-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.8.3 -- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ -- -- 主机: web-mysql -- 生成日期: 2022-09-16 10:14:20 -- 服务器版本: 10.1.32-MariaDB -- PHP 版本: 7.1.17 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- 数据库: `peasafe` -- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `peasafe` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; USE `peasafe`; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_main_config` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_main_config`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_main_config` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '平台ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '网站名称', `info` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '网站介绍', `desc` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '网站描述', `logo` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '网站LOGO', `phone` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '客服电话', `email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '联系邮箱', `address` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '联系地址', `facebook` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'FACEBOOK链接', `twitter` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'TWITTER链接', `linkedin` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'LINKEDIN链接', `instagram` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'INSTAGRAM链接', `foot` text COMMENT '底部信息', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_main_config` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_main_config` (`id`, `name`, `info`, `desc`, `logo`, `phone`, `email`, `address`, `facebook`, `twitter`, `linkedin`, `instagram`, `foot`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 'Peasafe', 'PeasafePeasafe', 'PeasafePeasafe', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/08/2494cd430843ef1b8bfcc912beea910b.png', '15810090811', 'recover-now@peasafe.com', '10130 Warner Ave, Unit C Fountain Valley, CA 92708', '#', '#', '#', '#', '©2021 PeaSafe. All rights reserved.', 1, 1662627771); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_main_contact` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_main_contact`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_main_contact` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'NAME', `email` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'EMAIL', `message` text COMMENT 'MESSAGE', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'STATUS', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'DATE' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_main_contact` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_main_contact` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `message`, `status`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '11', NULL, '321321', 0, 1, 1663321170), (2, '11', NULL, '321321', 0, 1, 1663321886), (3, '1233', '3213@qq.com', '321', 0, 1, 1663321958); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_main_menu` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_main_menu`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_main_menu` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单名称', `link` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单链接', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序-数值越大越靠前,相当于置顶', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_main_menu` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_main_menu` (`id`, `name`, `link`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 'Home', 'home?page=home', 100, 1, 1662686402), (2, 'Our Technology', 'home?page=technology', 99, 1, 1662686443), (3, 'Our Readiness', 'home?page=readiness', 98, 1, 1662687727), (4, 'Our Market', 'home?page=market\r\n', 97, 1, 1662687765), (5, 'Our Services', 'home?page=service\r\n', 96, 1, 1662687789), (6, 'Contact Us', 'home?page=contact', 90, 1, 1662687843); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_admin` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_admin`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '管理员ID', `username` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '管理员名', `email` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '邮箱-可用于登录,请准确填写,不允许重复', `mobile` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '手机号', `password` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '管理员密码', `config` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '人性化配置', `company` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '选择公司', `role` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属角色', `group` varchar(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}' COMMENT '部门', `top` text COMMENT '头部菜单-这里的头部菜单如果设置,则会覆盖角色中的头部菜单', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '数据状态', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_admin` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_admin` (`id`, `username`, `email`, `mobile`, `password`, `config`, `company`, `role`, `group`, `top`, `state`, `status`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '2934170@qq.com', '2934170@qq.com', NULL, '8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf0c3f5d5a86aff3ca12020c923adc6c92', 1, '1', '1', '1', NULL, 1, 1, 1662543889); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_admin_group` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_admin_group`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin_group` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `admin_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '管理员ID', `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '部门ID', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_admin_group` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_admin_group` (`id`, `admin_id`, `group_id`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1662543889); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_admin_role` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_admin_role`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin_role` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `admin_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '管理员ID', `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '角色ID', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_admin_role` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_admin_role` (`id`, `admin_id`, `role_id`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1662543889); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_api` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_api`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_api` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '接口名称', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '接口类型', `project` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属项目', `site` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '接口地址', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '数据状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_auth` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_auth`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_auth` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `project` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目KEY', `project_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目名', `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限名', `auth_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '上级权限', `key` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限KEY', `value` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '对应的值', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_company` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_company`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_company` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '公司名称', `is_project` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '项目可用状态', `project` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '可用项目', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_company` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_company` (`id`, `name`, `is_project`, `project`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '默认公司', 1, NULL, 1, 1662543891); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_config` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_config`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_config` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '配置ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '配置名', `template` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '后台模板', `title` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '后台TITLE', `info` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '控制台欢迎标题', `content` text COMMENT '控制台欢迎内容', `help_title` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '帮助标题', `help_info` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '帮助介绍', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_config` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_config` (`id`, `name`, `template`, `title`, `info`, `content`, `help_title`, `help_info`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '默认配置', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1662543883); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_cron` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_cron`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_cron` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务名', `project` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目', `interface` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '接口(命令行)', `ldate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '执行时间', `time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '时间间隔(为0则执行一次)', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_group` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_group`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_group` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '组ID', `company_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '选择公司', `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '部门名称', `area` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '区域', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_group` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_group` (`id`, `company_id`, `name`, `area`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 1, '默认部门', NULL, 1, 1, 1662543890); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_log` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_log`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_log` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `project` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目名', `table` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目下的表名', `menu_id` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单', `name` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作名', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '操作类型', `admin` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '操作人', `info` longtext COMMENT '操作记录', `tid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '来源表ID', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '操作时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_log` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_log` (`id`, `project`, `table`, `menu_id`, `name`, `type`, `admin`, `info`, `tid`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"页面名称\":{\"更新前\":\"默认页面\",\"更新后\":\"Our Technology\"},\"页面标识\":\"home\",\"是否菜单\":\"是\",\"页面描述\":{\"更新前\":\"默认页面\",\"更新后\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\"}}', 1, 1, 1662544172), (2, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"页面名称\":{\"更新前\":\"默认页面\",\"更新后\":\"Our Technology\"},\"页面标识\":\"home\",\"是否菜单\":\"是\",\"页面描述\":{\"更新前\":\"默认页面\",\"更新后\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\"}}', 1, 1, 1662544232), (3, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"页面名称\":\"Our Technology\",\"页面标识\":\"technology\",\"页面描述\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. 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PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n\",\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"4,2,1\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663033346), (30, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"所属模块\":\"Our Technology\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"11\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 2, 1, 1663033425), (31, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"3\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Readiness\",\"模块标识\":\"readiness\",\"模块描述\":\"The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. 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But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\n\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663149172), (48, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"模块ID\":\"4\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\r\\nCommunities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. 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From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663149182), (49, 'page', 'col', '1,14,16', '页面管理.字段设置', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"字段名称\":\"内容\",\"字段标识\":\"content\",\"字段描述\":\"内容\",\"类型\":{\"更新前\":\"长文本\",\"更新后\":\"编辑器\"},\"排序(数值越大越靠前)\":\"1\"}', 4, 1, 1663149197), (50, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"模块ID\":\"4\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":\"Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663149206), (51, 'page', 'col', '1,14,16', '页面管理.字段设置', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"字段名称\":\"内容\",\"字段标识\":\"content\",\"字段描述\":\"内容\",\"类型\":{\"更新前\":\"编辑器\",\"更新后\":\"长文本\"},\"排序(数值越大越靠前)\":\"1\"}', 4, 1, 1663149232), (52, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"模块ID\":\"4\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tCommunities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663149288), (53, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"模块ID\":\"2\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Technology\",\"模块标识\":\"tech\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAt PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663149309), (54, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"模块ID\":\"2\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Technology\",\"模块标识\":\"tech\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAt PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAt PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663149317), (55, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"service\",\"模块描述\":\"Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.<\\/span>
\\r\\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.<\\/span>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Home,Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 5, 1, 1663150685), (56, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"模块ID\":\"5\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"service\",\"模块描述\":\"Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.<\\/span>
\\r\\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.<\\/span>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 5, 1, 1663150692), (57, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"模块ID\":\"5\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"service\",\"模块描述\":\"Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.<\\/span>
\\r\\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.<\\/span>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"排序\":\"96\"}', 5, 1, 1663150701), (58, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"模块ID\":\"5\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"service\",\"模块描述\":\"Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.<\\/span>
\\r\\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.<\\/span>\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"10\",\"更新后\":\"4\"},\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"96\"}', 5, 1, 1663205910), (59, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"所属模块\":\"Our Services\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rent\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 8, 1, 1663205938), (60, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"所属模块\":\"Our Services\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Purchase\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 9, 1, 1663205949), (61, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"10\",\"所属模块\":\"Our Services\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Lease\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"7\"}', 10, 1, 1663205958), (62, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"11\",\"所属模块\":\"Our Services\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Subscribed\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"5\"}', 11, 1, 1663205969), (63, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"contact\",\"模块描述\":\"Are you Ready for a Better,more Productive Business?\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 6, 1, 1663208376), (64, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"模块ID\":\"6\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"contact\",\"模块描述\":\"Are you Ready for a Better,more Productive Business?\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":{\"更新前\":\"Home\",\"更新后\":\"Home,Our Technology\"},\"排序\":\"95\"}', 6, 1, 1663213600), (65, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"模块ID\":\"6\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"contact\",\"模块描述\":\"Are you Ready for a Better,more Productive Business?\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":{\"更新前\":\"Home\",\"更新后\":\"Home,Our Technology\"},\"排序\":\"95\"}', 6, 1, 1663220001), (66, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"模块ID\":\"5\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"service\",\"模块描述\":\"Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.<\\/span>
\\r\\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.<\\/span>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"4\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"96\"}', 5, 1, 1663220005), (67, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"模块ID\":\"4\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tCommunities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/div>\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tCommunities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663220009), (68, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"3\",\"模块ID\":\"3\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Readiness\",\"模块标识\":\"readiness\",\"模块描述\":\"The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. The modern civilization of infrastructures continues to improve reliability, capability, and interoperability, but always lacks immediate response when disasters occurred\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"98\"}', 3, 1, 1663220012), (69, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"模块ID\":\"2\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Technology\",\"模块标识\":\"tech\",\"模块描述\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAt PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663220015), (70, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"模块ID\":\"1\",\"模块标题\":\"Banner\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块描述\":\"Banner\",\"内容显示条数\":\"3\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"100\"}', 1, 1, 1663220196), (71, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"模块ID\":\"2\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Technology\",\"模块标识\":\"tech\",\"模块描述\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAt PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663220200), (72, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"3\",\"页面名称\":\"Contact Us\",\"页面标识\":\"contact\",\"页面描述\":\"11\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 3, 1, 1663221988), (73, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"模块ID\":\"6\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"contact\",\"模块描述\":\"Are you Ready for a Better,more Productive Business?\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":{\"更新前\":\"Home\",\"更新后\":\"Home,Contact Us\"},\"排序\":\"95\"}', 6, 1, 1663222048), (74, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 3, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"方式\":\"逻辑删除\"}', 1, 1, 1663228226), (75, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"模块ID\":\"1\",\"模块标题\":\"Banner\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块描述\":\"Banner\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"3\",\"更新后\":\"1\"},\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"100\"}', 1, 1, 1663228232), (76, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"模块ID\":\"1\",\"模块标题\":\"Banner\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块描述\":\"Banner\",\"是否显示内容\":{\"更新前\":\"显示\",\"更新后\":\"不显示\"},\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"100\"}', 1, 1, 1663228967), (77, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"模块ID\":\"1\",\"模块标题\":{\"更新前\":\"Banner\",\"更新后\":\"Recover from Disaster Now\"},\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"Banner\",\"更新后\":\"PeaSafe answers to unforeseen disastrous events to avoid unwanted halt of communication.\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"不显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"1\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"100\"}', 1, 1, 1663232443), (78, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"7\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Technology\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"模块描述\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide Disaster Recovery telecommunication services. PeaSafe proudly introduces the PeaRhinos. The PeaRhinos allow a vertical, rapid deployed tower that is easy to use, all self-contained and are not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes them attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 7, 1, 1663232612), (79, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 8, 1, 1663232815), (80, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663232872); INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_log` (`id`, `project`, `table`, `menu_id`, `name`, `type`, `admin`, `info`, `tid`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (81, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"10\",\"更新后\":\"2\"},\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233187), (82, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"模块ID\":\"4\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":\"

\\r\\n\\tCommunities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Home\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"4,2,1\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"97\"}', 4, 1, 1663233194), (83, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"12\",\"所属模块\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"1\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 12, 1, 1663233264), (84, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"13\",\"所属模块\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"2\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 13, 1, 1663233272), (85, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233294), (86, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\",\"更新后\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n



\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tR<\\/span>apid H<\\/span>igh-speed I<\\/span>ntelligent N<\\/span>etwork O<\\/span>peration<\\/span>\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n



\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tR<\\/span>apid H<\\/span>igh-speed I<\\/span>ntelligent N<\\/span>etwork O<\\/span>peration<\\/span>\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233365), (87, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\\"\\\"\",\"更新后\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n



\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tR<\\/span>apid H<\\/span>igh-speed I<\\/span>ntelligent N<\\/span>etwork O<\\/span>peration<\\/span>\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n



\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tR<\\/span>apid H<\\/span>igh-speed I<\\/span>ntelligent N<\\/span>etwork O<\\/span>peration<\\/span>\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t<\\/p>\\r\\n\\t\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n\\t<\\/div>\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233435), (88, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n


\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233499), (89, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\",\"更新后\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663233915), (90, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\"PeaRhino\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 9, 1, 1663235167), (91, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\"PeaRhino\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"10\",\"更新后\":\"4\"},\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663235222), (92, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"所属模块\":\"PeaRhino\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rapid\",\"图片\":\"1\",\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 14, 1, 1663235416), (93, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\"PeaRhino\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"4\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"4,2,1\",\"更新后\":\"链接\"},\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663235425), (94, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\"PeaRhino\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663235443), (95, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\"PeaRhino\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663235455), (96, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"17\",\"所属模块\":\"PeaRhino\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Network\",\"内容\":\"PeaRhino performs faster, smoother, and reliable networks. PeaRhino is suitable worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness, compatibility, security, versatility, and transportability of a telecommunication network.\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\"排序\":\"6\"}', 17, 1, 1663235466), (97, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":{\"更新前\":\"The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"更新后\":\"PeaSafe \"},\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\"\\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\",\"更新后\":\"\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\" \\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" src=\\\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\" \\r\\n<\\/p>\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663235771), (98, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":{\"更新前\":\"PeaRhino\",\"更新后\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\"},\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"4\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接\",\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663235828), (99, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"8\",\"模块ID\":\"8\",\"模块标题\":\"PeaSafe \",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t\\\"\\\" \\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAn unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites\\/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"2\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"图片\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"79\"}', 8, 1, 1663296883), (100, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\\\"\\\" \\\" src=\\\"\\\"\\\" \\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"4\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接\",\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663296888), (101, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Operation\",\"内容\":\"The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\\r\\nTransportable\\r\\nVersatility\\r\\nContingency Application\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 18, 1, 1663297035), (102, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\\\"\\\" \\\" src=\\\"\\\"\\\" \\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\",\"更新后\":\"\\\"\\\"\\\" src=\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"4\",\"更新后\":\"5\"},\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接\",\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663297058), (103, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Operation\",\"内容\":{\"更新前\":\"The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\\r\\nTransportable\\r\\nVersatility\\r\\nContingency Application\",\"更新后\":\"The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\\r\\n
Contingency Application\"},\"排序\":\"5\"}', 18, 1, 1663297080), (104, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"9\",\"模块ID\":\"9\",\"模块标题\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"模块描述\":\"\\\"\\\"\\\" src=\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\" width=\\\"150\\\">\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"5\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"4,1\",\"更新后\":\"链接,图片\"},\"排序\":\"78\"}', 9, 1, 1663297315), (105, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rapid\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 14, 1, 1663297353), (106, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663297362); INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_log` (`id`, `project`, `table`, `menu_id`, `name`, `type`, `admin`, `info`, `tid`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (107, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663297371), (108, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rapid\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 14, 1, 1663297757), (109, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663297796), (110, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663297826), (111, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663297898), (112, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663298078), (113, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663298093), (114, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rapid\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 14, 1, 1663298165), (115, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Hi-speed\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 15, 1, 1663298366), (116, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663298445), (117, 'page', 'col', '1,14,16', '页面管理.字段设置', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"字段名称\":\"图片\",\"字段标识\":\"pic\",\"字段描述\":\"图片\",\"类型\":\"单张图片\",\"是否必填\":{\"更新前\":\"必填\",\"更新后\":\"选填\"},\"排序(数值越大越靠前)\":\"1\"}', 2, 1, 1663299387), (118, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Rapid\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 14, 1, 1663299699), (119, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Intelligent\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 16, 1, 1663299704), (120, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"10\",\"模块标题\":\"Operation\",\"模块标识\":\"careers\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 10, 1, 1663299896), (121, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"10\",\"模块ID\":\"10\",\"模块标题\":\"Operation\",\"模块标识\":\"careers\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接\",\"排序\":\"77\"}', 10, 1, 1663299916), (122, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"10\",\"模块ID\":\"10\",\"模块标题\":\"Operation\",\"模块标识\":\"careers\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"PeaRhino operations are:\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Technology\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接\",\"排序\":\"77\"}', 10, 1, 1663299944), (123, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"19\",\"所属模块\":\"Operation\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Transportable\",\"内容\":\"A Contingency Plan is not only necessary to police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA, it is crucial to protect and maintain communication during any major disaster. PeaSafe is the cost-saving and safe solution to subscribers. This option can cut costs and yield worry-free maintenance of the system. The subscribers have a piece of mind that we can deploy and re-connect their data and communication when the situation arises.\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 19, 1, 1663299956), (124, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"20\",\"所属模块\":\"Operation\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Versatility\",\"内容\":\"PeaRhino is versatile and can fill the gap of under-served areas in need of bandwidth solutions. PeaRhino provides rapid deployment of cellular and Wifi communication to lesser developed regions at an affordable solution. These communities all over the world don’t have to rely on years of development of today’s technology. Their schools, townships, police, fire, and hospital need cellular\\/Wifi today, not a decade from now. Furthermore, PeaRhino is attractive worldwide because of its compatibility with 3G, 4G, 4G LTE and upgrade-ready for beyond.\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 20, 1, 1663299968), (125, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"21\",\"所属模块\":\"Operation\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Contingency Plan\",\"内容\":\"A Contingency Plan is not only necessary to police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA, it is crucial to protect and maintain communication during any major disaster. PeaRhino is available to support subscribers. This option can cut costs and yield worry-free maintenance of the system. The subscribers have a piece of mind that we can deploy and re-connect their data and communication when the situation arises.\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\"排序\":\"8\"}', 21, 1, 1663299983), (126, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"所属模块\":\" The PeaRhino Introduction\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Operation\",\"内容\":{\"更新前\":\"The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\\r\\n
Contingency Application\",\"更新后\":\"The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\\r\\n
3、Contingency Application\"},\"排序\":\"5\"}', 18, 1, 1663300497), (127, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"2\",\"页面名称\":\"Our Technology\",\"页面标识\":\"technology\",\"页面描述\":{\"更新前\":\"At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\\r\\n\",\"更新后\":\"Our Technology\"},\"排序\":\"99\"}', 2, 1, 1663300671), (128, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"4\",\"页面名称\":\"Our Readiness\",\"页面标识\":\"readiness\",\"页面描述\":\"Our Readiness\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 4, 1, 1663300694), (129, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"11\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Readiness\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块描述\":\"The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. The modern civilization of infrastructures continues to improve reliability, capability, and interoperability, but always lacks immediate response when disasters occurred. Mother nature spares no man-made infrastructures. A sudden total breakdown of telecommunication can result in the loss of lives. How to minimize damages and quickly recover from the disastrous event is always a daunting challenge.\\r\\nThrough many studies over many decades have proven that modern civilization is still lacking a solution to respond rapidly when disasters strike. At PeaSafe, we fill the gap and always ready to support our front-line workers, police, fire, EMS, hospital, news network, and our community.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 11, 1, 1663300726), (130, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"11\",\"模块ID\":\"11\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Readiness\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"模块描述\":\"The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. The modern civilization of infrastructures continues to improve reliability, capability, and interoperability, but always lacks immediate response when disasters occurred. Mother nature spares no man-made infrastructures. A sudden total breakdown of telecommunication can result in the loss of lives. How to minimize damages and quickly recover from the disastrous event is always a daunting challenge.\\r\\nThrough many studies over many decades have proven that modern civilization is still lacking a solution to respond rapidly when disasters strike. At PeaSafe, we fill the gap and always ready to support our front-line workers, police, fire, EMS, hospital, news network, and our community.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"排序\":\"70\"}', 11, 1, 1663300793), (131, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"12\",\"模块标题\":\"Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail\",\"模块标识\":\"news\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 12, 1, 1663311492), (132, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"12\",\"模块ID\":\"12\",\"模块标题\":\"Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail\",\"模块标识\":\"news\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"内容,链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"69\"}', 12, 1, 1663311698), (133, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"22\",\"所属模块\":\"Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Congestion Overload\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 22, 1, 1663311727), (134, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"23\",\"所属模块\":\"Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Disruption of Infrastructure\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 23, 1, 1663311762), (135, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"24\",\"所属模块\":\"Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Physical Destruction\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 24, 1, 1663311779), (136, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"13\",\"模块标题\":\"Info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"排序\":\"68\"}', 13, 1, 1663313137), (137, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"13\",\"模块ID\":\"13\",\"模块标题\":\"Info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":{\"更新前\":\"10\",\"更新后\":\"3\"},\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"链接,图片\",\"排序\":\"68\"}', 13, 1, 1663313148), (138, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"25\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Congestion Overload\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"During all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and\\/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones.\\r\\n\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is compact, transportable, ready for rapid deployment to resolve network congestion overload.\",\"排序\":\"10\"}', 25, 1, 1663313171), (139, 'page', 'col', '1,14,16', '页面管理.字段设置', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"字段名称\":\"编辑器内容\",\"字段标识\":\"editor\",\"字段描述\":\"编辑器内容\",\"类型\":\"编辑器\",\"是否必填\":\"必填\",\"排序(数值越大越靠前)\":\"1\"}', 5, 1, 1663313202), (140, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"13\",\"模块ID\":\"13\",\"模块标题\":\"Info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"3\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Readiness\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"标题\",\"更新后\":\"内容,链接\"},\"排序\":\"68\"}', 13, 1, 1663313215), (141, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"25\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Congestion Overload\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"During all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and\\/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones.\\r\\n\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is compact, transportable, ready for rapid deployment to resolve network congestion overload.\",\"编辑器内容\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tDuring all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and\\/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is compact, transportable, ready for rapid deployment to resolve network congestion overload.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"排序\":\"10\"}', 25, 1, 1663313253), (142, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"26\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Disruption of Infrastructure\",\"图片\":\"\",\"编辑器内容\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAll telecommunication networks always rely on local and regional technical systems to maintain functional operation. Once the local and regional systems fail during a disastrous event, telecommunication networks would equally suffer. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tBesides electrical surge or loss, many telecommunication equipment can easily be out of commission due to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods. Waiting for the clean-up and installation of new equipment is lengthy and unpredictable. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery provides PeaRhino to establish communication and data. PeaRhino is ready to deploy and commission within hours. Its mobility is the advantage to recover communication lost right in the center of ground-zero.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 26, 1, 1663313333), (143, 'page', 'col', '1,14,16', '页面管理.字段设置', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"字段名称\":{\"更新前\":\"编辑器内容\",\"更新后\":\"内容\"},\"字段标识\":\"editor\",\"字段描述\":\"编辑器内容\",\"类型\":\"编辑器\",\"是否必填\":\"必填\",\"排序(数值越大越靠前)\":\"1\"}', 5, 1, 1663313647), (144, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"27\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Physical Destruction\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"

\\r\\n\\tAmong other disruptions, physical destruction inflicts the most harm to the telecommunication network. Major funding equals a time-consuming process to rebuild. Hence, the physical destruction is always the most severe of all accounted disastrous events. The collapse of towers, buildings, bridges, severe cables takes months or years to recoup. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is versatile and reliable to play a temporary replacement role of the destroyed network(s). Because of its mobility, the PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino can be relocated as needed to meet the immediate demand within the disastrous area.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 27, 1, 1663314271), (145, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"页面名称\":\"Our Markets\",\"页面标识\":\"market\",\"页面描述\":\"Our Markets\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 5, 1, 1663315840), (146, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"14\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Markets\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"模块描述\":\"Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"排序\":\"60\"}', 14, 1, 1663315927), (147, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"模块描述\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663315971), (148, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663315988), (149, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"内容,链接\",\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663316006), (150, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"28\",\"所属模块\":\"info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 28, 1, 1663316069), (151, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"info\",\"模块标识\":{\"更新前\":\"info\",\"更新后\":\"market\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"内容,链接\",\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663316148), (152, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"29\",\"所属模块\":\"info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"1\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 29, 1, 1663316186), (153, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"info\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"5,2,1\",\"更新后\":\"内容,链接\"},\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663316195), (154, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":{\"更新前\":\"info\",\"更新后\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery\"},\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"链接\",\"更新后\":\"内容,链接\"},\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663316206), (155, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"15\",\"模块ID\":\"15\",\"模块标题\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\\r\\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Markets\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":{\"更新前\":\"链接\",\"更新后\":\"内容,链接\"},\"排序\":\"59\"}', 15, 1, 1663316225), (156, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"28\",\"所属模块\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":{\"更新前\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery\",\"更新后\":\"2\"},\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and\\/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 28, 1, 1663316238), (157, 'page', 'page', '1,14,16', '页面管理.页面列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"页面名称\":\"Our Services\",\"页面标识\":\"service\",\"页面描述\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 6, 1, 1663316263), (158, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"50\"}', 16, 1, 1663316311), (159, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"模块ID\":\"16\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"PeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery. Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances. PeaSafe is on stand-by and ready to launch into action.\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"50\"}', 16, 1, 1663316345), (160, 'main', 'menu', '1,17,26', '基础设置.网站菜单管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"5\",\"菜单名称\":\"Our Services\",\"菜单链接\":{\"更新前\":\"home?page=services\\r\\n\",\"更新后\":\"home?page=service\\r\\n\"}}', 5, 1, 1663316369), (161, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"16\",\"模块ID\":\"16\",\"模块标题\":\"Our Services\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"模块描述\":\"PeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery. Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances. PeaSafe is on stand-by and ready to launch into action.\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"50\"}', 16, 1, 1663316407), (162, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"17\",\"模块标题\":\"Info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 17, 1, 1663316444), (163, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"17\",\"模块ID\":\"17\",\"模块标题\":\"Info\",\"模块标识\":\"info\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"内容,链接\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 17, 1, 1663316461), (164, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"30\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Renting the PeaRhino system\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"

\\r\\n\\tPeaSafe provides communication and data services of 4G or 5G network to rapidly recover network disruption, network loss, or network replacement during a disastrous event. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tWith the PeaRhino system, our PeaSafe team is always ready to transport, deploy, and commission 4G or 5G network to the heart of ground zero along with our frontliners at the moment noticed.\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 30, 1, 1663316507), (165, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"31\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Purchasing the PeaRhino system\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"The PeaRhino system availability in two networks of 4G or 5G\\r\\nPlease contact our PeaSafe team for more detailed information.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 31, 1, 1663316540), (166, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino system can be:\",\"模块标识\":\"service_list\",\"模块描述\":\"

\\r\\n\\t1、Rent \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t2、Purchase \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t3、Lease \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t4、Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 18, 1, 1663316685), (167, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"模块ID\":\"18\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino system can be:\",\"模块标识\":{\"更新前\":\"service_list\",\"更新后\":\"market\"},\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"

\\r\\n\\t1、Rent \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t2、Purchase \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t3、Lease \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t4、Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"




\\r\\n\\t4、Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 18, 1, 1663316705), (168, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"模块ID\":\"18\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino system can be:\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"




\\r\\n\\t4、Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"更新后\":\"




\\r\\n\\t4.Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 18, 1, 1663316748), (169, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"32\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"2\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 32, 1, 1663316880), (170, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"18\",\"模块ID\":\"18\",\"模块标题\":\"The PeaRhino system can be:\",\"模块标识\":\"market\",\"模块描述\":\"




\\r\\n\\t4.Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Our Services\",\"内容功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"内容启用的字段\":\"内容,链接\",\"排序\":\"49\"}', 18, 1, 1663316910), (171, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"33\",\"所属模块\":\"The PeaRhino system can be:\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"1\",\"图片\":\"\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 33, 1, 1663316919), (172, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"31\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Purchasing the PeaRhino system\",\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":\"The PeaRhino system availability in two networks of 4G or 5G\\r\\nPlease contact our PeaSafe team for more detailed information.\",\"排序\":\"9\"}', 31, 1, 1663316950), (173, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"32\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":{\"更新前\":\"2\",\"更新后\":\"Leasing the PeaRhino system\"},\"图片\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"\"},\"内容\":{\"更新前\":\"\",\"更新后\":\"

\\r\\n\\tBuilding towers can be costly and time-consuming. PeaSafe offers a leasing program of the PeaRhino system for long-term or short-term with optional full maintenance services to resolve network disruption during construction. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t The PeaRhino system is also the perfect solution for any underserved region to avoid costly permanent structures.\\r\\n<\\/p>\"},\"排序\":{\"更新前\":\"1\",\"更新后\":\"7\"}}', 32, 1, 1663316991), (174, 'page', 'data', '1,14,15', '页面管理.内容管理', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"34\",\"所属模块\":\"Info\",\"功能类型\":\"自定义\",\"标题\":\"Subscriber as part of the contingency plan\",\"图片\":\"\",\"内容\":\"

\\r\\n\\tMany regions throughout the world are prone to the unpredictable mother nature of disastrous forces. Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfire, earthquakes, volcanoes, and\\/or Tsunami are among the ticking-time-bomb of unavoidable disasters. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\t These regions can apply the PeaRhino system as a part of their contingency plan via subscribers. \\r\\n<\\/p>\\r\\n

\\r\\n\\tAs a subscriber, PeaSafe can implement a contingency plan with local agencies to act when the unthinkable strikes.\\r\\nPlease contact PeaSafe for system availability in your region(s).\\r\\n<\\/p>\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 34, 1, 1663317019), (175, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 1, 1, '{\"ID\":\"19\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"banner\",\"模块图片\":\"\",\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":\"Contact Us\",\"排序\":\"1\"}', 19, 1, 1663317132), (176, 'page', 'module', '1,14,15', '页面管理.模块列表', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"6\",\"模块ID\":\"6\",\"模块标题\":\"Contact Us\",\"模块标识\":\"contact\",\"模块描述\":{\"更新前\":\"Are you Ready for a Better,more Productive Business?\",\"更新后\":\"Send Your Inquiries\"},\"是否显示内容\":\"显示\",\"内容显示条数\":\"10\",\"所属页面\":{\"更新前\":\"Home\",\"更新后\":\"Home,Contact Us\"},\"排序\":\"-1\"}', 6, 1, 1663317201), (177, 'main', 'config', '1,17,18', '基础设置.网站基础信息', 2, 1, '{\"ID\":\"1\",\"平台ID\":\"1\",\"网站名称\":\"Peasafe\",\"网站介绍\":\"PeasafePeasafe\",\"网站描述\":\"PeasafePeasafe\",\"网站LOGO\":\"\",\"客服电话\":{\"更新前\":\"15810090845\",\"更新后\":\"15810090811\"},\"联系邮箱\":\"recover-now@peasafe.com\",\"联系地址\":\"10130 Warner Ave, Unit C Fountain Valley, CA 92708\",\"Facebook链接\":\"#\",\"Twitter链接\":\"#\",\"LinkedIn链接\":\"#\",\"Instagram链接\":\"#\",\"底部信息\":\"©2021 PeaSafe. All rights reserved.\"}', 1, 1, 1663317308); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_menu` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_menu`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单ID', `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单名称', `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '选择分组', `menu_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '上级菜单', `menu` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '上级菜单', `key` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单标识-用来标识菜单的唯一性,也可以输入项目名称', `link` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '链接(或路径)', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '开启子菜单', `icon` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图标代码-请点此查看图标代码', `fast` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '是否快捷菜单', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_menu` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_menu` (`id`, `name`, `group_id`, `menu_id`, `menu`, `key`, `link`, `reorder`, `type`, `icon`, `fast`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '主页', 1, -1, '-1', 'console', 'console:主页', 10000, 2, 'layui-icon-home', 2, 1, 1662543890), (2, '控制台', 1, 1, '1', 'console.index', '', 10, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (3, '后台设置', 2, -1, '-1', 'manage', '/share/lib/php/dever_package/manage/:后台设置', -100, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-wrench layui-icon-set-sm', 2, 1, 1662543890), (4, '管理账户设置', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.admin', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=admin&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 9, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (5, '接口列表', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.api', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=api&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (6, '个性化配置', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.config', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=config&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 10, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (7, '计划任务', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.cron', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=cron&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (8, '帮助管理', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.help', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=help&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 6, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (9, '管理操作日志', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.log', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=log&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (10, '管理菜单设置', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.menu', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=menu&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 2, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (11, '后台公告管理', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.notice', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=notice&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 7, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (12, '字段记录表', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.opt', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=opt&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (13, '管理角色设置', 2, 3, '3', 'manage.role', 'project/database/list?project=manage&table=role&menu=manage&search_option_state=1', 8, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662543890), (14, '页面管理', 1, -1, '-1', 'page', '/share/lib/php/dever_package/page/:页面管理', 199, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-tower layui-icon-template-1', 2, 1, 1662544031), (15, '模块列表', 1, 14, '14', 'page.module', 'project/database/list?project=page&table=module&menu=page&search_option_state=1', 2, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662544031), (16, '页面列表', 1, 14, '14', 'page.page', 'project/database/list?project=page&table=page&menu=page&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662544031), (17, '基础设置', 1, -1, '-1', 'main', '/www/peasafe/main/:基础设置', 98, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-tower layui-icon-component', 2, 1, 1662615706), (18, '网站基础信息', 1, 17, '17', 'main.config', 'project/database/list?project=main&table=config&menu=main&search_option_state=1', -10, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662615706), (19, '联系我们', 1, 17, '17', 'main.contact', 'project/database/list?project=main&table=contact&menu=main&search_option_state=1', -8, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662615706), (20, '资源库', 2, -1, '-1', 'upload', '/share/lib/php/dever_package/upload/:资源库', -90, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-upload layui-icon-picture', 2, 1, 1662627740), (21, '资源分类', 2, 20, '20', 'upload.cate', 'project/database/list?project=upload&table=cate&menu=upload&search_option_state=1', 99, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662627740), (22, '资源列表', 2, 20, '20', 'upload.file', 'project/database/list?project=upload&table=file&menu=upload&search_option_state=1', 9, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662627740), (23, '资源配置', 2, 20, '20', 'upload.upload', 'project/database/list?project=upload&table=upload&menu=upload&search_option_state=1', 100, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662627740), (24, '云端配置', 2, 20, '20', 'upload.yun', 'project/database/list?project=upload&table=yun&menu=upload&search_option_state=1', 1, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662627740), (25, '内容管理', 1, 14, '14', 'page.data', 'project/database/list?project=page&table=data&menu=page&search_option_state=1', 20, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662686326), (26, '网站菜单管理', 1, 17, '17', 'main.menu', 'project/database/list?project=main&table=menu&menu=main&search_option_state=1', -9, 2, 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', 2, 1, 1662686326); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_menu_func` -- DROP 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'录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_menu_group` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_menu_group` (`id`, `name`, `icon`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '基本功能', NULL, 1, 1, 1662543890), (2, '平台系统管理', 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close', -10, 1, 1662543890); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_notice` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_notice`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_notice` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '公告ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '公告标题', `config` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '后台配置', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)', `content` text COMMENT '内容', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_opt` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_opt`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_opt` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `project` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '项目', `table` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数据表-请输入表的英文名', `method` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属方法名', `col` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '使用的字段', `col_index` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '建立索引的字段', `version` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '版本号', `num` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '执行次数', `time` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '执行时间', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否建立索引', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '数据是否存在', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_manage_role` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_manage_role`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_manage_role` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '角色ID', `name` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色名', `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '上级角色', `self` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '是否只能管理自己发布的内容-请在需要此项权限的表中增加[数据查询时影响的字段]', `col_select` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数据查询时影响的字段-该项影响数据查询,如果在表中增加该字段,则后台在查询数据时自动查询当前管理员的ID下的数据,多个用逗号隔开,与[是否只能管理自己发布的内容]相关', `col_insert` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数据插入时影响的字段-该项影响数据插入,如果在表中增加该字段,则后台操作时自动为该字段赋值为当前管理员的ID,多个用逗号隔开', `col_update` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '数据更新时影响的字段-该项影响数据更新,如果在表中增加该字段,则后台操作时自动为该字段赋值为当前管理员的ID,多个用逗号隔开', `oper` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '通用操作权限', `auth` text COMMENT '功能权限', `top` text COMMENT '数据权限', `auth_data` text COMMENT '数据权限', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序-数值越大越靠前', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_manage_role` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_manage_role` (`id`, `name`, `role_id`, `self`, `col_select`, `col_insert`, `col_update`, `oper`, `auth`, `top`, `auth_data`, `reorder`, `state`, `status`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '系统管理员', -1, 2, 'admin', 'admin', 'admin', '1,2,3,4,5', 'all', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1662543890), (2, '普通管理员', -1, 2, 'admin', 'admin', 'admin', '1,2,3,4,5', '', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1662543890); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_col` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_col`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_col` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '字段名称', `key` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '字段标识', `desc` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '字段描述', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '类型', `pic` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图片尺寸提醒-请直接输入尺寸,如100*100', `option` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '可选项-每行一个选项,多个直接换行', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间', `is_option` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否必填' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_page_col` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_page_col` (`id`, `name`, `key`, `desc`, `type`, `pic`, `option`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`, `is_option`) VALUES (1, '标题', 'name', '标题', 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1662544044, 1), (2, '图片', 'pic', '图片', 4, '', NULL, 1, 1, 1662544044, 2), (3, '链接', 'link', '链接', 1, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1662544044, 1), (4, '内容', 'content', '内容', 2, '', NULL, 1, 1, 1662688841, 1), (5, '内容', 'editor', '编辑器内容', 3, '', NULL, 1, 1, 1663313202, 1); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_data` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_data`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_data` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `module_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '所属模块', `type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT '功能类型', `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '关联数据', `col_1` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '标题', `col_2` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图片', `col_3` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '链接', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间', `col_4` varchar(1000) NOT NULL COMMENT '内容', `col_5` varchar(1000) NOT NULL COMMENT '编辑器内容' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_page_data` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_page_data` (`id`, `module_id`, `type`, `type_id`, `col_1`, `col_2`, `col_3`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`, `col_4`, `col_5`) VALUES (1, 1, -1, 0, 'Recover from Disaster Now', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/09/b6c31d01d41c9e1714958f9c56d01d8f.png', '#', 1, 2, 1662688813, 'PeaSafe answers to unforeseen disastrous events to avoid unwanted halt of communication', ''), (2, 2, -1, 0, 'The PeaRhino Introduction', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/13/f83a3adb5c94d83a70fce80926b20271.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663033334, '11', ''), (3, 3, -1, 0, 'Congestion overload', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/f3ccdd27d2000e3f9255a7e3e2c48800.jpg', '', 10, 1, 1663141513, 'During all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones. \r\n', ''), (4, 3, -1, 0, 'Disruption of Infrastructure', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/156005c5baf40ff51a327f1c34f2975b.jpg', '', 8, 1, 1663141534, 'All telecommunication networks always rely on local and regional technical systems to maintain functional operation. Once the local and regional systems fail during a disastrous event, telecommunication networks would equally suffer. \r\n', ''), (5, 3, -1, 0, 'Physical Destruction', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/799bad5a3b514f096e69bbc4a7896cd9.jpg', '', 6, 1, 1663141552, 'Among other disruptions, physical destruction inflicts the most harm to the telecommunication network. Major funding equals a time-consuming process to rebuild. Hence, the physical destruction is always the most severe of all accounted disastrous events. The collapse of towers, buildings, bridges, severe cables takes months or years to recoup. \r\n', ''), (6, 4, -1, 0, 't', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/10fb15c77258a991b0028080a64fb42d.png', '', 10, 1, 1663148906, '22', ''), (7, 4, -1, 0, '2', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/fb5c81ed3a220004b71069645f112867.png', '', 1, 1, 1663148914, '2', ''), (8, 5, -1, 0, 'Rent', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/18e2999891374a475d0687ca9f989d83.jpg', '', 9, 1, 1663205938, '', ''), (9, 5, -1, 0, 'Purchase', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/fe5df232cafa4c4e0f1a0294418e5660.jpg', '', 8, 1, 1663205949, '', ''), (10, 5, -1, 0, 'Lease', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/8cda81fc7ad906927144235dda5fdf15.jpg', '', 7, 1, 1663205958, '', ''), (11, 5, -1, 0, 'Subscribed', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/30e62fddc14c05988b44e7c02788e187.jpg', '', 5, 1, 1663205969, '', ''), (12, 8, -1, 0, '1', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/8e1d9b7c546278946c8221ae4f3cf7a1.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663233264, '', ''), (13, 8, -1, 0, '2', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/32477b9e4abfddc67181f46bb401285a.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663233272, '', ''), (14, 9, -1, 0, 'Rapid', '', '', 10, 1, 1663235416, 'PeaRhino is pre-built and set up to be commissioned immediately, it is a rapid solution to any frontline team.', ''), (15, 9, -1, 0, 'Hi-speed', '', '', 9, 1, 1663235443, 'PeaRhino is a Self-Contained Site product, offers Hi-speed telecommunication up to 5G and beyond.', ''), (16, 9, -1, 0, 'Intelligent', '', '', 8, 1, 1663235455, 'PeaRhino is AI (artificial intelligence) that features an independent service, private network, satellite, and data of 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, and beyond. PeaRhino can be integrated to be any network operation.', ''), (17, 9, -1, 0, 'Network', '', '', 6, 1, 1663235465, 'PeaRhino performs faster, smoother, and reliable networks. PeaRhino is suitable worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness, compatibility, security, versatility, and transportability of a telecommunication network.\r\n\r\n', ''), (18, 9, -1, 0, 'Operation', '', '', 5, 1, 1663297035, 'The PeaRhino System operation is attractive because of its capabilities:\r\n
3、Contingency Application', ''), (19, 10, -1, 0, 'Transportable', '', '', 10, 1, 1663299955, 'A Contingency Plan is not only necessary to police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA, it is crucial to protect and maintain communication during any major disaster. PeaSafe is the cost-saving and safe solution to subscribers. This option can cut costs and yield worry-free maintenance of the system. The subscribers have a piece of mind that we can deploy and re-connect their data and communication when the situation arises.\r\n\r\n', ''), (20, 10, -1, 0, 'Versatility', '', '', 9, 1, 1663299968, 'PeaRhino is versatile and can fill the gap of under-served areas in need of bandwidth solutions. PeaRhino provides rapid deployment of cellular and Wifi communication to lesser developed regions at an affordable solution. These communities all over the world don’t have to rely on years of development of today’s technology. Their schools, townships, police, fire, and hospital need cellular/Wifi today, not a decade from now. Furthermore, PeaRhino is attractive worldwide because of its compatibility with 3G, 4G, 4G LTE and upgrade-ready for beyond.\r\n\r\n', ''), (21, 10, -1, 0, 'Contingency Plan', '', '', 8, 1, 1663299983, 'A Contingency Plan is not only necessary to police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA, it is crucial to protect and maintain communication during any major disaster. PeaRhino is available to support subscribers. This option can cut costs and yield worry-free maintenance of the system. The subscribers have a piece of mind that we can deploy and re-connect their data and communication when the situation arises.\r\n\r\n', ''), (22, 12, -1, 0, 'Congestion Overload', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/f3ccdd27d2000e3f9255a7e3e2c48800.jpg', '', 10, 1, 1663311727, '', ''), (23, 12, -1, 0, 'Disruption of Infrastructure', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/14/156005c5baf40ff51a327f1c34f2975b.jpg', '', 9, 1, 1663311761, '', ''), (24, 12, -1, 0, 'Physical Destruction', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663311779, '', ''), (25, 13, -1, 0, 'Congestion Overload', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/2297fe42837979e0599dd75f6be1251b.jpg', '', 10, 1, 1663313171, 'During all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones.\r\n\r\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is compact, transportable, ready for rapid deployment to resolve network congestion overload.', '

\r\n During all disasters, countless calls cannot go through due to network failure and/or congestion. This only adds to the chaos and generates further crisis. The surge of demand overwhelmed most of any current network. For earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, wildfire, tsunami, and many other disaster events, most major Telco can only apply their “disaster management” plan by prioritizing network traffic. Even then, the solution is cut short for others who are trying to cope with the situation and are not able to reach their loved ones. \r\n


\r\n PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is compact, transportable, ready for rapid deployment to resolve network congestion overload.\r\n

'), (26, 13, -1, 0, 'Disruption of Infrastructure', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/e58fdbedc1d208ba25baacc0dc7ec622.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663313333, '', '

\r\n All telecommunication networks always rely on local and regional technical systems to maintain functional operation. Once the local and regional systems fail during a disastrous event, telecommunication networks would equally suffer. \r\n


\r\n Besides electrical surge or loss, many telecommunication equipment can easily be out of commission due to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods. Waiting for the clean-up and installation of new equipment is lengthy and unpredictable. \r\n


\r\n PeaSafe Disaster Recovery provides PeaRhino to establish communication and data. PeaRhino is ready to deploy and commission within hours. Its mobility is the advantage to recover communication lost right in the center of ground-zero.\r\n

'), (27, 13, -1, 0, 'Physical Destruction', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663314270, '', '

\r\n Among other disruptions, physical destruction inflicts the most harm to the telecommunication network. Major funding equals a time-consuming process to rebuild. Hence, the physical destruction is always the most severe of all accounted disastrous events. The collapse of towers, buildings, bridges, severe cables takes months or years to recoup. \r\n


\r\n PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino is versatile and reliable to play a temporary replacement role of the destroyed network(s). Because of its mobility, the PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhino can be relocated as needed to meet the immediate demand within the disastrous area.\r\n

'), (28, 15, -1, 0, '2', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/8e1d9b7c546278946c8221ae4f3cf7a1.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663316069, '', 'PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.'), (29, 15, -1, 0, '1', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/30e62fddc14c05988b44e7c02788e187.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663316186, '', ''), (30, 17, -1, 0, 'Renting the PeaRhino system', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/e58fdbedc1d208ba25baacc0dc7ec622.jpg', '', 10, 1, 1663316507, '', '

\r\n PeaSafe provides communication and data services of 4G or 5G network to rapidly recover network disruption, network loss, or network replacement during a disastrous event. \r\n


\r\n With the PeaRhino system, our PeaSafe team is always ready to transport, deploy, and commission 4G or 5G network to the heart of ground zero along with our frontliners at the moment noticed.\r\n

'), (31, 17, -1, 0, 'Purchasing the PeaRhino system', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/2297fe42837979e0599dd75f6be1251b.jpg', '', 9, 1, 1663316540, '', 'The PeaRhino system availability in two networks of 4G or 5G\r\nPlease contact our PeaSafe team for more detailed information.'), (32, 17, -1, 0, 'Leasing the PeaRhino system', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/8e1d9b7c546278946c8221ae4f3cf7a1.jpg', '', 7, 1, 1663316880, '', '

\r\n Building towers can be costly and time-consuming. PeaSafe offers a leasing program of the PeaRhino system for long-term or short-term with optional full maintenance services to resolve network disruption during construction. \r\n


\r\n  The PeaRhino system is also the perfect solution for any underserved region to avoid costly permanent structures.\r\n

'), (33, 18, -1, 0, '1', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663316919, '', ''), (34, 17, -1, 0, 'Subscriber as part of the contingency plan', '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/8cda81fc7ad906927144235dda5fdf15.jpg', '', 1, 1, 1663317019, '', '

\r\n Many regions throughout the world are prone to the unpredictable mother nature of disastrous forces. Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfire, earthquakes, volcanoes, and/or Tsunami are among the ticking-time-bomb of unavoidable disasters. \r\n


\r\n  These regions can apply the PeaRhino system as a part of their contingency plan via subscribers. \r\n


\r\n As a subscriber, PeaSafe can implement a contingency plan with local agencies to act when the unthinkable strikes.\r\nPlease contact PeaSafe for system availability in your region(s).\r\n

'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_func` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_func`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_func` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '功能名称', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '功能类型', `api` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '功能定义-如果是接口类型,这里可以直接输入HTTP接口地址,也可以使用DEVER接口,如果接口返回一条数据,就为单条,如果是多条,就是列表;如果是特殊类型,直接输入类型的值即可', `col` text COMMENT '关联字段', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_module` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_module`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_module` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '模块ID', `name` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块标题', `key` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块标识', `desc` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '模块描述', `num` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' COMMENT '内容显示条数-为空或小于0则取默认值10,只对前台有效,当有分页时,则为每页显示的条数', `page_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所属页面', `func` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '功能类型', `col` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '启用的字段', `col_pic` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '图片尺寸提醒-请直接输入提醒的文字即可,如100*100,如果有多个图片字段,请用换行隔开', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间', `content` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否显示内容', `pic` varchar(150) NOT NULL COMMENT '模块图片' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_page_module` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_page_module` (`id`, `name`, `key`, `desc`, `num`, `page_id`, `func`, `col`, `col_pic`, `reorder`, `state`, `cdate`, `content`, `pic`) VALUES (1, 'Recover from Disaster Now', 'banner', 'PeaSafe answers to unforeseen disastrous events to avoid unwanted halt of communication.', 1, '1', '-1', '4,2,1', '', 100, 1, 1662627871, 2, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/e18ec2c93dc39543b30bcb98139ae95d.jpg'), (2, 'Our Technology', 'tech', '

\r\n At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives.\r\n


\r\n PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide the latest telecommunication services. PeaSafe is authorized to introduces the PeaRhino System from Peatalk which allows a vertical, rapid deploy tower that is easy to use, all self-contained, and is not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes it attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.\r\n

', 1, '1', '-1', '2,1', '', 99, 1, 1662718702, 1, ''), (3, 'Our Readiness', 'readiness', 'The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. The modern civilization of infrastructures continues to improve reliability, capability, and interoperability, but always lacks immediate response when disasters occurred', 10, '1', '-1', '2,1', '', 98, 1, 1663060425, 1, ''), (4, 'Our Markets', 'market', '

\r\n Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\r\n




\r\n PeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.\r\n

', 2, '1', '-1', '2,1', '', 97, 1, 1663145585, 1, ''), (5, 'Our Services', 'service', 'Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances.
\r\nPeaRhinos are on stand-by and ready to launch into action.', 4, '1', '-1', '2,1', '', 96, 1, 1663150685, 1, ''), (6, 'Contact Us', 'contact', 'Send Your Inquiries', 10, '1,3', NULL, NULL, '', -1, 1, 1663208376, 1, ''), (7, 'Our Technology', 'banner', 'At PeaSafe, we set a high standard to provide our frontliners with the best equipment and technology for Disaster Recovery. When an unpredicted disastrous event strikes, communication plays a vital role to respond ASAP to save lives. PeaSafe is the go-to name to provide Disaster Recovery telecommunication services. PeaSafe proudly introduces the PeaRhinos. The PeaRhinos allow a vertical, rapid deployed tower that is easy to use, all self-contained and are not restricted to existing tower locations. This flexibility makes them attractive and cost-effective for any disaster recovery program from local to all over the world.', 10, '2', NULL, NULL, '', 80, 1, 1663232612, 1, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/3b82b6e2e9f62bcaac7bb7dfe0be9c18.jpg'), (8, 'PeaSafe ', 'market', '

\r\n PeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery.\r\n


\r\n An unforeseen natural disastrous event can change a community overnight. Critical moments to respond can quickly prevent a recovery to a halt and save lives. This is why PeaRhino for Disaster Recovery can support frontline workers to maintain their communication. In the event of a plane crash in a remote area, wildfire, or severe weather that can cut off power lines and cell towers, our transportable Cell sites/networks can provide communication to our frontline workers such as police, fire, EMS, hospitals, and FEMA.\r\n

', 2, '2', '-1', '2,1', '', 79, 1, 1663232815, 1, ''), (9, ' The PeaRhino Introduction', 'service_list', '\"\"', 5, '2', '-1', '4,2,1', '', 78, 1, 1663235167, 1, ''), (10, 'Operation', 'careers', 'PeaRhino operations are:', 10, '2', '-1', '4,1', '', 77, 1, 1663299896, 1, ''), (11, 'Our Readiness', 'banner', 'The hidden unaware issues of domestic or abroad preparedness are more common than expected. The modern civilization of infrastructures continues to improve reliability, capability, and interoperability, but always lacks immediate response when disasters occurred. Mother nature spares no man-made infrastructures. A sudden total breakdown of telecommunication can result in the loss of lives. How to minimize damages and quickly recover from the disastrous event is always a daunting challenge.\r\nThrough many studies over many decades have proven that modern civilization is still lacking a solution to respond rapidly when disasters strike. At PeaSafe, we fill the gap and always ready to support our front-line workers, police, fire, EMS, hospital, news network, and our community.', 10, '4', NULL, NULL, '', 70, 1, 1663300726, 1, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/7269932fdd7f8ba760b50d8a119a60c0.png'), (12, 'Be Prepare when Telecommunications Fail', 'news', '', 10, '4', '-1', '2,1,0', '', 69, 1, 1663311492, 1, ''), (13, 'Info', 'info', '', 3, '4', '-1', '5,2,1', '', 68, 1, 1663313137, 1, ''), (14, 'Our Markets', 'banner', 'Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.', 10, '5', NULL, NULL, '', 60, 1, 1663315926, 1, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/362a35e6651a4d1e398238a3ec43376e.jpg'), (15, 'PeaSafe Disaster Recovery', 'market', 'Communities are torn apart when disaster hits. Our frontliners risk their lives to rescue and save lives. But without communication, the daunting task would be impossible.\r\nPeaSafe Disaster Recovery with PeaRhinos can re-connect our front-line teams. From a plane crash site to a hurricane zone, from a mudslide to an earthquake, and/or from a wildfire to a tsunami, PeaSafe can partner up with local government agencies to provide a telecommunication network during the disastrous event. Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, and FEMA are among many agencies that our system can provide telecommunication network solutions as soon as it deploys right in the heart of ground zero.', 10, '5', '-1', '2,1', '', 59, 1, 1663315971, 1, ''), (16, 'Our Services', 'banner', 'PeaSafe is extremely confident in bringing “PeaRhino” to serve Disaster Recovery. Our fleet of PeaRhinos are updated with routine services and maintenances. PeaSafe is on stand-by and ready to launch into action.', 10, '6', NULL, NULL, '', 50, 1, 1663316311, 1, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/15/18e2999891374a475d0687ca9f989d83.jpg'), (17, 'Info', 'info', '', 10, '6', '-1', '5,2,1', '', 48, 1, 1663316444, 1, ''), (18, 'The PeaRhino system can be:', 'market', '

\r\n 1.Rent\r\n


\r\n 2.Purchase\r\n


\r\n 3.Lease\r\n


\r\n 4.Subscribed as part of the contingency plan\r\n

', 10, '6', '-1', '2,1', '', 49, 1, 1663316685, 1, ''), (19, 'Contact Us', 'banner', '', 10, '3', NULL, NULL, '', 1, 1, 1663317132, 1, '{uploadRes}1/2022/09/16/56fa8614869b72a8763c408b128218a5.png'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_page` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_page`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_page` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '页面名称', `key` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '页面标识', `pic` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '页面图片', `desc` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '页面描述', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间', `reorder` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '排序(数值越大越靠前)' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_page_page` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_page_page` (`id`, `name`, `key`, `pic`, `desc`, `state`, `cdate`, `reorder`) VALUES (1, 'Home', 'home', '', '默认页面', 1, 1662627769, 100), (2, 'Our Technology', 'technology', '', 'Our Technology', 1, 1662627802, 99), (3, 'Contact Us', 'contact', '', '11', 1, 1663221988, 1), (4, 'Our Readiness', 'readiness', '', 'Our Readiness', 1, 1663300694, 98), (5, 'Our Markets', 'market', '', 'Our Markets', 1, 1663315840, 97), (6, 'Our Services', 'service', '', 'Our Services', 1, 1663316263, 96); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_page_page_module` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_page_page_module`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_page_page_module` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `page_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '页面ID', `module_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '模块ID', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_page_page_module` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_page_page_module` (`id`, `page_id`, `module_id`, `cdate`) VALUES (3, 1, 5, 1663220004), (5, 1, 3, 1663220011), (8, 1, 2, 1663220200), (13, 1, 1, 1663232443), (15, 2, 7, 1663232634), (20, 1, 4, 1663233193), (32, 2, 8, 1663296882), (35, 2, 9, 1663297315), (39, 2, 10, 1663299944), (42, 4, 11, 1663300793), (45, 4, 12, 1663311698), (48, 4, 13, 1663313215), (49, 5, 14, 1663315926), (56, 5, 15, 1663316224), (59, 6, 16, 1663316406), (62, 6, 17, 1663316559), (66, 6, 18, 1663316910), (67, 3, 19, 1663317132), (70, 1, 6, 1663317201), (71, 3, 6, 1663317201); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_upload_cate` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_upload_cate`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_upload_cate` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分类名称', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_upload_cate` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_upload_cate` (`id`, `name`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '默认分类', 1, 1662628220), (2, '裁剪图片', 1, 1662628220); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_upload_file` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_upload_file`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_upload_file` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID', `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件名', `source_name` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原文件名', `upload` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '所属资源配置', `cate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '所属分类', `key` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'KEY', `search` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'SEARCH', `value` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '附加值', `ext` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '后缀名', `file` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '访问路径', `yunfile` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '云端访问路径', `pic` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '封面图-一般为视频截图', `pic_num` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '视频截图的秒数', `width` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '宽度', `height` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '高度', `size` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '文件大小', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '上传时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_upload_file` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_upload_file` (`id`, `name`, `source_name`, `upload`, `cate`, `key`, `search`, `value`, `ext`, `file`, `yunfile`, `pic`, `pic_num`, `width`, `height`, `size`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '1bb87d41d15fe27b500a4bfcde01bb0e', 'logo.png', 1, 1, '7b37f8ee1f3a1f2837c03fcfa7fc1cc2', 'main-config.logo', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/08/1bb87d41d15fe27b500a4bfcde01bb0e.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 167, 38, '2.02', 1, 1662628255), (2, '6d00ba102d83225131da7e0952864c99', 'peasafe-logo-white.png', 1, 1, '387f14078159813c2dbe2f90814da52b', 'main-config.logo', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/08/6d00ba102d83225131da7e0952864c99.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 338, 100, '29.62', 1, 1662630875), (3, '2494cd430843ef1b8bfcc912beea910b', 'peasafe-logo.png', 1, 1, '592a1c727111c98bde4923bad5877384', 'main-config.logo', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/08/2494cd430843ef1b8bfcc912beea910b.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 338, 100, '30.91', 1, 1662630899), (4, 'b6c31d01d41c9e1714958f9c56d01d8f', '图片1.png', 1, 1, '2d80b08d0185da0d881dc03342c19584', 'page-module.pic', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/09/b6c31d01d41c9e1714958f9c56d01d8f.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 1280, 720, '1,133.20', 1, 1663300774), (5, 'fb6381a43ae40fa20565a342f64af5db', 'Readiness-Congestion-overload.jpg', 1, 1, '50816f7af5ef4255be8a1e3248067bc5', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/13/fb6381a43ae40fa20565a342f64af5db.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '90.72', 1, 1663033328), (6, 'f83a3adb5c94d83a70fce80926b20271', 'technology-pearhino-1.jpg', 1, 1, 'c5e853df6400eaac2b604d37ec15971b', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/13/f83a3adb5c94d83a70fce80926b20271.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 1000, 667, '68.77', 1, 1663033424), (7, 'f3ccdd27d2000e3f9255a7e3e2c48800', '1.jpg', 1, 1, '438c6bf208eb8b8936c04b70501ecde9', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', 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1, 1663148913), (12, '10fb15c77258a991b0028080a64fb42d', '3.png', 1, 1, '638788d097e04ed25c3eeb1e7049f1bb', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/14/10fb15c77258a991b0028080a64fb42d.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 720, 450, '462.39', 1, 1663297351), (13, '18e2999891374a475d0687ca9f989d83', '6.jpg', 1, 1, '9be5b4c98dfe974b445177daa0028a32', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/15/18e2999891374a475d0687ca9f989d83.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '40.20', 1, 1663205935), (14, 'fe5df232cafa4c4e0f1a0294418e5660', '7.jpg', 1, 1, '4ab51f6aa03738c4c704fc4dc74aa1a7', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/15/fe5df232cafa4c4e0f1a0294418e5660.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '37.75', 1, 1663205946), (15, '8cda81fc7ad906927144235dda5fdf15', '8.jpg', 1, 1, 'dddbab500df511444c972888e25e1851', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/15/8cda81fc7ad906927144235dda5fdf15.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '24.06', 1, 1663205956), (16, '30e62fddc14c05988b44e7c02788e187', '9.jpg', 1, 1, 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'1/2022/09/16/0a15afc49252258b6e7c0821c3499d3d.png.cr_47_2_324_245_0_1_1.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 245, 324, '0.01', 1, 1663297897), (29, 'bbfd20d91fffc3279b8192142f9533f1', 'case-masonary-thumb-2.jpg', 1, 1, '4cafb87395fc3f7f03f044462f3706a6', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/bbfd20d91fffc3279b8192142f9533f1.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 370, 450, '12.38', 1, 1663298076), (30, '47228ec1e3533778c2a4cb47a562a083', 'logo-PeaSafe-box-243x300.png', 1, 1, '6c751b50c820f750e3279ca2b4151fbc', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/16/47228ec1e3533778c2a4cb47a562a083.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 243, 300, '55.30', 1, 1663298091), (31, '2297fe42837979e0599dd75f6be1251b', 'Readiness-Congestion-overload (1).jpg', 1, 1, '47f401bd601ef3e2d481f914fc5f490d', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/2297fe42837979e0599dd75f6be1251b.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '90.72', 1, 1663298152), (32, '.cr_175_15_462_403_0_1_1', '.cr_175_15_462_403_0_1_1', 1, 2, '6f83a5eb34d69419462b8db343ada647', NULL, NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/2297fe42837979e0599dd75f6be1251b.jpg.cr_175_15_462_403_0_1_1.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 403, 462, '0.05', 1, 1663298163), (33, 'e58fdbedc1d208ba25baacc0dc7ec622', 'Readiness-Disruption-of-Infrastructure.jpg', 1, 1, 'c9ccfb236a5a3dfda6ff4aedd21b57d8', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/e58fdbedc1d208ba25baacc0dc7ec622.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '110.71', 1, 1663298199), (34, '.cr_137_6_468_364_0_1_1', '.cr_137_6_468_364_0_1_1', 1, 2, 'b862bb27da8372a647dd8f2cdd0c2160', NULL, NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/e58fdbedc1d208ba25baacc0dc7ec622.jpg.cr_137_6_468_364_0_1_1.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 364, 468, '0.04', 1, 1663298364), (35, '0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a', 'Readiness-Physical-Destruction.jpg', 1, 1, '284271d63e5cdc6e2700d60fac8a4ef3', 'page-data.col_2', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 760, 480, '95.91', 1, 1663298430), (36, '.cr_173_14_449_380_0_1_1', '.cr_173_14_449_380_0_1_1', 1, 2, '0c3530287794a9ce4b705e30139becb0', NULL, NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/0aa45d56dee92f19ad654022eca4a30a.jpg.cr_173_14_449_380_0_1_1.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 380, 449, '0.03', 1, 1663298443), (37, '7269932fdd7f8ba760b50d8a119a60c0', '111.png', 1, 1, 'b4e528e3c20582d1af9186ad280cacb7', 'page-module.pic', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/16/7269932fdd7f8ba760b50d8a119a60c0.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 1280, 720, '1,133.20', 1, 1663300792), (38, '362a35e6651a4d1e398238a3ec43376e', 'Our-Market-scaled.jpg', 1, 1, 'd1b0a1ee4d92a7e3eccffb3ee0551a74', 'page-module.pic', NULL, '.jpg', '1/2022/09/16/362a35e6651a4d1e398238a3ec43376e.jpg', NULL, NULL, 0, 2560, 886, '191.94', 1, 1663315910), (39, '56fa8614869b72a8763c408b128218a5', '123213.png', 1, 1, 'fa2c40d8d3f5b87cc12de878f2a1013e', 'page-module.pic', NULL, '.png', '1/2022/09/16/56fa8614869b72a8763c408b128218a5.png', NULL, NULL, 0, 868, 434, '358.63', 1, 1663317094); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_upload_upload` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_upload_upload`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_upload_upload` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '配置ID', `name` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '配置名', `setwh` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '宽高限制-仅限图片类资源', `width` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小宽度-仅限图片类资源,设置后上传如果小于该数值,则不能上传成功', `height` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最小高度-仅限图片类资源,设置后上传如果小于该数值,则不能上传成功', `size` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '限制大小(单位:M)', `type` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '限制文件后缀类型-多个用逗号隔开', `alter` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '默认的后续操作-T=1&C=1&W=1,其中T代表缩略图,1代表对应的ID,C代表裁剪图,W代表水印图,仅限图片类资源', `cover` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否覆盖-将根据上传时的文件名进行文件覆盖操作', `save_type` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '存储位置-如需进行后续操作,云端不支持,则需要本地处理、云端存储,建议选择云端存储为主,本地存储为辅', `yun` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '选择云端', `bucket` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'BUCKET名称', `vod_convert` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '是否进行视频转码', `pipeline` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '队列名称-多个用逗号隔开,将随机使用队列', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转存表中的数据 `peasafe_upload_upload` -- INSERT INTO `peasafe_upload_upload` (`id`, `name`, `setwh`, `width`, `height`, `size`, `type`, `alter`, `cover`, `save_type`, `yun`, `bucket`, `vod_convert`, `pipeline`, `state`, `cdate`) VALUES (1, '默认图片配置', 1, 0, 0, 2, 'jpg,png,gif,webp', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (2, '默认音频配置', 1, 0, 0, 20, 'mp3,m4a', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (3, '默认视频配置', 1, 0, 0, 200, 'video,flv,mp4,webm', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (4, '默认文件配置', 1, 0, 0, 20, 'jpg,png,gif,doc,pdf,rar,zip,xls,xlsx,docx,msi', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (5, '默认音视频配置', 1, 0, 0, 200, 'video,mp3,flv,mp4,webm,mov,m4a', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (6, '用户上传图片', 1, 0, 0, 2, 'jpg,png,gif,webp', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753), (7, '裁剪图片', 1, 0, 0, 2, 'jpg,png,gif,webp', NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1662627753); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 表的结构 `peasafe_upload_yun` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `peasafe_upload_yun`; CREATE TABLE `peasafe_upload_yun` ( `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '配置ID', `name` varchar(24) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '配置名', `type` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '存储类别-OSS建议申请STS保证安全性,参考HTTPS://HELP.ALIYUN.COM/DOCUMENT_DETAIL/100624.HTML', `host` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '域名', `appkey` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'APPKEY', `appsecret` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'APPSECRET', `region_id` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '区域ID-OSS直接填REGIONID即可,如BEIJING,七牛可填写Z1', `role_arn` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限策略ARN-OSS需要填写,如未填写,系统默认使用非STS形式上传至OSS,不能保证安全性', `token` varchar(800) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'TOKEN', `token_endtime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'TOKEN失效时间', `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '状态', `cdate` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '录入时间' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- 转储表的索引 -- -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_main_config` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_main_config` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_main_contact` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_main_contact` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_main_menu` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_main_menu` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_admin` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_admin_group` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin_group` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_admin_role` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_admin_role` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_api` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_api` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_auth` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_auth` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_company` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_company` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_config` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_config` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_cron` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_cron` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_group` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_group` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_log` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_log` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_menu` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_menu_func` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu_func` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_menu_group` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu_group` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_notice` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_notice` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_opt` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_opt` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_manage_role` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_role` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- 表的索引 `peasafe_page_col` -- 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UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_api` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_api` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_auth` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_auth` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_company` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_company` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_config` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_config` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '配置ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_cron` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_cron` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_group` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_group` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '组ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=2; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_log` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_log` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=178; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_menu` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '菜单ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=27; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_menu_func` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu_func` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '功能ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_menu_group` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_menu_group` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '分组ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_notice` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_notice` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '公告ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_opt` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_opt` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_manage_role` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_manage_role` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '角色ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=3; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_page_col` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_page_col` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=6; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_page_data` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_page_data` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=35; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_page_func` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_page_func` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID'; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_page_module` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_page_module` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '模块ID', AUTO_INCREMENT=20; -- -- 使用表AUTO_INCREMENT `peasafe_page_page` -- ALTER TABLE `peasafe_page_page` MODIFY `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', 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