qrcode.js 31 KB

  1. // Core code comes from https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs
  2. var QRCode;
  3. (function () {
  4. /**
  5. * Get the type by string length
  6. *
  7. * @private
  8. * @param {String} sText
  9. * @param {Number} nCorrectLevel
  10. * @return {Number} type
  11. */
  12. function _getTypeNumber(sText, nCorrectLevel) {
  13. var nType = 1;
  14. var length = _getUTF8Length(sText);
  15. for (var i = 0, len = QRCodeLimitLength.length; i <= len; i++) {
  16. var nLimit = 0;
  17. switch (nCorrectLevel) {
  18. case QRErrorCorrectLevel.L:
  19. nLimit = QRCodeLimitLength[i][0];
  20. break;
  21. case QRErrorCorrectLevel.M:
  22. nLimit = QRCodeLimitLength[i][1];
  23. break;
  24. case QRErrorCorrectLevel.Q:
  25. nLimit = QRCodeLimitLength[i][2];
  26. break;
  27. case QRErrorCorrectLevel.H:
  28. nLimit = QRCodeLimitLength[i][3];
  29. break;
  30. }
  31. if (length <= nLimit) {
  32. break;
  33. } else {
  34. nType++;
  35. }
  36. }
  37. if (nType > QRCodeLimitLength.length) {
  38. throw new Error("Too long data");
  39. }
  40. return nType;
  41. }
  42. function _getUTF8Length(sText) {
  43. var replacedText = encodeURI(sText).toString().replace(/\%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g, 'a');
  44. return replacedText.length + (replacedText.length != sText ? 3 : 0);
  45. }
  46. function QR8bitByte(data) {
  47. this.mode = QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE;
  48. this.data = data;
  49. this.parsedData = [];
  50. // Added to support UTF-8 Characters
  51. for (var i = 0, l = this.data.length; i < l; i++) {
  52. var byteArray = [];
  53. var code = this.data.charCodeAt(i);
  54. if (code > 0x10000) {
  55. byteArray[0] = 0xF0 | ((code & 0x1C0000) >>> 18);
  56. byteArray[1] = 0x80 | ((code & 0x3F000) >>> 12);
  57. byteArray[2] = 0x80 | ((code & 0xFC0) >>> 6);
  58. byteArray[3] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F);
  59. } else if (code > 0x800) {
  60. byteArray[0] = 0xE0 | ((code & 0xF000) >>> 12);
  61. byteArray[1] = 0x80 | ((code & 0xFC0) >>> 6);
  62. byteArray[2] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F);
  63. } else if (code > 0x80) {
  64. byteArray[0] = 0xC0 | ((code & 0x7C0) >>> 6);
  65. byteArray[1] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F);
  66. } else {
  67. byteArray[0] = code;
  68. }
  69. this.parsedData.push(byteArray);
  70. }
  71. this.parsedData = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this.parsedData);
  72. if (this.parsedData.length != this.data.length) {
  73. this.parsedData.unshift(191);
  74. this.parsedData.unshift(187);
  75. this.parsedData.unshift(239);
  76. }
  77. }
  78. QR8bitByte.prototype = {
  79. getLength: function (buffer) {
  80. return this.parsedData.length;
  81. },
  82. write: function (buffer) {
  83. for (var i = 0, l = this.parsedData.length; i < l; i++) {
  84. buffer.put(this.parsedData[i], 8);
  85. }
  86. }
  87. };
  88. // QRCodeModel
  89. function QRCodeModel(typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel) {
  90. this.typeNumber = typeNumber;
  91. this.errorCorrectLevel = errorCorrectLevel;
  92. this.modules = null;
  93. this.moduleCount = 0;
  94. this.dataCache = null;
  95. this.dataList = [];
  96. }
  97. QRCodeModel.prototype = {
  98. addData: function (data) { var newData = new QR8bitByte(data); this.dataList.push(newData); this.dataCache = null; }, isDark: function (row, col) {
  99. if (row < 0 || this.moduleCount <= row || col < 0 || this.moduleCount <= col) { throw new Error(row + "," + col); }
  100. return this.modules[row][col];
  101. }, getModuleCount: function () { return this.moduleCount; }, make: function () { this.makeImpl(false, this.getBestMaskPattern()); }, makeImpl: function (test, maskPattern) {
  102. this.moduleCount = this.typeNumber * 4 + 17; this.modules = new Array(this.moduleCount); for (var row = 0; row < this.moduleCount; row++) { this.modules[row] = new Array(this.moduleCount); for (var col = 0; col < this.moduleCount; col++) { this.modules[row][col] = null; } }
  103. this.setupPositionProbePattern(0, 0); this.setupPositionProbePattern(this.moduleCount - 7, 0); this.setupPositionProbePattern(0, this.moduleCount - 7); this.setupPositionAdjustPattern(); this.setupTimingPattern(); this.setupTypeInfo(test, maskPattern); if (this.typeNumber >= 7) { this.setupTypeNumber(test); }
  104. if (this.dataCache == null) { this.dataCache = QRCodeModel.createData(this.typeNumber, this.errorCorrectLevel, this.dataList); }
  105. this.mapData(this.dataCache, maskPattern);
  106. }, setupPositionProbePattern: function (row, col) { for (var r = -1; r <= 7; r++) { if (row + r <= -1 || this.moduleCount <= row + r) continue; for (var c = -1; c <= 7; c++) { if (col + c <= -1 || this.moduleCount <= col + c) continue; if ((0 <= r && r <= 6 && (c == 0 || c == 6)) || (0 <= c && c <= 6 && (r == 0 || r == 6)) || (2 <= r && r <= 4 && 2 <= c && c <= 4)) { this.modules[row + r][col + c] = true; } else { this.modules[row + r][col + c] = false; } } } }, getBestMaskPattern: function () {
  107. var minLostPoint = 0; var pattern = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.makeImpl(true, i); var lostPoint = QRUtil.getLostPoint(this); if (i == 0 || minLostPoint > lostPoint) { minLostPoint = lostPoint; pattern = i; } }
  108. return pattern;
  109. }, createMovieClip: function (target_mc, instance_name, depth) {
  110. var qr_mc = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(instance_name, depth); var cs = 1; this.make(); for (var row = 0; row < this.modules.length; row++) { var y = row * cs; for (var col = 0; col < this.modules[row].length; col++) { var x = col * cs; var dark = this.modules[row][col]; if (dark) { qr_mc.beginFill(0, 100); qr_mc.moveTo(x, y); qr_mc.lineTo(x + cs, y); qr_mc.lineTo(x + cs, y + cs); qr_mc.lineTo(x, y + cs); qr_mc.endFill(); } } }
  111. return qr_mc;
  112. }, setupTimingPattern: function () {
  113. for (var r = 8; r < this.moduleCount - 8; r++) {
  114. if (this.modules[r][6] != null) { continue; }
  115. this.modules[r][6] = (r % 2 == 0);
  116. }
  117. for (var c = 8; c < this.moduleCount - 8; c++) {
  118. if (this.modules[6][c] != null) { continue; }
  119. this.modules[6][c] = (c % 2 == 0);
  120. }
  121. }, setupPositionAdjustPattern: function () {
  122. var pos = QRUtil.getPatternPosition(this.typeNumber); for (var i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
  123. for (var j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) {
  124. var row = pos[i]; var col = pos[j]; if (this.modules[row][col] != null) { continue; }
  125. for (var r = -2; r <= 2; r++) { for (var c = -2; c <= 2; c++) { if (r == -2 || r == 2 || c == -2 || c == 2 || (r == 0 && c == 0)) { this.modules[row + r][col + c] = true; } else { this.modules[row + r][col + c] = false; } } }
  126. }
  127. }
  128. }, setupTypeNumber: function (test) {
  129. var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeNumber(this.typeNumber); for (var i = 0; i < 18; i++) { var mod = (!test && ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1); this.modules[Math.floor(i / 3)][i % 3 + this.moduleCount - 8 - 3] = mod; }
  130. for (var i = 0; i < 18; i++) { var mod = (!test && ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1); this.modules[i % 3 + this.moduleCount - 8 - 3][Math.floor(i / 3)] = mod; }
  131. }, setupTypeInfo: function (test, maskPattern) {
  132. var data = (this.errorCorrectLevel << 3) | maskPattern; var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeInfo(data); for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { var mod = (!test && ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1); if (i < 6) { this.modules[i][8] = mod; } else if (i < 8) { this.modules[i + 1][8] = mod; } else { this.modules[this.moduleCount - 15 + i][8] = mod; } }
  133. for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { var mod = (!test && ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1); if (i < 8) { this.modules[8][this.moduleCount - i - 1] = mod; } else if (i < 9) { this.modules[8][15 - i - 1 + 1] = mod; } else { this.modules[8][15 - i - 1] = mod; } }
  134. this.modules[this.moduleCount - 8][8] = (!test);
  135. }, mapData: function (data, maskPattern) {
  136. var inc = -1; var row = this.moduleCount - 1; var bitIndex = 7; var byteIndex = 0; for (var col = this.moduleCount - 1; col > 0; col -= 2) {
  137. if (col == 6) col--; while (true) {
  138. for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
  139. if (this.modules[row][col - c] == null) {
  140. var dark = false; if (byteIndex < data.length) { dark = (((data[byteIndex] >>> bitIndex) & 1) == 1); }
  141. var mask = QRUtil.getMask(maskPattern, row, col - c); if (mask) { dark = !dark; }
  142. this.modules[row][col - c] = dark; bitIndex--; if (bitIndex == -1) { byteIndex++; bitIndex = 7; }
  143. }
  144. }
  145. row += inc; if (row < 0 || this.moduleCount <= row) { row -= inc; inc = -inc; break; }
  146. }
  147. }
  148. }
  149. };
  150. QRCodeModel.PAD0 = 0xEC;
  151. QRCodeModel.PAD1 = 0x11;
  152. QRCodeModel.createData = function (typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel, dataList) {
  153. var rsBlocks = QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks(typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel); var buffer = new QRBitBuffer(); for (var i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { var data = dataList[i]; buffer.put(data.mode, 4); buffer.put(data.getLength(), QRUtil.getLengthInBits(data.mode, typeNumber)); data.write(buffer); }
  154. var totalDataCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rsBlocks.length; i++) { totalDataCount += rsBlocks[i].dataCount; }
  155. if (buffer.getLengthInBits() > totalDataCount * 8) {
  156. throw new Error("code length overflow. ("
  157. + buffer.getLengthInBits()
  158. + ">"
  159. + totalDataCount * 8
  160. + ")");
  161. }
  162. if (buffer.getLengthInBits() + 4 <= totalDataCount * 8) { buffer.put(0, 4); }
  163. while (buffer.getLengthInBits() % 8 != 0) { buffer.putBit(false); }
  164. while (true) {
  165. if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { break; }
  166. buffer.put(QRCodeModel.PAD0, 8); if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { break; }
  167. buffer.put(QRCodeModel.PAD1, 8);
  168. }
  169. return QRCodeModel.createBytes(buffer, rsBlocks);
  170. };
  171. QRCodeModel.createBytes = function (buffer, rsBlocks) {
  172. var offset = 0; var maxDcCount = 0; var maxEcCount = 0; var dcdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); var ecdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); for (var r = 0; r < rsBlocks.length; r++) {
  173. var dcCount = rsBlocks[r].dataCount; var ecCount = rsBlocks[r].totalCount - dcCount; maxDcCount = Math.max(maxDcCount, dcCount); maxEcCount = Math.max(maxEcCount, ecCount); dcdata[r] = new Array(dcCount); for (var i = 0; i < dcdata[r].length; i++) { dcdata[r][i] = 0xff & buffer.buffer[i + offset]; }
  174. offset += dcCount; var rsPoly = QRUtil.getErrorCorrectPolynomial(ecCount); var rawPoly = new QRPolynomial(dcdata[r], rsPoly.getLength() - 1); var modPoly = rawPoly.mod(rsPoly); ecdata[r] = new Array(rsPoly.getLength() - 1); for (var i = 0; i < ecdata[r].length; i++) { var modIndex = i + modPoly.getLength() - ecdata[r].length; ecdata[r][i] = (modIndex >= 0) ? modPoly.get(modIndex) : 0; }
  175. }
  176. var totalCodeCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rsBlocks.length; i++) { totalCodeCount += rsBlocks[i].totalCount; }
  177. var data = new Array(totalCodeCount); var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < maxDcCount; i++) { for (var r = 0; r < rsBlocks.length; r++) { if (i < dcdata[r].length) { data[index++] = dcdata[r][i]; } } }
  178. for (var i = 0; i < maxEcCount; i++) { for (var r = 0; r < rsBlocks.length; r++) { if (i < ecdata[r].length) { data[index++] = ecdata[r][i]; } } }
  179. return data;
  180. };
  181. var QRMode = { MODE_NUMBER: 1 << 0, MODE_ALPHA_NUM: 1 << 1, MODE_8BIT_BYTE: 1 << 2, MODE_KANJI: 1 << 3 };
  182. var QRErrorCorrectLevel = { L: 1, M: 0, Q: 3, H: 2 };
  183. var QRMaskPattern = { PATTERN000: 0, PATTERN001: 1, PATTERN010: 2, PATTERN011: 3, PATTERN100: 4, PATTERN101: 5, PATTERN110: 6, PATTERN111: 7 };
  184. var QRUtil = {
  185. PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE: [[], [6, 18], [6, 22], [6, 26], [6, 30], [6, 34], [6, 22, 38], [6, 24, 42], [6, 26, 46], [6, 28, 50], [6, 30, 54], [6, 32, 58], [6, 34, 62], [6, 26, 46, 66], [6, 26, 48, 70], [6, 26, 50, 74], [6, 30, 54, 78], [6, 30, 56, 82], [6, 30, 58, 86], [6, 34, 62, 90], [6, 28, 50, 72, 94], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126], [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130], [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134], [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150], [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162], [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170]], G15: (1 << 10) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 0), G18: (1 << 12) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0), G15_MASK: (1 << 14) | (1 << 12) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 1), getBCHTypeInfo: function (data) {
  186. var d = data << 10; while (QRUtil.getBCHDigit(d) - QRUtil.getBCHDigit(QRUtil.G15) >= 0) { d ^= (QRUtil.G15 << (QRUtil.getBCHDigit(d) - QRUtil.getBCHDigit(QRUtil.G15))); }
  187. return ((data << 10) | d) ^ QRUtil.G15_MASK;
  188. }, getBCHTypeNumber: function (data) {
  189. var d = data << 12; while (QRUtil.getBCHDigit(d) - QRUtil.getBCHDigit(QRUtil.G18) >= 0) { d ^= (QRUtil.G18 << (QRUtil.getBCHDigit(d) - QRUtil.getBCHDigit(QRUtil.G18))); }
  190. return (data << 12) | d;
  191. }, getBCHDigit: function (data) {
  192. var digit = 0; while (data != 0) { digit++; data >>>= 1; }
  193. return digit;
  194. }, getPatternPosition: function (typeNumber) { return QRUtil.PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE[typeNumber - 1]; }, getMask: function (maskPattern, i, j) { switch (maskPattern) { case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN000: return (i + j) % 2 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN001: return i % 2 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN010: return j % 3 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN011: return (i + j) % 3 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN100: return (Math.floor(i / 2) + Math.floor(j / 3)) % 2 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN101: return (i * j) % 2 + (i * j) % 3 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN110: return ((i * j) % 2 + (i * j) % 3) % 2 == 0; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN111: return ((i * j) % 3 + (i + j) % 2) % 2 == 0; default: throw new Error("bad maskPattern:" + maskPattern); } }, getErrorCorrectPolynomial: function (errorCorrectLength) {
  195. var a = new QRPolynomial([1], 0); for (var i = 0; i < errorCorrectLength; i++) { a = a.multiply(new QRPolynomial([1, QRMath.gexp(i)], 0)); }
  196. return a;
  197. }, getLengthInBits: function (mode, type) { if (1 <= type && type < 10) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 10; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 9; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 8; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 8; default: throw new Error("mode:" + mode); } } else if (type < 27) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 12; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 11; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 16; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 10; default: throw new Error("mode:" + mode); } } else if (type < 41) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 14; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 13; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 16; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 12; default: throw new Error("mode:" + mode); } } else { throw new Error("type:" + type); } }, getLostPoint: function (qrCode) {
  198. var moduleCount = qrCode.getModuleCount(); var lostPoint = 0; for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row++) {
  199. for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col++) {
  200. var sameCount = 0; var dark = qrCode.isDark(row, col); for (var r = -1; r <= 1; r++) {
  201. if (row + r < 0 || moduleCount <= row + r) { continue; }
  202. for (var c = -1; c <= 1; c++) {
  203. if (col + c < 0 || moduleCount <= col + c) { continue; }
  204. if (r == 0 && c == 0) { continue; }
  205. if (dark == qrCode.isDark(row + r, col + c)) { sameCount++; }
  206. }
  207. }
  208. if (sameCount > 5) { lostPoint += (3 + sameCount - 5); }
  209. }
  210. }
  211. for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 1; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 1; col++) { var count = 0; if (qrCode.isDark(row, col)) count++; if (qrCode.isDark(row + 1, col)) count++; if (qrCode.isDark(row, col + 1)) count++; if (qrCode.isDark(row + 1, col + 1)) count++; if (count == 0 || count == 4) { lostPoint += 3; } } }
  212. for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 6; col++) { if (qrCode.isDark(row, col) && !qrCode.isDark(row, col + 1) && qrCode.isDark(row, col + 2) && qrCode.isDark(row, col + 3) && qrCode.isDark(row, col + 4) && !qrCode.isDark(row, col + 5) && qrCode.isDark(row, col + 6)) { lostPoint += 40; } } }
  213. for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 6; row++) { if (qrCode.isDark(row, col) && !qrCode.isDark(row + 1, col) && qrCode.isDark(row + 2, col) && qrCode.isDark(row + 3, col) && qrCode.isDark(row + 4, col) && !qrCode.isDark(row + 5, col) && qrCode.isDark(row + 6, col)) { lostPoint += 40; } } }
  214. var darkCount = 0; for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row++) { if (qrCode.isDark(row, col)) { darkCount++; } } }
  215. var ratio = Math.abs(100 * darkCount / moduleCount / moduleCount - 50) / 5; lostPoint += ratio * 10; return lostPoint;
  216. }
  217. };
  218. var QRMath = {
  219. glog: function (n) {
  220. if (n < 1) { throw new Error("glog(" + n + ")"); }
  221. return QRMath.LOG_TABLE[n];
  222. }, gexp: function (n) {
  223. while (n < 0) { n += 255; }
  224. while (n >= 256) { n -= 255; }
  225. return QRMath.EXP_TABLE[n];
  226. }, EXP_TABLE: new Array(256), LOG_TABLE: new Array(256)
  227. }; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i] = 1 << i; }
  228. for (var i = 8; i < 256; i++) { QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i] = QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i - 4] ^ QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i - 5] ^ QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i - 6] ^ QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i - 8]; }
  229. for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++) { QRMath.LOG_TABLE[QRMath.EXP_TABLE[i]] = i; }
  230. function QRPolynomial(num, shift) {
  231. if (num.length == undefined) { throw new Error(num.length + "/" + shift); }
  232. var offset = 0; while (offset < num.length && num[offset] == 0) { offset++; }
  233. this.num = new Array(num.length - offset + shift); for (var i = 0; i < num.length - offset; i++) { this.num[i] = num[i + offset]; }
  234. }
  235. QRPolynomial.prototype = {
  236. get: function (index) { return this.num[index]; }, getLength: function () { return this.num.length; }, multiply: function (e) {
  237. var num = new Array(this.getLength() + e.getLength() - 1); for (var i = 0; i < this.getLength(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < e.getLength(); j++) { num[i + j] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(this.get(i)) + QRMath.glog(e.get(j))); } }
  238. return new QRPolynomial(num, 0);
  239. }, mod: function (e) {
  240. if (this.getLength() - e.getLength() < 0) { return this; }
  241. var ratio = QRMath.glog(this.get(0)) - QRMath.glog(e.get(0)); var num = new Array(this.getLength()); for (var i = 0; i < this.getLength(); i++) { num[i] = this.get(i); }
  242. for (var i = 0; i < e.getLength(); i++) { num[i] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(e.get(i)) + ratio); }
  243. return new QRPolynomial(num, 0).mod(e);
  244. }
  245. };
  246. function QRRSBlock(totalCount, dataCount) { this.totalCount = totalCount; this.dataCount = dataCount; }
  247. QRRSBlock.RS_BLOCK_TABLE = [[1, 26, 19], [1, 26, 16], [1, 26, 13], [1, 26, 9], [1, 44, 34], [1, 44, 28], [1, 44, 22], [1, 44, 16], [1, 70, 55], [1, 70, 44], [2, 35, 17], [2, 35, 13], [1, 100, 80], [2, 50, 32], [2, 50, 24], [4, 25, 9], [1, 134, 108], [2, 67, 43], [2, 33, 15, 2, 34, 16], [2, 33, 11, 2, 34, 12], [2, 86, 68], [4, 43, 27], [4, 43, 19], [4, 43, 15], [2, 98, 78], [4, 49, 31], [2, 32, 14, 4, 33, 15], [4, 39, 13, 1, 40, 14], [2, 121, 97], [2, 60, 38, 2, 61, 39], [4, 40, 18, 2, 41, 19], [4, 40, 14, 2, 41, 15], [2, 146, 116], [3, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 36, 16, 4, 37, 17], [4, 36, 12, 4, 37, 13], [2, 86, 68, 2, 87, 69], [4, 69, 43, 1, 70, 44], [6, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [6, 43, 15, 2, 44, 16], [4, 101, 81], [1, 80, 50, 4, 81, 51], [4, 50, 22, 4, 51, 23], [3, 36, 12, 8, 37, 13], [2, 116, 92, 2, 117, 93], [6, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 46, 20, 6, 47, 21], [7, 42, 14, 4, 43, 15], [4, 133, 107], [8, 59, 37, 1, 60, 38], [8, 44, 20, 4, 45, 21], [12, 33, 11, 4, 34, 12], [3, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [4, 64, 40, 5, 65, 41], [11, 36, 16, 5, 37, 17], [11, 36, 12, 5, 37, 13], [5, 109, 87, 1, 110, 88], [5, 65, 41, 5, 66, 42], [5, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [11, 36, 12], [5, 122, 98, 1, 123, 99], [7, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [15, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [3, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], [1, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [10, 74, 46, 1, 75, 47], [1, 50, 22, 15, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 17, 43, 15], [5, 150, 120, 1, 151, 121], [9, 69, 43, 4, 70, 44], [17, 50, 22, 1, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 19, 43, 15], [3, 141, 113, 4, 142, 114], [3, 70, 44, 11, 71, 45], [17, 47, 21, 4, 48, 22], [9, 39, 13, 16, 40, 14], [3, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [3, 67, 41, 13, 68, 42], [15, 54, 24, 5, 55, 25], [15, 43, 15, 10, 44, 16], [4, 144, 116, 4, 145, 117], [17, 68, 42], [17, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [19, 46, 16, 6, 47, 17], [2, 139, 111, 7, 140, 112], [17, 74, 46], [7, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [34, 37, 13], [4, 151, 121, 5, 152, 122], [4, 75, 47, 14, 76, 48], [11, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [16, 45, 15, 14, 46, 16], [6, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [6, 73, 45, 14, 74, 46], [11, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [30, 46, 16, 2, 47, 17], [8, 132, 106, 4, 133, 107], [8, 75, 47, 13, 76, 48], [7, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], [10, 142, 114, 2, 143, 115], [19, 74, 46, 4, 75, 47], [28, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [33, 46, 16, 4, 47, 17], [8, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [22, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [8, 53, 23, 26, 54, 24], [12, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], [3, 147, 117, 10, 148, 118], [3, 73, 45, 23, 74, 46], [4, 54, 24, 31, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 31, 46, 16], [7, 146, 116, 7, 147, 117], [21, 73, 45, 7, 74, 46], [1, 53, 23, 37, 54, 24], [19, 45, 15, 26, 46, 16], [5, 145, 115, 10, 146, 116], [19, 75, 47, 10, 76, 48], [15, 54, 24, 25, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 25, 46, 16], [13, 145, 115, 3, 146, 116], [2, 74, 46, 29, 75, 47], [42, 54, 24, 1, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], [17, 145, 115], [10, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [10, 54, 24, 35, 55, 25], [19, 45, 15, 35, 46, 16], [17, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 21, 75, 47], [29, 54, 24, 19, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], [13, 145, 115, 6, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [44, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [59, 46, 16, 1, 47, 17], [12, 151, 121, 7, 152, 122], [12, 75, 47, 26, 76, 48], [39, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 41, 46, 16], [6, 151, 121, 14, 152, 122], [6, 75, 47, 34, 76, 48], [46, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [2, 45, 15, 64, 46, 16], [17, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [29, 74, 46, 14, 75, 47], [49, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [24, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], [4, 152, 122, 18, 153, 123], [13, 74, 46, 32, 75, 47], [48, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [42, 45, 15, 32, 46, 16], [20, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [40, 75, 47, 7, 76, 48], [43, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [10, 45, 15, 67, 46, 16], [19, 148, 118, 6, 149, 119], [18, 75, 47, 31, 76, 48], [34, 54, 24, 34, 55, 25], [20, 45, 15, 61, 46, 16]];
  248. QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks = function (typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel) {
  249. var rsBlock = QRRSBlock.getRsBlockTable(typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel); if (rsBlock == undefined) { throw new Error("bad rs block @ typeNumber:" + typeNumber + "/errorCorrectLevel:" + errorCorrectLevel); }
  250. var length = rsBlock.length / 3; var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var count = rsBlock[i * 3 + 0]; var totalCount = rsBlock[i * 3 + 1]; var dataCount = rsBlock[i * 3 + 2]; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { list.push(new QRRSBlock(totalCount, dataCount)); } }
  251. return list;
  252. };
  253. QRRSBlock.getRsBlockTable = function (typeNumber, errorCorrectLevel) { switch (errorCorrectLevel) { case QRErrorCorrectLevel.L: return QRRSBlock.RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 0]; case QRErrorCorrectLevel.M: return QRRSBlock.RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 1]; case QRErrorCorrectLevel.Q: return QRRSBlock.RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 2]; case QRErrorCorrectLevel.H: return QRRSBlock.RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 3]; default: return undefined; } };
  254. function QRBitBuffer() { this.buffer = []; this.length = 0; }
  255. QRBitBuffer.prototype = {
  256. get: function (index) { var bufIndex = Math.floor(index / 8); return ((this.buffer[bufIndex] >>> (7 - index % 8)) & 1) == 1; }, put: function (num, length) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.putBit(((num >>> (length - i - 1)) & 1) == 1); } }, getLengthInBits: function () { return this.length; }, putBit: function (bit) {
  257. var bufIndex = Math.floor(this.length / 8); if (this.buffer.length <= bufIndex) { this.buffer.push(0); }
  258. if (bit) { this.buffer[bufIndex] |= (0x80 >>> (this.length % 8)); }
  259. this.length++;
  260. }
  261. };
  262. var QRCodeLimitLength = [[17, 14, 11, 7], [32, 26, 20, 14], [53, 42, 32, 24], [78, 62, 46, 34], [106, 84, 60, 44], [134, 106, 74, 58], [154, 122, 86, 64], [192, 152, 108, 84], [230, 180, 130, 98], [271, 213, 151, 119], [321, 251, 177, 137], [367, 287, 203, 155], [425, 331, 241, 177], [458, 362, 258, 194], [520, 412, 292, 220], [586, 450, 322, 250], [644, 504, 364, 280], [718, 560, 394, 310], [792, 624, 442, 338], [858, 666, 482, 382], [929, 711, 509, 403], [1003, 779, 565, 439], [1091, 857, 611, 461], [1171, 911, 661, 511], [1273, 997, 715, 535], [1367, 1059, 751, 593], [1465, 1125, 805, 625], [1528, 1190, 868, 658], [1628, 1264, 908, 698], [1732, 1370, 982, 742], [1840, 1452, 1030, 790], [1952, 1538, 1112, 842], [2068, 1628, 1168, 898], [2188, 1722, 1228, 958], [2303, 1809, 1283, 983], [2431, 1911, 1351, 1051], [2563, 1989, 1423, 1093], [2699, 2099, 1499, 1139], [2809, 2213, 1579, 1219], [2953, 2331, 1663, 1273]];
  263. // QRCode object
  264. QRCode = function (canvasId, vOption) {
  265. this._htOption = {
  266. width: 256,
  267. height: 256,
  268. typeNumber: 4,
  269. colorDark: "#000000",
  270. colorLight: "#ffffff",
  271. correctLevel: QRErrorCorrectLevel.H
  272. };
  273. if (typeof vOption === 'string') {
  274. vOption = {
  275. text: vOption
  276. };
  277. }
  278. // Overwrites options
  279. if (vOption) {
  280. for (var i in vOption) {
  281. this._htOption[i] = vOption[i];
  282. }
  283. }
  284. this._oQRCode = null;
  285. this.canvasId = canvasId
  286. if (this._htOption.text && this.canvasId) {
  287. this.makeCode(this._htOption.text);
  288. }
  289. };
  290. QRCode.prototype.makeCode = function (sText) {
  291. this._oQRCode = new QRCodeModel(_getTypeNumber(sText, this._htOption.correctLevel), this._htOption.correctLevel);
  292. this._oQRCode.addData(sText);
  293. this._oQRCode.make();
  294. this.makeImage();
  295. };
  296. QRCode.prototype.makeImage = function () {
  297. var _oContext
  298. if (this._htOption.usingIn) {
  299. _oContext = wx.createCanvasContext(this.canvasId, this._htOption.usingIn)
  300. }
  301. else {
  302. _oContext = wx.createCanvasContext(this.canvasId)
  303. }
  304. var _htOption = this._htOption;
  305. var oQRCode = this._oQRCode
  306. var nCount = oQRCode.getModuleCount();
  307. var nWidth = _htOption.padding ? (_htOption.width - 2 * _htOption.padding) / nCount : _htOption.width / nCount;
  308. var nHeight = _htOption.padding ? (_htOption.height - 2 * _htOption.padding) / nCount : _htOption.height / nCount;
  309. var nRoundedHeight = Math.round(nHeight);
  310. var nRoundedWidth = Math.round(nWidth);
  311. if (_htOption.image && _htOption.image != '') {
  312. _oContext.drawImage(_htOption.image, 0, 0, _htOption.width, _htOption.height)
  313. }
  314. _oContext.setFillStyle('#fff')
  315. _oContext.fillRect(0, 0, _htOption.width, _htOption.height)
  316. _oContext.save()
  317. for (var row = 0; row < nCount; row++) {
  318. for (var col = 0; col < nCount; col++) {
  319. var bIsDark = oQRCode.isDark(row, col);
  320. var nLeft = _htOption.padding ? col * nWidth + _htOption.padding : col * nWidth;
  321. var nTop = _htOption.padding ? row * nHeight + _htOption.padding : row * nHeight;
  322. _oContext.setStrokeStyle(bIsDark ? _htOption.colorDark : _htOption.colorLight)
  323. // _oContext.setStrokeStyle('red')
  324. _oContext.setLineWidth(1)
  325. _oContext.setFillStyle(bIsDark ? _htOption.colorDark : _htOption.colorLight)
  326. // _oContext.setFillStyle('red')
  327. // if (bIsDark) {
  328. _oContext.fillRect(nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight);
  329. // }
  330. // 안티 앨리어싱 방지 처리
  331. // if (bIsDark) {
  332. _oContext.strokeRect(
  333. Math.floor(nLeft) + 0.5,
  334. Math.floor(nTop) + 0.5,
  335. nRoundedHeight
  336. );
  337. _oContext.strokeRect(
  338. Math.ceil(nLeft) - 0.5,
  339. Math.ceil(nTop) - 0.5,
  340. nRoundedWidth,
  341. nRoundedHeight
  342. );
  343. // }
  344. // _oContext.fillRect(
  345. // Math.floor(nLeft) + 0.5,
  346. // Math.floor(nTop) + 0.5,
  347. // nRoundedWidth,
  348. // nRoundedHeight
  349. // );
  350. // _oContext.fillRect(
  351. // Math.ceil(nLeft) - 0.5,
  352. // Math.ceil(nTop) - 0.5,
  353. // nRoundedWidth,
  354. // nRoundedHeight
  355. // );
  356. // _oContext.clearRect(
  357. // Math.floor(nLeft) + 0.5,
  358. // Math.floor(nTop) + 0.5,
  359. // nRoundedWidth,
  360. // nRoundedHeight
  361. // );
  362. // _oContext.clearRect(
  363. // Math.ceil(nLeft) - 0.5,
  364. // Math.ceil(nTop) - 0.5,
  365. // nRoundedWidth,
  366. // nRoundedHeight
  367. // );
  368. }
  369. }
  370. _oContext.draw(false, () => {
  371. setTimeout(() => {
  372. this.exportImage()
  373. }, 800)
  374. })
  375. };
  376. // 保存为图片,将临时路径传给回调
  377. QRCode.prototype.exportImage = function (callback) {
  378. if (this._htOption.callback && typeof this._htOption.callback === 'function') {
  379. uni.canvasToTempFilePath({
  380. x: 0,
  381. y: 0,
  382. width: this._htOption.width,
  383. height: this._htOption.height,
  384. destWidth: this._htOption.width,
  385. destHeight: this._htOption.height,
  386. canvasId: this.canvasId,
  387. success: (res) => {
  388. this._htOption.callback({path: res.tempFilePath})
  389. }
  390. })
  391. }
  392. }
  393. QRCode.CorrectLevel = QRErrorCorrectLevel;
  394. })();
  395. module.exports = QRCode;