fc523da6518e5ca5eb821e5f270a8f029e083929.svn-base 4.4 KB

  1. #$Rev: 194 $
  2. [Updates - add some ability to insert and create nodes.]
  3. [1: add ability to search the "noise" array]
  4. [PHP Simple HTML Dom version 1.5 released.]
  5. 1: Memory leak fixed!
  6. 2: Added support for detecting the source html character set. This is used to convert characters when plaintext is requested.
  7. 3: Other little fixes and features, too numerous to categorize.
  8. [On going]
  9. 1. Error of "file_get_contents()" will be thrown as an exception.
  10. 2. Add flag: LOCK_EX while calling "file_put_contents()".
  11. 3. Fix the typo of "token_blank_t".
  12. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v1.11 is released]
  13. 1. Supports xpath generated from Firebug.
  14. 2. New method "dump" of "simple_html_dom_node".
  15. 3. New attribute "xmltext" of "simple_html_dom_node".
  16. 4. remove preg_quote on selector match function: [attribute*=value];
  17. 5. Element "Comment" will treat as children.
  18. 6. Fixed the problem with <pre>.
  19. 7. Fixed bug #2207477 (does not load some pages properly).
  20. 8. Fixed bug #2315853 (Error with character after < sign).
  21. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v1.10 is released]
  22. 1. Negative indexes supports of "find" method, thanks for Vadim Voituk.
  23. 2. Constructor with automatically load contents either text or file/url, thanks for Antcs.
  24. 3. Fully supports wildcard in selectors.
  25. 4. Fixed bug of confusing by the < symbol inside the text.
  26. 5. Fixed bug of dash in selectors.
  27. 6. Fixed bug of <nobr>.
  28. 7. Fixed bug #2155883 (Nested List Parses Incorrectly).
  29. 8. Fixed bug #2155113 (error with unclosed html tags).
  30. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v1.00 is released]
  31. 1. New method "getAllAttributes" of "simple_html_dom_node".
  32. 2. Fix the bug of selector in some critical conditions.
  33. 3. Fix the bug of striping php tags.
  34. 4. Fix the bug of remove_noise().
  35. 5. Fix the bug of noise in attributes.
  36. 6. Supports full javascript string in selector: $e->find("a[onclick=alert('hello')]").
  37. 7. Change selector "*=" to case-insentive.
  38. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.99 is released]
  39. 1. Performance turning (boost 10%).
  40. 2. Memory requirement reduce 25%.
  41. 3. Change function name from "file_get_dom()" to "file_get_html()".
  42. 4. Change function name from "str_get_dom()" to "str_get_html()".
  43. 5. Fixed bug #2011286 (Error with unclosed html tags).
  44. 6. Fixed bug #2012551 (Error parsing divs).
  45. 7. Fixed bug #2020924 (Error for missed tag.).
  46. 8. Fixed bug (problem with <body> tag's innertext).
  47. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.98 is released]
  48. 1. Performance turning (boost 20%).
  49. 2. Supports "multiple class" selector feature: <div class="a b c"></div>.
  50. 3. New "callback function" feature.
  51. 4. New "multiple selectors" feature: $dom->find('p,a,b');
  52. 5. New examples.
  53. 6. Supports extract contents from HTML features: $dom->plaintext;
  54. 7. Fix the bug of $dom->clear().
  55. 8. Fix the bug of text nodes' innertext.
  56. 9. Fix the bug of comment nodes' innertext.
  57. 10. Fix the bug of decendent selector with optional tags.
  58. 11. Change simple_html_dom_node method name from "text()" to "makeup()".
  59. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.97 is released]
  60. 1. Important!! file and class name changed (html_dom_parser->simple_html_dom)!
  61. 2. Important!! ($dom->save_file) will not support anymore.
  62. 3. New node type "comment" (eg. $dom->find('comment')).
  63. 4. Add self-closing tags: 'base', 'spacer'.
  64. 5. Fix the bug of outertext (th).
  65. 6. Fix the bug of regular expression escaping chars ($dom->find).
  66. 7. Fix the bug while line-breaker and "\t" in tags.
  67. 8. Remove example "example_customize_parser.php".
  68. 9. New example "simple_html_dom_utility.php".
  69. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.96 is released]
  70. 1. (Request #1936000) New DOM operations(first_child, last_child, next_sibling, previous_sibling).
  71. 2. New method to remove attribute.
  72. 3. Add the solution while server behind proxy in FAQ (Thanks to Yousuke Shaggy).
  73. 4. Add traverse section in manual.
  74. 5. Now file_get_dom supports full file_get_contents parameters.
  75. 6. Fix the bug of self-closing tags in the end of file.
  76. 7. Fix the bug of blanks in the end of tag.
  77. 8. Add Reference section in manual.
  78. #. Fix some typo of testcase.
  79. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.95 is released]
  80. 1. New attribute filters (Thanks to Yousuke Kumakura).
  81. 2. Fix the bug of optional-closing tags.
  82. 3. Fix the bug of parsing the line break next to the tag's name.
  83. 4. Supports tag name with namespace.
  84. #. Refine structure of testcase.
  85. [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser v0.94 is released]
  86. 1. Stop infinity loop while tthe source content is BAD HTML.
  87. 2. Fix the bug of adding new attributes to self closing tags.
  88. 3. Fix the bug of customize parser without $dom->remove_noise();
  89. 4. Add FAQ section in manual.