795. if (offset >= start.nodeValue.length) {
  2796. this.setStartAfter(start);
  2797. } else {
  2798. var textNode = domUtils.split(start, offset);
  2799. //跟新结束边界
  2800. if (start === end) {
  2801. this.setEnd(textNode, this.endOffset - offset);
  2802. } else if (start.parentNode === end) {
  2803. this.endOffset += 1;
  2804. }
  2805. this.setStartBefore(textNode);
  2806. }
  2807. }
  2808. if (collapsed) {
  2809. return this.collapse(true);
  2810. }
  2811. }
  2812. if (!ignoreEnd) {
  2813. offset = this.endOffset;
  2814. end = this.endContainer;
  2815. if (end.nodeType == 3) {
  2816. if (offset == 0) {
  2817. this.setEndBefore(end);
  2818. } else {
  2819. offset < end.nodeValue.length && domUtils.split(end, offset);
  2820. this.setEndAfter(end);
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. }
  2824. return this;
  2825. },
  2826. /**
  2827. * 如果选区在文本的边界上,就扩展选区到文本的父节点上
  2828. * @name txtToElmBoundary
  2829. * @example
  2830. * Dom Element :
  2831. * <b> |xxx</b>
  2832. * startContainer = xxx; startOffset = 0
  2833. * //本方法执行后
  2834. * startContainer = <b>; startOffset = 0
  2835. * @example
  2836. * Dom Element :
  2837. * <b> xxx| </b>
  2838. * startContainer = xxx; startOffset = 3
  2839. * //本方法执行后
  2840. * startContainer = <b>; startOffset = 1
  2841. */
  2842. txtToElmBoundary:function (ignoreCollapsed) {
  2843. function adjust(r, c) {
  2844. var container = r[c + 'Container'],
  2845. offset = r[c + 'Offset'];
  2846. if (container.nodeType == 3) {
  2847. if (!offset) {
  2848. r['set' + c.replace(/(\w)/, function (a) {
  2849. return a.toUpperCase();
  2850. }) + 'Before'](container);
  2851. } else if (offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
  2852. r['set' + c.replace(/(\w)/, function (a) {
  2853. return a.toUpperCase();
  2854. }) + 'After' ](container);
  2855. }
  2856. }
  2857. }
  2858. if (ignoreCollapsed || !this.collapsed) {
  2859. adjust(this, 'start');
  2860. adjust(this, 'end');
  2861. }
  2862. return this;
  2863. },
  2864. /**
  2865. * 在当前选区的开始位置前插入一个节点或者fragment,range的开始位置会在插入节点的前边
  2866. * @name insertNode
  2867. * @grammar range.insertNode(node) => Range //node可以是textNode,elementNode,fragment
  2868. * @example
  2869. * Range :
  2870. * xxx[x<p>xxxx</p>xxxx]x<p>sdfsdf</p>
  2871. * 待插入Node :
  2872. * <p>ssss</p>
  2873. * 执行本方法后的Range :
  2874. * xxx[<p>ssss</p>x<p>xxxx</p>xxxx]x<p>sdfsdf</p>
  2875. */
  2876. insertNode:function (node) {
  2877. var first = node, length = 1;
  2878. if (node.nodeType == 11) {
  2879. first = node.firstChild;
  2880. length = node.childNodes.length;
  2881. }
  2882. this.trimBoundary(true);
  2883. var start = this.startContainer,
  2884. offset = this.startOffset;
  2885. var nextNode = start.childNodes[ offset ];
  2886. if (nextNode) {
  2887. start.insertBefore(node, nextNode);
  2888. } else {
  2889. start.appendChild(node);
  2890. }
  2891. if (first.parentNode === this.endContainer) {
  2892. this.endOffset = this.endOffset + length;
  2893. }
  2894. return this.setStartBefore(first);
  2895. },
  2896. /**
  2897. * 设置光标闭合位置,toEnd设置为true时光标将闭合到选区的结尾
  2898. * @name setCursor
  2899. * @grammar range.setCursor([toEnd]) => Range //toEnd为true时,光标闭合到选区的末尾
  2900. */
  2901. setCursor:function (toEnd, noFillData) {
  2902. return this.collapse(!toEnd).select(noFillData);
  2903. },
  2904. /**
  2905. * 创建当前range的一个书签,记录下当前range的位置,方便当dom树改变时,还能找回原来的选区位置
  2906. * @name createBookmark
  2907. * @grammar range.createBookmark([serialize]) => Object //{start:开始标记,end:结束标记,id:serialize} serialize为真时,开始结束标记是插入节点的id,否则是插入节点的引用
  2908. */
  2909. createBookmark:function (serialize, same) {
  2910. var endNode,
  2911. startNode = this.document.createElement('span');
  2912. = 'display:none;line-height:0px;';
  2913. startNode.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode('\u200D'));
  2914. = '_baidu_bookmark_start_' + (same ? '' : guid++);
  2915. if (!this.collapsed) {
  2916. endNode = startNode.cloneNode(true);
  2917. = '_baidu_bookmark_end_' + (same ? '' : guid++);
  2918. }
  2919. this.insertNode(startNode);
  2920. if (endNode) {
  2921. this.collapse().insertNode(endNode).setEndBefore(endNode);
  2922. }
  2923. this.setStartAfter(startNode);
  2924. return {
  2925. start:serialize ? : startNode,
  2926. end:endNode ? serialize ? : endNode : null,
  2927. id:serialize
  2928. }
  2929. },
  2930. /**
  2931. * 移动边界到书签位置,并删除插入的书签节点
  2932. * @name moveToBookmark
  2933. * @grammar range.moveToBookmark(bookmark) => Range //让当前的range选到给定bookmark的位置,bookmark对象是由range.createBookmark创建的
  2934. */
  2935. moveToBookmark:function (bookmark) {
  2936. var start = ? this.document.getElementById(bookmark.start) : bookmark.start,
  2937. end = bookmark.end && ? this.document.getElementById(bookmark.end) : bookmark.end;
  2938. this.setStartBefore(start);
  2939. domUtils.remove(start);
  2940. if (end) {
  2941. this.setEndBefore(end);
  2942. domUtils.remove(end);
  2943. } else {
  2944. this.collapse(true);
  2945. }
  2946. return this;
  2947. },
  2948. /**
  2949. * 调整range的边界,使其"放大"到最近的父block节点
  2950. * @name enlarge
  2951. * @grammar range.enlarge() => Range
  2952. * @example
  2953. * <p><span>xxx</span><b>x[x</b>xxxxx]</p><p>xxx</p> ==> [<p><span>xxx</span><b>xx</b>xxxxx</p>]<p>xxx</p>
  2954. */
  2955. enlarge:function (toBlock, stopFn) {
  2956. var isBody = domUtils.isBody,
  2957. pre, node, tmp = this.document.createTextNode('');
  2958. if (toBlock) {
  2959. node = this.startContainer;
  2960. if (node.nodeType == 1) {
  2961. if (node.childNodes[this.startOffset]) {
  2962. pre = node = node.childNodes[this.startOffset]
  2963. } else {
  2964. node.appendChild(tmp);
  2965. pre = node = tmp;
  2966. }
  2967. } else {
  2968. pre = node;
  2969. }
  2970. while (1) {
  2971. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(node)) {
  2972. node = pre;
  2973. while ((pre = node.previousSibling) && !domUtils.isBlockElm(pre)) {
  2974. node = pre;
  2975. }
  2976. this.setStartBefore(node);
  2977. break;
  2978. }
  2979. pre = node;
  2980. node = node.parentNode;
  2981. }
  2982. node = this.endContainer;
  2983. if (node.nodeType == 1) {
  2984. if (pre = node.childNodes[this.endOffset]) {
  2985. node.insertBefore(tmp, pre);
  2986. } else {
  2987. node.appendChild(tmp);
  2988. }
  2989. pre = node = tmp;
  2990. } else {
  2991. pre = node;
  2992. }
  2993. while (1) {
  2994. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(node)) {
  2995. node = pre;
  2996. while ((pre = node.nextSibling) && !domUtils.isBlockElm(pre)) {
  2997. node = pre;
  2998. }
  2999. this.setEndAfter(node);
  3000. break;
  3001. }
  3002. pre = node;
  3003. node = node.parentNode;
  3004. }
  3005. if (tmp.parentNode === this.endContainer) {
  3006. this.endOffset--;
  3007. }
  3008. domUtils.remove(tmp);
  3009. }
  3010. // 扩展边界到最大
  3011. if (!this.collapsed) {
  3012. while (this.startOffset == 0) {
  3013. if (stopFn && stopFn(this.startContainer)) {
  3014. break;
  3015. }
  3016. if (isBody(this.startContainer)) {
  3017. break;
  3018. }
  3019. this.setStartBefore(this.startContainer);
  3020. }
  3021. while (this.endOffset == (this.endContainer.nodeType == 1 ? this.endContainer.childNodes.length : this.endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
  3022. if (stopFn && stopFn(this.endContainer)) {
  3023. break;
  3024. }
  3025. if (isBody(this.endContainer)) {
  3026. break;
  3027. }
  3028. this.setEndAfter(this.endContainer);
  3029. }
  3030. }
  3031. return this;
  3032. },
  3033. /**
  3034. * 调整Range的边界,使其"缩小"到最合适的位置
  3035. * @name adjustmentBoundary
  3036. * @grammar range.adjustmentBoundary() => Range //参见<code><a href="#shrinkboundary">shrinkBoundary</a></code>
  3037. * @example
  3038. * <b>xx[</b>xxxxx] ==> <b>xx</b>[xxxxx]
  3039. * <b>x[xx</b><i>]xxx</i> ==> <b>x[xx</b>]<i>xxx</i>
  3040. */
  3041. adjustmentBoundary:function () {
  3042. if (!this.collapsed) {
  3043. while (!domUtils.isBody(this.startContainer) &&
  3044. this.startOffset == this.startContainer[this.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length &&
  3045. this.startContainer[this.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length
  3046. ) {
  3047. this.setStartAfter(this.startContainer);
  3048. }
  3049. while (!domUtils.isBody(this.endContainer) && !this.endOffset &&
  3050. this.endContainer[this.endContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length
  3051. ) {
  3052. this.setEndBefore(this.endContainer);
  3053. }
  3054. }
  3055. return this;
  3056. },
  3057. /**
  3058. * 给range选区中的内容添加给定的标签,主要用于inline标签
  3059. * @name applyInlineStyle
  3060. * @grammar range.applyInlineStyle(tagName) => Range //tagName为需要添加的样式标签名
  3061. * @grammar range.applyInlineStyle(tagName,attrs) => Range //attrs为属性json对象
  3062. * @desc
  3063. * <code type="html"><p>xxxx[xxxx]x</p> ==> range.applyInlineStyle("strong") ==> <p>xxxx[<strong>xxxx</strong>]x</p>
  3064. * <p>xx[dd<strong>yyyy</strong>]x</p> ==> range.applyInlineStyle("strong") ==> <p>xx[<strong>ddyyyy</strong>]x</p>
  3065. * <p>xxxx[xxxx]x</p> ==> range.applyInlineStyle("strong",{"style":"font-size:12px"}) ==> <p>xxxx[<strong style="font-size:12px">xxxx</strong>]x</p></code>
  3066. */
  3067. applyInlineStyle:function (tagName, attrs, list) {
  3068. if (this.collapsed)return this;
  3069. this.trimBoundary().enlarge(false,
  3070. function (node) {
  3071. return node.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isBlockElm(node)
  3072. }).adjustmentBoundary();
  3073. var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
  3074. end = bookmark.end,
  3075. filterFn = function (node) {
  3076. return node.nodeType == 1 ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br' : !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  3077. },
  3078. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bookmark.start, false, filterFn),
  3079. node,
  3080. pre,
  3081. range = this.cloneRange();
  3082. while (current && (domUtils.getPosition(current, end) & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING)) {
  3083. if (current.nodeType == 3 || dtd[tagName][current.tagName]) {
  3084. range.setStartBefore(current);
  3085. node = current;
  3086. while (node && (node.nodeType == 3 || dtd[tagName][node.tagName]) && node !== end) {
  3087. pre = node;
  3088. node = domUtils.getNextDomNode(node, node.nodeType == 1, null, function (parent) {
  3089. return dtd[tagName][parent.tagName];
  3090. });
  3091. }
  3092. var frag = range.setEndAfter(pre).extractContents(), elm;
  3093. if (list && list.length > 0) {
  3094. var level, top;
  3095. top = level = list[0].cloneNode(false);
  3096. for (var i = 1, ci; ci = list[i++];) {
  3097. level.appendChild(ci.cloneNode(false));
  3098. level = level.firstChild;
  3099. }
  3100. elm = level;
  3101. } else {
  3102. elm = range.document.createElement(tagName);
  3103. }
  3104. if (attrs) {
  3105. domUtils.setAttributes(elm, attrs);
  3106. }
  3107. elm.appendChild(frag);
  3108. range.insertNode(list ? top : elm);
  3109. //处理下滑线在a上的情况
  3110. var aNode;
  3111. if (tagName == 'span' && && /text\-decoration/.test( && (aNode = domUtils.findParentByTagName(elm, 'a', true))) {
  3112. domUtils.setAttributes(aNode, attrs);
  3113. domUtils.remove(elm, true);
  3114. elm = aNode;
  3115. } else {
  3116. domUtils.mergeSibling(elm);
  3117. domUtils.clearEmptySibling(elm);
  3118. }
  3119. //去除子节点相同的
  3120. domUtils.mergeChild(elm, attrs);
  3121. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(elm, false, filterFn);
  3122. domUtils.mergeToParent(elm);
  3123. if (node === end) {
  3124. break;
  3125. }
  3126. } else {
  3127. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, true, filterFn);
  3128. }
  3129. }
  3130. return this.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
  3131. },
  3132. /**
  3133. * 对当前range选中的节点,去掉给定的标签节点,但标签中的内容保留,主要用于处理inline元素
  3134. * @name removeInlineStyle
  3135. * @grammar range.removeInlineStyle(tagNames) => Range //tagNames 为需要去掉的样式标签名,支持"b"或者["b","i","u"]
  3136. * @desc
  3137. * <code type="html">xx[x<span>xxx<em>yyy</em>zz]z</span> => range.removeInlineStyle(["em"]) => xx[x<span>xxxyyyzz]z</span></code>
  3138. */
  3139. removeInlineStyle:function (tagNames) {
  3140. if (this.collapsed)return this;
  3141. tagNames = utils.isArray(tagNames) ? tagNames : [tagNames];
  3142. this.shrinkBoundary().adjustmentBoundary();
  3143. var start = this.startContainer, end = this.endContainer;
  3144. while (1) {
  3145. if (start.nodeType == 1) {
  3146. if (utils.indexOf(tagNames, start.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
  3147. break;
  3148. }
  3149. if (start.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body') {
  3150. start = null;
  3151. break;
  3152. }
  3153. }
  3154. start = start.parentNode;
  3155. }
  3156. while (1) {
  3157. if (end.nodeType == 1) {
  3158. if (utils.indexOf(tagNames, end.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
  3159. break;
  3160. }
  3161. if (end.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body') {
  3162. end = null;
  3163. break;
  3164. }
  3165. }
  3166. end = end.parentNode;
  3167. }
  3168. var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
  3169. frag,
  3170. tmpRange;
  3171. if (start) {
  3172. tmpRange = this.cloneRange().setEndBefore(bookmark.start).setStartBefore(start);
  3173. frag = tmpRange.extractContents();
  3174. tmpRange.insertNode(frag);
  3175. domUtils.clearEmptySibling(start, true);
  3176. start.parentNode.insertBefore(bookmark.start, start);
  3177. }
  3178. if (end) {
  3179. tmpRange = this.cloneRange().setStartAfter(bookmark.end).setEndAfter(end);
  3180. frag = tmpRange.extractContents();
  3181. tmpRange.insertNode(frag);
  3182. domUtils.clearEmptySibling(end, false, true);
  3183. end.parentNode.insertBefore(bookmark.end, end.nextSibling);
  3184. }
  3185. var current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bookmark.start, false, function (node) {
  3186. return node.nodeType == 1;
  3187. }), next;
  3188. while (current && current !== bookmark.end) {
  3189. next = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, true, function (node) {
  3190. return node.nodeType == 1;
  3191. });
  3192. if (utils.indexOf(tagNames, current.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
  3193. domUtils.remove(current, true);
  3194. }
  3195. current = next;
  3196. }
  3197. return this.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
  3198. },
  3199. /**
  3200. * 得到一个自闭合的节点,常用于获取自闭和的节点,例如图片节点
  3201. * @name getClosedNode
  3202. * @grammar range.getClosedNode() => node|null
  3203. * @example
  3204. * <b>xxxx[<img />]xxx</b>
  3205. */
  3206. getClosedNode:function () {
  3207. var node;
  3208. if (!this.collapsed) {
  3209. var range = this.cloneRange().adjustmentBoundary().shrinkBoundary();
  3210. if (selectOneNode(range)) {
  3211. var child = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
  3212. if (child && child.nodeType == 1 && (dtd.$empty[child.tagName] || dtd.$nonChild[child.tagName])) {
  3213. node = child;
  3214. }
  3215. }
  3216. }
  3217. return node;
  3218. },
  3219. /**
  3220. * 根据当前range选中内容节点(在页面上表现为反白显示)
  3221. * @name select
  3222. * @grammar; => Range
  3223. */
  3224. ? function (noFillData, textRange) {
  3225. var nativeRange;
  3226. if (!this.collapsed)
  3227. this.shrinkBoundary();
  3228. var node = this.getClosedNode();
  3229. if (node && !textRange) {
  3230. try {
  3231. nativeRange = this.document.body.createControlRange();
  3232. nativeRange.addElement(node);
  3234. } catch (e) {}
  3235. return this;
  3236. }
  3237. var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
  3238. start = bookmark.start,
  3239. end;
  3240. nativeRange = this.document.body.createTextRange();
  3241. nativeRange.moveToElementText(start);
  3242. nativeRange.moveStart('character', 1);
  3243. if (!this.collapsed) {
  3244. var nativeRangeEnd = this.document.body.createTextRange();
  3245. end = bookmark.end;
  3246. nativeRangeEnd.moveToElementText(end);
  3247. nativeRange.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', nativeRangeEnd);
  3248. } else {
  3249. if (!noFillData && this.startContainer.nodeType != 3) {
  3250. //使用<span>|x<span>固定住光标
  3251. var tmpText = this.document.createTextNode(fillChar),
  3252. tmp = this.document.createElement('span');
  3253. tmp.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(fillChar));
  3254. start.parentNode.insertBefore(tmp, start);
  3255. start.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpText, start);
  3256. //当点b,i,u时,不能清除i上边的b
  3257. removeFillData(this.document, tmpText);
  3258. fillData = tmpText;
  3259. mergeSibling(tmp, 'previousSibling');
  3260. mergeSibling(start, 'nextSibling');
  3261. nativeRange.moveStart('character', -1);
  3262. nativeRange.collapse(true);
  3263. }
  3264. }
  3265. this.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
  3266. tmp && domUtils.remove(tmp);
  3267. //IE在隐藏状态下不支持range操作,catch一下
  3268. try {
  3270. } catch (e) {
  3271. }
  3272. return this;
  3273. } : function (notInsertFillData) {
  3274. function checkOffset(rng){
  3275. function check(node,offset,dir){
  3276. if(node.nodeType == 3 && node.nodeValue.length < offset){
  3277. rng[dir + 'Offset'] = node.nodeValue.length
  3278. }
  3279. }
  3280. check(rng.startContainer,rng.startOffset,'start');
  3281. check(rng.endContainer,rng.endOffset,'end');
  3282. }
  3283. var win = domUtils.getWindow(this.document),
  3284. sel = win.getSelection(),
  3285. txtNode;
  3286. //FF下关闭自动长高时滚动条在关闭dialog时会跳
  3287. //ff下如果不body.focus将不能定位闭合光标到编辑器内
  3288. browser.gecko ? this.document.body.focus() : win.focus();
  3289. if (sel) {
  3290. sel.removeAllRanges();
  3291. // trace:870 chrome/safari后边是br对于闭合得range不能定位 所以去掉了判断
  3292. // this.startContainer.nodeType != 3 &&! ((child = this.startContainer.childNodes[this.startOffset]) && child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName == 'BR'
  3293. if (this.collapsed && !notInsertFillData) {
  3294. // //opear如果没有节点接着,原生的不能够定位,不能在body的第一级插入空白节点
  3295. // if (notInsertFillData && browser.opera && !domUtils.isBody(this.startContainer) && this.startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
  3296. // var tmp = this.document.createTextNode('');
  3297. // this.insertNode(tmp).setStart(tmp, 0).collapse(true);
  3298. // }
  3299. //
  3300. //处理光标落在文本节点的情况
  3301. //处理以下的情况
  3302. //<b>|xxxx</b>
  3303. //<b>xxxx</b>|xxxx
  3304. //xxxx<b>|</b>
  3305. var start = this.startContainer,child = start;
  3306. if(start.nodeType == 1){
  3307. child = start.childNodes[this.startOffset];
  3308. }
  3309. if( !(start.nodeType == 3 && this.startOffset) &&
  3310. (child ?
  3311. (!child.previousSibling || child.previousSibling.nodeType != 3)
  3312. :
  3313. (!start.lastChild || start.lastChild.nodeType != 3)
  3314. )
  3315. ){
  3316. txtNode = this.document.createTextNode(fillChar);
  3317. //跟着前边走
  3318. this.insertNode(txtNode);
  3319. removeFillData(this.document, txtNode);
  3320. mergeSibling(txtNode, 'previousSibling');
  3321. mergeSibling(txtNode, 'nextSibling');
  3322. fillData = txtNode;
  3323. this.setStart(txtNode, browser.webkit ? 1 : 0).collapse(true);
  3324. }
  3325. }
  3326. var nativeRange = this.document.createRange();
  3327. if(this.collapsed && browser.opera && this.startContainer.nodeType == 1){
  3328. var child = this.startContainer.childNodes[this.startOffset];
  3329. if(!child){
  3330. //往前靠拢
  3331. child = this.startContainer.lastChild;
  3332. if( child && domUtils.isBr(child)){
  3333. this.setStartBefore(child).collapse(true);
  3334. }
  3335. }else{
  3336. //向后靠拢
  3337. while(child && domUtils.isBlockElm(child)){
  3338. if(child.nodeType == 1 && child.childNodes[0]){
  3339. child = child.childNodes[0]
  3340. }else{
  3341. break;
  3342. }
  3343. }
  3344. child && this.setStartBefore(child).collapse(true)
  3345. }
  3346. }
  3347. //是createAddress最后一位算的不准,现在这里进行微调
  3348. checkOffset(this);
  3349. nativeRange.setStart(this.startContainer, this.startOffset);
  3350. nativeRange.setEnd(this.endContainer, this.endOffset);
  3351. sel.addRange(nativeRange);
  3352. }
  3353. return this;
  3354. },
  3355. /**
  3356. * 滚动条跳到当然range开始的位置
  3357. * @name scrollToView
  3358. * @grammar range.scrollToView([win,offset]) => Range //针对window对象,若不指定,将以编辑区域的窗口为准,offset偏移量
  3359. */
  3360. scrollToView:function (win, offset) {
  3361. win = win ? window : domUtils.getWindow(this.document);
  3362. var me = this,
  3363. span = me.document.createElement('span');
  3364. //trace:717
  3365. span.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
  3366. me.cloneRange().insertNode(span);
  3367. domUtils.scrollToView(span, win, offset);
  3368. domUtils.remove(span);
  3369. return me;
  3370. },
  3371. inFillChar : function(){
  3372. var start = this.startContainer;
  3373. if(this.collapsed && start.nodeType == 3
  3374. && start.nodeValue.replace(new RegExp('^' + domUtils.fillChar),'').length + 1 == start.nodeValue.length
  3375. ){
  3376. return true;
  3377. }
  3378. return false;
  3379. },
  3380. createAddress : function(ignoreEnd,ignoreTxt){
  3381. var addr = {},me = this;
  3382. function getAddress(isStart){
  3383. var node = isStart ? me.startContainer : me.endContainer;
  3384. var parents = domUtils.findParents(node,true,function(node){return !domUtils.isBody(node)}),
  3385. addrs = [];
  3386. for(var i = 0,ci;ci = parents[i++];){
  3387. addrs.push(domUtils.getNodeIndex(ci,ignoreTxt));
  3388. }
  3389. var firstIndex = 0;
  3390. if(ignoreTxt){
  3391. if(node.nodeType == 3){
  3392. var tmpNode = node.previousSibling;
  3393. while(tmpNode && tmpNode.nodeType == 3){
  3394. firstIndex += tmpNode.nodeValue.replace(fillCharReg,'').length;
  3395. tmpNode = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  3396. }
  3397. firstIndex += (isStart ? me.startOffset : me.endOffset)// - (fillCharReg.test(node.nodeValue) ? 1 : 0 )
  3398. }else{
  3399. node = node.childNodes[ isStart ? me.startOffset : me.endOffset];
  3400. if(node){
  3401. firstIndex = domUtils.getNodeIndex(node,ignoreTxt);
  3402. }else{
  3403. node = isStart ? me.startContainer : me.endContainer;
  3404. var first = node.firstChild;
  3405. while(first){
  3406. if(domUtils.isFillChar(first)){
  3407. first = first.nextSibling;
  3408. continue;
  3409. }
  3410. firstIndex++;
  3411. if(first.nodeType == 3){
  3412. while( first && first.nodeType == 3){
  3413. first = first.nextSibling;
  3414. }
  3415. }else{
  3416. first = first.nextSibling;
  3417. }
  3418. }
  3419. }
  3420. }
  3421. }else{
  3422. firstIndex = isStart ? domUtils.isFillChar(node) ? 0 : me.startOffset : me.endOffset
  3423. }
  3424. if(firstIndex < 0){
  3425. firstIndex = 0;
  3426. }
  3427. addrs.push(firstIndex);
  3428. return addrs;
  3429. }
  3430. addr.startAddress = getAddress(true);
  3431. if(!ignoreEnd){
  3432. addr.endAddress = me.collapsed ? [].concat(addr.startAddress) : getAddress();
  3433. }
  3434. return addr;
  3435. },
  3436. moveToAddress : function(addr,ignoreEnd){
  3437. var me = this;
  3438. function getNode(address,isStart){
  3439. var tmpNode = me.document.body,
  3440. parentNode,offset;
  3441. for(var i= 0,ci,l=address.length;i<l;i++){
  3442. ci = address[i];
  3443. parentNode = tmpNode;
  3444. tmpNode = tmpNode.childNodes[ci];
  3445. if(!tmpNode){
  3446. offset = ci;
  3447. break;
  3448. }
  3449. }
  3450. if(isStart){
  3451. if(tmpNode){
  3452. me.setStartBefore(tmpNode)
  3453. }else{
  3454. me.setStart(parentNode,offset)
  3455. }
  3456. }else{
  3457. if(tmpNode){
  3458. me.setEndBefore(tmpNode)
  3459. }else{
  3460. me.setEnd(parentNode,offset)
  3461. }
  3462. }
  3463. }
  3464. getNode(addr.startAddress,true);
  3465. !ignoreEnd && addr.endAddress && getNode(addr.endAddress);
  3466. return me;
  3467. },
  3468. equals : function(rng){
  3469. for(var p in this){
  3470. if(this.hasOwnProperty(p)){
  3471. if(this[p] !== rng[p])
  3472. return false
  3473. }
  3474. }
  3475. return true;
  3476. },
  3477. traversal:function(doFn,filterFn){
  3478. if (this.collapsed)
  3479. return this;
  3480. var bookmark = this.createBookmark(),
  3481. end = bookmark.end,
  3482. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bookmark.start, false, filterFn);
  3483. while (current && current !== end && (domUtils.getPosition(current, end) & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING)) {
  3484. var tmpNode = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current,false,filterFn);
  3485. doFn(current);
  3486. current = tmpNode;
  3487. }
  3488. return this.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
  3489. }
  3490. };
  3491. })();
  3492. ///import editor.js
  3493. ///import core/browser.js
  3494. ///import core/dom/dom.js
  3495. ///import core/dom/dtd.js
  3496. ///import core/dom/domUtils.js
  3497. ///import core/dom/Range.js
  3498. /**
  3499. * @class baidu.editor.dom.Selection Selection类
  3500. */
  3501. (function () {
  3502. function getBoundaryInformation( range, start ) {
  3503. var getIndex = domUtils.getNodeIndex;
  3504. range = range.duplicate();
  3505. range.collapse( start );
  3506. var parent = range.parentElement();
  3507. //如果节点里没有子节点,直接退出
  3508. if ( !parent.hasChildNodes() ) {
  3509. return {container:parent, offset:0};
  3510. }
  3511. var siblings = parent.children,
  3512. child,
  3513. testRange = range.duplicate(),
  3514. startIndex = 0, endIndex = siblings.length - 1, index = -1,
  3515. distance;
  3516. while ( startIndex <= endIndex ) {
  3517. index = Math.floor( (startIndex + endIndex) / 2 );
  3518. child = siblings[index];
  3519. testRange.moveToElementText( child );
  3520. var position = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', range );
  3521. if ( position > 0 ) {
  3522. endIndex = index - 1;
  3523. } else if ( position < 0 ) {
  3524. startIndex = index + 1;
  3525. } else {
  3526. //trace:1043
  3527. return {container:parent, offset:getIndex( child )};
  3528. }
  3529. }
  3530. if ( index == -1 ) {
  3531. testRange.moveToElementText( parent );
  3532. testRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToStart', range );
  3533. distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
  3534. siblings = parent.childNodes;
  3535. if ( !distance ) {
  3536. child = siblings[siblings.length - 1];
  3537. return {container:child, offset:child.nodeValue.length};
  3538. }
  3539. var i = siblings.length;
  3540. while ( distance > 0 ){
  3541. distance -= siblings[ --i ].nodeValue.length;
  3542. }
  3543. return {container:siblings[i], offset:-distance};
  3544. }
  3545. testRange.collapse( position > 0 );
  3546. testRange.setEndPoint( position > 0 ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', range );
  3547. distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length;
  3548. if ( !distance ) {
  3549. return dtd.$empty[child.tagName] || dtd.$nonChild[child.tagName] ?
  3550. {container:parent, offset:getIndex( child ) + (position > 0 ? 0 : 1)} :
  3551. {container:child, offset:position > 0 ? 0 : child.childNodes.length}
  3552. }
  3553. while ( distance > 0 ) {
  3554. try {
  3555. var pre = child;
  3556. child = child[position > 0 ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling'];
  3557. distance -= child.nodeValue.length;
  3558. } catch ( e ) {
  3559. return {container:parent, offset:getIndex( pre )};
  3560. }
  3561. }
  3562. return {container:child, offset:position > 0 ? -distance : child.nodeValue.length + distance}
  3563. }
  3564. /**
  3565. * 将ieRange转换为Range对象
  3566. * @param {Range} ieRange ieRange对象
  3567. * @param {Range} range Range对象
  3568. * @return {Range} range 返回转换后的Range对象
  3569. */
  3570. function transformIERangeToRange( ieRange, range ) {
  3571. if ( ieRange.item ) {
  3572. range.selectNode( ieRange.item( 0 ) );
  3573. } else {
  3574. var bi = getBoundaryInformation( ieRange, true );
  3575. range.setStart( bi.container, bi.offset );
  3576. if ( ieRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToEnd', ieRange ) != 0 ) {
  3577. bi = getBoundaryInformation( ieRange, false );
  3578. range.setEnd( bi.container, bi.offset );
  3579. }
  3580. }
  3581. return range;
  3582. }
  3583. /**
  3584. * 获得ieRange
  3585. * @param {Selection} sel Selection对象
  3586. * @return {ieRange} 得到ieRange
  3587. */
  3588. function _getIERange( sel ) {
  3589. var ieRange;
  3590. //ie下有可能报错
  3591. try {
  3592. ieRange = sel.getNative().createRange();
  3593. } catch ( e ) {
  3594. return null;
  3595. }
  3596. var el = ieRange.item ? ieRange.item( 0 ) : ieRange.parentElement();
  3597. if ( ( el.ownerDocument || el ) === sel.document ) {
  3598. return ieRange;
  3599. }
  3600. return null;
  3601. }
  3602. var Selection = dom.Selection = function ( doc ) {
  3603. var me = this, iframe;
  3604. me.document = doc;
  3605. if ( browser.ie9under ) {
  3606. iframe = domUtils.getWindow( doc ).frameElement;
  3607. domUtils.on( iframe, 'beforedeactivate', function () {
  3608. me._bakIERange = me.getIERange();
  3609. } );
  3610. domUtils.on( iframe, 'activate', function () {
  3611. try {
  3612. if ( !_getIERange( me ) && me._bakIERange ) {
  3614. }
  3615. } catch ( ex ) {
  3616. }
  3617. me._bakIERange = null;
  3618. } );
  3619. }
  3620. iframe = doc = null;
  3621. };
  3622. Selection.prototype = {
  3623. /**
  3624. * 获取原生seleciton对象
  3625. * @public
  3626. * @function
  3627. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.getNative
  3628. * @return {Selection} 获得selection对象
  3629. */
  3630. getNative:function () {
  3631. var doc = this.document;
  3632. try {
  3633. return !doc ? null : browser.ie9under ? doc.selection : domUtils.getWindow( doc ).getSelection();
  3634. } catch ( e ) {
  3635. return null;
  3636. }
  3637. },
  3638. /**
  3639. * 获得ieRange
  3640. * @public
  3641. * @function
  3642. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.getIERange
  3643. * @return {ieRange} 返回ie原生的Range
  3644. */
  3645. getIERange:function () {
  3646. var ieRange = _getIERange( this );
  3647. if ( !ieRange ) {
  3648. if ( this._bakIERange ) {
  3649. return this._bakIERange;
  3650. }
  3651. }
  3652. return ieRange;
  3653. },
  3654. /**
  3655. * 缓存当前选区的range和选区的开始节点
  3656. * @public
  3657. * @function
  3658. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.cache
  3659. */
  3660. cache:function () {
  3661. this.clear();
  3662. this._cachedRange = this.getRange();
  3663. this._cachedStartElement = this.getStart();
  3664. this._cachedStartElementPath = this.getStartElementPath();
  3665. },
  3666. getStartElementPath:function () {
  3667. if ( this._cachedStartElementPath ) {
  3668. return this._cachedStartElementPath;
  3669. }
  3670. var start = this.getStart();
  3671. if ( start ) {
  3672. return domUtils.findParents( start, true, null, true )
  3673. }
  3674. return [];
  3675. },
  3676. /**
  3677. * 清空缓存
  3678. * @public
  3679. * @function
  3680. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.clear
  3681. */
  3682. clear:function () {
  3683. this._cachedStartElementPath = this._cachedRange = this._cachedStartElement = null;
  3684. },
  3685. /**
  3686. * 编辑器是否得到了选区
  3687. */
  3688. isFocus:function () {
  3689. try {
  3690. return browser.ie9under && _getIERange( this ) || !browser.ie9under && this.getNative().rangeCount ? true : false;
  3691. } catch ( e ) {
  3692. return false;
  3693. }
  3694. },
  3695. /**
  3696. * 获取选区对应的Range
  3697. * @public
  3698. * @function
  3699. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.getRange
  3700. * @returns {baidu.editor.dom.Range} 得到Range对象
  3701. */
  3702. getRange:function () {
  3703. var me = this;
  3704. function optimze( range ) {
  3705. var child = me.document.body.firstChild,
  3706. collapsed = range.collapsed;
  3707. while ( child && child.firstChild ) {
  3708. range.setStart( child, 0 );
  3709. child = child.firstChild;
  3710. }
  3711. if ( !range.startContainer ) {
  3712. range.setStart( me.document.body, 0 )
  3713. }
  3714. if ( collapsed ) {
  3715. range.collapse( true );
  3716. }
  3717. }
  3718. if ( me._cachedRange != null ) {
  3719. return this._cachedRange;
  3720. }
  3721. var range = new baidu.editor.dom.Range( me.document );
  3722. if ( browser.ie9under ) {
  3723. var nativeRange = me.getIERange();
  3724. if ( nativeRange ) {
  3725. //备份的_bakIERange可能已经实效了,dom树发生了变化比如从源码模式切回来,所以try一下,实效就放到body开始位置
  3726. try{
  3727. transformIERangeToRange( nativeRange, range );
  3728. }catch(e){
  3729. optimze( range );
  3730. }
  3731. } else {
  3732. optimze( range );
  3733. }
  3734. } else {
  3735. var sel = me.getNative();
  3736. if ( sel && sel.rangeCount ) {
  3737. var firstRange = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
  3738. var lastRange = sel.getRangeAt( sel.rangeCount - 1 );
  3739. range.setStart( firstRange.startContainer, firstRange.startOffset ).setEnd( lastRange.endContainer, lastRange.endOffset );
  3740. if ( range.collapsed && domUtils.isBody( range.startContainer ) && !range.startOffset ) {
  3741. optimze( range );
  3742. }
  3743. } else {
  3744. //trace:1734 有可能已经不在dom树上了,标识的节点
  3745. if ( this._bakRange && domUtils.inDoc( this._bakRange.startContainer, this.document ) ){
  3746. return this._bakRange;
  3747. }
  3748. optimze( range );
  3749. }
  3750. }
  3751. return this._bakRange = range;
  3752. },
  3753. /**
  3754. * 获取开始元素,用于状态反射
  3755. * @public
  3756. * @function
  3757. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.getStart
  3758. * @return {Element} 获得开始元素
  3759. */
  3760. getStart:function () {
  3761. if ( this._cachedStartElement ) {
  3762. return this._cachedStartElement;
  3763. }
  3764. var range = browser.ie9under ? this.getIERange() : this.getRange(),
  3765. tmpRange,
  3766. start, tmp, parent;
  3767. if ( browser.ie9under ) {
  3768. if ( !range ) {
  3769. //todo 给第一个值可能会有问题
  3770. return this.document.body.firstChild;
  3771. }
  3772. //control元素
  3773. if ( range.item ){
  3774. return range.item( 0 );
  3775. }
  3776. tmpRange = range.duplicate();
  3777. //修正ie下<b>x</b>[xx] 闭合后 <b>x|</b>xx
  3778. tmpRange.text.length > 0 && tmpRange.moveStart( 'character', 1 );
  3779. tmpRange.collapse( 1 );
  3780. start = tmpRange.parentElement();
  3781. parent = tmp = range.parentElement();
  3782. while ( tmp = tmp.parentNode ) {
  3783. if ( tmp == start ) {
  3784. start = parent;
  3785. break;
  3786. }
  3787. }
  3788. } else {
  3789. range.shrinkBoundary();
  3790. start = range.startContainer;
  3791. if ( start.nodeType == 1 && start.hasChildNodes() ){
  3792. start = start.childNodes[Math.min( start.childNodes.length - 1, range.startOffset )];
  3793. }
  3794. if ( start.nodeType == 3 ){
  3795. return start.parentNode;
  3796. }
  3797. }
  3798. return start;
  3799. },
  3800. /**
  3801. * 得到选区中的文本
  3802. * @public
  3803. * @function
  3804. * @name baidu.editor.dom.Selection.getText
  3805. * @return {String} 选区中包含的文本
  3806. */
  3807. getText:function () {
  3808. var nativeSel, nativeRange;
  3809. if ( this.isFocus() && (nativeSel = this.getNative()) ) {
  3810. nativeRange = browser.ie9under ? nativeSel.createRange() : nativeSel.getRangeAt( 0 );
  3811. return browser.ie9under ? nativeRange.text : nativeRange.toString();
  3812. }
  3813. return '';
  3814. },
  3815. clearRange : function(){
  3816. this.getNative()[browser.ie9under ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges']();
  3817. }
  3818. };
  3819. })();
  3820. /**
  3821. * @file
  3822. * @name UE.Editor
  3823. * @short Editor
  3824. * @import editor.js,core/utils.js,core/EventBase.js,core/browser.js,core/dom/dtd.js,core/dom/domUtils.js,core/dom/Range.js,core/dom/Selection.js,plugins/serialize.js
  3825. * @desc 编辑器主类,包含编辑器提供的大部分公用接口
  3826. */
  3827. (function () {
  3828. var uid = 0, _selectionChangeTimer;
  3829. /**
  3830. * @private
  3831. * @ignore
  3832. * @param form 编辑器所在的form元素
  3833. * @param editor 编辑器实例对象
  3834. */
  3835. function setValue(form, editor) {
  3836. var textarea;
  3837. if (editor.textarea) {
  3838. if (utils.isString(editor.textarea)) {
  3839. for (var i = 0, ti, tis = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(form, 'textarea'); ti = tis[i++];) {
  3840. if ( == 'ueditor_textarea_' + editor.options.textarea) {
  3841. textarea = ti;
  3842. break;
  3843. }
  3844. }
  3845. } else {
  3846. textarea = editor.textarea;
  3847. }
  3848. }
  3849. if (!textarea) {
  3850. form.appendChild(textarea = domUtils.createElement(document, 'textarea', {
  3851. 'name': editor.options.textarea,
  3852. 'id': 'ueditor_textarea_' + editor.options.textarea,
  3853. 'style': "display:none"
  3854. }));
  3855. //不要产生多个textarea
  3856. editor.textarea = textarea;
  3857. }
  3858. textarea.value = editor.hasContents() ?
  3859. (editor.options.allHtmlEnabled ? editor.getAllHtml() : editor.getContent(null, null, true)) :
  3860. ''
  3861. }
  3862. function loadPlugins(me){
  3863. //初始化插件
  3864. for (var pi in UE.plugins) {
  3865. UE.plugins[pi].call(me);
  3866. }
  3867. me.langIsReady = true;
  3868. me.fireEvent("langReady");
  3869. }
  3870. function checkCurLang(I18N){
  3871. for(var lang in I18N){
  3872. return lang
  3873. }
  3874. }
  3875. /**
  3876. * UEditor编辑器类
  3877. * @name Editor
  3878. * @desc 创建一个跟编辑器实例
  3879. * - ***container*** 编辑器容器对象
  3880. * - ***iframe*** 编辑区域所在的iframe对象
  3881. * - ***window*** 编辑区域所在的window
  3882. * - ***document*** 编辑区域所在的document对象
  3883. * - ***body*** 编辑区域所在的body对象
  3884. * - ***selection*** 编辑区域的选区对象
  3885. */
  3886. var Editor = UE.Editor = function (options) {
  3887. var me = this;
  3888. me.uid = uid++;
  3890. me.commands = {};
  3891. me.options = utils.extend(utils.clone(options || {}), UEDITOR_CONFIG, true);
  3892. me.shortcutkeys = {};
  3893. me.inputRules = [];
  3894. me.outputRules = [];
  3895. //设置默认的常用属性
  3896. me.setOpt({
  3897. isShow: true,
  3898. initialContent: '',
  3899. initialStyle:'',
  3900. autoClearinitialContent: false,
  3901. iframeCssUrl: me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'themes/iframe.css',
  3902. textarea: 'editorValue',
  3903. focus: false,
  3904. focusInEnd: true,
  3905. autoClearEmptyNode: true,
  3906. fullscreen: false,
  3907. readonly: false,
  3908. zIndex: 999,
  3909. imagePopup: true,
  3910. enterTag: 'p',
  3911. customDomain: false,
  3912. lang: 'zh-cn',
  3913. langPath: me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'lang/',
  3914. theme: 'default',
  3915. themePath: me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'themes/',
  3916. allHtmlEnabled: false,
  3917. scaleEnabled: false,
  3918. tableNativeEditInFF: false,
  3919. autoSyncData : true
  3920. });
  3921. if(!utils.isEmptyObject(UE.I18N)){
  3922. //修改默认的语言类型
  3923. me.options.lang = checkCurLang(UE.I18N);
  3924. loadPlugins(me)
  3925. }else{
  3926. utils.loadFile(document, {
  3927. src: me.options.langPath + me.options.lang + "/" + me.options.lang + ".js",
  3928. tag: "script",
  3929. type: "text/javascript",
  3930. defer: "defer"
  3931. }, function () {
  3932. loadPlugins(me)
  3933. });
  3934. }
  3935. UE.instants['ueditorInstant' + me.uid] = me;
  3936. };
  3937. Editor.prototype = {
  3938. /**
  3939. * 当编辑器ready后执行传入的fn,如果编辑器已经完成ready,就马上执行fn,fn的中的this是编辑器实例。
  3940. * 大部分的实例接口都需要放在该方法内部执行,否则在IE下可能会报错。
  3941. * @name ready
  3942. * @grammar editor.ready(fn) fn是当编辑器渲染好后执行的function
  3943. * @example
  3944. * var editor = new UE.ui.Editor();
  3945. * editor.render("myEditor");
  3946. * editor.ready(function(){
  3947. * editor.setContent("欢迎使用UEditor!");
  3948. * })
  3949. */
  3950. ready: function (fn) {
  3951. var me = this;
  3952. if (fn) {
  3953. me.isReady ? fn.apply(me) : me.addListener('ready', fn);
  3954. }
  3955. },
  3956. /**
  3957. * 为编辑器设置默认参数值。若用户配置为空,则以默认配置为准
  3958. * @grammar editor.setOpt(key,value); //传入一个键、值对
  3959. * @grammar editor.setOpt({ key:value}); //传入一个json对象
  3960. */
  3961. setOpt: function (key, val) {
  3962. var obj = {};
  3963. if (utils.isString(key)) {
  3964. obj[key] = val
  3965. } else {
  3966. obj = key;
  3967. }
  3968. utils.extend(this.options, obj, true);
  3969. },
  3970. /**
  3971. * 销毁编辑器实例对象
  3972. * @name destroy
  3973. * @grammar editor.destroy();
  3974. */
  3975. destroy: function () {
  3976. var me = this;
  3977. me.fireEvent('destroy');
  3978. var container = me.container.parentNode;
  3979. var textarea = me.textarea;
  3980. if (!textarea) {
  3981. textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
  3982. container.parentNode.insertBefore(textarea, container);
  3983. } else {
  3984. = ''
  3985. }
  3986. = me.iframe.offsetWidth + 'px';
  3987. = me.iframe.offsetHeight + 'px';
  3988. textarea.value = me.getContent();
  3989. = me.key;
  3990. container.innerHTML = '';
  3991. domUtils.remove(container);
  3992. var key = me.key;
  3993. //trace:2004
  3994. for (var p in me) {
  3995. if (me.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
  3996. delete this[p];
  3997. }
  3998. }
  3999. UE.delEditor(key);
  4000. },
  4001. /**
  4002. * 渲染编辑器的DOM到指定容器,必须且只能调用一次
  4003. * @name render
  4004. * @grammar editor.render(containerId); //可以指定一个容器ID
  4005. * @grammar editor.render(containerDom); //也可以直接指定容器对象
  4006. */
  4007. render: function (container) {
  4008. var me = this,
  4009. options = me.options,
  4010. getStyleValue=function(attr){
  4011. return parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(container,attr));
  4012. };
  4013. if (utils.isString(container)) {
  4014. container = document.getElementById(container);
  4015. }
  4016. if (container) {
  4017. if(options.initialFrameWidth){
  4018. options.minFrameWidth = options.initialFrameWidth
  4019. }else{
  4020. options.minFrameWidth = options.initialFrameWidth = container.offsetWidth;
  4021. }
  4022. if(options.initialFrameHeight){
  4023. options.minFrameHeight = options.initialFrameHeight
  4024. }else{
  4025. options.initialFrameHeight = options.minFrameHeight = container.offsetHeight;
  4026. }
  4027. = /%$/.test(options.initialFrameWidth) ? '100%' : options.initialFrameWidth-
  4028. getStyleValue("padding-left")- getStyleValue("padding-right") +'px';
  4029. = /%$/.test(options.initialFrameHeight) ? '100%' : options.initialFrameHeight -
  4030. getStyleValue("padding-top")- getStyleValue("padding-bottom") +'px';
  4031. = options.zIndex;
  4032. var html = ( ie && browser.version < 9 ? '' : '<!DOCTYPE html>') +
  4033. '<html xmlns=\'\' class=\'view\' ><head>' +
  4034. '<style type=\'text/css\'>' +
  4035. //设置四周的留边
  4036. '.view{padding:0;word-wrap:break-word;cursor:text;height:90%;}\n' +
  4037. //设置默认字体和字号
  4038. //font-family不能呢随便改,在safari下fillchar会有解析问题
  4039. 'body{margin:8px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;}' +
  4040. //设置段落间距
  4041. 'p{margin:5px 0;}</style>' +
  4042. ( options.iframeCssUrl ? '<link rel=\'stylesheet\' type=\'text/css\' href=\'' + utils.unhtml(options.iframeCssUrl) + '\'/>' : '' ) +
  4043. (options.initialStyle ? '<style>' + options.initialStyle + '</style>' : '') +
  4044. '</head><body class=\'view\' ></body>' +
  4045. '<script type=\'text/javascript\' ' + (ie ? 'defer=\'defer\'' : '' ) +' id=\'_initialScript\'>' +
  4046. 'setTimeout(function(){window.parent.UE.instants[\'ueditorInstant' + me.uid + '\']._setup(document);},0);' +
  4047. 'var _tmpScript = document.getElementById(\'_initialScript\');_tmpScript.parentNode.removeChild(_tmpScript);</script></html>';
  4048. container.appendChild(domUtils.createElement(document, 'iframe', {
  4049. id: 'ueditor_' + me.uid,
  4050. width: "100%",
  4051. height: "100%",
  4052. frameborder: "0",
  4053. src: 'javascript:void(function(){;' + (options.customDomain && document.domain != location.hostname ? 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' : '') +
  4054. 'document.write("' + html + '");document.close();}())'
  4055. }));
  4056. = 'hidden';
  4057. //解决如果是给定的百分比,会导致高度算不对的问题
  4058. setTimeout(function(){
  4059. if( /%$/.test(options.initialFrameWidth)){
  4060. options.minFrameWidth = options.initialFrameWidth = container.offsetWidth;
  4061. = options.initialFrameWidth + 'px';
  4062. }
  4063. if(/%$/.test(options.initialFrameHeight)){
  4064. options.minFrameHeight = options.initialFrameHeight = container.offsetHeight;
  4065. = options.initialFrameHeight + 'px';
  4066. }
  4067. })
  4068. }
  4069. },
  4070. /**
  4071. * 编辑器初始化
  4072. * @private
  4073. * @ignore
  4074. * @param {Element} doc 编辑器Iframe中的文档对象
  4075. */
  4076. _setup: function (doc) {
  4077. var me = this,
  4078. options = me.options;
  4079. if (ie) {
  4080. doc.body.disabled = true;
  4081. doc.body.contentEditable = true;
  4082. doc.body.disabled = false;
  4083. } else {
  4084. doc.body.contentEditable = true;
  4085. }
  4086. doc.body.spellcheck = false;
  4087. me.document = doc;
  4088. me.window = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
  4089. me.iframe = me.window.frameElement;
  4090. me.body = doc.body;
  4091. me.selection = new dom.Selection(doc);
  4092. //gecko初始化就能得到range,无法判断isFocus了
  4093. var geckoSel;
  4094. if (browser.gecko && (geckoSel = this.selection.getNative())) {
  4095. geckoSel.removeAllRanges();
  4096. }
  4097. this._initEvents();
  4098. //为form提交提供一个隐藏的textarea
  4099. for (var form = this.iframe.parentNode; !domUtils.isBody(form); form = form.parentNode) {
  4100. if (form.tagName == 'FORM') {
  4101. me.form = form;
  4102. if(me.options.autoSyncData){
  4103. domUtils.on(me.window,'blur',function(){
  4104. setValue(form,me);
  4105. });
  4106. }else{
  4107. domUtils.on(form, 'submit', function () {
  4108. setValue(this, me);
  4109. });
  4110. }
  4111. break;
  4112. }
  4113. }
  4114. if (options.initialContent) {
  4115. if (options.autoClearinitialContent) {
  4116. var oldExecCommand = me.execCommand;
  4117. me.execCommand = function () {
  4118. me.fireEvent('firstBeforeExecCommand');
  4119. return oldExecCommand.apply(me, arguments);
  4120. };
  4121. this._setDefaultContent(options.initialContent);
  4122. } else
  4123. this.setContent(options.initialContent, false, true);
  4124. }
  4125. //编辑器不能为空内容
  4126. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(me.body)) {
  4127. me.body.innerHTML = '<p>' + ( ? '' : '<br/>') + '</p>';
  4128. }
  4129. //如果要求focus, 就把光标定位到内容开始
  4130. if (options.focus) {
  4131. setTimeout(function () {
  4132. me.focus(me.options.focusInEnd);
  4133. //如果自动清除开着,就不需要做selectionchange;
  4134. !me.options.autoClearinitialContent && me._selectionChange();
  4135. }, 0);
  4136. }
  4137. if (!me.container) {
  4138. me.container = this.iframe.parentNode;
  4139. }
  4140. if (options.fullscreen && me.ui) {
  4141. me.ui.setFullScreen(true);
  4142. }
  4143. try {
  4144. me.document.execCommand('2D-position', false, false);
  4145. } catch (e) {
  4146. }
  4147. try {
  4148. me.document.execCommand('enableInlineTableEditing', false, false);
  4149. } catch (e) {
  4150. }
  4151. try {
  4152. me.document.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);
  4153. } catch (e) {
  4154. // domUtils.on(me.body, ? 'resizestart' : 'resize', function( evt ) {
  4155. // domUtils.preventDefault(evt)
  4156. // });
  4157. }
  4158. me._bindshortcutKeys();
  4159. me.isReady = 1;
  4160. me.fireEvent('ready');
  4161. options.onready &&;
  4162. if (!browser.ie9under) {
  4163. domUtils.on(me.window, ['blur', 'focus'], function (e) {
  4164. //chrome下会出现alt+tab切换时,导致选区位置不对
  4165. if (e.type == 'blur') {
  4166. me._bakRange = me.selection.getRange();
  4167. try {
  4168. me._bakNativeRange = me.selection.getNative().getRangeAt(0);
  4169. me.selection.getNative().removeAllRanges();
  4170. } catch (e) {
  4171. me._bakNativeRange = null;
  4172. }
  4173. } else {
  4174. try {
  4175. me._bakRange &&;
  4176. } catch (e) {
  4177. }
  4178. }
  4179. });
  4180. }
  4181. //trace:1518 ff3.6body不够寛,会导致点击空白处无法获得焦点
  4182. if (browser.gecko && browser.version <= 10902) {
  4183. //修复ff3.6初始化进来,不能点击获得焦点
  4184. me.body.contentEditable = false;
  4185. setTimeout(function () {
  4186. me.body.contentEditable = true;
  4187. }, 100);
  4188. setInterval(function () {
  4189. = me.iframe.offsetHeight - 20 + 'px'
  4190. }, 100)
  4191. }
  4192. !options.isShow && me.setHide();
  4193. options.readonly && me.setDisabled();
  4194. },
  4195. /**
  4196. * 同步编辑器的数据,为提交数据做准备,主要用于你是手动提交的情况
  4197. * @name sync
  4198. * @grammar editor.sync(); //从编辑器的容器向上查找,如果找到就同步数据
  4199. * @grammar editor.sync(formID); //formID制定一个要同步数据的form的id,编辑器的数据会同步到你指定form下
  4200. * @desc
  4201. * 后台取得数据得键值使用你容器上得''name''属性,如果没有就使用参数传入的''textarea''
  4202. * @example
  4203. * editor.sync();
  4204. * form.sumbit(); //form变量已经指向了form元素
  4205. *
  4206. */
  4207. sync: function (formId) {
  4208. var me = this,
  4209. form = formId ? document.getElementById(formId) :
  4210. domUtils.findParent(me.iframe.parentNode, function (node) {
  4211. return node.tagName == 'FORM'
  4212. }, true);
  4213. form && setValue(form, me);
  4214. },
  4215. /**
  4216. * 设置编辑器高度
  4217. * @name setHeight
  4218. * @grammar editor.setHeight(number); //纯数值,不带单位
  4219. */
  4220. setHeight: function (height,notSetHeight) {
  4221. if (height !== parseInt( {
  4222. = height + 'px';
  4223. }
  4224. !notSetHeight && (this.options.minFrameHeight = this.options.initialFrameHeight = height);
  4225. = height + 'px';
  4226. },
  4227. addshortcutkey: function (cmd, keys) {
  4228. var obj = {};
  4229. if (keys) {
  4230. obj[cmd] = keys
  4231. } else {
  4232. obj = cmd;
  4233. }
  4234. utils.extend(this.shortcutkeys, obj)
  4235. },
  4236. _bindshortcutKeys: function () {
  4237. var me = this, shortcutkeys = this.shortcutkeys;
  4238. me.addListener('keydown', function (type, e) {
  4239. var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
  4240. for (var i in shortcutkeys) {
  4241. var tmp = shortcutkeys[i].split(',');
  4242. for (var t = 0, ti; ti = tmp[t++];) {
  4243. ti = ti.split(':');
  4244. var key = ti[0], param = ti[1];
  4245. if (/^(ctrl)(\+shift)?\+(\d+)$/.test(key.toLowerCase()) || /^(\d+)$/.test(key)) {
  4246. if (( (RegExp.$1 == 'ctrl' ? (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) : 0)
  4247. && (RegExp.$2 != "" ? e[RegExp.$2.slice(1) + "Key"] : 1)
  4248. && keyCode == RegExp.$3
  4249. ) ||
  4250. keyCode == RegExp.$1
  4251. ) {
  4252. if (me.queryCommandState(i,param) != -1)
  4253. me.execCommand(i, param);
  4254. domUtils.preventDefault(e);
  4255. }
  4256. }
  4257. }
  4258. }
  4259. });
  4260. },
  4261. /**
  4262. * 获取编辑器内容
  4263. * @name getContent
  4264. * @grammar editor.getContent() => String //若编辑器中只包含字符"&lt;p&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/p/&gt;"会返回空。
  4265. * @grammar editor.getContent(fn) => String
  4266. * @example
  4267. * getContent默认是会现调用hasContents来判断编辑器是否为空,如果是,就直接返回空字符串
  4268. * 你也可以传入一个fn来接替hasContents的工作,定制判断的规则
  4269. * editor.getContent(function(){
  4270. * return false //编辑器没有内容 ,getContent直接返回空
  4271. * })
  4272. */
  4273. getContent: function (cmd, fn,notSetCursor,ignoreBlank,formatter) {
  4274. var me = this;
  4275. if (cmd && utils.isFunction(cmd)) {
  4276. fn = cmd;
  4277. cmd = '';
  4278. }
  4279. if (fn ? !fn() : !this.hasContents()) {
  4280. return '';
  4281. }
  4282. me.fireEvent('beforegetcontent');
  4283. var root = UE.htmlparser(me.body.innerHTML,ignoreBlank);
  4284. me.filterOutputRule(root);
  4285. me.fireEvent('aftergetcontent', cmd);
  4286. return root.toHtml(formatter);
  4287. },
  4288. /**
  4289. * 取得完整的html代码,可以直接显示成完整的html文档
  4290. * @name getAllHtml
  4291. * @grammar editor.getAllHtml() => String
  4292. */
  4293. getAllHtml: function () {
  4294. var me = this,
  4295. headHtml = [],
  4296. html = '';
  4297. me.fireEvent('getAllHtml', headHtml);
  4298. if ( && browser.version > 8) {
  4299. var headHtmlForIE9 = '';
  4300. utils.each(me.document.styleSheets, function (si) {
  4301. headHtmlForIE9 += ( si.href ? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + si.href + '" />' : '<style>' + si.cssText + '</style>');
  4302. });
  4303. utils.each(me.document.getElementsByTagName('script'), function (si) {
  4304. headHtmlForIE9 += si.outerHTML;
  4305. });
  4306. }
  4307. return '<html><head>' + (me.options.charset ? '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + me.options.charset + '"/>' : '')
  4308. + (headHtmlForIE9 || me.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML) + headHtml.join('\n') + '</head>'
  4309. + '<body ' + (ie && browser.version < 9 ? 'class="view"' : '') + '>' + me.getContent(null, null, true) + '</body></html>';
  4310. },
  4311. /**
  4312. * 得到编辑器的纯文本内容,但会保留段落格式
  4313. * @name getPlainTxt
  4314. * @grammar editor.getPlainTxt() => String
  4315. */
  4316. getPlainTxt: function () {
  4317. var reg = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g'),
  4318. html = this.body.innerHTML.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '');//ie要先去了\n在处理
  4319. html = html.replace(/<(p|div)[^>]*>(<br\/?>|&nbsp;)<\/\1>/gi, '\n')
  4320. .replace(/<br\/?>/gi, '\n')
  4321. .replace(/<[^>/]+>/g, '')
  4322. .replace(/(\n)?<\/([^>]+)>/g, function (a, b, c) {
  4323. return dtd.$block[c] ? '\n' : b ? b : '';
  4324. });
  4325. //取出来的空格会有c2a0会变成乱码,处理这种情况\u00a0
  4326. return html.replace(reg, '').replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ').replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
  4327. },
  4328. /**
  4329. * 获取编辑器中的纯文本内容,没有段落格式
  4330. * @name getContentTxt
  4331. * @grammar editor.getContentTxt() => String
  4332. */
  4333. getContentTxt: function () {
  4334. var reg = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g');
  4335. //取出来的空格会有c2a0会变成乱码,处理这种情况\u00a0
  4336. return this.body[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'].replace(reg, '').replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
  4337. },
  4338. /**
  4339. * 将html设置到编辑器中, 如果是用于初始化时给编辑器赋初值,则必须放在ready方法内部执行
  4340. * @name setContent
  4341. * @grammar editor.setContent(html)
  4342. * @example
  4343. * var editor = new UE.ui.Editor()
  4344. * editor.ready(function(){
  4345. * //需要ready后执行,否则可能报错
  4346. * editor.setContent("欢迎使用UEditor!");
  4347. * })
  4348. */
  4349. setContent: function (html, isAppendTo, notFireSelectionchange) {
  4350. var me = this;
  4351. me.fireEvent('beforesetcontent', html);
  4352. var root = UE.htmlparser(html);
  4353. me.filterInputRule(root);
  4354. html = root.toHtml();
  4355. me.body.innerHTML = (isAppendTo ? me.body.innerHTML : '') + html;
  4356. function isCdataDiv(node){
  4357. return node.tagName == 'DIV' && node.getAttribute('cdata_tag');
  4358. }
  4359. //给文本或者inline节点套p标签
  4360. if (me.options.enterTag == 'p') {
  4361. var child = this.body.firstChild, tmpNode;
  4362. if (!child || child.nodeType == 1 &&
  4363. (dtd.$cdata[child.tagName] || isCdataDiv(child) ||
  4364. domUtils.isCustomeNode(child)
  4365. )
  4366. && child === this.body.lastChild) {
  4367. this.body.innerHTML = '<p>' + ( ? '&nbsp;' : '<br/>') + '</p>' + this.body.innerHTML;
  4368. } else {
  4369. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  4370. while (child) {
  4371. while (child && (child.nodeType == 3 || child.nodeType == 1 && dtd.p[child.tagName] && !dtd.$cdata[child.tagName])) {
  4372. tmpNode = child.nextSibling;
  4373. p.appendChild(child);
  4374. child = tmpNode;
  4375. }
  4376. if (p.firstChild) {
  4377. if (!child) {
  4378. me.body.appendChild(p);
  4379. break;
  4380. } else {
  4381. child.parentNode.insertBefore(p, child);
  4382. p = me.document.createElement('p');
  4383. }
  4384. }
  4385. child = child.nextSibling;
  4386. }
  4387. }
  4388. }
  4389. me.fireEvent('aftersetcontent');
  4390. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  4391. !notFireSelectionchange && me._selectionChange();
  4392. //清除保存的选区
  4393. me._bakRange = me._bakIERange = me._bakNativeRange = null;
  4394. //trace:1742 setContent后gecko能得到焦点问题
  4395. var geckoSel;
  4396. if (browser.gecko && (geckoSel = this.selection.getNative())) {
  4397. geckoSel.removeAllRanges();
  4398. }
  4399. if(me.options.autoSyncData){
  4400. me.form && setValue(me.form,me);
  4401. }
  4402. },
  4403. /**
  4404. * 让编辑器获得焦点,toEnd确定focus位置
  4405. * @name focus
  4406. * @grammar editor.focus([toEnd]) //默认focus到编辑器头部,toEnd为true时focus到内容尾部
  4407. */
  4408. focus: function (toEnd) {
  4409. try {
  4410. var me = this,
  4411. rng = me.selection.getRange();
  4412. if (toEnd) {
  4413. rng.setStartAtLast(me.body.lastChild).setCursor(false, true);
  4414. } else {
  4416. }
  4417. this.fireEvent('focus');
  4418. } catch (e) {
  4419. }
  4420. },
  4421. /**
  4422. * 初始化UE事件及部分事件代理
  4423. * @private
  4424. * @ignore
  4425. */
  4426. _initEvents: function () {
  4427. var me = this,
  4428. doc = me.document,
  4429. win = me.window;
  4430. me._proxyDomEvent = utils.bind(me._proxyDomEvent, me);
  4431. domUtils.on(doc, ['click', 'contextmenu', 'mousedown', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'selectstart'], me._proxyDomEvent);
  4432. domUtils.on(win, ['focus', 'blur'], me._proxyDomEvent);
  4433. domUtils.on(doc, ['mouseup', 'keydown'], function (evt) {
  4434. //特殊键不触发selectionchange
  4435. if (evt.type == 'keydown' && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.altKey)) {
  4436. return;
  4437. }
  4438. if (evt.button == 2)return;
  4439. me._selectionChange(250, evt);
  4440. });
  4441. // //处理拖拽
  4442. // //ie ff不能从外边拖入
  4443. // //chrome只针对从外边拖入的内容过滤
  4444. // var innerDrag = 0, source = ? me.body : me.document, dragoverHandler;
  4445. // domUtils.on(source, 'dragstart', function () {
  4446. // innerDrag = 1;
  4447. // });
  4448. // domUtils.on(source, browser.webkit ? 'dragover' : 'drop', function () {
  4449. // return browser.webkit ?
  4450. // function () {
  4451. // clearTimeout(dragoverHandler);
  4452. // dragoverHandler = setTimeout(function () {
  4453. // if (!innerDrag) {
  4454. // var sel = me.selection,
  4455. // range = sel.getRange();
  4456. // if (range) {
  4457. // var common = range.getCommonAncestor();
  4458. // if (common && me.serialize) {
  4459. // var f = me.serialize,
  4460. // node =
  4461. // f.filter(
  4462. // f.transformInput(
  4463. // f.parseHTML(
  4464. // f.word(common.innerHTML)
  4465. // )
  4466. // )
  4467. // );
  4468. // common.innerHTML = f.toHTML(node);
  4469. // }
  4470. // }
  4471. // }
  4472. // innerDrag = 0;
  4473. // }, 200);
  4474. // } :
  4475. // function (e) {
  4476. // if (!innerDrag) {
  4477. // e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = false);
  4478. // }
  4479. // innerDrag = 0;
  4480. // }
  4481. // }());
  4482. },
  4483. /**
  4484. * 触发事件代理
  4485. * @private
  4486. * @ignore
  4487. */
  4488. _proxyDomEvent: function (evt) {
  4489. return this.fireEvent(evt.type.replace(/^on/, ''), evt);
  4490. },
  4491. /**
  4492. * 变化选区
  4493. * @private
  4494. * @ignore
  4495. */
  4496. _selectionChange: function (delay, evt) {
  4497. var me = this;
  4498. //有光标才做selectionchange 为了解决未focus时点击source不能触发更改工具栏状态的问题(source命令notNeedUndo=1)
  4499. // if ( !me.selection.isFocus() ){
  4500. // return;
  4501. // }
  4502. var hackForMouseUp = false;
  4503. var mouseX, mouseY;
  4504. if ( && browser.version < 9 && evt && evt.type == 'mouseup') {
  4505. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  4506. if (!range.collapsed) {
  4507. hackForMouseUp = true;
  4508. mouseX = evt.clientX;
  4509. mouseY = evt.clientY;
  4510. }
  4511. }
  4512. clearTimeout(_selectionChangeTimer);
  4513. _selectionChangeTimer = setTimeout(function () {
  4514. if (!me.selection.getNative()) {
  4515. return;
  4516. }
  4517. //修复一个IE下的bug: 鼠标点击一段已选择的文本中间时,可能在mouseup后的一段时间内取到的range是在selection的type为None下的错误值.
  4518. //IE下如果用户是拖拽一段已选择文本,则不会触发mouseup事件,所以这里的特殊处理不会对其有影响
  4519. var ieRange;
  4520. if (hackForMouseUp && me.selection.getNative().type == 'None') {
  4521. ieRange = me.document.body.createTextRange();
  4522. try {
  4523. ieRange.moveToPoint(mouseX, mouseY);
  4524. } catch (ex) {
  4525. ieRange = null;
  4526. }
  4527. }
  4528. var bakGetIERange;
  4529. if (ieRange) {
  4530. bakGetIERange = me.selection.getIERange;
  4531. me.selection.getIERange = function () {
  4532. return ieRange;
  4533. };
  4534. }
  4535. me.selection.cache();
  4536. if (bakGetIERange) {
  4537. me.selection.getIERange = bakGetIERange;
  4538. }
  4539. if (me.selection._cachedRange && me.selection._cachedStartElement) {
  4540. me.fireEvent('beforeselectionchange');
  4541. // 第二个参数causeByUi为true代表由用户交互造成的selectionchange.
  4542. me.fireEvent('selectionchange', !!evt);
  4543. me.fireEvent('afterselectionchange');
  4544. me.selection.clear();
  4545. }
  4546. }, delay || 50);
  4547. },
  4548. _callCmdFn: function (fnName, args) {
  4549. var cmdName = args[0].toLowerCase(),
  4550. cmd, cmdFn;
  4551. cmd = this.commands[cmdName] || UE.commands[cmdName];
  4552. cmdFn = cmd && cmd[fnName];
  4553. //没有querycommandstate或者没有command的都默认返回0
  4554. if ((!cmd || !cmdFn) && fnName == 'queryCommandState') {
  4555. return 0;
  4556. } else if (cmdFn) {
  4557. return cmdFn.apply(this, args);
  4558. }
  4559. },
  4560. /**
  4561. * 执行编辑命令cmdName,完成富文本编辑效果
  4562. * @name execCommand
  4563. * @grammar editor.execCommand(cmdName) => {*}
  4564. */
  4565. execCommand: function (cmdName) {
  4566. cmdName = cmdName.toLowerCase();
  4567. var me = this,
  4568. result,
  4569. cmd = me.commands[cmdName] || UE.commands[cmdName];
  4570. if (!cmd || !cmd.execCommand) {
  4571. return null;
  4572. }
  4573. if (!cmd.notNeedUndo && !me.__hasEnterExecCommand) {
  4574. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  4575. if (me.queryCommandState.apply(me,arguments) != -1) {
  4576. me.fireEvent('beforeexeccommand', cmdName);
  4577. result = this._callCmdFn('execCommand', arguments);
  4578. !me._ignoreContentChange && me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  4579. me.fireEvent('afterexeccommand', cmdName);
  4580. }
  4581. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  4582. } else {
  4583. result = this._callCmdFn('execCommand', arguments);
  4584. !me._ignoreContentChange && me.fireEvent('contentchange')
  4585. }
  4586. !me._ignoreContentChange && me._selectionChange();
  4587. return result;
  4588. },
  4589. /**
  4590. * 根据传入的command命令,查选编辑器当前的选区,返回命令的状态
  4591. * @name queryCommandState
  4592. * @grammar editor.queryCommandState(cmdName) => (-1|0|1)
  4593. * @desc
  4594. * * ''-1'' 当前命令不可用
  4595. * * ''0'' 当前命令可用
  4596. * * ''1'' 当前命令已经执行过了
  4597. */
  4598. queryCommandState: function (cmdName) {
  4599. return this._callCmdFn('queryCommandState', arguments);
  4600. },
  4601. /**
  4602. * 根据传入的command命令,查选编辑器当前的选区,根据命令返回相关的值
  4603. * @name queryCommandValue
  4604. * @grammar editor.queryCommandValue(cmdName) => {*}
  4605. */
  4606. queryCommandValue: function (cmdName) {
  4607. return this._callCmdFn('queryCommandValue', arguments);
  4608. },
  4609. /**
  4610. * 检查编辑区域中是否有内容,若包含tags中的节点类型,直接返回true
  4611. * @name hasContents
  4612. * @desc
  4613. * 默认有文本内容,或者有以下节点都不认为是空
  4614. * <code>{table:1,ul:1,ol:1,dl:1,iframe:1,area:1,base:1,col:1,hr:1,img:1,embed:1,input:1,link:1,meta:1,param:1}</code>
  4615. * @grammar editor.hasContents() => (true|false)
  4616. * @grammar editor.hasContents(tags) => (true|false) //若文档中包含tags数组里对应的tag,直接返回true
  4617. * @example
  4618. * editor.hasContents(['span']) //如果编辑器里有这些,不认为是空
  4619. */
  4620. hasContents: function (tags) {
  4621. if (tags) {
  4622. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tags[i++];) {
  4623. if (this.document.getElementsByTagName(ci).length > 0) {
  4624. return true;
  4625. }
  4626. }
  4627. }
  4628. if (!domUtils.isEmptyBlock(this.body)) {
  4629. return true
  4630. }
  4631. //随时添加,定义的特殊标签如果存在,不能认为是空
  4632. tags = ['div'];
  4633. for (i = 0; ci = tags[i++];) {
  4634. var nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(this.document, ci);
  4635. for (var n = 0, cn; cn = nodes[n++];) {
  4636. if (domUtils.isCustomeNode(cn)) {
  4637. return true;
  4638. }
  4639. }
  4640. }
  4641. return false;
  4642. },
  4643. /**
  4644. * 重置编辑器,可用来做多个tab使用同一个编辑器实例
  4645. * @name reset
  4646. * @desc
  4647. * * 清空编辑器内容
  4648. * * 清空回退列表
  4649. * @grammar editor.reset()
  4650. */
  4651. reset: function () {
  4652. this.fireEvent('reset');
  4653. },
  4654. setEnabled: function () {
  4655. var me = this, range;
  4656. if (me.body.contentEditable == 'false') {
  4657. me.body.contentEditable = true;
  4658. range = me.selection.getRange();
  4659. //有可能内容丢失了
  4660. try {
  4661. range.moveToBookmark(me.lastBk);
  4662. delete me.lastBk
  4663. } catch (e) {
  4664. range.setStartAtFirst(me.body).collapse(true)
  4665. }
  4667. if (me.bkqueryCommandState) {
  4668. me.queryCommandState = me.bkqueryCommandState;
  4669. delete me.bkqueryCommandState;
  4670. }
  4671. me.fireEvent('selectionchange');
  4672. }
  4673. },
  4674. /**
  4675. * 设置当前编辑区域可以编辑
  4676. * @name enable
  4677. * @grammar editor.enable()
  4678. */
  4679. enable: function () {
  4680. return this.setEnabled();
  4681. },
  4682. setDisabled: function (except) {
  4683. var me = this;
  4684. except = except ? utils.isArray(except) ? except : [except] : [];
  4685. if (me.body.contentEditable == 'true') {
  4686. if (!me.lastBk) {
  4687. me.lastBk = me.selection.getRange().createBookmark(true);
  4688. }
  4689. me.body.contentEditable = false;
  4690. me.bkqueryCommandState = me.queryCommandState;
  4691. me.queryCommandState = function (type) {
  4692. if (utils.indexOf(except, type) != -1) {
  4693. return me.bkqueryCommandState.apply(me, arguments);
  4694. }
  4695. return -1;
  4696. };
  4697. me.fireEvent('selectionchange');
  4698. }
  4699. },
  4700. /** 设置当前编辑区域不可编辑,except中的命令除外
  4701. * @name disable
  4702. * @grammar editor.disable()
  4703. * @grammar editor.disable(except) //例外的命令,也即即使设置了disable,此处配置的命令仍然可以执行
  4704. * @example
  4705. * //禁用工具栏中除加粗和插入图片之外的所有功能
  4706. * editor.disable(['bold','insertimage']);//可以是单一的String,也可以是Array
  4707. */
  4708. disable: function (except) {
  4709. return this.setDisabled(except);
  4710. },
  4711. /**
  4712. * 设置默认内容
  4713. * @ignore
  4714. * @private
  4715. * @param {String} cont 要存入的内容
  4716. */
  4717. _setDefaultContent: function () {
  4718. function clear() {
  4719. var me = this;
  4720. if (me.document.getElementById('initContent')) {
  4721. me.body.innerHTML = '<p>' + (ie ? '' : '<br/>') + '</p>';
  4722. me.removeListener('firstBeforeExecCommand focus', clear);
  4723. setTimeout(function () {
  4724. me.focus();
  4725. me._selectionChange();
  4726. }, 0)
  4727. }
  4728. }
  4729. return function (cont) {
  4730. var me = this;
  4731. me.body.innerHTML = '<p id="initContent">' + cont + '</p>';
  4732. me.addListener('firstBeforeExecCommand focus', clear);
  4733. }
  4734. }(),
  4735. /**
  4736. * show方法的兼容版本
  4737. * @private
  4738. * @ignore
  4739. */
  4740. setShow: function () {
  4741. var me = this, range = me.selection.getRange();
  4742. if ( == 'none') {
  4743. //有可能内容丢失了
  4744. try {
  4745. range.moveToBookmark(me.lastBk);
  4746. delete me.lastBk
  4747. } catch (e) {
  4748. range.setStartAtFirst(me.body).collapse(true)
  4749. }
  4750. //ie下focus实效,所以做了个延迟
  4751. setTimeout(function () {
  4753. }, 100);
  4754. = '';
  4755. }
  4756. },
  4757. /**
  4758. * 显示编辑器
  4759. * @name show
  4760. * @grammar
  4761. */
  4762. show: function () {
  4763. return this.setShow();
  4764. },
  4765. /**
  4766. * hide方法的兼容版本
  4767. * @private
  4768. * @ignore
  4769. */
  4770. setHide: function () {
  4771. var me = this;
  4772. if (!me.lastBk) {
  4773. me.lastBk = me.selection.getRange().createBookmark(true);
  4774. }
  4775. = 'none'
  4776. },
  4777. /**
  4778. * 隐藏编辑器
  4779. * @name hide
  4780. * @grammar editor.hide()
  4781. */
  4782. hide: function () {
  4783. return this.setHide();
  4784. },
  4785. /**
  4786. * 根据制定的路径,获取对应的语言资源
  4787. * @name getLang
  4788. * @grammar editor.getLang(path) => (JSON|String) 路径根据的是lang目录下的语言文件的路径结构
  4789. * @example
  4790. * editor.getLang('contextMenu.delete') //如果当前是中文,那返回是的是删除
  4791. */
  4792. getLang: function (path) {
  4793. var lang = UE.I18N[this.options.lang];
  4794. if (!lang) {
  4795. throw Error("not import language file");
  4796. }
  4797. path = (path || "").split(".");
  4798. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = path[i++];) {
  4799. lang = lang[ci];
  4800. if (!lang)break;
  4801. }
  4802. return lang;
  4803. },
  4804. /**
  4805. * 计算编辑器当前内容的长度
  4806. * @name getContentLength
  4807. * @grammar editor.getContentLength(ingoneHtml,tagNames) =>
  4808. * @example
  4809. * editor.getLang(true)
  4810. */
  4811. getContentLength: function (ingoneHtml, tagNames) {
  4812. var count = this.getContent(false,false,true).length;
  4813. if (ingoneHtml) {
  4814. tagNames = (tagNames || []).concat([ 'hr', 'img', 'iframe']);
  4815. count = this.getContentTxt().replace(/[\t\r\n]+/g, '').length;
  4816. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tagNames[i++];) {
  4817. count += this.document.getElementsByTagName(ci).length;
  4818. }
  4819. }
  4820. return count;
  4821. },
  4822. addInputRule: function (rule) {
  4823. this.inputRules.push(rule);
  4824. },
  4825. filterInputRule: function (root) {
  4826. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.inputRules[i++];) {
  4827., root)
  4828. }
  4829. },
  4830. addOutputRule: function (rule) {
  4831. this.outputRules.push(rule)
  4832. },
  4833. filterOutputRule: function (root) {
  4834. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.outputRules[i++];) {
  4835., root)
  4836. }
  4837. }
  4838. /**
  4839. * 得到dialog实例对象
  4840. * @name getDialog
  4841. * @grammar editor.getDialog(dialogName) => Object
  4842. * @example
  4843. * var dialog = editor.getDialog("insertimage");
  4844. *; //打开dialog
  4845. * dialog.close(); //关闭dialog
  4846. */
  4847. };
  4848. utils.inherits(Editor, EventBase);
  4849. })();
  4850. /**
  4851. * @file
  4852. * @name UE.ajax
  4853. * @short Ajax
  4854. * @desc UEditor内置的ajax请求模块
  4855. * @import core/utils.js
  4856. * @user: taoqili
  4857. * @date: 11-8-18
  4858. * @time: 下午3:18
  4859. */
  4860. UE.ajax = function() {
  4861. /**
  4862. * 创建一个ajaxRequest对象
  4863. */
  4864. var fnStr = 'XMLHttpRequest()';
  4865. try {
  4866. new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  4867. fnStr = 'ActiveXObject(\'Msxml2.XMLHTTP\')';
  4868. } catch (e) {
  4869. try {
  4870. new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  4871. fnStr = 'ActiveXObject(\'Microsoft.XMLHTTP\')'
  4872. } catch (e) {
  4873. }
  4874. }
  4875. var creatAjaxRequest = new Function('return new ' + fnStr);
  4876. /**
  4877. * 将json参数转化成适合ajax提交的参数列表
  4878. * @param json
  4879. */
  4880. function json2str(json) {
  4881. var strArr = [];
  4882. for (var i in json) {
  4883. //忽略默认的几个参数
  4884. if(i=="method" || i=="timeout" || i=="async") continue;
  4885. //传递过来的对象和函数不在提交之列
  4886. if (!((typeof json[i]).toLowerCase() == "function" || (typeof json[i]).toLowerCase() == "object")) {
  4887. strArr.push( encodeURIComponent(i) + "="+encodeURIComponent(json[i]) );
  4888. }
  4889. }
  4890. return strArr.join("&");
  4891. }
  4892. return {
  4893. /**
  4894. * @name request
  4895. * @desc 发出ajax请求,ajaxOpt中默认包含method,timeout,async,data,onsuccess以及onerror等六个,支持自定义添加参数
  4896. * @grammar UE.ajax.request(url,ajaxOpt);
  4897. * @example
  4898. * UE.ajax.request('',{
  4899. * //可省略,默认POST
  4900. * method:'POST',
  4901. * //可以自定义参数
  4902. * content:'这里是提交的内容',
  4903. * //也可以直接传json,但是只能命名为data,否则当做一般字符串处理
  4904. * data:{
  4905. * name:'UEditor',
  4906. * age:'1'
  4907. * }
  4908. * onsuccess:function(xhr){
  4909. * console.log(xhr.responseText);
  4910. * },
  4911. * onerror:function(xhr){
  4912. * console.log(xhr.responseText);
  4913. * }
  4914. * })
  4915. * @param ajaxOptions
  4916. */
  4917. request:function(url, ajaxOptions) {
  4918. var ajaxRequest = creatAjaxRequest(),
  4919. //是否超时
  4920. timeIsOut = false,
  4921. //默认参数
  4922. defaultAjaxOptions = {
  4923. method:"POST",
  4924. timeout:5000,
  4925. async:true,
  4926. data:{},//需要传递对象的话只能覆盖
  4927. onsuccess:function() {
  4928. },
  4929. onerror:function() {
  4930. }
  4931. };
  4932. if (typeof url === "object") {
  4933. ajaxOptions = url;
  4934. url = ajaxOptions.url;
  4935. }
  4936. if (!ajaxRequest || !url) return;
  4937. var ajaxOpts = ajaxOptions ? utils.extend(defaultAjaxOptions,ajaxOptions) : defaultAjaxOptions;
  4938. var submitStr = json2str(ajaxOpts); // { name:"Jim",city:"Beijing" } --> "name=Jim&city=Beijing"
  4939. //如果用户直接通过data参数传递json对象过来,则也要将此json对象转化为字符串
  4940. if (!utils.isEmptyObject({
  4941. submitStr += (submitStr? "&":"") + json2str(;
  4942. }
  4943. //超时检测
  4944. var timerID = setTimeout(function() {
  4945. if (ajaxRequest.readyState != 4) {
  4946. timeIsOut = true;
  4947. ajaxRequest.abort();
  4948. clearTimeout(timerID);
  4949. }
  4950. }, ajaxOpts.timeout);
  4951. var method = ajaxOpts.method.toUpperCase();
  4952. var str = url + (url.indexOf("?")==-1?"?":"&") + (method=="POST"?"":submitStr+ "&noCache=" + +new Date);
  4953., str, ajaxOpts.async);
  4954. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
  4955. if (ajaxRequest.readyState == 4) {
  4956. if (!timeIsOut && ajaxRequest.status == 200) {
  4957. ajaxOpts.onsuccess(ajaxRequest);
  4958. } else {
  4959. ajaxOpts.onerror(ajaxRequest);
  4960. }
  4961. }
  4962. };
  4963. if (method == "POST") {
  4964. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
  4965. ajaxRequest.send(submitStr);
  4966. } else {
  4967. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  4968. }
  4969. }
  4970. };
  4971. }();
  4972. /**
  4973. * @file
  4974. * @name UE.filterWord
  4975. * @short filterWord
  4976. * @desc 用来过滤word粘贴过来的字符串
  4977. * @import editor.js,core/utils.js
  4978. * @anthor zhanyi
  4979. */
  4980. var filterWord = UE.filterWord = function () {
  4981. //是否是word过来的内容
  4982. function isWordDocument( str ) {
  4983. return /(class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso\-|w:WordDocument|<v:)/ig.test( str );
  4984. }
  4985. //去掉小数
  4986. function transUnit( v ) {
  4987. v = v.replace( /[\d.]+\w+/g, function ( m ) {
  4988. return utils.transUnitToPx(m);
  4989. } );
  4990. return v;
  4991. }
  4992. function filterPasteWord( str ) {
  4993. return str.replace( /[\t\r\n]+/g, "" )
  4994. .replace( /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/ig, "" )
  4995. //转换图片
  4996. .replace(/<v:shape [^>]*>[\s\S]*?.<\/v:shape>/gi,function(str){
  4997. //opera能自己解析出image所这里直接返回空
  4998. if(browser.opera){
  4999. return '';
  5000. }
  5001. try{
  5002. var width = str.match(/width:([ \d.]*p[tx])/i)[1],
  5003. height = str.match(/height:([ \d.]*p[tx])/i)[1],
  5004. src = str.match(/src=\s*"([^"]*)"/i)[1];
  5005. return '<img width="'+ transUnit(width) +'" height="'+transUnit(height) +'" src="' + src + '" />';
  5006. } catch(e){
  5007. return '';
  5008. }
  5009. })
  5010. //针对wps添加的多余标签处理
  5011. .replace(/<\/?div[^>]*>/g,'')
  5012. //去掉多余的属性
  5013. .replace( /v:\w+=(["']?)[^'"]+\1/g, '' )
  5014. .replace( /<(!|script[^>]*>.*?<\/script(?=[>\s])|\/?(\?xml(:\w+)?|xml|meta|link|style|\w+:\w+)(?=[\s\/>]))[^>]*>/gi, "" )
  5015. .replace( /<p [^>]*class="?MsoHeading"?[^>]*>(.*?)<\/p>/gi, "<p><strong>$1</strong></p>" )
  5016. //去掉多余的属性
  5017. .replace( /\s+(class|lang|align)\s*=\s*(['"]?)([\w-]+)\2/ig, function(str,name,marks,val){
  5018. //保留list的标示
  5019. return name == 'class' && val == 'MsoListParagraph' ? str : ''
  5020. })
  5021. //清除多余的font/span不能匹配&nbsp;有可能是空格
  5022. .replace( /<(font|span)[^>]*>\s*<\/\1>/gi, '' )
  5023. //处理style的问题
  5024. .replace( /(<[a-z][^>]*)\sstyle=(["'])([^\2]*?)\2/gi, function( str, tag, tmp, style ) {
  5025. var n = [],
  5026. s = style.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/, '' )
  5027. .replace(/&#39;/g,'\'')
  5028. .replace( /&quot;/gi, "'" )
  5029. .split( /;\s*/g );
  5030. for ( var i = 0,v; v = s[i];i++ ) {
  5031. var name, value,
  5032. parts = v.split( ":" );
  5033. if ( parts.length == 2 ) {
  5034. name = parts[0].toLowerCase();
  5035. value = parts[1].toLowerCase();
  5036. if(/^(background)\w*/.test(name) && value.replace(/(initial|\s)/g,'').length == 0
  5037. ||
  5038. /^(margin)\w*/.test(name) && /^0\w+$/.test(value)
  5039. ){
  5040. continue;
  5041. }
  5042. switch ( name ) {
  5043. case "mso-padding-alt":
  5044. case "mso-padding-top-alt":
  5045. case "mso-padding-right-alt":
  5046. case "mso-padding-bottom-alt":
  5047. case "mso-padding-left-alt":
  5048. case "mso-margin-alt":
  5049. case "mso-margin-top-alt":
  5050. case "mso-margin-right-alt":
  5051. case "mso-margin-bottom-alt":
  5052. case "mso-margin-left-alt":
  5053. //ie下会出现挤到一起的情况
  5054. //case "mso-table-layout-alt":
  5055. case "mso-height":
  5056. case "mso-width":
  5057. case "mso-vertical-align-alt":
  5058. //trace:1819 ff下会解析出padding在table上
  5059. if(!/<table/.test(tag))
  5060. n[i] = name.replace( /^mso-|-alt$/g, "" ) + ":" + transUnit( value );
  5061. continue;
  5062. case "horiz-align":
  5063. n[i] = "text-align:" + value;
  5064. continue;
  5065. case "vert-align":
  5066. n[i] = "vertical-align:" + value;
  5067. continue;
  5068. case "font-color":
  5069. case "mso-foreground":
  5070. n[i] = "color:" + value;
  5071. continue;
  5072. case "mso-background":
  5073. case "mso-highlight":
  5074. n[i] = "background:" + value;
  5075. continue;
  5076. case "mso-default-height":
  5077. n[i] = "min-height:" + transUnit( value );
  5078. continue;
  5079. case "mso-default-width":
  5080. n[i] = "min-width:" + transUnit( value );
  5081. continue;
  5082. case "mso-padding-between-alt":
  5083. n[i] = "border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + transUnit( value );
  5084. continue;
  5085. case "text-line-through":
  5086. if ( (value == "single") || (value == "double") ) {
  5087. n[i] = "text-decoration:line-through";
  5088. }
  5089. continue;
  5090. case "mso-zero-height":
  5091. if ( value == "yes" ) {
  5092. n[i] = "display:none";
  5093. }
  5094. continue;
  5095. case 'background':
  5096. break;
  5097. case 'margin':
  5098. if ( !/[1-9]/.test( value ) ) {
  5099. continue;
  5100. }
  5101. }
  5102. if ( /^(mso|column|font-emph|lang|layout|line-break|list-image|nav|panose|punct|row|ruby|sep|size|src|tab-|table-border|text-(?:decor|trans)|top-bar|version|vnd|word-break)/.test( name )
  5103. ||
  5104. /text\-indent|padding|margin/.test(name) && /\-[\d.]+/.test(value)
  5105. ) {
  5106. continue;
  5107. }
  5108. n[i] = name + ":" + parts[1];
  5109. }
  5110. }
  5111. return tag + (n.length ? ' style="' + n.join( ';').replace(/;{2,}/g,';') + '"' : '');
  5112. })
  5113. .replace(/[\d.]+(cm|pt)/g,function(str){
  5114. return utils.transUnitToPx(str)
  5115. })
  5116. }
  5117. return function ( html ) {
  5118. return (isWordDocument( html ) ? filterPasteWord( html ) : html);
  5119. };
  5120. }();
  5121. ///import editor.js
  5122. ///import core/utils.js
  5123. ///import core/dom/dom.js
  5124. ///import core/dom/dtd.js
  5125. ///import core/htmlparser.js
  5126. //模拟的节点类
  5127. //by zhanyi
  5128. (function () {
  5129. var uNode = UE.uNode = function (obj) {
  5130. this.type = obj.type;
  5131. =;
  5132. this.tagName = obj.tagName;
  5133. this.parentNode = obj.parentNode;
  5134. this.attrs = obj.attrs || {};
  5135. this.children = obj.children;
  5136. };
  5137. var indentChar = ' ',
  5138. breakChar = '\n';
  5139. function insertLine(arr, current, begin) {
  5140. arr.push(breakChar);
  5141. return current + (begin ? 1 : -1);
  5142. }
  5143. function insertIndent(arr, current) {
  5144. //插入缩进
  5145. for (var i = 0; i < current; i++) {
  5146. arr.push(indentChar);
  5147. }
  5148. }
  5149. //创建uNode的静态方法
  5150. //支持标签和html
  5151. uNode.createElement = function (html) {
  5152. if (/[<>]/.test(html)) {
  5153. return UE.htmlparser(html).children[0]
  5154. } else {
  5155. return new uNode({
  5156. type:'element',
  5157. children:[],
  5158. tagName:html
  5159. })
  5160. }
  5161. };
  5162. uNode.createText = function (data) {
  5163. return new UE.uNode({
  5164. type:'text',
  5165. 'data':utils.unhtml(data || '')
  5166. })
  5167. };
  5168. function nodeToHtml(node, arr, formatter, current) {
  5169. switch (node.type) {
  5170. case 'root':
  5171. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = node.children[i++];) {
  5172. //插入新行
  5173. if (formatter && ci.type == 'element' && !dtd.$inlineWithA[ci.tagName] && i > 1) {
  5174. insertLine(arr, current, true);
  5175. insertIndent(arr, current)
  5176. }
  5177. nodeToHtml(ci, arr, formatter, current)
  5178. }
  5179. break;
  5180. case 'text':
  5181. isText(node, arr);
  5182. break;
  5183. case 'element':
  5184. isElement(node, arr, formatter, current);
  5185. break;
  5186. case 'comment':
  5187. isComment(node, arr, formatter);
  5188. }
  5189. return arr;
  5190. }
  5191. function isText(node, arr) {
  5192. arr.push(node.parentNode.tagName == 'pre' ? :[ ]{2}/g,' &nbsp;'))
  5193. }
  5194. function isElement(node, arr, formatter, current) {
  5195. var attrhtml = '';
  5196. if (node.attrs) {
  5197. attrhtml = [];
  5198. var attrs = node.attrs;
  5199. for (var a in attrs) {
  5200. attrhtml.push(a + (attrs[a] !== undefined ? '="' + utils.unhtml(attrs[a]) + '"' : ''))
  5201. }
  5202. attrhtml = attrhtml.join(' ');
  5203. }
  5204. arr.push('<' + node.tagName +
  5205. (attrhtml ? ' ' + attrhtml : '') +
  5206. (dtd.$empty[node.tagName] ? '\/' : '' ) + '>'
  5207. );
  5208. //插入新行
  5209. if (formatter && !dtd.$inlineWithA[node.tagName] && node.tagName != 'pre') {
  5210. if(node.children && node.children.length){
  5211. current = insertLine(arr, current, true);
  5212. insertIndent(arr, current)
  5213. }
  5214. }
  5215. if (node.children && node.children.length) {
  5216. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = node.children[i++];) {
  5217. if (formatter && ci.type == 'element' && !dtd.$inlineWithA[ci.tagName] && i > 1) {
  5218. insertLine(arr, current);
  5219. insertIndent(arr, current)
  5220. }
  5221. nodeToHtml(ci, arr, formatter, current)
  5222. }
  5223. }
  5224. if (!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]) {
  5225. if (formatter && !dtd.$inlineWithA[node.tagName] && node.tagName != 'pre') {
  5226. if(node.children && node.children.length){
  5227. current = insertLine(arr, current);
  5228. insertIndent(arr, current)
  5229. }
  5230. }
  5231. arr.push('<\/' + node.tagName + '>');
  5232. }
  5233. }
  5234. function isComment(node, arr) {
  5235. arr.push('<!--' + + '-->');
  5236. }
  5237. function getNodeById(root, id) {
  5238. var node;
  5239. if (root.type == 'element' && root.getAttr('id') == id) {
  5240. return root;
  5241. }
  5242. if (root.children && root.children.length) {
  5243. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = root.children[i++];) {
  5244. if (node = getNodeById(ci, id)) {
  5245. return node;
  5246. }
  5247. }
  5248. }
  5249. }
  5250. function getNodesByTagName(node, tagName, arr) {
  5251. if (node.type == 'element' && node.tagName == tagName) {
  5252. arr.push(node);
  5253. }
  5254. if (node.children && node.children.length) {
  5255. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = node.children[i++];) {
  5256. getNodesByTagName(ci, tagName, arr)
  5257. }
  5258. }
  5259. }
  5260. function nodeTraversal(root,fn){
  5261. if(root.children && root.children.length){
  5262. for(var i= 0,ci;ci=root.children[i];){
  5263. nodeTraversal(ci,fn);
  5264. //ci被替换的情况,这里就不再走 fn了
  5265. if(ci.parentNode ){
  5266. if(ci.children && ci.children.length){
  5267. fn(ci)
  5268. }
  5269. if(ci.parentNode) i++
  5270. }
  5271. }
  5272. }else{
  5273. fn(root)
  5274. }
  5275. }
  5276. uNode.prototype = {
  5277. toHtml:function (formatter) {
  5278. var arr = [];
  5279. nodeToHtml(this, arr, formatter, 0);
  5280. return arr.join('')
  5281. },
  5282. innerHTML:function (htmlstr) {
  5283. if (this.type != 'element' || dtd.$empty[this.tagName]) {
  5284. return this;
  5285. }
  5286. if (utils.isString(htmlstr)) {
  5287. if(this.children){
  5288. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i++];) {
  5289. ci.parentNode = null;
  5290. }
  5291. }
  5292. this.children = [];
  5293. var tmpRoot = UE.htmlparser(htmlstr);
  5294. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tmpRoot.children[i++];) {
  5295. this.children.push(ci);
  5296. ci.parentNode = this;
  5297. }
  5298. return this;
  5299. } else {
  5300. var tmpRoot = new UE.uNode({
  5301. type:'root',
  5302. children:this.children
  5303. });
  5304. return tmpRoot.toHtml();
  5305. }
  5306. },
  5307. innerText:function (textStr) {
  5308. if (this.type != 'element' || dtd.$empty[this.tagName]) {
  5309. return this;
  5310. }
  5311. if (textStr) {
  5312. if(this.children){
  5313. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i++];) {
  5314. ci.parentNode = null;
  5315. }
  5316. }
  5317. this.children = [];
  5318. this.appendChild(uNode.createText(textStr));
  5319. return this;
  5320. } else {
  5321. return this.toHtml().replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '');
  5322. }
  5323. },
  5324. getData:function () {
  5325. if (this.type == 'element')
  5326. return '';
  5327. return
  5328. },
  5329. firstChild:function () {
  5330. // if (this.type != 'element' || dtd.$empty[this.tagName]) {
  5331. // return this;
  5332. // }
  5333. return this.children ? this.children[0] : null;
  5334. },
  5335. lastChild:function () {
  5336. // if (this.type != 'element' || dtd.$empty[this.tagName] ) {
  5337. // return this;
  5338. // }
  5339. return this.children ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] : null;
  5340. },
  5341. previousSibling : function(){
  5342. var parent = this.parentNode;
  5343. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = parent.children[i]; i++) {
  5344. if (ci === this) {
  5345. return i == 0 ? null : parent.children[i-1];
  5346. }
  5347. }
  5348. },
  5349. nextSibling : function(){
  5350. var parent = this.parentNode;
  5351. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = parent.children[i++];) {
  5352. if (ci === this) {
  5353. return parent.children[i];
  5354. }
  5355. }
  5356. },
  5357. replaceChild:function (target, source) {
  5358. if (this.children) {
  5359. if(target.parentNode){
  5360. target.parentNode.removeChild(target);
  5361. }
  5362. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i]; i++) {
  5363. if (ci === source) {
  5364. this.children.splice(i, 1, target);
  5365. source.parentNode = null;
  5366. target.parentNode = this;
  5367. return target;
  5368. }
  5369. }
  5370. }
  5371. },
  5372. appendChild:function (node) {
  5373. if (this.type == 'root' || (this.type == 'element' && !dtd.$empty[this.tagName])) {
  5374. if (!this.children) {
  5375. this.children = []
  5376. }
  5377. if(node.parentNode){
  5378. node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5379. }
  5380. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i]; i++) {
  5381. if (ci === node) {
  5382. this.children.splice(i, 1);
  5383. break;
  5384. }
  5385. }
  5386. this.children.push(node);
  5387. node.parentNode = this;
  5388. return node;
  5389. }
  5390. },
  5391. insertBefore:function (target, source) {
  5392. if (this.children) {
  5393. if(target.parentNode){
  5394. target.parentNode.removeChild(target);
  5395. }
  5396. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i]; i++) {
  5397. if (ci === source) {
  5398. this.children.splice(i, 0, target);
  5399. target.parentNode = this;
  5400. return target;
  5401. }
  5402. }
  5403. }
  5404. },
  5405. insertAfter:function (target, source) {
  5406. if (this.children) {
  5407. if(target.parentNode){
  5408. target.parentNode.removeChild(target);
  5409. }
  5410. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i]; i++) {
  5411. if (ci === source) {
  5412. this.children.splice(i + 1, 0, target);
  5413. target.parentNode = this;
  5414. return target;
  5415. }
  5416. }
  5417. }
  5418. },
  5419. removeChild:function (node,keepChildren) {
  5420. if (this.children) {
  5421. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i]; i++) {
  5422. if (ci === node) {
  5423. this.children.splice(i, 1);
  5424. ci.parentNode = null;
  5425. if(keepChildren && ci.children && ci.children.length){
  5426. for(var j= 0,cj;cj=ci.children[j];j++){
  5427. this.children.splice(i+j,0,cj);
  5428. cj.parentNode = this;
  5429. }
  5430. }
  5431. return ci;
  5432. }
  5433. }
  5434. }
  5435. },
  5436. getAttr:function (attrName) {
  5437. return this.attrs && this.attrs[attrName.toLowerCase()]
  5438. },
  5439. setAttr:function (attrName, attrVal) {
  5440. if (!attrName) {
  5441. delete this.attrs;
  5442. return;
  5443. }
  5444. if(!this.attrs){
  5445. this.attrs = {};
  5446. }
  5447. if (utils.isObject(attrName)) {
  5448. for (var a in attrName) {
  5449. if (!attrName[a]) {
  5450. delete this.attrs[a]
  5451. } else {
  5452. this.attrs[a.toLowerCase()] = attrName[a];
  5453. }
  5454. }
  5455. } else {
  5456. if (!attrVal) {
  5457. delete this.attrs[attrName]
  5458. } else {
  5459. this.attrs[attrName.toLowerCase()] = attrVal;
  5460. }
  5461. }
  5462. },
  5463. getIndex:function(){
  5464. var parent = this.parentNode;
  5465. for(var i= 0,ci;ci=parent.children[i];i++){
  5466. if(ci === this){
  5467. return i;
  5468. }
  5469. }
  5470. return -1;
  5471. },
  5472. getNodeById:function (id) {
  5473. var node;
  5474. if (this.children && this.children.length) {
  5475. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.children[i++];) {
  5476. if (node = getNodeById(ci, id)) {
  5477. return node;
  5478. }
  5479. }
  5480. }
  5481. },
  5482. getNodesByTagName:function (tagNames) {
  5483. tagNames = utils.trim(tagNames).replace(/[ ]{2,}/g, ' ').split(' ');
  5484. var arr = [], me = this;
  5485. utils.each(tagNames, function (tagName) {
  5486. if (me.children && me.children.length) {
  5487. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = me.children[i++];) {
  5488. getNodesByTagName(ci, tagName, arr)
  5489. }
  5490. }
  5491. });
  5492. return arr;
  5493. },
  5494. getStyle:function (name) {
  5495. var cssStyle = this.getAttr('style');
  5496. if (!cssStyle) {
  5497. return ''
  5498. }
  5499. var reg = new RegExp(name + ':([^;]+)','i');
  5500. var match = cssStyle.match(reg);
  5501. if (match && match[0]) {
  5502. return match[1]
  5503. }
  5504. return '';
  5505. },
  5506. setStyle:function (name, val) {
  5507. function exec(name, val) {
  5508. var reg = new RegExp(name + ':([^;]+;?)', 'gi');
  5509. cssStyle = cssStyle.replace(reg, '');
  5510. if (val) {
  5511. cssStyle = name + ':' + utils.unhtml(val) + ';' + cssStyle
  5512. }
  5513. }
  5514. var cssStyle = this.getAttr('style');
  5515. if (!cssStyle) {
  5516. cssStyle = '';
  5517. }
  5518. if (utils.isObject(name)) {
  5519. for (var a in name) {
  5520. exec(a, name[a])
  5521. }
  5522. } else {
  5523. exec(name, val)
  5524. }
  5525. this.setAttr('style', utils.trim(cssStyle))
  5526. },
  5527. traversal:function(fn){
  5528. if(this.children && this.children.length){
  5529. nodeTraversal(this,fn);
  5530. }
  5531. return this;
  5532. }
  5533. }
  5534. })();
  5535. //html字符串转换成uNode节点
  5536. //by zhanyi
  5537. var htmlparser = UE.htmlparser = function (htmlstr,ignoreBlank) {
  5538. var re_tag = /<(?:(?:\/([^>]+)>)|(?:!--([\S|\s]*?)-->)|(?:([^\s\/>]+)\s*((?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^"'<>])*)\/?>))/g,
  5539. re_attr = /([\w\-:.]+)(?:(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\s>]+)))|(?=\s|$))/g;
  5540. //ie下取得的html可能会有\n存在,要去掉,在处理replace(/[\t\r\n]*/g,'');代码高量的\n不能去除
  5541. var allowEmptyTags = {
  5542. b:1,code:1,i:1,u:1,strike:1,s:1,tt:1,strong:1,q:1,samp:1,em:1,span:1,
  5543. sub:1,img:1,sup:1,font:1,big:1,small:1,iframe:1,a:1,br:1,pre:1
  5544. };
  5545. htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g'), '');
  5546. if(!ignoreBlank){
  5547. htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(new RegExp('[\\r\\t\\n'+(ignoreBlank?'':' ')+']*<\/?(\\w+)\\s*(?:[^>]*)>[\\r\\t\\n'+(ignoreBlank?'':' ')+']*','g'), function(a,b){
  5548. //br暂时单独处理
  5549. if(b && allowEmptyTags[b.toLowerCase()]){
  5550. return a.replace(/(^[\n\r]+)|([\n\r]+$)/g,'');
  5551. }
  5552. return a.replace(new RegExp('^[\\r\\n'+(ignoreBlank?'':' ')+']+'),'').replace(new RegExp('[\\r\\n'+(ignoreBlank?'':' ')+']+$'),'');
  5553. });
  5554. }
  5555. var uNode = UE.uNode,
  5556. needParentNode = {
  5557. 'td':'tr',
  5558. 'tr':['tbody','thead','tfoot'],
  5559. 'tbody':'table',
  5560. 'th':'tr',
  5561. 'thead':'table',
  5562. 'tfoot':'table',
  5563. 'caption':'table',
  5564. 'li':['ul', 'ol'],
  5565. 'dt':'dl',
  5566. 'dd':'dl',
  5567. 'option':'select'
  5568. },
  5569. needChild = {
  5570. 'ol':'li',
  5571. 'ul':'li'
  5572. };
  5573. function text(parent, data) {
  5574. if(needChild[parent.tagName]){
  5575. var tmpNode = uNode.createElement(needChild[parent.tagName]);
  5576. parent.appendChild(tmpNode);
  5577. tmpNode.appendChild(uNode.createText(data));
  5578. parent = tmpNode;
  5579. }else{
  5580. parent.appendChild(uNode.createText(data));
  5581. }
  5582. }
  5583. function element(parent, tagName, htmlattr) {
  5584. var needParentTag;
  5585. if (needParentTag = needParentNode[tagName]) {
  5586. var tmpParent = parent,hasParent;
  5587. while(tmpParent.type != 'root'){
  5588. if(utils.isArray(needParentTag) ? utils.indexOf(needParentTag, tmpParent.tagName) != -1 : needParentTag == tmpParent.tagName){
  5589. parent = tmpParent;
  5590. hasParent = true;
  5591. break;
  5592. }
  5593. tmpParent = tmpParent.parentNode;
  5594. }
  5595. if(!hasParent){
  5596. parent = element(parent, utils.isArray(needParentTag) ? needParentTag[0] : needParentTag)
  5597. }
  5598. }
  5599. //按dtd处理嵌套
  5600. // if(parent.type != 'root' && !dtd[parent.tagName][tagName])
  5601. // parent = parent.parentNode;
  5602. var elm = new uNode({
  5603. parentNode:parent,
  5604. type:'element',
  5605. tagName:tagName.toLowerCase(),
  5606. //是自闭合的处理一下
  5607. children:dtd.$empty[tagName] ? null : []
  5608. });
  5609. //如果属性存在,处理属性
  5610. if (htmlattr) {
  5611. var attrs = {}, match;
  5612. while (match = re_attr.exec(htmlattr)) {
  5613. attrs[match[1].toLowerCase()] = utils.unhtml(match[2] || match[3] || match[4])
  5614. }
  5615. elm.attrs = attrs;
  5616. }
  5617. parent.children.push(elm);
  5618. //如果是自闭合节点返回父亲节点
  5619. return dtd.$empty[tagName] ? parent : elm
  5620. }
  5621. function comment(parent, data) {
  5622. parent.children.push(new uNode({
  5623. type:'comment',
  5624. data:data,
  5625. parentNode:parent
  5626. }));
  5627. }
  5628. var match, currentIndex = 0, nextIndex = 0;
  5629. //设置根节点
  5630. var root = new uNode({
  5631. type:'root',
  5632. children:[]
  5633. });
  5634. var currentParent = root;
  5635. while (match = re_tag.exec(htmlstr)) {
  5636. currentIndex = match.index;
  5637. try{
  5638. if (currentIndex > nextIndex) {
  5639. //text node
  5640. text(currentParent, htmlstr.slice(nextIndex, currentIndex));
  5641. }
  5642. if (match[3]) {
  5643. //start tag
  5644. currentParent = element(currentParent, match[3].toLowerCase(), match[4]);
  5645. } else if (match[1]) {
  5646. if(currentParent.type != 'root'){
  5647. var tmpParent = currentParent;
  5648. while(currentParent.type == 'element' && currentParent.tagName != match[1].toLowerCase()){
  5649. currentParent = currentParent.parentNode;
  5650. if(currentParent.type == 'root'){
  5651. currentParent = tmpParent;
  5652. throw 'break'
  5653. }
  5654. }
  5655. //end tag
  5656. currentParent = currentParent.parentNode;
  5657. }
  5658. } else if (match[2]) {
  5659. //comment
  5660. comment(currentParent, match[2])
  5661. }
  5662. }catch(e){}
  5663. nextIndex = re_tag.lastIndex;
  5664. }
  5665. //如果结束是文本,就有可能丢掉,所以这里手动判断一下
  5666. //例如 <li>sdfsdfsdf<li>sdfsdfsdfsdf
  5667. if (nextIndex < htmlstr.length) {
  5668. text(currentParent, htmlstr.slice(nextIndex));
  5669. }
  5670. return root;
  5671. };
  5672. /**
  5673. * @file
  5674. * @name UE.filterNode
  5675. * @short filterNode
  5676. * @desc 根据给定的规则过滤节点
  5677. * @import editor.js,core/utils.js
  5678. * @anthor zhanyi
  5679. */
  5680. var filterNode = UE.filterNode = function () {
  5681. function filterNode(node,rules){
  5682. switch (node.type) {
  5683. case 'text':
  5684. break;
  5685. case 'element':
  5686. var val;
  5687. if(val = rules[node.tagName]){
  5688. if(val === '-'){
  5689. node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
  5690. }else if(utils.isFunction(val)){
  5691. var parentNode = node.parentNode,
  5692. index = node.getIndex();
  5693. val(node);
  5694. if(node.parentNode){
  5695. if(node.children){
  5696. for(var i = 0,ci;ci=node.children[i];){
  5697. filterNode(ci,rules);
  5698. if(ci.parentNode){
  5699. i++;
  5700. }
  5701. }
  5702. }
  5703. }else{
  5704. for(var i = index,ci;ci=parentNode.children[i];){
  5705. filterNode(ci,rules);
  5706. if(ci.parentNode){
  5707. i++;
  5708. }
  5709. }
  5710. }
  5711. }else{
  5712. var attrs = val['$'];
  5713. if(attrs && node.attrs){
  5714. var tmpAttrs = {},tmpVal;
  5715. for(var a in attrs){
  5716. tmpVal = node.getAttr(a);
  5717. //todo 只先对style单独处理
  5718. if(a == 'style' && utils.isArray(attrs[a])){
  5719. var tmpCssStyle = [];
  5720. utils.each(attrs[a],function(v){
  5721. var tmp;
  5722. if(tmp = node.getStyle(v)){
  5723. tmpCssStyle.push(v + ':' + tmp);
  5724. }
  5725. });
  5726. tmpVal = tmpCssStyle.join(';')
  5727. }
  5728. if(tmpVal){
  5729. tmpAttrs[a] = tmpVal;
  5730. }
  5731. }
  5732. node.attrs = tmpAttrs;
  5733. }
  5734. if(node.children){
  5735. for(var i = 0,ci;ci=node.children[i];){
  5736. filterNode(ci,rules);
  5737. if(ci.parentNode){
  5738. i++;
  5739. }
  5740. }
  5741. }
  5742. }
  5743. }else{
  5744. //如果不在名单里扣出子节点并删除该节点,cdata除外
  5745. if(dtd.$cdata[node.tagName]){
  5746. node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
  5747. }else{
  5748. var parentNode = node.parentNode,
  5749. index = node.getIndex();
  5750. node.parentNode.removeChild(node,true);
  5751. for(var i = index,ci;ci=parentNode.children[i];){
  5752. filterNode(ci,rules);
  5753. if(ci.parentNode){
  5754. i++;
  5755. }
  5756. }
  5757. }
  5758. }
  5759. break;
  5760. case 'comment':
  5761. node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
  5762. }
  5763. }
  5764. return function(root,rules){
  5765. if(utils.isEmptyObject(rules)){
  5766. return root;
  5767. }
  5768. var val;
  5769. if(val = rules['-']){
  5770. utils.each(val.split(' '),function(k){
  5771. rules[k] = '-'
  5772. })
  5773. }
  5774. for(var i= 0,ci;ci=root.children[i];){
  5775. filterNode(ci,rules);
  5776. if(ci.parentNode){
  5777. i++;
  5778. }
  5779. }
  5780. return root;
  5781. }
  5782. }();
  5783. ///import core
  5784. ///plugin 编辑器默认的过滤转换机制
  5785. UE.plugins['defaultfilter'] = function () {
  5786. var me = this;
  5787. me.setOpt('allowDivTransToP',true);
  5788. //默认的过滤处理
  5789. //进入编辑器的内容处理
  5790. me.addInputRule(function (root) {
  5791. var allowDivTransToP = this.options.allowDivTransToP;
  5792. var val;
  5793. //进行默认的处理
  5794. root.traversal(function (node) {
  5795. if (node.type == 'element') {
  5796. if (!dtd.$cdata[node.tagName] && me.options.autoClearEmptyNode && dtd.$inline[node.tagName] && !dtd.$empty[node.tagName] && (!node.attrs || utils.isEmptyObject(node.attrs))) {
  5797. if (!node.firstChild()) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5798. else if (node.tagName == 'span' && (!node.attrs || utils.isEmptyObject(node.attrs))) {
  5799. node.parentNode.removeChild(node, true)
  5800. }
  5801. return;
  5802. }
  5803. switch (node.tagName) {
  5804. case 'style':
  5805. case 'script':
  5806. node.setAttr({
  5807. cdata_tag: node.tagName,
  5808. cdata_data: encodeURIComponent(node.innerText() || '')
  5809. });
  5810. node.tagName = 'div';
  5811. node.removeChild(node.firstChild());
  5812. break;
  5813. case 'a':
  5814. if (val = node.getAttr('href')) {
  5815. node.setAttr('_href', val)
  5816. }
  5817. break;
  5818. case 'img':
  5819. //todo base64暂时去掉,后边做远程图片上传后,干掉这个
  5820. if (val = node.getAttr('src')) {
  5821. if (/^data:/.test(val)) {
  5822. node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5823. break;
  5824. }
  5825. }
  5826. node.setAttr('_src', node.getAttr('src'));
  5827. break;
  5828. case 'span':
  5829. if (browser.webkit && (val = node.getStyle('white-space'))) {
  5830. if (/nowrap|normal/.test(val)) {
  5831. node.setStyle('white-space', '');
  5832. if (me.options.autoClearEmptyNode && utils.isEmptyObject(node.attrs)) {
  5833. node.parentNode.removeChild(node, true)
  5834. }
  5835. }
  5836. }
  5837. break;
  5838. case 'p':
  5839. if (val = node.getAttr('align')) {
  5840. node.setAttr('align');
  5841. node.setStyle('text-align', val)
  5842. }
  5843. //trace:3431
  5844. // var cssStyle = node.getAttr('style');
  5845. // if (cssStyle) {
  5846. // cssStyle = cssStyle.replace(/(margin|padding)[^;]+/g, '');
  5847. // node.setAttr('style', cssStyle)
  5848. //
  5849. // }
  5850. if (!node.firstChild()) {
  5851. node.innerHTML( ? '&nbsp;' : '<br/>')
  5852. }
  5853. break;
  5854. case 'div':
  5855. if(node.getAttr('cdata_tag')){
  5856. break;
  5857. }
  5858. //针对代码这里不处理插入代码的div
  5859. val = node.getAttr('class');
  5860. if(val && /^line number\d+/.test(val)){
  5861. break;
  5862. }
  5863. if(!allowDivTransToP){
  5864. break;
  5865. }
  5866. var tmpNode, p = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  5867. while (tmpNode = node.firstChild()) {
  5868. if (tmpNode.type == 'text' || !UE.dom.dtd.$block[tmpNode.tagName]) {
  5869. p.appendChild(tmpNode);
  5870. } else {
  5871. if (p.firstChild()) {
  5872. node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node);
  5873. p = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  5874. } else {
  5875. node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
  5876. }
  5877. }
  5878. }
  5879. if (p.firstChild()) {
  5880. node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node);
  5881. }
  5882. node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5883. break;
  5884. case 'dl':
  5885. node.tagName = 'ul';
  5886. break;
  5887. case 'dt':
  5888. case 'dd':
  5889. node.tagName = 'li';
  5890. break;
  5891. case 'li':
  5892. var className = node.getAttr('class');
  5893. if (!className || !/list\-/.test(className)) {
  5894. node.setAttr()
  5895. }
  5896. var tmpNodes = node.getNodesByTagName('ol ul');
  5897. UE.utils.each(tmpNodes, function (n) {
  5898. node.parentNode.insertAfter(n, node);
  5899. });
  5900. break;
  5901. case 'td':
  5902. case 'th':
  5903. case 'caption':
  5904. if(!node.children || !node.children.length){
  5905. node.appendChild( ? UE.uNode.createText(' ') : UE.uNode.createElement('br'))
  5906. }
  5907. }
  5908. }
  5909. if(node.type == 'comment'){
  5910. node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5911. }
  5912. })
  5913. });
  5914. //从编辑器出去的内容处理
  5915. me.addOutputRule(function (root) {
  5916. var val;
  5917. root.traversal(function (node) {
  5918. if (node.type == 'element') {
  5919. if (me.options.autoClearEmptyNode && dtd.$inline[node.tagName] && !dtd.$empty[node.tagName] && (!node.attrs || utils.isEmptyObject(node.attrs))) {
  5920. if (!node.firstChild()) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  5921. else if (node.tagName == 'span' && (!node.attrs || utils.isEmptyObject(node.attrs))) {
  5922. node.parentNode.removeChild(node, true)
  5923. }
  5924. return;
  5925. }
  5926. switch (node.tagName) {
  5927. case 'div':
  5928. if (val = node.getAttr('cdata_tag')) {
  5929. node.tagName = val;
  5930. node.appendChild(UE.uNode.createText(node.getAttr('cdata_data')));
  5931. node.setAttr({cdata_tag: '', cdata_data: ''});
  5932. }
  5933. break;
  5934. case 'a':
  5935. if (val = node.getAttr('_href')) {
  5936. node.setAttr({
  5937. 'href': val,
  5938. '_href': ''
  5939. })
  5940. }
  5941. break;
  5942. case 'img':
  5943. if (val = node.getAttr('_src')) {
  5944. node.setAttr({
  5945. 'src': node.getAttr('_src'),
  5946. '_src': ''
  5947. })
  5948. }
  5949. }
  5950. }
  5951. })
  5952. });
  5953. };
  5954. ///import core
  5955. /**
  5956. * @description 插入内容
  5957. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  5958. * @param {String} cmdName inserthtml插入内容的命令
  5959. * @param {String} html 要插入的内容
  5960. * @author zhanyi
  5961. */
  5962. UE.commands['inserthtml'] = {
  5963. execCommand: function (command,html,notNeedFilter){
  5964. var me = this,
  5965. range,
  5966. div;
  5967. if(!html){
  5968. return;
  5969. }
  5970. if(me.fireEvent('beforeinserthtml',html) === true){
  5971. return;
  5972. }
  5973. range = me.selection.getRange();
  5974. div = range.document.createElement( 'div' );
  5975. = 'inline';
  5976. if (!notNeedFilter) {
  5977. var root = UE.htmlparser(html);
  5978. //如果给了过滤规则就先进行过滤
  5979. if(me.options.filterRules){
  5980. UE.filterNode(root,me.options.filterRules);
  5981. }
  5982. //执行默认的处理
  5983. me.filterInputRule(root);
  5984. html = root.toHtml()
  5985. }
  5986. div.innerHTML = utils.trim( html );
  5987. if ( !range.collapsed ) {
  5988. var tmpNode = range.startContainer;
  5989. if(domUtils.isFillChar(tmpNode)){
  5990. range.setStartBefore(tmpNode)
  5991. }
  5992. tmpNode = range.endContainer;
  5993. if(domUtils.isFillChar(tmpNode)){
  5994. range.setEndAfter(tmpNode)
  5995. }
  5996. range.txtToElmBoundary();
  5997. //结束边界可能放到了br的前边,要把br包含进来
  5998. // x[xxx]<br/>
  5999. if(range.endContainer && range.endContainer.nodeType == 1){
  6000. tmpNode = range.endContainer.childNodes[range.endOffset];
  6001. if(tmpNode && domUtils.isBr(tmpNode)){
  6002. range.setEndAfter(tmpNode);
  6003. }
  6004. }
  6005. if(range.startOffset == 0){
  6006. tmpNode = range.startContainer;
  6007. if(domUtils.isBoundaryNode(tmpNode,'firstChild') ){
  6008. tmpNode = range.endContainer;
  6009. if(range.endOffset == (tmpNode.nodeType == 3 ? tmpNode.nodeValue.length : tmpNode.childNodes.length) && domUtils.isBoundaryNode(tmpNode,'lastChild')){
  6010. me.body.innerHTML = '<p>'+( ? '' : '<br/>')+'</p>';
  6011. range.setStart(me.body.firstChild,0).collapse(true)
  6012. }
  6013. }
  6014. }
  6015. !range.collapsed && range.deleteContents();
  6016. if(range.startContainer.nodeType == 1){
  6017. var child = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset],pre;
  6018. if(child && domUtils.isBlockElm(child) && (pre = child.previousSibling) && domUtils.isBlockElm(pre)){
  6019. range.setEnd(pre,pre.childNodes.length).collapse();
  6020. while(child.firstChild){
  6021. pre.appendChild(child.firstChild);
  6022. }
  6023. domUtils.remove(child);
  6024. }
  6025. }
  6026. }
  6027. var child,parent,pre,tmp,hadBreak = 0, nextNode;
  6028. //如果当前位置选中了fillchar要干掉,要不会产生空行
  6029. if(range.inFillChar()){
  6030. child = range.startContainer;
  6031. if(domUtils.isFillChar(child)){
  6032. range.setStartBefore(child).collapse(true);
  6033. domUtils.remove(child);
  6034. }else if(domUtils.isFillChar(child,true)){
  6035. child.nodeValue = child.nodeValue.replace(fillCharReg,'');
  6036. range.startOffset--;
  6037. range.collapsed && range.collapse(true)
  6038. }
  6039. }
  6040. //列表单独处理
  6041. var li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer,'li',true);
  6042. if(li){
  6043. var next,last;
  6044. while(child = div.firstChild){
  6045. //针对hr单独处理一下先
  6046. while(child && (child.nodeType == 3 || !domUtils.isBlockElm(child) || child.tagName=='HR' )){
  6047. next = child.nextSibling;
  6048. range.insertNode( child).collapse();
  6049. last = child;
  6050. child = next;
  6051. }
  6052. if(child){
  6053. if(/^(ol|ul)$/i.test(child.tagName)){
  6054. while(child.firstChild){
  6055. last = child.firstChild;
  6056. domUtils.insertAfter(li,child.firstChild);
  6057. li = li.nextSibling;
  6058. }
  6059. domUtils.remove(child)
  6060. }else{
  6061. var tmpLi;
  6062. next = child.nextSibling;
  6063. tmpLi = me.document.createElement('li');
  6064. domUtils.insertAfter(li,tmpLi);
  6065. tmpLi.appendChild(child);
  6066. last = child;
  6067. child = next;
  6068. li = tmpLi;
  6069. }
  6070. }
  6071. }
  6072. li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer,'li',true);
  6073. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(li)){
  6074. domUtils.remove(li)
  6075. }
  6076. if(last){
  6077. range.setStartAfter(last).collapse(true).select(true)
  6078. }
  6079. }else{
  6080. while ( child = div.firstChild ) {
  6081. if(hadBreak){
  6082. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  6083. while(child && (child.nodeType == 3 || !dtd.$block[child.tagName])){
  6084. nextNode = child.nextSibling;
  6085. p.appendChild(child);
  6086. child = nextNode;
  6087. }
  6088. if(p.firstChild){
  6089. child = p
  6090. }
  6091. }
  6092. range.insertNode( child );
  6093. nextNode = child.nextSibling;
  6094. if ( !hadBreak && child.nodeType == domUtils.NODE_ELEMENT && domUtils.isBlockElm( child ) ){
  6095. parent = domUtils.findParent( child,function ( node ){ return domUtils.isBlockElm( node ); } );
  6096. if ( parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' && !(dtd[parent.tagName][child.nodeName] && child.parentNode === parent)){
  6097. if(!dtd[parent.tagName][child.nodeName]){
  6098. pre = parent;
  6099. }else{
  6100. tmp = child.parentNode;
  6101. while (tmp !== parent){
  6102. pre = tmp;
  6103. tmp = tmp.parentNode;
  6104. }
  6105. }
  6106. domUtils.breakParent( child, pre || tmp );
  6107. //去掉break后前一个多余的节点 <p>|<[p> ==> <p></p><div></div><p>|</p>
  6108. var pre = child.previousSibling;
  6109. domUtils.trimWhiteTextNode(pre);
  6110. if(!pre.childNodes.length){
  6111. domUtils.remove(pre);
  6112. }
  6113. //trace:2012,在非ie的情况,切开后剩下的节点有可能不能点入光标添加br占位
  6114. if(! &&
  6115. (next = child.nextSibling) &&
  6116. domUtils.isBlockElm(next) &&
  6117. next.lastChild &&
  6118. !domUtils.isBr(next.lastChild)){
  6119. next.appendChild(me.document.createElement('br'));
  6120. }
  6121. hadBreak = 1;
  6122. }
  6123. }
  6124. var next = child.nextSibling;
  6125. if(!div.firstChild && next && domUtils.isBlockElm(next)){
  6126. range.setStart(next,0).collapse(true);
  6127. break;
  6128. }
  6129. range.setEndAfter( child ).collapse();
  6130. }
  6131. child = range.startContainer;
  6132. if(nextNode && domUtils.isBr(nextNode)){
  6133. domUtils.remove(nextNode)
  6134. }
  6135. //用chrome可能有空白展位符
  6136. if(domUtils.isBlockElm(child) && domUtils.isEmptyNode(child)){
  6137. if(nextNode = child.nextSibling){
  6138. domUtils.remove(child);
  6139. if(nextNode.nodeType == 1 && dtd.$block[nextNode.tagName]){
  6140. range.setStart(nextNode,0).collapse(true).shrinkBoundary()
  6141. }
  6142. }else{
  6143. try{
  6144. child.innerHTML = ? domUtils.fillChar : '<br/>';
  6145. }catch(e){
  6146. range.setStartBefore(child);
  6147. domUtils.remove(child)
  6148. }
  6149. }
  6150. }
  6151. //加上true因为在删除表情等时会删两次,第一次是删的fillData
  6152. try{
  6154. }catch(e){}
  6155. }
  6156. setTimeout(function(){
  6157. range = me.selection.getRange();
  6158. range.scrollToView(me.autoHeightEnabled,me.autoHeightEnabled ? domUtils.getXY(me.iframe).y:0);
  6159. me.fireEvent('afterinserthtml');
  6160. },200);
  6161. }
  6162. };
  6163. ///import core
  6164. ///commands 自动排版
  6165. ///commandsName autotypeset
  6166. ///commandsTitle 自动排版
  6167. /**
  6168. * 自动排版
  6169. * @function
  6170. * @name baidu.editor.execCommands
  6171. */
  6172. UE.plugins['autotypeset'] = function(){
  6173. this.setOpt({'autotypeset':{
  6174. mergeEmptyline : true, //合并空行
  6175. removeClass : true, //去掉冗余的class
  6176. removeEmptyline : false, //去掉空行
  6177. textAlign : "left", //段落的排版方式,可以是 left,right,center,justify 去掉这个属性表示不执行排版
  6178. imageBlockLine : 'center', //图片的浮动方式,独占一行剧中,左右浮动,默认: center,left,right,none 去掉这个属性表示不执行排版
  6179. pasteFilter : false, //根据规则过滤没事粘贴进来的内容
  6180. clearFontSize : false, //去掉所有的内嵌字号,使用编辑器默认的字号
  6181. clearFontFamily : false, //去掉所有的内嵌字体,使用编辑器默认的字体
  6182. removeEmptyNode : false, // 去掉空节点
  6183. //可以去掉的标签
  6184. removeTagNames : utils.extend({div:1},dtd.$removeEmpty),
  6185. indent : false, // 行首缩进
  6186. indentValue : '2em' //行首缩进的大小
  6187. }});
  6188. var me = this,
  6189. opt = me.options.autotypeset,
  6190. remainClass = {
  6191. 'selectTdClass':1,
  6192. 'pagebreak':1,
  6193. 'anchorclass':1
  6194. },
  6195. remainTag = {
  6196. 'li':1
  6197. },
  6198. tags = {
  6199. div:1,
  6200. p:1,
  6201. //trace:2183 这些也认为是行
  6202. blockquote:1,center:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,
  6203. span:1
  6204. },
  6205. highlightCont;
  6206. //升级了版本,但配置项目里没有autotypeset
  6207. if(!opt){
  6208. return;
  6209. }
  6210. function isLine(node,notEmpty){
  6211. if(!node || node.nodeType == 3)
  6212. return 0;
  6213. if(domUtils.isBr(node))
  6214. return 1;
  6215. if(node && node.parentNode && tags[node.tagName.toLowerCase()]){
  6216. if(highlightCont && highlightCont.contains(node)
  6217. ||
  6218. node.getAttribute('pagebreak')
  6219. ){
  6220. return 0;
  6221. }
  6222. return notEmpty ? !domUtils.isEmptyBlock(node) : domUtils.isEmptyBlock(node,new RegExp('[\\s'+domUtils.fillChar
  6223. +']','g'));
  6224. }
  6225. }
  6226. function removeNotAttributeSpan(node){
  6227. if(!{
  6228. domUtils.removeAttributes(node,['style']);
  6229. if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span' && domUtils.hasNoAttributes(node)){
  6230. domUtils.remove(node,true);
  6231. }
  6232. }
  6233. }
  6234. function autotype(type,html){
  6235. var me = this,cont;
  6236. if(html){
  6237. if(!opt.pasteFilter){
  6238. return;
  6239. }
  6240. cont = me.document.createElement('div');
  6241. cont.innerHTML = html.html;
  6242. }else{
  6243. cont = me.document.body;
  6244. }
  6245. var nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(cont,'*');
  6246. // 行首缩进,段落方向,段间距,段内间距
  6247. for(var i=0,ci;ci=nodes[i++];){
  6248. if(me.fireEvent('excludeNodeinautotype',ci) === true){
  6249. continue;
  6250. }
  6251. //font-size
  6252. if(opt.clearFontSize &&{
  6253. domUtils.removeStyle(ci,'font-size');
  6254. removeNotAttributeSpan(ci);
  6255. }
  6256. //font-family
  6257. if(opt.clearFontFamily &&{
  6258. domUtils.removeStyle(ci,'font-family');
  6259. removeNotAttributeSpan(ci);
  6260. }
  6261. if(isLine(ci)){
  6262. //合并空行
  6263. if(opt.mergeEmptyline ){
  6264. var next = ci.nextSibling,tmpNode,isBr = domUtils.isBr(ci);
  6265. while(isLine(next)){
  6266. tmpNode = next;
  6267. next = tmpNode.nextSibling;
  6268. if(isBr && (!next || next && !domUtils.isBr(next))){
  6269. break;
  6270. }
  6271. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  6272. }
  6273. }
  6274. //去掉空行,保留占位的空行
  6275. if(opt.removeEmptyline && domUtils.inDoc(ci,cont) && !remainTag[ci.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase()] ){
  6276. if(domUtils.isBr(ci)){
  6277. next = ci.nextSibling;
  6278. if(next && !domUtils.isBr(next)){
  6279. continue;
  6280. }
  6281. }
  6282. domUtils.remove(ci);
  6283. continue;
  6284. }
  6285. }
  6286. if(isLine(ci,true) && ci.tagName != 'SPAN'){
  6287. if(opt.indent){
  6288. = opt.indentValue;
  6289. }
  6290. if(opt.textAlign){
  6291. = opt.textAlign;
  6292. }
  6293. // if(opt.lineHeight)
  6294. // = opt.lineHeight + 'cm';
  6295. }
  6296. //去掉class,保留的class不去掉
  6297. if(opt.removeClass && ci.className && !remainClass[ci.className.toLowerCase()]){
  6298. if(highlightCont && highlightCont.contains(ci)){
  6299. continue;
  6300. }
  6301. domUtils.removeAttributes(ci,['class']);
  6302. }
  6303. //表情不处理
  6304. if(opt.imageBlockLine && ci.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img' && !ci.getAttribute('emotion')){
  6305. if(html){
  6306. var img = ci;
  6307. switch (opt.imageBlockLine){
  6308. case 'left':
  6309. case 'right':
  6310. case 'none':
  6311. var pN = img.parentNode,tmpNode,pre,next;
  6312. while(dtd.$inline[pN.tagName] || pN.tagName == 'A'){
  6313. pN = pN.parentNode;
  6314. }
  6315. tmpNode = pN;
  6316. if(tmpNode.tagName == 'P' && domUtils.getStyle(tmpNode,'text-align') == 'center'){
  6317. if(!domUtils.isBody(tmpNode) && domUtils.getChildCount(tmpNode,function(node){return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node)}) == 1){
  6318. pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  6319. next = tmpNode.nextSibling;
  6320. if(pre && next && pre.nodeType == 1 && next.nodeType == 1 && pre.tagName == next.tagName && domUtils.isBlockElm(pre)){
  6321. pre.appendChild(tmpNode.firstChild);
  6322. while(next.firstChild){
  6323. pre.appendChild(next.firstChild);
  6324. }
  6325. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  6326. domUtils.remove(next);
  6327. }else{
  6328. domUtils.setStyle(tmpNode,'text-align','');
  6329. }
  6330. }
  6331. }
  6332. domUtils.setStyle(img,'float',opt.imageBlockLine);
  6333. break;
  6334. case 'center':
  6335. if(me.queryCommandValue('imagefloat') != 'center'){
  6336. pN = img.parentNode;
  6337. domUtils.setStyle(img,'float','none');
  6338. tmpNode = img;
  6339. while(pN && domUtils.getChildCount(pN,function(node){return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node)}) == 1
  6340. && (dtd.$inline[pN.tagName] || pN.tagName == 'A')){
  6341. tmpNode = pN;
  6342. pN = pN.parentNode;
  6343. }
  6344. var pNode = me.document.createElement('p');
  6345. domUtils.setAttributes(pNode,{
  6346. style:'text-align:center'
  6347. });
  6348. tmpNode.parentNode.insertBefore(pNode,tmpNode);
  6349. pNode.appendChild(tmpNode);
  6350. domUtils.setStyle(tmpNode,'float','');
  6351. }
  6352. }
  6353. }else{
  6354. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  6355. range.selectNode(ci).select();
  6356. me.execCommand('imagefloat',opt.imageBlockLine);
  6357. }
  6358. }
  6359. //去掉冗余的标签
  6360. if(opt.removeEmptyNode){
  6361. if(opt.removeTagNames[ci.tagName.toLowerCase()] && domUtils.hasNoAttributes(ci) && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(ci)){
  6362. domUtils.remove(ci);
  6363. }
  6364. }
  6365. }
  6366. if(html){
  6367. html.html = cont.innerHTML;
  6368. }
  6369. }
  6370. if(opt.pasteFilter){
  6371. me.addListener('beforepaste',autotype);
  6372. }
  6373. me.commands['autotypeset'] = {
  6374. execCommand:function () {
  6375. me.removeListener('beforepaste',autotype);
  6376. if(opt.pasteFilter){
  6377. me.addListener('beforepaste',autotype);
  6378. }
  6380. }
  6381. };
  6382. };
  6383. ///import core
  6384. ///commands 自动提交
  6385. ///commandsName autosubmit
  6386. ///commandsTitle 自动提交
  6387. UE.plugins['autosubmit'] = function(){
  6388. var me = this;
  6389. me.commands['autosubmit'] = {
  6390. execCommand:function () {
  6391. var me=this,
  6392. form = domUtils.findParentByTagName(me.iframe,"form", false);
  6393. if (form) {
  6394. if(me.fireEvent("beforesubmit")===false){
  6395. return;
  6396. }
  6397. me.sync();
  6398. form.submit();
  6399. }
  6400. }
  6401. };
  6402. //快捷键
  6403. me.addshortcutkey({
  6404. "autosubmit" : "ctrl+13" //手动提交
  6405. });
  6406. };
  6407. ///import core
  6408. ///commands 插入背景
  6409. ///commandsName background
  6410. ///commandsTitle 插入背景
  6411. ///commandsDialog dialogs\background
  6412. UE.plugins['background'] = function(){
  6413. var me = this;
  6414. me.addListener("getAllHtml",function(type,headHtml){
  6415. var body = this.body,
  6416. su = domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"background-image"),
  6417. url="";
  6418. if(su.indexOf(me.options.imagePath)>0){
  6419. url = su.substring(su.indexOf(me.options.imagePath),su.length-1).replace(/"|\(|\)/ig,"");
  6420. }else{
  6421. url = su!="none" ? su.replace(/url\("?|"?\)/ig,""):"";
  6422. }
  6423. var html = '<style type="text/css">body{';
  6424. var bgObj = {
  6425. "background-color" : domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"background-color")||"#ffffff",
  6426. 'background-image' : url ? 'url('+url+')' : '',
  6427. 'background-repeat':domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"background-repeat")||"",
  6428. 'background-position':,"background-position-x")+" "+domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"background-position-y")):domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"background-position"),
  6429. 'height':domUtils.getComputedStyle(body,"height")
  6430. };
  6431. for ( var name in bgObj ) {
  6432. if ( bgObj.hasOwnProperty( name ) ) {
  6433. html += name+":"+bgObj[name]+";";
  6434. }
  6435. }
  6436. html += '}</style> ';
  6437. headHtml.push(html);
  6438. });
  6439. }
  6440. ///import core
  6441. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  6442. ///commands 插入图片,操作图片的对齐方式
  6443. ///commandsName InsertImage,ImageNone,ImageLeft,ImageRight,ImageCenter
  6444. ///commandsTitle 图片,默认,居左,居右,居中
  6445. ///commandsDialog dialogs\image
  6446. /**
  6447. * Created by .
  6448. * User: zhanyi
  6449. * for image
  6450. */
  6451. UE.commands['imagefloat'] = {
  6452. execCommand:function (cmd, align) {
  6453. var me = this,
  6454. range = me.selection.getRange();
  6455. if (!range.collapsed) {
  6456. var img = range.getClosedNode();
  6457. if (img && img.tagName == 'IMG') {
  6458. switch (align) {
  6459. case 'left':
  6460. case 'right':
  6461. case 'none':
  6462. var pN = img.parentNode, tmpNode, pre, next;
  6463. while (dtd.$inline[pN.tagName] || pN.tagName == 'A') {
  6464. pN = pN.parentNode;
  6465. }
  6466. tmpNode = pN;
  6467. if (tmpNode.tagName == 'P' && domUtils.getStyle(tmpNode, 'text-align') == 'center') {
  6468. if (!domUtils.isBody(tmpNode) && domUtils.getChildCount(tmpNode, function (node) {
  6469. return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  6470. }) == 1) {
  6471. pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  6472. next = tmpNode.nextSibling;
  6473. if (pre && next && pre.nodeType == 1 && next.nodeType == 1 && pre.tagName == next.tagName && domUtils.isBlockElm(pre)) {
  6474. pre.appendChild(tmpNode.firstChild);
  6475. while (next.firstChild) {
  6476. pre.appendChild(next.firstChild);
  6477. }
  6478. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  6479. domUtils.remove(next);
  6480. } else {
  6481. domUtils.setStyle(tmpNode, 'text-align', '');
  6482. }
  6483. }
  6484. range.selectNode(img).select();
  6485. }
  6486. domUtils.setStyle(img, 'float', align == 'none' ? '' : align);
  6487. if(align == 'none'){
  6488. domUtils.removeAttributes(img,'align');
  6489. }
  6490. break;
  6491. case 'center':
  6492. if (me.queryCommandValue('imagefloat') != 'center') {
  6493. pN = img.parentNode;
  6494. domUtils.setStyle(img, 'float', '');
  6495. domUtils.removeAttributes(img,'align');
  6496. tmpNode = img;
  6497. while (pN && domUtils.getChildCount(pN, function (node) {
  6498. return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  6499. }) == 1
  6500. && (dtd.$inline[pN.tagName] || pN.tagName == 'A')) {
  6501. tmpNode = pN;
  6502. pN = pN.parentNode;
  6503. }
  6504. range.setStartBefore(tmpNode).setCursor(false);
  6505. pN = me.document.createElement('div');
  6506. pN.appendChild(tmpNode);
  6507. domUtils.setStyle(tmpNode, 'float', '');
  6508. me.execCommand('insertHtml', '<p id="_img_parent_tmp" style="text-align:center">' + pN.innerHTML + '</p>');
  6509. tmpNode = me.document.getElementById('_img_parent_tmp');
  6510. tmpNode.removeAttribute('id');
  6511. tmpNode = tmpNode.firstChild;
  6512. range.selectNode(tmpNode).select();
  6513. //去掉后边多余的元素
  6514. next = tmpNode.parentNode.nextSibling;
  6515. if (next && domUtils.isEmptyNode(next)) {
  6516. domUtils.remove(next);
  6517. }
  6518. }
  6519. break;
  6520. }
  6521. }
  6522. }
  6523. },
  6524. queryCommandValue:function () {
  6525. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  6526. startNode, floatStyle;
  6527. if (range.collapsed) {
  6528. return 'none';
  6529. }
  6530. startNode = range.getClosedNode();
  6531. if (startNode && startNode.nodeType == 1 && startNode.tagName == 'IMG') {
  6532. floatStyle = startNode.getAttribute('align')||domUtils.getComputedStyle(startNode, 'float');
  6533. if (floatStyle == 'none') {
  6534. floatStyle = domUtils.getComputedStyle(startNode.parentNode, 'text-align') == 'center' ? 'center' : floatStyle;
  6535. }
  6536. return {
  6537. left:1,
  6538. right:1,
  6539. center:1
  6540. }[floatStyle] ? floatStyle : 'none';
  6541. }
  6542. return 'none';
  6543. },
  6544. queryCommandState:function () {
  6545. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  6546. startNode;
  6547. if (range.collapsed) return -1;
  6548. startNode = range.getClosedNode();
  6549. if (startNode && startNode.nodeType == 1 && startNode.tagName == 'IMG') {
  6550. return 0;
  6551. }
  6552. return -1;
  6553. }
  6554. };
  6555. UE.commands['insertimage'] = {
  6556. execCommand:function (cmd, opt) {
  6557. opt = utils.isArray(opt) ? opt : [opt];
  6558. if (!opt.length) {
  6559. return;
  6560. }
  6561. var me = this,
  6562. range = me.selection.getRange(),
  6563. img = range.getClosedNode();
  6564. if (img && /img/i.test(img.tagName) && img.className != "edui-faked-video" && !img.getAttribute("word_img")) {
  6565. var first = opt.shift();
  6566. var floatStyle = first['floatStyle'];
  6567. delete first['floatStyle'];
  6568. //// = (first.border||0) +"px solid #000";
  6569. //// = (first.margin||0) +"px";
  6570. // += ';margin:' + (first.margin||0) +"px;" + 'border:' + (first.border||0) +"px solid #000";
  6571. domUtils.setAttributes(img, first);
  6572. me.execCommand('imagefloat', floatStyle);
  6573. if (opt.length > 0) {
  6574. range.setStartAfter(img).setCursor(false, true);
  6575. me.execCommand('insertimage', opt);
  6576. }
  6577. } else {
  6578. var html = [], str = '', ci;
  6579. ci = opt[0];
  6580. if (opt.length == 1) {
  6581. str = '<img src="' + ci.src + '" ' + (ci._src ? ' _src="' + ci._src + '" ' : '') +
  6582. (ci.width ? 'width="' + ci.width + '" ' : '') +
  6583. (ci.height ? ' height="' + ci.height + '" ' : '') +
  6584. (ci['floatStyle'] == 'left' || ci['floatStyle'] == 'right' ? ' style="float:' + ci['floatStyle'] + ';"' : '') +
  6585. (ci.title && ci.title != "" ? ' title="' + ci.title + '"' : '') +
  6586. (ci.border && ci.border != "0" ? ' border="' + ci.border + '"' : '') +
  6587. (ci.alt && ci.alt != "" ? ' alt="' + ci.alt + '"' : '') +
  6588. (ci.hspace && ci.hspace != "0" ? ' hspace = "' + ci.hspace + '"' : '') +
  6589. (ci.vspace && ci.vspace != "0" ? ' vspace = "' + ci.vspace + '"' : '') + '/>';
  6590. if (ci['floatStyle'] == 'center') {
  6591. str = '<p style="text-align: center">' + str + '</p>';
  6592. }
  6593. html.push(str);
  6594. } else {
  6595. for (var i = 0; ci = opt[i++];) {
  6596. str = '<p ' + (ci['floatStyle'] == 'center' ? 'style="text-align: center" ' : '') + '><img src="' + ci.src + '" ' +
  6597. (ci.width ? 'width="' + ci.width + '" ' : '') + (ci._src ? ' _src="' + ci._src + '" ' : '') +
  6598. (ci.height ? ' height="' + ci.height + '" ' : '') +
  6599. ' style="' + (ci['floatStyle'] && ci['floatStyle'] != 'center' ? 'float:' + ci['floatStyle'] + ';' : '') +
  6600. (ci.border || '') + '" ' +
  6601. (ci.title ? ' title="' + ci.title + '"' : '') + ' /></p>';
  6602. html.push(str);
  6603. }
  6604. }
  6605. me.execCommand('insertHtml', html.join(''));
  6606. }
  6607. }
  6608. };
  6609. ///import core
  6610. ///commands 段落格式,居左,居右,居中,两端对齐
  6611. ///commandsName JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyJustify
  6612. ///commandsTitle 居左对齐,居中对齐,居右对齐,两端对齐
  6613. /**
  6614. * @description 居左右中
  6615. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  6616. * @param {String} cmdName justify执行对齐方式的命令
  6617. * @param {String} align 对齐方式:left居左,right居右,center居中,justify两端对齐
  6618. * @author zhanyi
  6619. */
  6620. UE.plugins['justify']=function(){
  6621. var me=this,
  6622. block = domUtils.isBlockElm,
  6623. defaultValue = {
  6624. left:1,
  6625. right:1,
  6626. center:1,
  6627. justify:1
  6628. },
  6629. doJustify = function (range, style) {
  6630. var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
  6631. filterFn = function (node) {
  6632. return node.nodeType == 1 ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br' && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) : !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  6633. };
  6634. range.enlarge(true);
  6635. var bookmark2 = range.createBookmark(),
  6636. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bookmark2.start, false, filterFn),
  6637. tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  6638. tmpNode;
  6639. while (current && !(domUtils.getPosition(current, bookmark2.end) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING)) {
  6640. if (current.nodeType == 3 || !block(current)) {
  6641. tmpRange.setStartBefore(current);
  6642. while (current && current !== bookmark2.end && !block(current)) {
  6643. tmpNode = current;
  6644. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, false, null, function (node) {
  6645. return !block(node);
  6646. });
  6647. }
  6648. tmpRange.setEndAfter(tmpNode);
  6649. var common = tmpRange.getCommonAncestor();
  6650. if (!domUtils.isBody(common) && block(common)) {
  6651. domUtils.setStyles(common, utils.isString(style) ? {'text-align':style} : style);
  6652. current = common;
  6653. } else {
  6654. var p = range.document.createElement('p');
  6655. domUtils.setStyles(p, utils.isString(style) ? {'text-align':style} : style);
  6656. var frag = tmpRange.extractContents();
  6657. p.appendChild(frag);
  6658. tmpRange.insertNode(p);
  6659. current = p;
  6660. }
  6661. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, false, filterFn);
  6662. } else {
  6663. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, true, filterFn);
  6664. }
  6665. }
  6666. return range.moveToBookmark(bookmark2).moveToBookmark(bookmark);
  6667. };
  6668. UE.commands['justify'] = {
  6669. execCommand:function (cmdName, align) {
  6670. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  6671. txt;
  6672. //闭合时单独处理
  6673. if (range.collapsed) {
  6674. txt = this.document.createTextNode('p');
  6675. range.insertNode(txt);
  6676. }
  6677. doJustify(range, align);
  6678. if (txt) {
  6679. range.setStartBefore(txt).collapse(true);
  6680. domUtils.remove(txt);
  6681. }
  6683. return true;
  6684. },
  6685. queryCommandValue:function () {
  6686. var startNode = this.selection.getStart(),
  6687. value = domUtils.getComputedStyle(startNode, 'text-align');
  6688. return defaultValue[value] ? value : 'left';
  6689. },
  6690. queryCommandState:function () {
  6691. var start = this.selection.getStart(),
  6692. cell = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["td", "th","caption"], true);
  6693. return cell? -1:0;
  6694. }
  6695. };
  6696. };
  6697. ///import core
  6698. ///import plugins\removeformat.js
  6699. ///commands 字体颜色,背景色,字号,字体,下划线,删除线
  6700. ///commandsName ForeColor,BackColor,FontSize,FontFamily,Underline,StrikeThrough
  6701. ///commandsTitle 字体颜色,背景色,字号,字体,下划线,删除线
  6702. /**
  6703. * @description 字体
  6704. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  6705. * @param {String} cmdName 执行的功能名称
  6706. * @param {String} value 传入的值
  6707. */
  6708. UE.plugins['font'] = function () {
  6709. var me = this,
  6710. fonts = {
  6711. 'forecolor': 'color',
  6712. 'backcolor': 'background-color',
  6713. 'fontsize': 'font-size',
  6714. 'fontfamily': 'font-family',
  6715. 'underline': 'text-decoration',
  6716. 'strikethrough': 'text-decoration',
  6717. 'fontborder': 'border'
  6718. },
  6719. needCmd = {'underline': 1, 'strikethrough': 1, 'fontborder': 1},
  6720. needSetChild = {
  6721. 'forecolor': 'color',
  6722. 'backcolor': 'background-color',
  6723. 'fontsize': 'font-size',
  6724. 'fontfamily': 'font-family'
  6725. };
  6726. me.setOpt({
  6727. 'fontfamily': [
  6728. { name: 'songti', val: '宋体,SimSun'},
  6729. { name: 'yahei', val: '微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei'},
  6730. { name: 'kaiti', val: '楷体,楷体_GB2312, SimKai'},
  6731. { name: 'heiti', val: '黑体, SimHei'},
  6732. { name: 'lishu', val: '隶书, SimLi'},
  6733. { name: 'andaleMono', val: 'andale mono'},
  6734. { name: 'arial', val: 'arial, helvetica,sans-serif'},
  6735. { name: 'arialBlack', val: 'arial black,avant garde'},
  6736. { name: 'comicSansMs', val: 'comic sans ms'},
  6737. { name: 'impact', val: 'impact,chicago'},
  6738. { name: 'timesNewRoman', val: 'times new roman'}
  6739. ],
  6740. 'fontsize': [10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 36]
  6741. });
  6742. function mergeWithParent(node){
  6743. var parent;
  6744. while(parent = node.parentNode){
  6745. if(parent.tagName == 'SPAN' && domUtils.getChildCount(parent,function(child){
  6746. return !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(child) && !domUtils.isBr(child)
  6747. }) == 1) {
  6748. +=;
  6749. domUtils.remove(node,true);
  6750. node = parent;
  6751. }else{
  6752. break;
  6753. }
  6754. }
  6755. }
  6756. function mergeChild(rng,cmdName,value){
  6757. if(needSetChild[cmdName]){
  6758. rng.adjustmentBoundary();
  6759. if(!rng.collapsed && rng.startContainer.nodeType == 1){
  6760. var start = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset];
  6761. if(start && domUtils.isTagNode(start,'span')){
  6762. var bk = rng.createBookmark();
  6763. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(start, 'span'), function (span) {
  6764. if (!span.parentNode || domUtils.isBookmarkNode(span))return;
  6765. if(cmdName == 'backcolor' && domUtils.getComputedStyle(span,'background-color').toLowerCase() === value){
  6766. return;
  6767. }
  6768. domUtils.removeStyle(span,needSetChild[cmdName]);
  6769. if(^\s+$/,'').length == 0){
  6770. domUtils.remove(span,true)
  6771. }
  6772. });
  6773. rng.moveToBookmark(bk)
  6774. }
  6775. }
  6776. }
  6777. }
  6778. function mergesibling(rng,cmdName,value) {
  6779. var collapsed = rng.collapsed,
  6780. bk = rng.createBookmark(), common;
  6781. if (collapsed) {
  6782. common = bk.start.parentNode;
  6783. while (dtd.$inline[common.tagName]) {
  6784. common = common.parentNode;
  6785. }
  6786. } else {
  6787. common = domUtils.getCommonAncestor(bk.start, bk.end);
  6788. }
  6789. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(common, 'span'), function (span) {
  6790. if (!span.parentNode || domUtils.isBookmarkNode(span))return;
  6791. if (/\s*border\s*:\s*none;?\s*/i.test( {
  6792. if(/^\s*border\s*:\s*none;?\s*$/.test({
  6793. domUtils.remove(span, true);
  6794. }else{
  6795. domUtils.removeStyle(span,'border');
  6796. }
  6797. return
  6798. }
  6799. if (/border/i.test( && span.parentNode.tagName == 'SPAN' && /border/i.test( {
  6800. =[^:]*:[^;]+;?/gi, '');
  6801. }
  6802. if(!(cmdName=='fontborder' && value=='none')){
  6803. var next = span.nextSibling;
  6804. while (next && next.nodeType == 1 && next.tagName == 'SPAN' ) {
  6805. if(domUtils.isBookmarkNode(next) && cmdName == 'fontborder') {
  6806. span.appendChild(next);
  6807. next = span.nextSibling;
  6808. continue;
  6809. }
  6810. if ( == {
  6811. domUtils.moveChild(next, span);
  6812. domUtils.remove(next);
  6813. }
  6814. if (span.nextSibling === next)
  6815. break;
  6816. next = span.nextSibling;
  6817. }
  6818. }
  6819. mergeWithParent(span);
  6820. if( && browser.version > 8 ){
  6821. //拷贝父亲们的特别的属性,这里只做背景颜色的处理
  6822. var parent = domUtils.findParent(span,function(n){return n.tagName == 'SPAN' && /background-color/.test(});
  6823. if(parent && !/background-color/.test({
  6824. =;
  6825. }
  6826. }
  6827. });
  6828. rng.moveToBookmark(bk);
  6829. mergeChild(rng,cmdName,value)
  6830. }
  6831. me.addInputRule(function (root) {
  6832. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('u s del font strike'), function (node) {
  6833. if (node.tagName == 'font') {
  6834. var cssStyle = [];
  6835. for (var p in node.attrs) {
  6836. switch (p) {
  6837. case 'size':
  6838. cssStyle.push('font-size:' + node.attrs[p] + 'px');
  6839. break;
  6840. case 'color':
  6841. cssStyle.push('color:' + node.attrs[p]);
  6842. break;
  6843. case 'face':
  6844. cssStyle.push('font-family:' + node.attrs[p]);
  6845. break;
  6846. case 'style':
  6847. cssStyle.push(node.attrs[p]);
  6848. }
  6849. }
  6850. node.attrs = {
  6851. 'style': cssStyle.join(';')
  6852. };
  6853. } else {
  6854. var val = node.tagName == 'u' ? 'underline' : 'line-through';
  6855. node.attrs = {
  6856. 'style': (node.getAttr('style') || '') + 'text-decoration:' + val + ';'
  6857. }
  6858. }
  6859. node.tagName = 'span';
  6860. });
  6861. // utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('span'), function (node) {
  6862. // var val;
  6863. // if(val = node.getAttr('class')){
  6864. // if(/fontstrikethrough/.test(val)){
  6865. // node.setStyle('text-decoration','line-through');
  6866. // if(node.attrs['class']){
  6867. // node.attrs['class'] = node.attrs['class'].replace(/fontstrikethrough/,'');
  6868. // }else{
  6869. // node.setAttr('class')
  6870. // }
  6871. // }
  6872. // if(/fontborder/.test(val)){
  6873. // node.setStyle('border','1px solid #000');
  6874. // if(node.attrs['class']){
  6875. // node.attrs['class'] = node.attrs['class'].replace(/fontborder/,'');
  6876. // }else{
  6877. // node.setAttr('class')
  6878. // }
  6879. // }
  6880. // }
  6881. // });
  6882. });
  6883. // me.addOutputRule(function(root){
  6884. // utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('span'), function (node) {
  6885. // var val;
  6886. // if(val = node.getStyle('text-decoration')){
  6887. // if(/line-through/.test(val)){
  6888. // if(node.attrs['class']){
  6889. // node.attrs['class'] += ' fontstrikethrough';
  6890. // }else{
  6891. // node.setAttr('class','fontstrikethrough')
  6892. // }
  6893. // }
  6894. //
  6895. // node.setStyle('text-decoration')
  6896. // }
  6897. // if(val = node.getStyle('border')){
  6898. // if(/1px/.test(val) && /solid/.test(val)){
  6899. // if(node.attrs['class']){
  6900. // node.attrs['class'] += ' fontborder';
  6901. //
  6902. // }else{
  6903. // node.setAttr('class','fontborder')
  6904. // }
  6905. // }
  6906. // node.setStyle('border')
  6907. //
  6908. // }
  6909. // });
  6910. // });
  6911. for (var p in fonts) {
  6912. (function (cmd, style) {
  6913. UE.commands[cmd] = {
  6914. execCommand: function (cmdName, value) {
  6915. value = value || (this.queryCommandState(cmdName) ? 'none' : cmdName == 'underline' ? 'underline' :
  6916. cmdName == 'fontborder' ? '1px solid #000' :
  6917. 'line-through');
  6918. var me = this,
  6919. range = this.selection.getRange(),
  6920. text;
  6921. if (value == 'default') {
  6922. if (range.collapsed) {
  6923. text = me.document.createTextNode('font');
  6924. range.insertNode(text).select();
  6925. }
  6926. me.execCommand('removeFormat', 'span,a', style);
  6927. if (text) {
  6928. range.setStartBefore(text).collapse(true);
  6929. domUtils.remove(text);
  6930. }
  6931. mergesibling(range,cmdName,value);
  6933. } else {
  6934. if (!range.collapsed) {
  6935. if (needCmd[cmd] && me.queryCommandValue(cmd)) {
  6936. me.execCommand('removeFormat', 'span,a', style);
  6937. }
  6938. range = me.selection.getRange();
  6939. range.applyInlineStyle('span', {'style': style + ':' + value});
  6940. mergesibling(range, cmdName,value);
  6942. } else {
  6943. var span = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'span', true);
  6944. text = me.document.createTextNode('font');
  6945. if (span && !span.children.length && !span[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'].replace(fillCharReg, '').length) {
  6946. //for ie hack when enter
  6947. range.insertNode(text);
  6948. if (needCmd[cmd]) {
  6949. range.selectNode(text).select();
  6950. me.execCommand('removeFormat', 'span,a', style, null);
  6951. span = domUtils.findParentByTagName(text, 'span', true);
  6952. range.setStartBefore(text);
  6953. }
  6954. span && ( += ';' + style + ':' + value);
  6955. range.collapse(true).select();
  6956. } else {
  6957. range.insertNode(text);
  6958. range.selectNode(text).select();
  6959. span = range.document.createElement('span');
  6960. if (needCmd[cmd]) {
  6961. //a标签内的不处理跳过
  6962. if (domUtils.findParentByTagName(text, 'a', true)) {
  6963. range.setStartBefore(text).setCursor();
  6964. domUtils.remove(text);
  6965. return;
  6966. }
  6967. me.execCommand('removeFormat', 'span,a', style);
  6968. }
  6969. = style + ':' + value;
  6970. text.parentNode.insertBefore(span, text);
  6971. //修复,span套span 但样式不继承的问题
  6972. if (! || && browser.version == 9) {
  6973. var spanParent = span.parentNode;
  6974. while (!domUtils.isBlockElm(spanParent)) {
  6975. if (spanParent.tagName == 'SPAN') {
  6976. //opera合并style不会加入";"
  6977. = + ";" +;
  6978. }
  6979. spanParent = spanParent.parentNode;
  6980. }
  6981. }
  6982. if (opera) {
  6983. setTimeout(function () {
  6984. range.setStart(span, 0).collapse(true);
  6985. mergesibling(range, cmdName,value);
  6987. });
  6988. } else {
  6989. range.setStart(span, 0).collapse(true);
  6990. mergesibling(range,cmdName,value);
  6992. }
  6993. //trace:981
  6994. //domUtils.mergeToParent(span)
  6995. }
  6996. domUtils.remove(text);
  6997. }
  6998. }
  6999. return true;
  7000. },
  7001. queryCommandValue: function (cmdName) {
  7002. var startNode = this.selection.getStart();
  7003. //trace:946
  7004. if (cmdName == 'underline' || cmdName == 'strikethrough') {
  7005. var tmpNode = startNode, value;
  7006. while (tmpNode && !domUtils.isBlockElm(tmpNode) && !domUtils.isBody(tmpNode)) {
  7007. if (tmpNode.nodeType == 1) {
  7008. value = domUtils.getComputedStyle(tmpNode, style);
  7009. if (value != 'none') {
  7010. return value;
  7011. }
  7012. }
  7013. tmpNode = tmpNode.parentNode;
  7014. }
  7015. return 'none';
  7016. }
  7017. if (cmdName == 'fontborder') {
  7018. var tmp = startNode, val;
  7019. while (tmp && dtd.$inline[tmp.tagName]) {
  7020. if (val = domUtils.getComputedStyle(tmp, 'border')) {
  7021. if (/1px/.test(val) && /solid/.test(val)) {
  7022. return val;
  7023. }
  7024. }
  7025. tmp = tmp.parentNode;
  7026. }
  7027. return ''
  7028. }
  7029. if( cmdName == 'FontSize' ) {
  7030. var styleVal = domUtils.getComputedStyle(startNode, style),
  7031. tmp = /^([\d\.]+)(\w+)$/.exec( styleVal );
  7032. if( tmp ) {
  7033. return Math.floor( tmp[1] ) + tmp[2];
  7034. }
  7035. return styleVal;
  7036. }
  7037. return domUtils.getComputedStyle(startNode, style);
  7038. },
  7039. queryCommandState: function (cmdName) {
  7040. if (!needCmd[cmdName])
  7041. return 0;
  7042. var val = this.queryCommandValue(cmdName);
  7043. if (cmdName == 'fontborder') {
  7044. return /1px/.test(val) && /solid/.test(val)
  7045. } else {
  7046. return val == (cmdName == 'underline' ?
  7047. 'underline' : 'line-through');
  7048. }
  7049. }
  7050. };
  7051. })(p, fonts[p]);
  7052. }
  7053. };
  7054. ///import core
  7055. ///commands 超链接,取消链接
  7056. ///commandsName Link,Unlink
  7057. ///commandsTitle 超链接,取消链接
  7058. ///commandsDialog dialogs\link
  7059. /**
  7060. * 超链接
  7061. * @function
  7062. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7063. * @param {String} cmdName link插入超链接
  7064. * @param {Object} options url地址,title标题,target是否打开新页
  7065. * @author zhanyi
  7066. */
  7067. /**
  7068. * 取消链接
  7069. * @function
  7070. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7071. * @param {String} cmdName unlink取消链接
  7072. * @author zhanyi
  7073. */
  7074. UE.plugins['link'] = function(){
  7075. function optimize( range ) {
  7076. var start = range.startContainer,end = range.endContainer;
  7077. if ( start = domUtils.findParentByTagName( start, 'a', true ) ) {
  7078. range.setStartBefore( start );
  7079. }
  7080. if ( end = domUtils.findParentByTagName( end, 'a', true ) ) {
  7081. range.setEndAfter( end );
  7082. }
  7083. }
  7084. UE.commands['unlink'] = {
  7085. execCommand : function() {
  7086. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  7087. bookmark;
  7088. if(range.collapsed && !domUtils.findParentByTagName( range.startContainer, 'a', true )){
  7089. return;
  7090. }
  7091. bookmark = range.createBookmark();
  7092. optimize( range );
  7093. range.removeInlineStyle( 'a' ).moveToBookmark( bookmark ).select();
  7094. },
  7095. queryCommandState : function(){
  7096. return !this.highlight && this.queryCommandValue('link') ? 0 : -1;
  7097. }
  7098. };
  7099. function doLink(range,opt,me){
  7100. var rngClone = range.cloneRange(),
  7101. link = me.queryCommandValue('link');
  7102. optimize( range = range.adjustmentBoundary() );
  7103. var start = range.startContainer;
  7104. if(start.nodeType == 1 && link){
  7105. start = start.childNodes[range.startOffset];
  7106. if(start && start.nodeType == 1 && start.tagName == 'A' && /^(?:https?|ftp|file)\s*:\s*\/\//.test(start['innerText':'textContent'])){
  7107. start[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'] = utils.html(opt.textValue||opt.href);
  7108. }
  7109. }
  7110. if( !rngClone.collapsed || link){
  7111. range.removeInlineStyle( 'a' );
  7112. rngClone = range.cloneRange();
  7113. }
  7114. if ( rngClone.collapsed ) {
  7115. var a = range.document.createElement( 'a'),
  7116. text = '';
  7117. if(opt.textValue){
  7118. text = utils.html(opt.textValue);
  7119. delete opt.textValue;
  7120. }else{
  7121. text = utils.html(opt.href);
  7122. }
  7123. domUtils.setAttributes( a, opt );
  7124. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName( rngClone.startContainer, 'a', true );
  7125. if(start && domUtils.isInNodeEndBoundary(rngClone,start)){
  7126. range.setStartAfter(start).collapse(true);
  7127. }
  7128. a[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'] = text;
  7129. range.insertNode(a).selectNode( a );
  7130. } else {
  7131. range.applyInlineStyle( 'a', opt );
  7132. }
  7133. }
  7134. UE.commands['link'] = {
  7135. execCommand : function( cmdName, opt ) {
  7136. var range;
  7137. opt._href && (opt._href = utils.unhtml(opt._href,/[<">]/g));
  7138. opt.href && (opt.href = utils.unhtml(opt.href,/[<">]/g));
  7139. opt.textValue && (opt.textValue = utils.unhtml(opt.textValue,/[<">]/g));
  7140. doLink(range=this.selection.getRange(),opt,this);
  7141. //闭合都不加占位符,如果加了会在a后边多个占位符节点,导致a是图片背景组成的列表,出现空白问题
  7142. range.collapse().select(true);
  7143. },
  7144. queryCommandValue : function() {
  7145. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  7146. node;
  7147. if ( range.collapsed ) {
  7148. // node = this.selection.getStart();
  7149. //在ie下getstart()取值偏上了
  7150. node = range.startContainer;
  7151. node = node.nodeType == 1 ? node : node.parentNode;
  7152. if ( node && (node = domUtils.findParentByTagName( node, 'a', true )) && ! domUtils.isInNodeEndBoundary(range,node)) {
  7153. return node;
  7154. }
  7155. } else {
  7156. //trace:1111 如果是<p><a>xx</a></p> startContainer是p就会找不到a
  7157. range.shrinkBoundary();
  7158. var start = range.startContainer.nodeType == 3 || !range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset] ? range.startContainer : range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset],
  7159. end = range.endContainer.nodeType == 3 || range.endOffset == 0 ? range.endContainer : range.endContainer.childNodes[range.endOffset-1],
  7160. common = range.getCommonAncestor();
  7161. node = domUtils.findParentByTagName( common, 'a', true );
  7162. if ( !node && common.nodeType == 1){
  7163. var as = common.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ),
  7164. ps,pe;
  7165. for ( var i = 0,ci; ci = as[i++]; ) {
  7166. ps = domUtils.getPosition( ci, start ),pe = domUtils.getPosition( ci,end);
  7167. if ( (ps & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING || ps & domUtils.POSITION_CONTAINS)
  7168. &&
  7169. (pe & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING || pe & domUtils.POSITION_CONTAINS)
  7170. ) {
  7171. node = ci;
  7172. break;
  7173. }
  7174. }
  7175. }
  7176. return node;
  7177. }
  7178. },
  7179. queryCommandState : function() {
  7180. //判断如果是视频的话连接不可用
  7181. //fix 853
  7182. var img = this.selection.getRange().getClosedNode(),
  7183. flag = img && (img.className == "edui-faked-video");
  7184. return flag ? -1 : 0;
  7185. }
  7186. };
  7187. };
  7188. ///import core
  7189. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  7190. ///commands 插入框架
  7191. ///commandsName InsertFrame
  7192. ///commandsTitle 插入Iframe
  7193. ///commandsDialog dialogs\insertframe
  7194. UE.plugins['insertframe'] = function() {
  7195. var me =this;
  7196. function deleteIframe(){
  7197. me._iframe && delete me._iframe;
  7198. }
  7199. me.addListener("selectionchange",function(){
  7200. deleteIframe();
  7201. });
  7202. };
  7203. ///import core
  7204. ///commands 涂鸦
  7205. ///commandsName Scrawl
  7206. ///commandsTitle 涂鸦
  7207. ///commandsDialog dialogs\scrawl
  7208. UE.commands['scrawl'] = {
  7209. queryCommandState : function(){
  7210. return ( && browser.version <= 8 ) ? -1 :0;
  7211. }
  7212. };
  7213. ///import core
  7214. ///commands 清除格式
  7215. ///commandsName RemoveFormat
  7216. ///commandsTitle 清除格式
  7217. /**
  7218. * @description 清除格式
  7219. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7220. * @param {String} cmdName removeformat清除格式命令
  7221. * @param {String} tags 以逗号隔开的标签。如:span,a
  7222. * @param {String} style 样式
  7223. * @param {String} attrs 属性
  7224. * @param {String} notIncluedA 是否把a标签切开
  7225. * @author zhanyi
  7226. */
  7227. UE.plugins['removeformat'] = function(){
  7228. var me = this;
  7229. me.setOpt({
  7230. 'removeFormatTags': 'b,big,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,q,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var',
  7231. 'removeFormatAttributes':'class,style,lang,width,height,align,hspace,valign'
  7232. });
  7233. me.commands['removeformat'] = {
  7234. execCommand : function( cmdName, tags, style, attrs,notIncludeA ) {
  7235. var tagReg = new RegExp( '^(?:' + (tags || this.options.removeFormatTags).replace( /,/g, '|' ) + ')$', 'i' ) ,
  7236. removeFormatAttributes = style ? [] : (attrs || this.options.removeFormatAttributes).split( ',' ),
  7237. range = new dom.Range( this.document ),
  7238. bookmark,node,parent,
  7239. filter = function( node ) {
  7240. return node.nodeType == 1;
  7241. };
  7242. function isRedundantSpan (node) {
  7243. if (node.nodeType == 3 || node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'span'){
  7244. return 0;
  7245. }
  7246. if ( {
  7247. //ie 下判断实效,所以只能简单用style来判断
  7248. //return == '' ? 1 : 0;
  7249. var attrs = node.attributes;
  7250. if ( attrs.length ) {
  7251. for ( var i = 0,l = attrs.length; i<l; i++ ) {
  7252. if ( attrs[i].specified ) {
  7253. return 0;
  7254. }
  7255. }
  7256. return 1;
  7257. }
  7258. }
  7259. return !node.attributes.length;
  7260. }
  7261. function doRemove( range ) {
  7262. var bookmark1 = range.createBookmark();
  7263. if ( range.collapsed ) {
  7264. range.enlarge( true );
  7265. }
  7266. //不能把a标签切了
  7267. if(!notIncludeA){
  7268. var aNode = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer,'a',true);
  7269. if(aNode){
  7270. range.setStartBefore(aNode);
  7271. }
  7272. aNode = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.endContainer,'a',true);
  7273. if(aNode){
  7274. range.setEndAfter(aNode);
  7275. }
  7276. }
  7277. bookmark = range.createBookmark();
  7278. node = bookmark.start;
  7279. //切开始
  7280. while ( (parent = node.parentNode) && !domUtils.isBlockElm( parent ) ) {
  7281. domUtils.breakParent( node, parent );
  7282. domUtils.clearEmptySibling( node );
  7283. }
  7284. if ( bookmark.end ) {
  7285. //切结束
  7286. node = bookmark.end;
  7287. while ( (parent = node.parentNode) && !domUtils.isBlockElm( parent ) ) {
  7288. domUtils.breakParent( node, parent );
  7289. domUtils.clearEmptySibling( node );
  7290. }
  7291. //开始去除样式
  7292. var current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( bookmark.start, false, filter ),
  7293. next;
  7294. while ( current ) {
  7295. if ( current == bookmark.end ) {
  7296. break;
  7297. }
  7298. next = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, true, filter );
  7299. if ( !dtd.$empty[current.tagName.toLowerCase()] && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode( current ) ) {
  7300. if ( tagReg.test( current.tagName ) ) {
  7301. if ( style ) {
  7302. domUtils.removeStyle( current, style );
  7303. if ( isRedundantSpan( current ) && style != 'text-decoration'){
  7304. domUtils.remove( current, true );
  7305. }
  7306. } else {
  7307. domUtils.remove( current, true );
  7308. }
  7309. } else {
  7310. //trace:939 不能把list上的样式去掉
  7311. if(!dtd.$tableContent[current.tagName] && !dtd.$list[current.tagName]){
  7312. domUtils.removeAttributes( current, removeFormatAttributes );
  7313. if ( isRedundantSpan( current ) ){
  7314. domUtils.remove( current, true );
  7315. }
  7316. }
  7317. }
  7318. }
  7319. current = next;
  7320. }
  7321. }
  7322. //trace:1035
  7323. //trace:1096 不能把td上的样式去掉,比如边框
  7324. var pN = bookmark.start.parentNode;
  7325. if(domUtils.isBlockElm(pN) && !dtd.$tableContent[pN.tagName] && !dtd.$list[pN.tagName]){
  7326. domUtils.removeAttributes( pN,removeFormatAttributes );
  7327. }
  7328. pN = bookmark.end.parentNode;
  7329. if(bookmark.end && domUtils.isBlockElm(pN) && !dtd.$tableContent[pN.tagName]&& !dtd.$list[pN.tagName]){
  7330. domUtils.removeAttributes( pN,removeFormatAttributes );
  7331. }
  7332. range.moveToBookmark( bookmark ).moveToBookmark(bookmark1);
  7333. //清除冗余的代码 <b><bookmark></b>
  7334. var node = range.startContainer,
  7335. tmp,
  7336. collapsed = range.collapsed;
  7337. while(node.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isEmptyNode(node) && dtd.$removeEmpty[node.tagName]){
  7338. tmp = node.parentNode;
  7339. range.setStartBefore(node);
  7340. //trace:937
  7341. //更新结束边界
  7342. if(range.startContainer === range.endContainer){
  7343. range.endOffset--;
  7344. }
  7345. domUtils.remove(node);
  7346. node = tmp;
  7347. }
  7348. if(!collapsed){
  7349. node = range.endContainer;
  7350. while(node.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isEmptyNode(node) && dtd.$removeEmpty[node.tagName]){
  7351. tmp = node.parentNode;
  7352. range.setEndBefore(node);
  7353. domUtils.remove(node);
  7354. node = tmp;
  7355. }
  7356. }
  7357. }
  7358. range = this.selection.getRange();
  7359. doRemove( range );
  7361. }
  7362. };
  7363. };
  7364. ///import core
  7365. ///commands 引用
  7366. ///commandsName BlockQuote
  7367. ///commandsTitle 引用
  7368. /**
  7369. *
  7370. * 引用模块实现
  7371. * @function
  7372. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7373. * @param {String} cmdName blockquote引用
  7374. */
  7375. UE.plugins['blockquote'] = function(){
  7376. var me = this;
  7377. function getObj(editor){
  7378. return domUtils.filterNodeList(editor.selection.getStartElementPath(),'blockquote');
  7379. }
  7380. me.commands['blockquote'] = {
  7381. execCommand : function( cmdName, attrs ) {
  7382. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  7383. obj = getObj(this),
  7384. blockquote = dtd.blockquote,
  7385. bookmark = range.createBookmark();
  7386. if ( obj ) {
  7387. var start = range.startContainer,
  7388. startBlock = domUtils.isBlockElm(start) ? start : domUtils.findParent(start,function(node){return domUtils.isBlockElm(node)}),
  7389. end = range.endContainer,
  7390. endBlock = domUtils.isBlockElm(end) ? end : domUtils.findParent(end,function(node){return domUtils.isBlockElm(node)});
  7391. //处理一下li
  7392. startBlock = domUtils.findParentByTagName(startBlock,'li',true) || startBlock;
  7393. endBlock = domUtils.findParentByTagName(endBlock,'li',true) || endBlock;
  7394. if(startBlock.tagName == 'LI' || startBlock.tagName == 'TD' || startBlock === obj || domUtils.isBody(startBlock)){
  7395. domUtils.remove(obj,true);
  7396. }else{
  7397. domUtils.breakParent(startBlock,obj);
  7398. }
  7399. if(startBlock !== endBlock){
  7400. obj = domUtils.findParentByTagName(endBlock,'blockquote');
  7401. if(obj){
  7402. if(endBlock.tagName == 'LI' || endBlock.tagName == 'TD'|| domUtils.isBody(endBlock)){
  7403. obj.parentNode && domUtils.remove(obj,true);
  7404. }else{
  7405. domUtils.breakParent(endBlock,obj);
  7406. }
  7407. }
  7408. }
  7409. var blockquotes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(this.document,'blockquote');
  7410. for(var i=0,bi;bi=blockquotes[i++];){
  7411. if(!bi.childNodes.length){
  7412. domUtils.remove(bi);
  7413. }else if(domUtils.getPosition(bi,startBlock)&domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING && domUtils.getPosition(bi,endBlock)&domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING){
  7414. domUtils.remove(bi,true);
  7415. }
  7416. }
  7417. } else {
  7418. var tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  7419. node = tmpRange.startContainer.nodeType == 1 ? tmpRange.startContainer : tmpRange.startContainer.parentNode,
  7420. preNode = node,
  7421. doEnd = 1;
  7422. //调整开始
  7423. while ( 1 ) {
  7424. if ( domUtils.isBody(node) ) {
  7425. if ( preNode !== node ) {
  7426. if ( range.collapsed ) {
  7427. tmpRange.selectNode( preNode );
  7428. doEnd = 0;
  7429. } else {
  7430. tmpRange.setStartBefore( preNode );
  7431. }
  7432. }else{
  7433. tmpRange.setStart(node,0);
  7434. }
  7435. break;
  7436. }
  7437. if ( !blockquote[node.tagName] ) {
  7438. if ( range.collapsed ) {
  7439. tmpRange.selectNode( preNode );
  7440. } else{
  7441. tmpRange.setStartBefore( preNode);
  7442. }
  7443. break;
  7444. }
  7445. preNode = node;
  7446. node = node.parentNode;
  7447. }
  7448. //调整结束
  7449. if ( doEnd ) {
  7450. preNode = node = node = tmpRange.endContainer.nodeType == 1 ? tmpRange.endContainer : tmpRange.endContainer.parentNode;
  7451. while ( 1 ) {
  7452. if ( domUtils.isBody( node ) ) {
  7453. if ( preNode !== node ) {
  7454. tmpRange.setEndAfter( preNode );
  7455. } else {
  7456. tmpRange.setEnd( node, node.childNodes.length );
  7457. }
  7458. break;
  7459. }
  7460. if ( !blockquote[node.tagName] ) {
  7461. tmpRange.setEndAfter( preNode );
  7462. break;
  7463. }
  7464. preNode = node;
  7465. node = node.parentNode;
  7466. }
  7467. }
  7468. node = range.document.createElement( 'blockquote' );
  7469. domUtils.setAttributes( node, attrs );
  7470. node.appendChild( tmpRange.extractContents() );
  7471. tmpRange.insertNode( node );
  7472. //去除重复的
  7473. var childs = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(node,'blockquote');
  7474. for(var i=0,ci;ci=childs[i++];){
  7475. if(ci.parentNode){
  7476. domUtils.remove(ci,true);
  7477. }
  7478. }
  7479. }
  7480. range.moveToBookmark( bookmark ).select();
  7481. },
  7482. queryCommandState : function() {
  7483. return getObj(this) ? 1 : 0;
  7484. }
  7485. };
  7486. };
  7487. ///import core
  7488. ///commands 大小写转换
  7489. ///commandsName touppercase,tolowercase
  7490. ///commandsTitle 大写,小写
  7491. /**
  7492. * 大小写转换
  7493. * @function
  7494. * @name baidu.editor.execCommands
  7495. * @param {String} cmdName cmdName="convertcase"
  7496. */
  7497. UE.commands['touppercase'] =
  7498. UE.commands['tolowercase'] = {
  7499. execCommand:function (cmd) {
  7500. var me = this;
  7501. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  7502. if(rng.collapsed){
  7503. return rng;
  7504. }
  7505. var bk = rng.createBookmark(),
  7506. bkEnd = bk.end,
  7507. filterFn = function( node ) {
  7508. return !domUtils.isBr(node) && !domUtils.isWhitespace( node );
  7509. },
  7510. curNode = domUtils.getNextDomNode( bk.start, false, filterFn );
  7511. while ( curNode && (domUtils.getPosition( curNode, bkEnd ) & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING) ) {
  7512. if ( curNode.nodeType == 3 ) {
  7513. curNode.nodeValue = curNode.nodeValue[cmd == 'touppercase' ? 'toUpperCase' : 'toLowerCase']();
  7514. }
  7515. curNode = domUtils.getNextDomNode( curNode, true, filterFn );
  7516. if(curNode === bkEnd){
  7517. break;
  7518. }
  7519. }
  7520. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  7521. }
  7522. };
  7523. ///import core
  7524. ///import plugins\paragraph.js
  7525. ///commands 首行缩进
  7526. ///commandsName Outdent,Indent
  7527. ///commandsTitle 取消缩进,首行缩进
  7528. /**
  7529. * 首行缩进
  7530. * @function
  7531. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7532. * @param {String} cmdName outdent取消缩进,indent缩进
  7533. */
  7534. UE.commands['indent'] = {
  7535. execCommand : function() {
  7536. var me = this,value = me.queryCommandState("indent") ? "0em" : (me.options.indentValue || '2em');
  7537. me.execCommand('Paragraph','p',{style:'text-indent:'+ value});
  7538. },
  7539. queryCommandState : function() {
  7540. var pN = domUtils.filterNodeList(this.selection.getStartElementPath(),'p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6');
  7541. return pN && && parseInt( ? 1 : 0;
  7542. }
  7543. };
  7544. ///import core
  7545. ///commands 打印
  7546. ///commandsName Print
  7547. ///commandsTitle 打印
  7548. /**
  7549. * @description 打印
  7550. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7551. * @param {String} cmdName print打印编辑器内容
  7552. * @author zhanyi
  7553. */
  7554. UE.commands['print'] = {
  7555. execCommand : function(){
  7556. this.window.print();
  7557. },
  7558. notNeedUndo : 1
  7559. };
  7560. ///import core
  7561. ///commands 预览
  7562. ///commandsName Preview
  7563. ///commandsTitle 预览
  7564. /**
  7565. * 预览
  7566. * @function
  7567. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7568. * @param {String} cmdName preview预览编辑器内容
  7569. */
  7570. UE.commands['preview'] = {
  7571. execCommand : function(){
  7572. var w ='', '_blank', ''),
  7573. d = w.document;
  7575. d.write('<html><head><script src="'+this.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL+'ueditor.parse.js"></script><script>' +
  7576. "setTimeout(function(){uParse('div',{" +
  7577. " 'highlightJsUrl':'"+this.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL+"third-party/SyntaxHighlighter/shCore.js'," +
  7578. " 'highlightCssUrl':'"+this.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL+"third-party/SyntaxHighlighter/shCoreDefault.css'" +
  7579. "})},300)" +
  7580. '</script></head><body><div>'+this.getContent(null,null,true)+'</div></body></html>');
  7581. d.close();
  7582. },
  7583. notNeedUndo : 1
  7584. };
  7585. ///import core
  7586. ///commands 全选
  7587. ///commandsName SelectAll
  7588. ///commandsTitle 全选
  7589. /**
  7590. * 选中所有
  7591. * @function
  7592. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7593. * @param {String} cmdName selectall选中编辑器里的所有内容
  7594. * @author zhanyi
  7595. */
  7596. UE.plugins['selectall'] = function(){
  7597. var me = this;
  7598. me.commands['selectall'] = {
  7599. execCommand : function(){
  7600. //去掉了原生的selectAll,因为会出现报错和当内容为空时,不能出现闭合状态的光标
  7601. var me = this,body = me.body,
  7602. range = me.selection.getRange();
  7603. range.selectNodeContents(body);
  7604. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(body)){
  7605. //opera不能自动合并到元素的里边,要手动处理一下
  7606. if(browser.opera && body.firstChild && body.firstChild.nodeType == 1){
  7607. range.setStartAtFirst(body.firstChild);
  7608. }
  7609. range.collapse(true);
  7610. }
  7612. },
  7613. notNeedUndo : 1
  7614. };
  7615. //快捷键
  7616. me.addshortcutkey({
  7617. "selectAll" : "ctrl+65"
  7618. });
  7619. };
  7620. ///import core
  7621. ///commands 格式
  7622. ///commandsName Paragraph
  7623. ///commandsTitle 段落格式
  7624. /**
  7625. * 段落样式
  7626. * @function
  7627. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7628. * @param {String} cmdName paragraph插入段落执行命令
  7629. * @param {String} style 标签值为:'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
  7630. * @param {String} attrs 标签的属性
  7631. * @author zhanyi
  7632. */
  7633. UE.plugins['paragraph'] = function() {
  7634. var me = this,
  7635. block = domUtils.isBlockElm,
  7636. notExchange = ['TD','LI','PRE'],
  7637. doParagraph = function(range,style,attrs,sourceCmdName){
  7638. var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
  7639. filterFn = function( node ) {
  7640. return node.nodeType == 1 ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br' && !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) : !domUtils.isWhitespace( node );
  7641. },
  7642. para;
  7643. range.enlarge( true );
  7644. var bookmark2 = range.createBookmark(),
  7645. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( bookmark2.start, false, filterFn ),
  7646. tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  7647. tmpNode;
  7648. while ( current && !(domUtils.getPosition( current, bookmark2.end ) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING) ) {
  7649. if ( current.nodeType == 3 || !block( current ) ) {
  7650. tmpRange.setStartBefore( current );
  7651. while ( current && current !== bookmark2.end && !block( current ) ) {
  7652. tmpNode = current;
  7653. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, false, null, function( node ) {
  7654. return !block( node );
  7655. } );
  7656. }
  7657. tmpRange.setEndAfter( tmpNode );
  7658. para = range.document.createElement( style );
  7659. if(attrs){
  7660. domUtils.setAttributes(para,attrs);
  7661. if(sourceCmdName && sourceCmdName == 'customstyle' &&{
  7662. =;
  7663. }
  7664. }
  7665. para.appendChild( tmpRange.extractContents() );
  7666. //需要内容占位
  7667. if(domUtils.isEmptyNode(para)){
  7668. domUtils.fillChar(range.document,para);
  7669. }
  7670. tmpRange.insertNode( para );
  7671. var parent = para.parentNode;
  7672. //如果para上一级是一个block元素且不是body,td就删除它
  7673. if ( block( parent ) && !domUtils.isBody( para.parentNode ) && utils.indexOf(notExchange,parent.tagName)==-1) {
  7674. //存储dir,style
  7675. if(!(sourceCmdName && sourceCmdName == 'customstyle')){
  7676. parent.getAttribute('dir') && para.setAttribute('dir',parent.getAttribute('dir'));
  7677. //trace:1070
  7678. && ( = + ';' +;
  7679. //trace:1030
  7680. && ! && ( =;
  7681. && ! && ( =;
  7682. && ! && ( =;
  7683. }
  7684. //trace:1706 选择的就是h1-6要删除
  7685. if(attrs && /h\d/i.test(parent.tagName) && !/h\d/i.test(para.tagName) ){
  7686. domUtils.setAttributes(parent,attrs);
  7687. if(sourceCmdName && sourceCmdName == 'customstyle' &&{
  7688. =;
  7689. }
  7690. domUtils.remove(para,true);
  7691. para = parent;
  7692. }else{
  7693. domUtils.remove( para.parentNode, true );
  7694. }
  7695. }
  7696. if( utils.indexOf(notExchange,parent.tagName)!=-1){
  7697. current = parent;
  7698. }else{
  7699. current = para;
  7700. }
  7701. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, false, filterFn );
  7702. } else {
  7703. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, true, filterFn );
  7704. }
  7705. }
  7706. return range.moveToBookmark( bookmark2 ).moveToBookmark( bookmark );
  7707. };
  7708. me.setOpt('paragraph',{'p':'', 'h1':'', 'h2':'', 'h3':'', 'h4':'', 'h5':'', 'h6':''});
  7709. me.commands['paragraph'] = {
  7710. execCommand : function( cmdName, style,attrs,sourceCmdName ) {
  7711. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  7712. //闭合时单独处理
  7713. if(range.collapsed){
  7714. var txt = this.document.createTextNode('p');
  7715. range.insertNode(txt);
  7716. //去掉冗余的fillchar
  7717. if({
  7718. var node = txt.previousSibling;
  7719. if(node && domUtils.isWhitespace(node)){
  7720. domUtils.remove(node);
  7721. }
  7722. node = txt.nextSibling;
  7723. if(node && domUtils.isWhitespace(node)){
  7724. domUtils.remove(node);
  7725. }
  7726. }
  7727. }
  7728. range = doParagraph(range,style,attrs,sourceCmdName);
  7729. if(txt){
  7730. range.setStartBefore(txt).collapse(true);
  7731. pN = txt.parentNode;
  7732. domUtils.remove(txt);
  7733. if(domUtils.isBlockElm(pN)&&domUtils.isEmptyNode(pN)){
  7734. domUtils.fillNode(this.document,pN);
  7735. }
  7736. }
  7737. if(browser.gecko && range.collapsed && range.startContainer.nodeType == 1){
  7738. var child = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
  7739. if(child && child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName.toLowerCase() == style){
  7740. range.setStart(child,0).collapse(true);
  7741. }
  7742. }
  7743. //trace:1097 原来有true,原因忘了,但去了就不能清除多余的占位符了
  7745. return true;
  7746. },
  7747. queryCommandValue : function() {
  7748. var node = domUtils.filterNodeList(this.selection.getStartElementPath(),'p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6');
  7749. return node ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() : '';
  7750. }
  7751. };
  7752. };
  7753. ///import core
  7754. ///commands 输入的方向
  7755. ///commandsName DirectionalityLtr,DirectionalityRtl
  7756. ///commandsTitle 从左向右输入,从右向左输入
  7757. /**
  7758. * 输入的方向
  7759. * @function
  7760. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7761. * @param {String} cmdName directionality执行函数的参数
  7762. * @param {String} forward ltr从左向右输入,rtl从右向左输入
  7763. */
  7764. (function() {
  7765. var block = domUtils.isBlockElm ,
  7766. getObj = function(editor){
  7767. // var startNode = editor.selection.getStart(),
  7768. // parents;
  7769. // if ( startNode ) {
  7770. // //查找所有的是block的父亲节点
  7771. // parents = domUtils.findParents( startNode, true, block, true );
  7772. // for ( var i = 0,ci; ci = parents[i++]; ) {
  7773. // if ( ci.getAttribute( 'dir' ) ) {
  7774. // return ci;
  7775. // }
  7776. // }
  7777. // }
  7778. return domUtils.filterNodeList(editor.selection.getStartElementPath(),function(n){return n.getAttribute('dir')});
  7779. },
  7780. doDirectionality = function(range,editor,forward){
  7781. var bookmark,
  7782. filterFn = function( node ) {
  7783. return node.nodeType == 1 ? !domUtils.isBookmarkNode(node) : !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  7784. },
  7785. obj = getObj( editor );
  7786. if ( obj && range.collapsed ) {
  7787. obj.setAttribute( 'dir', forward );
  7788. return range;
  7789. }
  7790. bookmark = range.createBookmark();
  7791. range.enlarge( true );
  7792. var bookmark2 = range.createBookmark(),
  7793. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( bookmark2.start, false, filterFn ),
  7794. tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  7795. tmpNode;
  7796. while ( current && !(domUtils.getPosition( current, bookmark2.end ) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING) ) {
  7797. if ( current.nodeType == 3 || !block( current ) ) {
  7798. tmpRange.setStartBefore( current );
  7799. while ( current && current !== bookmark2.end && !block( current ) ) {
  7800. tmpNode = current;
  7801. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, false, null, function( node ) {
  7802. return !block( node );
  7803. } );
  7804. }
  7805. tmpRange.setEndAfter( tmpNode );
  7806. var common = tmpRange.getCommonAncestor();
  7807. if ( !domUtils.isBody( common ) && block( common ) ) {
  7808. //遍历到了block节点
  7809. common.setAttribute( 'dir', forward );
  7810. current = common;
  7811. } else {
  7812. //没有遍历到,添加一个block节点
  7813. var p = range.document.createElement( 'p' );
  7814. p.setAttribute( 'dir', forward );
  7815. var frag = tmpRange.extractContents();
  7816. p.appendChild( frag );
  7817. tmpRange.insertNode( p );
  7818. current = p;
  7819. }
  7820. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, false, filterFn );
  7821. } else {
  7822. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode( current, true, filterFn );
  7823. }
  7824. }
  7825. return range.moveToBookmark( bookmark2 ).moveToBookmark( bookmark );
  7826. };
  7827. UE.commands['directionality'] = {
  7828. execCommand : function( cmdName,forward ) {
  7829. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  7830. //闭合时单独处理
  7831. if(range.collapsed){
  7832. var txt = this.document.createTextNode('d');
  7833. range.insertNode(txt);
  7834. }
  7835. doDirectionality(range,this,forward);
  7836. if(txt){
  7837. range.setStartBefore(txt).collapse(true);
  7838. domUtils.remove(txt);
  7839. }
  7841. return true;
  7842. },
  7843. queryCommandValue : function() {
  7844. var node = getObj(this);
  7845. return node ? node.getAttribute('dir') : 'ltr';
  7846. }
  7847. };
  7848. })();
  7849. ///import core
  7850. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  7851. ///commands 分割线
  7852. ///commandsName Horizontal
  7853. ///commandsTitle 分隔线
  7854. /**
  7855. * 分割线
  7856. * @function
  7857. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7858. * @param {String} cmdName horizontal插入分割线
  7859. */
  7860. UE.plugins['horizontal'] = function(){
  7861. var me = this;
  7862. me.commands['horizontal'] = {
  7863. execCommand : function( cmdName ) {
  7864. var me = this;
  7865. if(me.queryCommandState(cmdName)!==-1){
  7866. me.execCommand('insertHtml','<hr>');
  7867. var range = me.selection.getRange(),
  7868. start = range.startContainer;
  7869. if(start.nodeType == 1 && !start.childNodes[range.startOffset] ){
  7870. var tmp;
  7871. if(tmp = start.childNodes[range.startOffset - 1]){
  7872. if(tmp.nodeType == 1 && tmp.tagName == 'HR'){
  7873. if(me.options.enterTag == 'p'){
  7874. tmp = me.document.createElement('p');
  7875. range.insertNode(tmp);
  7876. range.setStart(tmp,0).setCursor();
  7877. }else{
  7878. tmp = me.document.createElement('br');
  7879. range.insertNode(tmp);
  7880. range.setStartBefore(tmp).setCursor();
  7881. }
  7882. }
  7883. }
  7884. }
  7885. return true;
  7886. }
  7887. },
  7888. //边界在table里不能加分隔线
  7889. queryCommandState : function() {
  7890. return domUtils.filterNodeList(this.selection.getStartElementPath(),'table') ? -1 : 0;
  7891. }
  7892. };
  7893. // me.addListener('delkeyup',function(){
  7894. // var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  7895. // if( && browser.version > 8){
  7896. // rng.txtToElmBoundary(true);
  7897. // if(domUtils.isStartInblock(rng)){
  7898. // var tmpNode = rng.startContainer;
  7899. // var pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  7900. // if(pre && domUtils.isTagNode(pre,'hr')){
  7901. // domUtils.remove(pre);
  7902. //;
  7903. // return;
  7904. // }
  7905. // }
  7906. // }
  7907. // if(domUtils.isBody(rng.startContainer)){
  7908. // var hr = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset -1];
  7909. // if(hr && hr.nodeName == 'HR'){
  7910. // var next = hr.nextSibling;
  7911. // if(next){
  7912. // rng.setStart(next,0)
  7913. // }else if(hr.previousSibling){
  7914. // rng.setStartAtLast(hr.previousSibling)
  7915. // }else{
  7916. // var p = this.document.createElement('p');
  7917. // hr.parentNode.insertBefore(p,hr);
  7918. // domUtils.fillNode(this.document,p);
  7919. // rng.setStart(p,0);
  7920. // }
  7921. // domUtils.remove(hr);
  7922. // rng.setCursor(false,true);
  7923. // }
  7924. // }
  7925. // })
  7926. me.addListener('delkeydown',function(name,evt){
  7927. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  7928. rng.txtToElmBoundary(true);
  7929. if(domUtils.isStartInblock(rng)){
  7930. var tmpNode = rng.startContainer;
  7931. var pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  7932. if(pre && domUtils.isTagNode(pre,'hr')){
  7933. domUtils.remove(pre);
  7935. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  7936. return true;
  7937. }
  7938. }
  7939. })
  7940. };
  7941. ///import core
  7942. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  7943. ///commands 日期,时间
  7944. ///commandsName Date,Time
  7945. ///commandsTitle 日期,时间
  7946. /**
  7947. * 插入日期
  7948. * @function
  7949. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7950. * @param {String} cmdName date插入日期
  7951. * @author zhuwenxuan
  7952. */
  7953. /**
  7954. * 插入时间
  7955. * @function
  7956. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7957. * @param {String} cmdName time插入时间
  7958. * @author zhuwenxuan
  7959. */
  7960. UE.commands['time'] = UE.commands["date"] = {
  7961. execCommand : function(cmd){
  7962. var date = new Date;
  7963. this.execCommand('insertHtml',cmd == "time" ?
  7964. (date.getHours()+":"+ (date.getMinutes()<10 ? "0"+date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes())+":"+(date.getSeconds()<10 ? "0"+date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds())) :
  7965. (date.getFullYear()+"-"+((date.getMonth()+1)<10 ? "0"+(date.getMonth()+1) : date.getMonth()+1)+"-"+(date.getDate()<10?"0"+date.getDate():date.getDate())));
  7966. }
  7967. };
  7968. ///import core
  7969. ///import plugins\paragraph.js
  7970. ///commands 段间距
  7971. ///commandsName RowSpacingBottom,RowSpacingTop
  7972. ///commandsTitle 段间距
  7973. /**
  7974. * @description 设置段前距,段后距
  7975. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  7976. * @param {String} cmdName rowspacing设置段间距
  7977. * @param {String} value 值,以px为单位
  7978. * @param {String} dir top或bottom段前后段后
  7979. * @author zhanyi
  7980. */
  7981. UE.plugins['rowspacing'] = function(){
  7982. var me = this;
  7983. me.setOpt({
  7984. 'rowspacingtop':['5', '10', '15', '20', '25'],
  7985. 'rowspacingbottom':['5', '10', '15', '20', '25']
  7986. });
  7987. me.commands['rowspacing'] = {
  7988. execCommand : function( cmdName,value,dir ) {
  7989. this.execCommand('paragraph','p',{style:'margin-'+dir+':'+value + 'px'});
  7990. return true;
  7991. },
  7992. queryCommandValue : function(cmdName,dir) {
  7993. var pN = domUtils.filterNodeList(this.selection.getStartElementPath(),function(node){return domUtils.isBlockElm(node) }),
  7994. value;
  7995. //trace:1026
  7996. if(pN){
  7997. value = domUtils.getComputedStyle(pN,'margin-'+dir).replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
  7998. return !value ? 0 : value;
  7999. }
  8000. return 0;
  8001. }
  8002. };
  8003. };
  8004. ///import core
  8005. ///import plugins\paragraph.js
  8006. ///commands 行间距
  8007. ///commandsName LineHeight
  8008. ///commandsTitle 行间距
  8009. /**
  8010. * @description 设置行内间距
  8011. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  8012. * @param {String} cmdName lineheight设置行内间距
  8013. * @param {String} value 值
  8014. * @author zhuwenxuan
  8015. */
  8016. UE.plugins['lineheight'] = function(){
  8017. var me = this;
  8018. me.setOpt({'lineheight':['1', '1.5','1.75','2', '3', '4', '5']});
  8019. me.commands['lineheight'] = {
  8020. execCommand : function( cmdName,value ) {
  8021. this.execCommand('paragraph','p',{style:'line-height:'+ (value == "1" ? "normal" : value + 'em') });
  8022. return true;
  8023. },
  8024. queryCommandValue : function() {
  8025. var pN = domUtils.filterNodeList(this.selection.getStartElementPath(),function(node){return domUtils.isBlockElm(node)});
  8026. if(pN){
  8027. var value = domUtils.getComputedStyle(pN,'line-height');
  8028. return value == 'normal' ? 1 : value.replace(/[^\d.]*/ig,"");
  8029. }
  8030. }
  8031. };
  8032. };
  8033. ///import core
  8034. ///import plugins/inserthtml.js
  8035. ///commands 插入代码
  8036. ///commandsName code
  8037. ///commandsTitle 插入代码
  8038. UE.plugins['insertcode'] = function() {
  8039. var me = this;
  8040. me.ready(function(){
  8041. utils.cssRule('pre','pre{margin:.5em 0;padding:.4em .6em;border-radius:8px;background:#f8f8f8;}',
  8042. me.document)
  8043. });
  8044. me.setOpt('insertcode',{
  8045. 'as3':'ActionScript3',
  8046. 'bash':'Bash/Shell',
  8047. 'cpp':'C/C++',
  8048. 'css':'Css',
  8049. 'cf':'CodeFunction',
  8050. 'c#':'C#',
  8051. 'delphi':'Delphi',
  8052. 'diff':'Diff',
  8053. 'erlang':'Erlang',
  8054. 'groovy':'Groovy',
  8055. 'html':'Html',
  8056. 'java':'Java',
  8057. 'jfx':'JavaFx',
  8058. 'js':'Javascript',
  8059. 'pl':'Perl',
  8060. 'php':'Php',
  8061. 'plain':'Plain Text',
  8062. 'ps':'PowerShell',
  8063. 'python':'Python',
  8064. 'ruby':'Ruby',
  8065. 'scala':'Scala',
  8066. 'sql':'Sql',
  8067. 'vb':'Vb',
  8068. 'xml':'Xml'
  8069. });
  8070. me.commands['insertcode'] = {
  8071. execCommand : function(cmd,lang){
  8072. var me = this,
  8073. rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  8074. pre = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'pre',true);
  8075. if(pre){
  8076. pre.className = 'brush:'+lang+';toolbar:false;';
  8077. }else{
  8078. var code = '';
  8079. if(rng.collapsed){
  8080. code = (browser.version > 8 ? '' : '&nbsp;'):'<br/>';
  8081. }else{
  8082. var frag = rng.extractContents();
  8083. var div = me.document.createElement('div');
  8084. div.appendChild(frag);
  8085. utils.each(UE.filterNode(UE.htmlparser(div.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\t]/g,'')),me.options.filterTxtRules).children,function(node){
  8086. if( && browser.version > 8){
  8087. if(node.type =='element'){
  8088. if(node.tagName == 'br'){
  8089. code += '\n'
  8090. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8091. utils.each(node.children,function(cn){
  8092. if(cn.type =='element'){
  8093. if(cn.tagName == 'br'){
  8094. code += '\n'
  8095. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8096. code += cn.innerText();
  8097. }
  8098. }else{
  8099. code +=
  8100. }
  8101. })
  8102. if(!/\n$/.test(code)){
  8103. code += '\n';
  8104. }
  8105. }
  8106. }else{
  8107. code += + '\n'
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  8109. if(!node.nextSibling() && /\n$/.test(code)){
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  8113. if({
  8114. if(node.type =='element'){
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  8116. code += '<br>'
  8117. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
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  8121. code += '<br>'
  8122. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8123. code += cn.innerText();
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  8125. }else{
  8126. code +=
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  8128. });
  8129. if(!/br>$/.test(code)){
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  8134. code += + '<br>'
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  8136. if(!node.nextSibling() && /<br>$/.test(code)){
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  8140. code += (node.type == 'element' ? (dtd.$empty[node.tagName] ? '' : node.innerText()) :;
  8141. if(!/br\/?\s*>$/.test(code)){
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  8143. return;
  8144. code += '<br>'
  8145. }
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  8147. }
  8148. });
  8149. }
  8150. me.execCommand('inserthtml','<pre id="coder"class="brush:'+lang+';toolbar:false">'+code+'</pre>',true);
  8151. pre = me.document.getElementById('coder');
  8152. domUtils.removeAttributes(pre,'id');
  8153. var tmpNode = pre.previousSibling;
  8154. if(tmpNode && (tmpNode.nodeType == 3 && tmpNode.nodeValue.length == 1 && && browser.version == 6 || domUtils.isEmptyBlock(tmpNode))){
  8155. domUtils.remove(tmpNode)
  8156. }
  8157. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  8158. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre)){
  8159. rng.setStart(pre,0).setCursor(false,true)
  8160. }else{
  8161. rng.selectNodeContents(pre).select()
  8162. }
  8163. }
  8164. },
  8165. queryCommandValue : function(){
  8166. var path = this.selection.getStartElementPath();
  8167. var lang = '';
  8168. utils.each(path,function(node){
  8169. if(node.nodeName =='PRE'){
  8170. var match = node.className.match(/brush:([^;]+)/);
  8171. lang = match && match[1] ? match[1] : '';
  8172. return false;
  8173. }
  8174. });
  8175. return lang;
  8176. }
  8177. };
  8178. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  8179. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('pre'),function(pre){
  8180. var brs = pre.getNodesByTagName('br');
  8181. if(brs.length){
  8182. && browser.version > 8 && utils.each(brs,function(br){
  8183. var txt = UE.uNode.createText('\n');
  8184. br.parentNode.insertBefore(txt,br);
  8185. br.parentNode.removeChild(br);
  8186. });
  8187. return;
  8188. }
  8189. if( && browser.version > 8)
  8190. return;
  8191. var code = pre.innerText().split(/\n/);
  8192. pre.innerHTML('');
  8193. utils.each(code,function(c){
  8194. if(c.length){
  8195. pre.appendChild(UE.uNode.createText(c));
  8196. }
  8197. pre.appendChild(UE.uNode.createElement('br'))
  8198. })
  8199. })
  8200. });
  8201. me.addOutputRule(function(root){
  8202. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('pre'),function(pre){
  8203. var code = '';
  8204. utils.each(pre.children,function(n){
  8205. if(n.type == 'text'){
  8206. //在ie下文本内容有可能末尾带有\n要去掉
  8207. //trace:3396
  8208. code +=[ ]/g,'&nbsp;').replace(/\n$/,'');
  8209. }else{
  8210. if(n.tagName == 'br'){
  8211. code += '\n'
  8212. }else{
  8213. code += (!dtd.$empty[n.tagName] ? '' : n.innerText());
  8214. }
  8215. }
  8216. });
  8217. pre.innerText(code.replace(/(&nbsp;|\n)+$/,''))
  8218. })
  8219. });
  8220. //不需要判断highlight的command列表
  8221. me.notNeedCodeQuery ={
  8222. help:1,
  8223. undo:1,
  8224. redo:1,
  8225. source:1,
  8226. print:1,
  8227. searchreplace:1,
  8228. fullscreen:1,
  8229. preview:1,
  8230. insertparagraph:1,
  8231. elementpath:1,
  8232. highlightcode:1,
  8233. insertcode:1,
  8234. inserthtml:1,
  8235. selectall:1
  8236. };
  8237. //将queyCommamndState重置
  8238. var orgQuery = me.queryCommandState;
  8239. me.queryCommandState = function(cmd){
  8240. var me = this;
  8241. if(!me.notNeedCodeQuery[cmd.toLowerCase()] && me.selection && me.queryCommandValue('insertcode')){
  8242. return -1;
  8243. }
  8244. return UE.Editor.prototype.queryCommandState.apply(this,arguments)
  8245. };
  8246. me.addListener('beforeenterkeydown',function(){
  8247. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  8248. var pre = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'pre',true);
  8249. if(pre){
  8250. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  8251. if(!rng.collapsed){
  8252. rng.deleteContents();
  8253. }
  8254. if(! ){
  8255. var tmpNode = me.document.createElement('br'),pre;
  8256. rng.insertNode(tmpNode).setStartAfter(tmpNode).collapse(true);
  8257. var next = tmpNode.nextSibling;
  8258. if(!next){
  8259. rng.insertNode(tmpNode.cloneNode(false));
  8260. }else{
  8261. rng.setStartAfter(tmpNode);
  8262. }
  8263. pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  8264. var tmp;
  8265. while(pre ){
  8266. tmp = pre;
  8267. pre = pre.previousSibling;
  8268. if(!pre || pre.nodeName == 'BR'){
  8269. pre = tmp;
  8270. break;
  8271. }
  8272. }
  8273. if(pre){
  8274. var str = '';
  8275. while(pre && pre.nodeName != 'BR' && new RegExp('^[\\s'+domUtils.fillChar+']*$').test(pre.nodeValue)){
  8276. str += pre.nodeValue;
  8277. pre = pre.nextSibling;
  8278. }
  8279. if(pre.nodeName != 'BR'){
  8280. var match = pre.nodeValue.match(new RegExp('^([\\s'+domUtils.fillChar+']+)'));
  8281. if(match && match[1]){
  8282. str += match[1]
  8283. }
  8284. }
  8285. if(str){
  8286. str = me.document.createTextNode(str);
  8287. rng.insertNode(str).setStartAfter(str);
  8288. }
  8289. }
  8290. rng.collapse(true).select(true);
  8291. }else{
  8292. if(browser.version > 8){
  8293. var txt = me.document.createTextNode('\n');
  8294. var start = rng.startContainer;
  8295. if(rng.startOffset == 0){
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  8297. if(preNode){
  8298. rng.insertNode(txt);
  8299. var fillchar = me.document.createTextNode(' ');
  8300. rng.setStartAfter(txt).insertNode(fillchar).setStart(fillchar,0).collapse(true).select(true)
  8301. }
  8302. }else{
  8303. rng.insertNode(txt).setStartAfter(txt);
  8304. var fillchar = me.document.createTextNode(' ');
  8305. start = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset];
  8306. if(start && !/^\n/.test(start.nodeValue)){
  8307. rng.setStartBefore(txt)
  8308. }
  8309. rng.insertNode(fillchar).setStart(fillchar,0).collapse(true).select(true)
  8310. }
  8311. }else{
  8312. var tmpNode = me.document.createElement('br');
  8313. rng.insertNode(tmpNode);
  8314. rng.insertNode(me.document.createTextNode(domUtils.fillChar));
  8315. rng.setStartAfter(tmpNode);
  8316. pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  8317. var tmp;
  8318. while(pre ){
  8319. tmp = pre;
  8320. pre = pre.previousSibling;
  8321. if(!pre || pre.nodeName == 'BR'){
  8322. pre = tmp;
  8323. break;
  8324. }
  8325. }
  8326. if(pre){
  8327. var str = '';
  8328. while(pre && pre.nodeName != 'BR' && new RegExp('^[ '+domUtils.fillChar+']*$').test(pre.nodeValue)){
  8329. str += pre.nodeValue;
  8330. pre = pre.nextSibling;
  8331. }
  8332. if(pre.nodeName != 'BR'){
  8333. var match = pre.nodeValue.match(new RegExp('^([ '+domUtils.fillChar+']+)'));
  8334. if(match && match[1]){
  8335. str += match[1]
  8336. }
  8337. }
  8338. str = me.document.createTextNode(str);
  8339. rng.insertNode(str).setStartAfter(str);
  8340. }
  8341. rng.collapse(true).select();
  8342. }
  8343. }
  8344. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  8345. return true;
  8346. }
  8347. });
  8348. me.addListener('tabkeydown',function(cmd,evt){
  8349. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  8350. var pre = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'pre',true);
  8351. if(pre){
  8352. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  8353. if(evt.shiftKey){
  8354. // if(!rng.collapsed){
  8355. // var bk = rng.createBookmark();
  8356. // var start = bk.start.previousSibling;
  8357. // if(start === pre.firstChild){
  8358. // start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(/^\s{4}/,'');
  8359. // }else{
  8360. // while(start){
  8361. // if(domUtils.isBr(start)){
  8362. // start = start.nextSibling;
  8363. // start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(/^\s{4}/,'');
  8364. // break;
  8365. // }
  8366. // while(start.previousSibling && start.previousSibling.nodeType == 3){
  8367. // start.nodeValue = start.previousSibling.nodeValue + start.nodeValue;
  8368. // domUtils.remove(start.previousSibling)
  8369. // }
  8370. // start = start.previousSibling;
  8371. // }
  8372. // }
  8373. //
  8374. // var end = bk.end;
  8375. // start = bk.start.nextSibling;
  8376. //
  8377. // while(start && start !== end){
  8378. // if(domUtils.isBr(start) && start.nextSibling){
  8379. // if(start.nextSibling === end){
  8380. // break;
  8381. // }
  8382. // start = start.nextSibling;
  8383. // while(start.nextSibling && start.nextSibling.nodeType == 3){
  8384. // start.nodeValue += start.nextSibling.nodeValue;
  8385. // domUtils.remove(start.nextSibling)
  8386. // }
  8387. //
  8388. // start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(/^\s{4}/,'');
  8389. // }
  8390. //
  8391. // start = start.nextSibling;
  8392. // }
  8393. // rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  8394. // }else{
  8395. // var bk = rng.createBookmark();
  8396. // var start = bk.start.previousSibling;
  8397. // if(start === pre.firstChild){
  8398. // start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(/^\s{4}/,'');
  8399. // }else{
  8400. // while(start){
  8401. // if(domUtils.isBr(start)){
  8402. // start = start.nextSibling;
  8403. // start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(/^\s{4}/,'');
  8404. // break;
  8405. // }
  8406. // while(start.previousSibling && start.previousSibling.nodeType == 3){
  8407. // start.nodeValue = start.previousSibling.nodeValue + start.nodeValue;
  8408. // domUtils.remove(start.previousSibling)
  8409. // }
  8410. // start = start.previousSibling;
  8411. // }
  8412. // }
  8413. // }
  8414. }else{
  8415. if(!rng.collapsed){
  8416. var bk = rng.createBookmark();
  8417. var start = bk.start.previousSibling;
  8418. while(start){
  8419. if(pre.firstChild === start && !domUtils.isBr(start)){
  8420. pre.insertBefore(me.document.createTextNode(' '),start);
  8421. break;
  8422. }
  8423. if(domUtils.isBr(start)){
  8424. pre.insertBefore(me.document.createTextNode(' '),start.nextSibling);
  8425. break;
  8426. }
  8427. start = start.previousSibling;
  8428. }
  8429. var end = bk.end;
  8430. start = bk.start.nextSibling;
  8431. if(pre.firstChild === bk.start){
  8432. pre.insertBefore(me.document.createTextNode(' '),start.nextSibling)
  8433. }
  8434. while(start && start !== end){
  8435. if(domUtils.isBr(start) && start.nextSibling){
  8436. if(start.nextSibling === end){
  8437. break;
  8438. }
  8439. pre.insertBefore(me.document.createTextNode(' '),start.nextSibling)
  8440. }
  8441. start = start.nextSibling;
  8442. }
  8443. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  8444. }else{
  8445. var tmpNode = me.document.createTextNode(' ');
  8446. rng.insertNode(tmpNode).setStartAfter(tmpNode).collapse(true).select(true);
  8447. }
  8448. }
  8449. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  8450. return true;
  8451. }
  8452. });
  8453. me.addListener('beforeinserthtml',function(evtName,html){
  8454. var me = this,
  8455. rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  8456. pre = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'pre',true);
  8457. if(pre){
  8458. if(!rng.collapsed){
  8459. rng.deleteContents()
  8460. }
  8461. var htmlstr = '';
  8462. if( && browser.version > 8){
  8463. utils.each(UE.filterNode(UE.htmlparser(html),me.options.filterTxtRules).children,function(node){
  8464. if(node.type =='element'){
  8465. if(node.tagName == 'br'){
  8466. htmlstr += '\n'
  8467. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8468. utils.each(node.children,function(cn){
  8469. if(cn.type =='element'){
  8470. if(cn.tagName == 'br'){
  8471. htmlstr += '\n'
  8472. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8473. htmlstr += cn.innerText();
  8474. }
  8475. }else{
  8476. htmlstr +=
  8477. }
  8478. })
  8479. if(!/\n$/.test(htmlstr)){
  8480. htmlstr += '\n';
  8481. }
  8482. }
  8483. }else{
  8484. htmlstr += + '\n'
  8485. }
  8486. if(!node.nextSibling() && /\n$/.test(htmlstr)){
  8487. htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(/\n$/,'');
  8488. }
  8489. });
  8490. var tmpNode = me.document.createTextNode(utils.html(htmlstr.replace(/&nbsp;/g,' ')));
  8491. rng.insertNode(tmpNode).selectNode(tmpNode).select();
  8492. }else{
  8493. var frag = me.document.createDocumentFragment();
  8494. utils.each(UE.filterNode(UE.htmlparser(html),me.options.filterTxtRules).children,function(node){
  8495. if(node.type =='element'){
  8496. if(node.tagName == 'br'){
  8497. frag.appendChild(me.document.createElement('br'))
  8498. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8499. utils.each(node.children,function(cn){
  8500. if(cn.type =='element'){
  8501. if(cn.tagName == 'br'){
  8502. frag.appendChild(me.document.createElement('br'))
  8503. }else if(!dtd.$empty[node.tagName]){
  8504. frag.appendChild(me.document.createTextNode(utils.html(cn.innerText().replace(/&nbsp;/g,' '))));
  8505. }
  8506. }else{
  8507. frag.appendChild(me.document.createTextNode(utils.html(;/g,' '))));
  8508. }
  8509. })
  8510. if(frag.lastChild.nodeName != 'BR'){
  8511. frag.appendChild(me.document.createElement('br'))
  8512. }
  8513. }
  8514. }else{
  8515. frag.appendChild(me.document.createTextNode(utils.html(;/g,' '))));
  8516. }
  8517. if(!node.nextSibling() && frag.lastChild.nodeName == 'BR'){
  8518. frag.removeChild(frag.lastChild)
  8519. }
  8520. });
  8521. rng.insertNode(frag).select();
  8522. }
  8523. return true;
  8524. }
  8525. });
  8526. //方向键的处理
  8527. me.addListener('keydown',function(cmd,evt){
  8528. var me = this,keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  8529. if(keyCode == 40){
  8530. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),pre,start = rng.startContainer;
  8531. if(rng.collapsed && (pre = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'pre',true)) && !pre.nextSibling){
  8532. var last = pre.lastChild
  8533. while(last && last.nodeName == 'BR'){
  8534. last = last.previousSibling;
  8535. }
  8536. if(last === start || rng.startContainer === pre && rng.startOffset == pre.childNodes.length){
  8537. me.execCommand('insertparagraph');
  8538. domUtils.preventDefault(evt)
  8539. }
  8540. }
  8541. }
  8542. });
  8543. //trace:3395
  8544. me.addListener('delkeydown',function(type,evt){
  8545. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  8546. rng.txtToElmBoundary(true);
  8547. var start = rng.startContainer;
  8548. if(domUtils.isTagNode(start,'pre') && rng.collapsed && domUtils.isStartInblock(rng)){
  8549. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  8550. domUtils.fillNode(me.document,p);
  8551. start.parentNode.insertBefore(p,start);
  8552. domUtils.remove(start);
  8553. rng.setStart(p,0).setCursor(false,true);
  8554. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  8555. return true;
  8556. }
  8557. })
  8558. };
  8559. ///import core
  8560. ///commands 清空文档
  8561. ///commandsName ClearDoc
  8562. ///commandsTitle 清空文档
  8563. /**
  8564. *
  8565. * 清空文档
  8566. * @function
  8567. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  8568. * @param {String} cmdName cleardoc清空文档
  8569. */
  8570. UE.commands['cleardoc'] = {
  8571. execCommand : function( cmdName) {
  8572. var me = this,
  8573. enterTag = me.options.enterTag,
  8574. range = me.selection.getRange();
  8575. if(enterTag == "br"){
  8576. me.body.innerHTML = "<br/>";
  8577. range.setStart(me.body,0).setCursor();
  8578. }else{
  8579. me.body.innerHTML = "<p>"+(ie ? "" : "<br/>")+"</p>";
  8580. range.setStart(me.body.firstChild,0).setCursor(false,true);
  8581. }
  8582. setTimeout(function(){
  8583. me.fireEvent("clearDoc");
  8584. },0);
  8585. }
  8586. };
  8587. ///import core
  8588. ///commands 锚点
  8589. ///commandsName Anchor
  8590. ///commandsTitle 锚点
  8591. ///commandsDialog dialogs\anchor
  8592. /**
  8593. * 锚点
  8594. * @function
  8595. * @name baidu.editor.execCommands
  8596. * @param {String} cmdName cmdName="anchor"插入锚点
  8597. */
  8598. UE.plugins['anchor'] = function (){
  8599. var me = this;
  8600. me.ready(function(){
  8601. utils.cssRule('anchor',
  8602. '.anchorclass{background: url(\''
  8603. + me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL +
  8604. 'themes/default/images/anchor.gif\') no-repeat scroll left center transparent;border: 1px dotted #0000FF;cursor: auto;display: inline-block;height: 16px;width: 15px;}',
  8605. me.document)
  8606. });
  8607. me.addOutputRule(function(root){
  8608. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('img'),function(a){
  8609. var val;
  8610. if(val = a.getAttr('anchorname')){
  8611. a.tagName = 'a';
  8612. a.setAttr({
  8613. anchorname : '',
  8614. name : val,
  8615. 'class' : ''
  8616. })
  8617. }
  8618. })
  8619. });
  8620. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  8621. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('a'),function(a){
  8622. var val;
  8623. if((val = a.getAttr('name')) && !a.getAttr('href')){
  8624. a.tagName = 'img';
  8625. a.setAttr({
  8626. anchorname :a.getAttr('name'),
  8627. 'class' : 'anchorclass'
  8628. });
  8629. a.setAttr('name')
  8630. }
  8631. })
  8632. });
  8633. me.commands['anchor'] = {
  8634. execCommand:function (cmd, name) {
  8635. var range = this.selection.getRange(),img = range.getClosedNode();
  8636. if (img && img.getAttribute('anchorname')) {
  8637. if (name) {
  8638. img.setAttribute('anchorname', name);
  8639. } else {
  8640. range.setStartBefore(img).setCursor();
  8641. domUtils.remove(img);
  8642. }
  8643. } else {
  8644. if (name) {
  8645. //只在选区的开始插入
  8646. var anchor = this.document.createElement('img');
  8647. range.collapse(true);
  8648. domUtils.setAttributes(anchor,{
  8649. 'anchorname':name,
  8650. 'class':'anchorclass'
  8651. });
  8652. range.insertNode(anchor).setStartAfter(anchor).setCursor(false,true);
  8653. }
  8654. }
  8655. }
  8656. };
  8657. };
  8658. ///import core
  8659. ///commands 字数统计
  8660. ///commandsName WordCount,wordCount
  8661. ///commandsTitle 字数统计
  8662. /**
  8663. * Created by JetBrains WebStorm.
  8664. * User: taoqili
  8665. * Date: 11-9-7
  8666. * Time: 下午8:18
  8667. * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
  8668. */
  8669. UE.plugins['wordcount'] = function(){
  8670. var me = this;
  8671. me.addListener('contentchange',function(){
  8672. me.fireEvent('wordcount');
  8673. });
  8674. var timer;
  8675. me.addListener('ready',function(){
  8676. var me = this;
  8677. domUtils.on(me.body,"keyup",function(evt){
  8678. var code = evt.keyCode||evt.which,
  8679. //忽略的按键,ctr,alt,shift,方向键
  8680. ignores = {"16":1,"18":1,"20":1,"37":1,"38":1,"39":1,"40":1};
  8681. if(code in ignores) return;
  8682. clearTimeout(timer);
  8683. timer = setTimeout(function(){
  8684. me.fireEvent('wordcount');
  8685. },200)
  8686. })
  8687. });
  8688. };
  8689. ///import core
  8690. ///commands 添加分页功能
  8691. ///commandsName PageBreak
  8692. ///commandsTitle 分页
  8693. /**
  8694. * @description 添加分页功能
  8695. * @author zhanyi
  8696. */
  8697. UE.plugins['pagebreak'] = function () {
  8698. var me = this,
  8699. notBreakTags = ['td'];
  8700. me.setOpt('pageBreakTag','_ueditor_page_break_tag_');
  8701. function fillNode(node){
  8702. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(node)){
  8703. var firstChild = node.firstChild,tmpNode;
  8704. while(firstChild && firstChild.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(firstChild)){
  8705. tmpNode = firstChild;
  8706. firstChild = firstChild.firstChild;
  8707. }
  8708. !tmpNode && (tmpNode = node);
  8709. domUtils.fillNode(me.document,tmpNode);
  8710. }
  8711. }
  8712. //分页符样式添加
  8713. me.ready(function(){
  8714. utils.cssRule('pagebreak','.pagebreak{display:block;clear:both !important;cursor:default !important;width: 100% !important;margin:0;}',me.document);
  8715. });
  8716. function isHr(node){
  8717. return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName == 'HR' && node.className == 'pagebreak';
  8718. }
  8719. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  8720. root.traversal(function(node){
  8721. if(node.type == 'text' && == me.options.pageBreakTag){
  8722. var hr = UE.uNode.createElement('<hr class="pagebreak" noshade="noshade" size="5" style="-webkit-user-select: none;">');
  8723. node.parentNode.insertBefore(hr,node);
  8724. node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
  8725. }
  8726. })
  8727. });
  8728. me.addOutputRule(function(node){
  8729. utils.each(node.getNodesByTagName('hr'),function(n){
  8730. if(n.getAttr('class') == 'pagebreak'){
  8731. var txt = UE.uNode.createText(me.options.pageBreakTag);
  8732. n.parentNode.insertBefore(txt,n);
  8733. n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
  8734. }
  8735. })
  8736. });
  8737. me.commands['pagebreak'] = {
  8738. execCommand:function () {
  8739. var range = me.selection.getRange(),hr = me.document.createElement('hr');
  8740. domUtils.setAttributes(hr,{
  8741. 'class' : 'pagebreak',
  8742. noshade:"noshade",
  8743. size:"5"
  8744. });
  8745. domUtils.unSelectable(hr);
  8746. //table单独处理
  8747. var node = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, notBreakTags, true),
  8748. parents = [], pN;
  8749. if (node) {
  8750. switch (node.tagName) {
  8751. case 'TD':
  8752. pN = node.parentNode;
  8753. if (!pN.previousSibling) {
  8754. var table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(pN, 'table');
  8755. // var tableWrapDiv = table.parentNode;
  8756. // if(tableWrapDiv && tableWrapDiv.nodeType == 1
  8757. // && tableWrapDiv.tagName == 'DIV'
  8758. // && tableWrapDiv.getAttribute('dropdrag')
  8759. // ){
  8760. // domUtils.remove(tableWrapDiv,true);
  8761. // }
  8762. table.parentNode.insertBefore(hr, table);
  8763. parents = domUtils.findParents(hr, true);
  8764. } else {
  8765. pN.parentNode.insertBefore(hr, pN);
  8766. parents = domUtils.findParents(hr);
  8767. }
  8768. pN = parents[1];
  8769. if (hr !== pN) {
  8770. domUtils.breakParent(hr, pN);
  8771. }
  8772. //table要重写绑定一下拖拽
  8773. me.fireEvent('afteradjusttable',me.document);
  8774. }
  8775. } else {
  8776. if (!range.collapsed) {
  8777. range.deleteContents();
  8778. var start = range.startContainer;
  8779. while ( !domUtils.isBody(start) && domUtils.isBlockElm(start) && domUtils.isEmptyNode(start)) {
  8780. range.setStartBefore(start).collapse(true);
  8781. domUtils.remove(start);
  8782. start = range.startContainer;
  8783. }
  8784. }
  8785. range.insertNode(hr);
  8786. var pN = hr.parentNode, nextNode;
  8787. while (!domUtils.isBody(pN)) {
  8788. domUtils.breakParent(hr, pN);
  8789. nextNode = hr.nextSibling;
  8790. if (nextNode && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(nextNode)) {
  8791. domUtils.remove(nextNode);
  8792. }
  8793. pN = hr.parentNode;
  8794. }
  8795. nextNode = hr.nextSibling;
  8796. var pre = hr.previousSibling;
  8797. if(isHr(pre)){
  8798. domUtils.remove(pre);
  8799. }else{
  8800. pre && fillNode(pre);
  8801. }
  8802. if(!nextNode){
  8803. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  8804. hr.parentNode.appendChild(p);
  8805. domUtils.fillNode(me.document,p);
  8806. range.setStart(p,0).collapse(true);
  8807. }else{
  8808. if(isHr(nextNode)){
  8809. domUtils.remove(nextNode);
  8810. }else{
  8811. fillNode(nextNode);
  8812. }
  8813. range.setEndAfter(hr).collapse(false);
  8814. }
  8816. }
  8817. }
  8818. };
  8819. };
  8820. ///import core
  8821. ///commands 本地图片引导上传
  8822. ///commandsName WordImage
  8823. ///commandsTitle 本地图片引导上传
  8824. ///commandsDialog dialogs\wordimage
  8825. UE.plugins["wordimage"] = function () {
  8826. var me = this,
  8827. images;
  8828. me.addInputRule(function (root) {
  8829. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('img'), function (img) {
  8830. var attrs = img.attrs,
  8831. flag = parseInt(attrs.width) < 128 || parseInt(attrs.height) < 43,
  8832. opt = me.options,
  8833. src = opt.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'themes/default/images/spacer.gif';
  8834. if (attrs['_src'] && attrs['_src'].indexOf("file:///")!==-1) {
  8835. img.setAttr({
  8836. width:attrs.width,
  8837. height:attrs.height,
  8838. alt:attrs.alt,
  8839. word_img:attrs._src,
  8840. src:src,
  8841. _src:src,
  8842. 'style':'background:url(' + ( flag ? opt.themePath + opt.theme + '/images/word.gif' : opt.langPath + opt.lang + '/images/localimage.png') + ') no-repeat center center;border:1px solid #ddd'
  8843. })
  8844. }
  8845. })
  8846. });
  8847. me.commands['wordimage'] = {
  8848. execCommand:function () {
  8849. images = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document.body, "img");
  8850. var urlList = [];
  8851. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = images[i++];) {
  8852. var url = ci.getAttribute("word_img");
  8853. url && urlList.push(url);
  8854. }
  8855. if (images.length) {
  8856. this["word_img"] = urlList;
  8857. }
  8858. },
  8859. queryCommandState:function () {
  8860. images = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document.body, "img");
  8861. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = images[i++];) {
  8862. if (ci.getAttribute("word_img")) {
  8863. return 1;
  8864. }
  8865. }
  8866. return -1;
  8867. }
  8868. };
  8869. };
  8870. UE.plugins['dragdrop'] = function (){
  8871. var me = this;
  8872. me.ready(function(){
  8873. domUtils.on(this.body,'dragend',function(){
  8874. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  8875. var node = rng.getClosedNode()||me.selection.getStart();
  8876. if(node && node.tagName == 'IMG'){
  8877. var pre = node.previousSibling,next;
  8878. while(next = node.nextSibling){
  8879. if(next.nodeType == 1 && next.tagName == 'SPAN' && !next.firstChild){
  8880. domUtils.remove(next)
  8881. }else{
  8882. break;
  8883. }
  8884. }
  8885. if((pre && pre.nodeType == 1 && !domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre) || !pre) && (!next || next && !domUtils.isEmptyBlock(next))){
  8886. if(pre && pre.tagName == 'P' && !domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre)){
  8887. pre.appendChild(node);
  8888. domUtils.moveChild(next,pre);
  8889. domUtils.remove(next);
  8890. }else if(next && next.tagName == 'P' && !domUtils.isEmptyBlock(next)){
  8891. next.insertBefore(node,next.firstChild);
  8892. }
  8893. if(pre && pre.tagName == 'P' && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre)){
  8894. domUtils.remove(pre)
  8895. }
  8896. if(next && next.tagName == 'P' && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(next)){
  8897. domUtils.remove(next)
  8898. }
  8899. rng.selectNode(node).select();
  8900. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  8901. }
  8902. }
  8903. })
  8904. });
  8905. me.addListener('keyup', function(type, evt) {
  8906. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  8907. if (keyCode == 13) {
  8908. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),node;
  8909. if(node = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'p',true)){
  8910. if(domUtils.getComputedStyle(node,'text-align') == 'center'){
  8911. domUtils.removeStyle(node,'text-align')
  8912. }
  8913. }
  8914. }
  8915. })
  8916. };
  8917. ///import core
  8918. ///commands 撤销和重做
  8919. ///commandsName Undo,Redo
  8920. ///commandsTitle 撤销,重做
  8921. /**
  8922. * @description 回退
  8923. * @author zhanyi
  8924. */
  8925. UE.plugins['undo'] = function () {
  8926. var saveSceneTimer;
  8927. var me = this,
  8928. maxUndoCount = me.options.maxUndoCount || 20,
  8929. maxInputCount = me.options.maxInputCount || 20,
  8930. fillchar = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar + '|<\/hr>', 'gi');// ie会产生多余的</hr>
  8931. var noNeedFillCharTags = {
  8932. ol:1,ul:1,table:1,tbody:1,tr:1,body:1
  8933. };
  8934. var orgState = me.options.autoClearEmptyNode;
  8935. function compareAddr(indexA, indexB) {
  8936. if (indexA.length != indexB.length)
  8937. return 0;
  8938. for (var i = 0, l = indexA.length; i < l; i++) {
  8939. if (indexA[i] != indexB[i])
  8940. return 0
  8941. }
  8942. return 1;
  8943. }
  8944. function compareRangeAddress(rngAddrA, rngAddrB) {
  8945. if (rngAddrA.collapsed != rngAddrB.collapsed) {
  8946. return 0;
  8947. }
  8948. if (!compareAddr(rngAddrA.startAddress, rngAddrB.startAddress) || !compareAddr(rngAddrA.endAddress, rngAddrB.endAddress)) {
  8949. return 0;
  8950. }
  8951. return 1;
  8952. }
  8953. function UndoManager() {
  8954. this.list = [];
  8955. this.index = 0;
  8956. this.hasUndo = false;
  8957. this.hasRedo = false;
  8958. this.undo = function () {
  8959. if (this.hasUndo) {
  8960. if (!this.list[this.index - 1] && this.list.length == 1) {
  8961. this.reset();
  8962. return;
  8963. }
  8964. while (this.list[this.index].content == this.list[this.index - 1].content) {
  8965. this.index--;
  8966. if (this.index == 0) {
  8967. return this.restore(0);
  8968. }
  8969. }
  8970. this.restore(--this.index);
  8971. }
  8972. };
  8973. this.redo = function () {
  8974. if (this.hasRedo) {
  8975. while (this.list[this.index].content == this.list[this.index + 1].content) {
  8976. this.index++;
  8977. if (this.index == this.list.length - 1) {
  8978. return this.restore(this.index);
  8979. }
  8980. }
  8981. this.restore(++this.index);
  8982. }
  8983. };
  8984. this.restore = function () {
  8985. var me = this.editor;
  8986. var scene = this.list[this.index];
  8987. var root = UE.htmlparser(scene.content.replace(fillchar, ''));
  8988. me.options.autoClearEmptyNode = false;
  8989. me.filterInputRule(root);
  8990. me.options.autoClearEmptyNode = orgState;
  8991. //trace:873
  8992. //去掉展位符
  8993. me.document.body.innerHTML = root.toHtml();
  8994. me.fireEvent('afterscencerestore');
  8995. //处理undo后空格不展位的问题
  8996. if ( {
  8997. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document,'td th caption p'),function(node){
  8998. if(domUtils.isEmptyNode(node)){
  8999. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, node);
  9000. }
  9001. })
  9002. }
  9003. try{
  9004. var rng = new dom.Range(me.document).moveToAddress(scene.address);
  9006. }catch(e){}
  9007. this.update();
  9008. this.clearKey();
  9009. //不能把自己reset了
  9010. me.fireEvent('reset', true);
  9011. };
  9012. this.getScene = function () {
  9013. var me = this.editor;
  9014. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  9015. rngAddress = rng.createAddress(false,true);
  9016. me.fireEvent('beforegetscene');
  9017. var root = UE.htmlparser(me.body.innerHTML);
  9018. me.options.autoClearEmptyNode = false;
  9019. me.filterOutputRule(root);
  9020. me.options.autoClearEmptyNode = orgState;
  9021. var cont = root.toHtml();
  9022. //trace:3461
  9023. //这个会引起回退时导致空格丢失的情况
  9024. // && (cont = cont.replace(/>&nbsp;</g, '><').replace(/\s*</g, '<').replace(/>\s*/g, '>'));
  9025. me.fireEvent('aftergetscene');
  9026. return {
  9027. address:rngAddress,
  9028. content:cont
  9029. }
  9030. };
  9031. = function (notCompareRange,notSetCursor) {
  9032. clearTimeout(saveSceneTimer);
  9033. var currentScene = this.getScene(notSetCursor),
  9034. lastScene = this.list[this.index];
  9035. //内容相同位置相同不存
  9036. if (lastScene && lastScene.content == currentScene.content &&
  9037. ( notCompareRange ? 1 : compareRangeAddress(lastScene.address, currentScene.address) )
  9038. ) {
  9039. return;
  9040. }
  9041. this.list = this.list.slice(0, this.index + 1);
  9042. this.list.push(currentScene);
  9043. //如果大于最大数量了,就把最前的剔除
  9044. if (this.list.length > maxUndoCount) {
  9045. this.list.shift();
  9046. }
  9047. this.index = this.list.length - 1;
  9048. this.clearKey();
  9049. //跟新undo/redo状态
  9050. this.update();
  9051. };
  9052. this.update = function () {
  9053. this.hasRedo = !!this.list[this.index + 1];
  9054. this.hasUndo = !!this.list[this.index - 1];
  9055. };
  9056. this.reset = function () {
  9057. this.list = [];
  9058. this.index = 0;
  9059. this.hasUndo = false;
  9060. this.hasRedo = false;
  9061. this.clearKey();
  9062. };
  9063. this.clearKey = function () {
  9064. keycont = 0;
  9065. lastKeyCode = null;
  9066. };
  9067. }
  9068. me.undoManger = new UndoManager();
  9069. me.undoManger.editor = me;
  9070. function saveScene() {
  9072. }
  9073. me.addListener('saveScene', function () {
  9074. var args =,1);
  9076. });
  9077. me.addListener('beforeexeccommand', saveScene);
  9078. me.addListener('afterexeccommand', saveScene);
  9079. me.addListener('reset', function (type, exclude) {
  9080. if (!exclude) {
  9081. this.undoManger.reset();
  9082. }
  9083. });
  9084. me.commands['redo'] = me.commands['undo'] = {
  9085. execCommand:function (cmdName) {
  9086. this.undoManger[cmdName]();
  9087. },
  9088. queryCommandState:function (cmdName) {
  9089. return this.undoManger['has' + (cmdName.toLowerCase() == 'undo' ? 'Undo' : 'Redo')] ? 0 : -1;
  9090. },
  9091. notNeedUndo:1
  9092. };
  9093. var keys = {
  9094. // /*Backspace*/ 8:1, /*Delete*/ 46:1,
  9095. /*Shift*/ 16:1, /*Ctrl*/ 17:1, /*Alt*/ 18:1,
  9096. 37:1, 38:1, 39:1, 40:1
  9097. },
  9098. keycont = 0,
  9099. lastKeyCode;
  9100. //输入法状态下不计算字符数
  9101. var inputType = false;
  9102. me.addListener('ready', function () {
  9103. domUtils.on(this.body, 'compositionstart', function () {
  9104. inputType = true;
  9105. });
  9106. domUtils.on(this.body, 'compositionend', function () {
  9107. inputType = false;
  9108. })
  9109. });
  9110. //快捷键
  9111. me.addshortcutkey({
  9112. "Undo":"ctrl+90", //undo
  9113. "Redo":"ctrl+89" //redo
  9114. });
  9115. var isCollapsed = true;
  9116. me.addListener('keydown', function (type, evt) {
  9117. var me = this;
  9118. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  9119. if (!keys[keyCode] && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey) {
  9120. if (inputType)
  9121. return;
  9122. if(!me.selection.getRange().collapsed){
  9124. isCollapsed = false;
  9125. return;
  9126. }
  9127. if (me.undoManger.list.length == 0) {
  9129. }
  9130. clearTimeout(saveSceneTimer);
  9131. function save(cont){
  9132. if (cont.selection.getRange().collapsed)
  9133. cont.fireEvent('contentchange');
  9135. cont.fireEvent('selectionchange');
  9136. }
  9137. saveSceneTimer = setTimeout(function(){
  9138. if(inputType){
  9139. var interalTimer = setInterval(function(){
  9140. if(!inputType){
  9141. save(me);
  9142. clearInterval(interalTimer)
  9143. }
  9144. },300)
  9145. return;
  9146. }
  9147. save(me);
  9148. },200);
  9149. lastKeyCode = keyCode;
  9150. keycont++;
  9151. if (keycont >= maxInputCount ) {
  9152. save(me)
  9153. }
  9154. }
  9155. });
  9156. me.addListener('keyup', function (type, evt) {
  9157. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  9158. if (!keys[keyCode] && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey) {
  9159. if (inputType)
  9160. return;
  9161. if(!isCollapsed){
  9163. isCollapsed = true;
  9164. }
  9165. }
  9166. });
  9167. };
  9168. ///import core
  9169. ///import plugins/inserthtml.js
  9170. ///import plugins/undo.js
  9171. ///import plugins/serialize.js
  9172. ///commands 粘贴
  9173. ///commandsName PastePlain
  9174. ///commandsTitle 纯文本粘贴模式
  9175. /*
  9176. ** @description 粘贴
  9177. * @author zhanyi
  9178. */
  9179. UE.plugins['paste'] = function () {
  9180. function getClipboardData(callback) {
  9181. var doc = this.document;
  9182. if (doc.getElementById('baidu_pastebin')) {
  9183. return;
  9184. }
  9185. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  9186. bk = range.createBookmark(),
  9187. //创建剪贴的容器div
  9188. pastebin = doc.createElement('div');
  9189. = 'baidu_pastebin';
  9190. // Safari 要求div必须有内容,才能粘贴内容进来
  9191. browser.webkit && pastebin.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(domUtils.fillChar + domUtils.fillChar));
  9192. doc.body.appendChild(pastebin);
  9193. //trace:717 隐藏的span不能得到top
  9194. //bk.start.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
  9195. = '';
  9196. = "position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;left:-1000px;white-space:nowrap;top:" +
  9197. //要在现在光标平行的位置加入,否则会出现跳动的问题
  9198. domUtils.getXY(bk.start).y + 'px';
  9199. range.selectNodeContents(pastebin).select(true);
  9200. setTimeout(function () {
  9201. if (browser.webkit) {
  9202. for (var i = 0, pastebins = doc.querySelectorAll('#baidu_pastebin'), pi; pi = pastebins[i++];) {
  9203. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(pi)) {
  9204. domUtils.remove(pi);
  9205. } else {
  9206. pastebin = pi;
  9207. break;
  9208. }
  9209. }
  9210. }
  9211. try {
  9212. pastebin.parentNode.removeChild(pastebin);
  9213. } catch (e) {
  9214. }
  9215. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select(true);
  9216. callback(pastebin);
  9217. }, 0);
  9218. }
  9219. var me = this;
  9220. var txtContent, htmlContent, address;
  9221. function filter(div) {
  9222. var html;
  9223. if (div.firstChild) {
  9224. //去掉cut中添加的边界值
  9225. var nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(div, 'span');
  9226. for (var i = 0, ni; ni = nodes[i++];) {
  9227. if ( == '_baidu_cut_start' || == '_baidu_cut_end') {
  9228. domUtils.remove(ni);
  9229. }
  9230. }
  9231. if (browser.webkit) {
  9232. var brs = div.querySelectorAll('div br');
  9233. for (var i = 0, bi; bi = brs[i++];) {
  9234. var pN = bi.parentNode;
  9235. if (pN.tagName == 'DIV' && pN.childNodes.length == 1) {
  9236. pN.innerHTML = '<p><br/></p>';
  9237. domUtils.remove(pN);
  9238. }
  9239. }
  9240. var divs = div.querySelectorAll('#baidu_pastebin');
  9241. for (var i = 0, di; di = divs[i++];) {
  9242. var tmpP = me.document.createElement('p');
  9243. di.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpP, di);
  9244. while (di.firstChild) {
  9245. tmpP.appendChild(di.firstChild);
  9246. }
  9247. domUtils.remove(di);
  9248. }
  9249. var metas = div.querySelectorAll('meta');
  9250. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = metas[i++];) {
  9251. domUtils.remove(ci);
  9252. }
  9253. var brs = div.querySelectorAll('br');
  9254. for (i = 0; ci = brs[i++];) {
  9255. if (/^apple-/i.test(ci.className)) {
  9256. domUtils.remove(ci);
  9257. }
  9258. }
  9259. }
  9260. if (browser.gecko) {
  9261. var dirtyNodes = div.querySelectorAll('[_moz_dirty]');
  9262. for (i = 0; ci = dirtyNodes[i++];) {
  9263. ci.removeAttribute('_moz_dirty');
  9264. }
  9265. }
  9266. if (! {
  9267. var spans = div.querySelectorAll('span.Apple-style-span');
  9268. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = spans[i++];) {
  9269. domUtils.remove(ci, true);
  9270. }
  9271. }
  9272. //ie下使用innerHTML会产生多余的\r\n字符,也会产生&nbsp;这里过滤掉
  9273. html = div.innerHTML;//.replace(/>(?:(\s|&nbsp;)*?)</g,'><');
  9274. //过滤word粘贴过来的冗余属性
  9275. html = UE.filterWord(html);
  9276. //取消了忽略空白的第二个参数,粘贴过来的有些是有空白的,会被套上相关的标签
  9277. var root = UE.htmlparser(html);
  9278. //如果给了过滤规则就先进行过滤
  9279. if (me.options.filterRules) {
  9280. UE.filterNode(root, me.options.filterRules);
  9281. }
  9282. //执行默认的处理
  9283. me.filterInputRule(root);
  9284. //针对chrome的处理
  9285. if (browser.webkit) {
  9286. var br = root.lastChild();
  9287. if (br && br.type == 'element' && br.tagName == 'br') {
  9288. root.removeChild(br)
  9289. }
  9290. utils.each(me.body.querySelectorAll('div'), function (node) {
  9291. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(node)) {
  9292. domUtils.remove(node)
  9293. }
  9294. })
  9295. }
  9296. html = {'html': root.toHtml()};
  9297. me.fireEvent('beforepaste', html, root);
  9298. //抢了默认的粘贴,那后边的内容就不执行了,比如表格粘贴
  9299. if(!html.html){
  9300. return;
  9301. }
  9302. root = UE.htmlparser(html.html,true);
  9303. //如果开启了纯文本模式
  9304. if (me.queryCommandState('pasteplain') === 1) {
  9305. me.execCommand('insertHtml', UE.filterNode(root, me.options.filterTxtRules).toHtml(), true);
  9306. } else {
  9307. //文本模式
  9308. UE.filterNode(root, me.options.filterTxtRules);
  9309. txtContent = root.toHtml();
  9310. //完全模式
  9311. htmlContent = html.html;
  9312. address = me.selection.getRange().createAddress(true);
  9313. me.execCommand('insertHtml', htmlContent, true);
  9314. }
  9315. me.fireEvent("afterpaste", html);
  9316. }
  9317. }
  9318. me.addListener('pasteTransfer', function (cmd, plainType) {
  9319. if (address && txtContent && htmlContent && txtContent != htmlContent) {
  9320. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  9321. range.moveToAddress(address, true);
  9322. if (!range.collapsed) {
  9323. while (!domUtils.isBody(range.startContainer)
  9324. ) {
  9325. var start = range.startContainer;
  9326. if(start.nodeType == 1){
  9327. start = start.childNodes[range.startOffset];
  9328. if(!start){
  9329. range.setStartBefore(range.startContainer);
  9330. continue;
  9331. }
  9332. var pre = start.previousSibling;
  9333. if(pre && pre.nodeType == 3 && new RegExp('^[\n\r\t '+domUtils.fillChar+']*$').test(pre.nodeValue)){
  9334. range.setStartBefore(pre)
  9335. }
  9336. }
  9337. if(range.startOffset == 0){
  9338. range.setStartBefore(range.startContainer);
  9339. }else{
  9340. break;
  9341. }
  9342. }
  9343. while (!domUtils.isBody(range.endContainer)
  9344. ) {
  9345. var end = range.endContainer;
  9346. if(end.nodeType == 1){
  9347. end = end.childNodes[range.endOffset];
  9348. if(!end){
  9349. range.setEndAfter(range.endContainer);
  9350. continue;
  9351. }
  9352. var next = end.nextSibling;
  9353. if(next && next.nodeType == 3 && new RegExp('^[\n\r\t'+domUtils.fillChar+']*$').test(next.nodeValue)){
  9354. range.setEndAfter(next)
  9355. }
  9356. }
  9357. if(range.endOffset == range.endContainer[range.endContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length){
  9358. range.setEndAfter(range.endContainer);
  9359. }else{
  9360. break;
  9361. }
  9362. }
  9363. }
  9364. range.deleteContents();
  9366. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  9367. var html = htmlContent;
  9368. if (plainType === 2) {
  9369. html = html.replace(/<(\/?)([\w\-]+)([^>]*)>/gi, function (a, b, tagName, attrs) {
  9370. tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
  9371. if ({img: 1}[tagName]) {
  9372. return a;
  9373. }
  9374. attrs = attrs.replace(/([\w\-]*?)\s*=\s*(("([^"]*)")|('([^']*)')|([^\s>]+))/gi, function (str, atr, val) {
  9375. if ({
  9376. 'src': 1,
  9377. 'href': 1,
  9378. 'name': 1
  9379. }[atr.toLowerCase()]) {
  9380. return atr + '=' + val + ' '
  9381. }
  9382. return ''
  9383. });
  9384. if ({
  9385. 'span': 1,
  9386. 'div': 1
  9387. }[tagName]) {
  9388. return ''
  9389. } else {
  9390. return '<' + b + tagName + ' ' + utils.trim(attrs) + '>'
  9391. }
  9392. });
  9393. } else if (plainType) {
  9394. html = txtContent;
  9395. }
  9396. me.execCommand('inserthtml', html, true);
  9397. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  9398. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  9399. while (!domUtils.isBody(rng.startContainer) && !rng.startOffset &&
  9400. rng.startContainer[rng.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? 'nodeValue' : 'childNodes'].length
  9401. ) {
  9402. rng.setStartBefore(rng.startContainer);
  9403. }
  9404. var tmpAddress = rng.createAddress(true);
  9405. address.endAddress = tmpAddress.startAddress;
  9406. }
  9407. });
  9408. me.addListener('ready', function () {
  9409. domUtils.on(me.body, 'cut', function () {
  9410. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  9411. if (!range.collapsed && me.undoManger) {
  9413. }
  9414. });
  9415. //ie下beforepaste在点击右键时也会触发,所以用监控键盘才处理
  9416. domUtils.on(me.body, || browser.opera ? 'keydown' : 'paste', function (e) {
  9417. if (( || browser.opera) && ((!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) || e.keyCode != '86')) {
  9418. return;
  9419. }
  9420., function (div) {
  9421. filter(div);
  9422. });
  9423. });
  9424. });
  9425. };
  9426. ///import core
  9427. ///commands 有序列表,无序列表
  9428. ///commandsName InsertOrderedList,InsertUnorderedList
  9429. ///commandsTitle 有序列表,无序列表
  9430. /**
  9431. * 有序列表
  9432. * @function
  9433. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  9434. * @param {String} cmdName insertorderlist插入有序列表
  9435. * @param {String} style 值为:decimal,lower-alpha,lower-roman,upper-alpha,upper-roman
  9436. * @author zhanyi
  9437. */
  9438. /**
  9439. * 无序链接
  9440. * @function
  9441. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  9442. * @param {String} cmdName insertunorderlist插入无序列表
  9443. * * @param {String} style 值为:circle,disc,square
  9444. * @author zhanyi
  9445. */
  9446. UE.plugins['list'] = function () {
  9447. var me = this,
  9448. notExchange = {
  9449. 'TD':1,
  9450. 'PRE':1,
  9451. 'BLOCKQUOTE':1
  9452. };
  9453. var customStyle = {
  9454. 'cn' : 'cn-1-',
  9455. 'cn1' : 'cn-2-',
  9456. 'cn2' : 'cn-3-',
  9457. 'num': 'num-1-',
  9458. 'num1' : 'num-2-',
  9459. 'num2' : 'num-3-',
  9460. 'dash' : 'dash',
  9461. 'dot':'dot'
  9462. };
  9463. me.setOpt( {
  9464. 'insertorderedlist':{
  9465. 'num':'',
  9466. 'num1':'',
  9467. 'num2':'',
  9468. 'cn':'',
  9469. 'cn1':'',
  9470. 'cn2':'',
  9471. 'decimal':'',
  9472. 'lower-alpha':'',
  9473. 'lower-roman':'',
  9474. 'upper-alpha':'',
  9475. 'upper-roman':''
  9476. },
  9477. 'insertunorderedlist':{
  9478. 'circle':'',
  9479. 'disc':'',
  9480. 'square':'',
  9481. 'dash' : '',
  9482. 'dot':''
  9483. },
  9484. listDefaultPaddingLeft : '30',
  9485. listiconpath : '',
  9486. maxListLevel : -1//-1不限制
  9487. } );
  9488. function listToArray(list){
  9489. var arr = [];
  9490. for(var p in list){
  9491. arr.push(p)
  9492. }
  9493. return arr;
  9494. }
  9495. var listStyle = {
  9496. 'OL':listToArray(me.options.insertorderedlist),
  9497. 'UL':listToArray(me.options.insertunorderedlist)
  9498. };
  9499. var liiconpath = me.options.listiconpath;
  9500. //根据用户配置,调整customStyle
  9501. for(var s in customStyle){
  9502. if(!me.options.insertorderedlist.hasOwnProperty(s) && !me.options.insertunorderedlist.hasOwnProperty(s)){
  9503. delete customStyle[s];
  9504. }
  9505. }
  9506. me.ready(function () {
  9507. var customCss = [];
  9508. for(var p in customStyle){
  9509. if(p == 'dash' || p == 'dot'){
  9510. customCss.push('li.list-' + customStyle[p] + '{background-image:url(' + liiconpath +customStyle[p]+'.gif)}');
  9511. customCss.push('ul.custom_'+p+'{list-style:none;}ul.custom_'+p+' li{background-position:0 3px;background-repeat:no-repeat}');
  9512. }else{
  9513. for(var i= 0;i<99;i++){
  9514. customCss.push('li.list-' + customStyle[p] + i + '{background-image:url(' + liiconpath + 'list-'+customStyle[p] + i + '.gif)}')
  9515. }
  9516. customCss.push('ol.custom_'+p+'{list-style:none;}ol.custom_'+p+' li{background-position:0 3px;background-repeat:no-repeat}');
  9517. }
  9518. switch(p){
  9519. case 'cn':
  9520. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-1{padding-left:25px}');
  9521. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-2{padding-left:40px}');
  9522. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-3{padding-left:55px}');
  9523. break;
  9524. case 'cn1':
  9525. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-1{padding-left:30px}');
  9526. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-2{padding-left:40px}');
  9527. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-3{padding-left:55px}');
  9528. break;
  9529. case 'cn2':
  9530. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-1{padding-left:40px}');
  9531. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-2{padding-left:55px}');
  9532. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-3{padding-left:68px}');
  9533. break;
  9534. case 'num':
  9535. case 'num1':
  9536. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-1{padding-left:25px}');
  9537. break;
  9538. case 'num2':
  9539. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-1{padding-left:35px}');
  9540. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft-2{padding-left:40px}');
  9541. break;
  9542. case 'dash':
  9543. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft{padding-left:35px}');
  9544. break;
  9545. case 'dot':
  9546. customCss.push('li.list-'+p+'-paddingleft{padding-left:20px}');
  9547. }
  9548. }
  9549. customCss.push('.list-paddingleft-1{padding-left:0}');
  9550. customCss.push('.list-paddingleft-2{padding-left:'+me.options.listDefaultPaddingLeft+'px}');
  9551. customCss.push('.list-paddingleft-3{padding-left:'+me.options.listDefaultPaddingLeft*2+'px}');
  9552. //如果不给宽度会在自定应样式里出现滚动条
  9553. utils.cssRule('list', 'ol,ul{margin:0;pading:0;'+( ? '' : 'width:95%')+'}li{clear:both;}'+customCss.join('\n'), me.document);
  9554. });
  9555. //单独处理剪切的问题
  9556. me.ready(function(){
  9557. domUtils.on(me.body,'cut',function(){
  9558. setTimeout(function(){
  9559. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),li;
  9560. //trace:3416
  9561. if(!rng.collapsed){
  9562. if(li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'li',true)){
  9563. if(!li.nextSibling && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(li)){
  9564. var pn = li.parentNode,node;
  9565. if(node = pn.previousSibling){
  9566. domUtils.remove(pn);
  9567. rng.setStartAtLast(node).collapse(true);
  9569. }else if(node = pn.nextSibling){
  9570. domUtils.remove(pn);
  9571. rng.setStartAtFirst(node).collapse(true);
  9573. }else{
  9574. var tmpNode = me.document.createElement('p');
  9575. domUtils.fillNode(me.document,tmpNode);
  9576. pn.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode,pn);
  9577. domUtils.remove(pn);
  9578. rng.setStart(tmpNode,0).collapse(true);
  9580. }
  9581. }
  9582. }
  9583. }
  9584. })
  9585. })
  9586. });
  9587. function getStyle(node){
  9588. var cls = node.className;
  9589. if(domUtils.hasClass(node,/custom_/)){
  9590. return cls.match(/custom_(\w+)/)[1]
  9591. }
  9592. return domUtils.getStyle(node, 'list-style-type')
  9593. }
  9594. me.addListener('beforepaste',function(type,html){
  9595. var me = this,
  9596. rng = me.selection.getRange(),li;
  9597. var root = UE.htmlparser(html.html,true);
  9598. if(li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'li',true)){
  9599. var list = li.parentNode,tagName = list.tagName == 'OL' ? 'ul':'ol';
  9600. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName(tagName),function(n){
  9601. n.tagName = list.tagName;
  9602. n.setAttr();
  9603. if(n.parentNode === root){
  9604. type = getStyle(list) || (list.tagName == 'OL' ? 'decimal' : 'disc')
  9605. }else{
  9606. var className = n.parentNode.getAttr('class');
  9607. if(className && /custom_/.test(className)){
  9608. type = className.match(/custom_(\w+)/)[1]
  9609. }else{
  9610. type = n.parentNode.getStyle('list-style-type');
  9611. }
  9612. if(!type){
  9613. type = list.tagName == 'OL' ? 'decimal' : 'disc';
  9614. }
  9615. }
  9616. var index = utils.indexOf(listStyle[list.tagName], type);
  9617. if(n.parentNode !== root)
  9618. index = index + 1 == listStyle[list.tagName].length ? 0 : index + 1;
  9619. var currentStyle = listStyle[list.tagName][index];
  9620. if(customStyle[currentStyle]){
  9621. n.setAttr('class', 'custom_' + currentStyle)
  9622. }else{
  9623. n.setStyle('list-style-type',currentStyle)
  9624. }
  9625. })
  9626. }
  9627. html.html = root.toHtml();
  9628. });
  9629. //进入编辑器的li要套p标签
  9630. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  9631. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('li'),function(li){
  9632. var tmpP = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  9633. for(var i= 0,ci;ci=li.children[i];){
  9634. if(ci.type == 'text' || dtd.p[ci.tagName]){
  9635. tmpP.appendChild(ci);
  9636. }else{
  9637. if(tmpP.firstChild()){
  9638. li.insertBefore(tmpP,ci);
  9639. tmpP = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  9640. i = i + 2;
  9641. }else{
  9642. i++;
  9643. }
  9644. }
  9645. }
  9646. if(tmpP.firstChild() && !tmpP.parentNode || !li.firstChild()){
  9647. li.appendChild(tmpP);
  9648. }
  9649. //trace:3357
  9650. //p不能为空
  9651. if (!tmpP.firstChild()) {
  9652. tmpP.innerHTML( ? '&nbsp;' : '<br/>')
  9653. }
  9654. //去掉末尾的空白
  9655. var p = li.firstChild();
  9656. var lastChild = p.lastChild();
  9657. if(lastChild && lastChild.type == 'text' && /^\s*$/.test({
  9658. p.removeChild(lastChild)
  9659. }
  9660. });
  9661. var orderlisttype = {
  9662. 'num1':/^\d+\)/,
  9663. 'decimal':/^\d+\./,
  9664. 'lower-alpha':/^[a-z]+\)/,
  9665. 'upper-alpha':/^[A-Z]+\./,
  9666. 'cn':/^[\u4E00\u4E8C\u4E09\u56DB\u516d\u4e94\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d]+[\u3001]/,
  9667. 'cn2':/^\([\u4E00\u4E8C\u4E09\u56DB\u516d\u4e94\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d]+\)/
  9668. },
  9669. unorderlisttype = {
  9670. 'square':'n'
  9671. };
  9672. function checkListType(content,container){
  9673. var span = container.firstChild();
  9674. if(span && span.type == 'element' && span.tagName == 'span' && /Wingdings|Symbol/.test(span.getStyle('font-family'))){
  9675. for(var p in unorderlisttype){
  9676. if(unorderlisttype[p] =={
  9677. return p
  9678. }
  9679. }
  9680. return 'disc'
  9681. }
  9682. for(var p in orderlisttype){
  9683. if(orderlisttype[p].test(content)){
  9684. return p;
  9685. }
  9686. }
  9687. }
  9688. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('p'),function(node){
  9689. if(node.getAttr('class') != 'MsoListParagraph'){
  9690. return
  9691. }
  9692. //word粘贴过来的会带有margin要去掉,但这样也可能会误命中一些央视
  9693. node.setStyle('margin','');
  9694. node.setStyle('margin-left','');
  9695. node.setAttr('class','');
  9696. function appendLi(list,p,type){
  9697. if(list.tagName == 'ol'){
  9698. if({
  9699. var first = p.firstChild();
  9700. if(first.type =='element' && first.tagName == 'span' && orderlisttype[type].test(first.innerText())){
  9701. p.removeChild(first);
  9702. }
  9703. }else{
  9704. p.innerHTML(p.innerHTML().replace(orderlisttype[type],''));
  9705. }
  9706. }else{
  9707. p.removeChild(p.firstChild())
  9708. }
  9709. var li = UE.uNode.createElement('li');
  9710. li.appendChild(p);
  9711. list.appendChild(li);
  9712. }
  9713. var tmp = node,type,cacheNode = node;
  9714. if(node.parentNode.tagName != 'li' && (type = checkListType(node.innerText(),node))){
  9715. var list = UE.uNode.createElement(me.options.insertorderedlist.hasOwnProperty(type) ? 'ol' : 'ul');
  9716. if(customStyle[type]){
  9717. list.setAttr('class','custom_'+type)
  9718. }else{
  9719. list.setStyle('list-style-type',type)
  9720. }
  9721. while(node && node.parentNode.tagName != 'li' && checkListType(node.innerText(),node)){
  9722. tmp = node.nextSibling();
  9723. if(!tmp){
  9724. node.parentNode.insertBefore(list,node)
  9725. }
  9726. appendLi(list,node,type);
  9727. node = tmp;
  9728. }
  9729. if(!list.parentNode && node && node.parentNode){
  9730. node.parentNode.insertBefore(list,node)
  9731. }
  9732. }
  9733. var span = cacheNode.firstChild();
  9734. if(span && span.type == 'element' && span.tagName == 'span' && /^\s*(&nbsp;)+\s*$/.test(span.innerText())){
  9735. span.parentNode.removeChild(span)
  9736. }
  9737. })
  9738. });
  9739. //调整索引标签
  9740. me.addListener('contentchange',function(){
  9741. adjustListStyle(me.document)
  9742. });
  9743. function adjustListStyle(doc,ignore){
  9744. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(doc,'ol ul'),function(node){
  9745. if(!domUtils.inDoc(node,doc))
  9746. return;
  9747. var parent = node.parentNode;
  9748. if(parent.tagName == node.tagName){
  9749. var nodeStyleType = getStyle(node) || (node.tagName == 'OL' ? 'decimal' : 'disc'),
  9750. parentStyleType = getStyle(parent) || (parent.tagName == 'OL' ? 'decimal' : 'disc');
  9751. if(nodeStyleType == parentStyleType){
  9752. var styleIndex = utils.indexOf(listStyle[node.tagName], nodeStyleType);
  9753. styleIndex = styleIndex + 1 == listStyle[node.tagName].length ? 0 : styleIndex + 1;
  9754. setListStyle(node,listStyle[node.tagName][styleIndex])
  9755. }
  9756. }
  9757. var index = 0,type = 2;
  9758. if( domUtils.hasClass(node,/custom_/)){
  9759. if(!(/[ou]l/i.test(parent.tagName) && domUtils.hasClass(parent,/custom_/))){
  9760. type = 1;
  9761. }
  9762. }else{
  9763. if(/[ou]l/i.test(parent.tagName) && domUtils.hasClass(parent,/custom_/)){
  9764. type = 3;
  9765. }
  9766. }
  9767. var style = domUtils.getStyle(node, 'list-style-type');
  9768. style && ( = 'list-style-type:' + style);
  9769. node.className = utils.trim(node.className.replace(/list-paddingleft-\w+/,'')) + ' list-paddingleft-' + type;
  9770. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(node,'li'),function(li){
  9771. && ( = '');
  9772. if(!li.firstChild){
  9773. domUtils.remove(li);
  9774. return;
  9775. }
  9776. if(li.parentNode !== node){
  9777. return;
  9778. }
  9779. index++;
  9780. if(domUtils.hasClass(node,/custom_/) ){
  9781. var paddingLeft = 1,currentStyle = getStyle(node);
  9782. if(node.tagName == 'OL'){
  9783. if(currentStyle){
  9784. switch(currentStyle){
  9785. case 'cn' :
  9786. case 'cn1':
  9787. case 'cn2':
  9788. if(index > 10 && (index % 10 == 0 || index > 10 && index < 20)){
  9789. paddingLeft = 2
  9790. }else if(index > 20){
  9791. paddingLeft = 3
  9792. }
  9793. break;
  9794. case 'num2' :
  9795. if(index > 9){
  9796. paddingLeft = 2
  9797. }
  9798. }
  9799. }
  9800. li.className = 'list-'+customStyle[currentStyle]+ index + ' ' + 'list-'+currentStyle+'-paddingleft-' + paddingLeft;
  9801. }else{
  9802. li.className = 'list-'+customStyle[currentStyle] + ' ' + 'list-'+currentStyle+'-paddingleft';
  9803. }
  9804. }else{
  9805. li.className = li.className.replace(/list-[\w\-]+/gi,'');
  9806. }
  9807. var className = li.getAttribute('class');
  9808. if(className !== null && !className.replace(/\s/g,'')){
  9809. domUtils.removeAttributes(li,'class')
  9810. }
  9811. });
  9812. !ignore && adjustList(node,node.tagName.toLowerCase(),getStyle(node)||domUtils.getStyle(node, 'list-style-type'),true);
  9813. })
  9814. }
  9815. function adjustList(list, tag, style,ignoreEmpty) {
  9816. var nextList = list.nextSibling;
  9817. if (nextList && nextList.nodeType == 1 && nextList.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag && (getStyle(nextList) || domUtils.getStyle(nextList, 'list-style-type') || (tag == 'ol' ? 'decimal' : 'disc')) == style) {
  9818. domUtils.moveChild(nextList, list);
  9819. if (nextList.childNodes.length == 0) {
  9820. domUtils.remove(nextList);
  9821. }
  9822. }
  9823. if(nextList && domUtils.isFillChar(nextList)){
  9824. domUtils.remove(nextList);
  9825. }
  9826. var preList = list.previousSibling;
  9827. if (preList && preList.nodeType == 1 && preList.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag && (getStyle(preList) || domUtils.getStyle(preList, 'list-style-type') || (tag == 'ol' ? 'decimal' : 'disc')) == style) {
  9828. domUtils.moveChild(list, preList);
  9829. }
  9830. if(preList && domUtils.isFillChar(preList)){
  9831. domUtils.remove(preList);
  9832. }
  9833. !ignoreEmpty && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(list) && domUtils.remove(list);
  9834. if(getStyle(list)){
  9835. adjustListStyle(list.ownerDocument,true)
  9836. }
  9837. }
  9838. function setListStyle(list,style){
  9839. if(customStyle[style]){
  9840. list.className = 'custom_' + style;
  9841. }
  9842. try{
  9843. domUtils.setStyle(list, 'list-style-type', style);
  9844. }catch(e){}
  9845. }
  9846. function clearEmptySibling(node) {
  9847. var tmpNode = node.previousSibling;
  9848. if (tmpNode && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(tmpNode)) {
  9849. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  9850. }
  9851. tmpNode = node.nextSibling;
  9852. if (tmpNode && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(tmpNode)) {
  9853. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  9854. }
  9855. }
  9856. me.addListener('keydown', function (type, evt) {
  9857. function preventAndSave() {
  9858. evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : (evt.returnValue = false);
  9859. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  9860. me.undoManger &&;
  9861. }
  9862. function findList(node,filterFn){
  9863. while(node && !domUtils.isBody(node)){
  9864. if(filterFn(node)){
  9865. return null
  9866. }
  9867. if(node.nodeType == 1 && /[ou]l/i.test(node.tagName)){
  9868. return node;
  9869. }
  9870. node = node.parentNode;
  9871. }
  9872. return null;
  9873. }
  9874. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  9875. if (keyCode == 13 && !evt.shiftKey) {//回车
  9876. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  9877. parent = domUtils.findParent(rng.startContainer,function(node){return domUtils.isBlockElm(node)},true),
  9878. li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,'li',true);
  9879. if(parent && parent.tagName != 'PRE' && !li){
  9880. var html = parent.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g'),'');
  9881. if(/^\s*1\s*\.[^\d]/.test(html)){
  9882. parent.innerHTML = html.replace(/^\s*1\s*\./,'');
  9883. rng.setStartAtLast(parent).collapse(true).select();
  9884. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  9885. me.execCommand('insertorderedlist');
  9886. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  9887. }
  9888. }
  9889. var range = me.selection.getRange(),
  9890. start = findList(range.startContainer,function (node) {
  9891. return node.tagName == 'TABLE';
  9892. }),
  9893. end = range.collapsed ? start : findList(range.endContainer,function (node) {
  9894. return node.tagName == 'TABLE';
  9895. });
  9896. if (start && end && start === end) {
  9897. if (!range.collapsed) {
  9898. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'li', true);
  9899. end = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.endContainer, 'li', true);
  9900. if (start && end && start === end) {
  9901. range.deleteContents();
  9902. li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'li', true);
  9903. if (li && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(li)) {
  9904. pre = li.previousSibling;
  9905. next = li.nextSibling;
  9906. p = me.document.createElement('p');
  9907. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, p);
  9908. parentList = li.parentNode;
  9909. if (pre && next) {
  9910. range.setStart(next, 0).collapse(true).select(true);
  9911. domUtils.remove(li);
  9912. } else {
  9913. if (!pre && !next || !pre) {
  9914. parentList.parentNode.insertBefore(p, parentList);
  9915. } else {
  9916. li.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(p, parentList.nextSibling);
  9917. }
  9918. domUtils.remove(li);
  9919. if (!parentList.firstChild) {
  9920. domUtils.remove(parentList);
  9921. }
  9922. range.setStart(p, 0).setCursor();
  9923. }
  9924. preventAndSave();
  9925. return;
  9926. }
  9927. } else {
  9928. var tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  9929. bk = tmpRange.collapse(false).createBookmark();
  9930. range.deleteContents();
  9931. tmpRange.moveToBookmark(bk);
  9932. var li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(tmpRange.startContainer, 'li', true);
  9933. clearEmptySibling(li);
  9935. preventAndSave();
  9936. return;
  9937. }
  9938. }
  9939. li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'li', true);
  9940. if (li) {
  9941. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(li)) {
  9942. bk = range.createBookmark();
  9943. var parentList = li.parentNode;
  9944. if (li !== parentList.lastChild) {
  9945. domUtils.breakParent(li, parentList);
  9946. clearEmptySibling(li);
  9947. } else {
  9948. parentList.parentNode.insertBefore(li, parentList.nextSibling);
  9949. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(parentList)) {
  9950. domUtils.remove(parentList);
  9951. }
  9952. }
  9953. //嵌套不处理
  9954. if (!dtd.$list[li.parentNode.tagName]) {
  9955. if (!domUtils.isBlockElm(li.firstChild)) {
  9956. p = me.document.createElement('p');
  9957. li.parentNode.insertBefore(p, li);
  9958. while (li.firstChild) {
  9959. p.appendChild(li.firstChild);
  9960. }
  9961. domUtils.remove(li);
  9962. } else {
  9963. domUtils.remove(li, true);
  9964. }
  9965. }
  9966. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  9967. } else {
  9968. var first = li.firstChild;
  9969. if (!first || !domUtils.isBlockElm(first)) {
  9970. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  9971. !li.firstChild && domUtils.fillNode(me.document, p);
  9972. while (li.firstChild) {
  9973. p.appendChild(li.firstChild);
  9974. }
  9975. li.appendChild(p);
  9976. first = p;
  9977. }
  9978. var span = me.document.createElement('span');
  9979. range.insertNode(span);
  9980. domUtils.breakParent(span, li);
  9981. var nextLi = span.nextSibling;
  9982. first = nextLi.firstChild;
  9983. if (!first) {
  9984. p = me.document.createElement('p');
  9985. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, p);
  9986. nextLi.appendChild(p);
  9987. first = p;
  9988. }
  9989. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(first)) {
  9990. first.innerHTML = '';
  9991. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, first);
  9992. }
  9993. range.setStart(first, 0).collapse(true).shrinkBoundary().select();
  9994. domUtils.remove(span);
  9995. var pre = nextLi.previousSibling;
  9996. if (pre && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre)) {
  9997. pre.innerHTML = '<p></p>';
  9998. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, pre.firstChild);
  9999. }
  10000. }
  10001. // }
  10002. preventAndSave();
  10003. }
  10004. }
  10005. }
  10006. if (keyCode == 8) {
  10007. //修中ie中li下的问题
  10008. range = me.selection.getRange();
  10009. if (range.collapsed && domUtils.isStartInblock(range)) {
  10010. tmpRange = range.cloneRange().trimBoundary();
  10011. li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'li', true);
  10012. //要在li的最左边,才能处理
  10013. if (li && domUtils.isStartInblock(tmpRange)) {
  10014. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'p', true);
  10015. if (start && start !== li.firstChild) {
  10016. var parentList = domUtils.findParentByTagName(start,['ol','ul']);
  10017. domUtils.breakParent(start,parentList);
  10018. clearEmptySibling(start);
  10019. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  10020. range.setStart(start,0).setCursor(false,true);
  10021. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10022. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10023. return;
  10024. }
  10025. if (li && (pre = li.previousSibling)) {
  10026. if (keyCode == 46 && li.childNodes.length) {
  10027. return;
  10028. }
  10029. //有可能上边的兄弟节点是个2级菜单,要追加到2级菜单的最后的li
  10030. if (dtd.$list[pre.tagName]) {
  10031. pre = pre.lastChild;
  10032. }
  10033. me.undoManger &&;
  10034. first = li.firstChild;
  10035. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(first)) {
  10036. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(first)) {
  10037. // range.setEnd(pre, pre.childNodes.length).shrinkBoundary().collapse().select(true);
  10038. pre.appendChild(first);
  10039. range.setStart(first, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  10040. //first不是唯一的节点
  10041. while (li.firstChild) {
  10042. pre.appendChild(li.firstChild);
  10043. }
  10044. } else {
  10045. span = me.document.createElement('span');
  10046. range.insertNode(span);
  10047. //判断pre是否是空的节点,如果是<p><br/></p>类型的空节点,干掉p标签防止它占位
  10048. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(pre)) {
  10049. pre.innerHTML = '';
  10050. }
  10051. domUtils.moveChild(li, pre);
  10052. range.setStartBefore(span).collapse(true).select(true);
  10053. domUtils.remove(span);
  10054. }
  10055. } else {
  10056. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(li)) {
  10057. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  10058. pre.appendChild(p);
  10059. range.setStart(p, 0).setCursor();
  10060. // range.setEnd(pre, pre.childNodes.length).shrinkBoundary().collapse().select(true);
  10061. } else {
  10062. range.setEnd(pre, pre.childNodes.length).collapse().select(true);
  10063. while (li.firstChild) {
  10064. pre.appendChild(li.firstChild);
  10065. }
  10066. }
  10067. }
  10068. domUtils.remove(li);
  10069. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  10070. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10071. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10072. return;
  10073. }
  10074. //trace:980
  10075. if (li && !li.previousSibling) {
  10076. var parentList = li.parentNode;
  10077. var bk = range.createBookmark();
  10078. if(domUtils.isTagNode(parentList.parentNode,'ol ul')){
  10079. parentList.parentNode.insertBefore(li,parentList);
  10080. if(domUtils.isEmptyNode(parentList)){
  10081. domUtils.remove(parentList)
  10082. }
  10083. }else{
  10084. while(li.firstChild){
  10085. parentList.parentNode.insertBefore(li.firstChild,parentList);
  10086. }
  10087. domUtils.remove(li);
  10088. if(domUtils.isEmptyNode(parentList)){
  10089. domUtils.remove(parentList)
  10090. }
  10091. }
  10092. range.moveToBookmark(bk).setCursor(false,true);
  10093. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  10094. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10095. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10096. return;
  10097. }
  10098. }
  10099. }
  10100. }
  10101. });
  10102. me.addListener('keyup',function(type, evt){
  10103. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  10104. if (keyCode == 8) {
  10105. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),list;
  10106. if(list = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,['ol', 'ul'],true)){
  10107. adjustList(list,list.tagName.toLowerCase(),getStyle(list)||domUtils.getComputedStyle(list,'list-style-type'),true)
  10108. }
  10109. }
  10110. });
  10111. //处理tab键
  10112. me.addListener('tabkeydown',function(){
  10113. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  10114. //控制级数
  10115. function checkLevel(li){
  10116. if(me.options.maxListLevel != -1){
  10117. var level = li.parentNode,levelNum = 0;
  10118. while(/[ou]l/i.test(level.tagName)){
  10119. levelNum++;
  10120. level = level.parentNode;
  10121. }
  10122. if(levelNum >= me.options.maxListLevel){
  10123. return true;
  10124. }
  10125. }
  10126. }
  10127. //只以开始为准
  10128. //todo 后续改进
  10129. var li = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'li', true);
  10130. if(li){
  10131. var bk;
  10132. if(range.collapsed){
  10133. if(checkLevel(li))
  10134. return true;
  10135. var parentLi = li.parentNode,
  10136. list = me.document.createElement(parentLi.tagName),
  10137. index = utils.indexOf(listStyle[list.tagName], getStyle(parentLi)||domUtils.getComputedStyle(parentLi, 'list-style-type'));
  10138. index = index + 1 == listStyle[list.tagName].length ? 0 : index + 1;
  10139. var currentStyle = listStyle[list.tagName][index];
  10140. setListStyle(list,currentStyle);
  10141. if(domUtils.isStartInblock(range)){
  10142. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10143. bk = range.createBookmark();
  10144. parentLi.insertBefore(list, li);
  10145. list.appendChild(li);
  10146. adjustList(list,list.tagName.toLowerCase(),currentStyle);
  10147. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  10148. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select(true);
  10149. return true;
  10150. }
  10151. }else{
  10152. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10153. bk = range.createBookmark();
  10154. for(var i= 0,closeList,parents = domUtils.findParents(li),ci;ci=parents[i++];){
  10155. if(domUtils.isTagNode(ci,'ol ul')){
  10156. closeList = ci;
  10157. break;
  10158. }
  10159. }
  10160. var current = li;
  10161. if(bk.end){
  10162. while(current && !(domUtils.getPosition(current, bk.end) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING)){
  10163. if(checkLevel(current)){
  10164. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current,false,null,function(node){return node !== closeList});
  10165. continue;
  10166. }
  10167. var parentLi = current.parentNode,
  10168. list = me.document.createElement(parentLi.tagName),
  10169. index = utils.indexOf(listStyle[list.tagName], getStyle(parentLi)||domUtils.getComputedStyle(parentLi, 'list-style-type'));
  10170. var currentIndex = index + 1 == listStyle[list.tagName].length ? 0 : index + 1;
  10171. var currentStyle = listStyle[list.tagName][currentIndex];
  10172. setListStyle(list,currentStyle);
  10173. parentLi.insertBefore(list, current);
  10174. while(current && !(domUtils.getPosition(current, bk.end) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING)){
  10175. li = current.nextSibling;
  10176. list.appendChild(current);
  10177. if(!li || domUtils.isTagNode(li,'ol ul')){
  10178. if(li){
  10179. while(li = li.firstChild){
  10180. if(li.tagName == 'LI'){
  10181. break;
  10182. }
  10183. }
  10184. }else{
  10185. li = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current,false,null,function(node){return node !== closeList});
  10186. }
  10187. break;
  10188. }
  10189. current = li;
  10190. }
  10191. adjustList(list,list.tagName.toLowerCase(),currentStyle);
  10192. current = li;
  10193. }
  10194. }
  10195. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  10196. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  10197. return true;
  10198. }
  10199. }
  10200. });
  10201. function getLi(start){
  10202. while(start && !domUtils.isBody(start)){
  10203. if(start.nodeName == 'TABLE'){
  10204. return null;
  10205. }
  10206. if(start.nodeName == 'LI'){
  10207. return start
  10208. }
  10209. start = start.parentNode;
  10210. }
  10211. }
  10212. me.commands['insertorderedlist'] =
  10213. me.commands['insertunorderedlist'] = {
  10214. execCommand:function (command, style) {
  10215. if (!style) {
  10216. style = command.toLowerCase() == 'insertorderedlist' ? 'decimal' : 'disc';
  10217. }
  10218. var me = this,
  10219. range = this.selection.getRange(),
  10220. filterFn = function (node) {
  10221. return node.nodeType == 1 ? node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br' : !domUtils.isWhitespace(node);
  10222. },
  10223. tag = command.toLowerCase() == 'insertorderedlist' ? 'ol' : 'ul',
  10224. frag = me.document.createDocumentFragment();
  10225. //去掉是因为会出现选到末尾,导致adjustmentBoundary缩到ol/ul的位置
  10226. //range.shrinkBoundary();//.adjustmentBoundary();
  10227. range.adjustmentBoundary().shrinkBoundary();
  10228. var bko = range.createBookmark(true),
  10229. start = getLi(me.document.getElementById(bko.start)),
  10230. modifyStart = 0,
  10231. end = getLi(me.document.getElementById(bko.end)),
  10232. modifyEnd = 0,
  10233. startParent, endParent,
  10234. list, tmp;
  10235. if (start || end) {
  10236. start && (startParent = start.parentNode);
  10237. if (!bko.end) {
  10238. end = start;
  10239. }
  10240. end && (endParent = end.parentNode);
  10241. if (startParent === endParent) {
  10242. while (start !== end) {
  10243. tmp = start;
  10244. start = start.nextSibling;
  10245. if (!domUtils.isBlockElm(tmp.firstChild)) {
  10246. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  10247. while (tmp.firstChild) {
  10248. p.appendChild(tmp.firstChild);
  10249. }
  10250. tmp.appendChild(p);
  10251. }
  10252. frag.appendChild(tmp);
  10253. }
  10254. tmp = me.document.createElement('span');
  10255. startParent.insertBefore(tmp, end);
  10256. if (!domUtils.isBlockElm(end.firstChild)) {
  10257. p = me.document.createElement('p');
  10258. while (end.firstChild) {
  10259. p.appendChild(end.firstChild);
  10260. }
  10261. end.appendChild(p);
  10262. }
  10263. frag.appendChild(end);
  10264. domUtils.breakParent(tmp, startParent);
  10265. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(tmp.previousSibling)) {
  10266. domUtils.remove(tmp.previousSibling);
  10267. }
  10268. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(tmp.nextSibling)) {
  10269. domUtils.remove(tmp.nextSibling)
  10270. }
  10271. var nodeStyle = getStyle(startParent) || domUtils.getComputedStyle(startParent, 'list-style-type') || (command.toLowerCase() == 'insertorderedlist' ? 'decimal' : 'disc');
  10272. if (startParent.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag && nodeStyle == style) {
  10273. for (var i = 0, ci, tmpFrag = me.document.createDocumentFragment(); ci = frag.childNodes[i++];) {
  10274. if(domUtils.isTagNode(ci,'ol ul')){
  10275. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(ci,'li'),function(li){
  10276. while(li.firstChild){
  10277. tmpFrag.appendChild(li.firstChild);
  10278. }
  10279. });
  10280. }else{
  10281. while (ci.firstChild) {
  10282. tmpFrag.appendChild(ci.firstChild);
  10283. }
  10284. }
  10285. }
  10286. tmp.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpFrag, tmp);
  10287. } else {
  10288. list = me.document.createElement(tag);
  10289. setListStyle(list,style);
  10290. list.appendChild(frag);
  10291. tmp.parentNode.insertBefore(list, tmp);
  10292. }
  10293. domUtils.remove(tmp);
  10294. list && adjustList(list, tag, style);
  10295. range.moveToBookmark(bko).select();
  10296. return;
  10297. }
  10298. //开始
  10299. if (start) {
  10300. while (start) {
  10301. tmp = start.nextSibling;
  10302. if (domUtils.isTagNode(start, 'ol ul')) {
  10303. frag.appendChild(start);
  10304. } else {
  10305. var tmpfrag = me.document.createDocumentFragment(),
  10306. hasBlock = 0;
  10307. while (start.firstChild) {
  10308. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(start.firstChild)) {
  10309. hasBlock = 1;
  10310. }
  10311. tmpfrag.appendChild(start.firstChild);
  10312. }
  10313. if (!hasBlock) {
  10314. var tmpP = me.document.createElement('p');
  10315. tmpP.appendChild(tmpfrag);
  10316. frag.appendChild(tmpP);
  10317. } else {
  10318. frag.appendChild(tmpfrag);
  10319. }
  10320. domUtils.remove(start);
  10321. }
  10322. start = tmp;
  10323. }
  10324. startParent.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, startParent.nextSibling);
  10325. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(startParent)) {
  10326. range.setStartBefore(startParent);
  10327. domUtils.remove(startParent);
  10328. } else {
  10329. range.setStartAfter(startParent);
  10330. }
  10331. modifyStart = 1;
  10332. }
  10333. if (end && domUtils.inDoc(endParent, me.document)) {
  10334. //结束
  10335. start = endParent.firstChild;
  10336. while (start && start !== end) {
  10337. tmp = start.nextSibling;
  10338. if (domUtils.isTagNode(start, 'ol ul')) {
  10339. frag.appendChild(start);
  10340. } else {
  10341. tmpfrag = me.document.createDocumentFragment();
  10342. hasBlock = 0;
  10343. while (start.firstChild) {
  10344. if (domUtils.isBlockElm(start.firstChild)) {
  10345. hasBlock = 1;
  10346. }
  10347. tmpfrag.appendChild(start.firstChild);
  10348. }
  10349. if (!hasBlock) {
  10350. tmpP = me.document.createElement('p');
  10351. tmpP.appendChild(tmpfrag);
  10352. frag.appendChild(tmpP);
  10353. } else {
  10354. frag.appendChild(tmpfrag);
  10355. }
  10356. domUtils.remove(start);
  10357. }
  10358. start = tmp;
  10359. }
  10360. var tmpDiv = domUtils.createElement(me.document, 'div', {
  10361. 'tmpDiv':1
  10362. });
  10363. domUtils.moveChild(end, tmpDiv);
  10364. frag.appendChild(tmpDiv);
  10365. domUtils.remove(end);
  10366. endParent.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, endParent);
  10367. range.setEndBefore(endParent);
  10368. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(endParent)) {
  10369. domUtils.remove(endParent);
  10370. }
  10371. modifyEnd = 1;
  10372. }
  10373. }
  10374. if (!modifyStart) {
  10375. range.setStartBefore(me.document.getElementById(bko.start));
  10376. }
  10377. if (bko.end && !modifyEnd) {
  10378. range.setEndAfter(me.document.getElementById(bko.end));
  10379. }
  10380. range.enlarge(true, function (node) {
  10381. return notExchange[node.tagName];
  10382. });
  10383. frag = me.document.createDocumentFragment();
  10384. var bk = range.createBookmark(),
  10385. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bk.start, false, filterFn),
  10386. tmpRange = range.cloneRange(),
  10387. tmpNode,
  10388. block = domUtils.isBlockElm;
  10389. while (current && current !== bk.end && (domUtils.getPosition(current, bk.end) & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING)) {
  10390. if (current.nodeType == 3 ||[current.tagName]) {
  10391. if (current.nodeType == 1 && dtd.$list[current.tagName]) {
  10392. while (current.firstChild) {
  10393. frag.appendChild(current.firstChild);
  10394. }
  10395. tmpNode = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, false, filterFn);
  10396. domUtils.remove(current);
  10397. current = tmpNode;
  10398. continue;
  10399. }
  10400. tmpNode = current;
  10401. tmpRange.setStartBefore(current);
  10402. while (current && current !== bk.end && (!block(current) || domUtils.isBookmarkNode(current) )) {
  10403. tmpNode = current;
  10404. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, false, null, function (node) {
  10405. return !notExchange[node.tagName];
  10406. });
  10407. }
  10408. if (current && block(current)) {
  10409. tmp = domUtils.getNextDomNode(tmpNode, false, filterFn);
  10410. if (tmp && domUtils.isBookmarkNode(tmp)) {
  10411. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(tmp, false, filterFn);
  10412. tmpNode = tmp;
  10413. }
  10414. }
  10415. tmpRange.setEndAfter(tmpNode);
  10416. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(tmpNode, false, filterFn);
  10417. var li = range.document.createElement('li');
  10418. li.appendChild(tmpRange.extractContents());
  10419. if(domUtils.isEmptyNode(li)){
  10420. var tmpNode = range.document.createElement('p');
  10421. while(li.firstChild){
  10422. tmpNode.appendChild(li.firstChild)
  10423. }
  10424. li.appendChild(tmpNode);
  10425. }
  10426. frag.appendChild(li);
  10427. } else {
  10428. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, true, filterFn);
  10429. }
  10430. }
  10431. range.moveToBookmark(bk).collapse(true);
  10432. list = me.document.createElement(tag);
  10433. setListStyle(list,style);
  10434. list.appendChild(frag);
  10435. range.insertNode(list);
  10436. //当前list上下看能否合并
  10437. adjustList(list, tag, style);
  10438. //去掉冗余的tmpDiv
  10439. for (var i = 0, ci, tmpDivs = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(list, 'div'); ci = tmpDivs[i++];) {
  10440. if (ci.getAttribute('tmpDiv')) {
  10441. domUtils.remove(ci, true)
  10442. }
  10443. }
  10444. range.moveToBookmark(bko).select();
  10445. },
  10446. queryCommandState:function (command) {
  10447. var tag = command.toLowerCase() == 'insertorderedlist' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
  10448. var path = this.selection.getStartElementPath();
  10449. for(var i= 0,ci;ci = path[i++];){
  10450. if(ci.nodeName == 'TABLE'){
  10451. return 0
  10452. }
  10453. if(tag == ci.nodeName.toLowerCase()){
  10454. return 1
  10455. };
  10456. }
  10457. return 0;
  10458. },
  10459. queryCommandValue:function (command) {
  10460. var tag = command.toLowerCase() == 'insertorderedlist' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
  10461. var path = this.selection.getStartElementPath(),
  10462. node;
  10463. for(var i= 0,ci;ci = path[i++];){
  10464. if(ci.nodeName == 'TABLE'){
  10465. node = null;
  10466. break;
  10467. }
  10468. if(tag == ci.nodeName.toLowerCase()){
  10469. node = ci;
  10470. break;
  10471. };
  10472. }
  10473. return node ? getStyle(node) || domUtils.getComputedStyle(node, 'list-style-type') : null;
  10474. }
  10475. };
  10476. };
  10477. ///import core
  10478. ///import plugins/serialize.js
  10479. ///import plugins/undo.js
  10480. ///commands 查看源码
  10481. ///commandsName Source
  10482. ///commandsTitle 查看源码
  10483. (function (){
  10484. var sourceEditors = {
  10485. textarea: function (editor, holder){
  10486. var textarea = holder.ownerDocument.createElement('textarea');
  10487. = 'position:absolute;resize:none;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;padding:0;margin:0;overflow-y:auto;';
  10488. // todo: IE下只有onresize属性可用... 很纠结
  10489. if ( && browser.version < 8) {
  10490. = holder.offsetWidth + 'px';
  10491. = holder.offsetHeight + 'px';
  10492. holder.onresize = function (){
  10493. = holder.offsetWidth + 'px';
  10494. = holder.offsetHeight + 'px';
  10495. };
  10496. }
  10497. holder.appendChild(textarea);
  10498. return {
  10499. setContent: function (content){
  10500. textarea.value = content;
  10501. },
  10502. getContent: function (){
  10503. return textarea.value;
  10504. },
  10505. select: function (){
  10506. var range;
  10507. if ( {
  10508. range = textarea.createTextRange();
  10509. range.collapse(true);
  10511. } else {
  10512. //todo: chrome下无法设置焦点
  10513. textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
  10514. textarea.focus();
  10515. }
  10516. },
  10517. dispose: function (){
  10518. holder.removeChild(textarea);
  10519. // todo
  10520. holder.onresize = null;
  10521. textarea = null;
  10522. holder = null;
  10523. }
  10524. };
  10525. },
  10526. codemirror: function (editor, holder){
  10527. var codeEditor = window.CodeMirror(holder, {
  10528. mode: "text/html",
  10529. tabMode: "indent",
  10530. lineNumbers: true,
  10531. lineWrapping:true
  10532. });
  10533. var dom = codeEditor.getWrapperElement();
  10534. = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;font-family:consolas,"Courier new",monospace;font-size:13px;';
  10535. codeEditor.getScrollerElement().style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;';
  10536. codeEditor.refresh();
  10537. return {
  10538. getCodeMirror:function(){
  10539. return codeEditor;
  10540. },
  10541. setContent: function (content){
  10542. codeEditor.setValue(content);
  10543. },
  10544. getContent: function (){
  10545. return codeEditor.getValue();
  10546. },
  10547. select: function (){
  10548. codeEditor.focus();
  10549. },
  10550. dispose: function (){
  10551. holder.removeChild(dom);
  10552. dom = null;
  10553. codeEditor = null;
  10554. }
  10555. };
  10556. }
  10557. };
  10558. UE.plugins['source'] = function (){
  10559. var me = this;
  10560. var opt = this.options;
  10561. var sourceMode = false;
  10562. var sourceEditor;
  10563. opt.sourceEditor = ? 'textarea' : (opt.sourceEditor || 'codemirror');
  10564. me.setOpt({
  10565. sourceEditorFirst:false
  10566. });
  10567. function createSourceEditor(holder){
  10568. return sourceEditors[opt.sourceEditor == 'codemirror' && window.CodeMirror ? 'codemirror' : 'textarea'](me, holder);
  10569. }
  10570. var bakCssText;
  10571. //解决在源码模式下getContent不能得到最新的内容问题
  10572. var oldGetContent = me.getContent,
  10573. bakAddress;
  10574. me.commands['source'] = {
  10575. execCommand: function (){
  10576. sourceMode = !sourceMode;
  10577. if (sourceMode) {
  10578. bakAddress = me.selection.getRange().createAddress(false,true);
  10579. me.undoManger &&;
  10580. if(browser.gecko){
  10581. me.body.contentEditable = false;
  10582. }
  10583. bakCssText =;
  10584. += 'position:absolute;left:-32768px;top:-32768px;';
  10585. me.fireEvent('beforegetcontent');
  10586. var root = UE.htmlparser(me.body.innerHTML);
  10587. me.filterOutputRule(root);
  10588. root.traversal(function (node) {
  10589. if (node.type == 'element') {
  10590. switch (node.tagName) {
  10591. case 'td':
  10592. case 'th':
  10593. case 'caption':
  10594. if(node.children && node.children.length == 1){
  10595. if(node.firstChild().tagName == 'br' ){
  10596. node.removeChild(node.firstChild())
  10597. }
  10598. };
  10599. break;
  10600. case 'pre':
  10601. node.innerText(node.innerText().replace(/&nbsp;/g,' '))
  10602. }
  10603. }
  10604. });
  10605. me.fireEvent('aftergetcontent');
  10606. var content = root.toHtml(true);
  10607. sourceEditor = createSourceEditor(me.iframe.parentNode);
  10608. sourceEditor.setContent(content);
  10609. setTimeout(function (){
  10611. me.addListener('fullscreenchanged', function(){
  10612. try{
  10613. sourceEditor.getCodeMirror().refresh()
  10614. }catch(e){}
  10615. });
  10616. });
  10617. //重置getContent,源码模式下取值也能是最新的数据
  10618. me.getContent = function (){
  10619. return sourceEditor.getContent() || '<p>' + ( ? '' : '<br/>')+'</p>';
  10620. };
  10621. } else {
  10622. = bakCssText;
  10623. var cont = sourceEditor.getContent() || '<p>' + ( ? '' : '<br/>')+'</p>';
  10624. //处理掉block节点前后的空格,有可能会误命中,暂时不考虑
  10625. cont = cont.replace(new RegExp('[\\r\\t\\n ]*<\/?(\\w+)\\s*(?:[^>]*)>','g'), function(a,b){
  10626. if(b && !dtd.$inlineWithA[b.toLowerCase()]){
  10627. return a.replace(/(^[\n\r\t ]*)|([\n\r\t ]*$)/g,'');
  10628. }
  10629. return a.replace(/(^[\n\r\t]*)|([\n\r\t]*$)/g,'')
  10630. });
  10631. me.setContent(cont);
  10632. sourceEditor.dispose();
  10633. sourceEditor = null;
  10634. //还原getContent方法
  10635. me.getContent = oldGetContent;
  10636. var first = me.body.firstChild;
  10637. //trace:1106 都删除空了,下边会报错,所以补充一个p占位
  10638. if(!first){
  10639. me.body.innerHTML = '<p>'+('':'<br/>')+'</p>';
  10640. first = me.body.firstChild;
  10641. }
  10642. //要在ifm为显示时ff才能取到selection,否则报错
  10643. //这里不能比较位置了
  10644. me.undoManger &&;
  10645. if(browser.gecko){
  10646. var input = document.createElement('input');
  10647. = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:-32768px';
  10648. document.body.appendChild(input);
  10649. me.body.contentEditable = false;
  10650. setTimeout(function(){
  10651. domUtils.setViewportOffset(input, { left: -32768, top: 0 });
  10652. input.focus();
  10653. setTimeout(function(){
  10654. me.body.contentEditable = true;
  10655. me.selection.getRange().moveToAddress(bakAddress).select(true);
  10656. domUtils.remove(input);
  10657. });
  10658. });
  10659. }else{
  10660. //ie下有可能报错,比如在代码顶头的情况
  10661. try{
  10662. me.selection.getRange().moveToAddress(bakAddress).select(true);
  10663. }catch(e){}
  10664. }
  10665. }
  10666. this.fireEvent('sourcemodechanged', sourceMode);
  10667. },
  10668. queryCommandState: function (){
  10669. return sourceMode|0;
  10670. },
  10671. notNeedUndo : 1
  10672. };
  10673. var oldQueryCommandState = me.queryCommandState;
  10674. me.queryCommandState = function (cmdName){
  10675. cmdName = cmdName.toLowerCase();
  10676. if (sourceMode) {
  10677. //源码模式下可以开启的命令
  10678. return cmdName in {
  10679. 'source' : 1,
  10680. 'fullscreen' : 1
  10681. } ? 1 : -1
  10682. }
  10683. return oldQueryCommandState.apply(this, arguments);
  10684. };
  10685. if(opt.sourceEditor == "codemirror"){
  10686. me.addListener("ready",function(){
  10687. utils.loadFile(document,{
  10688. src : opt.codeMirrorJsUrl || opt.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + "third-party/codemirror/codemirror.js",
  10689. tag : "script",
  10690. type : "text/javascript",
  10691. defer : "defer"
  10692. },function(){
  10693. if(opt.sourceEditorFirst){
  10694. setTimeout(function(){
  10695. me.execCommand("source");
  10696. },0);
  10697. }
  10698. });
  10699. utils.loadFile(document,{
  10700. tag : "link",
  10701. rel : "stylesheet",
  10702. type : "text/css",
  10703. href : opt.codeMirrorCssUrl || opt.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + "third-party/codemirror/codemirror.css"
  10704. });
  10705. });
  10706. }
  10707. };
  10708. })();
  10709. ///import core
  10710. ///import plugins/undo.js
  10711. ///commands 设置回车标签p或br
  10712. ///commandsName EnterKey
  10713. ///commandsTitle 设置回车标签p或br
  10714. /**
  10715. * @description 处理回车
  10716. * @author zhanyi
  10717. */
  10718. UE.plugins['enterkey'] = function() {
  10719. var hTag,
  10720. me = this,
  10721. tag = me.options.enterTag;
  10722. me.addListener('keyup', function(type, evt) {
  10723. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  10724. if (keyCode == 13) {
  10725. var range = me.selection.getRange(),
  10726. start = range.startContainer,
  10727. doSave;
  10728. //修正在h1-h6里边回车后不能嵌套p的问题
  10729. if (! {
  10730. if (/h\d/i.test(hTag)) {
  10731. if (browser.gecko) {
  10732. var h = domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6','blockquote','caption','table'], true);
  10733. if (!h) {
  10734. me.document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<p>');
  10735. doSave = 1;
  10736. }
  10737. } else {
  10738. //chrome remove div
  10739. if (start.nodeType == 1) {
  10740. var tmp = me.document.createTextNode(''),div;
  10741. range.insertNode(tmp);
  10742. div = domUtils.findParentByTagName(tmp, 'div', true);
  10743. if (div) {
  10744. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  10745. while (div.firstChild) {
  10746. p.appendChild(div.firstChild);
  10747. }
  10748. div.parentNode.insertBefore(p, div);
  10749. domUtils.remove(div);
  10750. range.setStartBefore(tmp).setCursor();
  10751. doSave = 1;
  10752. }
  10753. domUtils.remove(tmp);
  10754. }
  10755. }
  10756. if (me.undoManger && doSave) {
  10758. }
  10759. }
  10760. //没有站位符,会出现多行的问题
  10761. browser.opera &&;
  10762. }else{
  10763. me.fireEvent('saveScene',true,true)
  10764. }
  10765. }
  10766. });
  10767. me.addListener('keydown', function(type, evt) {
  10768. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  10769. if (keyCode == 13) {//回车
  10770. if(me.fireEvent('beforeenterkeydown')){
  10771. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10772. return;
  10773. }
  10774. me.fireEvent('saveScene',true,true);
  10775. hTag = '';
  10776. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  10777. if (!range.collapsed) {
  10778. //跨td不能删
  10779. var start = range.startContainer,
  10780. end = range.endContainer,
  10781. startTd = domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, 'td', true),
  10782. endTd = domUtils.findParentByTagName(end, 'td', true);
  10783. if (startTd && endTd && startTd !== endTd || !startTd && endTd || startTd && !endTd) {
  10784. evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : ( evt.returnValue = false);
  10785. return;
  10786. }
  10787. }
  10788. if (tag == 'p') {
  10789. if (! {
  10790. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, ['ol','ul','p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6','blockquote','caption'], true);
  10791. //opera下执行formatblock会在table的场景下有问题,回车在opera原生支持很好,所以暂时在opera去掉调用这个原生的command
  10792. //trace:2431
  10793. if (!start && !browser.opera) {
  10794. me.document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, '<p>');
  10795. if (browser.gecko) {
  10796. range = me.selection.getRange();
  10797. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'p', true);
  10798. start && domUtils.removeDirtyAttr(start);
  10799. }
  10800. } else {
  10801. hTag = start.tagName;
  10802. start.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'p' && browser.gecko && domUtils.removeDirtyAttr(start);
  10803. }
  10804. }
  10805. } else {
  10806. evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : ( evt.returnValue = false);
  10807. if (!range.collapsed) {
  10808. range.deleteContents();
  10809. start = range.startContainer;
  10810. if (start.nodeType == 1 && (start = start.childNodes[range.startOffset])) {
  10811. while (start.nodeType == 1) {
  10812. if (dtd.$empty[start.tagName]) {
  10813. range.setStartBefore(start).setCursor();
  10814. if (me.undoManger) {
  10816. }
  10817. return false;
  10818. }
  10819. if (!start.firstChild) {
  10820. var br = range.document.createElement('br');
  10821. start.appendChild(br);
  10822. range.setStart(start, 0).setCursor();
  10823. if (me.undoManger) {
  10825. }
  10826. return false;
  10827. }
  10828. start = start.firstChild;
  10829. }
  10830. if (start === range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]) {
  10831. br = range.document.createElement('br');
  10832. range.insertNode(br).setCursor();
  10833. } else {
  10834. range.setStart(start, 0).setCursor();
  10835. }
  10836. } else {
  10837. br = range.document.createElement('br');
  10838. range.insertNode(br).setStartAfter(br).setCursor();
  10839. }
  10840. } else {
  10841. br = range.document.createElement('br');
  10842. range.insertNode(br);
  10843. var parent = br.parentNode;
  10844. if (parent.lastChild === br) {
  10845. br.parentNode.insertBefore(br.cloneNode(true), br);
  10846. range.setStartBefore(br);
  10847. } else {
  10848. range.setStartAfter(br);
  10849. }
  10850. range.setCursor();
  10851. }
  10852. }
  10853. }
  10854. });
  10855. };
  10856. /*
  10857. * 处理特殊键的兼容性问题
  10858. */
  10859. UE.plugins['keystrokes'] = function() {
  10860. var me = this;
  10861. var collapsed = true;
  10862. me.addListener('keydown', function(type, evt) {
  10863. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which,
  10864. rng = me.selection.getRange();
  10865. //处理全选的情况
  10866. if(!rng.collapsed && !(evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.altKey || evt.metaKey) && (keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <=90
  10867. || keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57 ||
  10868. keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 111 || {
  10869. 13:1,
  10870. 8:1,
  10871. 46:1
  10872. }[keyCode])
  10873. ){
  10874. var tmpNode = rng.startContainer;
  10875. if(domUtils.isFillChar(tmpNode)){
  10876. rng.setStartBefore(tmpNode)
  10877. }
  10878. tmpNode = rng.endContainer;
  10879. if(domUtils.isFillChar(tmpNode)){
  10880. rng.setEndAfter(tmpNode)
  10881. }
  10882. rng.txtToElmBoundary();
  10883. //结束边界可能放到了br的前边,要把br包含进来
  10884. // x[xxx]<br/>
  10885. if(rng.endContainer && rng.endContainer.nodeType == 1){
  10886. tmpNode = rng.endContainer.childNodes[rng.endOffset];
  10887. if(tmpNode && domUtils.isBr(tmpNode)){
  10888. rng.setEndAfter(tmpNode);
  10889. }
  10890. }
  10891. if(rng.startOffset == 0){
  10892. tmpNode = rng.startContainer;
  10893. if(domUtils.isBoundaryNode(tmpNode,'firstChild') ){
  10894. tmpNode = rng.endContainer;
  10895. if(rng.endOffset == (tmpNode.nodeType == 3 ? tmpNode.nodeValue.length : tmpNode.childNodes.length) && domUtils.isBoundaryNode(tmpNode,'lastChild')){
  10896. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10897. me.body.innerHTML = '<p>'+( ? '' : '<br/>')+'</p>';
  10898. rng.setStart(me.body.firstChild,0).setCursor(false,true);
  10899. me._selectionChange();
  10900. return;
  10901. }
  10902. }
  10903. }
  10904. }
  10905. //处理backspace
  10906. if (keyCode == 8) {
  10907. rng = me.selection.getRange();
  10908. collapsed = rng.collapsed;
  10909. if(me.fireEvent('delkeydown',evt)){
  10910. return;
  10911. }
  10912. var start,end;
  10913. //避免按两次删除才能生效的问题
  10914. if(rng.collapsed && rng.inFillChar()){
  10915. start = rng.startContainer;
  10916. if(domUtils.isFillChar(start)){
  10917. rng.setStartBefore(start).shrinkBoundary(true).collapse(true);
  10918. domUtils.remove(start)
  10919. }else{
  10920. start.nodeValue = start.nodeValue.replace(new RegExp('^' + domUtils.fillChar ),'');
  10921. rng.startOffset--;
  10922. rng.collapse(true).select(true)
  10923. }
  10924. }
  10925. //解决选中control元素不能删除的问题
  10926. if (start = rng.getClosedNode()) {
  10927. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10928. rng.setStartBefore(start);
  10929. domUtils.remove(start);
  10930. rng.setCursor();
  10931. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10932. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10933. return;
  10934. }
  10935. //阻止在table上的删除
  10936. if (! {
  10937. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table', true);
  10938. end = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.endContainer, 'table', true);
  10939. if (start && !end || !start && end || start !== end) {
  10940. evt.preventDefault();
  10941. return;
  10942. }
  10943. }
  10944. }
  10945. //处理tab键的逻辑
  10946. if (keyCode == 9) {
  10947. //不处理以下标签
  10948. var excludeTagNameForTabKey = {
  10949. 'ol' : 1,
  10950. 'ul' : 1,
  10951. 'table':1
  10952. };
  10953. //处理组件里的tab按下事件
  10954. if(me.fireEvent('tabkeydown',evt)){
  10955. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  10956. return;
  10957. }
  10958. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  10959. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  10960. for (var i = 0,txt = '',tabSize = me.options.tabSize|| 4,tabNode = me.options.tabNode || '&nbsp;'; i < tabSize; i++) {
  10961. txt += tabNode;
  10962. }
  10963. var span = me.document.createElement('span');
  10964. span.innerHTML = txt + domUtils.fillChar;
  10965. if (range.collapsed) {
  10966. range.insertNode(span.cloneNode(true).firstChild).setCursor(true);
  10967. } else {
  10968. //普通的情况
  10969. start = domUtils.findParent(range.startContainer, filterFn);
  10970. end = domUtils.findParent(range.endContainer, filterFn);
  10971. if (start && end && start === end) {
  10972. range.deleteContents();
  10973. range.insertNode(span.cloneNode(true).firstChild).setCursor(true);
  10974. } else {
  10975. var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
  10976. filterFn = function(node) {
  10977. return domUtils.isBlockElm(node) && !excludeTagNameForTabKey[node.tagName.toLowerCase()]
  10978. };
  10979. range.enlarge(true);
  10980. var bookmark2 = range.createBookmark(),
  10981. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(bookmark2.start, false, filterFn);
  10982. while (current && !(domUtils.getPosition(current, bookmark2.end) & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING)) {
  10983. current.insertBefore(span.cloneNode(true).firstChild, current.firstChild);
  10984. current = domUtils.getNextDomNode(current, false, filterFn);
  10985. }
  10986. range.moveToBookmark(bookmark2).moveToBookmark(bookmark).select();
  10987. }
  10988. }
  10989. domUtils.preventDefault(evt)
  10990. }
  10991. //trace:1634
  10992. //ff的del键在容器空的时候,也会删除
  10993. if(browser.gecko && keyCode == 46){
  10994. range = me.selection.getRange();
  10995. if(range.collapsed){
  10996. start = range.startContainer;
  10997. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(start)){
  10998. var parent = start.parentNode;
  10999. while(domUtils.getChildCount(parent) == 1 && !domUtils.isBody(parent)){
  11000. start = parent;
  11001. parent = parent.parentNode;
  11002. }
  11003. if(start === parent.lastChild)
  11004. evt.preventDefault();
  11005. return;
  11006. }
  11007. }
  11008. }
  11009. });
  11010. me.addListener('keyup', function(type, evt) {
  11011. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which,
  11012. rng,me = this;
  11013. if(keyCode == 8){
  11014. if(me.fireEvent('delkeyup')){
  11015. return;
  11016. }
  11017. rng = me.selection.getRange();
  11018. if(rng.collapsed){
  11019. var tmpNode,
  11020. autoClearTagName = ['h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6'];
  11021. if(tmpNode = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer,autoClearTagName,true)){
  11022. if(domUtils.isEmptyBlock(tmpNode)){
  11023. var pre = tmpNode.previousSibling;
  11024. if(pre && pre.nodeName != 'TABLE'){
  11025. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  11026. rng.setStartAtLast(pre).setCursor(false,true);
  11027. return;
  11028. }else{
  11029. var next = tmpNode.nextSibling;
  11030. if(next && next.nodeName != 'TABLE'){
  11031. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  11032. rng.setStartAtFirst(next).setCursor(false,true);
  11033. return;
  11034. }
  11035. }
  11036. }
  11037. }
  11038. //处理当删除到body时,要重新给p标签展位
  11039. if(domUtils.isBody(rng.startContainer)){
  11040. var tmpNode = domUtils.createElement(me.document,'p',{
  11041. 'innerHTML' : ? domUtils.fillChar : '<br/>'
  11042. });
  11043. rng.insertNode(tmpNode).setStart(tmpNode,0).setCursor(false,true);
  11044. }
  11045. }
  11046. //chrome下如果删除了inline标签,浏览器会有记忆,在输入文字还是会套上刚才删除的标签,所以这里再选一次就不会了
  11047. if( !collapsed && (rng.startContainer.nodeType == 3 || rng.startContainer.nodeType == 1 && domUtils.isEmptyBlock(rng.startContainer))){
  11048. if({
  11049. var span = rng.document.createElement('span');
  11050. rng.insertNode(span).setStartBefore(span).collapse(true);
  11052. domUtils.remove(span)
  11053. }else{
  11055. }
  11056. }
  11057. }
  11058. })
  11059. };
  11060. ///import core
  11061. ///commands 修复chrome下图片不能点击的问题
  11062. ///commandsName FixImgClick
  11063. ///commandsTitle 修复chrome下图片不能点击的问题
  11064. //修复chrome下图片不能点击的问题
  11065. //todo 可以改大小
  11066. UE.plugins['fiximgclick'] = function() {
  11067. var me = this;
  11068. if ( browser.webkit ) {
  11069. me.addListener( 'click', function( type, e ) {
  11070. if ( == 'IMG' ) {
  11071. var range = new dom.Range( me.document );
  11072. range.selectNode( ).select();
  11073. }
  11074. } );
  11075. }
  11076. };
  11077. ///import core
  11078. ///commands 为非ie浏览器自动添加a标签
  11079. ///commandsName AutoLink
  11080. ///commandsTitle 自动增加链接
  11081. /**
  11082. * @description 为非ie浏览器自动添加a标签
  11083. * @author zhanyi
  11084. */
  11085. UE.plugins['autolink'] = function() {
  11086. var cont = 0;
  11087. if ( {
  11088. return;
  11089. }
  11090. var me = this;
  11091. me.addListener('reset',function(){
  11092. cont = 0;
  11093. });
  11094. me.addListener('keydown', function(type, evt) {
  11095. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  11096. if (keyCode == 32 || keyCode == 13) {
  11097. var sel = me.selection.getNative(),
  11098. range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(),
  11099. offset,
  11100. charCode;
  11101. var start = range.startContainer;
  11102. while (start.nodeType == 1 && range.startOffset > 0) {
  11103. start = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset - 1];
  11104. if (!start){
  11105. break;
  11106. }
  11107. range.setStart(start, start.nodeType == 1 ? start.childNodes.length : start.nodeValue.length);
  11108. range.collapse(true);
  11109. start = range.startContainer;
  11110. }
  11111. do{
  11112. if (range.startOffset == 0) {
  11113. start = range.startContainer.previousSibling;
  11114. while (start && start.nodeType == 1) {
  11115. start = start.lastChild;
  11116. }
  11117. if (!start || domUtils.isFillChar(start)){
  11118. break;
  11119. }
  11120. offset = start.nodeValue.length;
  11121. } else {
  11122. start = range.startContainer;
  11123. offset = range.startOffset;
  11124. }
  11125. range.setStart(start, offset - 1);
  11126. charCode = range.toString().charCodeAt(0);
  11127. } while (charCode != 160 && charCode != 32);
  11128. if (range.toString().replace(new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g'), '').match(/(?:https?:\/\/|ssh:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|file:\/|www\.)/i)) {
  11129. while(range.toString().length){
  11130. if(/^(?:https?:\/\/|ssh:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|file:\/|www\.)/i.test(range.toString())){
  11131. break;
  11132. }
  11133. try{
  11134. range.setStart(range.startContainer,range.startOffset+1);
  11135. }catch(e){
  11136. //trace:2121
  11137. var start = range.startContainer;
  11138. while(!(next = start.nextSibling)){
  11139. if(domUtils.isBody(start)){
  11140. return;
  11141. }
  11142. start = start.parentNode;
  11143. }
  11144. range.setStart(next,0);
  11145. }
  11146. }
  11147. //range的开始边界已经在a标签里的不再处理
  11148. if(domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer,'a',true)){
  11149. return;
  11150. }
  11151. var a = me.document.createElement('a'),text = me.document.createTextNode(' '),href;
  11152. me.undoManger &&;
  11153. a.appendChild(range.extractContents());
  11154. a.href = a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,'');
  11155. href = a.getAttribute("href").replace(new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar,'g'),'');
  11156. href = /^(?:https?:\/\/)/ig.test(href) ? href : "http://"+ href;
  11157. a.setAttribute('_src',utils.html(href));
  11158. a.href = utils.html(href);
  11159. range.insertNode(a);
  11160. a.parentNode.insertBefore(text, a.nextSibling);
  11161. range.setStart(text, 0);
  11162. range.collapse(true);
  11163. sel.removeAllRanges();
  11164. sel.addRange(range);
  11165. me.undoManger &&;
  11166. }
  11167. }
  11168. });
  11169. };
  11170. ///import core
  11171. ///commands 当输入内容超过编辑器高度时,编辑器自动增高
  11172. ///commandsName AutoHeight,autoHeightEnabled
  11173. ///commandsTitle 自动增高
  11174. /**
  11175. * @description 自动伸展
  11176. * @author zhanyi
  11177. */
  11178. UE.plugins['autoheight'] = function () {
  11179. var me = this;
  11180. //提供开关,就算加载也可以关闭
  11181. me.autoHeightEnabled = me.options.autoHeightEnabled !== false;
  11182. if (!me.autoHeightEnabled) {
  11183. return;
  11184. }
  11185. var bakOverflow,
  11186. span, tmpNode,
  11187. lastHeight = 0,
  11188. options = me.options,
  11189. currentHeight,
  11190. timer;
  11191. function adjustHeight() {
  11192. var me = this;
  11193. clearTimeout(timer);
  11194. if(isFullscreen)return;
  11195. timer = setTimeout(function () {
  11196. if (!me.queryCommandState || me.queryCommandState && me.queryCommandState('source') != 1) {
  11197. if (!span) {
  11198. span = me.document.createElement('span');
  11199. //trace:1764
  11200. = 'display:block;width:0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;clear:both;';
  11201. span.innerHTML = '.';
  11202. }
  11203. tmpNode = span.cloneNode(true);
  11204. me.body.appendChild(tmpNode);
  11205. currentHeight = Math.max(domUtils.getXY(tmpNode).y + tmpNode.offsetHeight,Math.max(options.minFrameHeight, options.initialFrameHeight));
  11206. if (currentHeight != lastHeight) {
  11207. me.setHeight(currentHeight,true);
  11208. lastHeight = currentHeight;
  11209. }
  11210. domUtils.remove(tmpNode);
  11211. }
  11212. }, 50);
  11213. }
  11214. var isFullscreen;
  11215. me.addListener('fullscreenchanged',function(cmd,f){
  11216. isFullscreen = f
  11217. });
  11218. me.addListener('destroy', function () {
  11219. me.removeListener('contentchange afterinserthtml keyup mouseup',adjustHeight)
  11220. });
  11221. me.enableAutoHeight = function () {
  11222. var me = this;
  11223. if (!me.autoHeightEnabled) {
  11224. return;
  11225. }
  11226. var doc = me.document;
  11227. me.autoHeightEnabled = true;
  11228. bakOverflow =;
  11229. = 'hidden';
  11230. me.addListener('contentchange afterinserthtml keyup mouseup',adjustHeight);
  11231. //ff不给事件算得不对
  11232. setTimeout(function () {
  11234. }, browser.gecko ? 100 : 0);
  11235. me.fireEvent('autoheightchanged', me.autoHeightEnabled);
  11236. };
  11237. me.disableAutoHeight = function () {
  11238. = bakOverflow || '';
  11239. me.removeListener('contentchange', adjustHeight);
  11240. me.removeListener('keyup', adjustHeight);
  11241. me.removeListener('mouseup', adjustHeight);
  11242. me.autoHeightEnabled = false;
  11243. me.fireEvent('autoheightchanged', me.autoHeightEnabled);
  11244. };
  11245. me.addListener('ready', function () {
  11246. me.enableAutoHeight();
  11247. //trace:1764
  11248. var timer;
  11249. domUtils.on( ? me.body : me.document, browser.webkit ? 'dragover' : 'drop', function () {
  11250. clearTimeout(timer);
  11251. timer = setTimeout(function () {
  11253. }, 100);
  11254. });
  11255. });
  11256. };
  11257. ///import core
  11258. ///commands 悬浮工具栏
  11259. ///commandsName AutoFloat,autoFloatEnabled
  11260. ///commandsTitle 悬浮工具栏
  11261. /*
  11262. * modified by chengchao01
  11263. *
  11264. * 注意: 引入此功能后,在IE6下会将body的背景图片覆盖掉!
  11265. */
  11266. UE.plugins['autofloat'] = function() {
  11267. var me = this,
  11268. lang = me.getLang();
  11269. me.setOpt({
  11270. topOffset:0
  11271. });
  11272. var optsAutoFloatEnabled = me.options.autoFloatEnabled !== false,
  11273. topOffset = me.options.topOffset;
  11274. //如果不固定toolbar的位置,则直接退出
  11275. if(!optsAutoFloatEnabled){
  11276. return;
  11277. }
  11278. var uiUtils = UE.ui.uiUtils,
  11279. LteIE6 = && browser.version <= 6,
  11280. quirks = browser.quirks;
  11281. function checkHasUI(){
  11282. if(!UE.ui){
  11283. alert(lang.autofloatMsg);
  11284. return 0;
  11285. }
  11286. return 1;
  11287. }
  11288. function fixIE6FixedPos(){
  11289. var docStyle =;
  11290. docStyle.backgroundImage = 'url("about:blank")';
  11291. docStyle.backgroundAttachment = 'fixed';
  11292. }
  11293. var bakCssText,
  11294. placeHolder = document.createElement('div'),
  11295. toolbarBox,orgTop,
  11296. getPosition,
  11297. flag =true; //ie7模式下需要偏移
  11298. function setFloating(){
  11299. var toobarBoxPos = domUtils.getXY(toolbarBox),
  11300. origalFloat = domUtils.getComputedStyle(toolbarBox,'position'),
  11301. origalLeft = domUtils.getComputedStyle(toolbarBox,'left');
  11302. = toolbarBox.offsetWidth + 'px';
  11303. = me.options.zIndex * 1 + 1;
  11304. toolbarBox.parentNode.insertBefore(placeHolder, toolbarBox);
  11305. if (LteIE6 || (quirks && {
  11306. if( != 'absolute'){
  11307. = 'absolute';
  11308. }
  11309. = (document.body.scrollTop||document.documentElement.scrollTop) - orgTop + topOffset + 'px';
  11310. } else {
  11311. if (browser.ie7Compat && flag) {
  11312. flag = false;
  11313. = domUtils.getXY(toolbarBox).x - document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().left+2 + 'px';
  11314. }
  11315. if( != 'fixed'){
  11316. = 'fixed';
  11317. = topOffset +"px";
  11318. ((origalFloat == 'absolute' || origalFloat == 'relative') && parseFloat(origalLeft)) && ( = toobarBoxPos.x + 'px');
  11319. }
  11320. }
  11321. }
  11322. function unsetFloating(){
  11323. flag = true;
  11324. if(placeHolder.parentNode){
  11325. placeHolder.parentNode.removeChild(placeHolder);
  11326. }
  11327. = bakCssText;
  11328. }
  11329. function updateFloating(){
  11330. var rect3 = getPosition(me.container);
  11331. var offset=me.options.toolbarTopOffset||0;
  11332. if ( < 0 && rect3.bottom - toolbarBox.offsetHeight > offset) {
  11333. setFloating();
  11334. }else{
  11335. unsetFloating();
  11336. }
  11337. }
  11338. var defer_updateFloating = utils.defer(function(){
  11339. updateFloating();
  11340. }, ? 200 : 100,true);
  11341. me.addListener('destroy',function(){
  11342. domUtils.un(window, ['scroll','resize'], updateFloating);
  11343. me.removeListener('keydown', defer_updateFloating);
  11344. });
  11345. me.addListener('ready', function(){
  11346. if(checkHasUI(me)){
  11347. getPosition = uiUtils.getClientRect;
  11348. toolbarBox = me.ui.getDom('toolbarbox');
  11349. orgTop = getPosition(toolbarBox).top;
  11350. bakCssText =;
  11351. = toolbarBox.offsetHeight + 'px';
  11352. if(LteIE6){
  11353. fixIE6FixedPos();
  11354. }
  11355. domUtils.on(window, ['scroll','resize'], updateFloating);
  11356. me.addListener('keydown', defer_updateFloating);
  11357. me.addListener('beforefullscreenchange', function (t, enabled){
  11358. if (enabled) {
  11359. unsetFloating();
  11360. }
  11361. });
  11362. me.addListener('fullscreenchanged', function (t, enabled){
  11363. if (!enabled) {
  11364. updateFloating();
  11365. }
  11366. });
  11367. me.addListener('sourcemodechanged', function (t, enabled){
  11368. setTimeout(function (){
  11369. updateFloating();
  11370. },0);
  11371. });
  11372. me.addListener("clearDoc",function(){
  11373. setTimeout(function(){
  11374. updateFloating();
  11375. },0);
  11376. })
  11377. }
  11378. });
  11379. };
  11380. /**
  11381. * @description 纯文本粘贴
  11382. * @name puretxtpaste
  11383. * @author zhanyi
  11384. */
  11385. UE.plugins['pasteplain'] = function(){
  11386. var me = this;
  11387. me.setOpt({
  11388. 'pasteplain':false,
  11389. 'filterTxtRules' : function(){
  11390. function transP(node){
  11391. node.tagName = 'p';
  11392. node.setStyle();
  11393. }
  11394. function removeNode(node){
  11395. node.parentNode.removeChild(node,true)
  11396. }
  11397. return {
  11398. //直接删除及其字节点内容
  11399. '-' : 'script style object iframe embed input select',
  11400. 'p': {$:{}},
  11401. 'br':{$:{}},
  11402. div: function (node) {
  11403. var tmpNode, p = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  11404. while (tmpNode = node.firstChild()) {
  11405. if (tmpNode.type == 'text' || !UE.dom.dtd.$block[tmpNode.tagName]) {
  11406. p.appendChild(tmpNode);
  11407. } else {
  11408. if (p.firstChild()) {
  11409. node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node);
  11410. p = UE.uNode.createElement('p');
  11411. } else {
  11412. node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
  11413. }
  11414. }
  11415. }
  11416. if (p.firstChild()) {
  11417. node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node);
  11418. }
  11419. node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
  11420. },
  11421. ol: removeNode,
  11422. ul: removeNode,
  11423. dl:removeNode,
  11424. dt:removeNode,
  11425. dd:removeNode,
  11426. 'li':removeNode,
  11427. 'caption':transP,
  11428. 'th':transP,
  11429. 'tr':transP,
  11430. 'h1':transP,'h2':transP,'h3':transP,'h4':transP,'h5':transP,'h6':transP,
  11431. 'td':function(node){
  11432. //没有内容的td直接删掉
  11433. var txt = !!node.innerText();
  11434. if(txt){
  11435. node.parentNode.insertAfter(UE.uNode.createText(' &nbsp; &nbsp;'),node);
  11436. }
  11437. node.parentNode.removeChild(node,node.innerText())
  11438. }
  11439. }
  11440. }()
  11441. });
  11442. //暂时这里支持一下老版本的属性
  11443. var pasteplain = me.options.pasteplain;
  11444. me.commands['pasteplain'] = {
  11445. queryCommandState: function (){
  11446. return pasteplain ? 1 : 0;
  11447. },
  11448. execCommand: function (){
  11449. pasteplain = !pasteplain|0;
  11450. },
  11451. notNeedUndo : 1
  11452. };
  11453. };
  11454. ///import core
  11455. ///import plugins/inserthtml.js
  11456. ///commands 视频
  11457. ///commandsName InsertVideo
  11458. ///commandsTitle 插入视频
  11459. ///commandsDialog dialogs\video
  11460. UE.plugins['video'] = function (){
  11461. var me =this,
  11462. div;
  11463. /**
  11464. * 创建插入视频字符窜
  11465. * @param url 视频地址
  11466. * @param width 视频宽度
  11467. * @param height 视频高度
  11468. * @param align 视频对齐
  11469. * @param toEmbed 是否以flash代替显示
  11470. * @param addParagraph 是否需要添加P 标签
  11471. */
  11472. function creatInsertStr(url,width,height,id,align,toEmbed){
  11473. return !toEmbed ?
  11474. '<img ' + (id ? 'id="' + id+'"' : '') + ' width="'+ width +'" height="' + height + '" _url="'+url+'" class="edui-faked-video"' +
  11475. ' src="' + me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL+'themes/default/images/spacer.gif" style="background:url('+me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL+'themes/default/images/videologo.gif) no-repeat center center; border:1px solid gray;'+(align ? 'float:' + align + ';': '')+'" />'
  11476. :
  11477. '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" class="edui-faked-video" pluginspage=""' +
  11478. ' src="' + url + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"' + (align ? ' style="float:' + align + '"': '') +
  11479. ' wmode="transparent" play="true" loop="false" menu="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allowfullscreen="true" >';
  11480. }
  11481. function switchImgAndEmbed(root,img2embed){
  11482. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName(img2embed ? 'img' : 'embed'),function(node){
  11483. if(node.getAttr('class') == 'edui-faked-video'){
  11484. var html = creatInsertStr( img2embed ? node.getAttr('_url') : node.getAttr('src'),node.getAttr('width'),node.getAttr('height'),null,node.getStyle('float') || '',img2embed);
  11485. node.parentNode.replaceChild(UE.uNode.createElement(html),node)
  11486. }
  11487. })
  11488. }
  11489. me.addOutputRule(function(root){
  11490. switchImgAndEmbed(root,true)
  11491. });
  11492. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  11493. switchImgAndEmbed(root)
  11494. });
  11495. me.commands["insertvideo"] = {
  11496. execCommand: function (cmd, videoObjs){
  11497. videoObjs = utils.isArray(videoObjs)?videoObjs:[videoObjs];
  11498. var html = [],id = 'tmpVedio';
  11499. for(var i=0,vi,len = videoObjs.length;i<len;i++){
  11500. vi = videoObjs[i];
  11501. html.push(creatInsertStr( vi.url, vi.width || 420, vi.height || 280, id + i,null,false));
  11502. }
  11503. me.execCommand("inserthtml",html.join(""),true);
  11504. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  11505. for(var i= 0,len=videoObjs.length;i<len;i++){
  11506. var img = this.document.getElementById('tmpVedio'+i);
  11507. domUtils.removeAttributes(img,'id');
  11508. rng.selectNode(img).select();
  11509. me.execCommand('imagefloat',videoObjs[i].align)
  11510. }
  11511. },
  11512. queryCommandState : function(){
  11513. var img = me.selection.getRange().getClosedNode(),
  11514. flag = img && (img.className == "edui-faked-video");
  11515. return flag ? 1 : 0;
  11516. }
  11517. };
  11518. };
  11519. /**
  11520. * Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
  11521. * User: taoqili
  11522. * Date: 13-1-18
  11523. * Time: 上午11:09
  11524. * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
  11525. */
  11526. /**
  11527. * UE表格操作类
  11528. * @param table
  11529. * @constructor
  11530. */
  11531. (function () {
  11532. var UETable = UE.UETable = function (table) {
  11533. this.table = table;
  11534. this.indexTable = [];
  11535. this.selectedTds = [];
  11536. this.cellsRange = {};
  11537. this.update(table);
  11538. };
  11539. //===以下为静态工具方法===
  11540. UETable.removeSelectedClass = function (cells) {
  11541. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  11542. domUtils.removeClasses(cell, "selectTdClass");
  11543. })
  11544. };
  11545. UETable.addSelectedClass = function (cells) {
  11546. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  11547. domUtils.addClass(cell, "selectTdClass");
  11548. })
  11549. };
  11550. UETable.isEmptyBlock = function (node) {
  11551. var reg = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g');
  11552. if (node[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'].replace(/^\s*$/, '').replace(reg, '').length > 0) {
  11553. return 0;
  11554. }
  11555. for (var i in dtd.$isNotEmpty) if (dtd.$isNotEmpty.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  11556. if (node.getElementsByTagName(i).length) {
  11557. return 0;
  11558. }
  11559. }
  11560. return 1;
  11561. };
  11562. UETable.getWidth = function (cell) {
  11563. if (!cell)return 0;
  11564. return parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(cell, "width"), 10);
  11565. };
  11566. /**
  11567. * 获取单元格或者单元格组的“对齐”状态。 如果当前的检测对象是一个单元格组, 只有在满足所有单元格的 水平和竖直 对齐属性都相同的
  11568. * 条件时才会返回其状态值,否则将返回null; 如果当前只检测了一个单元格, 则直接返回当前单元格的对齐状态;
  11569. * @param table cell or table cells , 支持单个单元格dom对象 或者 单元格dom对象数组
  11570. * @return { align: 'left' || 'right' || 'center', valign: 'top' || 'middle' || 'bottom' } 或者 null
  11571. */
  11572. UETable.getTableCellAlignState = function ( cells ) {
  11573. !utils.isArray( cells ) && ( cells = [cells] );
  11574. var result = {},
  11575. status = ['align', 'valign'],
  11576. tempStatus = null,
  11577. isSame = true;//状态是否相同
  11578. utils.each( cells, function( cellNode ){
  11579. utils.each( status, function( currentState ){
  11580. tempStatus = cellNode.getAttribute( currentState );
  11581. if( !result[ currentState ] && tempStatus ) {
  11582. result[ currentState ] = tempStatus;
  11583. } else if( !result[ currentState ] || ( tempStatus !== result[ currentState ] ) ) {
  11584. isSame = false;
  11585. return false;
  11586. }
  11587. } );
  11588. return isSame;
  11589. });
  11590. return isSame ? result : null;
  11591. };
  11592. /**
  11593. * 根据当前选区获取相关的table信息
  11594. * @return {Object}
  11595. */
  11596. UETable.getTableItemsByRange = function (editor) {
  11597. var start = editor.selection.getStart();
  11598. //ff下会选中bookmark
  11599. if( start && &&'_baidu_bookmark_start_') === 0 ) {
  11600. start = start.nextSibling;
  11601. }
  11602. //在table或者td边缘有可能存在选中tr的情况
  11603. var cell = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["td", "th"], true),
  11604. tr = cell && cell.parentNode,
  11605. caption = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, 'caption', true),
  11606. table = caption ? caption.parentNode : tr && tr.parentNode.parentNode;
  11607. return {
  11608. cell:cell,
  11609. tr:tr,
  11610. table:table,
  11611. caption:caption
  11612. }
  11613. };
  11614. UETable.getUETableBySelected = function (editor) {
  11615. var table = UETable.getTableItemsByRange(editor).table;
  11616. if (table && table.ueTable && table.ueTable.selectedTds.length) {
  11617. return table.ueTable;
  11618. }
  11619. return null;
  11620. };
  11621. UETable.getDefaultValue = function (editor, table) {
  11622. var borderMap = {
  11623. thin:'0px',
  11624. medium:'1px',
  11625. thick:'2px'
  11626. },
  11627. tableBorder, tdPadding, tdBorder, tmpValue;
  11628. if (!table) {
  11629. table = editor.document.createElement('table');
  11630. table.insertRow(0).insertCell(0).innerHTML = 'xxx';
  11631. editor.body.appendChild(table);
  11632. var td = table.getElementsByTagName('td')[0];
  11633. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(table, 'border-left-width');
  11634. tableBorder = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11635. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(td, 'padding-left');
  11636. tdPadding = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11637. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(td, 'border-left-width');
  11638. tdBorder = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11639. domUtils.remove(table);
  11640. return {
  11641. tableBorder:tableBorder,
  11642. tdPadding:tdPadding,
  11643. tdBorder:tdBorder
  11644. };
  11645. } else {
  11646. td = table.getElementsByTagName('td')[0];
  11647. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(table, 'border-left-width');
  11648. tableBorder = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11649. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(td, 'padding-left');
  11650. tdPadding = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11651. tmpValue = domUtils.getComputedStyle(td, 'border-left-width');
  11652. tdBorder = parseInt(borderMap[tmpValue] || tmpValue, 10);
  11653. return {
  11654. tableBorder:tableBorder,
  11655. tdPadding:tdPadding,
  11656. tdBorder:tdBorder
  11657. };
  11658. }
  11659. };
  11660. /**
  11661. * 根据当前点击的td或者table获取索引对象
  11662. * @param tdOrTable
  11663. */
  11664. UETable.getUETable = function (tdOrTable) {
  11665. var tag = tdOrTable.tagName.toLowerCase();
  11666. tdOrTable = (tag == "td" || tag == "th" || tag == 'caption') ? domUtils.findParentByTagName(tdOrTable, "table", true) : tdOrTable;
  11667. if (!tdOrTable.ueTable) {
  11668. tdOrTable.ueTable = new UETable(tdOrTable);
  11669. }
  11670. return tdOrTable.ueTable;
  11671. };
  11672. UETable.cloneCell = function(cell,ignoreMerge,keepPro){
  11673. if (!cell || utils.isString(cell)) {
  11674. return this.table.ownerDocument.createElement(cell || 'td');
  11675. }
  11676. var flag = domUtils.hasClass(cell, "selectTdClass");
  11677. flag && domUtils.removeClasses(cell, "selectTdClass");
  11678. var tmpCell = cell.cloneNode(true);
  11679. if (ignoreMerge) {
  11680. tmpCell.rowSpan = tmpCell.colSpan = 1;
  11681. }
  11682. //去掉宽高
  11683. !keepPro && domUtils.removeAttributes(tmpCell,'width height');
  11684. !keepPro && domUtils.removeAttributes(tmpCell,'style');
  11685. = "";
  11686. = "";
  11687. =;
  11688. =;
  11689. =;
  11690. =;
  11691. flag && domUtils.addClass(cell, "selectTdClass");
  11692. return tmpCell;
  11693. }
  11694. UETable.prototype = {
  11695. getMaxRows:function () {
  11696. var rows = this.table.rows, maxLen = 1;
  11697. for (var i = 0, row; row = rows[i]; i++) {
  11698. var currentMax = 1;
  11699. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = row.cells[j++];) {
  11700. currentMax = Math.max(cj.rowSpan || 1, currentMax);
  11701. }
  11702. maxLen = Math.max(currentMax + i, maxLen);
  11703. }
  11704. return maxLen;
  11705. },
  11706. /**
  11707. * 获取当前表格的最大列数
  11708. */
  11709. getMaxCols:function () {
  11710. var rows = this.table.rows, maxLen = 0, cellRows = {};
  11711. for (var i = 0, row; row = rows[i]; i++) {
  11712. var cellsNum = 0;
  11713. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = row.cells[j++];) {
  11714. cellsNum += (cj.colSpan || 1);
  11715. if (cj.rowSpan && cj.rowSpan > 1) {
  11716. for (var k = 1; k < cj.rowSpan; k++) {
  11717. if (!cellRows['row_' + (i + k)]) {
  11718. cellRows['row_' + (i + k)] = (cj.colSpan || 1);
  11719. } else {
  11720. cellRows['row_' + (i + k)]++
  11721. }
  11722. }
  11723. }
  11724. }
  11725. cellsNum += cellRows['row_' + i] || 0;
  11726. maxLen = Math.max(cellsNum, maxLen);
  11727. }
  11728. return maxLen;
  11729. },
  11730. getCellColIndex:function (cell) {
  11731. },
  11732. /**
  11733. * 获取当前cell旁边的单元格,
  11734. * @param cell
  11735. * @param right
  11736. */
  11737. getHSideCell:function (cell, right) {
  11738. try {
  11739. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  11740. previewRowIndex, previewColIndex;
  11741. var len = this.selectedTds.length,
  11742. range = this.cellsRange;
  11743. //首行或者首列没有前置单元格
  11744. if ((!right && (!len ? !cellInfo.colIndex : !range.beginColIndex)) || (right && (!len ? (cellInfo.colIndex == (this.colsNum - 1)) : (range.endColIndex == this.colsNum - 1)))) return null;
  11745. previewRowIndex = !len ? cellInfo.rowIndex : range.beginRowIndex;
  11746. previewColIndex = !right ? ( !len ? (cellInfo.colIndex < 1 ? 0 : (cellInfo.colIndex - 1)) : range.beginColIndex - 1)
  11747. : ( !len ? cellInfo.colIndex + 1 : range.endColIndex + 1);
  11748. return this.getCell(this.indexTable[previewRowIndex][previewColIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[previewRowIndex][previewColIndex].cellIndex);
  11749. } catch (e) {
  11750. showError(e);
  11751. }
  11752. },
  11753. getTabNextCell:function (cell, preRowIndex) {
  11754. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  11755. rowIndex = preRowIndex || cellInfo.rowIndex,
  11756. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex + 1 + (cellInfo.colSpan - 1),
  11757. nextCell;
  11758. try {
  11759. nextCell = this.getCell(this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex].cellIndex);
  11760. } catch (e) {
  11761. try {
  11762. rowIndex = rowIndex * 1 + 1;
  11763. colIndex = 0;
  11764. nextCell = this.getCell(this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex].cellIndex);
  11765. } catch (e) {
  11766. }
  11767. }
  11768. return nextCell;
  11769. },
  11770. /**
  11771. * 获取视觉上的后置单元格
  11772. * @param cell
  11773. * @param bottom
  11774. */
  11775. getVSideCell:function (cell, bottom, ignoreRange) {
  11776. try {
  11777. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  11778. nextRowIndex, nextColIndex;
  11779. var len = this.selectedTds.length && !ignoreRange,
  11780. range = this.cellsRange;
  11781. //末行或者末列没有后置单元格
  11782. if ((!bottom && (cellInfo.rowIndex == 0)) || (bottom && (!len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan > this.rowsNum - 1) : (range.endRowIndex == this.rowsNum - 1)))) return null;
  11783. nextRowIndex = !bottom ? ( !len ? cellInfo.rowIndex - 1 : range.beginRowIndex - 1)
  11784. : ( !len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan) : range.endRowIndex + 1);
  11785. nextColIndex = !len ? cellInfo.colIndex : range.beginColIndex;
  11786. return this.getCell(this.indexTable[nextRowIndex][nextColIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[nextRowIndex][nextColIndex].cellIndex);
  11787. } catch (e) {
  11788. showError(e);
  11789. }
  11790. },
  11791. /**
  11792. * 获取相同结束位置的单元格,xOrY指代了是获取x轴相同还是y轴相同
  11793. */
  11794. getSameEndPosCells:function (cell, xOrY) {
  11795. try {
  11796. var flag = (xOrY.toLowerCase() === "x"),
  11797. end = domUtils.getXY(cell)[flag ? 'x' : 'y'] + cell["offset" + (flag ? 'Width' : 'Height')],
  11798. rows = this.table.rows,
  11799. cells = null, returns = [];
  11800. for (var i = 0; i < this.rowsNum; i++) {
  11801. cells = rows[i].cells;
  11802. for (var j = 0, tmpCell; tmpCell = cells[j++];) {
  11803. var tmpEnd = domUtils.getXY(tmpCell)[flag ? 'x' : 'y'] + tmpCell["offset" + (flag ? 'Width' : 'Height')];
  11804. //对应行的td已经被上面行rowSpan了
  11805. if (tmpEnd > end && flag) break;
  11806. if (cell == tmpCell || end == tmpEnd) {
  11807. //只获取单一的单元格
  11808. //todo 仅获取单一单元格在特定情况下会造成returns为空,从而影响后续的拖拽实现,修正这个。需考虑性能
  11809. if (tmpCell[flag ? "colSpan" : "rowSpan"] == 1) {
  11810. returns.push(tmpCell);
  11811. }
  11812. if (flag) break;
  11813. }
  11814. }
  11815. }
  11816. return returns;
  11817. } catch (e) {
  11818. showError(e);
  11819. }
  11820. },
  11821. setCellContent:function (cell, content) {
  11822. cell.innerHTML = content || ( ? domUtils.fillChar : "<br />");
  11823. },
  11824. cloneCell:UETable.cloneCell,
  11825. /**
  11826. * 获取跟当前单元格的右边竖线为左边的所有未合并单元格
  11827. */
  11828. getSameStartPosXCells:function (cell) {
  11829. try {
  11830. var start = domUtils.getXY(cell).x + cell.offsetWidth,
  11831. rows = this.table.rows, cells , returns = [];
  11832. for (var i = 0; i < this.rowsNum; i++) {
  11833. cells = rows[i].cells;
  11834. for (var j = 0, tmpCell; tmpCell = cells[j++];) {
  11835. var tmpStart = domUtils.getXY(tmpCell).x;
  11836. if (tmpStart > start) break;
  11837. if (tmpStart == start && tmpCell.colSpan == 1) {
  11838. returns.push(tmpCell);
  11839. break;
  11840. }
  11841. }
  11842. }
  11843. return returns;
  11844. } catch (e) {
  11845. showError(e);
  11846. }
  11847. },
  11848. /**
  11849. * 更新table对应的索引表
  11850. */
  11851. update:function (table) {
  11852. this.table = table || this.table;
  11853. this.selectedTds = [];
  11854. this.cellsRange = {};
  11855. this.indexTable = [];
  11856. var rows = this.table.rows,
  11857. rowsNum = this.getMaxRows(),
  11858. dNum = rowsNum - rows.length,
  11859. colsNum = this.getMaxCols();
  11860. while (dNum--) {
  11861. this.table.insertRow(rows.length);
  11862. }
  11863. this.rowsNum = rowsNum;
  11864. this.colsNum = colsNum;
  11865. for (var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++) {
  11866. this.indexTable[i] = new Array(colsNum);
  11867. }
  11868. //填充索引表
  11869. for (var rowIndex = 0, row; row = rows[rowIndex]; rowIndex++) {
  11870. for (var cellIndex = 0, cell, cells = row.cells; cell = cells[cellIndex]; cellIndex++) {
  11871. //修正整行被rowSpan时导致的行数计算错误
  11872. if (cell.rowSpan > rowsNum) {
  11873. cell.rowSpan = rowsNum;
  11874. }
  11875. var colIndex = cellIndex,
  11876. rowSpan = cell.rowSpan || 1,
  11877. colSpan = cell.colSpan || 1;
  11878. //当已经被上一行rowSpan或者被前一列colSpan了,则跳到下一个单元格进行
  11879. while (this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex]) colIndex++;
  11880. for (var j = 0; j < rowSpan; j++) {
  11881. for (var k = 0; k < colSpan; k++) {
  11882. this.indexTable[rowIndex + j][colIndex + k] = {
  11883. rowIndex:rowIndex,
  11884. cellIndex:cellIndex,
  11885. colIndex:colIndex,
  11886. rowSpan:rowSpan,
  11887. colSpan:colSpan
  11888. }
  11889. }
  11890. }
  11891. }
  11892. }
  11893. //修复残缺td
  11894. for (j = 0; j < rowsNum; j++) {
  11895. for (k = 0; k < colsNum; k++) {
  11896. if (this.indexTable[j][k] === undefined) {
  11897. row = rows[j];
  11898. cell = row.cells[row.cells.length - 1];
  11899. cell = cell ? cell.cloneNode(true) : this.table.ownerDocument.createElement("td");
  11900. this.setCellContent(cell);
  11901. if (cell.colSpan !== 1)cell.colSpan = 1;
  11902. if (cell.rowSpan !== 1)cell.rowSpan = 1;
  11903. row.appendChild(cell);
  11904. this.indexTable[j][k] = {
  11905. rowIndex:j,
  11906. cellIndex:cell.cellIndex,
  11907. colIndex:k,
  11908. rowSpan:1,
  11909. colSpan:1
  11910. }
  11911. }
  11912. }
  11913. }
  11914. //当框选后删除行或者列后撤销,需要重建选区。
  11915. var tds = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(this.table, "td"),
  11916. selectTds = [];
  11917. utils.each(tds, function (td) {
  11918. if (domUtils.hasClass(td, "selectTdClass")) {
  11919. selectTds.push(td);
  11920. }
  11921. });
  11922. if (selectTds.length) {
  11923. var start = selectTds[0],
  11924. end = selectTds[selectTds.length - 1],
  11925. startInfo = this.getCellInfo(start),
  11926. endInfo = this.getCellInfo(end);
  11927. this.selectedTds = selectTds;
  11928. this.cellsRange = {
  11929. beginRowIndex:startInfo.rowIndex,
  11930. beginColIndex:startInfo.colIndex,
  11931. endRowIndex:endInfo.rowIndex + endInfo.rowSpan - 1,
  11932. endColIndex:endInfo.colIndex + endInfo.colSpan - 1
  11933. };
  11934. }
  11935. },
  11936. /**
  11937. * 获取单元格的索引信息
  11938. */
  11939. getCellInfo:function (cell) {
  11940. if (!cell) return;
  11941. var cellIndex = cell.cellIndex,
  11942. rowIndex = cell.parentNode.rowIndex,
  11943. rowInfo = this.indexTable[rowIndex],
  11944. numCols = this.colsNum;
  11945. for (var colIndex = cellIndex; colIndex < numCols; colIndex++) {
  11946. var cellInfo = rowInfo[colIndex];
  11947. if (cellInfo.rowIndex === rowIndex && cellInfo.cellIndex === cellIndex) {
  11948. return cellInfo;
  11949. }
  11950. }
  11951. },
  11952. /**
  11953. * 根据行列号获取单元格
  11954. */
  11955. getCell:function (rowIndex, cellIndex) {
  11956. return rowIndex < this.rowsNum && this.table.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex] || null;
  11957. },
  11958. /**
  11959. * 删除单元格
  11960. */
  11961. deleteCell:function (cell, rowIndex) {
  11962. rowIndex = typeof rowIndex == 'number' ? rowIndex : cell.parentNode.rowIndex;
  11963. var row = this.table.rows[rowIndex];
  11964. row.deleteCell(cell.cellIndex);
  11965. },
  11966. /**
  11967. * 根据始末两个单元格获取被框选的所有单元格范围
  11968. */
  11969. getCellsRange:function (cellA, cellB) {
  11970. function checkRange(beginRowIndex, beginColIndex, endRowIndex, endColIndex) {
  11971. var tmpBeginRowIndex = beginRowIndex,
  11972. tmpBeginColIndex = beginColIndex,
  11973. tmpEndRowIndex = endRowIndex,
  11974. tmpEndColIndex = endColIndex,
  11975. cellInfo, colIndex, rowIndex;
  11976. // 通过indexTable检查是否存在超出TableRange上边界的情况
  11977. if (beginRowIndex > 0) {
  11978. for (colIndex = beginColIndex; colIndex < endColIndex; colIndex++) {
  11979. cellInfo = me.indexTable[beginRowIndex][colIndex];
  11980. rowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex;
  11981. if (rowIndex < beginRowIndex) {
  11982. tmpBeginRowIndex = Math.min(rowIndex, tmpBeginRowIndex);
  11983. }
  11984. }
  11985. }
  11986. // 通过indexTable检查是否存在超出TableRange右边界的情况
  11987. if (endColIndex < me.colsNum) {
  11988. for (rowIndex = beginRowIndex; rowIndex < endRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
  11989. cellInfo = me.indexTable[rowIndex][endColIndex];
  11990. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan - 1;
  11991. if (colIndex > endColIndex) {
  11992. tmpEndColIndex = Math.max(colIndex, tmpEndColIndex);
  11993. }
  11994. }
  11995. }
  11996. // 检查是否有超出TableRange下边界的情况
  11997. if (endRowIndex < me.rowsNum) {
  11998. for (colIndex = beginColIndex; colIndex < endColIndex; colIndex++) {
  11999. cellInfo = me.indexTable[endRowIndex][colIndex];
  12000. rowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan - 1;
  12001. if (rowIndex > endRowIndex) {
  12002. tmpEndRowIndex = Math.max(rowIndex, tmpEndRowIndex);
  12003. }
  12004. }
  12005. }
  12006. // 检查是否有超出TableRange左边界的情况
  12007. if (beginColIndex > 0) {
  12008. for (rowIndex = beginRowIndex; rowIndex < endRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
  12009. cellInfo = me.indexTable[rowIndex][beginColIndex];
  12010. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex;
  12011. if (colIndex < beginColIndex) {
  12012. tmpBeginColIndex = Math.min(cellInfo.colIndex, tmpBeginColIndex);
  12013. }
  12014. }
  12015. }
  12016. //递归调用直至所有完成所有框选单元格的扩展
  12017. if (tmpBeginRowIndex != beginRowIndex || tmpBeginColIndex != beginColIndex || tmpEndRowIndex != endRowIndex || tmpEndColIndex != endColIndex) {
  12018. return checkRange(tmpBeginRowIndex, tmpBeginColIndex, tmpEndRowIndex, tmpEndColIndex);
  12019. } else {
  12020. // 不需要扩展TableRange的情况
  12021. return {
  12022. beginRowIndex:beginRowIndex,
  12023. beginColIndex:beginColIndex,
  12024. endRowIndex:endRowIndex,
  12025. endColIndex:endColIndex
  12026. };
  12027. }
  12028. }
  12029. try {
  12030. var me = this,
  12031. cellAInfo = me.getCellInfo(cellA);
  12032. if (cellA === cellB) {
  12033. return {
  12034. beginRowIndex:cellAInfo.rowIndex,
  12035. beginColIndex:cellAInfo.colIndex,
  12036. endRowIndex:cellAInfo.rowIndex + cellAInfo.rowSpan - 1,
  12037. endColIndex:cellAInfo.colIndex + cellAInfo.colSpan - 1
  12038. };
  12039. }
  12040. var cellBInfo = me.getCellInfo(cellB);
  12041. // 计算TableRange的四个边
  12042. var beginRowIndex = Math.min(cellAInfo.rowIndex, cellBInfo.rowIndex),
  12043. beginColIndex = Math.min(cellAInfo.colIndex, cellBInfo.colIndex),
  12044. endRowIndex = Math.max(cellAInfo.rowIndex + cellAInfo.rowSpan - 1, cellBInfo.rowIndex + cellBInfo.rowSpan - 1),
  12045. endColIndex = Math.max(cellAInfo.colIndex + cellAInfo.colSpan - 1, cellBInfo.colIndex + cellBInfo.colSpan - 1);
  12046. return checkRange(beginRowIndex, beginColIndex, endRowIndex, endColIndex);
  12047. } catch (e) {
  12048. //throw e;
  12049. }
  12050. },
  12051. /**
  12052. * 依据cellsRange获取对应的单元格集合
  12053. */
  12054. getCells:function (range) {
  12055. //每次获取cells之前必须先清除上次的选择,否则会对后续获取操作造成影响
  12056. this.clearSelected();
  12057. var beginRowIndex = range.beginRowIndex,
  12058. beginColIndex = range.beginColIndex,
  12059. endRowIndex = range.endRowIndex,
  12060. endColIndex = range.endColIndex,
  12061. cellInfo, rowIndex, colIndex, tdHash = {}, returnTds = [];
  12062. for (var i = beginRowIndex; i <= endRowIndex; i++) {
  12063. for (var j = beginColIndex; j <= endColIndex; j++) {
  12064. cellInfo = this.indexTable[i][j];
  12065. rowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex;
  12066. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex;
  12067. // 如果Cells里已经包含了此Cell则跳过
  12068. var key = rowIndex + '|' + colIndex;
  12069. if (tdHash[key]) continue;
  12070. tdHash[key] = 1;
  12071. if (rowIndex < i || colIndex < j || rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan - 1 > endRowIndex || colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan - 1 > endColIndex) {
  12072. return null;
  12073. }
  12074. returnTds.push(this.getCell(rowIndex, cellInfo.cellIndex));
  12075. }
  12076. }
  12077. return returnTds;
  12078. },
  12079. /**
  12080. * 清理已经选中的单元格
  12081. */
  12082. clearSelected:function () {
  12083. UETable.removeSelectedClass(this.selectedTds);
  12084. this.selectedTds = [];
  12085. this.cellsRange = {};
  12086. },
  12087. /**
  12088. * 根据range设置已经选中的单元格
  12089. */
  12090. setSelected:function (range) {
  12091. var cells = this.getCells(range);
  12092. UETable.addSelectedClass(cells);
  12093. this.selectedTds = cells;
  12094. this.cellsRange = range;
  12095. },
  12096. isFullRow:function () {
  12097. var range = this.cellsRange;
  12098. return (range.endColIndex - range.beginColIndex + 1) == this.colsNum;
  12099. },
  12100. isFullCol:function () {
  12101. var range = this.cellsRange,
  12102. table = this.table,
  12103. ths = table.getElementsByTagName("th"),
  12104. rows = range.endRowIndex - range.beginRowIndex + 1;
  12105. return !ths.length ? rows == this.rowsNum : rows == this.rowsNum || (rows == this.rowsNum - 1);
  12106. },
  12107. /**
  12108. * 获取视觉上的前置单元格,默认是左边,top传入时
  12109. * @param cell
  12110. * @param top
  12111. */
  12112. getNextCell:function (cell, bottom, ignoreRange) {
  12113. try {
  12114. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12115. nextRowIndex, nextColIndex;
  12116. var len = this.selectedTds.length && !ignoreRange,
  12117. range = this.cellsRange;
  12118. //末行或者末列没有后置单元格
  12119. if ((!bottom && (cellInfo.rowIndex == 0)) || (bottom && (!len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan > this.rowsNum - 1) : (range.endRowIndex == this.rowsNum - 1)))) return null;
  12120. nextRowIndex = !bottom ? ( !len ? cellInfo.rowIndex - 1 : range.beginRowIndex - 1)
  12121. : ( !len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan) : range.endRowIndex + 1);
  12122. nextColIndex = !len ? cellInfo.colIndex : range.beginColIndex;
  12123. return this.getCell(this.indexTable[nextRowIndex][nextColIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[nextRowIndex][nextColIndex].cellIndex);
  12124. } catch (e) {
  12125. showError(e);
  12126. }
  12127. },
  12128. getPreviewCell:function (cell, top) {
  12129. try {
  12130. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12131. previewRowIndex, previewColIndex;
  12132. var len = this.selectedTds.length,
  12133. range = this.cellsRange;
  12134. //首行或者首列没有前置单元格
  12135. if ((!top && (!len ? !cellInfo.colIndex : !range.beginColIndex)) || (top && (!len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex > (this.colsNum - 1)) : (range.endColIndex == this.colsNum - 1)))) return null;
  12136. previewRowIndex = !top ? ( !len ? cellInfo.rowIndex : range.beginRowIndex )
  12137. : ( !len ? (cellInfo.rowIndex < 1 ? 0 : (cellInfo.rowIndex - 1)) : range.beginRowIndex);
  12138. previewColIndex = !top ? ( !len ? (cellInfo.colIndex < 1 ? 0 : (cellInfo.colIndex - 1)) : range.beginColIndex - 1)
  12139. : ( !len ? cellInfo.colIndex : range.endColIndex + 1);
  12140. return this.getCell(this.indexTable[previewRowIndex][previewColIndex].rowIndex, this.indexTable[previewRowIndex][previewColIndex].cellIndex);
  12141. } catch (e) {
  12142. showError(e);
  12143. }
  12144. },
  12145. /**
  12146. * 移动单元格中的内容
  12147. */
  12148. moveContent:function (cellTo, cellFrom) {
  12149. if (UETable.isEmptyBlock(cellFrom)) return;
  12150. if (UETable.isEmptyBlock(cellTo)) {
  12151. cellTo.innerHTML = cellFrom.innerHTML;
  12152. return;
  12153. }
  12154. var child = cellTo.lastChild;
  12155. if (child.nodeType == 3 || !dtd.$block[child.tagName]) {
  12156. cellTo.appendChild(cellTo.ownerDocument.createElement('br'))
  12157. }
  12158. while (child = cellFrom.firstChild) {
  12159. cellTo.appendChild(child);
  12160. }
  12161. },
  12162. /**
  12163. * 向右合并单元格
  12164. */
  12165. mergeRight:function (cell) {
  12166. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12167. rightColIndex = cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan,
  12168. rightCellInfo = this.indexTable[cellInfo.rowIndex][rightColIndex],
  12169. rightCell = this.getCell(rightCellInfo.rowIndex, rightCellInfo.cellIndex);
  12170. //合并
  12171. cell.colSpan = cellInfo.colSpan + rightCellInfo.colSpan;
  12172. //被合并的单元格不应存在宽度属性
  12173. cell.removeAttribute("width");
  12174. //移动内容
  12175. this.moveContent(cell, rightCell);
  12176. //删掉被合并的Cell
  12177. this.deleteCell(rightCell, rightCellInfo.rowIndex);
  12178. this.update();
  12179. },
  12180. /**
  12181. * 向下合并单元格
  12182. */
  12183. mergeDown:function (cell) {
  12184. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12185. downRowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan,
  12186. downCellInfo = this.indexTable[downRowIndex][cellInfo.colIndex],
  12187. downCell = this.getCell(downCellInfo.rowIndex, downCellInfo.cellIndex);
  12188. cell.rowSpan = cellInfo.rowSpan + downCellInfo.rowSpan;
  12189. cell.removeAttribute("height");
  12190. this.moveContent(cell, downCell);
  12191. this.deleteCell(downCell, downCellInfo.rowIndex);
  12192. this.update();
  12193. },
  12194. /**
  12195. * 合并整个range中的内容
  12196. */
  12197. mergeRange:function () {
  12198. //由于合并操作可以在任意时刻进行,所以无法通过鼠标位置等信息实时生成range,只能通过缓存实例中的cellsRange对象来访问
  12199. var range = this.cellsRange,
  12200. leftTopCell = this.getCell(range.beginRowIndex, this.indexTable[range.beginRowIndex][range.beginColIndex].cellIndex);
  12201. if (leftTopCell.tagName == "TH" && range.endRowIndex !== range.beginRowIndex) {
  12202. var index = this.indexTable,
  12203. info = this.getCellInfo(leftTopCell);
  12204. leftTopCell = this.getCell(1, index[1][info.colIndex].cellIndex);
  12205. range = this.getCellsRange(leftTopCell, this.getCell(index[this.rowsNum - 1][info.colIndex].rowIndex, index[this.rowsNum - 1][info.colIndex].cellIndex));
  12206. }
  12207. // 删除剩余的Cells
  12208. var cells = this.getCells(range);
  12209. for(var i= 0,ci;ci=cells[i++];){
  12210. if (ci !== leftTopCell) {
  12211. this.moveContent(leftTopCell, ci);
  12212. this.deleteCell(ci);
  12213. }
  12214. }
  12215. // 修改左上角Cell的rowSpan和colSpan,并调整宽度属性设置
  12216. leftTopCell.rowSpan = range.endRowIndex - range.beginRowIndex + 1;
  12217. leftTopCell.rowSpan > 1 && leftTopCell.removeAttribute("height");
  12218. leftTopCell.colSpan = range.endColIndex - range.beginColIndex + 1;
  12219. leftTopCell.colSpan > 1 && leftTopCell.removeAttribute("width");
  12220. if (leftTopCell.rowSpan == this.rowsNum && leftTopCell.colSpan != 1) {
  12221. leftTopCell.colSpan = 1;
  12222. }
  12223. if (leftTopCell.colSpan == this.colsNum && leftTopCell.rowSpan != 1) {
  12224. var rowIndex = leftTopCell.parentNode.rowIndex;
  12225. //解决IE下的表格操作问题
  12226. if( this.table.deleteRow ) {
  12227. for (var i = rowIndex+ 1, curIndex=rowIndex+ 1, len=leftTopCell.rowSpan; i < len; i++) {
  12228. this.table.deleteRow(curIndex);
  12229. }
  12230. } else {
  12231. for (var i = 0, len=leftTopCell.rowSpan - 1; i < len; i++) {
  12232. var row = this.table.rows[rowIndex + 1];
  12233. row.parentNode.removeChild(row);
  12234. }
  12235. }
  12236. leftTopCell.rowSpan = 1;
  12237. }
  12238. this.update();
  12239. },
  12240. /**
  12241. * 插入一行单元格
  12242. */
  12243. insertRow:function (rowIndex, sourceCell) {
  12244. var numCols = this.colsNum,
  12245. table = this.table,
  12246. row = table.insertRow(rowIndex), cell,
  12247. width = parseInt((table.offsetWidth - numCols * 20 - numCols - 1) / numCols, 10);
  12248. //首行直接插入,无需考虑部分单元格被rowspan的情况
  12249. if (rowIndex == 0 || rowIndex == this.rowsNum) {
  12250. for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < numCols; colIndex++) {
  12251. cell = this.cloneCell(sourceCell, true);
  12252. this.setCellContent(cell);
  12253. cell.getAttribute('vAlign') && cell.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12254. row.appendChild(cell);
  12255. }
  12256. } else {
  12257. var infoRow = this.indexTable[rowIndex],
  12258. cellIndex = 0;
  12259. for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < numCols; colIndex++) {
  12260. var cellInfo = infoRow[colIndex];
  12261. //如果存在某个单元格的rowspan穿过待插入行的位置,则修改该单元格的rowspan即可,无需插入单元格
  12262. if (cellInfo.rowIndex < rowIndex) {
  12263. cell = this.getCell(cellInfo.rowIndex, cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12264. cell.rowSpan = cellInfo.rowSpan + 1;
  12265. } else {
  12266. cell = this.cloneCell(sourceCell, true);
  12267. this.setCellContent(cell);
  12268. row.appendChild(cell);
  12269. }
  12270. }
  12271. }
  12272. //框选时插入不触发contentchange,需要手动更新索引。
  12273. this.update();
  12274. return row;
  12275. },
  12276. /**
  12277. * 删除一行单元格
  12278. * @param rowIndex
  12279. */
  12280. deleteRow:function (rowIndex) {
  12281. var row = this.table.rows[rowIndex],
  12282. infoRow = this.indexTable[rowIndex],
  12283. colsNum = this.colsNum,
  12284. count = 0; //处理计数
  12285. for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < colsNum;) {
  12286. var cellInfo = infoRow[colIndex],
  12287. cell = this.getCell(cellInfo.rowIndex, cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12288. if (cell.rowSpan > 1) {
  12289. if (cellInfo.rowIndex == rowIndex) {
  12290. var clone = cell.cloneNode(true);
  12291. clone.rowSpan = cell.rowSpan - 1;
  12292. clone.innerHTML = "";
  12293. cell.rowSpan = 1;
  12294. var nextRowIndex = rowIndex + 1,
  12295. nextRow = this.table.rows[nextRowIndex],
  12296. insertCellIndex,
  12297. preMerged = this.getPreviewMergedCellsNum(nextRowIndex, colIndex) - count;
  12298. if (preMerged < colIndex) {
  12299. insertCellIndex = colIndex - preMerged - 1;
  12300. //nextRow.insertCell(insertCellIndex);
  12301. domUtils.insertAfter(nextRow.cells[insertCellIndex], clone);
  12302. } else {
  12303. if (nextRow.cells.length) nextRow.insertBefore(clone, nextRow.cells[0])
  12304. }
  12305. count += 1;
  12306. //cell.parentNode.removeChild(cell);
  12307. }
  12308. }
  12309. colIndex += cell.colSpan || 1;
  12310. }
  12311. var deleteTds = [], cacheMap = {};
  12312. for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < colsNum; colIndex++) {
  12313. var tmpRowIndex = infoRow[colIndex].rowIndex,
  12314. tmpCellIndex = infoRow[colIndex].cellIndex,
  12315. key = tmpRowIndex + "_" + tmpCellIndex;
  12316. if (cacheMap[key])continue;
  12317. cacheMap[key] = 1;
  12318. cell = this.getCell(tmpRowIndex, tmpCellIndex);
  12319. deleteTds.push(cell);
  12320. }
  12321. var mergeTds = [];
  12322. utils.each(deleteTds, function (td) {
  12323. if (td.rowSpan == 1) {
  12324. td.parentNode.removeChild(td);
  12325. } else {
  12326. mergeTds.push(td);
  12327. }
  12328. });
  12329. utils.each(mergeTds, function (td) {
  12330. td.rowSpan--;
  12331. });
  12332. row.parentNode.removeChild(row);
  12333. //浏览器方法本身存在bug,采用自定义方法删除
  12334. //this.table.deleteRow(rowIndex);
  12335. this.update();
  12336. },
  12337. insertCol:function (colIndex, sourceCell, defaultValue) {
  12338. var rowsNum = this.rowsNum,
  12339. rowIndex = 0,
  12340. tableRow, cell,
  12341. backWidth = parseInt((this.table.offsetWidth - (this.colsNum + 1) * 20 - (this.colsNum + 1)) / (this.colsNum + 1), 10);
  12342. function replaceTdToTh(rowIndex, cell, tableRow) {
  12343. if (rowIndex == 0) {
  12344. var th = cell.nextSibling || cell.previousSibling;
  12345. if (th.tagName == 'TH') {
  12346. th = cell.ownerDocument.createElement("th");
  12347. th.appendChild(cell.firstChild);
  12348. tableRow.insertBefore(th, cell);
  12349. domUtils.remove(cell)
  12350. }
  12351. }else{
  12352. if (cell.tagName == 'TH') {
  12353. var td = cell.ownerDocument.createElement("td");
  12354. td.appendChild(cell.firstChild);
  12355. tableRow.insertBefore(td, cell);
  12356. domUtils.remove(cell)
  12357. }
  12358. }
  12359. }
  12360. var preCell;
  12361. if (colIndex == 0 || colIndex == this.colsNum) {
  12362. for (; rowIndex < rowsNum; rowIndex++) {
  12363. tableRow = this.table.rows[rowIndex];
  12364. preCell = tableRow.cells[colIndex == 0 ? colIndex : tableRow.cells.length];
  12365. cell = this.cloneCell(sourceCell, true); //tableRow.insertCell(colIndex == 0 ? colIndex : tableRow.cells.length);
  12366. this.setCellContent(cell);
  12367. cell.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12368. preCell && cell.setAttribute('width', preCell.getAttribute('width'));
  12369. if (!colIndex) {
  12370. tableRow.insertBefore(cell, tableRow.cells[0]);
  12371. } else {
  12372. domUtils.insertAfter(tableRow.cells[tableRow.cells.length - 1], cell);
  12373. }
  12374. replaceTdToTh(rowIndex, cell, tableRow)
  12375. }
  12376. } else {
  12377. for (; rowIndex < rowsNum; rowIndex++) {
  12378. var cellInfo = this.indexTable[rowIndex][colIndex];
  12379. if (cellInfo.colIndex < colIndex) {
  12380. cell = this.getCell(cellInfo.rowIndex, cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12381. cell.colSpan = cellInfo.colSpan + 1;
  12382. } else {
  12383. tableRow = this.table.rows[rowIndex];
  12384. preCell = tableRow.cells[cellInfo.cellIndex];
  12385. cell = this.cloneCell(sourceCell, true);//tableRow.insertCell(cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12386. this.setCellContent(cell);
  12387. cell.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12388. preCell && cell.setAttribute('width', preCell.getAttribute('width'));
  12389. //防止IE下报错
  12390. preCell ? tableRow.insertBefore(cell, preCell) : tableRow.appendChild(cell);
  12391. }
  12392. replaceTdToTh(rowIndex, cell, tableRow);
  12393. }
  12394. }
  12395. //框选时插入不触发contentchange,需要手动更新索引
  12396. this.update();
  12397. this.updateWidth(backWidth, defaultValue || {tdPadding:10, tdBorder:1});
  12398. },
  12399. updateWidth:function (width, defaultValue) {
  12400. var table = this.table,
  12401. tmpWidth = UETable.getWidth(table) - defaultValue.tdPadding * 2 - defaultValue.tdBorder + width;
  12402. if (tmpWidth < table.ownerDocument.body.offsetWidth) {
  12403. table.setAttribute("width", tmpWidth);
  12404. return;
  12405. }
  12406. var tds = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(this.table, "td");
  12407. utils.each(tds, function (td) {
  12408. td.setAttribute("width", width);
  12409. })
  12410. },
  12411. deleteCol:function (colIndex) {
  12412. var indexTable = this.indexTable,
  12413. tableRows = this.table.rows,
  12414. backTableWidth = this.table.getAttribute("width"),
  12415. backTdWidth = 0,
  12416. rowsNum = this.rowsNum,
  12417. cacheMap = {};
  12418. for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsNum;) {
  12419. var infoRow = indexTable[rowIndex],
  12420. cellInfo = infoRow[colIndex],
  12421. key = cellInfo.rowIndex + '_' + cellInfo.colIndex;
  12422. // 跳过已经处理过的Cell
  12423. if (cacheMap[key])continue;
  12424. cacheMap[key] = 1;
  12425. var cell = this.getCell(cellInfo.rowIndex, cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12426. if (!backTdWidth) backTdWidth = cell && parseInt(cell.offsetWidth / cell.colSpan, 10).toFixed(0);
  12427. // 如果Cell的colSpan大于1, 就修改colSpan, 否则就删掉这个Cell
  12428. if (cell.colSpan > 1) {
  12429. cell.colSpan--;
  12430. } else {
  12431. tableRows[rowIndex].deleteCell(cellInfo.cellIndex);
  12432. }
  12433. rowIndex += cellInfo.rowSpan || 1;
  12434. }
  12435. this.table.setAttribute("width", backTableWidth - backTdWidth);
  12436. this.update();
  12437. },
  12438. splitToCells:function (cell) {
  12439. var me = this,
  12440. cells = this.splitToRows(cell);
  12441. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  12442. me.splitToCols(cell);
  12443. })
  12444. },
  12445. splitToRows:function (cell) {
  12446. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12447. rowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex,
  12448. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex,
  12449. results = [];
  12450. // 修改Cell的rowSpan
  12451. cell.rowSpan = 1;
  12452. results.push(cell);
  12453. // 补齐单元格
  12454. for (var i = rowIndex, endRow = rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan; i < endRow; i++) {
  12455. if (i == rowIndex)continue;
  12456. var tableRow = this.table.rows[i],
  12457. tmpCell = tableRow.insertCell(colIndex - this.getPreviewMergedCellsNum(i, colIndex));
  12458. tmpCell.colSpan = cellInfo.colSpan;
  12459. this.setCellContent(tmpCell);
  12460. tmpCell.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12461. tmpCell.setAttribute('align', cell.getAttribute('align'));
  12462. if ( {
  12463. =;
  12464. }
  12465. results.push(tmpCell);
  12466. }
  12467. this.update();
  12468. return results;
  12469. },
  12470. getPreviewMergedCellsNum:function (rowIndex, colIndex) {
  12471. var indexRow = this.indexTable[rowIndex],
  12472. num = 0;
  12473. for (var i = 0; i < colIndex;) {
  12474. var colSpan = indexRow[i].colSpan,
  12475. tmpRowIndex = indexRow[i].rowIndex;
  12476. num += (colSpan - (tmpRowIndex == rowIndex ? 1 : 0));
  12477. i += colSpan;
  12478. }
  12479. return num;
  12480. },
  12481. splitToCols:function (cell) {
  12482. var backWidth = (cell.offsetWidth / cell.colSpan - 22).toFixed(0),
  12483. cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell),
  12484. rowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex,
  12485. colIndex = cellInfo.colIndex,
  12486. results = [];
  12487. // 修改Cell的rowSpan
  12488. cell.colSpan = 1;
  12489. cell.setAttribute("width", backWidth);
  12490. results.push(cell);
  12491. // 补齐单元格
  12492. for (var j = colIndex, endCol = colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan; j < endCol; j++) {
  12493. if (j == colIndex)continue;
  12494. var tableRow = this.table.rows[rowIndex],
  12495. tmpCell = tableRow.insertCell(this.indexTable[rowIndex][j].cellIndex + 1);
  12496. tmpCell.rowSpan = cellInfo.rowSpan;
  12497. this.setCellContent(tmpCell);
  12498. tmpCell.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12499. tmpCell.setAttribute('align', cell.getAttribute('align'));
  12500. tmpCell.setAttribute('width', backWidth);
  12501. if ( {
  12502. =;
  12503. }
  12504. //处理th的情况
  12505. if (cell.tagName == 'TH') {
  12506. var th = cell.ownerDocument.createElement('th');
  12507. th.appendChild(tmpCell.firstChild);
  12508. th.setAttribute('vAlign', cell.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  12509. th.rowSpan = tmpCell.rowSpan;
  12510. tableRow.insertBefore(th, tmpCell);
  12511. domUtils.remove(tmpCell);
  12512. }
  12513. results.push(tmpCell);
  12514. }
  12515. this.update();
  12516. return results;
  12517. },
  12518. isLastCell:function (cell, rowsNum, colsNum) {
  12519. rowsNum = rowsNum || this.rowsNum;
  12520. colsNum = colsNum || this.colsNum;
  12521. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell);
  12522. return ((cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan) == rowsNum) &&
  12523. ((cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan) == colsNum);
  12524. },
  12525. getLastCell:function (cells) {
  12526. cells = cells || this.table.getElementsByTagName("td");
  12527. var firstInfo = this.getCellInfo(cells[0]);
  12528. var me = this, last = cells[0],
  12529. tr = last.parentNode,
  12530. cellsNum = 0, cols = 0, rows;
  12531. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  12532. if (cell.parentNode == tr)cols += cell.colSpan || 1;
  12533. cellsNum += cell.rowSpan * cell.colSpan || 1;
  12534. });
  12535. rows = cellsNum / cols;
  12536. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  12537. if (me.isLastCell(cell, rows, cols)) {
  12538. last = cell;
  12539. return false;
  12540. }
  12541. });
  12542. return last;
  12543. },
  12544. selectRow:function (rowIndex) {
  12545. var indexRow = this.indexTable[rowIndex],
  12546. start = this.getCell(indexRow[0].rowIndex, indexRow[0].cellIndex),
  12547. end = this.getCell(indexRow[this.colsNum - 1].rowIndex, indexRow[this.colsNum - 1].cellIndex),
  12548. range = this.getCellsRange(start, end);
  12549. this.setSelected(range);
  12550. },
  12551. selectTable:function () {
  12552. var tds = this.table.getElementsByTagName("td"),
  12553. range = this.getCellsRange(tds[0], tds[tds.length - 1]);
  12554. this.setSelected(range);
  12555. },
  12556. sortTable:function (sortByCellIndex, compareFn) {
  12557. var table = this.table,
  12558. rows = table.rows,
  12559. trArray = [],
  12560. flag = rows[0].cells[0].tagName === "TH",
  12561. lastRowIndex = 0;
  12562. if(this.selectedTds.length){
  12563. var range = this.cellsRange,
  12564. len = range.endRowIndex + 1;
  12565. for (var i = range.beginRowIndex; i < len; i++) {
  12566. trArray[i] = rows[i];
  12567. }
  12568. trArray.splice(0,range.beginRowIndex);
  12569. lastRowIndex = (range.endRowIndex +1) === this.rowsNum ? 0 : range.endRowIndex +1;
  12570. }else{
  12571. for (var i = 0,len = rows.length; i < len; i++) {
  12572. trArray[i] = rows[i];
  12573. }
  12574. }
  12575. //th不参与排序
  12576. flag && trArray.splice(0, 1);
  12577. trArray = utils.sort(trArray,function (tr1, tr2) {
  12578. var txt = function(node){
  12579. return node.innerText||node.textContent;
  12580. };
  12581. return compareFn ? (typeof compareFn === "number" ? compareFn :, tr1.cells[sortByCellIndex], tr2.cells[sortByCellIndex])) : function () {
  12582. var value1 = txt(tr1.cells[sortByCellIndex]),
  12583. value2 = txt(tr2.cells[sortByCellIndex]);
  12584. return value1.localeCompare(value2);
  12585. }();
  12586. });
  12587. var fragment = table.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
  12588. for (var j = 0, len = trArray.length; j < len; j++) {
  12589. fragment.appendChild(trArray[j]);
  12590. }
  12591. var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
  12592. if(!lastRowIndex){
  12593. tbody.appendChild(fragment);
  12594. }else{
  12595. tbody.insertBefore(fragment,rows[lastRowIndex- range.endRowIndex + range.beginRowIndex - 1])
  12596. }
  12597. },
  12598. setBackground:function (cells, value) {
  12599. if (typeof value === "string") {
  12600. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  12601. = value;
  12602. })
  12603. } else if (typeof value === "object") {
  12604. value = utils.extend({
  12605. repeat:true,
  12606. colorList:["#ddd", "#fff"]
  12607. }, value);
  12608. var rowIndex = this.getCellInfo(cells[0]).rowIndex,
  12609. count = 0,
  12610. colors = value.colorList,
  12611. getColor = function (list, index, repeat) {
  12612. return list[index] ? list[index] : repeat ? list[index % list.length] : "";
  12613. };
  12614. for (var i = 0, cell; cell = cells[i++];) {
  12615. var cellInfo = this.getCellInfo(cell);
  12616. = getColor(colors, ((rowIndex + count) == cellInfo.rowIndex) ? count : ++count, value.repeat);
  12617. }
  12618. }
  12619. },
  12620. removeBackground:function (cells) {
  12621. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  12622. = "";
  12623. })
  12624. }
  12625. };
  12626. function showError(e) {
  12627. }
  12628. })();
  12629. /**
  12630. * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm.
  12631. * User: taoqili
  12632. * Date: 13-2-20
  12633. * Time: 下午6:25
  12634. * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
  12635. */
  12636. ;
  12637. (function () {
  12638. var UT = UE.UETable,
  12639. getTableItemsByRange = function (editor) {
  12640. return UT.getTableItemsByRange(editor);
  12641. },
  12642. getUETableBySelected = function (editor) {
  12643. return UT.getUETableBySelected(editor)
  12644. },
  12645. getDefaultValue = function (editor, table) {
  12646. return UT.getDefaultValue(editor, table);
  12647. },
  12648. getUETable = function (tdOrTable) {
  12649. return UT.getUETable(tdOrTable);
  12650. };
  12651. UE.commands['inserttable'] = {
  12652. queryCommandState: function () {
  12653. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? -1 : 0;
  12654. },
  12655. execCommand: function (cmd, opt) {
  12656. function createTable(opt, tdWidth) {
  12657. var html = [],
  12658. rowsNum = opt.numRows,
  12659. colsNum = opt.numCols;
  12660. for (var r = 0; r < rowsNum; r++) {
  12661. html.push('<tr>');
  12662. for (var c = 0; c < colsNum; c++) {
  12663. html.push('<td width="' + tdWidth + '" vAlign="' + opt.tdvalign + '" >' + ( ? domUtils.fillChar : '<br/>') + '</td>')
  12664. }
  12665. html.push('</tr>')
  12666. }
  12667. //禁止指定table-width
  12668. return '<table><tbody>' + html.join('') + '</tbody></table>'
  12669. }
  12670. if (!opt) {
  12671. opt = utils.extend({}, {
  12672. numCols: this.options.defaultCols,
  12673. numRows: this.options.defaultRows,
  12674. tdvalign: this.options.tdvalign
  12675. })
  12676. }
  12677. var me = this;
  12678. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  12679. start = range.startContainer,
  12680. firstParentBlock = domUtils.findParent(start, function (node) {
  12681. return domUtils.isBlockElm(node);
  12682. }, true) || me.body;
  12683. var defaultValue = getDefaultValue(me),
  12684. tableWidth = firstParentBlock.offsetWidth,
  12685. tdWidth = Math.floor(tableWidth / opt.numCols - defaultValue.tdPadding * 2 - defaultValue.tdBorder);
  12686. //todo其他属性
  12687. !opt.tdvalign && (opt.tdvalign = me.options.tdvalign);
  12688. me.execCommand("inserthtml", createTable(opt, tdWidth));
  12689. }
  12690. };
  12691. UE.commands['insertparagraphbeforetable'] = {
  12692. queryCommandState: function () {
  12693. return getTableItemsByRange(this).cell ? 0 : -1;
  12694. },
  12695. execCommand: function () {
  12696. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12697. if (table) {
  12698. var p = this.document.createElement("p");
  12699. p.innerHTML = ? '&nbsp;' : '<br />';
  12700. table.parentNode.insertBefore(p, table);
  12701. this.selection.getRange().setStart(p, 0).setCursor();
  12702. }
  12703. }
  12704. };
  12705. UE.commands['deletetable'] = {
  12706. queryCommandState: function () {
  12707. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  12708. return domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table', true) ? 0 : -1;
  12709. },
  12710. execCommand: function (cmd, table) {
  12711. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  12712. table = table || domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table', true);
  12713. if (table) {
  12714. var next = table.nextSibling;
  12715. if (!next) {
  12716. next = domUtils.createElement(this.document, 'p', {
  12717. 'innerHTML': ? domUtils.fillChar : '<br/>'
  12718. });
  12719. table.parentNode.insertBefore(next, table);
  12720. }
  12721. domUtils.remove(table);
  12722. rng = this.selection.getRange();
  12723. if (next.nodeType == 3) {
  12724. rng.setStartBefore(next)
  12725. } else {
  12726. rng.setStart(next, 0)
  12727. }
  12728. rng.setCursor(false, true)
  12729. this.fireEvent("tablehasdeleted")
  12730. }
  12731. }
  12732. };
  12733. UE.commands['cellalign'] = {
  12734. queryCommandState: function () {
  12735. return getSelectedArr(this).length ? 0 : -1
  12736. },
  12737. execCommand: function (cmd, align) {
  12738. var selectedTds = getSelectedArr(this);
  12739. if (selectedTds.length) {
  12740. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = selectedTds[i++];) {
  12741. ci.setAttribute('align', align);
  12742. }
  12743. }
  12744. }
  12745. };
  12746. UE.commands['cellvalign'] = {
  12747. queryCommandState: function () {
  12748. return getSelectedArr(this).length ? 0 : -1;
  12749. },
  12750. execCommand: function (cmd, valign) {
  12751. var selectedTds = getSelectedArr(this);
  12752. if (selectedTds.length) {
  12753. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = selectedTds[i++];) {
  12754. ci.setAttribute('vAlign', valign);
  12755. }
  12756. }
  12757. }
  12758. };
  12759. UE.commands['insertcaption'] = {
  12760. queryCommandState: function () {
  12761. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12762. if (table) {
  12763. return table.getElementsByTagName('caption').length == 0 ? 1 : -1;
  12764. }
  12765. return -1;
  12766. },
  12767. execCommand: function () {
  12768. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12769. if (table) {
  12770. var caption = this.document.createElement('caption');
  12771. caption.innerHTML = ? domUtils.fillChar : '<br/>';
  12772. table.insertBefore(caption, table.firstChild);
  12773. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  12774. range.setStart(caption, 0).setCursor();
  12775. }
  12776. }
  12777. };
  12778. UE.commands['deletecaption'] = {
  12779. queryCommandState: function () {
  12780. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12781. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table');
  12782. if (table) {
  12783. return table.getElementsByTagName('caption').length == 0 ? -1 : 1;
  12784. }
  12785. return -1;
  12786. },
  12787. execCommand: function () {
  12788. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12789. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table');
  12790. if (table) {
  12791. domUtils.remove(table.getElementsByTagName('caption')[0]);
  12792. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  12793. range.setStart(table.rows[0].cells[0], 0).setCursor();
  12794. }
  12795. }
  12796. };
  12797. UE.commands['inserttitle'] = {
  12798. queryCommandState: function () {
  12799. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12800. if (table) {
  12801. var firstRow = table.rows[0];
  12802. return firstRow.getElementsByTagName('th').length == 0 ? 0 : -1
  12803. }
  12804. return -1;
  12805. },
  12806. execCommand: function () {
  12807. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12808. if (table) {
  12809. getUETable(table).insertRow(0, 'th');
  12810. }
  12811. var th = table.getElementsByTagName('th')[0];
  12812. this.selection.getRange().setStart(th, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  12813. }
  12814. };
  12815. UE.commands['deletetitle'] = {
  12816. queryCommandState: function () {
  12817. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12818. if (table) {
  12819. var firstRow = table.rows[0];
  12820. return firstRow.getElementsByTagName('th').length ? 0 : -1
  12821. }
  12822. return -1;
  12823. },
  12824. execCommand: function () {
  12825. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  12826. if (table) {
  12827. domUtils.remove(table.rows[0])
  12828. }
  12829. var td = table.getElementsByTagName('td')[0];
  12830. this.selection.getRange().setStart(td, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  12831. }
  12832. };
  12833. UE.commands["mergeright"] = {
  12834. queryCommandState: function (cmd) {
  12835. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this);
  12836. if (!tableItems.cell) return -1;
  12837. var ut = getUETable(tableItems.table);
  12838. if (ut.selectedTds.length) return -1;
  12839. var cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(tableItems.cell),
  12840. rightColIndex = cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan;
  12841. if (rightColIndex >= ut.colsNum) return -1;
  12842. var rightCellInfo = ut.indexTable[cellInfo.rowIndex][rightColIndex];
  12843. return (rightCellInfo.rowIndex == cellInfo.rowIndex
  12844. && rightCellInfo.rowSpan == cellInfo.rowSpan) ? 0 : -1;
  12845. },
  12846. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  12847. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12848. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  12849. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  12850. ut = getUETable(cell);
  12851. ut.mergeRight(cell);
  12852. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  12853. }
  12854. };
  12855. UE.commands["mergedown"] = {
  12856. queryCommandState: function (cmd) {
  12857. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12858. cell = tableItems.cell;
  12859. if (!cell || cell.tagName == "TH") return -1;
  12860. var ut = getUETable(tableItems.table);
  12861. if (ut.selectedTds.length)return -1;
  12862. var cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(tableItems.cell),
  12863. downRowIndex = cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan;
  12864. // 如果处于最下边则不能f向右合并
  12865. if (downRowIndex >= ut.rowsNum) return -1;
  12866. var downCellInfo = ut.indexTable[downRowIndex][cellInfo.colIndex];
  12867. // 当且仅当两个Cell的开始列号和结束列号一致时能进行合并
  12868. return (downCellInfo.colIndex == cellInfo.colIndex
  12869. && downCellInfo.colSpan == cellInfo.colSpan) && tableItems.cell.tagName !== 'TH' ? 0 : -1;
  12870. },
  12871. execCommand: function () {
  12872. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12873. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  12874. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  12875. ut = getUETable(cell);
  12876. ut.mergeDown(cell);
  12877. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  12878. }
  12879. };
  12880. UE.commands["mergecells"] = {
  12881. queryCommandState: function () {
  12882. return getUETableBySelected(this) ? 0 : -1;
  12883. },
  12884. execCommand: function () {
  12885. var ut = getUETableBySelected(this);
  12886. if (ut && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  12887. var cell = ut.selectedTds[0];
  12888. ut.mergeRange();
  12889. var rng = this.selection.getRange();
  12890. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(cell)) {
  12891. rng.setStart(cell, 0).collapse(true)
  12892. } else {
  12893. rng.selectNodeContents(cell)
  12894. }
  12896. }
  12897. }
  12898. };
  12899. UE.commands["insertrow"] = {
  12900. queryCommandState: function () {
  12901. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12902. cell = tableItems.cell;
  12903. return cell && cell.tagName == "TD" && getUETable(tableItems.table).rowsNum < this.options.maxRowNum ? 0 : -1;
  12904. },
  12905. execCommand: function () {
  12906. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12907. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  12908. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12909. cell = tableItems.cell,
  12910. table = tableItems.table,
  12911. ut = getUETable(table),
  12912. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell);
  12913. //ut.insertRow(!ut.selectedTds.length ? cellInfo.rowIndex:ut.cellsRange.beginRowIndex,'');
  12914. if (!ut.selectedTds.length) {
  12915. ut.insertRow(cellInfo.rowIndex, cell);
  12916. } else {
  12917. var range = ut.cellsRange;
  12918. for (var i = 0, len = range.endRowIndex - range.beginRowIndex + 1; i < len; i++) {
  12919. ut.insertRow(range.beginRowIndex, cell);
  12920. }
  12921. }
  12922. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  12923. if (table.getAttribute("interlaced") === "enabled")this.fireEvent("interlacetable", table);
  12924. }
  12925. };
  12926. //后插入行
  12927. UE.commands["insertrownext"] = {
  12928. queryCommandState: function () {
  12929. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12930. cell = tableItems.cell;
  12931. return cell && (cell.tagName == "TD") && getUETable(tableItems.table).rowsNum < this.options.maxRowNum ? 0 : -1;
  12932. },
  12933. execCommand: function () {
  12934. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  12935. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  12936. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12937. cell = tableItems.cell,
  12938. table = tableItems.table,
  12939. ut = getUETable(table),
  12940. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell);
  12941. //ut.insertRow(!ut.selectedTds.length? cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan : ut.cellsRange.endRowIndex + 1,'');
  12942. if (!ut.selectedTds.length) {
  12943. ut.insertRow(cellInfo.rowIndex + cellInfo.rowSpan, cell);
  12944. } else {
  12945. var range = ut.cellsRange;
  12946. for (var i = 0, len = range.endRowIndex - range.beginRowIndex + 1; i < len; i++) {
  12947. ut.insertRow(range.endRowIndex + 1, cell);
  12948. }
  12949. }
  12950. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  12951. if (table.getAttribute("interlaced") === "enabled")this.fireEvent("interlacetable", table);
  12952. }
  12953. };
  12954. UE.commands["deleterow"] = {
  12955. queryCommandState: function () {
  12956. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this);
  12957. if (!tableItems.cell) {
  12958. return -1;
  12959. }
  12960. },
  12961. execCommand: function () {
  12962. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  12963. ut = getUETable(cell),
  12964. cellsRange = ut.cellsRange,
  12965. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell),
  12966. preCell = ut.getVSideCell(cell),
  12967. nextCell = ut.getVSideCell(cell, true),
  12968. rng = this.selection.getRange();
  12969. if (utils.isEmptyObject(cellsRange)) {
  12970. ut.deleteRow(cellInfo.rowIndex);
  12971. } else {
  12972. for (var i = cellsRange.beginRowIndex; i < cellsRange.endRowIndex + 1; i++) {
  12973. ut.deleteRow(cellsRange.beginRowIndex);
  12974. }
  12975. }
  12976. var table = ut.table;
  12977. if (!table.getElementsByTagName('td').length) {
  12978. var nextSibling = table.nextSibling;
  12979. domUtils.remove(table);
  12980. if (nextSibling) {
  12981. rng.setStart(nextSibling, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  12982. }
  12983. } else {
  12984. if (cellInfo.rowSpan == 1 || cellInfo.rowSpan == cellsRange.endRowIndex - cellsRange.beginRowIndex + 1) {
  12985. if (nextCell || preCell) rng.selectNodeContents(nextCell || preCell).setCursor(false, true);
  12986. } else {
  12987. var newCell = ut.getCell(cellInfo.rowIndex, ut.indexTable[cellInfo.rowIndex][cellInfo.colIndex].cellIndex);
  12988. if (newCell) rng.selectNodeContents(newCell).setCursor(false, true);
  12989. }
  12990. }
  12991. if (table.getAttribute("interlaced") === "enabled")this.fireEvent("interlacetable", table);
  12992. }
  12993. };
  12994. UE.commands["insertcol"] = {
  12995. queryCommandState: function (cmd) {
  12996. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  12997. cell = tableItems.cell;
  12998. return cell && (cell.tagName == "TD" || cell.tagName == 'TH') && getUETable(tableItems.table).colsNum < this.options.maxColNum ? 0 : -1;
  12999. },
  13000. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  13001. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13002. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  13003. if (this.queryCommandState(cmd) == -1)return;
  13004. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13005. ut = getUETable(cell),
  13006. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell);
  13007. //ut.insertCol(!ut.selectedTds.length ? cellInfo.colIndex:ut.cellsRange.beginColIndex);
  13008. if (!ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13009. ut.insertCol(cellInfo.colIndex, cell);
  13010. } else {
  13011. var range = ut.cellsRange;
  13012. for (var i = 0, len = range.endColIndex - range.beginColIndex + 1; i < len; i++) {
  13013. ut.insertCol(range.beginColIndex, cell);
  13014. }
  13015. }
  13016. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select(true);
  13017. }
  13018. };
  13019. UE.commands["insertcolnext"] = {
  13020. queryCommandState: function () {
  13021. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  13022. cell = tableItems.cell;
  13023. return cell && getUETable(tableItems.table).colsNum < this.options.maxColNum ? 0 : -1;
  13024. },
  13025. execCommand: function () {
  13026. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13027. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  13028. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13029. ut = getUETable(cell),
  13030. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell);
  13031. //ut.insertCol(!ut.selectedTds.length ? cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan:ut.cellsRange.endColIndex +1);
  13032. if (!ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13033. ut.insertCol(cellInfo.colIndex + cellInfo.colSpan, cell);
  13034. } else {
  13035. var range = ut.cellsRange;
  13036. for (var i = 0, len = range.endColIndex - range.beginColIndex + 1; i < len; i++) {
  13037. ut.insertCol(range.endColIndex + 1, cell);
  13038. }
  13039. }
  13040. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  13041. }
  13042. };
  13043. UE.commands["deletecol"] = {
  13044. queryCommandState: function () {
  13045. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this);
  13046. if (!tableItems.cell) return -1;
  13047. },
  13048. execCommand: function () {
  13049. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13050. ut = getUETable(cell),
  13051. range = ut.cellsRange,
  13052. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell),
  13053. preCell = ut.getHSideCell(cell),
  13054. nextCell = ut.getHSideCell(cell, true);
  13055. if (utils.isEmptyObject(range)) {
  13056. ut.deleteCol(cellInfo.colIndex);
  13057. } else {
  13058. for (var i = range.beginColIndex; i < range.endColIndex + 1; i++) {
  13059. ut.deleteCol(range.beginColIndex);
  13060. }
  13061. }
  13062. var table = ut.table,
  13063. rng = this.selection.getRange();
  13064. if (!table.getElementsByTagName('td').length) {
  13065. var nextSibling = table.nextSibling;
  13066. domUtils.remove(table);
  13067. if (nextSibling) {
  13068. rng.setStart(nextSibling, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  13069. }
  13070. } else {
  13071. if (domUtils.inDoc(cell, this.document)) {
  13072. rng.setStart(cell, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  13073. } else {
  13074. if (nextCell && domUtils.inDoc(nextCell, this.document)) {
  13075. rng.selectNodeContents(nextCell).setCursor(false, true);
  13076. } else {
  13077. if (preCell && domUtils.inDoc(preCell, this.document)) {
  13078. rng.selectNodeContents(preCell).setCursor(true, true);
  13079. }
  13080. }
  13081. }
  13082. }
  13083. }
  13084. };
  13085. UE.commands["splittocells"] = {
  13086. queryCommandState: function () {
  13087. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  13088. cell = tableItems.cell;
  13089. if (!cell) return -1;
  13090. var ut = getUETable(tableItems.table);
  13091. if (ut.selectedTds.length > 0) return -1;
  13092. return cell && (cell.colSpan > 1 || cell.rowSpan > 1) ? 0 : -1;
  13093. },
  13094. execCommand: function () {
  13095. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13096. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  13097. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13098. ut = getUETable(cell);
  13099. ut.splitToCells(cell);
  13100. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  13101. }
  13102. };
  13103. UE.commands["splittorows"] = {
  13104. queryCommandState: function () {
  13105. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  13106. cell = tableItems.cell;
  13107. if (!cell) return -1;
  13108. var ut = getUETable(tableItems.table);
  13109. if (ut.selectedTds.length > 0) return -1;
  13110. return cell && cell.rowSpan > 1 ? 0 : -1;
  13111. },
  13112. execCommand: function () {
  13113. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13114. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  13115. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13116. ut = getUETable(cell);
  13117. ut.splitToRows(cell);
  13118. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  13119. }
  13120. };
  13121. UE.commands["splittocols"] = {
  13122. queryCommandState: function () {
  13123. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  13124. cell = tableItems.cell;
  13125. if (!cell) return -1;
  13126. var ut = getUETable(tableItems.table);
  13127. if (ut.selectedTds.length > 0) return -1;
  13128. return cell && cell.colSpan > 1 ? 0 : -1;
  13129. },
  13130. execCommand: function () {
  13131. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13132. bk = rng.createBookmark(true);
  13133. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(this).cell,
  13134. ut = getUETable(cell);
  13135. ut.splitToCols(cell);
  13136. rng.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  13137. }
  13138. };
  13139. UE.commands["adaptbytext"] =
  13140. UE.commands["adaptbywindow"] = {
  13141. queryCommandState: function () {
  13142. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1
  13143. },
  13144. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  13145. var tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(this),
  13146. table = tableItems.table;
  13147. if (table) {
  13148. if (cmd == 'adaptbywindow') {
  13149. resetTdWidth(table, this);
  13150. } else {
  13151. var cells = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "td th");
  13152. utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  13153. cell.removeAttribute("width");
  13154. });
  13155. table.removeAttribute("width");
  13156. }
  13157. }
  13158. }
  13159. };
  13160. //平均分配各列
  13161. UE.commands['averagedistributecol'] = {
  13162. queryCommandState: function () {
  13163. var ut = getUETableBySelected(this);
  13164. if (!ut) return -1;
  13165. return ut.isFullRow() || ut.isFullCol() ? 0 : -1;
  13166. },
  13167. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  13168. var me = this,
  13169. ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13170. function getAverageWidth() {
  13171. var tb = ut.table,
  13172. averageWidth, sumWidth = 0, colsNum = 0,
  13173. tbAttr = getDefaultValue(me, tb);
  13174. if (ut.isFullRow()) {
  13175. sumWidth = tb.offsetWidth;
  13176. colsNum = ut.colsNum;
  13177. } else {
  13178. var begin = ut.cellsRange.beginColIndex,
  13179. end = ut.cellsRange.endColIndex,
  13180. node;
  13181. for (var i = begin; i <= end;) {
  13182. node = ut.selectedTds[i];
  13183. sumWidth += node.offsetWidth;
  13184. i += node.colSpan;
  13185. colsNum += 1;
  13186. }
  13187. }
  13188. averageWidth = Math.ceil(sumWidth / colsNum) - tbAttr.tdBorder * 2 - tbAttr.tdPadding * 2;
  13189. return averageWidth;
  13190. }
  13191. function setAverageWidth(averageWidth) {
  13192. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(ut.table, "th"), function (node) {
  13193. node.setAttribute("width", "");
  13194. });
  13195. var cells = ut.isFullRow() ? domUtils.getElementsByTagName(ut.table, "td") : ut.selectedTds;
  13196. utils.each(cells, function (node) {
  13197. if (node.colSpan == 1) {
  13198. node.setAttribute("width", averageWidth);
  13199. }
  13200. });
  13201. }
  13202. if (ut && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13203. setAverageWidth(getAverageWidth());
  13204. }
  13205. }
  13206. };
  13207. //平均分配各行
  13208. UE.commands['averagedistributerow'] = {
  13209. queryCommandState: function () {
  13210. var ut = getUETableBySelected(this);
  13211. if (!ut) return -1;
  13212. if (ut.selectedTds && /th/ig.test(ut.selectedTds[0].tagName)) return -1;
  13213. return ut.isFullRow() || ut.isFullCol() ? 0 : -1;
  13214. },
  13215. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  13216. var me = this,
  13217. ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13218. function getAverageHeight() {
  13219. var averageHeight, rowNum, sumHeight = 0,
  13220. tb = ut.table,
  13221. tbAttr = getDefaultValue(me, tb),
  13222. tdpadding = parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(tb.getElementsByTagName('td')[0], "padding-top"));
  13223. if (ut.isFullCol()) {
  13224. var captionArr = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(tb, "caption"),
  13225. thArr = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(tb, "th"),
  13226. captionHeight, thHeight;
  13227. if (captionArr.length > 0) {
  13228. captionHeight = captionArr[0].offsetHeight;
  13229. }
  13230. if (thArr.length > 0) {
  13231. thHeight = thArr[0].offsetHeight;
  13232. }
  13233. sumHeight = tb.offsetHeight - (captionHeight || 0) - (thHeight || 0);
  13234. rowNum = thArr.length == 0 ? ut.rowsNum : (ut.rowsNum - 1);
  13235. } else {
  13236. var begin = ut.cellsRange.beginRowIndex,
  13237. end = ut.cellsRange.endRowIndex,
  13238. count = 0,
  13239. trs = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(tb, "tr");
  13240. for (var i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
  13241. sumHeight += trs[i].offsetHeight;
  13242. count += 1;
  13243. }
  13244. rowNum = count;
  13245. }
  13246. //ie8下是混杂模式
  13247. if ( && browser.version < 9) {
  13248. averageHeight = Math.ceil(sumHeight / rowNum);
  13249. } else {
  13250. averageHeight = Math.ceil(sumHeight / rowNum) - tbAttr.tdBorder * 2 - tdpadding * 2;
  13251. }
  13252. return averageHeight;
  13253. }
  13254. function setAverageHeight(averageHeight) {
  13255. var cells = ut.isFullCol() ? domUtils.getElementsByTagName(ut.table, "td") : ut.selectedTds;
  13256. utils.each(cells, function (node) {
  13257. if (node.rowSpan == 1) {
  13258. node.setAttribute("height", averageHeight);
  13259. }
  13260. });
  13261. }
  13262. if (ut && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13263. setAverageHeight(getAverageHeight());
  13264. }
  13265. }
  13266. };
  13267. //单元格对齐方式
  13268. UE.commands['cellalignment'] = {
  13269. queryCommandState: function () {
  13270. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1
  13271. },
  13272. execCommand: function (cmd, data) {
  13273. var me = this,
  13274. ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13275. if (!ut) {
  13276. var start = me.selection.getStart(),
  13277. cell = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["td", "th", "caption"], true);
  13278. if (!/caption/ig.test(cell.tagName)) {
  13279. domUtils.setAttributes(cell, data);
  13280. } else {
  13281. = data.align;
  13282. = data.vAlign;
  13283. }
  13284. me.selection.getRange().setCursor(true);
  13285. } else {
  13286. utils.each(ut.selectedTds, function (cell) {
  13287. domUtils.setAttributes(cell, data);
  13288. });
  13289. }
  13290. },
  13291. /**
  13292. * 查询当前点击的单元格的对齐状态, 如果当前已经选择了多个单元格, 则会返回所有单元格经过统一协调过后的状态
  13293. * @see UE.UETable.getTableCellAlignState
  13294. */
  13295. queryCommandValue: function (cmd) {
  13296. var activeMenuCell = getTableItemsByRange( this).cell;
  13297. if( !activeMenuCell ) {
  13298. activeMenuCell = getSelectedArr(this)[0];
  13299. }
  13300. if (!activeMenuCell) {
  13301. return null;
  13302. } else {
  13303. //获取同时选中的其他单元格
  13304. var cells = UE.UETable.getUETable(activeMenuCell).selectedTds;
  13305. !cells.length && ( cells = activeMenuCell );
  13306. return UE.UETable.getTableCellAlignState(cells);
  13307. }
  13308. }
  13309. };
  13310. //表格对齐方式
  13311. UE.commands['tablealignment'] = {
  13312. queryCommandState: function () {
  13313. if ( && browser.version < 8) {
  13314. return -1;
  13315. }
  13316. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1
  13317. },
  13318. execCommand: function (cmd, value) {
  13319. var me = this,
  13320. start = me.selection.getStart(),
  13321. table = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["table"], true);
  13322. if (table) {
  13323. table.setAttribute("align",value);
  13324. }
  13325. }
  13326. };
  13327. //表格属性
  13328. UE.commands['edittable'] = {
  13329. queryCommandState: function () {
  13330. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1
  13331. },
  13332. execCommand: function (cmd, color) {
  13333. var rng = this.selection.getRange(),
  13334. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table');
  13335. if (table) {
  13336. var arr = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "td").concat(
  13337. domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "th"),
  13338. domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "caption")
  13339. );
  13340. utils.each(arr, function (node) {
  13341. = color;
  13342. });
  13343. }
  13344. }
  13345. };
  13346. //单元格属性
  13347. UE.commands['edittd'] = {
  13348. queryCommandState: function () {
  13349. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1
  13350. },
  13351. execCommand: function (cmd, bkColor) {
  13352. var me = this,
  13353. ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13354. if (!ut) {
  13355. var start = me.selection.getStart(),
  13356. cell = start && domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ["td", "th", "caption"], true);
  13357. if (cell) {
  13358. = bkColor;
  13359. }
  13360. } else {
  13361. utils.each(ut.selectedTds, function (cell) {
  13362. = bkColor;
  13363. });
  13364. }
  13365. }
  13366. };
  13367. UE.commands['sorttable'] = {
  13368. queryCommandState: function () {
  13369. var me = this,
  13370. tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(me);
  13371. if (!tableItems.cell) return -1;
  13372. var table = tableItems.table,
  13373. cells = table.getElementsByTagName("td");
  13374. for (var i = 0, cell; cell = cells[i++];) {
  13375. if (cell.rowSpan != 1 || cell.colSpan != 1) return -1;
  13376. }
  13377. return 0;
  13378. },
  13379. execCommand: function (cmd, fn) {
  13380. var me = this,
  13381. range = me.selection.getRange(),
  13382. bk = range.createBookmark(true),
  13383. tableItems = getTableItemsByRange(me),
  13384. cell = tableItems.cell,
  13385. ut = getUETable(tableItems.table),
  13386. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(cell);
  13387. ut.sortTable(cellInfo.cellIndex, fn);
  13388. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  13389. }
  13390. };
  13391. UE.commands["enablesort"] = UE.commands["disablesort"] = {
  13392. queryCommandState: function () {
  13393. return getTableItemsByRange(this).table ? 0 : -1;
  13394. },
  13395. execCommand: function (cmd) {
  13396. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  13397. table.setAttribute("data-sort", cmd == "enablesort" ? "sortEnabled" : "sortDisabled");
  13398. }
  13399. };
  13400. UE.commands["settablebackground"] = {
  13401. queryCommandState: function () {
  13402. return getSelectedArr(this).length > 1 ? 0 : -1;
  13403. },
  13404. execCommand: function (cmd, value) {
  13405. var table, cells, ut;
  13406. cells = getSelectedArr(this);
  13407. ut = getUETable(cells[0]);
  13408. ut.setBackground(cells, value);
  13409. }
  13410. };
  13411. UE.commands["cleartablebackground"] = {
  13412. queryCommandState: function () {
  13413. var cells = getSelectedArr(this);
  13414. if (!cells.length)return -1;
  13415. for (var i = 0, cell; cell = cells[i++];) {
  13416. if ( !== "") return 0;
  13417. }
  13418. return -1;
  13419. },
  13420. execCommand: function () {
  13421. var cells = getSelectedArr(this),
  13422. ut = getUETable(cells[0]);
  13423. ut.removeBackground(cells);
  13424. }
  13425. };
  13426. UE.commands["interlacetable"] = UE.commands["uninterlacetable"] = {
  13427. queryCommandState: function (cmd) {
  13428. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  13429. if (!table) return -1;
  13430. var interlaced = table.getAttribute("interlaced");
  13431. if (cmd == "interlacetable") {
  13432. //TODO 待定
  13433. //是否需要待定,如果设置,则命令只能单次执行成功,但反射具备toggle效果;否则可以覆盖前次命令,但反射将不存在toggle效果
  13434. return (interlaced === "enabled") ? -1 : 0;
  13435. } else {
  13436. return (!interlaced || interlaced === "disabled") ? -1 : 0;
  13437. }
  13438. },
  13439. execCommand: function (cmd, classList) {
  13440. var table = getTableItemsByRange(this).table;
  13441. if (cmd == "interlacetable") {
  13442. table.setAttribute("interlaced", "enabled");
  13443. this.fireEvent("interlacetable", table, classList);
  13444. } else {
  13445. table.setAttribute("interlaced", "disabled");
  13446. this.fireEvent("uninterlacetable", table);
  13447. }
  13448. }
  13449. };
  13450. function resetTdWidth(table, editor) {
  13451. var tds = table.getElementsByTagName("td");
  13452. utils.each(tds, function (td) {
  13453. td.removeAttribute("width");
  13454. });
  13455. table.setAttribute('width', getTableWidth(editor, true, getDefaultValue(editor, table)));
  13456. setTimeout(function () {
  13457. utils.each(tds, function (td) {
  13458. (td.colSpan == 1) && td.setAttribute("width", td.offsetWidth + "");
  13459. })
  13460. }, 0);
  13461. }
  13462. function getTableWidth(editor, needIEHack, defaultValue) {
  13463. var body = editor.body;
  13464. return body.offsetWidth - (needIEHack ? parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(body, 'margin-left'), 10) * 2 : 0) - defaultValue.tableBorder * 2 - (editor.options.offsetWidth || 0);
  13465. }
  13466. function getSelectedArr(editor) {
  13467. var cell = getTableItemsByRange(editor).cell;
  13468. if (cell) {
  13469. var ut = getUETable(cell);
  13470. return ut.selectedTds.length ? ut.selectedTds : [cell];
  13471. } else {
  13472. return [];
  13473. }
  13474. }
  13475. })();
  13476. /**
  13477. * Created with JetBrains PhpStorm.
  13478. * User: taoqili
  13479. * Date: 12-10-12
  13480. * Time: 上午10:05
  13481. * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
  13482. */
  13483. UE.plugins['table'] = function () {
  13484. var me = this,
  13485. tabTimer = null,
  13486. //拖动计时器
  13487. tableDragTimer = null,
  13488. //双击计时器
  13489. tableResizeTimer = null,
  13490. //单元格最小宽度
  13491. cellMinWidth = 5,
  13492. isInResizeBuffer = false,
  13493. //单元格边框大小
  13494. cellBorderWidth = 5,
  13495. //鼠标偏移距离
  13496. offsetOfTableCell = 10,
  13497. //记录在有限时间内的点击状态, 共有3个取值, 0, 1, 2。 0代表未初始化, 1代表单击了1次,2代表2次
  13498. singleClickState = 0,
  13499. userActionStatus = null,
  13500. //双击允许的时间范围
  13501. dblclickTime = 360,
  13502. UT = UE.UETable,
  13503. getUETable = function (tdOrTable) {
  13504. return UT.getUETable(tdOrTable);
  13505. },
  13506. getUETableBySelected = function (editor) {
  13507. return UT.getUETableBySelected(editor);
  13508. },
  13509. getDefaultValue = function (editor, table) {
  13510. return UT.getDefaultValue(editor, table);
  13511. },
  13512. removeSelectedClass = function (cells) {
  13513. return UT.removeSelectedClass(cells);
  13514. };
  13515. function showError(e) {
  13516. // throw e;
  13517. }
  13518. me.ready(function(){
  13519. var me = this;
  13520. var orgGetText = me.selection.getText;
  13521. me.selection.getText = function(){
  13522. var table = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13523. if(table){
  13524. var str = '';
  13525. utils.each(table.selectedTds,function(td){
  13526. str += td['innerText':'textContent'];
  13527. })
  13528. return str;
  13529. }else{
  13530. return
  13531. }
  13532. }
  13533. })
  13534. //处理拖动及框选相关方法
  13535. var startTd = null, //鼠标按下时的锚点td
  13536. currentTd = null, //当前鼠标经过时的td
  13537. onDrag = "", //指示当前拖动状态,其值可为"","h","v" ,分别表示未拖动状态,横向拖动状态,纵向拖动状态,用于鼠标移动过程中的判断
  13538. onBorder = false, //检测鼠标按下时是否处在单元格边缘位置
  13539. dragButton = null,
  13540. dragOver = false,
  13541. dragLine = null, //模拟的拖动线
  13542. dragTd = null; //发生拖动的目标td
  13543. var mousedown = false,
  13544. //todo 判断混乱模式
  13545. needIEHack = true;
  13546. me.setOpt({
  13547. 'maxColNum':20,
  13548. 'maxRowNum':100,
  13549. 'defaultCols':5,
  13550. 'defaultRows':5,
  13551. 'tdvalign':'top',
  13552. 'cursorpath':me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + "themes/default/images/cursor_",
  13553. 'tableDragable':false,
  13554. 'classList':["ue-table-interlace-color-single","ue-table-interlace-color-double"]
  13555. });
  13556. me.getUETable = getUETable;
  13557. var commands = {
  13558. 'deletetable':1,
  13559. 'inserttable':1,
  13560. 'cellvalign':1,
  13561. 'insertcaption':1,
  13562. 'deletecaption':1,
  13563. 'inserttitle':1,
  13564. 'deletetitle':1,
  13565. "mergeright":1,
  13566. "mergedown":1,
  13567. "mergecells":1,
  13568. "insertrow":1,
  13569. "insertrownext":1,
  13570. "deleterow":1,
  13571. "insertcol":1,
  13572. "insertcolnext":1,
  13573. "deletecol":1,
  13574. "splittocells":1,
  13575. "splittorows":1,
  13576. "splittocols":1,
  13577. "adaptbytext":1,
  13578. "adaptbywindow":1,
  13579. "adaptbycustomer":1,
  13580. "insertparagraph":1,
  13581. "insertparagraphbeforetable":1,
  13582. "averagedistributecol":1,
  13583. "averagedistributerow":1
  13584. };
  13585. me.ready(function () {
  13586. utils.cssRule('table',
  13587. //选中的td上的样式
  13588. '.selectTdClass{background-color:#edf5fa !important}' +
  13589. 'table.noBorderTable td,table.noBorderTable th,table.noBorderTable caption{border:1px dashed #ddd !important}' +
  13590. //插入的表格的默认样式
  13591. 'table{margin-bottom:10px;border-collapse:collapse;display:table;}' +
  13592. 'td,th{padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid #DDD;}' +
  13593. 'caption{border:1px dashed #DDD;border-bottom:0;padding:3px;text-align:center;}' +
  13594. 'th{border-top:2px solid #BBB;background:#F7F7F7;}' +
  13595. '.ue-table-interlace-color-single{ background-color: #fcfcfc; } .ue-table-interlace-color-double{ background-color: #f7faff; }' +
  13596. 'td p{margin:0;padding:0;}', me.document);
  13597. var tableCopyList, isFullCol, isFullRow;
  13598. //注册del/backspace事件
  13599. me.addListener('keydown', function (cmd, evt) {
  13600. var me = this;
  13601. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  13602. if (keyCode == 8) {
  13603. var ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13604. if (ut && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13605. if (ut.isFullCol()) {
  13606. me.execCommand('deletecol')
  13607. } else if (ut.isFullRow()) {
  13608. me.execCommand('deleterow')
  13609. } else {
  13610. me.fireEvent('delcells');
  13611. }
  13612. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  13613. }
  13614. var caption = domUtils.findParentByTagName(me.selection.getStart(), 'caption', true),
  13615. range = me.selection.getRange();
  13616. if (range.collapsed && caption && isEmptyBlock(caption)) {
  13617. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13618. var table = caption.parentNode;
  13619. domUtils.remove(caption);
  13620. if (table) {
  13621. range.setStart(table.rows[0].cells[0], 0).setCursor(false, true);
  13622. }
  13623. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13624. }
  13625. }
  13626. if (keyCode == 46) {
  13627. ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13628. if (ut) {
  13629. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13630. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = ut.selectedTds[i++];) {
  13631. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, ci)
  13632. }
  13633. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13634. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  13635. }
  13636. }
  13637. if (keyCode == 13) {
  13638. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  13639. caption = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'caption', true);
  13640. if (caption) {
  13641. var table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(caption, 'table');
  13642. if (!rng.collapsed) {
  13643. rng.deleteContents();
  13644. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13645. } else {
  13646. if (caption) {
  13647. rng.setStart(table.rows[0].cells[0], 0).setCursor(false, true);
  13648. }
  13649. }
  13650. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  13651. return;
  13652. }
  13653. if (rng.collapsed) {
  13654. var table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'table');
  13655. if (table) {
  13656. var cell = table.rows[0].cells[0],
  13657. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(me.selection.getStart(), ['td', 'th'], true),
  13658. preNode = table.previousSibling;
  13659. if (cell === start && (!preNode || preNode.nodeType == 1 && preNode.tagName == 'TABLE' ) && domUtils.isStartInblock(rng)) {
  13660. var first = domUtils.findParent(me.selection.getStart(), function(n){return domUtils.isBlockElm(n)}, true);
  13661. if(first && ( /t(h|d)/i.test(first.tagName) || first === start.firstChild )){
  13662. me.execCommand('insertparagraphbeforetable');
  13663. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  13664. }
  13665. }
  13666. }
  13667. }
  13668. }
  13669. if ((evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) && evt.keyCode == '67') {
  13670. tableCopyList = null;
  13671. var ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13672. if (ut) {
  13673. var tds = ut.selectedTds;
  13674. isFullCol = ut.isFullCol();
  13675. isFullRow = ut.isFullRow();
  13676. tableCopyList = [
  13677. [ut.cloneCell(tds[0],null,true)]
  13678. ];
  13679. for (var i = 1, ci; ci = tds[i]; i++) {
  13680. if (ci.parentNode !== tds[i - 1].parentNode) {
  13681. tableCopyList.push([ut.cloneCell(ci,null,true)]);
  13682. } else {
  13683. tableCopyList[tableCopyList.length - 1].push(ut.cloneCell(ci,null,true));
  13684. }
  13685. }
  13686. }
  13687. }
  13688. });
  13689. me.addListener("tablehasdeleted",function(){
  13690. toggleDraggableState(this, false, "", null);
  13691. if (dragButton)domUtils.remove(dragButton);
  13692. });
  13693. me.addListener('beforepaste', function (cmd, html) {
  13694. var me = this;
  13695. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  13696. if (domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, 'caption', true)) {
  13697. var div = me.document.createElement("div");
  13698. div.innerHTML = html.html;
  13699. html.html = div[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'];
  13700. return;
  13701. }
  13702. var table = getUETableBySelected(me);
  13703. if (tableCopyList) {
  13704. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13705. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  13706. var td = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, ['td', 'th'], true), tmpNode, preNode;
  13707. if (td) {
  13708. var ut = getUETable(td);
  13709. if (isFullRow) {
  13710. var rowIndex = ut.getCellInfo(td).rowIndex;
  13711. if (td.tagName == 'TH') {
  13712. rowIndex++;
  13713. }
  13714. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tableCopyList[i++];) {
  13715. var tr = ut.insertRow(rowIndex++, "td");
  13716. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = ci[j]; j++) {
  13717. var cell = tr.cells[j];
  13718. if (!cell) {
  13719. cell = tr.insertCell(j)
  13720. }
  13721. cell.innerHTML = cj.innerHTML;
  13722. cj.getAttribute('width') && cell.setAttribute('width', cj.getAttribute('width'));
  13723. cj.getAttribute('vAlign') && cell.setAttribute('vAlign', cj.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  13724. cj.getAttribute('align') && cell.setAttribute('align', cj.getAttribute('align'));
  13725. && ( =
  13726. }
  13727. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = tr.cells[j]; j++) {
  13728. if (!ci[j])
  13729. break;
  13730. cj.innerHTML = ci[j].innerHTML;
  13731. ci[j].getAttribute('width') && cj.setAttribute('width', ci[j].getAttribute('width'));
  13732. ci[j].getAttribute('vAlign') && cj.setAttribute('vAlign', ci[j].getAttribute('vAlign'));
  13733. ci[j].getAttribute('align') && cj.setAttribute('align', ci[j].getAttribute('align'));
  13734. ci[j].style.cssText && ( = ci[j].style.cssText)
  13735. }
  13736. }
  13737. } else {
  13738. if (isFullCol) {
  13739. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(td);
  13740. var maxColNum = 0;
  13741. for (var j = 0, ci = tableCopyList[0], cj; cj = ci[j++];) {
  13742. maxColNum += cj.colSpan || 1;
  13743. }
  13744. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  13745. for (i = 0; i < maxColNum; i++) {
  13746. me.execCommand('insertcol');
  13747. }
  13748. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  13749. td = ut.table.rows[0].cells[cellInfo.cellIndex];
  13750. if (td.tagName == 'TH') {
  13751. td = ut.table.rows[1].cells[cellInfo.cellIndex];
  13752. }
  13753. }
  13754. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tableCopyList[i++];) {
  13755. tmpNode = td;
  13756. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = ci[j++];) {
  13757. if (td) {
  13758. td.innerHTML = cj.innerHTML;
  13759. //todo 定制处理
  13760. cj.getAttribute('width') && td.setAttribute('width', cj.getAttribute('width'));
  13761. cj.getAttribute('vAlign') && td.setAttribute('vAlign', cj.getAttribute('vAlign'));
  13762. cj.getAttribute('align') && td.setAttribute('align', cj.getAttribute('align'));
  13763. && ( =;
  13764. preNode = td;
  13765. td = td.nextSibling;
  13766. } else {
  13767. var cloneTd = cj.cloneNode(true);
  13768. domUtils.removeAttributes(cloneTd, ['class', 'rowSpan', 'colSpan']);
  13769. preNode.parentNode.appendChild(cloneTd)
  13770. }
  13771. }
  13772. td = ut.getNextCell(tmpNode, true, true);
  13773. if (!tableCopyList[i])
  13774. break;
  13775. if (!td) {
  13776. var cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(tmpNode);
  13777. ut.table.insertRow(ut.table.rows.length);
  13778. ut.update();
  13779. td = ut.getVSideCell(tmpNode, true);
  13780. }
  13781. }
  13782. }
  13783. ut.update();
  13784. } else {
  13785. table = me.document.createElement('table');
  13786. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = tableCopyList[i++];) {
  13787. var tr = table.insertRow(table.rows.length);
  13788. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = ci[j++];) {
  13789. cloneTd = UT.cloneCell(cj,null,true);
  13790. domUtils.removeAttributes(cloneTd, ['class']);
  13791. tr.appendChild(cloneTd)
  13792. }
  13793. if (j == 2 && cloneTd.rowSpan > 1) {
  13794. cloneTd.rowSpan = 1;
  13795. }
  13796. }
  13797. var defaultValue = getDefaultValue(me),
  13798. width = me.body.offsetWidth -
  13799. (needIEHack ? parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(me.body, 'margin-left'), 10) * 2 : 0) - defaultValue.tableBorder * 2 - (me.options.offsetWidth || 0);
  13800. me.execCommand('insertHTML', '<table ' +
  13801. ( isFullCol && isFullRow ? 'width="' + width + '"' : '') +
  13802. '>' + table.innerHTML.replace(/>\s*</g, '><').replace(/\bth\b/gi, "td") + '</table>')
  13803. }
  13804. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  13805. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  13806. html.html = '';
  13807. return true;
  13808. } else {
  13809. var div = me.document.createElement("div"), tables;
  13810. div.innerHTML = html.html;
  13811. tables = div.getElementsByTagName("table");
  13812. if (domUtils.findParentByTagName(me.selection.getStart(), 'table')) {
  13813. utils.each(tables, function (t) {
  13814. domUtils.remove(t)
  13815. });
  13816. if (domUtils.findParentByTagName(me.selection.getStart(), 'caption', true)) {
  13817. div.innerHTML = div[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'];
  13818. }
  13819. } else {
  13820. utils.each(tables, function (table) {
  13821. removeStyleSize(table, true);
  13822. domUtils.removeAttributes(table, ['style', 'border']);
  13823. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "td"), function (td) {
  13824. if (isEmptyBlock(td)) {
  13825. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, td);
  13826. }
  13827. removeStyleSize(td, true);
  13828. // domUtils.removeAttributes(td, ['style'])
  13829. });
  13830. });
  13831. }
  13832. html.html = div.innerHTML;
  13833. }
  13834. });
  13835. me.addListener('afterpaste', function () {
  13836. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.body, "table"), function (table) {
  13837. if (table.offsetWidth > me.body.offsetWidth) {
  13838. var defaultValue = getDefaultValue(me, table);
  13839. = me.body.offsetWidth - (needIEHack ? parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(me.body, 'margin-left'), 10) * 2 : 0) - defaultValue.tableBorder * 2 - (me.options.offsetWidth || 0) + 'px'
  13840. }
  13841. })
  13842. });
  13843. me.addListener('blur', function () {
  13844. tableCopyList = null;
  13845. });
  13846. var timer;
  13847. me.addListener('keydown', function () {
  13848. clearTimeout(timer);
  13849. timer = setTimeout(function () {
  13850. var rng = me.selection.getRange(),
  13851. cell = domUtils.findParentByTagName(rng.startContainer, ['th', 'td'], true);
  13852. if (cell) {
  13853. var table = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
  13854. if (table.offsetWidth > table.getAttribute("width")) {
  13855. = "break-all";
  13856. }
  13857. }
  13858. }, 100);
  13859. });
  13860. me.addListener("selectionchange", function () {
  13861. toggleDraggableState(me, false, "", null);
  13862. });
  13863. //内容变化时触发索引更新
  13864. //todo 可否考虑标记检测,如果不涉及表格的变化就不进行索引重建和更新
  13865. me.addListener("contentchange", function () {
  13866. var me = this;
  13867. //尽可能排除一些不需要更新的状况
  13868. hideDragLine(me);
  13869. if (getUETableBySelected(me))return;
  13870. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  13871. var start = rng.startContainer;
  13872. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(start, ['td', 'th'], true);
  13873. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document, 'table'), function (table) {
  13874. if (me.fireEvent("excludetable", table) === true) return;
  13875. table.ueTable = new UT(table);
  13876. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document, 'td'), function (td) {
  13877. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(td) && td !== start) {
  13878. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, td);
  13879. if ( && browser.version == 6) {
  13880. td.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
  13881. }
  13882. }
  13883. });
  13884. utils.each(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document, 'th'), function (th) {
  13885. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(th) && th !== start) {
  13886. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, th);
  13887. if ( && browser.version == 6) {
  13888. th.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
  13889. }
  13890. }
  13891. });
  13892. table.onmouseover = function () {
  13893. me.fireEvent('tablemouseover', table);
  13894. };
  13895. table.onmousemove = function () {
  13896. me.fireEvent('tablemousemove', table);
  13897. me.options.tableDragable && toggleDragButton(true, this, me);
  13898. };
  13899. table.onmouseout = function () {
  13900. me.fireEvent('tablemouseout', table);
  13901. toggleDraggableState(me, false, "", null);
  13902. hideDragLine(me);
  13903. };
  13904. table.onclick = function (evt) {
  13905. evt = me.window.event || evt;
  13906. var target = getParentTdOrTh( || evt.srcElement);
  13907. if (!target)return;
  13908. var ut = getUETable(target),
  13909. table = ut.table,
  13910. cellInfo = ut.getCellInfo(target),
  13911. cellsRange,
  13912. rng = me.selection.getRange();
  13913. // if ("topLeft" == inPosition(table, mouseCoords(evt))) {
  13914. // cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(ut.table.rows[0].cells[0], ut.getLastCell());
  13915. // ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
  13916. // return;
  13917. // }
  13918. // if ("bottomRight" == inPosition(table, mouseCoords(evt))) {
  13919. //
  13920. // return;
  13921. // }
  13922. if (inTableSide(table, target, evt, true)) {
  13923. var endTdCol = ut.getCell(ut.indexTable[ut.rowsNum - 1][cellInfo.colIndex].rowIndex, ut.indexTable[ut.rowsNum - 1][cellInfo.colIndex].cellIndex);
  13924. if (evt.shiftKey && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13925. if (ut.selectedTds[0] !== endTdCol) {
  13926. cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(ut.selectedTds[0], endTdCol);
  13927. ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
  13928. } else {
  13929. rng && rng.selectNodeContents(endTdCol).select();
  13930. }
  13931. } else {
  13932. if (target !== endTdCol) {
  13933. cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(target, endTdCol);
  13934. ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
  13935. } else {
  13936. rng && rng.selectNodeContents(endTdCol).select();
  13937. }
  13938. }
  13939. return;
  13940. }
  13941. if (inTableSide(table, target, evt)) {
  13942. var endTdRow = ut.getCell(ut.indexTable[cellInfo.rowIndex][ut.colsNum - 1].rowIndex, ut.indexTable[cellInfo.rowIndex][ut.colsNum - 1].cellIndex);
  13943. if (evt.shiftKey && ut.selectedTds.length) {
  13944. if (ut.selectedTds[0] !== endTdRow) {
  13945. cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(ut.selectedTds[0], endTdRow);
  13946. ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
  13947. } else {
  13948. rng && rng.selectNodeContents(endTdRow).select();
  13949. }
  13950. } else {
  13951. if (target !== endTdRow) {
  13952. cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(target, endTdRow);
  13953. ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
  13954. } else {
  13955. rng && rng.selectNodeContents(endTdRow).select();
  13956. }
  13957. }
  13958. }
  13959. };
  13960. });
  13961. switchBorderColor(me, true);
  13962. });
  13963. domUtils.on(me.document, "mousemove", mouseMoveEvent);
  13964. domUtils.on(me.document, "mouseout", function (evt) {
  13965. var target = || evt.srcElement;
  13966. if (target.tagName == "TABLE") {
  13967. toggleDraggableState(me, false, "", null);
  13968. }
  13969. });
  13970. /**
  13971. * 表格隔行变色
  13972. */
  13973. me.addListener("interlacetable",function(type,table,classList){
  13974. if(!table) return;
  13975. var me = this,
  13976. rows = table.rows,
  13977. len = rows.length,
  13978. getClass = function(list,index,repeat){
  13979. return list[index] ? list[index] : repeat ? list[index % list.length]: "";
  13980. };
  13981. for(var i = 0;i<len;i++){
  13982. rows[i].className = getClass( classList|| me.options.classList,i,true);
  13983. }
  13984. });
  13985. me.addListener("uninterlacetable",function(type,table){
  13986. if(!table) return;
  13987. var me = this,
  13988. rows = table.rows,
  13989. classList = me.options.classList,
  13990. len = rows.length;
  13991. for(var i = 0;i<len;i++){
  13992. domUtils.removeClasses( rows[i], classList );
  13993. }
  13994. });
  13995. me.addListener("mousedown", mouseDownEvent);
  13996. me.addListener("mouseup", mouseUpEvent);
  13997. //拖动的时候不出发mouseup
  13998. domUtils.on( me.body, 'dragstart', function( evt ){
  13999. me, 'dragstart', evt );
  14000. });
  14001. var currentRowIndex = 0;
  14002. me.addListener("mousedown", function () {
  14003. currentRowIndex = 0;
  14004. });
  14005. me.addListener('tabkeydown', function () {
  14006. var range = this.selection.getRange(),
  14007. common = range.getCommonAncestor(true, true),
  14008. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(common, 'table');
  14009. if (table) {
  14010. if (domUtils.findParentByTagName(common, 'caption', true)) {
  14011. var cell = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, 'th td');
  14012. if (cell && cell.length) {
  14013. range.setStart(cell[0], 0).setCursor(false, true)
  14014. }
  14015. } else {
  14016. var cell = domUtils.findParentByTagName(common, ['td', 'th'], true),
  14017. ua = getUETable(cell);
  14018. currentRowIndex = cell.rowSpan > 1 ? currentRowIndex : ua.getCellInfo(cell).rowIndex;
  14019. var nextCell = ua.getTabNextCell(cell, currentRowIndex);
  14020. if (nextCell) {
  14021. if (isEmptyBlock(nextCell)) {
  14022. range.setStart(nextCell, 0).setCursor(false, true)
  14023. } else {
  14024. range.selectNodeContents(nextCell).select()
  14025. }
  14026. } else {
  14027. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  14028. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  14029. this.execCommand('insertrownext');
  14030. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  14031. range = this.selection.getRange();
  14032. range.setStart(table.rows[table.rows.length - 1].cells[0], 0).setCursor();
  14033. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  14034. }
  14035. }
  14036. return true;
  14037. }
  14038. });
  14039. && me.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  14040. toggleDraggableState(this, false, "", null);
  14041. });
  14042. me.addListener("keydown", function (type, evt) {
  14043. var me = this;
  14044. //处理在表格的最后一个输入tab产生新的表格
  14045. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  14046. if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46) {
  14047. return;
  14048. }
  14049. var notCtrlKey = !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey;
  14050. notCtrlKey && removeSelectedClass(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.body, "td"));
  14051. var ut = getUETableBySelected(me);
  14052. if (!ut) return;
  14053. notCtrlKey && ut.clearSelected();
  14054. });
  14055. me.addListener("beforegetcontent", function () {
  14056. switchBorderColor(this, false);
  14057. && utils.each(this.document.getElementsByTagName('caption'), function (ci) {
  14058. if (domUtils.isEmptyNode(ci)) {
  14059. ci.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
  14060. }
  14061. });
  14062. });
  14063. me.addListener("aftergetcontent", function () {
  14064. switchBorderColor(this, true);
  14065. });
  14066. me.addListener("getAllHtml", function () {
  14067. removeSelectedClass(me.document.getElementsByTagName("td"));
  14068. });
  14069. //修正全屏状态下插入的表格宽度在非全屏状态下撑开编辑器的情况
  14070. me.addListener("fullscreenchanged", function (type, fullscreen) {
  14071. if (!fullscreen) {
  14072. var ratio = this.body.offsetWidth / document.body.offsetWidth,
  14073. tables = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(this.body, "table");
  14074. utils.each(tables, function (table) {
  14075. if (table.offsetWidth < me.body.offsetWidth) return false;
  14076. var tds = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(table, "td"),
  14077. backWidths = [];
  14078. utils.each(tds, function (td) {
  14079. backWidths.push(td.offsetWidth);
  14080. });
  14081. for (var i = 0, td; td = tds[i]; i++) {
  14082. td.setAttribute("width", Math.floor(backWidths[i] * ratio));
  14083. }
  14084. table.setAttribute("width", Math.floor(getTableWidth(me, needIEHack, getDefaultValue(me))))
  14085. });
  14086. }
  14087. });
  14088. //重写execCommand命令,用于处理框选时的处理
  14089. var oldExecCommand = me.execCommand;
  14090. me.execCommand = function (cmd, datatat) {
  14091. var me = this,
  14092. args = arguments;
  14093. cmd = cmd.toLowerCase();
  14094. var ut = getUETableBySelected(me), tds,
  14095. range = new dom.Range(me.document),
  14096. cmdFun = me.commands[cmd] || UE.commands[cmd],
  14097. result;
  14098. if (!cmdFun) return;
  14099. if (ut && !commands[cmd] && !cmdFun.notNeedUndo && !me.__hasEnterExecCommand) {
  14100. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  14101. me.fireEvent("beforeexeccommand", cmd);
  14102. tds = ut.selectedTds;
  14103. var lastState = -2, lastValue = -2, value, state;
  14104. for (var i = 0, td; td = tds[i]; i++) {
  14105. if (isEmptyBlock(td)) {
  14106. range.setStart(td, 0).setCursor(false, true)
  14107. } else {
  14108. range.selectNode(td).select(true);
  14109. }
  14110. state = me.queryCommandState(cmd);
  14111. value = me.queryCommandValue(cmd);
  14112. if (state != -1) {
  14113. if (lastState !== state || lastValue !== value) {
  14114. me._ignoreContentChange = true;
  14115. result = oldExecCommand.apply(me, arguments);
  14116. me._ignoreContentChange = false;
  14117. }
  14118. lastState = me.queryCommandState(cmd);
  14119. lastValue = me.queryCommandValue(cmd);
  14120. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(td)) {
  14121. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, td)
  14122. }
  14123. }
  14124. }
  14125. range.setStart(tds[0], 0).shrinkBoundary(true).setCursor(false, true);
  14126. me.fireEvent('contentchange');
  14127. me.fireEvent("afterexeccommand", cmd);
  14128. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  14129. me._selectionChange();
  14130. } else {
  14131. result = oldExecCommand.apply(me, arguments);
  14132. }
  14133. return result;
  14134. };
  14135. });
  14136. /**
  14137. * 删除obj的宽高style,改成属性宽高
  14138. * @param obj
  14139. * @param replaceToProperty
  14140. */
  14141. function removeStyleSize(obj, replaceToProperty) {
  14142. removeStyle(obj, "width", true);
  14143. removeStyle(obj, "height", true);
  14144. }
  14145. function removeStyle(obj, styleName, replaceToProperty) {
  14146. if ([styleName]) {
  14147. replaceToProperty && obj.setAttribute(styleName, parseInt([styleName], 10));
  14148.[styleName] = "";
  14149. }
  14150. }
  14151. function getParentTdOrTh(ele) {
  14152. if (ele.tagName == "TD" || ele.tagName == "TH") return ele;
  14153. var td;
  14154. if (td = domUtils.findParentByTagName(ele, "td", true) || domUtils.findParentByTagName(ele, "th", true)) return td;
  14155. return null;
  14156. }
  14157. function isEmptyBlock(node) {
  14158. var reg = new RegExp(domUtils.fillChar, 'g');
  14159. if (node[ ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'].replace(/^\s*$/, '').replace(reg, '').length > 0) {
  14160. return 0;
  14161. }
  14162. for (var n in dtd.$isNotEmpty) {
  14163. if (node.getElementsByTagName(n).length) {
  14164. return 0;
  14165. }
  14166. }
  14167. return 1;
  14168. }
  14169. function mouseCoords(evt) {
  14170. if (evt.pageX || evt.pageY) {
  14171. return { x:evt.pageX, y:evt.pageY };
  14172. }
  14173. return {
  14174. x:evt.clientX + me.document.body.scrollLeft - me.document.body.clientLeft,
  14175. y:evt.clientY + me.document.body.scrollTop - me.document.body.clientTop
  14176. };
  14177. }
  14178. function mouseMoveEvent(evt) {
  14179. if( isEditorDisabled() ) {
  14180. return;
  14181. }
  14182. try {
  14183. //普通状态下鼠标移动
  14184. var target = getParentTdOrTh( || evt.srcElement),
  14185. pos;
  14186. //区分用户的行为是拖动还是双击
  14187. if( isInResizeBuffer ) {
  14188. = 'none';
  14189. if( Math.abs( userActionStatus.x - evt.clientX ) > offsetOfTableCell || Math.abs( userActionStatus.y - evt.clientY ) > offsetOfTableCell ) {
  14190. clearTableDragTimer();
  14191. isInResizeBuffer = false;
  14192. singleClickState = 0;
  14193. //drag action
  14194. tableBorderDrag(evt);
  14195. }
  14196. }
  14197. //修改单元格大小时的鼠标移动
  14198. if (onDrag && dragTd) {
  14199. singleClickState = 0;
  14200. = 'none';
  14201. me.selection.getNative()[ ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges']();
  14202. pos = mouseCoords(evt);
  14203. toggleDraggableState(me, true, onDrag, pos, target);
  14204. if (onDrag == "h") {
  14205. = getPermissionX(dragTd, evt) + "px";
  14206. } else if (onDrag == "v") {
  14207. = getPermissionY(dragTd, evt) + "px";
  14208. }
  14209. return;
  14210. }
  14211. //当鼠标处于table上时,修改移动过程中的光标状态
  14212. if (target) {
  14213. //针对使用table作为容器的组件不触发拖拽效果
  14214. if (me.fireEvent('excludetable', target) === true)
  14215. return;
  14216. pos = mouseCoords(evt);
  14217. var state = getRelation(target, pos),
  14218. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(target, "table", true);
  14219. if (inTableSide(table, target, evt, true)) {
  14220. if (me.fireEvent("excludetable", table) === true) return;
  14221. = "url(" + me.options.cursorpath + "h.png),pointer";
  14222. } else if (inTableSide(table, target, evt)) {
  14223. if (me.fireEvent("excludetable", table) === true) return;
  14224. = "url(" + me.options.cursorpath + "v.png),pointer";
  14225. } else {
  14226. = "text";
  14227. var curCell = target;
  14228. if (/\d/.test(state)) {
  14229. state = state.replace(/\d/, '');
  14230. target = getUETable(target).getPreviewCell(target, state == "v");
  14231. }
  14232. //位于第一行的顶部或者第一列的左边时不可拖动
  14233. toggleDraggableState(me, target ? !!state : false, target ? state : '', pos, target);
  14234. }
  14235. } else {
  14236. toggleDragButton(false, table, me);
  14237. }
  14238. } catch (e) {
  14239. showError(e);
  14240. }
  14241. }
  14242. var dragButtonTimer;
  14243. function toggleDragButton(show, table, editor) {
  14244. if (!show) {
  14245. if (dragOver)return;
  14246. dragButtonTimer = setTimeout(function () {
  14247. !dragOver && dragButton && dragButton.parentNode && dragButton.parentNode.removeChild(dragButton);
  14248. }, 2000);
  14249. } else {
  14250. createDragButton(table, editor);
  14251. }
  14252. }
  14253. function createDragButton(table, editor) {
  14254. var pos = domUtils.getXY(table),
  14255. doc = table.ownerDocument;
  14256. if (dragButton && dragButton.parentNode)return dragButton;
  14257. dragButton = doc.createElement("div");
  14258. dragButton.contentEditable = false;
  14259. dragButton.innerHTML = "";
  14260. = "width:15px;height:15px;background-image:url(" + editor.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + "dialogs/table/dragicon.png);position: absolute;cursor:move;top:" + (pos.y - 15) + "px;left:" + (pos.x) + "px;";
  14261. domUtils.unSelectable(dragButton);
  14262. dragButton.onmouseover = function (evt) {
  14263. dragOver = true;
  14264. };
  14265. dragButton.onmouseout = function (evt) {
  14266. dragOver = false;
  14267. };
  14268. domUtils.on(dragButton, 'click', function (type, evt) {
  14269. doClick(evt, this);
  14270. });
  14271. domUtils.on(dragButton, 'dblclick', function (type, evt) {
  14272. doDblClick(evt);
  14273. });
  14274. domUtils.on(dragButton, 'dragstart', function (type, evt) {
  14275. domUtils.preventDefault(evt);
  14276. });
  14277. var timer;
  14278. function doClick(evt, button) {
  14279. // 部分浏览器下需要清理
  14280. clearTimeout(timer);
  14281. timer = setTimeout(function () {
  14282. editor.fireEvent("tableClicked", table, button);
  14283. }, 300);
  14284. }
  14285. function doDblClick(evt) {
  14286. clearTimeout(timer);
  14287. var ut = getUETable(table),
  14288. start = table.rows[0].cells[0],
  14289. end = ut.getLastCell(),
  14290. range = ut.getCellsRange(start, end);
  14291. editor.selection.getRange().setStart(start, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  14292. ut.setSelected(range);
  14293. }
  14294. doc.body.appendChild(dragButton);
  14295. }
  14296. // function inPosition(table, pos) {
  14297. // var tablePos = domUtils.getXY(table),
  14298. // width = table.offsetWidth,
  14299. // height = table.offsetHeight;
  14300. // if (pos.x - tablePos.x < 5 && pos.y - tablePos.y < 5) {
  14301. // return "topLeft";
  14302. // } else if (tablePos.x + width - pos.x < 5 && tablePos.y + height - pos.y < 5) {
  14303. // return "bottomRight";
  14304. // }
  14305. // }
  14306. function inTableSide(table, cell, evt, top) {
  14307. var pos = mouseCoords(evt),
  14308. state = getRelation(cell, pos);
  14309. if (top) {
  14310. var caption = table.getElementsByTagName("caption")[0],
  14311. capHeight = caption ? caption.offsetHeight : 0;
  14312. return (state == "v1") && ((pos.y - domUtils.getXY(table).y - capHeight) < 8);
  14313. } else {
  14314. return (state == "h1") && ((pos.x - domUtils.getXY(table).x) < 8);
  14315. }
  14316. }
  14317. /**
  14318. * 获取拖动时允许的X轴坐标
  14319. * @param dragTd
  14320. * @param evt
  14321. */
  14322. function getPermissionX(dragTd, evt) {
  14323. var ut = getUETable(dragTd);
  14324. if (ut) {
  14325. var preTd = ut.getSameEndPosCells(dragTd, "x")[0],
  14326. nextTd = ut.getSameStartPosXCells(dragTd)[0],
  14327. mouseX = mouseCoords(evt).x,
  14328. left = (preTd ? domUtils.getXY(preTd).x : domUtils.getXY(ut.table).x) + 20 ,
  14329. right = nextTd ? domUtils.getXY(nextTd).x + nextTd.offsetWidth - 20 : (me.body.offsetWidth + 5 || parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(me.body, "width"), 10));
  14330. left += cellMinWidth;
  14331. right -= cellMinWidth;
  14332. return mouseX < left ? left : mouseX > right ? right : mouseX;
  14333. }
  14334. }
  14335. /**
  14336. * 获取拖动时允许的Y轴坐标
  14337. */
  14338. function getPermissionY(dragTd, evt) {
  14339. try {
  14340. var top = domUtils.getXY(dragTd).y,
  14341. mousePosY = mouseCoords(evt).y;
  14342. return mousePosY < top ? top : mousePosY;
  14343. } catch (e) {
  14344. showError(e);
  14345. }
  14346. }
  14347. /**
  14348. * 移动状态切换
  14349. */
  14350. function toggleDraggableState(editor, draggable, dir, mousePos, cell) {
  14351. try {
  14352. = dir == "h" ? "col-resize" : dir == "v" ? "row-resize" : "text";
  14353. if ( {
  14354. if (dir && !mousedown && !getUETableBySelected(editor)) {
  14355. getDragLine(editor, editor.document);
  14356. showDragLineAt(dir, cell);
  14357. } else {
  14358. hideDragLine(editor)
  14359. }
  14360. }
  14361. onBorder = draggable;
  14362. } catch (e) {
  14363. showError(e);
  14364. }
  14365. }
  14366. /**
  14367. * 获取与UETable相关的resize line
  14368. * @param uetable UETable对象
  14369. */
  14370. function getResizeLineByUETable() {
  14371. var lineId = '_UETableResizeLine',
  14372. line = this.document.getElementById( lineId );
  14373. if( !line ) {
  14374. line = this.document.createElement("div");
  14375. = lineId;
  14376. line.contnetEditable = false;
  14377. line.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
  14378. var styles = {
  14379. width: 2*cellBorderWidth + 1 + 'px',
  14380. position: 'absolute',
  14381. 'z-index': 100000,
  14382. cursor: 'col-resize',
  14383. background: 'red',
  14384. display: 'none'
  14385. };
  14386. //切换状态
  14387. line.onmouseout = function(){
  14388. = 'none';
  14389. };
  14390. utils.extend(, styles );
  14391. this.document.body.appendChild( line );
  14392. }
  14393. return line;
  14394. }
  14395. /**
  14396. * 更新resize-line
  14397. */
  14398. function updateResizeLine( cell, uetable ) {
  14399. var line = this ),
  14400. table = uetable.table,
  14401. styles = {
  14402. top: domUtils.getXY( table ).y + 'px',
  14403. left: domUtils.getXY( cell).x + cell.offsetWidth - cellBorderWidth + 'px',
  14404. display: 'block',
  14405. height: table.offsetHeight + 'px'
  14406. };
  14407. utils.extend(, styles );
  14408. }
  14409. /**
  14410. * 显示resize-line
  14411. */
  14412. function showResizeLine( cell ) {
  14413. var uetable = getUETable( cell );
  14414. this, cell, uetable );
  14415. }
  14416. /**
  14417. * 获取鼠标与当前单元格的相对位置
  14418. * @param ele
  14419. * @param mousePos
  14420. */
  14421. function getRelation(ele, mousePos) {
  14422. var elePos = domUtils.getXY(ele);
  14423. if( !elePos ) {
  14424. return '';
  14425. }
  14426. if (elePos.x + ele.offsetWidth - mousePos.x < cellBorderWidth) {
  14427. return "h";
  14428. }
  14429. if (mousePos.x - elePos.x < cellBorderWidth) {
  14430. return 'h1'
  14431. }
  14432. if (elePos.y + ele.offsetHeight - mousePos.y < cellBorderWidth) {
  14433. return "v";
  14434. }
  14435. if (mousePos.y - elePos.y < cellBorderWidth) {
  14436. return 'v1'
  14437. }
  14438. return '';
  14439. }
  14440. function mouseDownEvent(type, evt) {
  14441. if( isEditorDisabled() ) {
  14442. return ;
  14443. }
  14444. userActionStatus = {
  14445. x: evt.clientX,
  14446. y: evt.clientY
  14447. };
  14448. //右键菜单单独处理
  14449. if (evt.button == 2) {
  14450. var ut = getUETableBySelected(me),
  14451. flag = false;
  14452. if (ut) {
  14453. var td = getTargetTd(me, evt);
  14454. utils.each(ut.selectedTds, function (ti) {
  14455. if (ti === td) {
  14456. flag = true;
  14457. }
  14458. });
  14459. if (!flag) {
  14460. removeSelectedClass(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.body, "th td"));
  14461. ut.clearSelected()
  14462. } else {
  14463. td = ut.selectedTds[0];
  14464. setTimeout(function () {
  14465. me.selection.getRange().setStart(td, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  14466. }, 0);
  14467. }
  14468. }
  14469. } else {
  14470. tableClickHander( evt );
  14471. }
  14472. }
  14473. //清除表格的计时器
  14474. function clearTableTimer() {
  14475. tabTimer && clearTimeout( tabTimer );
  14476. tabTimer = null;
  14477. }
  14478. //双击收缩
  14479. function tableDbclickHandler(evt) {
  14480. singleClickState = 0;
  14481. evt = evt || me.window.event;
  14482. var target = getParentTdOrTh( || evt.srcElement);
  14483. if (target) {
  14484. var h;
  14485. if (h = getRelation(target, mouseCoords(evt))) {
  14486. hideDragLine( me );
  14487. if (h == 'h1') {
  14488. h = 'h';
  14489. if (inTableSide(domUtils.findParentByTagName(target, "table"), target, evt)) {
  14490. me.execCommand('adaptbywindow');
  14491. } else {
  14492. target = getUETable(target).getPreviewCell(target);
  14493. if (target) {
  14494. var rng = me.selection.getRange();
  14495. rng.selectNodeContents(target).setCursor(true, true)
  14496. }
  14497. }
  14498. }
  14499. if (h == 'h') {
  14500. var ut = getUETable(target),
  14501. table = ut.table,
  14502. cells = getCellsByMoveBorder( target, table, true );
  14503. cells = extractArray( cells, 'left' );
  14504. ut.width = ut.offsetWidth;
  14505. var oldWidth = [],
  14506. newWidth = [];
  14507. utils.each( cells, function( cell ){
  14508. oldWidth.push( cell.offsetWidth );
  14509. } );
  14510. utils.each( cells, function( cell ){
  14511. cell.removeAttribute("width");
  14512. } );
  14513. window.setTimeout( function(){
  14514. //是否允许改变
  14515. var changeable = true;
  14516. utils.each( cells, function( cell, index ){
  14517. var width = cell.offsetWidth;
  14518. if( width > oldWidth[index] ) {
  14519. changeable = false;
  14520. return false;
  14521. }
  14522. newWidth.push( width );
  14523. } );
  14524. var change = changeable ? newWidth : oldWidth;
  14525. utils.each( cells, function( cell, index ){
  14526. cell.width = change[index] - getTabcellSpace();
  14527. } );
  14528. }, 0 );
  14529. // minWidth -= cellMinWidth;
  14530. //
  14531. // table.removeAttribute("width");
  14532. // utils.each(cells, function (cell) {
  14533. // = "";
  14534. // cell.width -= minWidth;
  14535. // });
  14536. }
  14537. }
  14538. }
  14539. }
  14540. function tableClickHander( evt ) {
  14541. removeSelectedClass(domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.body, "td th"));
  14542. //trace:3113
  14543. //选中单元格,点击table外部,不会清掉table上挂的ueTable,会引起getUETableBySelected方法返回值
  14544. utils.each(me.document.getElementsByTagName('table'), function (t) {
  14545. t.ueTable = null;
  14546. });
  14547. startTd = getTargetTd(me, evt);
  14548. if( !startTd ) return;
  14549. var table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(startTd, "table", true);
  14550. ut = getUETable(table);
  14551. ut && ut.clearSelected();
  14552. //判断当前鼠标状态
  14553. if (!onBorder) {
  14554. = '';
  14555. mousedown = true;
  14556. me.addListener('mouseover', mouseOverEvent);
  14557. } else {
  14558. //边框上的动作处理
  14559. borderActionHandler( evt );
  14560. }
  14561. }
  14562. //处理表格边框上的动作, 这里做延时处理,避免两种动作互相影响
  14563. function borderActionHandler( evt ) {
  14564. if ( ) {
  14565. evt = reconstruct(evt );
  14566. }
  14567. clearTableDragTimer();
  14568. //是否正在等待resize的缓冲中
  14569. isInResizeBuffer = true;
  14570. tableDragTimer = setTimeout(function(){
  14571. tableBorderDrag( evt );
  14572. }, dblclickTime);
  14573. }
  14574. function extractArray( originArr, key ) {
  14575. var result = [],
  14576. tmp = null;
  14577. for( var i = 0, len = originArr.length; i<len; i++ ) {
  14578. tmp = originArr[ i ][ key ];
  14579. if( tmp ) {
  14580. result.push( tmp );
  14581. }
  14582. }
  14583. return result;
  14584. }
  14585. function clearTableDragTimer() {
  14586. tableDragTimer && clearTimeout(tableDragTimer);
  14587. tableDragTimer = null;
  14588. }
  14589. function reconstruct( obj ) {
  14590. var attrs = ['pageX', 'pageY', 'clientX', 'clientY', 'srcElement', 'target'],
  14591. newObj = {};
  14592. if( obj ) {
  14593. for( var i = 0, key, val; key = attrs[i]; i++ ) {
  14594. val=obj[ key ];
  14595. val && (newObj[ key ] = val);
  14596. }
  14597. }
  14598. return newObj;
  14599. }
  14600. //边框拖动
  14601. function tableBorderDrag( evt ) {
  14602. isInResizeBuffer = false;
  14603. if( !startTd ) return;
  14604. var state = Math.abs( userActionStatus.x - evt.clientX ) >= Math.abs( userActionStatus.y - evt.clientY ) ? 'h' : 'v';
  14605. // var state = getRelation(startTd, mouseCoords(evt));
  14606. if (/\d/.test(state)) {
  14607. state = state.replace(/\d/, '');
  14608. startTd = getUETable(startTd).getPreviewCell(startTd, state == 'v');
  14609. }
  14610. hideDragLine(me);
  14611. getDragLine(me, me.document);
  14612. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  14613. showDragLineAt(state, startTd);
  14614. mousedown = true;
  14615. //拖动开始
  14616. onDrag = state;
  14617. dragTd = startTd;
  14618. }
  14619. function mouseUpEvent(type, evt) {
  14620. if( isEditorDisabled() ) {
  14621. return ;
  14622. }
  14623. clearTableDragTimer();
  14624. isInResizeBuffer = false;
  14625. if( onBorder ) {
  14626. singleClickState = ++singleClickState % 3;
  14627. userActionStatus = {
  14628. x: evt.clientX,
  14629. y: evt.clientY
  14630. };
  14631. tableResizeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
  14632. singleClickState > 0 && singleClickState--;
  14633. }, dblclickTime );
  14634. if( singleClickState === 2 ) {
  14635. singleClickState = 0;
  14636. tableDbclickHandler(evt);
  14637. return;
  14638. }
  14639. }
  14640. if (evt.button == 2)return;
  14641. var me = this;
  14642. //清除表格上原生跨选问题
  14643. var range = me.selection.getRange(),
  14644. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, 'table', true),
  14645. end = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.endContainer, 'table', true);
  14646. if (start || end) {
  14647. if (start === end) {
  14648. start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, ['td', 'th', 'caption'], true);
  14649. end = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.endContainer, ['td', 'th', 'caption'], true);
  14650. if (start !== end) {
  14651. me.selection.clearRange()
  14652. }
  14653. } else {
  14654. me.selection.clearRange()
  14655. }
  14656. }
  14657. mousedown = false;
  14658. = '';
  14659. //拖拽状态下的mouseUP
  14660. if ( onDrag && dragTd ) {
  14661. me.selection.getNative()[ ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges']();
  14662. singleClickState = 0;
  14663. dragLine = me.document.getElementById('ue_tableDragLine');
  14664. var dragTdPos = domUtils.getXY(dragTd),
  14665. dragLinePos = domUtils.getXY(dragLine);
  14666. switch (onDrag) {
  14667. case "h":
  14668. changeColWidth(dragTd, dragLinePos.x - dragTdPos.x);
  14669. break;
  14670. case "v":
  14671. changeRowHeight(dragTd, dragLinePos.y - dragTdPos.y - dragTd.offsetHeight);
  14672. break;
  14673. default:
  14674. }
  14675. onDrag = "";
  14676. dragTd = null;
  14677. hideDragLine(me);
  14678. me.fireEvent('saveScene');
  14679. return;
  14680. }
  14681. //正常状态下的mouseup
  14682. if (!startTd) {
  14683. var target = domUtils.findParentByTagName( || evt.srcElement, "td", true);
  14684. if (!target) target = domUtils.findParentByTagName( || evt.srcElement, "th", true);
  14685. if (target && (target.tagName == "TD" || target.tagName == "TH")) {
  14686. if (me.fireEvent("excludetable", target) === true) return;
  14687. range = new dom.Range(me.document);
  14688. range.setStart(target, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  14689. }
  14690. } else {
  14691. var ut = getUETable(startTd),
  14692. cell = ut ? ut.selectedTds[0] : null;
  14693. if (cell) {
  14694. range = new dom.Range(me.document);
  14695. if (domUtils.isEmptyBlock(cell)) {
  14696. range.setStart(cell, 0).setCursor(false, true);
  14697. } else {
  14698. range.selectNodeContents(cell).shrinkBoundary().setCursor(false, true);
  14699. }
  14700. } else {
  14701. range = me.selection.getRange().shrinkBoundary();
  14702. if (!range.collapsed) {
  14703. var start = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.startContainer, ['td', 'th'], true),
  14704. end = domUtils.findParentByTagName(range.endContainer, ['td', 'th'], true);
  14705. //在table里边的不能清除
  14706. if (start && !end || !start && end || start && end && start !== end) {
  14707. range.setCursor(false, true);
  14708. }
  14709. }
  14710. }
  14711. startTd = null;
  14712. me.removeListener('mouseover', mouseOverEvent);
  14713. }
  14714. me._selectionChange(250, evt);
  14715. }
  14716. function mouseOverEvent(type, evt) {
  14717. if( isEditorDisabled() ) {
  14718. return;
  14719. }
  14720. var me = this,
  14721. tar = || evt.srcElement;
  14722. currentTd = domUtils.findParentByTagName(tar, "td", true) || domUtils.findParentByTagName(tar, "th", true);
  14723. //需要判断两个TD是否位于同一个表格内
  14724. if (startTd && currentTd &&
  14725. ((startTd.tagName == "TD" && currentTd.tagName == "TD") || (startTd.tagName == "TH" && currentTd.tagName == "TH")) &&
  14726. domUtils.findParentByTagName(startTd, 'table') == domUtils.findParentByTagName(currentTd, 'table')) {
  14727. var ut = getUETable(currentTd);
  14728. if (startTd != currentTd) {
  14729. = 'none';
  14730. me.selection.getNative()[ ? 'empty' : 'removeAllRanges']();
  14731. var range = ut.getCellsRange(startTd, currentTd);
  14732. ut.setSelected(range);
  14733. } else {
  14734. = '';
  14735. ut.clearSelected();
  14736. }
  14737. }
  14738. evt.preventDefault ? evt.preventDefault() : (evt.returnValue = false);
  14739. }
  14740. function setCellHeight(cell, height, backHeight) {
  14741. var lineHight = parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(cell, "line-height"), 10),
  14742. tmpHeight = backHeight + height;
  14743. height = tmpHeight < lineHight ? lineHight : tmpHeight;
  14744. if ( = "";
  14745. cell.rowSpan == 1 ? cell.setAttribute("height", height) : (cell.removeAttribute && cell.removeAttribute("height"));
  14746. }
  14747. function getWidth(cell) {
  14748. if (!cell)return 0;
  14749. return parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(cell, "width"), 10);
  14750. }
  14751. function changeColWidth(cell, changeValue) {
  14752. var ut = getUETable(cell);
  14753. if (ut) {
  14754. //根据当前移动的边框获取相关的单元格
  14755. var table = ut.table,
  14756. cells = getCellsByMoveBorder( cell, table );
  14757. = "";
  14758. table.removeAttribute("width");
  14759. //修正改变量
  14760. changeValue = correctChangeValue( changeValue, cell, cells );
  14761. if (cell.nextSibling) {
  14762. var i=0;
  14763. utils.each( cells, function( cellGroup ){
  14764. cellGroup.left.width = (+cellGroup.left.width)+changeValue;
  14765. cellGroup.right && ( cellGroup.right.width = (+cellGroup.right.width)-changeValue );
  14766. } );
  14767. } else {
  14768. utils.each( cells, function( cellGroup ){
  14769. cellGroup.left.width -= -changeValue;
  14770. } );
  14771. }
  14772. }
  14773. }
  14774. function isEditorDisabled() {
  14775. return me.body.contentEditable === "false";
  14776. }
  14777. function changeRowHeight(td, changeValue) {
  14778. if (Math.abs(changeValue) < 10) return;
  14779. var ut = getUETable(td);
  14780. if (ut) {
  14781. var cells = ut.getSameEndPosCells(td, "y"),
  14782. //备份需要连带变化的td的原始高度,否则后期无法获取正确的值
  14783. backHeight = cells[0] ? cells[0].offsetHeight : 0;
  14784. for (var i = 0, cell; cell = cells[i++];) {
  14785. setCellHeight(cell, changeValue, backHeight);
  14786. }
  14787. }
  14788. }
  14789. /**
  14790. * 获取调整单元格大小的相关单元格
  14791. * @isContainMergeCell 返回的结果中是否包含发生合并后的单元格
  14792. */
  14793. function getCellsByMoveBorder( cell, table, isContainMergeCell ) {
  14794. if( !table ) {
  14795. table = domUtils.findParentByTagName( cell, 'table' );
  14796. }
  14797. if( !table ) {
  14798. return null;
  14799. }
  14800. //获取到该单元格所在行的序列号
  14801. var index = domUtils.getNodeIndex( cell ),
  14802. temp = cell,
  14803. rows = table.rows,
  14804. colIndex = 0;
  14805. while( temp ) {
  14806. //获取到当前单元格在未发生单元格合并时的序列
  14807. if( temp.nodeType === 1 ) {
  14808. colIndex += (temp.colSpan || 1);
  14809. }
  14810. temp = temp.previousSibling;
  14811. }
  14812. temp = null;
  14813. //记录想关的单元格
  14814. var borderCells = [];
  14815. utils.each(rows, function( tabRow ){
  14816. var cells = tabRow.cells,
  14817. currIndex = 0;
  14818. utils.each( cells, function( tabCell ){
  14819. currIndex += (tabCell.colSpan || 1);
  14820. if( currIndex === colIndex ) {
  14821. borderCells.push({
  14822. left: tabCell,
  14823. right: tabCell.nextSibling || null
  14824. });
  14825. return false;
  14826. } else if( currIndex > colIndex ) {
  14827. if( isContainMergeCell ) {
  14828. borderCells.push({
  14829. left: tabCell
  14830. });
  14831. }
  14832. return false;
  14833. }
  14834. } );
  14835. });
  14836. return borderCells;
  14837. }
  14838. /**
  14839. * 通过给定的单元格集合获取最小的单元格width
  14840. */
  14841. function getMinWidthByTableCells( cells ) {
  14842. var minWidth = Number.MAX_VALUE;
  14843. for( var i = 0, curCell; curCell = cells[ i ] ; i++ ) {
  14844. minWidth = Math.min( minWidth, curCell.width || getTableCellWidth( curCell ) );
  14845. }
  14846. return minWidth;
  14847. }
  14848. function correctChangeValue( changeValue, relatedCell, cells ) {
  14849. //为单元格的paading预留空间
  14850. changeValue -= getTabcellSpace();
  14851. if( changeValue < 0 ) {
  14852. return 0;
  14853. }
  14854. changeValue -= getTableCellWidth( relatedCell );
  14855. //确定方向
  14856. var direction = changeValue < 0 ? 'left':'right';
  14857. changeValue = Math.abs(changeValue);
  14858. //只关心非最后一个单元格就可以
  14859. utils.each( cells, function( cellGroup ){
  14860. var curCell = cellGroup[direction];
  14861. //为单元格保留最小空间
  14862. if( curCell ) {
  14863. changeValue = Math.min( changeValue, getTableCellWidth( curCell )-cellMinWidth );
  14864. }
  14865. } );
  14866. //修正越界
  14867. changeValue = changeValue < 0 ? 0 : changeValue;
  14868. return direction === 'left' ? -changeValue : changeValue;
  14869. }
  14870. function getTableCellWidth( cell ) {
  14871. var width = 0,
  14872. //偏移纠正量
  14873. offset = 0,
  14874. width = cell.offsetWidth - getTabcellSpace();
  14875. //最后一个节点纠正一下
  14876. if( !cell.nextSibling ) {
  14877. width -= getTableCellOffset( cell );
  14878. }
  14879. width = width < 0 ? 0 : width;
  14880. try {
  14881. cell.width = width;
  14882. } catch(e) {
  14883. }
  14884. return width;
  14885. }
  14886. /**
  14887. * 获取单元格所在表格的最末单元格的偏移量
  14888. */
  14889. function getTableCellOffset( cell ) {
  14890. tab = domUtils.findParentByTagName( cell, "table", false);
  14891. if( tab.offsetVal === undefined ) {
  14892. var prev = cell.previousSibling;
  14893. if( prev ) {
  14894. //最后一个单元格和前一个单元格的width diff结果 如果恰好为一个border width, 则条件成立
  14895. tab.offsetVal = cell.offsetWidth - prev.offsetWidth === UT.borderWidth ? UT.borderWidth : 0;
  14896. } else {
  14897. tab.offsetVal = 0;
  14898. }
  14899. }
  14900. return tab.offsetVal;
  14901. }
  14902. function getTabcellSpace() {
  14903. if( UT.tabcellSpace === undefined ) {
  14904. var cell = null,
  14905. tab = me.document.createElement("table"),
  14906. tbody = me.document.createElement("tbody"),
  14907. trow = me.document.createElement("tr"),
  14908. tabcell = me.document.createElement("td"),
  14909. mirror = null;
  14910. = 'border: 0;';
  14911. tabcell.width = 1;
  14912. trow.appendChild( tabcell );
  14913. trow.appendChild( mirror = tabcell.cloneNode( false ) );
  14914. tbody.appendChild( trow );
  14915. tab.appendChild( tbody );
  14916. = "visibility: hidden;";
  14917. me.body.appendChild( tab );
  14918. UT.paddingSpace = tabcell.offsetWidth - 1;
  14919. var tmpTabWidth = tab.offsetWidth;
  14920. = '';
  14921. = '';
  14922. UT.borderWidth = ( tab.offsetWidth - tmpTabWidth ) / 3;
  14923. UT.tabcellSpace = UT.paddingSpace + UT.borderWidth;
  14924. me.body.removeChild( tab );
  14925. }
  14926. getTabcellSpace = function(){ return UT.tabcellSpace; };
  14927. return UT.tabcellSpace;
  14928. }
  14929. function getDragLine(editor, doc) {
  14930. if (mousedown)return;
  14931. dragLine = editor.document.createElement("div");
  14932. domUtils.setAttributes(dragLine, {
  14933. id:"ue_tableDragLine",
  14934. unselectable:'on',
  14935. contenteditable:false,
  14936. 'onresizestart':'return false',
  14937. 'ondragstart':'return false',
  14938. 'onselectstart':'return false',
  14939. style:"background-color:blue;position:absolute;padding:0;margin:0;background-image:none;border:0px none;opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0)"
  14940. });
  14941. editor.body.appendChild(dragLine);
  14942. }
  14943. function hideDragLine(editor) {
  14944. if (mousedown)return;
  14945. var line;
  14946. while (line = editor.document.getElementById('ue_tableDragLine')) {
  14947. domUtils.remove(line)
  14948. }
  14949. }
  14950. /**
  14951. * 依据state(v|h)在cell位置显示横线
  14952. * @param state
  14953. * @param cell
  14954. */
  14955. function showDragLineAt(state, cell) {
  14956. if (!cell) return;
  14957. var table = domUtils.findParentByTagName(cell, "table"),
  14958. caption = table.getElementsByTagName('caption'),
  14959. width = table.offsetWidth,
  14960. height = table.offsetHeight - (caption.length > 0 ? caption[0].offsetHeight : 0),
  14961. tablePos = domUtils.getXY(table),
  14962. cellPos = domUtils.getXY(cell), css;
  14963. switch (state) {
  14964. case "h":
  14965. css = 'height:' + height + 'px;top:' + (tablePos.y + (caption.length > 0 ? caption[0].offsetHeight : 0)) + 'px;left:' + (cellPos.x + cell.offsetWidth);
  14966. = css + 'px;position: absolute;display:block;background-color:blue;width:1px;border:0; color:blue;opacity:.3;filter:alpha(opacity=30)';
  14967. break;
  14968. case "v":
  14969. css = 'width:' + width + 'px;left:' + tablePos.x + 'px;top:' + (cellPos.y + cell.offsetHeight );
  14970. //必须加上border:0和color:blue,否则低版ie不支持背景色显示
  14971. = css + 'px;overflow:hidden;position: absolute;display:block;background-color:blue;height:1px;border:0;color:blue;opacity:.2;filter:alpha(opacity=20)';
  14972. break;
  14973. default:
  14974. }
  14975. }
  14976. /**
  14977. * 当表格边框颜色为白色时设置为虚线,true为添加虚线
  14978. * @param editor
  14979. * @param flag
  14980. */
  14981. function switchBorderColor(editor, flag) {
  14982. var tableArr = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(editor.body, "table"), color;
  14983. for (var i = 0, node; node = tableArr[i++];) {
  14984. var td = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(node, "td");
  14985. if (td[0]) {
  14986. if (flag) {
  14987. color = (td[0].style.borderColor).replace(/\s/g, "");
  14988. if (/(#ffffff)|(rgb\(255,f55,255\))/ig.test(color))
  14989. domUtils.addClass(node, "noBorderTable")
  14990. } else {
  14991. domUtils.removeClasses(node, "noBorderTable")
  14992. }
  14993. }
  14994. }
  14995. }
  14996. function getTableWidth(editor, needIEHack, defaultValue) {
  14997. var body = editor.body;
  14998. return body.offsetWidth - (needIEHack ? parseInt(domUtils.getComputedStyle(body, 'margin-left'), 10) * 2 : 0) - defaultValue.tableBorder * 2 - (editor.options.offsetWidth || 0);
  14999. }
  15000. /**
  15001. * 获取当前拖动的单元格
  15002. */
  15003. function getTargetTd(editor, evt) {
  15004. var target = domUtils.findParentByTagName( || evt.srcElement, ["td", "th"], true),
  15005. dir = null;
  15006. if( !target ) {
  15007. return null;
  15008. }
  15009. dir = getRelation( target, mouseCoords( evt ) );
  15010. //如果有前一个节点, 需要做一个修正, 否则可能会得到一个错误的td
  15011. if( !target ) {
  15012. return null;
  15013. }
  15014. if( dir === 'h1' && target.previousSibling ) {
  15015. var position = domUtils.getXY( target),
  15016. cellWidth = target.offsetWidth;
  15017. if( Math.abs( position.x + cellWidth - evt.clientX ) > cellWidth / 3 ) {
  15018. target = target.previousSibling;
  15019. }
  15020. } else if( dir === 'v1' && target.parentNode.previousSibling ) {
  15021. var position = domUtils.getXY( target),
  15022. cellHeight = target.offsetHeight;
  15023. if( Math.abs( position.y + cellHeight - evt.clientY ) > cellHeight / 3 ) {
  15024. target = target.parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild;
  15025. }
  15026. }
  15027. //排除了非td内部以及用于代码高亮部分的td
  15028. return target && !(editor.fireEvent("excludetable", target) === true) ? target : null;
  15029. }
  15030. };
  15031. ///import core
  15032. ///commands 右键菜单
  15033. ///commandsName ContextMenu
  15034. ///commandsTitle 右键菜单
  15035. /**
  15036. * 右键菜单
  15037. * @function
  15038. * @name baidu.editor.plugins.contextmenu
  15039. * @author zhanyi
  15040. */
  15041. UE.plugins['contextmenu'] = function () {
  15042. var me = this,
  15043. lang = me.getLang( "contextMenu" ),
  15044. menu,
  15045. items = me.options.contextMenu || [
  15046. {label:lang['selectall'], cmdName:'selectall'},
  15047. {
  15048. label:lang.deletecode,
  15049. cmdName:'highlightcode',
  15050. icon:'deletehighlightcode'
  15051. },
  15052. {
  15053. label:lang.cleardoc,
  15054. cmdName:'cleardoc',
  15055. exec:function () {
  15056. if ( confirm( lang.confirmclear ) ) {
  15057. this.execCommand( 'cleardoc' );
  15058. }
  15059. }
  15060. },
  15061. '-',
  15062. {
  15063. label:lang.unlink,
  15064. cmdName:'unlink'
  15065. },
  15066. '-',
  15067. {
  15068. group:lang.paragraph,
  15069. icon:'justifyjustify',
  15070. subMenu:[
  15071. {
  15072. label:lang.justifyleft,
  15073. cmdName:'justify',
  15074. value:'left'
  15075. },
  15076. {
  15077. label:lang.justifyright,
  15078. cmdName:'justify',
  15079. value:'right'
  15080. },
  15081. {
  15082. label:lang.justifycenter,
  15083. cmdName:'justify',
  15084. value:'center'
  15085. },
  15086. {
  15087. label:lang.justifyjustify,
  15088. cmdName:'justify',
  15089. value:'justify'
  15090. }
  15091. ]
  15092. },
  15093. '-',
  15094. {
  15095. group:lang.table,
  15096. icon:'table',
  15097. subMenu:[
  15098. {
  15099. label:lang.inserttable,
  15100. cmdName:'inserttable'
  15101. },
  15102. {
  15103. label:lang.deletetable,
  15104. cmdName:'deletetable'
  15105. },
  15106. '-',
  15107. {
  15108. label:lang.deleterow,
  15109. cmdName:'deleterow'
  15110. },
  15111. {
  15112. label:lang.deletecol,
  15113. cmdName:'deletecol'
  15114. },
  15115. {
  15116. label:lang.insertcol,
  15117. cmdName:'insertcol'
  15118. },
  15119. {
  15120. label:lang.insertcolnext,
  15121. cmdName:'insertcolnext'
  15122. },
  15123. {
  15124. label:lang.insertrow,
  15125. cmdName:'insertrow'
  15126. },
  15127. {
  15128. label:lang.insertrownext,
  15129. cmdName:'insertrownext'
  15130. },
  15131. '-',
  15132. {
  15133. label:lang.insertcaption,
  15134. cmdName:'insertcaption'
  15135. },
  15136. {
  15137. label:lang.deletecaption,
  15138. cmdName:'deletecaption'
  15139. },
  15140. {
  15141. label:lang.inserttitle,
  15142. cmdName:'inserttitle'
  15143. },
  15144. {
  15145. label:lang.deletetitle,
  15146. cmdName:'deletetitle'
  15147. },
  15148. '-',
  15149. {
  15150. label:lang.mergecells,
  15151. cmdName:'mergecells'
  15152. },
  15153. {
  15154. label:lang.mergeright,
  15155. cmdName:'mergeright'
  15156. },
  15157. {
  15158. label:lang.mergedown,
  15159. cmdName:'mergedown'
  15160. },
  15161. '-',
  15162. {
  15163. label:lang.splittorows,
  15164. cmdName:'splittorows'
  15165. },
  15166. {
  15167. label:lang.splittocols,
  15168. cmdName:'splittocols'
  15169. },
  15170. {
  15171. label:lang.splittocells,
  15172. cmdName:'splittocells'
  15173. },
  15174. '-',
  15175. {
  15176. label:lang.averageDiseRow,
  15177. cmdName:'averagedistributerow'
  15178. },
  15179. {
  15180. label:lang.averageDisCol,
  15181. cmdName:'averagedistributecol'
  15182. },
  15183. '-',
  15184. {
  15185. label:lang.edittd,
  15186. cmdName:'edittd',
  15187. exec:function () {
  15188. if ( UE.ui['edittd'] ) {
  15189. new UE.ui['edittd']( this );
  15190. }
  15191. this.getDialog('edittd').open();
  15192. }
  15193. },
  15194. {
  15195. label:lang.edittable,
  15196. cmdName:'edittable',
  15197. exec:function () {
  15198. if ( UE.ui['edittable'] ) {
  15199. new UE.ui['edittable']( this );
  15200. }
  15201. this.getDialog('edittable').open();
  15202. }
  15203. }
  15204. ]
  15205. },
  15206. {
  15207. group:lang.tablesort,
  15208. icon:'tablesort',
  15209. subMenu:[
  15210. {
  15211. label:lang.reversecurrent,
  15212. cmdName:'sorttable',
  15213. value:1
  15214. },
  15215. {
  15216. label:lang.orderbyasc,
  15217. cmdName:'sorttable'
  15218. },
  15219. {
  15220. label:lang.reversebyasc,
  15221. cmdName:'sorttable',
  15222. exec:function(){
  15223. this.execCommand("sorttable",function(td1,td2){
  15224. var value1 = td1.innerHTML,
  15225. value2 = td2.innerHTML;
  15226. return value2.localeCompare(value1);
  15227. });
  15228. }
  15229. },
  15230. {
  15231. label:lang.orderbynum,
  15232. cmdName:'sorttable',
  15233. exec:function(){
  15234. this.execCommand("sorttable",function(td1,td2){
  15235. var value1 = td1[ ? 'innerText':'textContent'].match(/\d+/),
  15236. value2 = td2[ ? 'innerText':'textContent'].match(/\d+/);
  15237. if(value1) value1 = +value1[0];
  15238. if(value2) value2 = +value2[0];
  15239. return (value1||0) - (value2||0);
  15240. });
  15241. }
  15242. },
  15243. {
  15244. label:lang.reversebynum,
  15245. cmdName:'sorttable',
  15246. exec:function(){
  15247. this.execCommand("sorttable",function(td1,td2){
  15248. var value1 = td1[ ? 'innerText':'textContent'].match(/\d+/),
  15249. value2 = td2[ ? 'innerText':'textContent'].match(/\d+/);
  15250. if(value1) value1 = +value1[0];
  15251. if(value2) value2 = +value2[0];
  15252. return (value2||0) - (value1||0);
  15253. });
  15254. }
  15255. }
  15256. ]
  15257. },
  15258. {
  15259. group:lang.borderbk,
  15260. icon:'borderBack',
  15261. subMenu:[
  15262. {
  15263. label:lang.setcolor,
  15264. cmdName:"interlacetable",
  15265. exec:function(){
  15266. this.execCommand("interlacetable");
  15267. }
  15268. },
  15269. {
  15270. label:lang.unsetcolor,
  15271. cmdName:"uninterlacetable",
  15272. exec:function(){
  15273. this.execCommand("uninterlacetable");
  15274. }
  15275. },
  15276. {
  15277. label:lang.setbackground,
  15278. cmdName:"settablebackground",
  15279. exec:function(){
  15280. this.execCommand("settablebackground",{repeat:true,colorList:["#bbb","#ccc"]});
  15281. }
  15282. },
  15283. {
  15284. label:lang.unsetbackground,
  15285. cmdName:"cleartablebackground",
  15286. exec:function(){
  15287. this.execCommand("cleartablebackground");
  15288. }
  15289. },
  15290. {
  15291. label:lang.redandblue,
  15292. cmdName:"settablebackground",
  15293. exec:function(){
  15294. this.execCommand("settablebackground",{repeat:true,colorList:["red","blue"]});
  15295. }
  15296. },
  15297. {
  15298. label:lang.threecolorgradient,
  15299. cmdName:"settablebackground",
  15300. exec:function(){
  15301. this.execCommand("settablebackground",{repeat:true,colorList:["#aaa","#bbb","#ccc"]});
  15302. }
  15303. }
  15304. ]
  15305. },
  15306. {
  15307. group:lang.aligntd,
  15308. icon:'aligntd',
  15309. subMenu:[
  15310. {
  15311. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15312. value:{align:'left',vAlign:'top'}
  15313. },
  15314. {
  15315. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15316. value:{align:'center',vAlign:'top'}
  15317. },
  15318. {
  15319. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15320. value:{align:'right',vAlign:'top'}
  15321. },
  15322. {
  15323. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15324. value:{align:'left',vAlign:'middle'}
  15325. },
  15326. {
  15327. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15328. value:{align:'center',vAlign:'middle'}
  15329. },
  15330. {
  15331. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15332. value:{align:'right',vAlign:'middle'}
  15333. },
  15334. {
  15335. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15336. value:{align:'left',vAlign:'bottom'}
  15337. },
  15338. {
  15339. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15340. value:{align:'center',vAlign:'bottom'}
  15341. },
  15342. {
  15343. cmdName:'cellalignment',
  15344. value:{align:'right',vAlign:'bottom'}
  15345. }
  15346. ]
  15347. },
  15348. {
  15349. group:lang.aligntable,
  15350. icon:'aligntable',
  15351. subMenu:[
  15352. {
  15353. cmdName:'tablealignment',
  15354. className: 'left',
  15355. label:lang.tableleft,
  15356. value:"left"
  15357. },
  15358. {
  15359. cmdName:'tablealignment',
  15360. className: 'center',
  15361. label:lang.tablecenter,
  15362. value:"center"
  15363. },
  15364. {
  15365. cmdName:'tablealignment',
  15366. className: 'right',
  15367. label:lang.tableright,
  15368. value:"right"
  15369. }
  15370. ]
  15371. },
  15372. '-',
  15373. {
  15374. label:lang.insertparagraphbefore,
  15375. cmdName:'insertparagraph',
  15376. value:true
  15377. },
  15378. {
  15379. label:lang.insertparagraphafter,
  15380. cmdName:'insertparagraph'
  15381. },
  15382. {
  15383. label:lang['copy'],
  15384. cmdName:'copy',
  15385. exec:function () {
  15386. alert( lang.copymsg );
  15387. },
  15388. query:function () {
  15389. return 0;
  15390. }
  15391. },
  15392. {
  15393. label:lang['paste'],
  15394. cmdName:'paste',
  15395. exec:function () {
  15396. alert( lang.pastemsg );
  15397. },
  15398. query:function () {
  15399. return 0;
  15400. }
  15401. },{
  15402. label:lang['highlightcode'],
  15403. cmdName:'highlightcode',
  15404. exec:function () {
  15405. if ( UE.ui['highlightcode'] ) {
  15406. new UE.ui['highlightcode']( this );
  15407. }
  15408. this.ui._dialogs['highlightcodeDialog'].open();
  15409. }
  15410. }
  15411. ];
  15412. if ( !items.length ) {
  15413. return;
  15414. }
  15415. var uiUtils = UE.ui.uiUtils;
  15416. me.addListener( 'contextmenu', function ( type, evt ) {
  15417. var offset = uiUtils.getViewportOffsetByEvent( evt );
  15418. me.fireEvent( 'beforeselectionchange' );
  15419. if ( menu ) {
  15420. menu.destroy();
  15421. }
  15422. for ( var i = 0, ti, contextItems = []; ti = items[i]; i++ ) {
  15423. var last;
  15424. (function ( item ) {
  15425. if ( item == '-' ) {
  15426. if ( (last = contextItems[contextItems.length - 1 ] ) && last !== '-' ) {
  15427. contextItems.push( '-' );
  15428. }
  15429. } else if ( item.hasOwnProperty( "group" ) ) {
  15430. for ( var j = 0, cj, subMenu = []; cj = item.subMenu[j]; j++ ) {
  15431. (function ( subItem ) {
  15432. if ( subItem == '-' ) {
  15433. if ( (last = subMenu[subMenu.length - 1 ] ) && last !== '-' ) {
  15434. subMenu.push( '-' );
  15435. }else{
  15436. subMenu.splice(subMenu.length-1);
  15437. }
  15438. } else {
  15439. if ( (me.commands[subItem.cmdName] || UE.commands[subItem.cmdName] || subItem.query) &&
  15440. (subItem.query ? subItem.query() : me.queryCommandState( subItem.cmdName )) > -1 ) {
  15441. subMenu.push( {
  15442. 'label':subItem.label || me.getLang( "contextMenu." + subItem.cmdName + (subItem.value || '') )||"",
  15443. 'className':'edui-for-' +subItem.cmdName + ( subItem.className ? ( ' edui-for-' + subItem.cmdName + '-' + subItem.className ) : '' ),
  15444. onclick:subItem.exec ? function () {
  15445. me );
  15446. } : function () {
  15447. me.execCommand( subItem.cmdName, subItem.value );
  15448. }
  15449. } );
  15450. }
  15451. }
  15452. })( cj );
  15453. }
  15454. if ( subMenu.length ) {
  15455. function getLabel(){
  15456. switch (item.icon){
  15457. case "table":
  15458. return me.getLang( "contextMenu.table" );
  15459. case "justifyjustify":
  15460. return me.getLang( "contextMenu.paragraph" );
  15461. case "aligntd":
  15462. return me.getLang("contextMenu.aligntd");
  15463. case "aligntable":
  15464. return me.getLang("contextMenu.aligntable");
  15465. case "tablesort":
  15466. return lang.tablesort;
  15467. case "borderBack":
  15468. return lang.borderbk;
  15469. default :
  15470. return '';
  15471. }
  15472. }
  15473. contextItems.push( {
  15474. //todo 修正成自动获取方式
  15475. 'label':getLabel(),
  15476. className:'edui-for-' + item.icon,
  15477. 'subMenu':{
  15478. items:subMenu,
  15479. editor:me
  15480. }
  15481. } );
  15482. }
  15483. } else {
  15484. //有可能commmand没有加载右键不能出来,或者没有command也想能展示出来添加query方法
  15485. if ( (me.commands[item.cmdName] || UE.commands[item.cmdName] || item.query) &&
  15486. (item.query ? : me.queryCommandState( item.cmdName )) > -1 ) {
  15487. //highlight todo
  15488. if ( item.cmdName == 'highlightcode' ) {
  15489. if(me.queryCommandState( item.cmdName ) == 1 && item.icon != 'deletehighlightcode'){
  15490. return;
  15491. }
  15492. if(me.queryCommandState( item.cmdName ) != 1 && item.icon == 'deletehighlightcode'){
  15493. return;
  15494. }
  15495. }
  15496. contextItems.push( {
  15497. 'label':item.label || me.getLang( "contextMenu." + item.cmdName ),
  15498. className:'edui-for-' + (item.icon ? item.icon : item.cmdName + (item.value || '')),
  15499. onclick:item.exec ? function () {
  15500. me );
  15501. } : function () {
  15502. me.execCommand( item.cmdName, item.value );
  15503. }
  15504. } );
  15505. }
  15506. }
  15507. })( ti );
  15508. }
  15509. if ( contextItems[contextItems.length - 1] == '-' ) {
  15510. contextItems.pop();
  15511. }
  15512. menu = new UE.ui.Menu( {
  15513. items:contextItems,
  15514. className:"edui-contextmenu",
  15515. editor:me
  15516. } );
  15517. menu.render();
  15518. menu.showAt( offset );
  15519. me.fireEvent("aftershowcontextmenu",menu);
  15520. domUtils.preventDefault( evt );
  15521. if ( ) {
  15522. var ieRange;
  15523. try {
  15524. ieRange = me.selection.getNative().createRange();
  15525. } catch ( e ) {
  15526. return;
  15527. }
  15528. if ( ieRange.item ) {
  15529. var range = new dom.Range( me.document );
  15530. range.selectNode( ieRange.item( 0 ) ).select( true, true );
  15531. }
  15532. }
  15533. } );
  15534. };
  15535. ///import core
  15536. ///commands 弹出菜单
  15537. // commandsName popupmenu
  15538. ///commandsTitle 弹出菜单
  15539. /**
  15540. * 弹出菜单
  15541. * @function
  15542. * @name baidu.editor.plugins.popupmenu
  15543. * @author xuheng
  15544. */
  15545. UE.plugins['shortcutmenu'] = function () {
  15546. var me = this,
  15547. menu,
  15548. items = me.options.shortcutMenu || [];
  15549. if (!items.length) {
  15550. return;
  15551. }
  15552. me.addListener ('contextmenu mouseup' , function (type , e) {
  15553. var me = this,
  15554. customEvt = {
  15555. type : type ,
  15556. target : || e.srcElement ,
  15557. screenX : e.screenX ,
  15558. screenY : e.screenY ,
  15559. clientX : e.clientX ,
  15560. clientY : e.clientY
  15561. };
  15562. setTimeout (function () {
  15563. var rng = me.selection.getRange ();
  15564. if (rng.collapsed === false || type == "contextmenu") {
  15565. if (!menu) {
  15566. menu = new baidu.editor.ui.ShortCutMenu ({
  15567. editor : me ,
  15568. items : items ,
  15569. theme : me.options.theme ,
  15570. className : 'edui-shortcutmenu'
  15571. });
  15572. menu.render ();
  15573. me.fireEvent ("afterrendershortcutmenu" , menu);
  15574. }
  15575. (customEvt , !!UE.plugins['contextmenu']);
  15576. }
  15577. });
  15578. if (type == 'contextmenu') {
  15579. domUtils.preventDefault (e);
  15580. if ( {
  15581. var ieRange;
  15582. try {
  15583. ieRange = me.selection.getNative ().createRange ();
  15584. } catch (e) {
  15585. return;
  15586. }
  15587. if (ieRange.item) {
  15588. var range = new dom.Range (me.document);
  15589. range.selectNode (ieRange.item (0)).select (true , true);
  15590. }
  15591. }
  15592. }
  15593. if (type == "keydown") {
  15594. menu && !menu.isHidden && menu.hide ();
  15595. }
  15596. });
  15597. me.addListener ('keydown' , function (type) {
  15598. if (type == "keydown") {
  15599. menu && !menu.isHidden && menu.hide ();
  15600. }
  15601. });
  15602. };
  15603. ///import core
  15604. ///commands 加粗,斜体,上标,下标
  15605. ///commandsName Bold,Italic,Subscript,Superscript
  15606. ///commandsTitle 加粗,加斜,下标,上标
  15607. /**
  15608. * b u i等基础功能实现
  15609. * @function
  15610. * @name baidu.editor.execCommands
  15611. * @param {String} cmdName bold加粗。italic斜体。subscript上标。superscript下标。
  15612. */
  15613. UE.plugins['basestyle'] = function(){
  15614. var basestyles = {
  15615. 'bold':['strong','b'],
  15616. 'italic':['em','i'],
  15617. 'subscript':['sub'],
  15618. 'superscript':['sup']
  15619. },
  15620. getObj = function(editor,tagNames){
  15621. return domUtils.filterNodeList(editor.selection.getStartElementPath(),tagNames);
  15622. },
  15623. me = this;
  15624. //添加快捷键
  15625. me.addshortcutkey({
  15626. "Bold" : "ctrl+66",//^B
  15627. "Italic" : "ctrl+73", //^I
  15628. "Underline" : "ctrl+85"//^U
  15629. });
  15630. me.addInputRule(function(root){
  15631. utils.each(root.getNodesByTagName('b i'),function(node){
  15632. switch (node.tagName){
  15633. case 'b':
  15634. node.tagName = 'strong';
  15635. break;
  15636. case 'i':
  15637. node.tagName = 'em';
  15638. }
  15639. });
  15640. });
  15641. for ( var style in basestyles ) {
  15642. (function( cmd, tagNames ) {
  15643. me.commands[cmd] = {
  15644. execCommand : function( cmdName ) {
  15645. var range = me.selection.getRange(),obj = getObj(this,tagNames);
  15646. if ( range.collapsed ) {
  15647. if ( obj ) {
  15648. var tmpText = me.document.createTextNode('');
  15649. range.insertNode( tmpText ).removeInlineStyle( tagNames );
  15650. range.setStartBefore(tmpText);
  15651. domUtils.remove(tmpText);
  15652. } else {
  15653. var tmpNode = range.document.createElement( tagNames[0] );
  15654. if(cmdName == 'superscript' || cmdName == 'subscript'){
  15655. tmpText = me.document.createTextNode('');
  15656. range.insertNode(tmpText)
  15657. .removeInlineStyle(['sub','sup'])
  15658. .setStartBefore(tmpText)
  15659. .collapse(true);
  15660. }
  15661. range.insertNode( tmpNode ).setStart( tmpNode, 0 );
  15662. }
  15663. range.collapse( true );
  15664. } else {
  15665. if(cmdName == 'superscript' || cmdName == 'subscript'){
  15666. if(!obj || obj.tagName.toLowerCase() != cmdName){
  15667. range.removeInlineStyle(['sub','sup']);
  15668. }
  15669. }
  15670. obj ? range.removeInlineStyle( tagNames ) : range.applyInlineStyle( tagNames[0] );
  15671. }
  15673. },
  15674. queryCommandState : function() {
  15675. return getObj(this,tagNames) ? 1 : 0;
  15676. }
  15677. };
  15678. })( style, basestyles[style] );
  15679. }
  15680. };
  15681. ///import core
  15682. ///commands 选区路径
  15683. ///commandsName ElementPath,elementPathEnabled
  15684. ///commandsTitle 选区路径
  15685. /**
  15686. * 选区路径
  15687. * @function
  15688. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  15689. * @param {String} cmdName elementpath选区路径
  15690. */
  15691. UE.plugins['elementpath'] = function(){
  15692. var currentLevel,
  15693. tagNames,
  15694. me = this;
  15695. me.setOpt('elementPathEnabled',true);
  15696. if(!me.options.elementPathEnabled){
  15697. return;
  15698. }
  15699. me.commands['elementpath'] = {
  15700. execCommand : function( cmdName, level ) {
  15701. var start = tagNames[level],
  15702. range = me.selection.getRange();
  15703. currentLevel = level*1;
  15704. range.selectNode(start).select();
  15705. },
  15706. queryCommandValue : function() {
  15707. //产生一个副本,不能修改原来的startElementPath;
  15708. var parents = [].concat(this.selection.getStartElementPath()).reverse(),
  15709. names = [];
  15710. tagNames = parents;
  15711. for(var i=0,ci;ci=parents[i];i++){
  15712. if(ci.nodeType == 3) {
  15713. continue;
  15714. }
  15715. var name = ci.tagName.toLowerCase();
  15716. if(name == 'img' && ci.getAttribute('anchorname')){
  15717. name = 'anchor';
  15718. }
  15719. names[i] = name;
  15720. if(currentLevel == i){
  15721. currentLevel = -1;
  15722. break;
  15723. }
  15724. }
  15725. return names;
  15726. }
  15727. };
  15728. };
  15729. ///import core
  15730. ///import plugins\removeformat.js
  15731. ///commands 格式刷
  15732. ///commandsName FormatMatch
  15733. ///commandsTitle 格式刷
  15734. /**
  15735. * 格式刷,只格式inline的
  15736. * @function
  15737. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  15738. * @param {String} cmdName formatmatch执行格式刷
  15739. */
  15740. UE.plugins['formatmatch'] = function(){
  15741. var me = this,
  15742. list = [],img,
  15743. flag = 0;
  15744. me.addListener('reset',function(){
  15745. list = [];
  15746. flag = 0;
  15747. });
  15748. function addList(type,evt){
  15749. if(browser.webkit){
  15750. var target = == 'IMG' ? : null;
  15751. }
  15752. function addFormat(range){
  15753. if(text){
  15754. range.selectNode(text);
  15755. }
  15756. return range.applyInlineStyle(list[list.length-1].tagName,null,list);
  15757. }
  15758. me.undoManger &&;
  15759. var range = me.selection.getRange(),
  15760. imgT = target || range.getClosedNode();
  15761. if(img && imgT && imgT.tagName == 'IMG'){
  15762. //trace:964
  15763. += ';float:' + ( || ||'none') + ';display:' + (||'inline');
  15764. img = null;
  15765. }else{
  15766. if(!img){
  15767. var collapsed = range.collapsed;
  15768. if(collapsed){
  15769. var text = me.document.createTextNode('match');
  15770. range.insertNode(text).select();
  15771. }
  15772. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = true;
  15773. //不能把block上的属性干掉
  15774. //trace:1553
  15775. var removeFormatAttributes = me.options.removeFormatAttributes;
  15776. me.options.removeFormatAttributes = '';
  15777. me.execCommand('removeformat');
  15778. me.options.removeFormatAttributes = removeFormatAttributes;
  15779. me.__hasEnterExecCommand = false;
  15780. //trace:969
  15781. range = me.selection.getRange();
  15782. if(list.length){
  15783. addFormat(range);
  15784. }
  15785. if(text){
  15786. range.setStartBefore(text).collapse(true);
  15787. }
  15789. text && domUtils.remove(text);
  15790. }
  15791. }
  15792. me.undoManger &&;
  15793. me.removeListener('mouseup',addList);
  15794. flag = 0;
  15795. }
  15796. me.commands['formatmatch'] = {
  15797. execCommand : function( cmdName ) {
  15798. if(flag){
  15799. flag = 0;
  15800. list = [];
  15801. me.removeListener('mouseup',addList);
  15802. return;
  15803. }
  15804. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  15805. img = range.getClosedNode();
  15806. if(!img || img.tagName != 'IMG'){
  15807. range.collapse(true).shrinkBoundary();
  15808. var start = range.startContainer;
  15809. list = domUtils.findParents(start,true,function(node){
  15810. return !domUtils.isBlockElm(node) && node.nodeType == 1;
  15811. });
  15812. //a不能加入格式刷, 并且克隆节点
  15813. for(var i=0,ci;ci=list[i];i++){
  15814. if(ci.tagName == 'A'){
  15815. list.splice(i,1);
  15816. break;
  15817. }
  15818. }
  15819. }
  15820. me.addListener('mouseup',addList);
  15821. flag = 1;
  15822. },
  15823. queryCommandState : function() {
  15824. return flag;
  15825. },
  15826. notNeedUndo : 1
  15827. };
  15828. };
  15829. ///import core
  15830. ///commands 查找替换
  15831. ///commandsName SearchReplace
  15832. ///commandsTitle 查询替换
  15833. ///commandsDialog dialogs\searchreplace
  15834. /**
  15835. * @description 查找替换
  15836. * @author zhanyi
  15837. */
  15838. UE.plugins['searchreplace'] = function(){
  15839. var currentRange,
  15840. first,
  15841. me = this;
  15842. me.addListener('reset',function(){
  15843. currentRange = null;
  15844. first = null;
  15845. });
  15846. me.commands['searchreplace'] = {
  15847. execCommand : function(cmdName,opt){
  15848. var me = this,
  15849. sel = me.selection,
  15850. range,
  15851. nativeRange,
  15852. num = 0,
  15853. opt = utils.extend(opt,{
  15854. all : false,
  15855. casesensitive : false,
  15856. dir : 1
  15857. },true);
  15858. var searchStr = opt.searchStr;
  15859. if({
  15860. me.focus();
  15861. while(1){
  15862. var tmpRange;
  15863. nativeRange = me.document.selection.createRange();
  15864. tmpRange = nativeRange.duplicate();
  15865. tmpRange.moveToElementText(me.document.body);
  15866. if(opt.all){
  15867. first = 0;
  15868. opt.dir = 1;
  15869. if(currentRange){
  15870. tmpRange.setEndPoint(opt.dir == -1 ? 'EndToStart' : 'StartToEnd',currentRange);
  15871. }else{
  15872. tmpRange.moveToElementText(me.document.body);
  15873. }
  15874. }else{
  15875. tmpRange.setEndPoint(opt.dir == -1 ? 'EndToStart' : 'StartToEnd',nativeRange);
  15876. if(opt.hasOwnProperty("replaceStr")){
  15877. tmpRange.setEndPoint(opt.dir == -1 ? 'StartToEnd' : 'EndToStart',nativeRange);
  15878. }
  15879. }
  15880. nativeRange = tmpRange.duplicate();
  15881. if(/^\/[^/]+\/\w*$/.test(opt.searchStr)){
  15882. var str = tmpRange.text,
  15883. reg = new RegExp(opt.searchStr.replace(/^\/|\/\w*$/g,''),'g' + (opt.casesensitive ? '':'i'));
  15884. var match = str.match(reg);
  15885. if(match && match.length){
  15886. searchStr = opt.dir < 0 ? match[match.length -1] : match[0];
  15887. }else{
  15888. currentRange = null;
  15889. return num;
  15890. }
  15891. }
  15892. if(!tmpRange.findText(searchStr,opt.dir,opt.casesensitive ? 4 : 0)){
  15893. currentRange = null;
  15894. tmpRange = me.document.selection.createRange();
  15895. tmpRange.scrollIntoView();
  15896. currentRange = null;
  15897. return num;
  15898. }
  15900. //替换
  15901. if(opt.hasOwnProperty("replaceStr")){
  15902. range = sel.getRange();
  15903. range.deleteContents().insertNode(range.document.createTextNode(opt.replaceStr)).select();
  15904. currentRange = sel.getNative().createRange();
  15905. }
  15906. num++;
  15907. if(!opt.all){
  15908. break;
  15909. }
  15910. }
  15911. }else{
  15912. var w = me.window,nativeSel = sel.getNative();
  15913. while(1){
  15914. if(opt.all){
  15915. if(currentRange){
  15916. currentRange.collapse(false);
  15917. nativeRange = currentRange;
  15918. }else{
  15919. nativeRange = me.document.createRange();
  15920. nativeRange.setStart(me.document.body,0);
  15921. nativeRange.collapse(true);
  15922. }
  15923. nativeSel.removeAllRanges();
  15924. nativeSel.addRange( nativeRange );
  15925. first = 0;
  15926. opt.dir = 1;
  15927. }else{
  15928. //safari弹出层,原生已经找不到range了,所以需要先选回来,再取原生
  15929. if(browser.safari){
  15930. me.selection.getRange().select();
  15931. }
  15932. var nativeSel = w.getSelection();
  15933. if(!nativeSel.rangeCount){
  15934. nativeRange = currentRange || me._bakNativeRange;
  15935. }else{
  15936. nativeRange = nativeSel.getRangeAt(0);
  15937. }
  15938. if(opt.hasOwnProperty("replaceStr")){
  15939. nativeRange.collapse(opt.dir == 1 ? true : false);
  15940. }
  15941. }
  15942. //如果是第一次并且海选中了内容那就要清除,为find做准备
  15943. if(!first){
  15944. nativeRange.collapse( opt.dir <0 ? true : false);
  15945. nativeSel.removeAllRanges();
  15946. nativeSel.addRange( nativeRange );
  15947. }else{
  15948. nativeSel.removeAllRanges();
  15949. }
  15950. //是正则查找
  15951. if(/^\/[^/]+\/\w*$/.test(opt.searchStr)){
  15952. var tmpRange = nativeRange.cloneRange();
  15953. //向前查找
  15954. if(opt.dir < 0 ){
  15955. nativeRange.collapse(true);
  15956. nativeRange.setStart(me.body,0);
  15957. }else{
  15958. nativeRange.setEnd(me.body,me.body.childNodes.length);
  15959. }
  15960. var str = nativeRange + '',
  15961. reg = new RegExp(opt.searchStr.replace(/^\/|\/\w*$/g,''),'g' + (opt.casesensitive ? '':'i'));
  15962. var match = str.match(reg);
  15963. if(match && match.length){
  15964. searchStr = opt.dir < 0 ? match[match.length -1] : match[0];
  15965. }else{
  15966. currentRange = null;
  15967. return num;
  15968. }
  15969. nativeSel.removeAllRanges();
  15970. nativeRange = tmpRange;
  15971. nativeSel.addRange(nativeRange);
  15972. }
  15973. if(!w.find(searchStr,opt.casesensitive,opt.dir < 0 ? true : false) ) {
  15974. currentRange = null;
  15975. nativeSel.removeAllRanges();
  15976. return num;
  15977. }
  15978. first = 0;
  15979. range = w.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
  15980. if(!range.collapsed){
  15981. if(opt.hasOwnProperty("replaceStr")){
  15982. range.deleteContents();
  15983. var text = w.document.createTextNode(opt.replaceStr);
  15984. range.insertNode(text);
  15985. range.selectNode(text);
  15986. nativeSel.addRange(range);
  15987. }
  15988. currentRange = range.cloneRange();
  15989. }
  15990. num++;
  15991. if(!opt.all){
  15992. break;
  15993. }
  15994. }
  15995. }
  15996. return true;
  15997. }
  15998. };
  15999. };
  16000. ///import core
  16001. ///commands 自定义样式
  16002. ///commandsName CustomStyle
  16003. ///commandsTitle 自定义样式
  16004. UE.plugins['customstyle'] = function() {
  16005. var me = this;
  16006. me.setOpt({ 'customstyle':[
  16007. {tag:'h1',name:'tc', style:'font-size:32px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:#ccc 2px solid;padding:0 4px 0 0;text-align:center;margin:0 0 20px 0;'},
  16008. {tag:'h1',name:'tl', style:'font-size:32px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:#ccc 2px solid;padding:0 4px 0 0;text-align:left;margin:0 0 10px 0;'},
  16009. {tag:'span',name:'im', style:'font-size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;line-height:18px;'},
  16010. {tag:'span',name:'hi', style:'font-size:16px;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;color:rgb(51, 153, 204);line-height:18px;'}
  16011. ]});
  16012. me.commands['customstyle'] = {
  16013. execCommand : function(cmdName, obj) {
  16014. var me = this,
  16015. tagName = obj.tag,
  16016. node = domUtils.findParent(me.selection.getStart(), function(node) {
  16017. return node.getAttribute('label');
  16018. }, true),
  16019. range,bk,tmpObj = {};
  16020. for (var p in obj) {
  16021. if(obj[p]!==undefined)
  16022. tmpObj[p] = obj[p];
  16023. }
  16024. delete tmpObj.tag;
  16025. if (node && node.getAttribute('label') == obj.label) {
  16026. range = this.selection.getRange();
  16027. bk = range.createBookmark();
  16028. if (range.collapsed) {
  16029. //trace:1732 删掉自定义标签,要有p来回填站位
  16030. if(dtd.$block[node.tagName]){
  16031. var fillNode = me.document.createElement('p');
  16032. domUtils.moveChild(node, fillNode);
  16033. node.parentNode.insertBefore(fillNode, node);
  16034. domUtils.remove(node);
  16035. }else{
  16036. domUtils.remove(node,true);
  16037. }
  16038. } else {
  16039. var common = domUtils.getCommonAncestor(bk.start, bk.end),
  16040. nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(common, tagName);
  16041. if(new RegExp(tagName,'i').test(common.tagName)){
  16042. nodes.push(common);
  16043. }
  16044. for (var i = 0,ni; ni = nodes[i++];) {
  16045. if (ni.getAttribute('label') == obj.label) {
  16046. var ps = domUtils.getPosition(ni, bk.start),pe = domUtils.getPosition(ni, bk.end);
  16047. if ((ps & domUtils.POSITION_FOLLOWING || ps & domUtils.POSITION_CONTAINS)
  16048. &&
  16049. (pe & domUtils.POSITION_PRECEDING || pe & domUtils.POSITION_CONTAINS)
  16050. )
  16051. if (dtd.$block[tagName]) {
  16052. var fillNode = me.document.createElement('p');
  16053. domUtils.moveChild(ni, fillNode);
  16054. ni.parentNode.insertBefore(fillNode, ni);
  16055. }
  16056. domUtils.remove(ni, true);
  16057. }
  16058. }
  16059. node = domUtils.findParent(common, function(node) {
  16060. return node.getAttribute('label') == obj.label;
  16061. }, true);
  16062. if (node) {
  16063. domUtils.remove(node, true);
  16064. }
  16065. }
  16066. range.moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  16067. } else {
  16068. if (dtd.$block[tagName]) {
  16069. this.execCommand('paragraph', tagName, tmpObj,'customstyle');
  16070. range = me.selection.getRange();
  16071. if (!range.collapsed) {
  16072. range.collapse();
  16073. node = domUtils.findParent(me.selection.getStart(), function(node) {
  16074. return node.getAttribute('label') == obj.label;
  16075. }, true);
  16076. var pNode = me.document.createElement('p');
  16077. domUtils.insertAfter(node, pNode);
  16078. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, pNode);
  16079. range.setStart(pNode, 0).setCursor();
  16080. }
  16081. } else {
  16082. range = me.selection.getRange();
  16083. if (range.collapsed) {
  16084. node = me.document.createElement(tagName);
  16085. domUtils.setAttributes(node, tmpObj);
  16086. range.insertNode(node).setStart(node, 0).setCursor();
  16087. return;
  16088. }
  16089. bk = range.createBookmark();
  16090. range.applyInlineStyle(tagName, tmpObj).moveToBookmark(bk).select();
  16091. }
  16092. }
  16093. },
  16094. queryCommandValue : function() {
  16095. var parent = domUtils.filterNodeList(
  16096. this.selection.getStartElementPath(),
  16097. function(node){return node.getAttribute('label')}
  16098. );
  16099. return parent ? parent.getAttribute('label') : '';
  16100. }
  16101. };
  16102. //当去掉customstyle是,如果是块元素,用p代替
  16103. me.addListener('keyup', function(type, evt) {
  16104. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  16105. if (keyCode == 32 || keyCode == 13) {
  16106. var range = me.selection.getRange();
  16107. if (range.collapsed) {
  16108. var node = domUtils.findParent(me.selection.getStart(), function(node) {
  16109. return node.getAttribute('label');
  16110. }, true);
  16111. if (node && dtd.$block[node.tagName] && domUtils.isEmptyNode(node)) {
  16112. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  16113. domUtils.insertAfter(node, p);
  16114. domUtils.fillNode(me.document, p);
  16115. domUtils.remove(node);
  16116. range.setStart(p, 0).setCursor();
  16117. }
  16118. }
  16119. }
  16120. });
  16121. };
  16122. ///import core
  16123. ///commands 远程图片抓取
  16124. ///commandsName catchRemoteImage,catchremoteimageenable
  16125. ///commandsTitle 远程图片抓取
  16126. /**
  16127. * 远程图片抓取,当开启本插件时所有不符合本地域名的图片都将被抓取成为本地服务器上的图片
  16128. *
  16129. */
  16130. UE.plugins['catchremoteimage'] = function () {
  16131. if (this.options.catchRemoteImageEnable===false){
  16132. return;
  16133. }
  16134. var me = this;
  16135. this.setOpt({
  16136. localDomain:["","localhost",""],
  16137. separater:'ue_separate_ue',
  16138. catchFieldName:"upfile",
  16139. catchRemoteImageEnable:true
  16140. });
  16141. var ajax = UE.ajax,
  16142. localDomain = me.options.localDomain ,
  16143. catcherUrl = me.options.catcherUrl,
  16144. separater = me.options.separater;
  16145. function catchremoteimage(imgs, callbacks) {
  16146. var submitStr = imgs.join(separater);
  16147. var tmpOption = {
  16148. timeout:60000, //单位:毫秒,回调请求超时设置。目标用户如果网速不是很快的话此处建议设置一个较大的数值
  16149. onsuccess:callbacks["success"],
  16150. onerror:callbacks["error"]
  16151. };
  16152. tmpOption[me.options.catchFieldName] = submitStr;
  16153. ajax.request(catcherUrl, tmpOption);
  16154. }
  16155. me.addListener("afterpaste", function () {
  16156. me.fireEvent("catchRemoteImage");
  16157. });
  16158. me.addListener("catchRemoteImage", function () {
  16159. var remoteImages = [];
  16160. var imgs = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document, "img");
  16161. var test = function (src,urls) {
  16162. for (var j = 0, url; url = urls[j++];) {
  16163. if (src.indexOf(url) !== -1) {
  16164. return true;
  16165. }
  16166. }
  16167. return false;
  16168. };
  16169. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = imgs[i++];) {
  16170. if (ci.getAttribute("word_img")){
  16171. continue;
  16172. }
  16173. var src = ci.getAttribute("_src") || ci.src || "";
  16174. if (/^(https?|ftp):/i.test(src) && !test(src,localDomain)) {
  16175. remoteImages.push(src);
  16176. }
  16177. }
  16178. if (remoteImages.length) {
  16179. catchremoteimage(remoteImages, {
  16180. //成功抓取
  16181. success:function (xhr) {
  16182. try {
  16183. var info = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
  16184. } catch (e) {
  16185. return;
  16186. }
  16187. var srcUrls = info.srcUrl.split(separater),
  16188. urls = info.url.split(separater);
  16189. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = imgs[i++];) {
  16190. var src = ci.getAttribute("_src") || ci.src || "";
  16191. for (var j = 0, cj; cj = srcUrls[j++];) {
  16192. var url = urls[j - 1];
  16193. if (src == cj && url != "error") { //抓取失败时不做替换处理
  16194. //地址修正
  16195. var newSrc = me.options.catcherPath + url;
  16196. domUtils.setAttributes(ci, {
  16197. "src":newSrc,
  16198. "_src":newSrc
  16199. });
  16200. break;
  16201. }
  16202. }
  16203. }
  16204. me.fireEvent('catchremotesuccess')
  16205. },
  16206. //回调失败,本次请求超时
  16207. error:function () {
  16208. me.fireEvent("catchremoteerror");
  16209. }
  16210. });
  16211. }
  16212. });
  16213. };
  16214. ///import core
  16215. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  16216. ///import plugins\image.js
  16217. ///commandsName snapscreen
  16218. ///commandsTitle 截屏
  16219. /**
  16220. * 截屏插件
  16221. */
  16222. UE.plugins['snapscreen'] = function(){
  16223. var me = this,
  16224. doc,
  16225. snapplugin;
  16226. me.setOpt({
  16227. snapscreenServerPort: location.port //屏幕截图的server端端口
  16228. ,snapscreenImgAlign: '' //截图的图片默认的排版方式
  16229. ,snapscreenHost: location.hostname //屏幕截图的server端文件所在的网站地址或者ip,请不要加http://
  16230. });
  16231. me.commands['snapscreen'] = {
  16232. execCommand: function(){
  16233. var me = this,lang = me.getLang("snapScreen_plugin");
  16234. if(!snapplugin){
  16235. var container = me.container;
  16236. doc = container.ownerDocument || container.document;
  16237. snapplugin = doc.createElement("object");
  16238. try{snapplugin.type = "application/x-pluginbaidusnap";}catch(e){
  16239. return;
  16240. }
  16241. = "position:absolute;left:-9999px;";
  16242. snapplugin.setAttribute("width","0");
  16243. snapplugin.setAttribute("height","0");
  16244. container.appendChild(snapplugin);
  16245. }
  16246. var editorOptions = me.options;
  16247. var onSuccess = function(rs){
  16248. try{
  16249. rs = eval("("+ rs +")");
  16250. }catch(e){
  16251. alert(lang.callBackErrorMsg);
  16252. return;
  16253. }
  16254. if(rs.state != 'SUCCESS'){
  16255. alert(rs.state);
  16256. return;
  16257. }
  16258. me.execCommand('insertimage', {
  16259. src: editorOptions.snapscreenPath + rs.url,
  16260. floatStyle: editorOptions.snapscreenImgAlign,
  16261. _src:editorOptions.snapscreenPath + rs.url
  16262. });
  16263. };
  16264. var onStartUpload = function(){
  16265. //开始截图上传
  16266. };
  16267. var onError = function(){
  16268. alert(lang.uploadErrorMsg);
  16269. };
  16270. try{
  16271. var port = editorOptions.snapscreenServerPort + '';
  16272. editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl = editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl.split( editorOptions.snapscreenHost );
  16273. editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl = editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl[1] || editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl[0];
  16274. if( editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl.indexOf(":"+port) === 0 ) {
  16275. editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl = editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl.substring( port.length+1 );
  16276. }
  16277. var ret =snapplugin.saveSnapshot(editorOptions.snapscreenHost, editorOptions.snapscreenServerUrl, port);
  16278. onSuccess(ret);
  16279. }catch(e){
  16280. me.ui._dialogs['snapscreenDialog'].open();
  16281. }
  16282. }
  16283. };
  16284. }
  16285. ///import core
  16286. ///commands 插入空行
  16287. ///commandsName insertparagraph
  16288. ///commandsTitle 插入空行
  16289. /**
  16290. * 插入空行
  16291. * @function
  16292. * @name baidu.editor.execCommand
  16293. * @param {String} cmdName insertparagraph
  16294. */
  16295. UE.commands['insertparagraph'] = {
  16296. execCommand : function( cmdName,front) {
  16297. var me = this,
  16298. range = me.selection.getRange(),
  16299. start = range.startContainer,tmpNode;
  16300. while(start ){
  16301. if(domUtils.isBody(start)){
  16302. break;
  16303. }
  16304. tmpNode = start;
  16305. start = start.parentNode;
  16306. }
  16307. if(tmpNode){
  16308. var p = me.document.createElement('p');
  16309. if(front){
  16310. tmpNode.parentNode.insertBefore(p,tmpNode)
  16311. }else{
  16312. tmpNode.parentNode.insertBefore(p,tmpNode.nextSibling)
  16313. }
  16314. domUtils.fillNode(me.document,p);
  16315. range.setStart(p,0).setCursor(false,true);
  16316. }
  16317. }
  16318. };
  16319. ///import core
  16320. ///import plugins/inserthtml.js
  16321. ///commands 百度应用
  16322. ///commandsName webapp
  16323. ///commandsTitle 百度应用
  16324. ///commandsDialog dialogs\webapp
  16325. UE.plugins['webapp'] = function () {
  16326. var me = this;
  16327. function createInsertStr( obj, toIframe, addParagraph ) {
  16328. return !toIframe ?
  16329. (addParagraph ? '<p>' : '') + '<img title="'+obj.title+'" width="' + obj.width + '" height="' + obj.height + '"' +
  16330. ' src="' + me.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'themes/default/images/spacer.gif" style="background:url(' + obj.logo+') no-repeat center center; border:1px solid gray;" class="edui-faked-webapp" _url="' + obj.url + '" />' +
  16331. (addParagraph ? '</p>' : '')
  16332. :
  16333. '<iframe class="edui-faked-webapp" title="'+obj.title+'" width="' + obj.width + '" height="' + obj.height + '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' + obj.url + '" logo_url = '+obj.logo+'></iframe>';
  16334. }
  16335. function switchImgAndIframe( img2frame ) {
  16336. var tmpdiv,
  16337. nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName( me.document, !img2frame ? "iframe" : "img" );
  16338. for ( var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i++]; ) {
  16339. if ( node.className != "edui-faked-webapp" ){
  16340. continue;
  16341. }
  16342. tmpdiv = me.document.createElement( "div" );
  16343. tmpdiv.innerHTML = createInsertStr( img2frame ? {url:node.getAttribute( "_url" ), width:node.width, height:node.height,title:node.title,"url(","").replace(")","")} : {url:node.getAttribute( "src", 2 ),title:node.title, width:node.width, height:node.height,logo:node.getAttribute("logo_url")}, img2frame ? true : false,false );
  16344. node.parentNode.replaceChild( tmpdiv.firstChild, node );
  16345. }
  16346. }
  16347. me.addListener( "beforegetcontent", function () {
  16348. switchImgAndIframe( true );
  16349. } );
  16350. me.addListener( 'aftersetcontent', function () {
  16351. switchImgAndIframe( false );
  16352. } );
  16353. me.addListener( 'aftergetcontent', function ( cmdName ) {
  16354. if ( cmdName == 'aftergetcontent' && me.queryCommandState( 'source' ) ){
  16355. return;
  16356. }
  16357. switchImgAndIframe( false );
  16358. } );
  16359. me.commands['webapp'] = {
  16360. execCommand:function ( cmd, obj ) {
  16361. me.execCommand( "inserthtml", createInsertStr( obj, false,true ) );
  16362. }
  16363. };
  16364. };
  16365. ///import core
  16366. ///import plugins\inserthtml.js
  16367. ///import plugins\cleardoc.js
  16368. ///commands 模板
  16369. ///commandsName template
  16370. ///commandsTitle 模板
  16371. ///commandsDialog dialogs\template
  16372. UE.plugins['template'] = function () {
  16373. UE.commands['template'] = {
  16374. execCommand:function (cmd, obj) {
  16375. obj.html && this.execCommand("inserthtml", obj.html);
  16376. }
  16377. };
  16378. this.addListener("click", function (type, evt) {
  16379. var el = || evt.srcElement,
  16380. range = this.selection.getRange();
  16381. var tnode = domUtils.findParent(el, function (node) {
  16382. if (node.className && domUtils.hasClass(node, "ue_t")) {
  16383. return node;
  16384. }
  16385. }, true);
  16386. tnode && range.selectNode(tnode).shrinkBoundary().select();
  16387. });
  16388. this.addListener("keydown", function (type, evt) {
  16389. var range = this.selection.getRange();
  16390. if (!range.collapsed) {
  16391. if (!evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey) {
  16392. var tnode = domUtils.findParent(range.startContainer, function (node) {
  16393. if (node.className && domUtils.hasClass(node, "ue_t")) {
  16394. return node;
  16395. }
  16396. }, true);
  16397. if (tnode) {
  16398. domUtils.removeClasses(tnode, ["ue_t"]);
  16399. }
  16400. }
  16401. }
  16402. });
  16403. };
  16404. ///import core
  16405. ///import plugins/inserthtml.js
  16406. ///commands 音乐
  16407. ///commandsName Music
  16408. ///commandsTitle 插入音乐
  16409. ///commandsDialog dialogs\music
  16410. UE.plugins['music'] = function () {
  16411. var me = this,
  16412. div;
  16413. /**
  16414. * 创建插入音乐字符窜
  16415. * @param url 音乐地址
  16416. * @param width 音乐宽度
  16417. * @param height 音乐高度
  16418. * @param align 阴雨对齐
  16419. * @param toEmbed 是否以flash代替显示
  16420. * @param addParagraph 是否需要添加P标签
  16421. */
  16422. function creatInsertStr(url,width,height,align,toEmbed,addParagraph){
  16423. return !toEmbed ?
  16424. (addParagraph? ('<p '+ (align !="none" ? ( align == "center"? ' style="text-align:center;" ':' style="float:"'+ align ) : '') + '>'): '') +
  16425. '<img align="'+align+'" width="'+ width +'" height="' + height + '" _url="'+url+'" class="edui-faked-music"' +
  16426. ' src="'+me.options.langPath+me.options.lang+'/images/music.png" />' +
  16427. (addParagraph?'</p>':'')
  16428. :
  16429. '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" class="edui-faked-music" pluginspage=""' +
  16430. ' src="' + url + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" align="' + align + '"' +
  16431. ( align !="none" ? ' style= "'+ ( align == "center"? "display:block;":" float: "+ align ) + '"' :'' ) +
  16432. ' wmode="transparent" play="true" loop="false" menu="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allowfullscreen="true" >';
  16433. }
  16434. function switchImgAndEmbed(img2embed) {
  16435. var tmpdiv,
  16436. nodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(me.document, !img2embed ? "embed" : "img");
  16437. for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i++];) {
  16438. if (node.className != "edui-faked-music") {
  16439. continue;
  16440. }
  16441. tmpdiv = me.document.createElement("div");
  16442. //先看float在看align,浮动有的是时候是在float上定义的
  16443. var align = domUtils.getComputedStyle(node,'float');
  16444. align = align == 'none' ? (node.getAttribute('align') || '') : align;
  16445. tmpdiv.innerHTML = creatInsertStr(img2embed ? node.getAttribute("_url") : node.getAttribute("src"), node.width, node.height, align, img2embed);
  16446. node.parentNode.replaceChild(tmpdiv.firstChild, node);
  16447. }
  16448. }
  16449. me.addListener("beforegetcontent", function () {
  16450. switchImgAndEmbed(true);
  16451. });
  16452. me.addListener('aftersetcontent', function () {
  16453. switchImgAndEmbed(false);
  16454. });
  16455. me.addListener('aftergetcontent', function (cmdName) {
  16456. if (cmdName == 'aftergetcontent' && me.queryCommandState('source')) {
  16457. return;
  16458. }
  16459. switchImgAndEmbed(false);
  16460. });
  16461. me.commands["music"] = {
  16462. execCommand:function (cmd, musicObj) {
  16463. var me = this,
  16464. str = creatInsertStr(musicObj.url, musicObj.width || 400, musicObj.height || 95, "none", false, true);
  16465. me.execCommand("inserthtml",str);
  16466. },
  16467. queryCommandState:function () {
  16468. var me = this,
  16469. img = me.selection.getRange().getClosedNode(),
  16470. flag = img && (img.className == "edui-faked-music");
  16471. return flag ? 1 : 0;
  16472. }
  16473. };
  16474. };
  16475. var baidu = baidu || {};
  16476. baidu.editor = baidu.editor || {};
  16477. baidu.editor.ui = {};
  16478. (function (){
  16479. var browser = baidu.editor.browser,
  16480. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils;
  16481. var magic = '$EDITORUI';
  16482. var root = window[magic] = {};
  16483. var uidMagic = 'ID' + magic;
  16484. var uidCount = 0;
  16485. var uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils = {
  16486. uid: function (obj){
  16487. return (obj ? obj[uidMagic] || (obj[uidMagic] = ++ uidCount) : ++ uidCount);
  16488. },
  16489. hook: function ( fn, callback ) {
  16490. var dg;
  16491. if (fn && fn._callbacks) {
  16492. dg = fn;
  16493. } else {
  16494. dg = function (){
  16495. var q;
  16496. if (fn) {
  16497. q = fn.apply(this, arguments);
  16498. }
  16499. var callbacks = dg._callbacks;
  16500. var k = callbacks.length;
  16501. while (k --) {
  16502. var r = callbacks[k].apply(this, arguments);
  16503. if (q === undefined) {
  16504. q = r;
  16505. }
  16506. }
  16507. return q;
  16508. };
  16509. dg._callbacks = [];
  16510. }
  16511. dg._callbacks.push(callback);
  16512. return dg;
  16513. },
  16514. createElementByHtml: function (html){
  16515. var el = document.createElement('div');
  16516. el.innerHTML = html;
  16517. el = el.firstChild;
  16518. el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
  16519. return el;
  16520. },
  16521. getViewportElement: function (){
  16522. return ( && browser.quirks) ?
  16523. document.body : document.documentElement;
  16524. },
  16525. getClientRect: function (element){
  16526. var bcr;
  16527. //trace IE6下在控制编辑器显隐时可能会报错,catch一下
  16528. try{
  16529. bcr = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  16530. }catch(e){
  16531. bcr={left:0,top:0,height:0,width:0}
  16532. }
  16533. var rect = {
  16534. left: Math.round(bcr.left),
  16535. top: Math.round(,
  16536. height: Math.round(bcr.bottom -,
  16537. width: Math.round(bcr.right - bcr.left)
  16538. };
  16539. var doc;
  16540. while ((doc = element.ownerDocument) !== document &&
  16541. (element = domUtils.getWindow(doc).frameElement)) {
  16542. bcr = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  16543. rect.left += bcr.left;
  16544. +=;
  16545. }
  16546. rect.bottom = + rect.height;
  16547. rect.right = rect.left + rect.width;
  16548. return rect;
  16549. },
  16550. getViewportRect: function (){
  16551. var viewportEl = uiUtils.getViewportElement();
  16552. var width = (window.innerWidth || viewportEl.clientWidth) | 0;
  16553. var height = (window.innerHeight ||viewportEl.clientHeight) | 0;
  16554. return {
  16555. left: 0,
  16556. top: 0,
  16557. height: height,
  16558. width: width,
  16559. bottom: height,
  16560. right: width
  16561. };
  16562. },
  16563. setViewportOffset: function (element, offset){
  16564. var rect;
  16565. var fixedLayer = uiUtils.getFixedLayer();
  16566. if (element.parentNode === fixedLayer) {
  16567. = offset.left + 'px';
  16568. = + 'px';
  16569. } else {
  16570. domUtils.setViewportOffset(element, offset);
  16571. }
  16572. },
  16573. getEventOffset: function (evt){
  16574. var el = || evt.srcElement;
  16575. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(el);
  16576. var offset = uiUtils.getViewportOffsetByEvent(evt);
  16577. return {
  16578. left: offset.left - rect.left,
  16579. top: -
  16580. };
  16581. },
  16582. getViewportOffsetByEvent: function (evt){
  16583. var el = || evt.srcElement;
  16584. var frameEl = domUtils.getWindow(el).frameElement;
  16585. var offset = {
  16586. left: evt.clientX,
  16587. top: evt.clientY
  16588. };
  16589. if (frameEl && el.ownerDocument !== document) {
  16590. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(frameEl);
  16591. offset.left += rect.left;
  16592. +=;
  16593. }
  16594. return offset;
  16595. },
  16596. setGlobal: function (id, obj){
  16597. root[id] = obj;
  16598. return magic + '["' + id + '"]';
  16599. },
  16600. unsetGlobal: function (id){
  16601. delete root[id];
  16602. },
  16603. copyAttributes: function (tgt, src){
  16604. var attributes = src.attributes;
  16605. var k = attributes.length;
  16606. while (k --) {
  16607. var attrNode = attributes[k];
  16608. if ( attrNode.nodeName != 'style' && attrNode.nodeName != 'class' && (! || attrNode.specified) ) {
  16609. tgt.setAttribute(attrNode.nodeName, attrNode.nodeValue);
  16610. }
  16611. }
  16612. if (src.className) {
  16613. domUtils.addClass(tgt,src.className);
  16614. }
  16615. if ( {
  16616. += ';' +;
  16617. }
  16618. },
  16619. removeStyle: function (el, styleName){
  16620. if ( {
  16622. } else if ( {
  16624. } else throw '';
  16625. },
  16626. contains: function (elA, elB){
  16627. return elA && elB && (elA === elB ? false : (
  16628. elA.contains ? elA.contains(elB) :
  16629. elA.compareDocumentPosition(elB) & 16
  16630. ));
  16631. },
  16632. startDrag: function (evt, callbacks,doc){
  16633. var doc = doc || document;
  16634. var startX = evt.clientX;
  16635. var startY = evt.clientY;
  16636. function handleMouseMove(evt){
  16637. var x = evt.clientX - startX;
  16638. var y = evt.clientY - startY;
  16639. callbacks.ondragmove(x, y,evt);
  16640. if (evt.stopPropagation) {
  16641. evt.stopPropagation();
  16642. } else {
  16643. evt.cancelBubble = true;
  16644. }
  16645. }
  16646. if (doc.addEventListener) {
  16647. function handleMouseUp(evt){
  16648. doc.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove, true);
  16649. doc.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp, true);
  16650. window.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp, true);
  16651. callbacks.ondragstop();
  16652. }
  16653. doc.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove, true);
  16654. doc.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp, true);
  16655. window.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUp, true);
  16656. evt.preventDefault();
  16657. } else {
  16658. var elm = evt.srcElement;
  16659. elm.setCapture();
  16660. function releaseCaptrue(){
  16661. elm.releaseCapture();
  16662. elm.detachEvent('onmousemove', handleMouseMove);
  16663. elm.detachEvent('onmouseup', releaseCaptrue);
  16664. elm.detachEvent('onlosecaptrue', releaseCaptrue);
  16665. callbacks.ondragstop();
  16666. }
  16667. elm.attachEvent('onmousemove', handleMouseMove);
  16668. elm.attachEvent('onmouseup', releaseCaptrue);
  16669. elm.attachEvent('onlosecaptrue', releaseCaptrue);
  16670. evt.returnValue = false;
  16671. }
  16672. callbacks.ondragstart();
  16673. },
  16674. getFixedLayer: function (){
  16675. var layer = document.getElementById('edui_fixedlayer');
  16676. if (layer == null) {
  16677. layer = document.createElement('div');
  16678. = 'edui_fixedlayer';
  16679. document.body.appendChild(layer);
  16680. if ( && browser.version <= 8) {
  16681. = 'absolute';
  16682. bindFixedLayer();
  16683. setTimeout(updateFixedOffset);
  16684. } else {
  16685. = 'fixed';
  16686. }
  16687. = '0';
  16688. = '0';
  16689. = '0';
  16690. = '0';
  16691. }
  16692. return layer;
  16693. },
  16694. makeUnselectable: function (element){
  16695. if (browser.opera || ( && browser.version < 9)) {
  16696. element.unselectable = 'on';
  16697. if (element.hasChildNodes()) {
  16698. for (var i=0; i<element.childNodes.length; i++) {
  16699. if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
  16700. uiUtils.makeUnselectable(element.childNodes[i]);
  16701. }
  16702. }
  16703. }
  16704. } else {
  16705. if ( !== undefined) {
  16706. = 'none';
  16707. } else if ( !== undefined) {
  16708. = 'none';
  16709. } else if ( !== undefined) {
  16710. = 'none';
  16711. }
  16712. }
  16713. }
  16714. };
  16715. function updateFixedOffset(){
  16716. var layer = document.getElementById('edui_fixedlayer');
  16717. uiUtils.setViewportOffset(layer, {
  16718. left: 0,
  16719. top: 0
  16720. });
  16721. // = 'none';
  16722. // = 'block';
  16723. //#trace: 1354
  16724. // setTimeout(updateFixedOffset);
  16725. }
  16726. function bindFixedLayer(adjOffset){
  16727. domUtils.on(window, 'scroll', updateFixedOffset);
  16728. domUtils.on(window, 'resize', baidu.editor.utils.defer(updateFixedOffset, 0, true));
  16729. }
  16730. })();
  16731. (function () {
  16732. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  16733. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  16734. EventBase = baidu.editor.EventBase,
  16735. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase = function () {
  16736. };
  16737. UIBase.prototype = {
  16738. className:'',
  16739. uiName:'',
  16740. initOptions:function (options) {
  16741. var me = this;
  16742. for (var k in options) {
  16743. me[k] = options[k];
  16744. }
  16745. = || 'edui' + uiUtils.uid();
  16746. },
  16747. initUIBase:function () {
  16748. this._globalKey = utils.unhtml(uiUtils.setGlobal(, this));
  16749. },
  16750. render:function (holder) {
  16751. var html = this.renderHtml();
  16752. var el = uiUtils.createElementByHtml(html);
  16753. //by xuheng 给每个node添加class
  16754. var list = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(el, "*");
  16755. var theme = "edui-" + (this.theme || this.editor.options.theme);
  16756. var layer = document.getElementById('edui_fixedlayer');
  16757. for (var i = 0, node; node = list[i++];) {
  16758. domUtils.addClass(node, theme);
  16759. }
  16760. domUtils.addClass(el, theme);
  16761. if(layer){
  16762. layer.className="";
  16763. domUtils.addClass(layer,theme);
  16764. }
  16765. var seatEl = this.getDom();
  16766. if (seatEl != null) {
  16767. seatEl.parentNode.replaceChild(el, seatEl);
  16768. uiUtils.copyAttributes(el, seatEl);
  16769. } else {
  16770. if (typeof holder == 'string') {
  16771. holder = document.getElementById(holder);
  16772. }
  16773. holder = holder || uiUtils.getFixedLayer();
  16774. domUtils.addClass(holder, theme);
  16775. holder.appendChild(el);
  16776. }
  16777. this.postRender();
  16778. },
  16779. getDom:function (name) {
  16780. if (!name) {
  16781. return document.getElementById(;
  16782. } else {
  16783. return document.getElementById( + '_' + name);
  16784. }
  16785. },
  16786. postRender:function () {
  16787. this.fireEvent('postrender');
  16788. },
  16789. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  16790. return '';
  16791. },
  16792. formatHtml:function (tpl) {
  16793. var prefix = 'edui-' + this.uiName;
  16794. return (tpl
  16795. .replace(/##/g,
  16796. .replace(/%%-/g, this.uiName ? prefix + '-' : '')
  16797. .replace(/%%/g, (this.uiName ? prefix : '') + ' ' + this.className)
  16798. .replace(/\$\$/g, this._globalKey));
  16799. },
  16800. renderHtml:function () {
  16801. return this.formatHtml(this.getHtmlTpl());
  16802. },
  16803. dispose:function () {
  16804. var box = this.getDom();
  16805. if (box) baidu.editor.dom.domUtils.remove(box);
  16806. uiUtils.unsetGlobal(;
  16807. }
  16808. };
  16809. utils.inherits(UIBase, EventBase);
  16810. })();
  16811. (function (){
  16812. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  16813. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  16814. Separator = baidu.editor.ui.Separator = function (options){
  16815. this.initOptions(options);
  16816. this.initSeparator();
  16817. };
  16818. Separator.prototype = {
  16819. uiName: 'separator',
  16820. initSeparator: function (){
  16821. this.initUIBase();
  16822. },
  16823. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  16824. return '<div id="##" class="edui-box %%"></div>';
  16825. }
  16826. };
  16827. utils.inherits(Separator, UIBase);
  16828. })();
  16829. ///import core
  16830. ///import uicore
  16831. (function (){
  16832. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  16833. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  16834. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  16835. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils;
  16836. var Mask = baidu.editor.ui.Mask = function (options){
  16837. this.initOptions(options);
  16838. this.initUIBase();
  16839. };
  16840. Mask.prototype = {
  16841. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  16842. return '<div id="##" class="edui-mask %%" onmousedown="return $$._onMouseDown(event, this);"></div>';
  16843. },
  16844. postRender: function (){
  16845. var me = this;
  16846. domUtils.on(window, 'resize', function (){
  16847. setTimeout(function (){
  16848. if (!me.isHidden()) {
  16849. me._fill();
  16850. }
  16851. });
  16852. });
  16853. },
  16854. show: function (zIndex){
  16855. this._fill();
  16856. this.getDom().style.display = '';
  16857. this.getDom().style.zIndex = zIndex;
  16858. },
  16859. hide: function (){
  16860. this.getDom().style.display = 'none';
  16861. this.getDom().style.zIndex = '';
  16862. },
  16863. isHidden: function (){
  16864. return this.getDom().style.display == 'none';
  16865. },
  16866. _onMouseDown: function (){
  16867. return false;
  16868. },
  16869. _fill: function (){
  16870. var el = this.getDom();
  16871. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  16872. = vpRect.width + 'px';
  16873. = vpRect.height + 'px';
  16874. }
  16875. };
  16876. utils.inherits(Mask, UIBase);
  16877. })();
  16878. ///import core
  16879. ///import uicore
  16880. (function () {
  16881. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  16882. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  16883. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  16884. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  16885. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup = function (options){
  16886. this.initOptions(options);
  16887. this.initPopup();
  16888. };
  16889. var allPopups = [];
  16890. function closeAllPopup( evt,el ){
  16891. for ( var i = 0; i < allPopups.length; i++ ) {
  16892. var pop = allPopups[i];
  16893. if (!pop.isHidden()) {
  16894. if (pop.queryAutoHide(el) !== false) {
  16895. if(evt&&/scroll/ig.test(evt.type)&&pop.className=="edui-wordpastepop") return;
  16896. pop.hide();
  16897. }
  16898. }
  16899. }
  16900. if(allPopups.length)
  16901. pop.editor.fireEvent("afterhidepop");
  16902. }
  16903. Popup.postHide = closeAllPopup;
  16904. var ANCHOR_CLASSES = ['edui-anchor-topleft','edui-anchor-topright',
  16905. 'edui-anchor-bottomleft','edui-anchor-bottomright'];
  16906. Popup.prototype = {
  16907. SHADOW_RADIUS: 5,
  16908. content: null,
  16909. _hidden: false,
  16910. autoRender: true,
  16911. canSideLeft: true,
  16912. canSideUp: true,
  16913. initPopup: function (){
  16914. this.initUIBase();
  16915. allPopups.push( this );
  16916. },
  16917. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  16918. return '<div id="##" class="edui-popup %%" onmousedown="return false;">' +
  16919. ' <div id="##_body" class="edui-popup-body">' +
  16920. ' <iframe style="position:absolute;z-index:-1;left:0;top:0;background-color: transparent;" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="about:blank"></iframe>' +
  16921. ' <div class="edui-shadow"></div>' +
  16922. ' <div id="##_content" class="edui-popup-content">' +
  16923. this.getContentHtmlTpl() +
  16924. ' </div>' +
  16925. ' </div>' +
  16926. '</div>';
  16927. },
  16928. getContentHtmlTpl: function (){
  16929. if(this.content){
  16930. if (typeof this.content == 'string') {
  16931. return this.content;
  16932. }
  16933. return this.content.renderHtml();
  16934. }else{
  16935. return ''
  16936. }
  16937. },
  16938. _UIBase_postRender: UIBase.prototype.postRender,
  16939. postRender: function (){
  16940. if (this.content instanceof UIBase) {
  16941. this.content.postRender();
  16942. }
  16943. //捕获鼠标滚轮
  16944. if( this.captureWheel && !this.captured ) {
  16945. this.captured = true;
  16946. var winHeight = ( document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight ) - 80,
  16947. _height = this.getDom().offsetHeight,
  16948. _top = uiUtils.getClientRect( this.combox.getDom() ).top,
  16949. content = this.getDom('content'),
  16950. ifr = this.getDom('body').getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
  16951. me = this;
  16952. ifr.length && ( ifr = ifr[0] );
  16953. while( _top + _height > winHeight ) {
  16954. _height -= 30;
  16955. = _height + 'px';
  16956. //同步更改iframe高度
  16957. ifr && ( = _height + 'px' );
  16958. }
  16959. //阻止在combox上的鼠标滚轮事件, 防止用户的正常操作被误解
  16960. if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
  16961. domUtils.on( content, ( 'onmousewheel' in document.body ) ? 'mousewheel' :'DOMMouseScroll' , function(e){
  16962. if(e.preventDefault) {
  16963. e.preventDefault();
  16964. } else {
  16965. e.returnValue = false;
  16966. }
  16967. if( e.wheelDelta ) {
  16968. content.scrollTop -= ( e.wheelDelta / 120 )*60;
  16969. } else {
  16970. content.scrollTop -= ( e.detail / -3 )*60;
  16971. }
  16972. });
  16973. } else {
  16974. //ie6
  16975. domUtils.on( this.getDom(), 'mousewheel' , function(e){
  16976. e.returnValue = false;
  16977. me.getDom('content').scrollTop -= ( e.wheelDelta / 120 )*60;
  16978. });
  16979. }
  16980. }
  16981. this.fireEvent('postRenderAfter');
  16982. this.hide(true);
  16983. this._UIBase_postRender();
  16984. },
  16985. _doAutoRender: function (){
  16986. if (!this.getDom() && this.autoRender) {
  16987. this.render();
  16988. }
  16989. },
  16990. mesureSize: function (){
  16991. var box = this.getDom('content');
  16992. return uiUtils.getClientRect(box);
  16993. },
  16994. fitSize: function (){
  16995. if( this.captureWheel && this.sized ) {
  16996. return this.__size;
  16997. }
  16998. this.sized = true;
  16999. var popBodyEl = this.getDom('body');
  17000. = '';
  17001. = '';
  17002. var size = this.mesureSize();
  17003. if( this.captureWheel ) {
  17004. = -(-20 -size.width) + 'px';
  17005. var height = parseInt( this.getDom('content').style.height, 10 );
  17006. !window.isNaN( height ) && ( size.height = height );
  17007. } else {
  17008. = size.width + 'px';
  17009. }
  17010. = size.height + 'px';
  17011. this.__size = size;
  17012. this.captureWheel && (this.getDom('content').style.overflow = 'auto');
  17013. return size;
  17014. },
  17015. showAnchor: function ( element, hoz ){
  17016. this.showAnchorRect( uiUtils.getClientRect( element ), hoz );
  17017. },
  17018. showAnchorRect: function ( rect, hoz, adj ){
  17019. this._doAutoRender();
  17020. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  17021. this._show();
  17022. var popSize = this.fitSize();
  17023. var sideLeft, sideUp, left, top;
  17024. if (hoz) {
  17025. sideLeft = this.canSideLeft && (rect.right + popSize.width > vpRect.right && rect.left > popSize.width);
  17026. sideUp = this.canSideUp && ( + popSize.height > vpRect.bottom && rect.bottom > popSize.height);
  17027. left = (sideLeft ? rect.left - popSize.width : rect.right);
  17028. top = (sideUp ? rect.bottom - popSize.height :;
  17029. } else {
  17030. sideLeft = this.canSideLeft && (rect.right + popSize.width > vpRect.right && rect.left > popSize.width);
  17031. sideUp = this.canSideUp && ( + popSize.height > vpRect.bottom && rect.bottom > popSize.height);
  17032. left = (sideLeft ? rect.right - popSize.width : rect.left);
  17033. top = (sideUp ? - popSize.height : rect.bottom);
  17034. }
  17035. var popEl = this.getDom();
  17036. uiUtils.setViewportOffset(popEl, {
  17037. left: left,
  17038. top: top
  17039. });
  17040. domUtils.removeClasses(popEl, ANCHOR_CLASSES);
  17041. popEl.className += ' ' + ANCHOR_CLASSES[(sideUp ? 1 : 0) * 2 + (sideLeft ? 1 : 0)];
  17042. if(this.editor){
  17043. = * 1 + 10;
  17044. baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils.getFixedLayer().style.zIndex = - 1;
  17045. }
  17046. },
  17047. showAt: function (offset) {
  17048. var left = offset.left;
  17049. var top =;
  17050. var rect = {
  17051. left: left,
  17052. top: top,
  17053. right: left,
  17054. bottom: top,
  17055. height: 0,
  17056. width: 0
  17057. };
  17058. this.showAnchorRect(rect, false, true);
  17059. },
  17060. _show: function (){
  17061. if (this._hidden) {
  17062. var box = this.getDom();
  17063. = '';
  17064. this._hidden = false;
  17065. // if (box.setActive) {
  17066. // box.setActive();
  17067. // }
  17068. this.fireEvent('show');
  17069. }
  17070. },
  17071. isHidden: function (){
  17072. return this._hidden;
  17073. },
  17074. show: function (){
  17075. this._doAutoRender();
  17076. this._show();
  17077. },
  17078. hide: function (notNofity){
  17079. if (!this._hidden && this.getDom()) {
  17080. this.getDom().style.display = 'none';
  17081. this._hidden = true;
  17082. if (!notNofity) {
  17083. this.fireEvent('hide');
  17084. }
  17085. }
  17086. },
  17087. queryAutoHide: function (el){
  17088. return !el || !uiUtils.contains(this.getDom(), el);
  17089. }
  17090. };
  17091. utils.inherits(Popup, UIBase);
  17092. domUtils.on( document, 'mousedown', function ( evt ) {
  17093. var el = || evt.srcElement;
  17094. closeAllPopup( evt,el );
  17095. } );
  17096. domUtils.on( window, 'scroll', function (evt,el) {
  17097. closeAllPopup( evt,el );
  17098. } );
  17099. })();
  17100. ///import core
  17101. ///import uicore
  17102. (function (){
  17103. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17104. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  17105. ColorPicker = baidu.editor.ui.ColorPicker = function (options){
  17106. this.initOptions(options);
  17107. this.noColorText = this.noColorText || this.editor.getLang("clearColor");
  17108. this.initUIBase();
  17109. };
  17110. ColorPicker.prototype = {
  17111. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17112. return genColorPicker(this.noColorText,this.editor);
  17113. },
  17114. _onTableClick: function (evt){
  17115. var tgt = || evt.srcElement;
  17116. var color = tgt.getAttribute('data-color');
  17117. if (color) {
  17118. this.fireEvent('pickcolor', color);
  17119. }
  17120. },
  17121. _onTableOver: function (evt){
  17122. var tgt = || evt.srcElement;
  17123. var color = tgt.getAttribute('data-color');
  17124. if (color) {
  17125. this.getDom('preview').style.backgroundColor = color;
  17126. }
  17127. },
  17128. _onTableOut: function (){
  17129. this.getDom('preview').style.backgroundColor = '';
  17130. },
  17131. _onPickNoColor: function (){
  17132. this.fireEvent('picknocolor');
  17133. }
  17134. };
  17135. utils.inherits(ColorPicker, UIBase);
  17136. var COLORS = (
  17137. 'ffffff,000000,eeece1,1f497d,4f81bd,c0504d,9bbb59,8064a2,4bacc6,f79646,' +
  17138. 'f2f2f2,7f7f7f,ddd9c3,c6d9f0,dbe5f1,f2dcdb,ebf1dd,e5e0ec,dbeef3,fdeada,' +
  17139. 'd8d8d8,595959,c4bd97,8db3e2,b8cce4,e5b9b7,d7e3bc,ccc1d9,b7dde8,fbd5b5,' +
  17140. 'bfbfbf,3f3f3f,938953,548dd4,95b3d7,d99694,c3d69b,b2a2c7,92cddc,fac08f,' +
  17141. 'a5a5a5,262626,494429,17365d,366092,953734,76923c,5f497a,31859b,e36c09,' +
  17142. '7f7f7f,0c0c0c,1d1b10,0f243e,244061,632423,4f6128,3f3151,205867,974806,' +
  17143. 'c00000,ff0000,ffc000,ffff00,92d050,00b050,00b0f0,0070c0,002060,7030a0,').split(',');
  17144. function genColorPicker(noColorText,editor){
  17145. var html = '<div id="##" class="edui-colorpicker %%">' +
  17146. '<div class="edui-colorpicker-topbar edui-clearfix">' +
  17147. '<div unselectable="on" id="##_preview" class="edui-colorpicker-preview"></div>' +
  17148. '<div unselectable="on" class="edui-colorpicker-nocolor" onclick="$$._onPickNoColor(event, this);">'+ noColorText +'</div>' +
  17149. '</div>' +
  17150. '<table class="edui-box" style="border-collapse: collapse;" onmouseover="$$._onTableOver(event, this);" onmouseout="$$._onTableOut(event, this);" onclick="return $$._onTableClick(event, this);" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' +
  17151. '<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;font-size: 13px;line-height: 25px;color:#39C;padding-top: 2px"><td colspan="10">'+editor.getLang("themeColor")+'</td> </tr>'+
  17152. '<tr class="edui-colorpicker-tablefirstrow" >';
  17153. for (var i=0; i<COLORS.length; i++) {
  17154. if (i && i%10 === 0) {
  17155. html += '</tr>'+(i==60?'<tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;font-size: 13px;line-height: 25px;color:#39C;"><td colspan="10">'+editor.getLang("standardColor")+'</td></tr>':'')+'<tr'+(i==60?' class="edui-colorpicker-tablefirstrow"':'')+'>';
  17156. }
  17157. html += i<70 ? '<td style="padding: 0 2px;"><a hidefocus title="'+COLORS[i]+'" onclick="return false;" href="javascript:" unselectable="on" class="edui-box edui-colorpicker-colorcell"' +
  17158. ' data-color="#'+ COLORS[i] +'"'+
  17159. ' style="background-color:#'+ COLORS[i] +';border:solid #ccc;'+
  17160. (i<10 || i>=60?'border-width:1px;':
  17161. i>=10&&i<20?'border-width:1px 1px 0 1px;':
  17162. 'border-width:0 1px 0 1px;')+
  17163. '"' +
  17164. '></a></td>':'';
  17165. }
  17166. html += '</tr></table></div>';
  17167. return html;
  17168. }
  17169. })();
  17170. ///import core
  17171. ///import uicore
  17172. (function (){
  17173. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17174. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17175. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase;
  17176. var TablePicker = baidu.editor.ui.TablePicker = function (options){
  17177. this.initOptions(options);
  17178. this.initTablePicker();
  17179. };
  17180. TablePicker.prototype = {
  17181. defaultNumRows: 10,
  17182. defaultNumCols: 10,
  17183. maxNumRows: 20,
  17184. maxNumCols: 20,
  17185. numRows: 10,
  17186. numCols: 10,
  17187. lengthOfCellSide: 22,
  17188. initTablePicker: function (){
  17189. this.initUIBase();
  17190. },
  17191. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17192. var me = this;
  17193. return '<div id="##" class="edui-tablepicker %%">' +
  17194. '<div class="edui-tablepicker-body">' +
  17195. '<div class="edui-infoarea">' +
  17196. '<span id="##_label" class="edui-label"></span>' +
  17197. '</div>' +
  17198. '<div class="edui-pickarea"' +
  17199. ' onmousemove="$$._onMouseMove(event, this);"' +
  17200. ' onmouseover="$$._onMouseOver(event, this);"' +
  17201. ' onmouseout="$$._onMouseOut(event, this);"' +
  17202. ' onclick="$$._onClick(event, this);"' +
  17203. '>' +
  17204. '<div id="##_overlay" class="edui-overlay"></div>' +
  17205. '</div>' +
  17206. '</div>' +
  17207. '</div>';
  17208. },
  17209. _UIBase_render: UIBase.prototype.render,
  17210. render: function (holder){
  17211. this._UIBase_render(holder);
  17212. this.getDom('label').innerHTML = '0'+this.editor.getLang("t_row")+' x 0'+this.editor.getLang("t_col");
  17213. },
  17214. _track: function (numCols, numRows){
  17215. var style = this.getDom('overlay').style;
  17216. var sideLen = this.lengthOfCellSide;
  17217. style.width = numCols * sideLen + 'px';
  17218. style.height = numRows * sideLen + 'px';
  17219. var label = this.getDom('label');
  17220. label.innerHTML = numCols +this.editor.getLang("t_col")+' x ' + numRows + this.editor.getLang("t_row");
  17221. this.numCols = numCols;
  17222. this.numRows = numRows;
  17223. },
  17224. _onMouseOver: function (evt, el){
  17225. var rel = evt.relatedTarget || evt.fromElement;
  17226. if (!uiUtils.contains(el, rel) && el !== rel) {
  17227. this.getDom('label').innerHTML = '0'+this.editor.getLang("t_col")+' x 0'+this.editor.getLang("t_row");
  17228. this.getDom('overlay').style.visibility = '';
  17229. }
  17230. },
  17231. _onMouseOut: function (evt, el){
  17232. var rel = evt.relatedTarget || evt.toElement;
  17233. if (!uiUtils.contains(el, rel) && el !== rel) {
  17234. this.getDom('label').innerHTML = '0'+this.editor.getLang("t_col")+' x 0'+this.editor.getLang("t_row");
  17235. this.getDom('overlay').style.visibility = 'hidden';
  17236. }
  17237. },
  17238. _onMouseMove: function (evt, el){
  17239. var style = this.getDom('overlay').style;
  17240. var offset = uiUtils.getEventOffset(evt);
  17241. var sideLen = this.lengthOfCellSide;
  17242. var numCols = Math.ceil(offset.left / sideLen);
  17243. var numRows = Math.ceil( / sideLen);
  17244. this._track(numCols, numRows);
  17245. },
  17246. _onClick: function (){
  17247. this.fireEvent('picktable', this.numCols, this.numRows);
  17248. }
  17249. };
  17250. utils.inherits(TablePicker, UIBase);
  17251. })();
  17252. (function (){
  17253. var browser = baidu.editor.browser,
  17254. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  17255. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils;
  17256. var TPL_STATEFUL = 'onmousedown="$$.Stateful_onMouseDown(event, this);"' +
  17257. ' onmouseup="$$.Stateful_onMouseUp(event, this);"' +
  17258. ( ? (
  17259. ' onmouseenter="$$.Stateful_onMouseEnter(event, this);"' +
  17260. ' onmouseleave="$$.Stateful_onMouseLeave(event, this);"' )
  17261. : (
  17262. ' onmouseover="$$.Stateful_onMouseOver(event, this);"' +
  17263. ' onmouseout="$$.Stateful_onMouseOut(event, this);"' ));
  17264. baidu.editor.ui.Stateful = {
  17265. alwalysHoverable: false,
  17266. target:null,//目标元素和this指向dom不一样
  17267. Stateful_init: function (){
  17268. this._Stateful_dGetHtmlTpl = this.getHtmlTpl;
  17269. this.getHtmlTpl = this.Stateful_getHtmlTpl;
  17270. },
  17271. Stateful_getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17272. var tpl = this._Stateful_dGetHtmlTpl();
  17273. // 使用function避免$转义
  17274. return tpl.replace(/stateful/g, function (){ return TPL_STATEFUL; });
  17275. },
  17276. Stateful_onMouseEnter: function (evt, el){
  17278. if (!this.isDisabled() || this.alwalysHoverable) {
  17279. this.addState('hover');
  17280. this.fireEvent('over');
  17281. }
  17282. },
  17283. Stateful_onMouseLeave: function (evt, el){
  17284. if (!this.isDisabled() || this.alwalysHoverable) {
  17285. this.removeState('hover');
  17286. this.removeState('active');
  17287. this.fireEvent('out');
  17288. }
  17289. },
  17290. Stateful_onMouseOver: function (evt, el){
  17291. var rel = evt.relatedTarget;
  17292. if (!uiUtils.contains(el, rel) && el !== rel) {
  17293. this.Stateful_onMouseEnter(evt, el);
  17294. }
  17295. },
  17296. Stateful_onMouseOut: function (evt, el){
  17297. var rel = evt.relatedTarget;
  17298. if (!uiUtils.contains(el, rel) && el !== rel) {
  17299. this.Stateful_onMouseLeave(evt, el);
  17300. }
  17301. },
  17302. Stateful_onMouseDown: function (evt, el){
  17303. if (!this.isDisabled()) {
  17304. this.addState('active');
  17305. }
  17306. },
  17307. Stateful_onMouseUp: function (evt, el){
  17308. if (!this.isDisabled()) {
  17309. this.removeState('active');
  17310. }
  17311. },
  17312. Stateful_postRender: function (){
  17313. if (this.disabled && !this.hasState('disabled')) {
  17314. this.addState('disabled');
  17315. }
  17316. },
  17317. hasState: function (state){
  17318. return domUtils.hasClass(this.getStateDom(), 'edui-state-' + state);
  17319. },
  17320. addState: function (state){
  17321. if (!this.hasState(state)) {
  17322. this.getStateDom().className += ' edui-state-' + state;
  17323. }
  17324. },
  17325. removeState: function (state){
  17326. if (this.hasState(state)) {
  17327. domUtils.removeClasses(this.getStateDom(), ['edui-state-' + state]);
  17328. }
  17329. },
  17330. getStateDom: function (){
  17331. return this.getDom('state');
  17332. },
  17333. isChecked: function (){
  17334. return this.hasState('checked');
  17335. },
  17336. setChecked: function (checked){
  17337. if (!this.isDisabled() && checked) {
  17338. this.addState('checked');
  17339. } else {
  17340. this.removeState('checked');
  17341. }
  17342. },
  17343. isDisabled: function (){
  17344. return this.hasState('disabled');
  17345. },
  17346. setDisabled: function (disabled){
  17347. if (disabled) {
  17348. this.removeState('hover');
  17349. this.removeState('checked');
  17350. this.removeState('active');
  17351. this.addState('disabled');
  17352. } else {
  17353. this.removeState('disabled');
  17354. }
  17355. }
  17356. };
  17357. })();
  17358. ///import core
  17359. ///import uicore
  17360. ///import ui/stateful.js
  17361. (function (){
  17362. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17363. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  17364. Stateful = baidu.editor.ui.Stateful,
  17365. Button = baidu.editor.ui.Button = function (options){
  17366. this.initOptions(options);
  17367. this.initButton();
  17368. };
  17369. Button.prototype = {
  17370. uiName: 'button',
  17371. label: '',
  17372. title: '',
  17373. showIcon: true,
  17374. showText: true,
  17375. initButton: function (){
  17376. this.initUIBase();
  17377. this.Stateful_init();
  17378. },
  17379. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17380. return '<div id="##" class="edui-box %%">' +
  17381. '<div id="##_state" stateful>' +
  17382. '<div class="%%-wrap"><div id="##_body" unselectable="on" ' + (this.title ? 'title="' + this.title + '"' : '') +
  17383. ' class="%%-body" onmousedown="return false;" onclick="return $$._onClick();">' +
  17384. (this.showIcon ? '<div class="edui-box edui-icon"></div>' : '') +
  17385. (this.showText ? '<div class="edui-box edui-label">' + this.label + '</div>' : '') +
  17386. '</div>' +
  17387. '</div>' +
  17388. '</div></div>';
  17389. },
  17390. postRender: function (){
  17391. this.Stateful_postRender();
  17392. this.setDisabled(this.disabled)
  17393. },
  17394. _onClick: function (){
  17395. if (!this.isDisabled()) {
  17396. this.fireEvent('click');
  17397. }
  17398. }
  17399. };
  17400. utils.inherits(Button, UIBase);
  17401. utils.extend(Button.prototype, Stateful);
  17402. })();
  17403. ///import core
  17404. ///import uicore
  17405. ///import ui/stateful.js
  17406. (function (){
  17407. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17408. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17409. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  17410. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  17411. Stateful = baidu.editor.ui.Stateful,
  17412. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton = function (options){
  17413. this.initOptions(options);
  17414. this.initSplitButton();
  17415. };
  17416. SplitButton.prototype = {
  17417. popup: null,
  17418. uiName: 'splitbutton',
  17419. title: '',
  17420. initSplitButton: function (){
  17421. this.initUIBase();
  17422. this.Stateful_init();
  17423. var me = this;
  17424. if (this.popup != null) {
  17425. var popup = this.popup;
  17426. this.popup = null;
  17427. this.setPopup(popup);
  17428. }
  17429. },
  17430. _UIBase_postRender: UIBase.prototype.postRender,
  17431. postRender: function (){
  17432. this.Stateful_postRender();
  17433. this._UIBase_postRender();
  17434. },
  17435. setPopup: function (popup){
  17436. if (this.popup === popup) return;
  17437. if (this.popup != null) {
  17438. this.popup.dispose();
  17439. }
  17440. popup.addListener('show', utils.bind(this._onPopupShow, this));
  17441. popup.addListener('hide', utils.bind(this._onPopupHide, this));
  17442. popup.addListener('postrender', utils.bind(function (){
  17443. popup.getDom('body').appendChild(
  17444. uiUtils.createElementByHtml('<div id="' +
  17445. + '_bordereraser" class="edui-bordereraser edui-background" style="width:' +
  17446. (uiUtils.getClientRect(this.getDom()).width + 20) + 'px"></div>')
  17447. );
  17448. popup.getDom().className += ' ' + this.className;
  17449. }, this));
  17450. this.popup = popup;
  17451. },
  17452. _onPopupShow: function (){
  17453. this.addState('opened');
  17454. },
  17455. _onPopupHide: function (){
  17456. this.removeState('opened');
  17457. },
  17458. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17459. return '<div id="##" class="edui-box %%">' +
  17460. '<div '+ (this.title ? 'title="' + this.title + '"' : '') +' id="##_state" stateful><div class="%%-body">' +
  17461. '<div id="##_button_body" class="edui-box edui-button-body" onclick="$$._onButtonClick(event, this);">' +
  17462. '<div class="edui-box edui-icon"></div>' +
  17463. '</div>' +
  17464. '<div class="edui-box edui-splitborder"></div>' +
  17465. '<div class="edui-box edui-arrow" onclick="$$._onArrowClick();"></div>' +
  17466. '</div></div></div>';
  17467. },
  17468. showPopup: function (){
  17469. // 当popup往上弹出的时候,做特殊处理
  17470. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(this.getDom());
  17471. -= this.popup.SHADOW_RADIUS;
  17472. rect.height += this.popup.SHADOW_RADIUS;
  17473. this.popup.showAnchorRect(rect);
  17474. },
  17475. _onArrowClick: function (event, el){
  17476. if (!this.isDisabled()) {
  17477. this.showPopup();
  17478. }
  17479. },
  17480. _onButtonClick: function (){
  17481. if (!this.isDisabled()) {
  17482. this.fireEvent('buttonclick');
  17483. }
  17484. }
  17485. };
  17486. utils.inherits(SplitButton, UIBase);
  17487. utils.extend(SplitButton.prototype, Stateful, true);
  17488. })();
  17489. ///import core
  17490. ///import uicore
  17491. ///import ui/colorpicker.js
  17492. ///import ui/popup.js
  17493. ///import ui/splitbutton.js
  17494. (function (){
  17495. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17496. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17497. ColorPicker = baidu.editor.ui.ColorPicker,
  17498. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  17499. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  17500. ColorButton = baidu.editor.ui.ColorButton = function (options){
  17501. this.initOptions(options);
  17502. this.initColorButton();
  17503. };
  17504. ColorButton.prototype = {
  17505. initColorButton: function (){
  17506. var me = this;
  17507. this.popup = new Popup({
  17508. content: new ColorPicker({
  17509. noColorText: me.editor.getLang("clearColor"),
  17510. editor:me.editor,
  17511. onpickcolor: function (t, color){
  17512. me._onPickColor(color);
  17513. },
  17514. onpicknocolor: function (t, color){
  17515. me._onPickNoColor(color);
  17516. }
  17517. }),
  17518. editor:me.editor
  17519. });
  17520. this.initSplitButton();
  17521. },
  17522. _SplitButton_postRender: SplitButton.prototype.postRender,
  17523. postRender: function (){
  17524. this._SplitButton_postRender();
  17525. this.getDom('button_body').appendChild(
  17526. uiUtils.createElementByHtml('<div id="' + + '_colorlump" class="edui-colorlump"></div>')
  17527. );
  17528. this.getDom().className += ' edui-colorbutton';
  17529. },
  17530. setColor: function (color){
  17531. this.getDom('colorlump').style.backgroundColor = color;
  17532. this.color = color;
  17533. },
  17534. _onPickColor: function (color){
  17535. if (this.fireEvent('pickcolor', color) !== false) {
  17536. this.setColor(color);
  17537. this.popup.hide();
  17538. }
  17539. },
  17540. _onPickNoColor: function (color){
  17541. if (this.fireEvent('picknocolor') !== false) {
  17542. this.popup.hide();
  17543. }
  17544. }
  17545. };
  17546. utils.inherits(ColorButton, SplitButton);
  17547. })();
  17548. ///import core
  17549. ///import uicore
  17550. ///import ui/popup.js
  17551. ///import ui/tablepicker.js
  17552. ///import ui/splitbutton.js
  17553. (function (){
  17554. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17555. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  17556. TablePicker = baidu.editor.ui.TablePicker,
  17557. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  17558. TableButton = baidu.editor.ui.TableButton = function (options){
  17559. this.initOptions(options);
  17560. this.initTableButton();
  17561. };
  17562. TableButton.prototype = {
  17563. initTableButton: function (){
  17564. var me = this;
  17565. this.popup = new Popup({
  17566. content: new TablePicker({
  17567. editor:me.editor,
  17568. onpicktable: function (t, numCols, numRows){
  17569. me._onPickTable(numCols, numRows);
  17570. }
  17571. }),
  17572. 'editor':me.editor
  17573. });
  17574. this.initSplitButton();
  17575. },
  17576. _onPickTable: function (numCols, numRows){
  17577. if (this.fireEvent('picktable', numCols, numRows) !== false) {
  17578. this.popup.hide();
  17579. }
  17580. }
  17581. };
  17582. utils.inherits(TableButton, SplitButton);
  17583. })();
  17584. ///import core
  17585. ///import uicore
  17586. (function () {
  17587. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17588. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase;
  17589. var AutoTypeSetPicker = baidu.editor.ui.AutoTypeSetPicker = function (options) {
  17590. this.initOptions(options);
  17591. this.initAutoTypeSetPicker();
  17592. };
  17593. AutoTypeSetPicker.prototype = {
  17594. initAutoTypeSetPicker:function () {
  17595. this.initUIBase();
  17596. },
  17597. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  17598. var me = this.editor,
  17599. opt = me.options.autotypeset,
  17600. lang = me.getLang("autoTypeSet");
  17601. var textAlignInputName = 'textAlignValue' + me.uid,
  17602. imageBlockInputName = 'imageBlockLineValue' + me.uid;
  17603. return '<div id="##" class="edui-autotypesetpicker %%">' +
  17604. '<div class="edui-autotypesetpicker-body">' +
  17605. '<table >' +
  17606. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="mergeEmptyline" ' + (opt["mergeEmptyline"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.mergeLine + '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="removeEmptyline" ' + (opt["removeEmptyline"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.delLine + '</td></tr>' +
  17607. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="removeClass" ' + (opt["removeClass"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.removeFormat + '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="indent" ' + (opt["indent"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.indent + '</td></tr>' +
  17608. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="textAlign" ' + (opt["textAlign"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.alignment + '</td><td colspan="2" id="' + textAlignInputName + '"><input type="radio" name="'+ textAlignInputName +'" value="left" ' + ((opt["textAlign"] && opt["textAlign"] == "left") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifyleft") + '<input type="radio" name="'+ textAlignInputName +'" value="center" ' + ((opt["textAlign"] && opt["textAlign"] == "center") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifycenter") + '<input type="radio" name="'+ textAlignInputName +'" value="right" ' + ((opt["textAlign"] && opt["textAlign"] == "right") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifyright") + ' </tr>' +
  17609. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="imageBlockLine" ' + (opt["imageBlockLine"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.imageFloat + '</td>' +
  17610. '<td nowrap colspan="2" id="'+ imageBlockInputName +'">' +
  17611. '<input type="radio" name="'+ imageBlockInputName +'" value="none" ' + ((opt["imageBlockLine"] && opt["imageBlockLine"] == "none") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("default") +
  17612. '<input type="radio" name="'+ imageBlockInputName +'" value="left" ' + ((opt["imageBlockLine"] && opt["imageBlockLine"] == "left") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifyleft") +
  17613. '<input type="radio" name="'+ imageBlockInputName +'" value="center" ' + ((opt["imageBlockLine"] && opt["imageBlockLine"] == "center") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifycenter") +
  17614. '<input type="radio" name="'+ imageBlockInputName +'" value="right" ' + ((opt["imageBlockLine"] && opt["imageBlockLine"] == "right") ? "checked" : "") + '>' + me.getLang("justifyright") + '</tr>' +
  17615. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="clearFontSize" ' + (opt["clearFontSize"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.removeFontsize + '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="clearFontFamily" ' + (opt["clearFontFamily"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.removeFontFamily + '</td></tr>' +
  17616. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="4"><input type="checkbox" name="removeEmptyNode" ' + (opt["removeEmptyNode"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.removeHtml + '</td></tr>' +
  17617. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="4"><input type="checkbox" name="pasteFilter" ' + (opt["pasteFilter"] ? "checked" : "" ) + '>' + lang.pasteFilter + '</td></tr>' +
  17618. '<tr><td nowrap colspan="4" align="right"><button >' + + '</button></td></tr>' +
  17619. '</table>' +
  17620. '</div>' +
  17621. '</div>';
  17622. },
  17623. _UIBase_render:UIBase.prototype.render
  17624. };
  17625. utils.inherits(AutoTypeSetPicker, UIBase);
  17626. })();
  17627. ///import core
  17628. ///import uicore
  17629. ///import ui/popup.js
  17630. ///import ui/autotypesetpicker.js
  17631. ///import ui/splitbutton.js
  17632. (function (){
  17633. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17634. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  17635. AutoTypeSetPicker = baidu.editor.ui.AutoTypeSetPicker,
  17636. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  17637. AutoTypeSetButton = baidu.editor.ui.AutoTypeSetButton = function (options){
  17638. this.initOptions(options);
  17639. this.initAutoTypeSetButton();
  17640. };
  17641. function getPara(me){
  17642. var opt = me.editor.options.autotypeset,
  17643. cont = me.getDom(),
  17644. editorId = me.editor.uid,
  17645. inputType = null,
  17646. attrName = null,
  17647. ipts = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(cont,"input");
  17648. for(var i=ipts.length-1,ipt;ipt=ipts[i--];){
  17649. inputType = ipt.getAttribute("type");
  17650. if(inputType=="checkbox"){
  17651. attrName = ipt.getAttribute("name");
  17652. opt[attrName] && delete opt[attrName];
  17653. if(ipt.checked){
  17654. var attrValue = document.getElementById( attrName+"Value" + editorId );
  17655. if(attrValue){
  17656. if(/input/ig.test(attrValue.tagName)){
  17657. opt[attrName] = attrValue.value;
  17658. }else{
  17659. var iptChilds = attrValue.getElementsByTagName("input");
  17660. for(var j=iptChilds.length-1,iptchild;iptchild=iptChilds[j--];){
  17661. if(iptchild.checked){
  17662. opt[attrName] = iptchild.value;
  17663. break;
  17664. }
  17665. }
  17666. }
  17667. }else{
  17668. opt[attrName] = true;
  17669. }
  17670. }
  17671. }
  17672. }
  17673. var selects = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(cont,"select");
  17674. for(var i=0,si;si=selects[i++];){
  17675. var attr = si.getAttribute('name');
  17676. opt[attr] = opt[attr] ? si.value : '';
  17677. }
  17678. me.editor.options.autotypeset = opt;
  17679. }
  17680. AutoTypeSetButton.prototype = {
  17681. initAutoTypeSetButton: function (){
  17682. var me = this;
  17683. this.popup = new Popup({
  17684. //传入配置参数
  17685. content: new AutoTypeSetPicker({editor:me.editor}),
  17686. 'editor':me.editor,
  17687. hide : function(){
  17688. if (!this._hidden && this.getDom()) {
  17689. getPara(this);
  17690. this.getDom().style.display = 'none';
  17691. this._hidden = true;
  17692. this.fireEvent('hide');
  17693. }
  17694. }
  17695. });
  17696. var flag = 0;
  17697. this.popup.addListener('postRenderAfter',function(){
  17698. var popupUI = this;
  17699. if(flag)return;
  17700. var cont = this.getDom(),
  17701. btn = cont.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];
  17702. btn.onclick = function(){
  17703. getPara(popupUI);
  17704. me.editor.execCommand('autotypeset');
  17705. popupUI.hide()
  17706. };
  17707. flag = 1;
  17708. });
  17709. this.initSplitButton();
  17710. }
  17711. };
  17712. utils.inherits(AutoTypeSetButton, SplitButton);
  17713. })();
  17714. ///import core
  17715. ///import uicore
  17716. (function () {
  17717. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17718. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  17719. Stateful = baidu.editor.ui.Stateful,
  17720. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase;
  17721. /**
  17722. * 该参数将新增一个参数: selected, 参数类型为一个Object, 形如{ 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'top' }, 表示单元格的初始
  17723. * 对齐状态为: 竖直居上,水平居中; 其中 align的取值为:'center', 'left', 'right'; valign的取值为: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'
  17724. * @update 2013/4/2
  17725. */
  17726. var CellAlignPicker = baidu.editor.ui.CellAlignPicker = function (options) {
  17727. this.initOptions(options);
  17728. this.initSelected();
  17729. this.initCellAlignPicker();
  17730. };
  17731. CellAlignPicker.prototype = {
  17732. //初始化选中状态, 该方法将根据传递进来的参数获取到应该选中的对齐方式图标的索引
  17733. initSelected: function(){
  17734. var status = {
  17735. valign: {
  17736. top: 0,
  17737. middle: 1,
  17738. bottom: 2
  17739. },
  17740. align: {
  17741. left: 0,
  17742. center: 1,
  17743. right: 2
  17744. },
  17745. count: 3
  17746. },
  17747. result = -1;
  17748. if( this.selected ) {
  17749. this.selectedIndex = status.valign[ this.selected.valign ] * status.count + status.align[ this.selected.align ];
  17750. }
  17751. },
  17752. initCellAlignPicker:function () {
  17753. this.initUIBase();
  17754. this.Stateful_init();
  17755. },
  17756. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  17757. var alignType = [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ],
  17758. COUNT = 9,
  17759. tempClassName = null,
  17760. tempIndex = -1,
  17761. tmpl = [];
  17762. for( var i= 0; i<COUNT; i++ ) {
  17763. tempClassName = this.selectedIndex === i ? ' class="edui-cellalign-selected" ' : '';
  17764. tempIndex = i % 3;
  17765. tempIndex === 0 && tmpl.push('<tr>');
  17766. tmpl.push( '<td index="'+ i +'" ' + tempClassName + ' stateful><div class="edui-icon edui-'+ alignType[ tempIndex ] +'"></div></td>' );
  17767. tempIndex === 2 && tmpl.push('</tr>');
  17768. }
  17769. return '<div id="##" class="edui-cellalignpicker %%">' +
  17770. '<div class="edui-cellalignpicker-body">' +
  17771. '<table onclick="$$._onClick(event);">' +
  17772. tmpl.join('') +
  17773. '</table>' +
  17774. '</div>' +
  17775. '</div>';
  17776. },
  17777. getStateDom: function (){
  17778. return;
  17779. },
  17780. _onClick: function (evt){
  17781. var target= || evt.srcElement;
  17782. if(/icon/.test(target.className)){
  17783. this.items[target.parentNode.getAttribute("index")].onclick();
  17784. Popup.postHide(evt);
  17785. }
  17786. },
  17787. _UIBase_render:UIBase.prototype.render
  17788. };
  17789. utils.inherits(CellAlignPicker, UIBase);
  17790. utils.extend(CellAlignPicker.prototype, Stateful,true);
  17791. })();
  17792. ///import core
  17793. ///import uicore
  17794. (function () {
  17795. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17796. Stateful = baidu.editor.ui.Stateful,
  17797. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17798. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase;
  17799. var PastePicker = baidu.editor.ui.PastePicker = function (options) {
  17800. this.initOptions(options);
  17801. this.initPastePicker();
  17802. };
  17803. PastePicker.prototype = {
  17804. initPastePicker:function () {
  17805. this.initUIBase();
  17806. this.Stateful_init();
  17807. },
  17808. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  17809. return '<div class="edui-pasteicon" onclick="$$._onClick(this)"></div>' +
  17810. '<div class="edui-pastecontainer">' +
  17811. '<div class="edui-title">' + this.editor.getLang("pasteOpt") + '</div>' +
  17812. '<div class="edui-button">' +
  17813. '<div title="' + this.editor.getLang("pasteSourceFormat") + '" onclick="$$.format(false)" stateful>' +
  17814. '<div class="edui-richtxticon"></div></div>' +
  17815. '<div title="' + this.editor.getLang("tagFormat") + '" onclick="$$.format(2)" stateful>' +
  17816. '<div class="edui-tagicon"></div></div>' +
  17817. '<div title="' + this.editor.getLang("pasteTextFormat") + '" onclick="$$.format(true)" stateful>' +
  17818. '<div class="edui-plaintxticon"></div></div>' +
  17819. '</div>' +
  17820. '</div>' +
  17821. '</div>'
  17822. },
  17823. getStateDom:function () {
  17824. return;
  17825. },
  17826. format:function (param) {
  17827. this.editor.ui._isTransfer = true;
  17828. this.editor.fireEvent('pasteTransfer', param);
  17829. },
  17830. _onClick:function (cur) {
  17831. var node = domUtils.getNextDomNode(cur),
  17832. screenHt = uiUtils.getViewportRect().height,
  17833. subPop = uiUtils.getClientRect(node);
  17834. if (( + subPop.height) > screenHt)
  17835. = (-subPop.height - cur.offsetHeight) + "px";
  17836. else
  17837. = "";
  17838. if (/hidden/ig.test(domUtils.getComputedStyle(node, "visibility"))) {
  17839. = "visible";
  17840. domUtils.addClass(cur, "edui-state-opened");
  17841. } else {
  17842. = "hidden";
  17843. domUtils.removeClasses(cur, "edui-state-opened")
  17844. }
  17845. },
  17846. _UIBase_render:UIBase.prototype.render
  17847. };
  17848. utils.inherits(PastePicker, UIBase);
  17849. utils.extend(PastePicker.prototype, Stateful, true);
  17850. })();
  17851. (function (){
  17852. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17853. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17854. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  17855. Toolbar = baidu.editor.ui.Toolbar = function (options){
  17856. this.initOptions(options);
  17857. this.initToolbar();
  17858. };
  17859. Toolbar.prototype = {
  17860. items: null,
  17861. initToolbar: function (){
  17862. this.items = this.items || [];
  17863. this.initUIBase();
  17864. },
  17865. add: function (item){
  17866. this.items.push(item);
  17867. },
  17868. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  17869. var buff = [];
  17870. for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
  17871. buff[i] = this.items[i].renderHtml();
  17872. }
  17873. return '<div id="##" class="edui-toolbar %%" onselectstart="return false;" onmousedown="return $$._onMouseDown(event, this);">' +
  17874. buff.join('') +
  17875. '</div>'
  17876. },
  17877. postRender: function (){
  17878. var box = this.getDom();
  17879. for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
  17880. this.items[i].postRender();
  17881. }
  17882. uiUtils.makeUnselectable(box);
  17883. },
  17884. _onMouseDown: function (){
  17885. return false;
  17886. }
  17887. };
  17888. utils.inherits(Toolbar, UIBase);
  17889. })();
  17890. ///import core
  17891. ///import uicore
  17892. ///import ui\popup.js
  17893. ///import ui\stateful.js
  17894. (function () {
  17895. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  17896. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  17897. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  17898. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  17899. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  17900. Stateful = baidu.editor.ui.Stateful,
  17901. CellAlignPicker = baidu.editor.ui.CellAlignPicker,
  17902. Menu = baidu.editor.ui.Menu = function (options) {
  17903. this.initOptions(options);
  17904. this.initMenu();
  17905. };
  17906. var menuSeparator = {
  17907. renderHtml:function () {
  17908. return '<div class="edui-menuitem edui-menuseparator"><div class="edui-menuseparator-inner"></div></div>';
  17909. },
  17910. postRender:function () {
  17911. },
  17912. queryAutoHide:function () {
  17913. return true;
  17914. }
  17915. };
  17916. Menu.prototype = {
  17917. items:null,
  17918. uiName:'menu',
  17919. initMenu:function () {
  17920. this.items = this.items || [];
  17921. this.initPopup();
  17922. this.initItems();
  17923. },
  17924. initItems:function () {
  17925. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  17926. var item = this.items[i];
  17927. if (item == '-') {
  17928. this.items[i] = this.getSeparator();
  17929. } else if (!(item instanceof MenuItem)) {
  17930. item.editor = this.editor;
  17931. item.theme = this.editor.options.theme;
  17932. this.items[i] = this.createItem(item);
  17933. }
  17934. }
  17935. },
  17936. getSeparator:function () {
  17937. return menuSeparator;
  17938. },
  17939. createItem:function (item) {
  17940. //新增一个参数menu, 该参数存储了menuItem所对应的menu引用
  17941. = this;
  17942. return new MenuItem(item);
  17943. },
  17944. _Popup_getContentHtmlTpl:Popup.prototype.getContentHtmlTpl,
  17945. getContentHtmlTpl:function () {
  17946. if (this.items.length == 0) {
  17947. return this._Popup_getContentHtmlTpl();
  17948. }
  17949. var buff = [];
  17950. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  17951. var item = this.items[i];
  17952. buff[i] = item.renderHtml();
  17953. }
  17954. return ('<div class="%%-body">' + buff.join('') + '</div>');
  17955. },
  17956. _Popup_postRender:Popup.prototype.postRender,
  17957. postRender:function () {
  17958. var me = this;
  17959. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  17960. var item = this.items[i];
  17961. item.ownerMenu = this;
  17962. item.postRender();
  17963. }
  17964. domUtils.on(this.getDom(), 'mouseover', function (evt) {
  17965. evt = evt || event;
  17966. var rel = evt.relatedTarget || evt.fromElement;
  17967. var el = me.getDom();
  17968. if (!uiUtils.contains(el, rel) && el !== rel) {
  17969. me.fireEvent('over');
  17970. }
  17971. });
  17972. this._Popup_postRender();
  17973. },
  17974. queryAutoHide:function (el) {
  17975. if (el) {
  17976. if (uiUtils.contains(this.getDom(), el)) {
  17977. return false;
  17978. }
  17979. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  17980. var item = this.items[i];
  17981. if (item.queryAutoHide(el) === false) {
  17982. return false;
  17983. }
  17984. }
  17985. }
  17986. },
  17987. clearItems:function () {
  17988. for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
  17989. var item = this.items[i];
  17990. clearTimeout(item._showingTimer);
  17991. clearTimeout(item._closingTimer);
  17992. if (item.subMenu) {
  17993. item.subMenu.destroy();
  17994. }
  17995. }
  17996. this.items = [];
  17997. },
  17998. destroy:function () {
  17999. if (this.getDom()) {
  18000. domUtils.remove(this.getDom());
  18001. }
  18002. this.clearItems();
  18003. },
  18004. dispose:function () {
  18005. this.destroy();
  18006. }
  18007. };
  18008. utils.inherits(Menu, Popup);
  18009. /**
  18010. * @update 2013/04/03 hancong03 新增一个参数menu, 该参数存储了menuItem所对应的menu引用
  18011. * @type {Function}
  18012. */
  18013. var MenuItem = baidu.editor.ui.MenuItem = function (options) {
  18014. this.initOptions(options);
  18015. this.initUIBase();
  18016. this.Stateful_init();
  18017. if (this.subMenu && !(this.subMenu instanceof Menu)) {
  18018. if (options.className && options.className.indexOf("aligntd") != -1) {
  18019. var me = this;
  18020. //获取单元格对齐初始状态
  18021. this.subMenu.selected = this.editor.queryCommandValue( 'cellalignment' );
  18022. this.subMenu = new Popup({
  18023. content:new CellAlignPicker(this.subMenu),
  18024. parentMenu:me,
  18025. editor:me.editor,
  18026. destroy:function () {
  18027. if (this.getDom()) {
  18028. domUtils.remove(this.getDom());
  18029. }
  18030. }
  18031. });
  18032. this.subMenu.addListener("postRenderAfter", function () {
  18033. domUtils.on(this.getDom(), "mouseover", function () {
  18034. me.addState('opened');
  18035. });
  18036. });
  18037. } else {
  18038. this.subMenu = new Menu(this.subMenu);
  18039. }
  18040. }
  18041. };
  18042. MenuItem.prototype = {
  18043. label:'',
  18044. subMenu:null,
  18045. ownerMenu:null,
  18046. uiName:'menuitem',
  18047. alwalysHoverable:true,
  18048. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  18049. return '<div id="##" class="%%" stateful onclick="$$._onClick(event, this);">' +
  18050. '<div class="%%-body">' +
  18051. this.renderLabelHtml() +
  18052. '</div>' +
  18053. '</div>';
  18054. },
  18055. postRender:function () {
  18056. var me = this;
  18057. this.addListener('over', function () {
  18058. me.ownerMenu.fireEvent('submenuover', me);
  18059. if (me.subMenu) {
  18060. me.delayShowSubMenu();
  18061. }
  18062. });
  18063. if (this.subMenu) {
  18064. this.getDom().className += ' edui-hassubmenu';
  18065. this.subMenu.render();
  18066. this.addListener('out', function () {
  18067. me.delayHideSubMenu();
  18068. });
  18069. this.subMenu.addListener('over', function () {
  18070. clearTimeout(me._closingTimer);
  18071. me._closingTimer = null;
  18072. me.addState('opened');
  18073. });
  18074. this.ownerMenu.addListener('hide', function () {
  18075. me.hideSubMenu();
  18076. });
  18077. this.ownerMenu.addListener('submenuover', function (t, subMenu) {
  18078. if (subMenu !== me) {
  18079. me.delayHideSubMenu();
  18080. }
  18081. });
  18082. this.subMenu._bakQueryAutoHide = this.subMenu.queryAutoHide;
  18083. this.subMenu.queryAutoHide = function (el) {
  18084. if (el && uiUtils.contains(me.getDom(), el)) {
  18085. return false;
  18086. }
  18087. return this._bakQueryAutoHide(el);
  18088. };
  18089. }
  18090. this.getDom().style.tabIndex = '-1';
  18091. uiUtils.makeUnselectable(this.getDom());
  18092. this.Stateful_postRender();
  18093. },
  18094. delayShowSubMenu:function () {
  18095. var me = this;
  18096. if (!me.isDisabled()) {
  18097. me.addState('opened');
  18098. clearTimeout(me._showingTimer);
  18099. clearTimeout(me._closingTimer);
  18100. me._closingTimer = null;
  18101. me._showingTimer = setTimeout(function () {
  18102. me.showSubMenu();
  18103. }, 250);
  18104. }
  18105. },
  18106. delayHideSubMenu:function () {
  18107. var me = this;
  18108. if (!me.isDisabled()) {
  18109. me.removeState('opened');
  18110. clearTimeout(me._showingTimer);
  18111. if (!me._closingTimer) {
  18112. me._closingTimer = setTimeout(function () {
  18113. if (!me.hasState('opened')) {
  18114. me.hideSubMenu();
  18115. }
  18116. me._closingTimer = null;
  18117. }, 400);
  18118. }
  18119. }
  18120. },
  18121. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  18122. return '<div class="edui-arrow"></div>' +
  18123. '<div class="edui-box edui-icon"></div>' +
  18124. '<div class="edui-box edui-label %%-label">' + (this.label || '') + '</div>';
  18125. },
  18126. getStateDom:function () {
  18127. return this.getDom();
  18128. },
  18129. queryAutoHide:function (el) {
  18130. if (this.subMenu && this.hasState('opened')) {
  18131. return this.subMenu.queryAutoHide(el);
  18132. }
  18133. },
  18134. _onClick:function (event, this_) {
  18135. if (this.hasState('disabled')) return;
  18136. if (this.fireEvent('click', event, this_) !== false) {
  18137. if (this.subMenu) {
  18138. this.showSubMenu();
  18139. } else {
  18140. Popup.postHide(event);
  18141. }
  18142. }
  18143. },
  18144. showSubMenu:function () {
  18145. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(this.getDom());
  18146. rect.right -= 5;
  18147. rect.left += 2;
  18148. rect.width -= 7;
  18149. -= 4;
  18150. rect.bottom += 4;
  18151. rect.height += 8;
  18152. this.subMenu.showAnchorRect(rect, true, true);
  18153. },
  18154. hideSubMenu:function () {
  18155. this.subMenu.hide();
  18156. }
  18157. };
  18158. utils.inherits(MenuItem, UIBase);
  18159. utils.extend(MenuItem.prototype, Stateful, true);
  18160. })();
  18161. ///import core
  18162. ///import uicore
  18163. ///import ui/menu.js
  18164. ///import ui/splitbutton.js
  18165. (function (){
  18166. // todo: menu和item提成通用list
  18167. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  18168. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  18169. Menu = baidu.editor.ui.Menu,
  18170. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  18171. Combox = baidu.editor.ui.Combox = function (options){
  18172. this.initOptions(options);
  18173. this.initCombox();
  18174. };
  18175. Combox.prototype = {
  18176. uiName: 'combox',
  18177. initCombox: function (){
  18178. var me = this;
  18179. this.items = this.items || [];
  18180. for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
  18181. var item = this.items[i];
  18182. item.uiName = 'listitem';
  18183. item.index = i;
  18184. item.onclick = function (){
  18185. me.selectByIndex(this.index);
  18186. };
  18187. }
  18188. this.popup = new Menu({
  18189. items: this.items,
  18190. uiName: 'list',
  18191. editor:this.editor,
  18192. captureWheel: true,
  18193. combox: this
  18194. });
  18195. this.initSplitButton();
  18196. },
  18197. _SplitButton_postRender: SplitButton.prototype.postRender,
  18198. postRender: function (){
  18199. this._SplitButton_postRender();
  18200. this.setLabel(this.label || '');
  18201. this.setValue(this.initValue || '');
  18202. },
  18203. showPopup: function (){
  18204. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(this.getDom());
  18205. += 1;
  18206. rect.bottom -= 1;
  18207. rect.height -= 2;
  18208. this.popup.showAnchorRect(rect);
  18209. },
  18210. getValue: function (){
  18211. return this.value;
  18212. },
  18213. setValue: function (value){
  18214. var index = this.indexByValue(value);
  18215. if (index != -1) {
  18216. this.selectedIndex = index;
  18217. this.setLabel(this.items[index].label);
  18218. this.value = this.items[index].value;
  18219. } else {
  18220. this.selectedIndex = -1;
  18221. this.setLabel(this.getLabelForUnknowValue(value));
  18222. this.value = value;
  18223. }
  18224. },
  18225. setLabel: function (label){
  18226. this.getDom('button_body').innerHTML = label;
  18227. this.label = label;
  18228. },
  18229. getLabelForUnknowValue: function (value){
  18230. return value;
  18231. },
  18232. indexByValue: function (value){
  18233. for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {
  18234. if (value == this.items[i].value) {
  18235. return i;
  18236. }
  18237. }
  18238. return -1;
  18239. },
  18240. getItem: function (index){
  18241. return this.items[index];
  18242. },
  18243. selectByIndex: function (index){
  18244. if (index < this.items.length && this.fireEvent('select', index) !== false) {
  18245. this.selectedIndex = index;
  18246. this.value = this.items[index].value;
  18247. this.setLabel(this.items[index].label);
  18248. }
  18249. }
  18250. };
  18251. utils.inherits(Combox, SplitButton);
  18252. })();
  18253. ///import core
  18254. ///import uicore
  18255. ///import ui/mask.js
  18256. ///import ui/button.js
  18257. (function (){
  18258. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  18259. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  18260. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  18261. Mask = baidu.editor.ui.Mask,
  18262. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  18263. Button = baidu.editor.ui.Button,
  18264. Dialog = baidu.editor.ui.Dialog = function (options){
  18265. this.initOptions(utils.extend({
  18266. autoReset: true,
  18267. draggable: true,
  18268. onok: function (){},
  18269. oncancel: function (){},
  18270. onclose: function (t, ok){
  18271. return ok ? this.onok() : this.oncancel();
  18272. },
  18273. //是否控制dialog中的scroll事件, 默认为不阻止
  18274. holdScroll: false
  18275. },options));
  18276. this.initDialog();
  18277. };
  18278. var modalMask;
  18279. var dragMask;
  18280. Dialog.prototype = {
  18281. draggable: false,
  18282. uiName: 'dialog',
  18283. initDialog: function (){
  18284. var me = this,
  18285. theme=this.editor.options.theme;
  18286. this.initUIBase();
  18287. this.modalMask = (modalMask || (modalMask = new Mask({
  18288. className: 'edui-dialog-modalmask',
  18289. theme:theme
  18290. })));
  18291. this.dragMask = (dragMask || (dragMask = new Mask({
  18292. className: 'edui-dialog-dragmask',
  18293. theme:theme
  18294. })));
  18295. this.closeButton = new Button({
  18296. className: 'edui-dialog-closebutton',
  18297. title: me.closeDialog,
  18298. theme:theme,
  18299. onclick: function (){
  18300. me.close(false);
  18301. }
  18302. });
  18303. if (this.buttons) {
  18304. for (var i=0; i<this.buttons.length; i++) {
  18305. if (!(this.buttons[i] instanceof Button)) {
  18306. this.buttons[i] = new Button(this.buttons[i]);
  18307. }
  18308. }
  18309. }
  18310. },
  18311. fitSize: function (){
  18312. var popBodyEl = this.getDom('body');
  18313. // if (!( && baidu.editor.browser.version == 7)) {
  18314. // uiUtils.removeStyle(popBodyEl, 'width');
  18315. // uiUtils.removeStyle(popBodyEl, 'height');
  18316. // }
  18317. var size = this.mesureSize();
  18318. = size.width + 'px';
  18319. = size.height + 'px';
  18320. return size;
  18321. },
  18322. safeSetOffset: function (offset){
  18323. var me = this;
  18324. var el = me.getDom();
  18325. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  18326. var rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(el);
  18327. var left = offset.left;
  18328. if (left + rect.width > vpRect.right) {
  18329. left = vpRect.right - rect.width;
  18330. }
  18331. var top =;
  18332. if (top + rect.height > vpRect.bottom) {
  18333. top = vpRect.bottom - rect.height;
  18334. }
  18335. = Math.max(left, 0) + 'px';
  18336. = Math.max(top, 0) + 'px';
  18337. },
  18338. showAtCenter: function (){
  18339. this.getDom().style.display = '';
  18340. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  18341. var popSize = this.fitSize();
  18342. var titleHeight = this.getDom('titlebar').offsetHeight | 0;
  18343. var left = vpRect.width / 2 - popSize.width / 2;
  18344. var top = vpRect.height / 2 - (popSize.height - titleHeight) / 2 - titleHeight;
  18345. var popEl = this.getDom();
  18346. this.safeSetOffset({
  18347. left: Math.max(left | 0, 0),
  18348. top: Math.max(top | 0, 0)
  18349. });
  18350. if (!domUtils.hasClass(popEl, 'edui-state-centered')) {
  18351. popEl.className += ' edui-state-centered';
  18352. }
  18353. this._show();
  18354. },
  18355. getContentHtml: function (){
  18356. var contentHtml = '';
  18357. if (typeof this.content == 'string') {
  18358. contentHtml = this.content;
  18359. } else if (this.iframeUrl) {
  18360. contentHtml = '<span id="'+ +'_contmask" class="dialogcontmask"></span><iframe id="'+ +
  18361. '_iframe" class="%%-iframe" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0" src="'+ this.iframeUrl +'"></iframe>';
  18362. }
  18363. return contentHtml;
  18364. },
  18365. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  18366. var footHtml = '';
  18367. if (this.buttons) {
  18368. var buff = [];
  18369. for (var i=0; i<this.buttons.length; i++) {
  18370. buff[i] = this.buttons[i].renderHtml();
  18371. }
  18372. footHtml = '<div class="%%-foot">' +
  18373. '<div id="##_buttons" class="%%-buttons">' + buff.join('') + '</div>' +
  18374. '</div>';
  18375. }
  18376. return '<div id="##" class="%%"><div class="%%-wrap"><div id="##_body" class="%%-body">' +
  18377. '<div class="%%-shadow"></div>' +
  18378. '<div id="##_titlebar" class="%%-titlebar">' +
  18379. '<div class="%%-draghandle" onmousedown="$$._onTitlebarMouseDown(event, this);">' +
  18380. '<span class="%%-caption">' + (this.title || '') + '</span>' +
  18381. '</div>' +
  18382. this.closeButton.renderHtml() +
  18383. '</div>' +
  18384. '<div id="##_content" class="%%-content">'+ ( this.autoReset ? '' : this.getContentHtml()) +'</div>' +
  18385. footHtml +
  18386. '</div></div></div>';
  18387. },
  18388. postRender: function (){
  18389. // todo: 保持居中/记住上次关闭位置选项
  18390. if (!this.modalMask.getDom()) {
  18391. this.modalMask.render();
  18392. this.modalMask.hide();
  18393. }
  18394. if (!this.dragMask.getDom()) {
  18395. this.dragMask.render();
  18396. this.dragMask.hide();
  18397. }
  18398. var me = this;
  18399. this.addListener('show', function (){
  18400. - 2);
  18401. });
  18402. this.addListener('hide', function (){
  18403. me.modalMask.hide();
  18404. });
  18405. if (this.buttons) {
  18406. for (var i=0; i<this.buttons.length; i++) {
  18407. this.buttons[i].postRender();
  18408. }
  18409. }
  18410. domUtils.on(window, 'resize', function (){
  18411. setTimeout(function (){
  18412. if (!me.isHidden()) {
  18413. me.safeSetOffset(uiUtils.getClientRect(me.getDom()));
  18414. }
  18415. });
  18416. });
  18417. //hold住scroll事件,防止dialog的滚动影响页面
  18418. if( this.holdScroll ) {
  18419. if( !me.iframeUrl ) {
  18420. domUtils.on( document.getElementById( + "_iframe"), !browser.gecko ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", function(e){
  18421. domUtils.preventDefault(e);
  18422. } );
  18423. } else {
  18424. me.addListener('dialogafterreset', function(){
  18425. window.setTimeout(function(){
  18426. var iframeWindow = document.getElementById( + "_iframe").contentWindow;
  18427. if( ) {
  18428. var timer = window.setInterval(function(){
  18429. if( iframeWindow.document && iframeWindow.document.body ) {
  18430. window.clearInterval( timer );
  18431. timer = null;
  18432. domUtils.on( iframeWindow.document.body, !browser.gecko ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", function(e){
  18433. domUtils.preventDefault(e);
  18434. } );
  18435. }
  18436. }, 100);
  18437. } else {
  18438. domUtils.on( iframeWindow, !browser.gecko ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", function(e){
  18439. domUtils.preventDefault(e);
  18440. } );
  18441. }
  18442. }, 1);
  18443. });
  18444. }
  18445. }
  18446. this._hide();
  18447. },
  18448. mesureSize: function (){
  18449. var body = this.getDom('body');
  18450. var width = uiUtils.getClientRect(this.getDom('content')).width;
  18451. var dialogBodyStyle =;
  18452. dialogBodyStyle.width = width;
  18453. return uiUtils.getClientRect(body);
  18454. },
  18455. _onTitlebarMouseDown: function (evt, el){
  18456. if (this.draggable) {
  18457. var rect;
  18458. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  18459. var me = this;
  18460. uiUtils.startDrag(evt, {
  18461. ondragstart: function (){
  18462. rect = uiUtils.getClientRect(me.getDom());
  18463. me.getDom('contmask').style.visibility = 'visible';
  18464. - 1);
  18465. },
  18466. ondragmove: function (x, y){
  18467. var left = rect.left + x;
  18468. var top = + y;
  18469. me.safeSetOffset({
  18470. left: left,
  18471. top: top
  18472. });
  18473. },
  18474. ondragstop: function (){
  18475. me.getDom('contmask').style.visibility = 'hidden';
  18476. domUtils.removeClasses(me.getDom(), ['edui-state-centered']);
  18477. me.dragMask.hide();
  18478. }
  18479. });
  18480. }
  18481. },
  18482. reset: function (){
  18483. this.getDom('content').innerHTML = this.getContentHtml();
  18484. this.fireEvent('dialogafterreset');
  18485. },
  18486. _show: function (){
  18487. if (this._hidden) {
  18488. this.getDom().style.display = '';
  18489. //要高过编辑器的zindxe
  18490. && (this.getDom().style.zIndex = * 1 + 10);
  18491. this._hidden = false;
  18492. this.fireEvent('show');
  18493. baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils.getFixedLayer().style.zIndex = this.getDom().style.zIndex - 4;
  18494. }
  18495. },
  18496. isHidden: function (){
  18497. return this._hidden;
  18498. },
  18499. _hide: function (){
  18500. if (!this._hidden) {
  18501. this.getDom().style.display = 'none';
  18502. this.getDom().style.zIndex = '';
  18503. this._hidden = true;
  18504. this.fireEvent('hide');
  18505. }
  18506. },
  18507. open: function (){
  18508. if (this.autoReset) {
  18509. //有可能还没有渲染
  18510. try{
  18511. this.reset();
  18512. }catch(e){
  18513. this.render();
  18515. }
  18516. }
  18517. this.showAtCenter();
  18518. if (this.iframeUrl) {
  18519. try {
  18520. this.getDom('iframe').focus();
  18521. } catch(ex){}
  18522. }
  18523. },
  18524. _onCloseButtonClick: function (evt, el){
  18525. this.close(false);
  18526. },
  18527. close: function (ok){
  18528. if (this.fireEvent('close', ok) !== false) {
  18529. this._hide();
  18530. }
  18531. }
  18532. };
  18533. utils.inherits(Dialog, UIBase);
  18534. })();
  18535. ///import core
  18536. ///import uicore
  18537. ///import ui/menu.js
  18538. ///import ui/splitbutton.js
  18539. (function (){
  18540. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  18541. Menu = baidu.editor.ui.Menu,
  18542. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  18543. MenuButton = baidu.editor.ui.MenuButton = function (options){
  18544. this.initOptions(options);
  18545. this.initMenuButton();
  18546. };
  18547. MenuButton.prototype = {
  18548. initMenuButton: function (){
  18549. var me = this;
  18550. this.uiName = "menubutton";
  18551. this.popup = new Menu({
  18552. items: me.items,
  18553. className: me.className,
  18554. editor:me.editor
  18555. });
  18556. this.popup.addListener('show', function (){
  18557. var list = this;
  18558. for (var i=0; i<list.items.length; i++) {
  18559. list.items[i].removeState('checked');
  18560. if (list.items[i].value == me._value) {
  18561. list.items[i].addState('checked');
  18562. this.value = me._value;
  18563. }
  18564. }
  18565. });
  18566. this.initSplitButton();
  18567. },
  18568. setValue : function(value){
  18569. this._value = value;
  18570. }
  18571. };
  18572. utils.inherits(MenuButton, SplitButton);
  18573. })();
  18574. //ui跟编辑器的适配層
  18575. //那个按钮弹出是dialog,是下拉筐等都是在这个js中配置
  18576. //自己写的ui也要在这里配置,放到baidu.editor.ui下边,当编辑器实例化的时候会根据ueditor.config中的toolbars找到相应的进行实例化
  18577. (function () {
  18578. var utils = baidu.editor.utils;
  18579. var editorui = baidu.editor.ui;
  18580. var _Dialog = editorui.Dialog;
  18581. editorui.buttons = {};
  18582. editorui.Dialog = function (options) {
  18583. var dialog = new _Dialog(options);
  18584. dialog.addListener('hide', function () {
  18585. if (dialog.editor) {
  18586. var editor = dialog.editor;
  18587. try {
  18588. if (browser.gecko) {
  18589. var y = editor.window.scrollY,
  18590. x = editor.window.scrollX;
  18591. editor.body.focus();
  18592. editor.window.scrollTo(x, y);
  18593. } else {
  18594. editor.focus();
  18595. }
  18596. } catch (ex) {
  18597. }
  18598. }
  18599. });
  18600. return dialog;
  18601. };
  18602. var iframeUrlMap = {
  18603. 'anchor':'~/dialogs/anchor/anchor.html',
  18604. 'insertimage':'~/dialogs/image/image.html',
  18605. 'link':'~/dialogs/link/link.html',
  18606. 'spechars':'~/dialogs/spechars/spechars.html',
  18607. 'searchreplace':'~/dialogs/searchreplace/searchreplace.html',
  18608. 'map':'~/dialogs/map/map.html',
  18609. 'gmap':'~/dialogs/gmap/gmap.html',
  18610. 'insertvideo':'~/dialogs/video/video.html',
  18611. 'help':'~/dialogs/help/help.html',
  18612. //'highlightcode':'~/dialogs/highlightcode/highlightcode.html',
  18613. 'emotion':'~/dialogs/emotion/emotion.html',
  18614. 'wordimage':'~/dialogs/wordimage/wordimage.html',
  18615. 'attachment':'~/dialogs/attachment/attachment.html',
  18616. 'insertframe':'~/dialogs/insertframe/insertframe.html',
  18617. 'edittip':'~/dialogs/table/edittip.html',
  18618. 'edittable':'~/dialogs/table/edittable.html',
  18619. 'edittd':'~/dialogs/table/edittd.html',
  18620. 'webapp':'~/dialogs/webapp/webapp.html',
  18621. 'snapscreen':'~/dialogs/snapscreen/snapscreen.html',
  18622. 'scrawl':'~/dialogs/scrawl/scrawl.html',
  18623. 'music':'~/dialogs/music/music.html',
  18624. 'template':'~/dialogs/template/template.html',
  18625. 'background':'~/dialogs/background/background.html'
  18626. };
  18627. //为工具栏添加按钮,以下都是统一的按钮触发命令,所以写在一起
  18628. var btnCmds = ['undo', 'redo', 'formatmatch',
  18629. 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'fontborder', 'touppercase', 'tolowercase',
  18630. 'strikethrough', 'subscript', 'superscript', 'source', 'indent', 'outdent',
  18631. 'blockquote', 'pasteplain', 'pagebreak',
  18632. 'selectall', 'print', 'preview', 'horizontal', 'removeformat', 'time', 'date', 'unlink',
  18633. 'insertparagraphbeforetable', 'insertrow', 'insertcol', 'mergeright', 'mergedown', 'deleterow',
  18634. 'deletecol', 'splittorows', 'splittocols', 'splittocells', 'mergecells', 'deletetable'];
  18635. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = btnCmds[i++];) {
  18636. ci = ci.toLowerCase();
  18637. editorui[ci] = function (cmd) {
  18638. return function (editor) {
  18639. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  18640. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  18641. title:editor.options.labelMap[cmd] || editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd) || '',
  18642. onclick:function () {
  18643. editor.execCommand(cmd);
  18644. },
  18645. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18646. showText:false
  18647. });
  18648. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  18649. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  18650. var state = editor.queryCommandState(cmd);
  18651. if (state == -1) {
  18652. ui.setDisabled(true);
  18653. ui.setChecked(false);
  18654. } else {
  18655. if (!uiReady) {
  18656. ui.setDisabled(false);
  18657. ui.setChecked(state);
  18658. }
  18659. }
  18660. });
  18661. return ui;
  18662. };
  18663. }(ci);
  18664. }
  18665. //清除文档
  18666. editorui.cleardoc = function (editor) {
  18667. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  18668. className:'edui-for-cleardoc',
  18669. title:editor.options.labelMap.cleardoc || editor.getLang("labelMap.cleardoc") || '',
  18670. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18671. onclick:function () {
  18672. if (confirm(editor.getLang("confirmClear"))) {
  18673. editor.execCommand('cleardoc');
  18674. }
  18675. }
  18676. });
  18677. editorui.buttons["cleardoc"] = ui;
  18678. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  18679. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState('cleardoc') == -1);
  18680. });
  18681. return ui;
  18682. };
  18683. //排版,图片排版,文字方向
  18684. var typeset = {
  18685. 'justify':['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'],
  18686. 'imagefloat':['none', 'left', 'center', 'right'],
  18687. 'directionality':['ltr', 'rtl']
  18688. };
  18689. for (var p in typeset) {
  18690. (function (cmd, val) {
  18691. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = val[i++];) {
  18692. (function (cmd2) {
  18693. editorui[cmd.replace('float', '') + cmd2] = function (editor) {
  18694. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  18695. className:'edui-for-' + cmd.replace('float', '') + cmd2,
  18696. title:editor.options.labelMap[cmd.replace('float', '') + cmd2] || editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd.replace('float', '') + cmd2) || '',
  18697. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18698. onclick:function () {
  18699. editor.execCommand(cmd, cmd2);
  18700. }
  18701. });
  18702. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  18703. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  18704. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState(cmd) == -1);
  18705. ui.setChecked(editor.queryCommandValue(cmd) == cmd2 && !uiReady);
  18706. });
  18707. return ui;
  18708. };
  18709. })(ci)
  18710. }
  18711. })(p, typeset[p])
  18712. }
  18713. //字体颜色和背景颜色
  18714. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = ['backcolor', 'forecolor'][i++];) {
  18715. editorui[ci] = function (cmd) {
  18716. return function (editor) {
  18717. var ui = new editorui.ColorButton({
  18718. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  18719. color:'default',
  18720. title:editor.options.labelMap[cmd] || editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd) || '',
  18721. editor:editor,
  18722. onpickcolor:function (t, color) {
  18723. editor.execCommand(cmd, color);
  18724. },
  18725. onpicknocolor:function () {
  18726. editor.execCommand(cmd, 'default');
  18727. this.setColor('transparent');
  18728. this.color = 'default';
  18729. },
  18730. onbuttonclick:function () {
  18731. editor.execCommand(cmd, this.color);
  18732. }
  18733. });
  18734. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  18735. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  18736. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState(cmd) == -1);
  18737. });
  18738. return ui;
  18739. };
  18740. }(ci);
  18741. }
  18742. var dialogBtns = {
  18743. noOk:['searchreplace', 'help', 'spechars', 'webapp'],
  18744. ok:['attachment', 'anchor', 'link', 'insertimage', 'map', 'gmap', 'insertframe', 'wordimage',
  18745. 'insertvideo', 'insertframe', 'edittip', 'edittable', 'edittd', 'scrawl', 'template', 'music', 'background']
  18746. };
  18747. for (var p in dialogBtns) {
  18748. (function (type, vals) {
  18749. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = vals[i++];) {
  18750. //todo opera下存在问题
  18751. if (browser.opera && ci === "searchreplace") {
  18752. continue;
  18753. }
  18754. (function (cmd) {
  18755. editorui[cmd] = function (editor, iframeUrl, title) {
  18756. iframeUrl = iframeUrl || (editor.options.iframeUrlMap || {})[cmd] || iframeUrlMap[cmd];
  18757. title = editor.options.labelMap[cmd] || editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd) || '';
  18758. var dialog;
  18759. //没有iframeUrl不创建dialog
  18760. if (iframeUrl) {
  18761. dialog = new editorui.Dialog(utils.extend({
  18762. iframeUrl:editor.ui.mapUrl(iframeUrl),
  18763. editor:editor,
  18764. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  18765. title:title,
  18766. holdScroll: cmd === 'insertimage',
  18767. closeDialog:editor.getLang("closeDialog")
  18768. }, type == 'ok' ? {
  18769. buttons:[
  18770. {
  18771. className:'edui-okbutton',
  18772. label:editor.getLang("ok"),
  18773. editor:editor,
  18774. onclick:function () {
  18775. dialog.close(true);
  18776. }
  18777. },
  18778. {
  18779. className:'edui-cancelbutton',
  18780. label:editor.getLang("cancel"),
  18781. editor:editor,
  18782. onclick:function () {
  18783. dialog.close(false);
  18784. }
  18785. }
  18786. ]
  18787. } : {}));
  18788. editor.ui._dialogs[cmd + "Dialog"] = dialog;
  18789. }
  18790. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  18791. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  18792. title:title,
  18793. onclick:function () {
  18794. if (dialog) {
  18795. switch (cmd) {
  18796. case "wordimage":
  18797. editor.execCommand("wordimage", "word_img");
  18798. if (editor.word_img) {
  18799. dialog.render();
  18801. }
  18802. break;
  18803. case "scrawl":
  18804. if (editor.queryCommandState("scrawl") != -1) {
  18805. dialog.render();
  18807. }
  18808. break;
  18809. default:
  18810. dialog.render();
  18812. }
  18813. }
  18814. },
  18815. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18816. disabled:cmd == 'scrawl' && editor.queryCommandState("scrawl") == -1
  18817. });
  18818. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  18819. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  18820. //只存在于右键菜单而无工具栏按钮的ui不需要检测状态
  18821. var unNeedCheckState = {'edittable':1};
  18822. if (cmd in unNeedCheckState)return;
  18823. var state = editor.queryCommandState(cmd);
  18824. if (ui.getDom()) {
  18825. ui.setDisabled(state == -1);
  18826. ui.setChecked(state);
  18827. }
  18828. });
  18829. return ui;
  18830. };
  18831. })(ci.toLowerCase())
  18832. }
  18833. })(p, dialogBtns[p])
  18834. }
  18835. editorui.snapscreen = function (editor, iframeUrl, title) {
  18836. title = editor.options.labelMap['snapscreen'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.snapscreen") || '';
  18837. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  18838. className:'edui-for-snapscreen',
  18839. title:title,
  18840. onclick:function () {
  18841. editor.execCommand("snapscreen");
  18842. },
  18843. theme:editor.options.theme
  18844. });
  18845. editorui.buttons['snapscreen'] = ui;
  18846. iframeUrl = iframeUrl || (editor.options.iframeUrlMap || {})["snapscreen"] || iframeUrlMap["snapscreen"];
  18847. if (iframeUrl) {
  18848. var dialog = new editorui.Dialog({
  18849. iframeUrl:editor.ui.mapUrl(iframeUrl),
  18850. editor:editor,
  18851. className:'edui-for-snapscreen',
  18852. title:title,
  18853. buttons:[
  18854. {
  18855. className:'edui-okbutton',
  18856. label:editor.getLang("ok"),
  18857. editor:editor,
  18858. onclick:function () {
  18859. dialog.close(true);
  18860. }
  18861. },
  18862. {
  18863. className:'edui-cancelbutton',
  18864. label:editor.getLang("cancel"),
  18865. editor:editor,
  18866. onclick:function () {
  18867. dialog.close(false);
  18868. }
  18869. }
  18870. ]
  18871. });
  18872. dialog.render();
  18873. editor.ui._dialogs["snapscreenDialog"] = dialog;
  18874. }
  18875. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  18876. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState('snapscreen') == -1);
  18877. });
  18878. return ui;
  18879. };
  18880. editorui.insertcode = function (editor, list, title) {
  18881. list = editor.options['insertcode'] || [];
  18882. title = editor.options.labelMap['insertcode'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.insertcode") || '';
  18883. // if (!list.length) return;
  18884. var items = [];
  18885. utils.each(list,function(key,val){
  18886. items.push({
  18887. label:key,
  18888. value:val,
  18889. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18890. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  18891. return '<div class="edui-label %%-label" >' + (this.label || '') + '</div>';
  18892. }
  18893. });
  18894. });
  18895. var ui = new editorui.Combox({
  18896. editor:editor,
  18897. items:items,
  18898. onselect:function (t, index) {
  18899. editor.execCommand('insertcode', this.items[index].value);
  18900. },
  18901. onbuttonclick:function () {
  18902. this.showPopup();
  18903. },
  18904. title:title,
  18905. initValue:title,
  18906. className:'edui-for-insertcode',
  18907. indexByValue:function (value) {
  18908. if (value) {
  18909. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.items[i]; i++) {
  18910. if (ci.value.indexOf(value) != -1)
  18911. return i;
  18912. }
  18913. }
  18914. return -1;
  18915. }
  18916. });
  18917. editorui.buttons['insertcode'] = ui;
  18918. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  18919. if (!uiReady) {
  18920. var state = editor.queryCommandState('insertcode');
  18921. if (state == -1) {
  18922. ui.setDisabled(true);
  18923. } else {
  18924. ui.setDisabled(false);
  18925. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('insertcode');
  18926. if(!value){
  18927. ui.setValue(title);
  18928. return;
  18929. }
  18930. //trace:1871 ie下从源码模式切换回来时,字体会带单引号,而且会有逗号
  18931. value && (value = value.replace(/['"]/g, '').split(',')[0]);
  18932. ui.setValue(value);
  18933. }
  18934. }
  18935. });
  18936. return ui;
  18937. };
  18938. editorui.fontfamily = function (editor, list, title) {
  18939. list = editor.options['fontfamily'] || [];
  18940. title = editor.options.labelMap['fontfamily'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.fontfamily") || '';
  18941. if (!list.length) return;
  18942. for (var i = 0, ci, items = []; ci = list[i]; i++) {
  18943. var langLabel = editor.getLang('fontfamily')[] || "";
  18944. (function (key, val) {
  18945. items.push({
  18946. label:key,
  18947. value:val,
  18948. theme:editor.options.theme,
  18949. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  18950. return '<div class="edui-label %%-label" style="font-family:' +
  18951. utils.unhtml(this.value) + '">' + (this.label || '') + '</div>';
  18952. }
  18953. });
  18954. })(ci.label || langLabel, ci.val)
  18955. }
  18956. var ui = new editorui.Combox({
  18957. editor:editor,
  18958. items:items,
  18959. onselect:function (t, index) {
  18960. editor.execCommand('FontFamily', this.items[index].value);
  18961. },
  18962. onbuttonclick:function () {
  18963. this.showPopup();
  18964. },
  18965. title:title,
  18966. initValue:title,
  18967. className:'edui-for-fontfamily',
  18968. indexByValue:function (value) {
  18969. if (value) {
  18970. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = this.items[i]; i++) {
  18971. if (ci.value.indexOf(value) != -1)
  18972. return i;
  18973. }
  18974. }
  18975. return -1;
  18976. }
  18977. });
  18978. editorui.buttons['fontfamily'] = ui;
  18979. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  18980. if (!uiReady) {
  18981. var state = editor.queryCommandState('FontFamily');
  18982. if (state == -1) {
  18983. ui.setDisabled(true);
  18984. } else {
  18985. ui.setDisabled(false);
  18986. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('FontFamily');
  18987. //trace:1871 ie下从源码模式切换回来时,字体会带单引号,而且会有逗号
  18988. value && (value = value.replace(/['"]/g, '').split(',')[0]);
  18989. ui.setValue(value);
  18990. }
  18991. }
  18992. });
  18993. return ui;
  18994. };
  18995. editorui.fontsize = function (editor, list, title) {
  18996. title = editor.options.labelMap['fontsize'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.fontsize") || '';
  18997. list = list || editor.options['fontsize'] || [];
  18998. if (!list.length) return;
  18999. var items = [];
  19000. for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
  19001. var size = list[i] + 'px';
  19002. items.push({
  19003. label:size,
  19004. value:size,
  19005. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19006. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  19007. return '<div class="edui-label %%-label" style="line-height:1;font-size:' +
  19008. this.value + '">' + (this.label || '') + '</div>';
  19009. }
  19010. });
  19011. }
  19012. var ui = new editorui.Combox({
  19013. editor:editor,
  19014. items:items,
  19015. title:title,
  19016. initValue:title,
  19017. onselect:function (t, index) {
  19018. editor.execCommand('FontSize', this.items[index].value);
  19019. },
  19020. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19021. this.showPopup();
  19022. },
  19023. className:'edui-for-fontsize'
  19024. });
  19025. editorui.buttons['fontsize'] = ui;
  19026. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  19027. if (!uiReady) {
  19028. var state = editor.queryCommandState('FontSize');
  19029. if (state == -1) {
  19030. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19031. } else {
  19032. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19033. ui.setValue(editor.queryCommandValue('FontSize'));
  19034. }
  19035. }
  19036. });
  19037. return ui;
  19038. };
  19039. editorui.paragraph = function (editor, list, title) {
  19040. title = editor.options.labelMap['paragraph'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.paragraph") || '';
  19041. list = editor.options['paragraph'] || [];
  19042. if (utils.isEmptyObject(list)) return;
  19043. var items = [];
  19044. for (var i in list) {
  19045. items.push({
  19046. value:i,
  19047. label:list[i] || editor.getLang("paragraph")[i],
  19048. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19049. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  19050. return '<div class="edui-label %%-label"><span class="edui-for-' + this.value + '">' + (this.label || '') + '</span></div>';
  19051. }
  19052. })
  19053. }
  19054. var ui = new editorui.Combox({
  19055. editor:editor,
  19056. items:items,
  19057. title:title,
  19058. initValue:title,
  19059. className:'edui-for-paragraph',
  19060. onselect:function (t, index) {
  19061. editor.execCommand('Paragraph', this.items[index].value);
  19062. },
  19063. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19064. this.showPopup();
  19065. }
  19066. });
  19067. editorui.buttons['paragraph'] = ui;
  19068. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  19069. if (!uiReady) {
  19070. var state = editor.queryCommandState('Paragraph');
  19071. if (state == -1) {
  19072. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19073. } else {
  19074. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19075. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('Paragraph');
  19076. var index = ui.indexByValue(value);
  19077. if (index != -1) {
  19078. ui.setValue(value);
  19079. } else {
  19080. ui.setValue(ui.initValue);
  19081. }
  19082. }
  19083. }
  19084. });
  19085. return ui;
  19086. };
  19087. //自定义标题
  19088. editorui.customstyle = function (editor) {
  19089. var list = editor.options['customstyle'] || [],
  19090. title = editor.options.labelMap['customstyle'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.customstyle") || '';
  19091. if (!list.length)return;
  19092. var langCs = editor.getLang('customstyle');
  19093. for (var i = 0, items = [], t; t = list[i++];) {
  19094. (function (t) {
  19095. var ck = {};
  19096. ck.label = t.label ? t.label : langCs[];
  19097. =;
  19098. ck.className = t.className;
  19099. ck.tag = t.tag;
  19100. items.push({
  19101. label:ck.label,
  19102. value:ck,
  19103. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19104. renderLabelHtml:function () {
  19105. return '<div class="edui-label %%-label">' + '<' + ck.tag + ' ' + (ck.className ? ' class="' + ck.className + '"' : "")
  19106. + ( ? ' style="' + + '"' : "") + '>' + ck.label + "<\/" + ck.tag + ">"
  19107. + '</div>';
  19108. }
  19109. });
  19110. })(t);
  19111. }
  19112. var ui = new editorui.Combox({
  19113. editor:editor,
  19114. items:items,
  19115. title:title,
  19116. initValue:title,
  19117. className:'edui-for-customstyle',
  19118. onselect:function (t, index) {
  19119. editor.execCommand('customstyle', this.items[index].value);
  19120. },
  19121. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19122. this.showPopup();
  19123. },
  19124. indexByValue:function (value) {
  19125. for (var i = 0, ti; ti = this.items[i++];) {
  19126. if (ti.label == value) {
  19127. return i - 1
  19128. }
  19129. }
  19130. return -1;
  19131. }
  19132. });
  19133. editorui.buttons['customstyle'] = ui;
  19134. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (type, causeByUi, uiReady) {
  19135. if (!uiReady) {
  19136. var state = editor.queryCommandState('customstyle');
  19137. if (state == -1) {
  19138. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19139. } else {
  19140. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19141. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('customstyle');
  19142. var index = ui.indexByValue(value);
  19143. if (index != -1) {
  19144. ui.setValue(value);
  19145. } else {
  19146. ui.setValue(ui.initValue);
  19147. }
  19148. }
  19149. }
  19150. });
  19151. return ui;
  19152. };
  19153. editorui.inserttable = function (editor, iframeUrl, title) {
  19154. title = editor.options.labelMap['inserttable'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.inserttable") || '';
  19155. var ui = new editorui.TableButton({
  19156. editor:editor,
  19157. title:title,
  19158. className:'edui-for-inserttable',
  19159. onpicktable:function (t, numCols, numRows) {
  19160. editor.execCommand('InsertTable', {numRows:numRows, numCols:numCols, border:1});
  19161. },
  19162. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19163. this.showPopup();
  19164. }
  19165. });
  19166. editorui.buttons['inserttable'] = ui;
  19167. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19168. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState('inserttable') == -1);
  19169. });
  19170. return ui;
  19171. };
  19172. editorui.lineheight = function (editor) {
  19173. var val = editor.options.lineheight || [];
  19174. if (!val.length)return;
  19175. for (var i = 0, ci, items = []; ci = val[i++];) {
  19176. items.push({
  19177. //todo:写死了
  19178. label:ci,
  19179. value:ci,
  19180. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19181. onclick:function () {
  19182. editor.execCommand("lineheight", this.value);
  19183. }
  19184. })
  19185. }
  19186. var ui = new editorui.MenuButton({
  19187. editor:editor,
  19188. className:'edui-for-lineheight',
  19189. title:editor.options.labelMap['lineheight'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.lineheight") || '',
  19190. items:items,
  19191. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19192. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('LineHeight') || this.value;
  19193. editor.execCommand("LineHeight", value);
  19194. }
  19195. });
  19196. editorui.buttons['lineheight'] = ui;
  19197. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19198. var state = editor.queryCommandState('LineHeight');
  19199. if (state == -1) {
  19200. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19201. } else {
  19202. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19203. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('LineHeight');
  19204. value && ui.setValue((value + '').replace(/cm/, ''));
  19205. ui.setChecked(state)
  19206. }
  19207. });
  19208. return ui;
  19209. };
  19210. var rowspacings = ['top', 'bottom'];
  19211. for (var r = 0, ri; ri = rowspacings[r++];) {
  19212. (function (cmd) {
  19213. editorui['rowspacing' + cmd] = function (editor) {
  19214. var val = editor.options['rowspacing' + cmd] || [];
  19215. if (!val.length) return null;
  19216. for (var i = 0, ci, items = []; ci = val[i++];) {
  19217. items.push({
  19218. label:ci,
  19219. value:ci,
  19220. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19221. onclick:function () {
  19222. editor.execCommand("rowspacing", this.value, cmd);
  19223. }
  19224. })
  19225. }
  19226. var ui = new editorui.MenuButton({
  19227. editor:editor,
  19228. className:'edui-for-rowspacing' + cmd,
  19229. title:editor.options.labelMap['rowspacing' + cmd] || editor.getLang("labelMap.rowspacing" + cmd) || '',
  19230. items:items,
  19231. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19232. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('rowspacing', cmd) || this.value;
  19233. editor.execCommand("rowspacing", value, cmd);
  19234. }
  19235. });
  19236. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  19237. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19238. var state = editor.queryCommandState('rowspacing', cmd);
  19239. if (state == -1) {
  19240. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19241. } else {
  19242. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19243. var value = editor.queryCommandValue('rowspacing', cmd);
  19244. value && ui.setValue((value + '').replace(/%/, ''));
  19245. ui.setChecked(state)
  19246. }
  19247. });
  19248. return ui;
  19249. }
  19250. })(ri)
  19251. }
  19252. //有序,无序列表
  19253. var lists = ['insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist'];
  19254. for (var l = 0, cl; cl = lists[l++];) {
  19255. (function (cmd) {
  19256. editorui[cmd] = function (editor) {
  19257. var vals = editor.options[cmd],
  19258. _onMenuClick = function () {
  19259. editor.execCommand(cmd, this.value);
  19260. }, items = [];
  19261. for (var i in vals) {
  19262. items.push({
  19263. label:vals[i] || editor.getLang()[cmd][i] || "",
  19264. value:i,
  19265. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19266. onclick:_onMenuClick
  19267. })
  19268. }
  19269. var ui = new editorui.MenuButton({
  19270. editor:editor,
  19271. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  19272. title:editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd) || '',
  19273. 'items':items,
  19274. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19275. var value = editor.queryCommandValue(cmd) || this.value;
  19276. editor.execCommand(cmd, value);
  19277. }
  19278. });
  19279. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  19280. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19281. var state = editor.queryCommandState(cmd);
  19282. if (state == -1) {
  19283. ui.setDisabled(true);
  19284. } else {
  19285. ui.setDisabled(false);
  19286. var value = editor.queryCommandValue(cmd);
  19287. ui.setValue(value);
  19288. ui.setChecked(state)
  19289. }
  19290. });
  19291. return ui;
  19292. };
  19293. })(cl)
  19294. }
  19295. editorui.fullscreen = function (editor, title) {
  19296. title = editor.options.labelMap['fullscreen'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.fullscreen") || '';
  19297. var ui = new editorui.Button({
  19298. className:'edui-for-fullscreen',
  19299. title:title,
  19300. theme:editor.options.theme,
  19301. onclick:function () {
  19302. if (editor.ui) {
  19303. editor.ui.setFullScreen(!editor.ui.isFullScreen());
  19304. }
  19305. this.setChecked(editor.ui.isFullScreen());
  19306. }
  19307. });
  19308. editorui.buttons['fullscreen'] = ui;
  19309. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19310. var state = editor.queryCommandState('fullscreen');
  19311. ui.setDisabled(state == -1);
  19312. ui.setChecked(editor.ui.isFullScreen());
  19313. });
  19314. return ui;
  19315. };
  19316. // 表情
  19317. editorui["emotion"] = function (editor, iframeUrl) {
  19318. var cmd = "emotion";
  19319. var ui = new editorui.MultiMenuPop({
  19320. title:editor.options.labelMap[cmd] || editor.getLang("labelMap." + cmd + "") || '',
  19321. editor:editor,
  19322. className:'edui-for-' + cmd,
  19323. iframeUrl:editor.ui.mapUrl(iframeUrl || (editor.options.iframeUrlMap || {})[cmd] || iframeUrlMap[cmd])
  19324. });
  19325. editorui.buttons[cmd] = ui;
  19326. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19327. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState(cmd) == -1)
  19328. });
  19329. return ui;
  19330. };
  19331. editorui.autotypeset = function (editor) {
  19332. var ui = new editorui.AutoTypeSetButton({
  19333. editor:editor,
  19334. title:editor.options.labelMap['autotypeset'] || editor.getLang("labelMap.autotypeset") || '',
  19335. className:'edui-for-autotypeset',
  19336. onbuttonclick:function () {
  19337. editor.execCommand('autotypeset')
  19338. }
  19339. });
  19340. editorui.buttons['autotypeset'] = ui;
  19341. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19342. ui.setDisabled(editor.queryCommandState('autotypeset') == -1);
  19343. });
  19344. return ui;
  19345. };
  19346. })();
  19347. ///import core
  19348. ///commands 全屏
  19349. ///commandsName FullScreen
  19350. ///commandsTitle 全屏
  19351. (function () {
  19352. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  19353. uiUtils = baidu.editor.ui.uiUtils,
  19354. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  19355. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils;
  19356. var nodeStack = [];
  19357. function EditorUI(options) {
  19358. this.initOptions(options);
  19359. this.initEditorUI();
  19360. }
  19361. EditorUI.prototype = {
  19362. uiName:'editor',
  19363. initEditorUI:function () {
  19364. this.editor.ui = this;
  19365. this._dialogs = {};
  19366. this.initUIBase();
  19367. this._initToolbars();
  19368. var editor = this.editor,
  19369. me = this;
  19370. editor.addListener('ready', function () {
  19371. //提供getDialog方法
  19372. editor.getDialog = function (name) {
  19373. return editor.ui._dialogs[name + "Dialog"];
  19374. };
  19375. domUtils.on(editor.window, 'scroll', function (evt) {
  19376. baidu.editor.ui.Popup.postHide(evt);
  19377. });
  19378. //提供编辑器实时宽高(全屏时宽高不变化)
  19379. editor.ui._actualFrameWidth = editor.options.initialFrameWidth;
  19380. //display bottom-bar label based on config
  19381. if (editor.options.elementPathEnabled) {
  19382. editor.ui.getDom('elementpath').innerHTML = '<div class="edui-editor-breadcrumb">' + editor.getLang("elementPathTip") + ':</div>';
  19383. }
  19384. if (editor.options.wordCount) {
  19385. function countFn() {
  19386. setCount(editor,me);
  19387. domUtils.un(editor.document, "click", arguments.callee);
  19388. }
  19389. domUtils.on(editor.document, "click", countFn);
  19390. editor.ui.getDom('wordcount').innerHTML = editor.getLang("wordCountTip");
  19391. }
  19392. editor.ui._scale();
  19393. if (editor.options.scaleEnabled) {
  19394. if (editor.autoHeightEnabled) {
  19395. editor.disableAutoHeight();
  19396. }
  19397. me.enableScale();
  19398. } else {
  19399. me.disableScale();
  19400. }
  19401. if (!editor.options.elementPathEnabled && !editor.options.wordCount && !editor.options.scaleEnabled) {
  19402. editor.ui.getDom('elementpath').style.display = "none";
  19403. editor.ui.getDom('wordcount').style.display = "none";
  19404. editor.ui.getDom('scale').style.display = "none";
  19405. }
  19406. if (!editor.selection.isFocus())return;
  19407. editor.fireEvent('selectionchange', false, true);
  19408. });
  19409. editor.addListener('mousedown', function (t, evt) {
  19410. var el = || evt.srcElement;
  19411. baidu.editor.ui.Popup.postHide(evt, el);
  19412. baidu.editor.ui.ShortCutMenu.postHide(evt);
  19413. });
  19414. editor.addListener("delcells", function () {
  19415. if (UE.ui['edittip']) {
  19416. new UE.ui['edittip'](editor);
  19417. }
  19418. editor.getDialog('edittip').open();
  19419. });
  19420. var pastePop, isPaste = false, timer;
  19421. editor.addListener("afterpaste", function () {
  19422. if(editor.queryCommandState('pasteplain'))
  19423. return;
  19424. if(baidu.editor.ui.PastePicker){
  19425. pastePop = new baidu.editor.ui.Popup({
  19426. content:new baidu.editor.ui.PastePicker({editor:editor}),
  19427. editor:editor,
  19428. className:'edui-wordpastepop'
  19429. });
  19430. pastePop.render();
  19431. }
  19432. isPaste = true;
  19433. });
  19434. editor.addListener("afterinserthtml", function () {
  19435. clearTimeout(timer);
  19436. timer = setTimeout(function () {
  19437. if (pastePop && (isPaste || editor.ui._isTransfer)) {
  19438. if(pastePop.isHidden()){
  19439. var span = domUtils.createElement(editor.document, 'span', {
  19440. 'style':"line-height:0px;",
  19441. 'innerHTML':'\ufeff'
  19442. }),
  19443. range = editor.selection.getRange();
  19444. range.insertNode(span);
  19445. var tmp= getDomNode(span, 'firstChild', 'previousSibling');
  19446. pastePop.showAnchor(tmp.nodeType == 3 ? tmp.parentNode : tmp);
  19447. domUtils.remove(span);
  19448. }else{
  19450. }
  19451. delete editor.ui._isTransfer;
  19452. isPaste = false;
  19453. }
  19454. }, 200)
  19455. });
  19456. editor.addListener('contextmenu', function (t, evt) {
  19457. baidu.editor.ui.Popup.postHide(evt);
  19458. });
  19459. editor.addListener('keydown', function (t, evt) {
  19460. if (pastePop) pastePop.dispose(evt);
  19461. var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.which;
  19462. if(evt.altKey&&keyCode==90){
  19463. UE.ui.buttons['fullscreen'].onclick();
  19464. }
  19465. });
  19466. editor.addListener('wordcount', function (type) {
  19467. setCount(this,me);
  19468. });
  19469. function setCount(editor,ui) {
  19470. editor.setOpt({
  19471. wordCount:true,
  19472. maximumWords:10000,
  19473. wordCountMsg:editor.options.wordCountMsg || editor.getLang("wordCountMsg"),
  19474. wordOverFlowMsg:editor.options.wordOverFlowMsg || editor.getLang("wordOverFlowMsg")
  19475. });
  19476. var opt = editor.options,
  19477. max = opt.maximumWords,
  19478. msg = opt.wordCountMsg ,
  19479. errMsg = opt.wordOverFlowMsg,
  19480. countDom = ui.getDom('wordcount');
  19481. if (!opt.wordCount) {
  19482. return;
  19483. }
  19484. var count = editor.getContentLength(true);
  19485. if (count > max) {
  19486. countDom.innerHTML = errMsg;
  19487. editor.fireEvent("wordcountoverflow");
  19488. } else {
  19489. countDom.innerHTML = msg.replace("{#leave}", max - count).replace("{#count}", count);
  19490. }
  19491. }
  19492. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function () {
  19493. if (editor.options.elementPathEnabled) {
  19494. me[(editor.queryCommandState('elementpath') == -1 ? 'dis' : 'en') + 'ableElementPath']()
  19495. }
  19496. if (editor.options.scaleEnabled) {
  19497. me[(editor.queryCommandState('scale') == -1 ? 'dis' : 'en') + 'ableScale']();
  19498. }
  19499. });
  19500. var popup = new baidu.editor.ui.Popup({
  19501. editor:editor,
  19502. content:'',
  19503. className:'edui-bubble',
  19504. _onEditButtonClick:function () {
  19505. this.hide();
  19507. },
  19508. _onImgEditButtonClick:function (name) {
  19509. this.hide();
  19510. editor.ui._dialogs[name] && editor.ui._dialogs[name].open();
  19511. },
  19512. _onImgSetFloat:function (value) {
  19513. this.hide();
  19514. editor.execCommand("imagefloat", value);
  19515. },
  19516. _setIframeAlign:function (value) {
  19517. var frame = popup.anchorEl;
  19518. var newFrame = frame.cloneNode(true);
  19519. switch (value) {
  19520. case -2:
  19521. newFrame.setAttribute("align", "");
  19522. break;
  19523. case -1:
  19524. newFrame.setAttribute("align", "left");
  19525. break;
  19526. case 1:
  19527. newFrame.setAttribute("align", "right");
  19528. break;
  19529. }
  19530. frame.parentNode.insertBefore(newFrame, frame);
  19531. domUtils.remove(frame);
  19532. popup.anchorEl = newFrame;
  19533. popup.showAnchor(popup.anchorEl);
  19534. },
  19535. _updateIframe:function () {
  19536. editor._iframe = popup.anchorEl;
  19538. popup.hide();
  19539. },
  19540. _onRemoveButtonClick:function (cmdName) {
  19541. editor.execCommand(cmdName);
  19542. this.hide();
  19543. },
  19544. queryAutoHide:function (el) {
  19545. if (el && el.ownerDocument == editor.document) {
  19546. if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img' || domUtils.findParentByTagName(el, 'a', true)) {
  19547. return el !== popup.anchorEl;
  19548. }
  19549. }
  19550. return, el);
  19551. }
  19552. });
  19553. popup.render();
  19554. if (editor.options.imagePopup) {
  19555. editor.addListener('mouseover', function (t, evt) {
  19556. evt = evt || window.event;
  19557. var el = || evt.srcElement;
  19558. if (editor.ui._dialogs.insertframeDialog && /iframe/ig.test(el.tagName)) {
  19559. var html = popup.formatHtml(
  19560. '<nobr>' + editor.getLang("property") + ': <span onclick=$$._setIframeAlign(-2) class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("default") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span onclick=$$._setIframeAlign(-1) class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("justifyleft") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span onclick=$$._setIframeAlign(1) class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("justifyright") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
  19561. ' <span onclick="$$._updateIframe( this);" class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("modify") + '</span></nobr>');
  19562. if (html) {
  19563. popup.getDom('content').innerHTML = html;
  19564. popup.anchorEl = el;
  19565. popup.showAnchor(popup.anchorEl);
  19566. } else {
  19567. popup.hide();
  19568. }
  19569. }
  19570. });
  19571. editor.addListener('selectionchange', function (t, causeByUi) {
  19572. if (!causeByUi) return;
  19573. var html = '', str = "",
  19574. img = editor.selection.getRange().getClosedNode(),
  19575. dialogs = editor.ui._dialogs;
  19576. if (img && img.tagName == 'IMG') {
  19577. var dialogName = 'insertimageDialog';
  19578. if (img.className.indexOf("edui-faked-video") != -1) {
  19579. dialogName = "insertvideoDialog"
  19580. }
  19581. if (img.className.indexOf("edui-faked-webapp") != -1) {
  19582. dialogName = "webappDialog"
  19583. }
  19584. if (img.src.indexOf("") != -1) {
  19585. dialogName = "mapDialog"
  19586. }
  19587. if (img.className.indexOf("edui-faked-music") != -1) {
  19588. dialogName = "musicDialog"
  19589. }
  19590. if (img.src.indexOf("") != -1) {
  19591. dialogName = "gmapDialog"
  19592. }
  19593. if (img.getAttribute("anchorname")) {
  19594. dialogName = "anchorDialog";
  19595. html = popup.formatHtml(
  19596. '<nobr>' + editor.getLang("property") + ': <span onclick=$$._onImgEditButtonClick("anchorDialog") class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("modify") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
  19597. '<span onclick=$$._onRemoveButtonClick(\'anchor\') class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("delete") + '</span></nobr>');
  19598. }
  19599. if (img.getAttribute("word_img")) {
  19600. //todo 放到dialog去做查询
  19601. editor.word_img = [img.getAttribute("word_img")];
  19602. dialogName = "wordimageDialog"
  19603. }
  19604. if (!dialogs[dialogName]) {
  19605. return;
  19606. }
  19607. str = '<nobr>' + editor.getLang("property") + ': '+
  19608. '<span onclick=$$._onImgSetFloat("none") class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("default") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
  19609. '<span onclick=$$._onImgSetFloat("left") class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("justifyleft") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
  19610. '<span onclick=$$._onImgSetFloat("right") class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("justifyright") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' +
  19611. '<span onclick=$$._onImgSetFloat("center") class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("justifycenter") + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;'+
  19612. '<span onclick="$$._onImgEditButtonClick(\'' + dialogName + '\');" class="edui-clickable">' + editor.getLang("modify") + '</span></nobr>';
  19613. !html && (html = popup.formatHtml(str))
  19614. }
  19615. if (editor.ui._dialogs.linkDialog) {
  19616. var link = editor.queryCommandValue('link');
  19617. var url;
  19618. if (link && (url = (link.getAttribute('_href') || link.getAttribute('href', 2)))) {
  19619. var txt = url;
  19620. if (url.length > 30) {
  19621. txt = url.substring(0, 20) + "...";
  19622. }
  19623. if (html) {
  19624. html += '<div style="height:5px;"></div>'
  19625. }
  19626. html += popup.formatHtml(
  19627. '<nobr>' + editor.getLang("anthorMsg") + ': <a target="_blank" href="' + url + '" title="' + url + '" >' + txt + '</a>' +
  19628. ' <span class="edui-clickable" onclick="$$._onEditButtonClick();">' + editor.getLang("modify") + '</span>' +
  19629. ' <span class="edui-clickable" onclick="$$._onRemoveButtonClick(\'unlink\');"> ' + editor.getLang("clear") + '</span></nobr>');
  19630. popup.showAnchor(link);
  19631. }
  19632. }
  19633. if (html) {
  19634. popup.getDom('content').innerHTML = html;
  19635. popup.anchorEl = img || link;
  19636. popup.showAnchor(popup.anchorEl);
  19637. } else {
  19638. popup.hide();
  19639. }
  19640. });
  19641. }
  19642. },
  19643. _initToolbars:function () {
  19644. var editor = this.editor;
  19645. var toolbars = this.toolbars || [];
  19646. var toolbarUis = [];
  19647. for (var i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i++) {
  19648. var toolbar = toolbars[i];
  19649. var toolbarUi = new baidu.editor.ui.Toolbar({theme:editor.options.theme});
  19650. for (var j = 0; j < toolbar.length; j++) {
  19651. var toolbarItem = toolbar[j];
  19652. var toolbarItemUi = null;
  19653. if (typeof toolbarItem == 'string') {
  19654. toolbarItem = toolbarItem.toLowerCase();
  19655. if (toolbarItem == '|') {
  19656. toolbarItem = 'Separator';
  19657. }
  19658. if(toolbarItem == '||'){
  19659. toolbarItem = 'Breakline';
  19660. }
  19661. if (baidu.editor.ui[toolbarItem]) {
  19662. toolbarItemUi = new baidu.editor.ui[toolbarItem](editor);
  19663. }
  19664. //fullscreen这里单独处理一下,放到首行去
  19665. if (toolbarItem == 'fullscreen') {
  19666. if (toolbarUis && toolbarUis[0]) {
  19667. toolbarUis[0].items.splice(0, 0, toolbarItemUi);
  19668. } else {
  19669. toolbarItemUi && toolbarUi.items.splice(0, 0, toolbarItemUi);
  19670. }
  19671. continue;
  19672. }
  19673. } else {
  19674. toolbarItemUi = toolbarItem;
  19675. }
  19676. if (toolbarItemUi && {
  19677. toolbarUi.add(toolbarItemUi);
  19678. }
  19679. }
  19680. toolbarUis[i] = toolbarUi;
  19681. }
  19682. this.toolbars = toolbarUis;
  19683. },
  19684. getHtmlTpl:function () {
  19685. return '<div id="##" class="%%">' +
  19686. '<div id="##_toolbarbox" class="%%-toolbarbox">' +
  19687. (this.toolbars.length ?
  19688. '<div id="##_toolbarboxouter" class="%%-toolbarboxouter"><div class="%%-toolbarboxinner">' +
  19689. this.renderToolbarBoxHtml() +
  19690. '</div></div>' : '') +
  19691. '<div id="##_toolbarmsg" class="%%-toolbarmsg" style="display:none;">' +
  19692. '<div id = "##_upload_dialog" class="%%-toolbarmsg-upload" onclick="$$.showWordImageDialog();">' + this.editor.getLang("clickToUpload") + '</div>' +
  19693. '<div class="%%-toolbarmsg-close" onclick="$$.hideToolbarMsg();">x</div>' +
  19694. '<div id="##_toolbarmsg_label" class="%%-toolbarmsg-label"></div>' +
  19695. '<div style="height:0;overflow:hidden;clear:both;"></div>' +
  19696. '</div>' +
  19697. '</div>' +
  19698. '<div id="##_iframeholder" class="%%-iframeholder"></div>' +
  19699. //modify wdcount by matao
  19700. '<div id="##_bottombar" style="display:none;" class="%%-bottomContainer"><table><tr>' +
  19701. '<td id="##_elementpath" class="%%-bottombar"></td>' +
  19702. '<td id="##_wordcount" class="%%-wordcount"></td>' +
  19703. '<td id="##_scale" class="%%-scale"><div class="%%-icon"></div></td>' +
  19704. '</tr></table></div>' +
  19705. '<div id="##_scalelayer"></div>' +
  19706. '</div>';
  19707. },
  19708. showWordImageDialog:function () {
  19709. this.editor.execCommand("wordimage", "word_img");
  19710. this._dialogs['wordimageDialog'].open();
  19711. },
  19712. renderToolbarBoxHtml:function () {
  19713. var buff = [];
  19714. for (var i = 0; i < this.toolbars.length; i++) {
  19715. buff.push(this.toolbars[i].renderHtml());
  19716. }
  19717. return buff.join('');
  19718. },
  19719. setFullScreen:function (fullscreen) {
  19720. var editor = this.editor,
  19721. container = editor.container.parentNode.parentNode;
  19722. if (this._fullscreen != fullscreen) {
  19723. this._fullscreen = fullscreen;
  19724. this.editor.fireEvent('beforefullscreenchange', fullscreen);
  19725. if (baidu.editor.browser.gecko) {
  19726. var bk = editor.selection.getRange().createBookmark();
  19727. }
  19728. if (fullscreen) {
  19729. while (container.tagName != "BODY") {
  19730. var position = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils.getComputedStyle(container, "position");
  19731. nodeStack.push(position);
  19732. = "static";
  19733. container = container.parentNode;
  19734. }
  19735. this._bakHtmlOverflow =;
  19736. this._bakBodyOverflow =;
  19737. this._bakAutoHeight = this.editor.autoHeightEnabled;
  19738. this._bakScrollTop = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);
  19739. this._bakEditorContaninerWidth = editor.iframe.parentNode.offsetWidth;
  19740. if (this._bakAutoHeight) {
  19741. //当全屏时不能执行自动长高
  19742. editor.autoHeightEnabled = false;
  19743. this.editor.disableAutoHeight();
  19744. }
  19745. = 'hidden';
  19746. = 'hidden';
  19747. this._bakCssText = this.getDom().style.cssText;
  19748. this._bakCssText1 = this.getDom('iframeholder').style.cssText;
  19749. = '';
  19750. this._updateFullScreen();
  19751. } else {
  19752. while (container.tagName != "BODY") {
  19753. = nodeStack.shift();
  19754. container = container.parentNode;
  19755. }
  19756. this.getDom().style.cssText = this._bakCssText;
  19757. this.getDom('iframeholder').style.cssText = this._bakCssText1;
  19758. if (this._bakAutoHeight) {
  19759. editor.autoHeightEnabled = true;
  19760. this.editor.enableAutoHeight();
  19761. }
  19762. = this._bakHtmlOverflow;
  19763. = this._bakBodyOverflow;
  19764. = this._bakEditorContaninerWidth + 'px';
  19765. window.scrollTo(0, this._bakScrollTop);
  19766. }
  19767. if (browser.gecko && editor.body.contentEditable === 'true') {
  19768. var input = document.createElement('input');
  19769. document.body.appendChild(input);
  19770. editor.body.contentEditable = false;
  19771. setTimeout(function () {
  19772. input.focus();
  19773. setTimeout(function () {
  19774. editor.body.contentEditable = true;
  19775. editor.fireEvent('fullscreenchanged', fullscreen);
  19776. editor.selection.getRange().moveToBookmark(bk).select(true);
  19777. baidu.editor.dom.domUtils.remove(input);
  19778. fullscreen && window.scroll(0, 0);
  19779. }, 0)
  19780. }, 0)
  19781. }
  19782. if(editor.body.contentEditable === 'true'){
  19783. this.editor.fireEvent('fullscreenchanged', fullscreen);
  19784. this.triggerLayout();
  19785. }
  19786. }
  19787. },
  19788. _updateFullScreen:function () {
  19789. if (this._fullscreen) {
  19790. var vpRect = uiUtils.getViewportRect();
  19791. this.getDom().style.cssText = 'border:0;position:absolute;left:0;top:' + (this.editor.options.topOffset || 0) + 'px;width:' + vpRect.width + 'px;height:' + vpRect.height + 'px;z-index:' + (this.getDom().style.zIndex * 1 + 100);
  19792. uiUtils.setViewportOffset(this.getDom(), { left:0, top:this.editor.options.topOffset || 0 });
  19793. this.editor.setHeight(vpRect.height - this.getDom('toolbarbox').offsetHeight - this.getDom('bottombar').offsetHeight - (this.editor.options.topOffset || 0));
  19794. //不手动调一下,会导致全屏失效
  19795. if(browser.gecko){
  19796. try{
  19797. window.onresize();
  19798. }catch(e){
  19799. }
  19800. }
  19801. }
  19802. },
  19803. _updateElementPath:function () {
  19804. var bottom = this.getDom('elementpath'), list;
  19805. if (this.elementPathEnabled && (list = this.editor.queryCommandValue('elementpath'))) {
  19806. var buff = [];
  19807. for (var i = 0, ci; ci = list[i]; i++) {
  19808. buff[i] = this.formatHtml('<span unselectable="on" onclick="$$.editor.execCommand(&quot;elementpath&quot;, &quot;' + i + '&quot;);">' + ci + '</span>');
  19809. }
  19810. bottom.innerHTML = '<div class="edui-editor-breadcrumb" onmousedown="return false;">' + this.editor.getLang("elementPathTip") + ': ' + buff.join(' &gt; ') + '</div>';
  19811. } else {
  19812. = 'none'
  19813. }
  19814. },
  19815. disableElementPath:function () {
  19816. var bottom = this.getDom('elementpath');
  19817. bottom.innerHTML = '';
  19818. = 'none';
  19819. this.elementPathEnabled = false;
  19820. },
  19821. enableElementPath:function () {
  19822. var bottom = this.getDom('elementpath');
  19823. = '';
  19824. this.elementPathEnabled = true;
  19825. this._updateElementPath();
  19826. },
  19827. _scale:function () {
  19828. var doc = document,
  19829. editor = this.editor,
  19830. editorHolder = editor.container,
  19831. editorDocument = editor.document,
  19832. toolbarBox = this.getDom("toolbarbox"),
  19833. bottombar = this.getDom("bottombar"),
  19834. scale = this.getDom("scale"),
  19835. scalelayer = this.getDom("scalelayer");
  19836. var isMouseMove = false,
  19837. position = null,
  19838. minEditorHeight = 0,
  19839. minEditorWidth = editor.options.minFrameWidth,
  19840. pageX = 0,
  19841. pageY = 0,
  19842. scaleWidth = 0,
  19843. scaleHeight = 0;
  19844. function down() {
  19845. position = domUtils.getXY(editorHolder);
  19846. if (!minEditorHeight) {
  19847. minEditorHeight = editor.options.minFrameHeight + toolbarBox.offsetHeight + bottombar.offsetHeight;
  19848. }
  19849. = "position:absolute;left:0;display:;top:0;background-color:#41ABFF;opacity:0.4;filter: Alpha(opacity=40);width:" + editorHolder.offsetWidth + "px;height:"
  19850. + editorHolder.offsetHeight + "px;z-index:" + (editor.options.zIndex + 1);
  19851. domUtils.on(doc, "mousemove", move);
  19852. domUtils.on(editorDocument, "mouseup", up);
  19853. domUtils.on(doc, "mouseup", up);
  19854. }
  19855. var me = this;
  19856. //by xuheng 全屏时关掉缩放
  19857. this.editor.addListener('fullscreenchanged', function (e, fullScreen) {
  19858. if (fullScreen) {
  19859. me.disableScale();
  19860. } else {
  19861. if (me.editor.options.scaleEnabled) {
  19862. me.enableScale();
  19863. var tmpNode = me.editor.document.createElement('span');
  19864. me.editor.body.appendChild(tmpNode);
  19865. = Math.max(domUtils.getXY(tmpNode).y, me.editor.iframe.offsetHeight - 20) + 'px';
  19866. domUtils.remove(tmpNode)
  19867. }
  19868. }
  19869. });
  19870. function move(event) {
  19871. clearSelection();
  19872. var e = event || window.event;
  19873. pageX = e.pageX || (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft + e.clientX);
  19874. pageY = e.pageY || (doc.documentElement.scrollTop + e.clientY);
  19875. scaleWidth = pageX - position.x;
  19876. scaleHeight = pageY - position.y;
  19877. if (scaleWidth >= minEditorWidth) {
  19878. isMouseMove = true;
  19879. = scaleWidth + 'px';
  19880. }
  19881. if (scaleHeight >= minEditorHeight) {
  19882. isMouseMove = true;
  19883. = scaleHeight + "px";
  19884. }
  19885. }
  19886. function up() {
  19887. if (isMouseMove) {
  19888. isMouseMove = false;
  19889. editor.ui._actualFrameWidth = scalelayer.offsetWidth - 2;
  19890. = editor.ui._actualFrameWidth + 'px';
  19891. editor.setHeight(scalelayer.offsetHeight - bottombar.offsetHeight - toolbarBox.offsetHeight - 2);
  19892. }
  19893. if (scalelayer) {
  19894. = "none";
  19895. }
  19896. clearSelection();
  19897. domUtils.un(doc, "mousemove", move);
  19898. domUtils.un(editorDocument, "mouseup", up);
  19899. domUtils.un(doc, "mouseup", up);
  19900. }
  19901. function clearSelection() {
  19902. if (
  19903. doc.selection.clear();
  19904. else
  19905. window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
  19906. }
  19907. this.enableScale = function () {
  19908. //trace:2868
  19909. if (editor.queryCommandState("source") == 1) return;
  19910. = "";
  19911. this.scaleEnabled = true;
  19912. domUtils.on(scale, "mousedown", down);
  19913. };
  19914. this.disableScale = function () {
  19915. = "none";
  19916. this.scaleEnabled = false;
  19917. domUtils.un(scale, "mousedown", down);
  19918. };
  19919. },
  19920. isFullScreen:function () {
  19921. return this._fullscreen;
  19922. },
  19923. postRender:function () {
  19925. for (var i = 0; i < this.toolbars.length; i++) {
  19926. this.toolbars[i].postRender();
  19927. }
  19928. var me = this;
  19929. var timerId,
  19930. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils,
  19931. updateFullScreenTime = function () {
  19932. clearTimeout(timerId);
  19933. timerId = setTimeout(function () {
  19934. me._updateFullScreen();
  19935. });
  19936. };
  19937. domUtils.on(window, 'resize', updateFullScreenTime);
  19938. me.addListener('destroy', function () {
  19939. domUtils.un(window, 'resize', updateFullScreenTime);
  19940. clearTimeout(timerId);
  19941. })
  19942. },
  19943. showToolbarMsg:function (msg, flag) {
  19944. this.getDom('toolbarmsg_label').innerHTML = msg;
  19945. this.getDom('toolbarmsg').style.display = '';
  19946. //
  19947. if (!flag) {
  19948. var w = this.getDom('upload_dialog');
  19949. = 'none';
  19950. }
  19951. },
  19952. hideToolbarMsg:function () {
  19953. this.getDom('toolbarmsg').style.display = 'none';
  19954. },
  19955. mapUrl:function (url) {
  19956. return url ? url.replace('~/', this.editor.options.UEDITOR_HOME_URL || '') : ''
  19957. },
  19958. triggerLayout:function () {
  19959. var dom = this.getDom();
  19960. if ( == '1') {
  19961. = '100%';
  19962. } else {
  19963. = '1';
  19964. }
  19965. }
  19966. };
  19967. utils.inherits(EditorUI, baidu.editor.ui.UIBase);
  19968. var instances = {};
  19969. UE.ui.Editor = function (options) {
  19970. var editor = new UE.Editor(options);
  19971. editor.options.editor = editor;
  19972. utils.loadFile(document, {
  19973. href:editor.options.themePath + editor.options.theme + "/css/ueditor.css",
  19974. tag:"link",
  19975. type:"text/css",
  19976. rel:"stylesheet"
  19977. });
  19978. var oldRender = editor.render;
  19979. editor.render = function (holder) {
  19980. if (holder.constructor === String) {
  19981. editor.key = holder;
  19982. instances[holder] = editor;
  19983. }
  19984. utils.domReady(function () {
  19985. editor.langIsReady ? renderUI() : editor.addListener("langReady", renderUI);
  19986. function renderUI() {
  19987. editor.setOpt({
  19988. labelMap:editor.options.labelMap || editor.getLang('labelMap')
  19989. });
  19990. new EditorUI(editor.options);
  19991. if (holder) {
  19992. if (holder.constructor === String) {
  19993. holder = document.getElementById(holder);
  19994. }
  19995. holder && holder.getAttribute('name') && ( editor.options.textarea = holder.getAttribute('name'));
  19996. if (holder && /script|textarea/ig.test(holder.tagName)) {
  19997. var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
  19998. holder.parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, holder);
  19999. var cont = holder.value || holder.innerHTML;
  20000. editor.options.initialContent = /^[\t\r\n ]*$/.test(cont) ? editor.options.initialContent :
  20001. cont.replace(/>[\n\r\t]+([ ]{4})+/g, '>')
  20002. .replace(/[\n\r\t]+([ ]{4})+</g, '<')
  20003. .replace(/>[\n\r\t]+</g, '><');
  20004. holder.className && (newDiv.className = holder.className);
  20005. && ( =;
  20006. if (/textarea/i.test(holder.tagName)) {
  20007. editor.textarea = holder;
  20008. = 'none';
  20009. } else {
  20010. holder.parentNode.removeChild(holder);
  20011. && ( =;
  20012. }
  20013. holder = newDiv;
  20014. holder.innerHTML = '';
  20015. }
  20016. }
  20017. domUtils.addClass(holder, "edui-" + editor.options.theme);
  20018. editor.ui.render(holder);
  20019. var opt = editor.options;
  20020. //给实例添加一个编辑器的容器引用
  20021. editor.container = editor.ui.getDom();
  20022. var parents = domUtils.findParents(holder,true);
  20023. var displays = [];
  20024. for(var i = 0 ,ci;ci=parents[i];i++){
  20025. displays[i] =;
  20026. = 'block'
  20027. }
  20028. if (opt.initialFrameWidth) {
  20029. opt.minFrameWidth = opt.initialFrameWidth;
  20030. } else {
  20031. opt.minFrameWidth = opt.initialFrameWidth = holder.offsetWidth;
  20032. }
  20033. if (opt.initialFrameHeight) {
  20034. opt.minFrameHeight = opt.initialFrameHeight;
  20035. } else {
  20036. opt.initialFrameHeight = opt.minFrameHeight = holder.offsetHeight;
  20037. }
  20038. for(var i = 0 ,ci;ci=parents[i];i++){
  20039. = displays[i]
  20040. }
  20041. //编辑器最外容器设置了高度,会导致,编辑器不占位
  20042. //todo 先去掉,没有找到原因
  20043. if({
  20044. = ''
  20045. }
  20046. = opt.initialFrameWidth + (/%$/.test(opt.initialFrameWidth) ? '' : 'px');
  20047. = opt.zIndex;
  20048., editor.ui.getDom('iframeholder'));
  20049. }
  20050. })
  20051. };
  20052. return editor;
  20053. };
  20054. /**
  20055. * @file
  20056. * @name UE
  20057. * @short UE
  20058. * @desc UEditor的顶部命名空间
  20059. */
  20060. /**
  20061. * @name getEditor
  20062. * @since 1.2.4+
  20063. * @grammar UE.getEditor(id,[opt]) => Editor实例
  20064. * @desc 提供一个全局的方法得到编辑器实例
  20065. *
  20066. * * ''id'' 放置编辑器的容器id, 如果容器下的编辑器已经存在,就直接返回
  20067. * * ''opt'' 编辑器的可选参数
  20068. * @example
  20069. * UE.getEditor('containerId',{onready:function(){//创建一个编辑器实例
  20070. * this.setContent('hello')
  20071. * }});
  20072. * UE.getEditor('containerId'); //返回刚创建的实例
  20073. *
  20074. */
  20075. UE.getEditor = function (id, opt) {
  20076. var editor = instances[id];
  20077. if (!editor) {
  20078. editor = instances[id] = new UE.ui.Editor(opt);
  20079. editor.render(id);
  20080. }
  20081. return editor;
  20082. };
  20083. UE.delEditor = function (id) {
  20084. var editor;
  20085. if (editor = instances[id]) {
  20086. editor.key && editor.destroy();
  20087. delete instances[id]
  20088. }
  20089. }
  20090. })();
  20091. ///import core
  20092. ///import uicore
  20093. ///commands 表情
  20094. (function(){
  20095. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  20096. Popup = baidu.editor.ui.Popup,
  20097. SplitButton = baidu.editor.ui.SplitButton,
  20098. MultiMenuPop = baidu.editor.ui.MultiMenuPop = function(options){
  20099. this.initOptions(options);
  20100. this.initMultiMenu();
  20101. };
  20102. MultiMenuPop.prototype = {
  20103. initMultiMenu: function (){
  20104. var me = this;
  20105. this.popup = new Popup({
  20106. content: '',
  20107. editor : me.editor,
  20108. iframe_rendered: false,
  20109. onshow: function (){
  20110. if (!this.iframe_rendered) {
  20111. this.iframe_rendered = true;
  20112. this.getDom('content').innerHTML = '<iframe id="''_iframe" src="'+ me.iframeUrl +'" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
  20113. && (this.getDom().style.zIndex = * 1 + 1);
  20114. }
  20115. }
  20116. // canSideUp:false,
  20117. // canSideLeft:false
  20118. });
  20119. this.onbuttonclick = function(){
  20120. this.showPopup();
  20121. };
  20122. this.initSplitButton();
  20123. }
  20124. };
  20125. utils.inherits(MultiMenuPop, SplitButton);
  20126. })();
  20127. (function () {
  20128. var UI = baidu.editor.ui,
  20129. UIBase = UI.UIBase,
  20130. uiUtils = UI.uiUtils,
  20131. utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  20132. domUtils = baidu.editor.dom.domUtils;
  20133. var allMenus = [],//存储所有快捷菜单
  20134. timeID,
  20135. isSubMenuShow = false;//是否有子pop显示
  20136. var ShortCutMenu = UI.ShortCutMenu = function (options) {
  20137. this.initOptions (options);
  20138. this.initShortCutMenu ();
  20139. };
  20140. ShortCutMenu.postHide = hideAllMenu;
  20141. ShortCutMenu.prototype = {
  20142. isHidden : true ,
  20143. SPACE : 5 ,
  20144. initShortCutMenu : function () {
  20145. this.items = this.items || [];
  20146. this.initUIBase ();
  20147. this.initItems ();
  20148. this.initEvent ();
  20149. allMenus.push (this);
  20150. } ,
  20151. initEvent : function () {
  20152. var me = this,
  20153. doc = me.editor.document;
  20154. domUtils.on (doc , "mousemove" , function (e) {
  20155. if (me.isHidden === false) {
  20156. //有pop显示就不隐藏快捷菜单
  20157. if (me.getSubMenuMark () || me.eventType == "contextmenu") return;
  20158. var flag = true,
  20159. el = me.getDom (),
  20160. wt = el.offsetWidth,
  20161. ht = el.offsetHeight,
  20162. distanceX = wt / 2 + me.SPACE,//距离中心X标准
  20163. distanceY = ht / 2,//距离中心Y标准
  20164. x = Math.abs (e.screenX - me.left),//离中心距离横坐标
  20165. y = Math.abs (e.screenY -;//离中心距离纵坐标
  20166. clearTimeout (timeID);
  20167. timeID = setTimeout (function () {
  20168. if (y > 0 && y < distanceY) {
  20169. me.setOpacity (el , "1");
  20170. } else if (y > distanceY && y < distanceY + 70) {
  20171. me.setOpacity (el , "0.5");
  20172. flag = false;
  20173. } else if (y > distanceY + 70 && y < distanceY + 140) {
  20174. me.hide ();
  20175. }
  20176. if (flag && x > 0 && x < distanceX) {
  20177. me.setOpacity (el , "1")
  20178. } else if (x > distanceX && x < distanceX + 70) {
  20179. me.setOpacity (el , "0.5")
  20180. } else if (x > distanceX + 70 && x < distanceX + 140) {
  20181. me.hide ();
  20182. }
  20183. });
  20184. }
  20185. });
  20186. //ie\ff下 mouseout不准
  20187. if ( {
  20188. domUtils.on (doc , "mouseout" , function (e) {
  20189. var relatedTgt = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
  20190. if (relatedTgt == null || relatedTgt.tagName == "HTML") {
  20191. me.hide ();
  20192. }
  20193. });
  20194. }
  20195. me.editor.addListener ("afterhidepop" , function () {
  20196. if (!me.isHidden) {
  20197. isSubMenuShow = true;
  20198. }
  20199. });
  20200. } ,
  20201. initItems : function () {
  20202. if (utils.isArray (this.items)) {
  20203. for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length ; i < len ; i++) {
  20204. var item = this.items[i].toLowerCase ();
  20205. if (UI[item]) {
  20206. this.items[i] = new UI[item] (this.editor);
  20207. this.items[i].className += " edui-shortcutsubmenu ";
  20208. }
  20209. }
  20210. }
  20211. } ,
  20212. setOpacity : function (el , value) {
  20213. if ( && browser.version < 9) {
  20214. = "alpha(opacity = " + parseFloat (value) * 100 + ");"
  20215. } else {
  20216. = value;
  20217. }
  20218. } ,
  20219. getSubMenuMark : function () {
  20220. isSubMenuShow = false;
  20221. var layerEle = uiUtils.getFixedLayer ();
  20222. var list = domUtils.getElementsByTagName (layerEle , "div" , function (node) {
  20223. return domUtils.hasClass (node , "edui-shortcutsubmenu edui-popup")
  20224. });
  20225. for (var i = 0, node ; node = list[i++] ;) {
  20226. if ( != "none") {
  20227. isSubMenuShow = true;
  20228. }
  20229. }
  20230. return isSubMenuShow;
  20231. } ,
  20232. show : function (e , hasContextmenu) {
  20233. var me = this,
  20234. offset = {},
  20235. el = this.getDom (),
  20236. fixedlayer = uiUtils.getFixedLayer ();
  20237. function setPos (offset) {
  20238. if (offset.left < 0) {
  20239. offset.left = 0;
  20240. }
  20241. if ( < 0) {
  20242. = 0;
  20243. }
  20244. = "position:absolute;left:" + offset.left + "px;top:" + + "px;";
  20245. }
  20246. function setPosByCxtMenu (menu) {
  20247. if (!menu.tagName) {
  20248. menu = menu.getDom ();
  20249. }
  20250. offset.left = parseInt (;
  20251. = parseInt (;
  20252. -= el.offsetHeight + 15;
  20253. setPos (offset);
  20254. }
  20255. me.eventType = e.type;
  20256. = "display:block;left:-9999px";
  20257. if (e.type == "contextmenu" && hasContextmenu) {
  20258. var menu = domUtils.getElementsByTagName (fixedlayer , "div" , "edui-contextmenu")[0];
  20259. if (menu) {
  20260. setPosByCxtMenu (menu)
  20261. } else {
  20262. me.editor.addListener ("aftershowcontextmenu" , function (type , menu) {
  20263. setPosByCxtMenu (menu);
  20264. });
  20265. }
  20266. } else {
  20267. offset = uiUtils.getViewportOffsetByEvent (e);
  20268. -= el.offsetHeight + me.SPACE;
  20269. offset.left += me.SPACE + 20;
  20270. setPos (offset);
  20271. me.setOpacity (el , 0.2);
  20272. }
  20273. me.isHidden = false;
  20274. me.left = e.screenX + el.offsetWidth / 2 - me.SPACE;
  20275. = e.screenY - (el.offsetHeight / 2) - me.SPACE;
  20276. if (me.editor) {
  20277. = * 1 + 10;
  20278. = - 1;
  20279. }
  20280. } ,
  20281. hide : function () {
  20282. if (this.getDom ()) {
  20283. this.getDom ().style.display = "none";
  20284. }
  20285. this.isHidden = true;
  20286. } ,
  20287. postRender : function () {
  20288. if (utils.isArray (this.items)) {
  20289. for (var i = 0, item ; item = this.items[i++] ;) {
  20290. item.postRender ();
  20291. }
  20292. }
  20293. } ,
  20294. getHtmlTpl : function () {
  20295. var buff;
  20296. if (utils.isArray (this.items)) {
  20297. buff = [];
  20298. for (var i = 0 ; i < this.items.length ; i++) {
  20299. buff[i] = this.items[i].renderHtml ();
  20300. }
  20301. buff = buff.join ("");
  20302. } else {
  20303. buff = this.items;
  20304. }
  20305. return '<div id="##" class="%% edui-toolbar" data-src="shortcutmenu" onmousedown="return false;" onselectstart="return false;" >' +
  20306. buff +
  20307. '</div>';
  20308. }
  20309. };
  20310. utils.inherits (ShortCutMenu , UIBase);
  20311. function hideAllMenu (e) {
  20312. var tgt = || e.srcElement,
  20313. cur = domUtils.findParent (tgt , function (node) {
  20314. return domUtils.hasClass (node , "edui-shortcutmenu") || domUtils.hasClass (node , "edui-popup");
  20315. } , true);
  20316. if (!cur) {
  20317. for (var i = 0, menu ; menu = allMenus[i++] ;) {
  20318. menu.hide ()
  20319. }
  20320. }
  20321. }
  20322. domUtils.on (document , 'mousedown' , function (e) {
  20323. hideAllMenu (e);
  20324. });
  20325. domUtils.on (window , 'scroll' , function (e) {
  20326. hideAllMenu (e);
  20327. });
  20328. }) ();
  20329. (function (){
  20330. var utils = baidu.editor.utils,
  20331. UIBase = baidu.editor.ui.UIBase,
  20332. Breakline = baidu.editor.ui.Breakline = function (options){
  20333. this.initOptions(options);
  20334. this.initSeparator();
  20335. };
  20336. Breakline.prototype = {
  20337. uiName: 'Breakline',
  20338. initSeparator: function (){
  20339. this.initUIBase();
  20340. },
  20341. getHtmlTpl: function (){
  20342. return '<br/>';
  20343. }
  20344. };
  20345. utils.inherits(Breakline, UIBase);
  20346. })();
  20347. })()