#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ demeter web name:application.py author:rabin """ from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import gevent import functools import os import json from demeter.core import * import tornado.web import tornado.web import tornado.ioloop import tornado.httpserver import tornado.httpclient import tornado.concurrent class Base(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def initialize(self): try: Demeter.request = self self.assign() self.page() self.cookie() self.setting() except Exception, e: return def get_current_user(self): return self.get_secure_cookie(self.KEYS[0]) def assign(self): self.data = {} self.data['setting'] = Demeter.config['setting'] self.data['base'] = Demeter.config['base'] def cookie(self): for key in self.KEYS: cookie = None """ if key in self.data['base']: cookie = self.data['base'][key] """ if not cookie: cookie = self.get_secure_cookie(key) #cookie = self.get_cookie(key) if not cookie: value = self.input(key) if value: #self.set_secure_cookie(key, value) self.data['setting'][key] = value else: self.data['setting'][key] = 0 else: self.data['setting'][key] = cookie def page(self): Demeter.config['page'] = {} page = self.input('page') if page: Demeter.config['page']['ajax'] = True else: Demeter.config['page']['ajax'] = False page = 1 Demeter.config['page']['current'] = page Demeter.config['page']['total'] = 0 self.data['page'] = Demeter.config['page'] def search(self): data = self.request.arguments self.data['search'] = {} self.data['update'] = {} for key in data: if 'search_' in key: index = key.replace('search_', '') self.data['search'][index] = ",".join(data[key]) if 'update_' in key: index = key.replace('update_', '') self.data['update'][index] = ",".join(data[key]) def input(self, key, value=None): return self.get_argument(key, value) def inputs(self, key): return self.get_arguments(key) def service(self, name): return Demeter.service(name) def model(self, name): return Demeter.model(name) def common(self, **kwd): self.data['common'] = kwd self.data['common']['argvs'] = '' if self.data['setting']['farm'] > 0: farm = str(self.data['setting']['farm']) self.data['common']['argvs'] = '&farm=' + farm + '&search_farm_id-select-=' + farm def commonView(self, name): self.view('common/'+name+'.html') def commonList(self, model, order = 'cdate desc'): self.data['state'] = self.input('state', True) self.data['list'] = self.service('common').list(model, state=self.data['state'], search=self.data['search'], page=True, order=order) def commonOne(self, model, **kwd): id = self.input('id') self.data['info'] = {} if id: kwd['id'] = id if kwd: self.data['info'] = self.service('common').one(model, **kwd) if not self.data['info'] and self.data['setting']['farm'] > 0: self.data['info']['farm_id'] = self.data['setting']['farm'] def commonUpdate(self, model, msg='', id=0, **kwd): if not self.data['auth']: self.auth() else: if id <= 0: id = self.input('id') if kwd: info = self.service('common').one(model, **kwd) if info and (id != info['id']): self.out(msg) return state = self.service('common').update(model, id, self.data['update']) self.log(model, 'update', self.data['update']) self.out('yes', {'id':state}) return state def commonDelete(self, model): if not self.data['auth']: self.auth() else: id = self.input('id') state = self.input('state', False) state = self.service('common').delete(model, id, state) self.log(model, 'delete', {id:id, state:state}) self.out('yes', {'state':state}) def log(self, model, method, data): if 'admin' in self.data['setting'] and self.data['setting']['admin'] > 0: insert = {} insert['admin_id'] = self.data['setting']['admin'] insert['model'] = model insert['method'] = method insert['data'] = json.dumps(data) self.service('common').update('manage_log', None, insert) def view(self, name): if not self.data['auth']: self.auth() else: config = Demeter.config[Demeter.web] path = '' if 'mobile' in config: mobile = Demeter.checkMobile(self.request) if mobile: path = 'mobile/' else: path = 'pc/' self.render(path + name, data=self.data, Demeter=Demeter) def auth(self): self.out('您没有权限') def out(self, msg='', data={}, code=0): if data: if 'page' in data and data['page']['total'] <= 0: del data['page'] if 'update' in data and not data['update']: del data['update'] if 'search' in data and not data['search']: del data['search'] callback = self.input('callback') function = self.input('function') result = '' send = {} send['status'] = 1 send['msg'] = msg send['data'] = data send['code'] = code if not send['data']: send['status'] = 2 result = json.dumps(send) if callback: result = callback + '(' + result + ')' elif function: result = ''; self.write(result) self.finish() class Web(object): @classmethod def auth(self, method): return tornado.web.authenticated(method) @classmethod def setting(self, method): return self.async(method) @staticmethod def async(method): @tornado.web.asynchronous @tornado.gen.coroutine @functools.wraps(method) def callback(self, *args, **kwargs): #self._auto_finish = False try: result = method(self, *args, **kwargs) return result except Exception, e: return self.out('404') return self.view('404.html') #return gevent.spawn(method, self, *args, **kwargs) return callback @staticmethod def file(path): files = os.listdir(path) result = [] for key in files: if '.DS_Store' not in key and '__' not in key and 'pyc' not in key: key = key.replace('.py', '') result.append(key) return result @staticmethod def url(module, key, url): str = dir(module) for i in str: act = '' if '_path' in i: act = i.replace('_path', '') if '_html' in i: act = i.replace('_html', '.html') if act: attr = getattr(module, i) if key == 'main' and act == 'index': url.append((r'/', attr)) elif key == act or act == 'index': url.append((r'/'+key, attr)) url.append((r'/'+key+'/'+act, attr)) return url @staticmethod def start(url): config = Demeter.config[Demeter.web] cookie = False if 'xsrf_cookies' in config: cookie = Demeter.bool(config['xsrf_cookies']) settings = { "static_path": Demeter.webPath + 'static', "template_path": Demeter.webPath + 'templates', "cookie_secret": "61oETzKXQAGaYekL5gEmGeJJFuYh7EQnp2XdTP1o/Vo=", "login_url": "/user/login", "xsrf_cookies": cookie, "debug": Demeter.bool(config['debug']), #"autoreload": Demeter.bool(config['autoreload']), "port": config['port'], "max_buffer_size": int(config['max_buffer_size']), "process": int(config['process']) } handlers = [] def application_setting(): handlers.append((r"/upload/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": Demeter.path + 'runtime/upload/'})) handlers.append((r"/qrcode/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": Demeter.path + 'runtime/qrcode/'})) handlers.append((r"/camera/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": Demeter.path + 'runtime/camera/'})) handlers.append((r"/static/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path":"static"})) handlers.append((r"/(apple-touch-icon\.png)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, dict(path=settings['static_path']))) handlers.extend(url) application_setting() application = tornado.web.Application(handlers=handlers, **settings) if settings['debug'] == True: application.listen(settings['port']) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() else: server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application, settings['max_buffer_size']) server.bind(settings['port']) server.start(settings['process']) try: print 'running on port %s' % settings['port'] tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except KeyboardInterrupt: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()